Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















Suggestions Board
Comments, suggestions, and concerns about the site.

I kind of don't want the Dollars popular. (7)

1 Name: HearMeOut20Times : 2025-02-04 08:11 ID:yalY3qVU (Image: 502x740 png, 243 kb) [Del]

src/1738678267341.png: 502x740, 243 kb
So if we're suppose to be 'colorless' and 'hidden', why do so many people want to make the Dollars popular? I think it's more like "Hey you found this. Neat." Kind of popular and not "HEY WE AT THE DOLLARS DID THIS" popular. At least that's just me :/

5 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-13 22:03 ID:Ur8df0L4 [Del]

>>4 What kind of irresponsible reasoning did you meant by "lets just see how it goes" ???

With great power comes great responsibility! Just because its a funny anime website, doesn't mean you can simply throw out responsiblities out the window so easily.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2025-02-16 17:05 ID:KUPDQcti [Del]

I am curious to see if what would happen if the dollars became popular. but at the same time i think the dollars shouldn't be popular amongst society as a whole. (be known to the world) i think if they were more active within the website that would be best. socializing with each other more and stuff

7 Name: rpgmaker : 2025-02-21 02:12 ID:pBzkHjbc [Del]

>>5 I wonder when they will realize that there is nothing stopping us from turning this whole group from a funny anime joke into a real group.

Help dollars popularity (23)

1 Name: 無色 !3n2r.n9J4w : 2020-04-29 13:21 ID:G87AKyue [Del]

Hello everyone.

We have been trying to make dollars popular for a long time.
This is why I would like to present my idea of ​​action to you.

I would like everyone who would be interested in this idea to try to create a special anonymous dollar account on social networks.

For example :

ect ..

on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook ...
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21 Name: saidaichi : 2024-11-07 06:45 ID:+TnMXnE0 [Del]

What does bump mean???

22 Name: Ldrago : 2025-01-27 08:50 ID:qBtNwa9g [Del]

Phoenixblood.dollars is my Gmail. I'm interested.

23 Name: A human. Promise. : 2025-02-07 14:50 ID:gQZ1gPRy [Del]

>>21 a light blow or a jolting collision.
"a nasty bump on the head"
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The DOLLARS has already begun (22)

1 Name: Riko : 2021-10-24 20:26 ID:EUJvtpvW [Del]

Dear Dollars Member,

We and the other members here are decided to become a real dollars in real, in fact, some international organization has already started (perhaps). Let's not rely to the Admins already cause they abandon us for years already cause they're scared of this time to come that we'll decide to be real. All founding members of dollars, let's be real this time and start on scratch. We are already a huge community but we did nothing but plan and doubt, its time to make a move and make the world the exact way we sees it. This might sound insane, but its time to be known! Dollars! Let's be colorless and make a move! In both real and here!

20 Name: Rock : 2024-11-24 11:34 ID:pGMcGmPQ [Del]

>>19 Re-designing this one, not digging it at all

21 Name: Rock : 2024-11-24 11:35 ID:pGMcGmPQ [Del]

>>18 I have an idea, but give me a day or two lol

22 Name: Ldrago : 2025-01-27 08:48 ID:K4mjblF/ [Del]

Whatever it is, I'm in.

Ranking System (11)

1 Name: Danzo : 2021-07-26 19:38 ID:ma8n6H0W [Del]

A ranking system that allows people to commitment to the dollars - could be based off of amount of posts, missions completed, or something else entirely. The benefit of this would be that it would give people a reason to interact with the site (there could be some sort of benefit of being a dollars executive/high ranker) and would also give the site a sense of structure (high rankers/executives serving as guides for newbies). Also - if we devided the dollars into sub-teams based on your location and your specialization (are you a musician, an architect, an artist, a writer), we would be able to issue orders using the ranking system more effectively. I.E, each sub-team has its highest ranker and who issues orders for missions to the lower rankers. This ould allow us to do stuff more effectively and celebrate as a community when we reach important milestones

9 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-12-23 07:41 ID:7ef73vBd [Del]

What has worked since the earliest days would be the infamous rule uttered since the site's conception, "If you want change, you lead by example."

From the days of Ayanavi, Misuto, and *insertnamehere* to MKOLLER, BarabiSama, and Kurosuke. These people made huge contributions to the community and dare I argue, they became local legends within this site. The first three laid down the foundation of this site's culture just 20 days after it was first online, and then sticking with it, followed by their countless successors, the latter three, and finally us today. Of course, the last three also contributed massively in the Missions board. They neatly organized and indexed every last thread into one place, easier said than done tbh but they did it.

If you can prove your worth to the community, then everyone will regard you as worthy of being their leader. Simple as that really, I think.

In the words of divineraccoon,
    The Dollars is not good; the Dollars is not bad. The Dollars may not even be neutral. It is nothing, it is the void, the aether by which we act and discern judgement upon matters without the input of outside influences save those we allow to affect our opinions personally. The Dollars is, in a sense, pure and free.

10 Name: admin : 2022-11-07 21:42 ID:9EITzKGp [Del]

La forza di Rolex lo rende tra i pochi repliche orologi marchi con prodotti facilmente utilizzabili per varie tipologie di lusso. Uno degli usi più tradizionali di un orologio Rolex è quello di indicare che chi lo indossa l'ha "fatto". Ciò è particolarmente vero quando si indossa un Rolex tutto oro come il leggendario Rolex Day-Date ("Presidente"). Coloro che amano i diamanti possono attirare ancora più attenzione su se stessi decorando ulteriormente i loro orologi President: Rolex offre opzioni di fabbrica più che sufficienti. Comodo e senza tempo, un Rolex President è il tipo di orologio che puoi acquistare nei Rolex Replica tuoi anni '30 e indossare fino ai tuoi anni '60 senza troppi sforzi.

11 Name: Rock : 2024-11-24 10:47 ID:pGMcGmPQ [Del]

>>9 Hi Firion, I have an idea, but I will laid it out later in a post. I dont really have a desire of being this big leader, but there is something special about this site that I keep coming back too and, in general, I wanna do something good for someone, anyone. Maybe I am a fool, but it is what it is. In any case, stay safe friend!

Will you support me? (7)

1 Name: 99 : 2023-05-02 22:45 ID:o6EiuPHs [Del]

I am considering making a youtube channel about the dollar. It would be more of a personal thing rather than trying to gather everyone and expand the idea. I have not uplouded a single video yet but I was wondering how many dollars members are willinf to suppurt me in the future. Or should I drop the ideo

5 Name: 死神 : 2023-06-03 01:08 ID:USiyox5t [Del]


6 Name: Naptime : 2023-09-25 00:30 ID:VYkpo8n7 [Del]

Im listening... I can't really do much though besides spread the word


But ill still help. Just remember, we are colorless, this isn't really a public thing so don't reveal any insider info, just things like dollar feats or what we appear to be.

7 Name: karma : 2024-11-06 14:16 ID:7683hEkZ [Del]

We'll support you drop the video!

New Beginnings and a Skeptical Horizon (13)

1 Name: Wandering Hero : 2023-01-01 00:00 ID:LdLP0Jta [Del]

Let me start this little rant of mine with a Happy New Year. This year has been very tough for many but all of us still here today somehow got through it. Next, let me get to the point. Scrolling through the suggestions board and a lot of other places, for as long as I have known about this site at least, I continue to see people attempting to introduce the idea of change. The idea that if their new and innovative plan was put into place, everything would get better. A lot of these ideas consisted of ways to make The Dollars more popular. "That's how we should change to help make The Dollars more successful" They falsely placed their hopes in this idea, and of course, any attempts to replicate this plan inevitably failed. Why is that? No matter how many people are here, no matter how many people know about The Dollars, they aren't going to want to do anything without a reason. Every single country, or business, or organization that has ever existed has had someone to unite people under a single goal. A leader. Someone who will take charge and introduce direction and form to an otherwise chaotic existence. A group without direction is a group that is doomed to accomplish nothing. This idea is not new and has been introduced before, only to be met with controversy. Some argue that it wouldn't be The Dollars anymore, that it wouldn't be authentic. Others argue that it wouldn't make a difference, that The Dollars as a concept is doomed to fail. As much as this pain's me to admit, the original Dollars concept IS doomed to fail. A group cannot possibly function without a leader. Any successful attempts to do so are fantasy, as displayed by where the original concept of the Dollars came from. but of course, in saying any of this, I become a hypocrite. Why would I say any of this, yet don't necessarily provide a solution? I will probably just end up becoming just another in the countless archives of people saying similar if not the exact same thing as I am. I am putting this idea forward to hopefully spur on or at least introduce the idea of change. The idea of New Beginnings. The idea that we, The Dollars, CAN succeed. That it's possible for us to become great with the right conditions. Again, most will just disregard this little rant of mine as just another in the sea of ideas never to come to fruition. However, if there is anything at all that some of you will take away from this, I would like it to be this. Without direction, without form, without a leader, nothing will ever change. Happy New Year, I wish everyone luck that the rest of the year will be great. Thank you for listening. Good day, and for some, good night.

11 Name: Sleepless : 2023-04-18 02:11 ID:dAZXqTeG [Del]

The dollars has always been about gathering information and giving it to each other in the hopes of accomplishing good for the world. I feel like it is on us to use our leadership skills to gather people to the causes that we care about. Being a dollar is about committing to the ideals that you were inspired by that lead you to join us. A “be the good you want to see in the world.” Incentive if you will. We all saw something that we thought could help us and yeah it’s sad that this place isn’t filling the ambitious role that it desired to accomplish but it serves a purpose which I personally think could cultivate a much better ethos for Anarchist action than most models of internet forms that exist today. A great place to discuss queer bipoc resistance, workers rights, causes we care about. This place is a love letter to a dream of a better tomorrow and I feel so lucky for having been a part of it all these years.

12 Name: Rock : 2024-11-03 14:39 ID:YbK35XOv [Del]


13 Name: karma : 2024-11-06 14:13 ID:7683hEkZ [Del]

I would suggest reverse indexing. Scrolling down an entire thread makes it difficult to engage quickly. I can help code it.

getting my uni involved (4)

1 Name: sokoneko : 2023-08-13 22:05 ID:FKjkV6hH [Del]

hi everybody

i guess this isn't really a suggestion per say, but i definitely welcome them. obviously. cause i'm writing this.

anyways, i only have one year left at my current college. i would love to get other people there involved, but as a new dollar, i'm not sure what i can do exactly to do that, let alone changes i could make. i made an anonymous post to my community and the biggest complaint that i figured i could fix the easiest was that the food on campus was terrible, but.. yeah.

again, i would love to start making these changes for my college since most people there aren't exactly "do good" types, so i'd love suggestions on how to spread word about the dollars and make a change of some kind. thanks guys, much love <3

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-08-14 07:28 ID:SHCZSv11 (Image: 686x559 png, 615 kb) [Del]

src/1692016122098.png: 686x559, 615 kb
(If got no time, skip to 'raccoon' part)

I mean, in hindsight, it certainly would be harder to come up with an answer to "What good deeds should I (can I) do to spread this information about a group I am a part of?"

Because our end goal right now is not 'the sole act of kindness' (which is a very fulfilling action in and of itself btw, in my opinion), but rather, 'how do I increase the popularity of this group?' is the actual question that we're trying to get an answer of in our current mindset (which is, imo, could make those act of kindness come off as sorta disingenuous, somewhat)

+ raccoon part
There is no strict requirements or even a bare minimum to how large your 'do good' action has/needs to be. Spreading kindness doesn't always have to be community services or charity fundraisings, it can also be as simple as bonding with your local community, like doing recreational activities together. Making friends and getting to know each other is always a nice experience, you're making some good little memories from those activities, wouldn't that already be a fulfilling act of kindness in and of itself? You've just did your part as a Dollars member in making the world a better place.
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3 Name: a!YgQRHAJqRA : 2024-01-06 23:44 ID:KdDsNcZ5 (Image: 351x351 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

src/1704606287039.jpg: 351x351, 22 kb

4 Name: The Fool !vat6z59Wuk : 2024-08-16 03:56 ID:qb4YLJHu [Del]


Just a thought. On my campus, I've seen some places where different groups put stickers/posters to advertise activities. And many printed paper posts get put up in stairwells.

You could print something real simple. Dollars logo in the center, a catchy hook like:

"The Dollars: Colorless, a place to belong; making the world better one deed at a time" then give the password at the bottom

Just a thought. I probably am not going back to university but I could probably drop by and put a poster somewhere sometime. Or do it if/when I go back

A new way of making the Dollars Popular (21)

1 Name: RomanX : 2020-04-17 13:02 ID:zOqGraSA [Del]

Let's look at the anime: of course we aren't going to be fighting with the yellow scarves and such, but what I want you to think about is the way members joined. They were sent emails. No one really knew the password unless it was given to them. This made it interesting, it made them feel like they were apart of something cool. We could do the same, sort of. First we would have to get the password to this site changed. It's too easy for people wanting to join to get the password. This is good right? We want more people to join, so we need it right? The reason people want to join is because they think it's very interesting, they want to be apart of something like the Dollars in the anime. But that interest can fade when all you need to do is to search the password, it's just boring. No excitement. Changing the password would make the Dollars more interesting. Then that's where the existing members come in. We can email people at random, leave envelopes with the password lying around, sort of discrete but not entirely, but never leak the password on the internet for millions to find.

Think about it, humans always want what they can't have.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2023-09-21 10:57 ID:QQHtseYA [Del]

This site too good

20 Name: Sora!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2023-11-20 17:24 ID:ZKaVNOtu [Del]


21 Name: Hanku !t2LwBpWlZM : 2023-12-02 05:33 ID:YS54uOXz [Del]

After a lot of thought, the only best solution I found was if the dollars chat lounge was directly connected to the dollars bbs.
But the admins have tried that before I suppose....
sooo after that your idea seems the most probable. So yeah emailing it is.

An idea that might be simple but really interesting (6)

1 Name: saracha : 2022-03-12 00:20 ID:IR8MmBBm [Del]


Since the structure of this organization is broken up into groups I would like to make a suggestion.

For every protest or civil conflict there is a black flag with a big white circle in the center. "We are The Dollars".

And if someone is seen waving this flag they will sure bring a lot of attention.

Just refer them to this site.

After that just post you or someone you know in the conflict with the flag.

4 Name: NeedleBell : 2022-07-15 11:54 ID:o2fuO6ME [Del]

That's definitely not possible:1 . People will think this site is harmful and dollars will go to an end .

5 Name: Zeke : 2023-04-22 04:08 ID:eOsQEac6 [Del]

I like your idea, Saracha. All the Negative Nellies here are just not committed to something like this. You probably won't see my reply, but if you do, know that you will find supporters and allies to do this with. Me being one.

6 Name: Sora!MO4LVZZpbQ : 2023-11-20 09:57 ID:ZKaVNOtu [Del]


your idea is very dumb, isnt dollars supposed to be COLORLESS?
plus is for helping


1 Name: Deki : 2021-11-21 20:08 ID:1/TmTdd+ (Image: 1620x2160 jpg, 569 kb) [Del]

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Alright Dollars it’s time to mobilize and this time to Instagram! Kinda like we did with our dollars email accounts let’s make dollars Instagram accounts the same way with the same usernames! And example would be “karma.dollars” and then after we make those accounts let’s all follow the head IG account for the dollars (which is “the_dollars_bbs” btw) this way it allows us to be more of a community and make group chats and stuff like that threw our IG accounts

3 Name: 4shenfell : 2022-10-02 20:31 ID:8rDwJ6pj [Del]

I mean it would’ve help if he posted more than twice

4 Name: Deki : 2022-10-07 22:15 ID:xIam4Eaj [Del]

i woulda kept it up if it got tration but it got no attention fr

5 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-10-07 22:42 ID:QhrYusL6 [Del]

Such is the state of Dollars in this day and age 21st.
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