Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















getting my uni involved (3)

1 Name: sokoneko : 2023-08-13 22:05 ID:FKjkV6hH [Del]

hi everybody

i guess this isn't really a suggestion per say, but i definitely welcome them. obviously. cause i'm writing this.

anyways, i only have one year left at my current college. i would love to get other people there involved, but as a new dollar, i'm not sure what i can do exactly to do that, let alone changes i could make. i made an anonymous post to my community and the biggest complaint that i figured i could fix the easiest was that the food on campus was terrible, but.. yeah.

again, i would love to start making these changes for my college since most people there aren't exactly "do good" types, so i'd love suggestions on how to spread word about the dollars and make a change of some kind. thanks guys, much love <3

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-08-14 07:28 ID:SHCZSv11 (Image: 686x559 png, 615 kb) [Del]

src/1692016122098.png: 686x559, 615 kb
(If got no time, skip to 'raccoon' part)

I mean, in hindsight, it certainly would be harder to come up with an answer to "What good deeds should I (can I) do to spread this information about a group I am a part of?"

Because our end goal right now is not 'the sole act of kindness' (which is a very fulfilling action in and of itself btw, in my opinion), but rather, 'how do I increase the popularity of this group?' is the actual question that we're trying to get an answer of in our current mindset (which is, imo, could make those act of kindness come off as sorta disingenuous, somewhat)

+ raccoon part
There is no strict requirements or even a bare minimum to how large your 'do good' action has/needs to be. Spreading kindness doesn't always have to be community services or charity fundraisings, it can also be as simple as bonding with your local community, like doing recreational activities together. Making friends and getting to know each other is always a nice experience, you're making some good little memories from those activities, wouldn't that already be a fulfilling act of kindness in and of itself? You've just did your part as a Dollars member in making the world a better place.

The world is a huge place, yes. Living here is also terrible, yes, and sometimes it can feel very overwhelming to even come up with ways to improve our conditions. But it also consisted of 6 billion people who's just trying to live their life the best of their ability, living their own lives, their own world. Wouldn't our act of kindness as simple as making their day slightly better be a whole improvement to their lives, their whole world?

We might not have the resources to make the world a better place by a substantial degree, but we have the capability to nudge that graph to a slightly higher, better place. An improvement, no matter how small, is still an improvement nonetheless. Baby steps, friend, baby steps.

I'm available on IRC if you wanna chat directly, or you can also stay here if you can bear with the time it takes for me to find your new post and write a response to it.

-oh also, answer my email, kthxbye

3 Name: a!YgQRHAJqRA : 2024-01-06 23:44 ID:KdDsNcZ5 (Image: 351x351 jpg, 22 kb) [Del]

src/1704606287039.jpg: 351x351, 22 kb