Dollars BBS | Suggestions




















The DOLLARS has already begun (22)

1 Name: Riko : 2021-10-24 20:26 ID:EUJvtpvW [Del]

Dear Dollars Member,

We and the other members here are decided to become a real dollars in real, in fact, some international organization has already started (perhaps). Let's not rely to the Admins already cause they abandon us for years already cause they're scared of this time to come that we'll decide to be real. All founding members of dollars, let's be real this time and start on scratch. We are already a huge community but we did nothing but plan and doubt, its time to make a move and make the world the exact way we sees it. This might sound insane, but its time to be known! Dollars! Let's be colorless and make a move! In both real and here!

2 Name: Kanra : 2021-10-25 00:49 ID:jxOa5DmS [Del]

Yeah I’m with you let’s get real everyone! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////

3 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-10-25 01:38 ID:EadNT5JW [Del]

No comment.

So what's the actual plan though? You're just telling us to get real, as if we're not real enough.

4 Name: Kanra : 2021-10-25 09:21 ID:rBYHfljJ [Del]

your're right what should we do? How do we get real?

5 Name: TaroBoba : 2021-10-26 10:21 ID:LyYE1DgZ [Del]

LETS GET REEAAAALLL!!!!!!! IN THEIR FACEEEEE...who agrees with me??

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2021-10-26 23:05 ID:CprbnMq9 [Del]

just doin daily live as usual and sharing something interesting on a thread, that's already real enough for me

8 Name: Erika Karisawa!!XI8GEi6V : 2021-10-29 12:11 ID:5X3w5Vnl [Del]

While I do find the whole idea of breaking out of the bounds of "higher-ups" on this website, I don't really think that enough people would be interested enough to do something so stupid
Sure, I want things exciting and stuff, but you really can't expect much from a website where most people joined just to say they're part of something without much commitment

9 Name: O:!1Blanc.zuY : 2021-12-23 06:21 ID:aIzJmjCW [Del]

I agree with earlier comments noting that there are no actionable portions of the original post, but something more concerning is the idea that the admins or "higher ups" abandoned this website.

I think a healthier way to view it is that the singular admin of this website took the time to set this up, and their contribution to this website is their continued upkeep of it. I'd contend that reading report emails, managing server upkeep and costs, and keeping an eye on library deprecations (in the code) is far more of an effort than the vast majority of this site's users would be willing to put in. I don't mean this to sound harsh, just that I think we should be more appreciative of the site admin, given the scope of what they did/do.

With that said, they also don't have any "bounds" so I don't think there's much to break out of (I might be misunderstanding your point though).

What does everyone think?

10 Name: Jodisan : 2022-01-26 12:08 ID:zQPI7nxs [Del]

This is a foolish idea. I was like you once. I was a kid too. Keep your fantasies on paper.

11 Name: Riko : 2022-06-10 14:35 ID:8pX7YlzD [Del]

I just came back year later and I found my thread cringe, bruuuh wtf did I eat the time I wrote this.

12 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-06-12 09:30 ID:txG2YTsz [Del]

Lmfao, happened to the best of us.

13 Name: saoslayer : 2022-06-14 20:09 ID:19cYaMU9 [Del]

although it crazy, I agree with the notion, there should be a real world dollars org.

14 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-07 05:02 ID:4aJ+e9Pf [Del]

I don't exactly agree with the notion that The Dollars should have a real organization in the physical world, but I agree that through mostly all the Missions and such I've come across that all people seem to do is plan and give up after no one responds for like a year or more. I am curious about the admins. Can anyone tell me what happened to them? Did they quit or are some still active? If one is still alone I'd like to speak with one if you know how to reach them (Besides the 'Help' section) Also, I'd like any info on the admins. I think that threads that haven't had any replies in 5 years should be deleted or threads of people spamming hate as well should be deleted.

15 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-07 05:04 ID:4aJ+e9Pf [Del]

* around not alone. A typo.

16 Name: ...... : 2022-12-07 18:32 ID:tAMa1jRw [Del]

is there real dollar org in this world, i dont think so.. what if this world have real dolar?

17 Name: Rock : 2022-12-09 13:11 ID:DkdEsKlp [Del]

>>16 I like Dollars as a niche community, I think we feel more unified like that. An explosion in popularity would be great, but at what cost

18 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2022-12-12 23:25 ID:2ii5UllV [Del]

>>17 Very very this

19 Name: Rock : 2022-12-22 16:55 ID:q4TxtYpl (Image: 900x589 png, 731 kb) [Del]

src/1671749741848.png: 900x589, 731 kb

20 Name: Rock : 2024-11-24 11:34 ID:pGMcGmPQ [Del]

>>19 Re-designing this one, not digging it at all

21 Name: Rock : 2024-11-24 11:35 ID:pGMcGmPQ [Del]

>>18 I have an idea, but give me a day or two lol

22 Name: Ldrago : 2025-01-27 08:48 ID:K4mjblF/ [Del]

Whatever it is, I'm in.