Dollars BBS | Missions





















1 Name: hankuu : 2025-02-02 08:59 ID:f/JCXcMW (Image: 720x831 jpg, 51 kb) [Del]

src/1738508356169.jpg: 720x831, 51 kb
so, I have been on these boards for quite some time now and have noticed quite frequently that most missions to revive dollars boards fail or just dissolve on some corner of the boards.

even I don't know the cause so I want everyone of us to come together in this thread to troubleshoot and brainstrom together.

all and every ideas, criticisms and proposals are accepted.

remain colorless, remain dollars.
we must become the last glint of hope and humanity to die in this world

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-04 05:04 ID:5soCe3QT [Del]

Im gonna sit by the sidelines and watch.

3 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-04 08:04 ID:m/FJ3iQH [Del]

Okay but that's the trick. We just dollars.

4 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-04 18:58 ID:5soCe3QT [Del]

>>3 Tsuki once wrote about that ages ago, some quotes:

    ...when I first joined this site, it was out of a sense of curiosity, a wonderment as to whether such a community as featured in the anime Durarara would or could exist in the real world. Needless to say, the site has evolved, quite possibly beyond what most people would have imagined it to have been, to something that was greater than was posited by a simple community portrayed on a show. Yet, in some ways, the community itself seems to be a lesser entity, for we have no common goals or ideals. In some ways, you could argue that the site itself seems to itself as a sort of "organised chaos", with nothing but being part of the site keeping us all here...

    ...I just feel that there was a certain something, an unquantifiable quality which kept me returning here. At first, it was because of the other people I had encountered here and still talk to on a regular basis. But as time progressed, it felt like a morbid curiosity had possessed me and taken over my interest in the site. I'm still kind of excited as to how this site will develop from here. But the thing that keeps me here was never going to be because our group has ideals, or beliefs. Far from it, I think that dollars exists not as an organisation, or a group, but as a mere collection of individuals. Some individuals synergise better than others of course, but we were never going to be united under a single cause. There's just too many different viewpoints and opinions for us all to ever agree on a single thing...

    ...I prefer to remain as an observer, watching this fascinating fishbowl of disordered events...

5 Post deleted by user.