Dollars BBS | Missions




















Missions Board
Making the world a better place, one mission at a time.

Reboot time ("_") (43)

1 Name: Walker : 2024-05-29 14:44 ID:u48c137K [Del]

Hey guys! So the Dollars have been pretty dormant lately and that's no biggie. Let's get some life pumping back into this group and reboot for 2024! First off, what does everybody do, and where are you in this wide little world we live in? Also what would like to see happen in your life? Don't be shy!

41 Name: Hotdiggidi : 2025-02-01 10:22 ID:ImwxP248 [Del]


42 Name: DJ_Hyperfresh : 2025-02-01 22:05 ID:/lu09Bc3 [Del]

>>41 Fr I actually found the manga on comics plus and started watching the anime. :)

43 Name: dolly : 2025-03-01 02:28 ID:q+iTYYRo [Del]

been here for some years now but revisiting nice to see everyone trying ti revive it


1 Name: hankuu : 2025-02-02 08:59 ID:f/JCXcMW (Image: 720x831 jpg, 51 kb) [Del]

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so, I have been on these boards for quite some time now and have noticed quite frequently that most missions to revive dollars boards fail or just dissolve on some corner of the boards.

even I don't know the cause so I want everyone of us to come together in this thread to troubleshoot and brainstrom together.

all and every ideas, criticisms and proposals are accepted.

remain colorless, remain dollars.
we must become the last glint of hope and humanity to die in this world

3 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-04 08:04 ID:m/FJ3iQH [Del]

Okay but that's the trick. We just dollars.

4 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-04 18:58 ID:5soCe3QT [Del]

>>3 Tsuki once wrote about that ages ago, some quotes:

    ...when I first joined this site, it was out of a sense of curiosity, a wonderment as to whether such a community as featured in the anime Durarara would or could exist in the real world. Needless to say, the site has evolved, quite possibly beyond what most people would have imagined it to have been, to something that was greater than was posited by a simple community portrayed on a show. Yet, in some ways, the community itself seems to be a lesser entity, for we have no common goals or ideals. In some ways, you could argue that the site itself seems to itself as a sort of "organised chaos", with nothing but being part of the site keeping us all here...

    ...I just feel that there was a certain something, an unquantifiable quality which kept me returning here. At first, it was because of the other people I had encountered here and still talk to on a regular basis. But as time progressed, it felt like a morbid curiosity had possessed me and taken over my interest in the site. I'm still kind of excited as to how this site will develop from here. But the thing that keeps me here was never going to be because our group has ideals, or beliefs. Far from it, I think that dollars exists not as an organisation, or a group, but as a mere collection of individuals. Some individuals synergise better than others of course, but we were never going to be united under a single cause. There's just too many different viewpoints and opinions for us all to ever agree on a single thing...

Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

5 Post deleted by user.

Web/app project (4)

1 Name: BNoname : 2025-02-06 13:02 ID:z6iiWnAL [Del]

Well, its my first time writting here, for aprox a month i been thinking on a project about building an app or web which could work as a social network, i mean a kind of whatsapp maybe, but i want it to be like anonimous or smthng like that, it feels like i would like to have a more popular version of dollars or idk, its not the way that i want to controll it, well i think btr i drop here the introduction i wrote about this project or at least what i would like to do.

It is a decentralized platform designed to promote freedom of expression, collaboration, and privacy among users, without the intervention of centralized intermediaries. Inspired by the concept of anonymous networks and self-managed communities, the web enables the creation of chats, idea exchange, and user collaboration without compromising anonymity.

I dont know if its really well explained, but i did my best on trying to explain myself. I know its not easy to do this project, and well, im not good at all in programing, but i know a bit of all. If any of you would like to help me doing it, or whatever, pls type me downhere :)))

2 Name: BNoname : 2025-02-06 13:05 ID:z6iiWnAL [Del]

btw i wrote this here, but im not sure at all why, but well i trust someone could help me out with it. ty mates

3 Name: A human. Promise. : 2025-02-11 14:52 ID:uAr6SDME (Image: 650x382 png, 273 kb) [Del]

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I'm not useful but good luck lil bro. You might need some cash

4 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2025-02-13 06:12 ID:/pq1zAWG [Del]

>>1 Isnt that drrr chatrooms? Discord probably to some extent? IRC if we're talking the primordial incarnation of the idea.

Local Missions (71)

1 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-26 01:45 ID:J5Grmq1D [Del]

This thread is to share local missions that only apply to a certain city, state, or country with people from your area. Posts can be non-English in this thread, but please don't discuss the actual missions in-depth here. Those discussions can be done using a Localized Group Chat or by finding your local thread in the Countries Board.

Please use the following form when submitting a local mission:
Location: [city, state, country / etc]
Start Date: [When should other members start doing this?]
Duration: [How long will this go on? Optional.]
Mission: [Explain what the purpose of this is.]
Contact: [Email or chat links. Optional.]

This thread may or may not be indexed by location. It depends on how much work it'll take to update.

69 Name: Kazeki : 2023-04-20 11:51 ID:Fu0ZM4Pp (Image: 851x653 png, 47 kb) [Del]

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Emerald Coast Open is the largest lionfish tournament in the world. In 2019, ECO had 198 participants and removed 19 167 lionfish in 3 days (lionfish spawn 27 000 to 100 000+ eggs every 2.5 days). They gave away $48 000 in cash prizes and over $10 000 in gear prizes.

70 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2023-05-12 00:11 ID:Sc02s4l+ (Image: 1122x633 png, 648 kb) [Del]

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This lady in my home town just lost her home and everything she had in it I'm sharing to help her out thank you for sharing or helping!

Go Fund Me Page

71 Name: Kazeki : 2025-02-05 19:55 ID:Q2W52foG (Image: 473x598 png, 344 kb) [Del]

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February 8th
Ren's coffeehouse and books (26 N Black Horse Pike, Blackwood, New Jersey, USA) is hosting a cat cafe event, cats will be adoptable (11am-2pm)
Krieg and Sieg (12 N Black Horse Pike, Blackwood, New Jersey, USA) is hosting a flash tattoo event, portion of proceeds will be donated to Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center (11am-5pm)

Missions Idea Discussions, Guidelines, Compilation Threads and Index (683)

1 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-05-07 00:54 ID:Ur6lI3Zu [Del]

NOTE: PLEASE CLICK ON THREAD PAGE IN THE BLUE-ISH TEXT READING, “Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post”

This is your friendly, neighborhood guidelines, indexing and compiling thread, ready and willing to serve and protect you against derps, trolls, duplicates and unnecessary spam.

If you have a mission idea, read this helpful thread first. You may comment your idea here and other members (including yourself) can discuss if your mission is detailed and organized enough to have a thread of its own.

Please keep this bumped up on top at all times.

>>1 Foreword
>>2 Guidelines
>>3 Compilation Threads
>>4 Example Missions Index
Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

681 Name: : 2025-01-07 15:31 ID:1+2Wlt1Z [Del]


682 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-10 13:54 ID:VhqVAP9g [Del]


683 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-04 08:05 ID:m/FJ3iQH [Del]


We have to do something (8)

1 Name: Sasori : 2024-12-27 20:37 ID:atEukKq2 [Del]

This society has to end and is not going to happen by itself

6 Name: Totally not Shigaraki. I swear. : 2025-02-01 22:12 ID:/lu09Bc3 [Del]

Or we could just end society. Like end it, end it.

What? There’s nothing wrong with my username idk what you’re talking about.

7 Name: Velkhara : 2025-02-02 08:09 ID:o3ZnEA30 [Del]

You guys should read the manga Akumetsu.


8 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-04 08:04 ID:m/FJ3iQH [Del]

Bet. Lets all end society.

Here to inspire you! (1)

1 Name: Amore : 2025-01-08 05:51 ID:Y7rXl1RG [Del]

You spend over 4 hours a day on social media! That’s 1/6th of your day gone. In a year, that’s two months!
Instead of boosting someone else’s engagement stats for free, how about you learn a side hustle to help you double/triple what you’re currently earning?
A 9-5 that gives you a paycheck, but a side hustle that gives you freedom!
Here are a list of top 6 side hustles you can start from anything in the world, $0 startup fees and with technical skills of a 13 year old:

And just to let you know, the video is under 15 minutes, so that you won’t have any excuses to not getting started!

Want FREE 1:1 coaching to help you change your life and maybe earn an extra $2k-3k/month?
DM us ‘COACH’ on instagram

Smaller Missions Thread. (934)

1 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-16 22:05 ID:zF8+eEcu [Del]

Well, I don't think anyone ever got around to making it, so I guess I will, since I have the free time.

If you've seen the thread addressing the "Excessive Call for Good Deeds", then you'll know what this is for. If not, then I'll explain:

This thread is for "smaller" missions - them being, the ones absolutely anyone could do. Small things, like the smiles mission, or anything involving cleaning litter and graffiti and all those other things that get suggested 6 times a week."

If you have something small, post it here to reduce clutter and help keep the site organized. I guess I'll start it off in the next post.

932 Name: NG-S : 2022-10-06 06:58 ID:IOf9UkdZ [Del]

Hey, is that Instagram account still active? If so is it for everyone's use?

Could anyone suggest a small mission for a NEET to do?

933 Name: Kazeki : 2024-02-09 16:12 ID:AtwNQZnV (Image: 1376x761 png, 90 kb) [Del]

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I made a google doc to archive missions, has links, info, and date specific ones-- for those who dont want to join or quit/got kicked the discord but still want to do or look at the missions, this is all the ones on the dollars discord o3ob

934 Name: : 2025-01-07 15:30 ID:1+2Wlt1Z [Del]

bump! honestly the message above me deserves it's own thread

Take one inspirational page printout (377)

1 Name: RoadRunner : 2015-10-04 00:59 ID:ByyStik9 (Image: 682x883 jpg, 89 kb) [Del]

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this is a good idea it was recently used in my Android App as the loading image before the app starts and thought it would be a good idea to share it here also

it is a page that can be made and printed to promote the Dollars and or spread happiness, it has tabs so people can take what they want from the printout and is a good inspirational idea that may change someones day and make people feel better

Download/Save Image

375 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2021-03-02 00:59 ID:lcbQYzqc [Del]


376 Name: whoknos : 2021-09-10 08:27 ID:RLygLMGl [Del]

Bump for Justice

377 Name: Anonymous : 2024-12-13 20:34 ID:54dOlqcx [Del]


I’m searching for a cyber security professional (4)

1 Name: Le moi : 2024-11-30 20:51 ID:ycvzI1mF [Del]

Hey everybody.. I’m searching for a cyber security professional or someone who can give the information about a one person by just the name and the phone number
I can pay him or do him any favour he want
Contact me in this email

2 Name: karma : 2024-12-03 18:10 ID:+BIWyslC [Del]

I can help, but what is this for?

3 Name: Moroha : 2024-12-04 19:36 ID:QmNcJZZs [Del]

I'm speak from Brazil anyone also there?

4 Name: Le moi : 2024-12-05 14:27 ID:qgE/AtCn [Del]

Hey karma Thank u for responding.. there a personal reason for more information contact me in the email
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