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Re:Dollars (revive, resurrect, recreate, revert, reaccustom, reconfigurate, & so on) (16)

1 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!VOlscFzg : 2021-12-19 05:26 ID:C09p6y2L [Del]

The most important aspect of a self-sustaining community, is a tight-knitted comradery between its members. This holds true anywhere you go, be it online or offline. But when you look at our site in its current state, there were hardly any sense of comradery that I mentioned above. And as cheesy as it might sound, I want to forge it. A strong one, a tight one.

    "I'm sure you've noticed, it's pretty quiet around here these days. I have a theory. Checking back here almost every day I've noticed, people just aren't posting, but I know (or suspect, rather) that people are lurking. When new people come here, they see it's inactive, and don't stick around. EVERYONE IS LURKING!" -TC!VbxDa3boVs

And I'm tired of having Dollars full of only lurkers, I want something to happen, even if its only as simple as having more things to read every time I checked the site for the day.

'A home to return to', a familiar place, with familiar names. And if there are no familiar names, then a warm and welcoming community will be all it takes to familiarize yourself with the new names.

That's the kind of Dollars I wanted to create.

I have a plan to make it happen, which I will share in this [LINK] here. The only thing left that I needed, is you, whoever is reading this, to help me turn it into reality. So, you're coming with me? What do you say mate?

2 Name: !!qhsAsehg : 2021-12-19 05:34 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

Q-Sausage aprob.

3 Name: MITHRIL : 2021-12-19 06:31 ID:1hfgJXRh [Del]

I have to agree it would be nice. I’ll try to do my part and keep being active and more importantly, responsive.

4 Name: Deki : 2021-12-19 11:02 ID:JakYmLO+ [Del]

Couldn’t agree more my friend

5 Name: Anakin Uchiha : 2021-12-20 14:06 ID:HRg4nQKN [Del]

I agree and definitely want to do my best to help make this ideal dollars a reality.

6 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!VOlscFzg : 2021-12-20 21:03 ID:C09p6y2L [Del]

Mere words won't suffice to make this wish of ours be realized, not even from mine or you. Not by its own, at the very least.

To foster comradery, a proper one at that, is by utilizing the chatroom. The limitation of BBS site lies in it not being a real-time communication platform, thus conversations that occurred in here felt impersonal. Sure, it gets better and more comfortable the longer you stick around, getting to know more about each of the member's quirks (like in the RTT). But if you want a much faster development, using BBS alongside the Chatroom would be the answer. An excerpt from Misuto's personal experience with the site:

    "I joined when the site was around a week old. But we didn't have a chatroom until like a month in, so none of us were really that personal until that happened." -Misuto !M4ZBq07Cs

If you checked the page I linked above in the first post, there's a link that leads to a countdown page. Let us be gathered in a chatroom, when that timer ends. And I proposed the IRC to be our designated gathering platform, since it is the only place that we have actual control in. Also, consider getting yourself some of the site's manual updates to get the new features, like the newly added board that shows you the latest activity from the entire site. I've provided a step-by-step video to activating it, here [LINK]. **did you know that the manual update also gives you an access to our brand new super secret chatroom site exclusively made for the BBS members only? get it now!

7 Name: That is Erica : 2021-12-21 02:15 ID:fxA0oeEO [Del]

The detached nature of the site's format is also going to make following some threads and responding promptly a bit difficult. The no-strings-attached nature is a strength of this site. But that also comes with a forgetfulness on the site that can form--especially for newer users.

This place becoming more active would be wonderful, though.

8 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-12-21 02:16 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

I'll be there, Hype! Hope to see the rest of you in the IRC when the countdown ends.

9 Name: Sharpener : 2021-12-21 02:56 ID:UbLeG1Eg [Del]

I'm late but HELL YEAAAAAH I'M IN!!!

10 Name: Sharpener : 2021-12-21 03:10 ID:UbLeG1Eg [Del]


11 Name: Deki : 2021-12-21 08:06 ID:pSXbkQnE [Del]

I’m always in!

12 Name: ichigo : 2021-12-22 01:18 ID:Ue/WgtJT [Del]

Just re-watched durarara with some friends. Definitely still here!

13 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-12-22 20:19 ID:AgwF0AOr [Del]

>>6 I'm linking this because I'm pretty sure passerbys couldn't be bothered to unroll let alone skim through the entire thread. If you guys are replying, make sure you specify which post were you responding to with the >>(postnumber). Unless the one you're replying to is exactly posted above you, but still, its a good practice to refer on what you're reacting to either way. So please be considerate about it.

Also forgot to mention, >>6 is a follow-up to the first post. I suppose you could say this one is also another follow-up to that.

14 Name: :O!1Blanc.zuY : 2021-12-23 06:05 ID:ckAJcUdH [Del]

This sounds like a wonderful initiative! Let me know how I can help!

To build on the idea though, while I think the motivation is there, the true crux of the issue is that people need a reason to want to come here and form strong bonds. In the past, that reason may have been excitement from watching the show, but I think if you intend for people to build a more tight-knit community, then you'll need a motivating, likely recurring event/reason for them to do so - what do you think?

15 Name: MITHRIL : 2021-12-23 06:44 ID:1hfgJXRh [Del]

>>13 thank you I’ll keep that in mind from now on. Oh and by the way I appreciate you being here, thanks for keeping the lights on.

16 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-12-24 13:44 ID:0kHE+EUU [Del]

>>15 Reltair's the kind soul that pays the bills. Though as far as community goes, you're pretty damn right.