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The oldest Dollar (23)

1 Name: Kim Haver !6cv4NS3Hx2 : 2013-04-22 11:23 ID:ChNb7gto [Del]

Hey, I am really curious as to how old some of the oldest active members are. With that in mind please post your age here and hopefully we will find out how old the oldest dollar is. also i am talking about your age relevant to how long you've been a dollar, not your actual age.
thanks Haver

2 Name: Kim Haver !6cv4NS3Hx2 : 2013-04-22 11:25 ID:ChNb7gto [Del]

oh yeah i almost forgot. i have been here for a bit over a year now.

3 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-04-22 14:12 ID:frao0mmb [Del]

Insertnamehere is the Oldest dollar technically.
Followed by Myself, then Misuto.

Insert joined when the site wasn't really established, iirc. Then he forgot about it for a while, and came back several weeks after it was officially launched (exact date is in the update's link)

I joined during that period he forgot about, roughly a week - give or take 2 days - after the site was officially launched.

Misuto, Thanatos, and a lot of the old crew joined about a week after I did. Most of them have since gone inactive on BBS, and thus wouldn't be recognized. Some are still active and/or remembered though.

Like Tsuki.


4 Name: zero : 2013-04-22 18:04 ID:0pa3s7Bt [Del]

Two and a half years

5 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-04-22 22:22 ID:l9h7vM3U [Del]

>>4 I don't believe you at all.

6 Name: Kim Haver !6cv4NS3Hx2 : 2013-04-23 07:29 ID:eZ3YP0ol [Del]

>>3 Thanks for answering my question Ayanavi. (i never would have imagined the oldest active Dollars member would be the first reply.)

7 Name: Eros : 2013-04-23 10:58 ID:TTVckjQx [Del]

I think.. two.. maybe three years.. Not sure.

>>3 Im not sure when the site was launched, but I remember Misuto was here then, but I dont remember seeing Thanatos..

Who else was here then that are well known?

8 Name: Xissx!6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-04-23 11:25 ID:vDE6HiNG [Del]

I can't quite remember how long I have been on this site. I'm certain that it was around the summer of 2011. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the oldest member age wise, but I'm pretty up there.

9 Name: bang-bang : 2013-04-23 12:07 ID:jVXTuqCZ [Del]

Since the main question has been answered, reminder that we have this thread.

10 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-04-23 23:35 ID:oNcTnmH1 [Del]


Misuto, Thanatos, Insertnamehere, Tsuki, Firo, Enni, Bacurik, Satou, Kaori and Lurksalot are the ones who would probably be most well known.

Site was launched 06-19-2010 officially, according to the update page. The about pages and such were altered on the 29th, but they were altered primarily by user input, after a few days... So most of the aforementioned people joined in the first 10 days of the site's launch.

It really has been just about three years since then. There's been a whole lot of history and memories packed into them, too.

The next generation of people like Mael came a bit later. And then technically third generation like Divineraccoon and Forte Sigma joined maybe a year and a half or so after launch?

I remember they really stood out during a thanksgiving/octoberfest holidays when we were dealing with the worst influx of idiots the sight had seen at the time. They got really involved from there on, but I'm not sure what happened to them - Forte pops up occasionally.

Oh, and Juniase was the first black guy to join BBS. He joined back during the beginning too, but I don't think a lot of people remember him. He was all sorts of fun, I remember he was the first black guy because we ended up with a constant gag of him calling us all racist and telling us to get out (of the chatroom, thread, forum, etc.)

"Get Out." was pretty much his catch phrase. Then he got hit by a car. Then later hit by a truck. And later hit by a boat. Vehicles find him attractive.

There's also Bakyura, Juumonji's Cocoa, Irk and ScyRan. I don't remember much about Bakyura or Juumonji besides them posting often in the early days.

Irk and ScyRan are still around though - Not sure if they really count as well known.

11 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-04-23 23:51 ID:cDf8/Ul5 (Image: 1280x931 png, 851 kb) [Del]

src/1366779080820.png: 1280x931, 851 kb

12 Name: Eros : 2013-04-24 12:04 ID:TTVckjQx [Del]

>>11 This.

>>10 A question. Did any of the people you mentioned up there invite each other? Because it seems like you all know eachother very well. Or did you just randomly come on to this site?

I think I might have gotten here about a month or two (not sure) after the site was launched and im baseing this off the fact that I remember the first Lolthread wasn't created for quite awhile after I got here. I was under another name then that I dont remember. I didn't do much posting either, the reason probably being that I was afraid to look like a fool back then. After that, I went inactive for a long time.

I remember when Mael got here because he stood out even before octoberfest and all that. Forte Sig I remember seeing when I came back, but not before I left. I wish I could have been here during the holidays, you make it sound like it was one hell of a party.

Also, how did you come to find out about this site? Something I've always wondered about the people who have been here from the start.

13 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-04-24 12:58 ID:DqFcEgdv [Del]

No, we didn't invite each other.

When the site started, the community was very small and so we ended up forming a really tight knit group. When a new name came in, everyone knew who the new guy was - And since we all knew each other, we tried to make sure they knew all of us as well.

After a while, so many people were joining that it became kind of impossible to keep kind of thing up, so we started dividing out into "cells". There was a big movement some time during the early parts of BBS where everyone was trying to define their cells, and who was in it, etc.

It was all pretty silly, with facebook groups being made for some and such - I feel like they kind of missed the point, by making their cells really exclusive and important sounding when in reality they were just a metaphor for who knew who.

Mael was essentially "second generation". Others in second generation were people like King, Sad, That Guy, and probably a bunch of others I can't remember right now.

To clarify, when I say "generation", I mean that every so often a group of people join the site and really stand out - The end up becoming pretty known on the site for their effort, works, or posts. These people are what I refer to as generations.

Mael primarily stood out in Anime, where he more or less set the standard for making threads. If you go through the archive for that board with CTRL+F Mael, you'll find pretty much every one of his threads includes a snazzy picture and an informative description. It was really neat, so we encouraged people to follow his example until it just became a universal standard.

Hell, it was even adopted into the Games, Literature, and Comics boards.

As for finding out about the site? Well, that's pretty simple. Almost everyone who joined this site during the beginning had watched the DRRR subs and said "I wonder if there's something like that..."

There was, and so we stayed. It was only as the site got older that people started joining BBS by invite, or reference, without having ever really seen DRRR. Incidentally, there was actually less fanwank during the earliest days when everyone joined directly from DRRR as there was later on.

I have no idea how that works. We've settled down a lot lately, though - As evidence by the thread made a while ago where a bunch of us pointed out that we didn't really have a reason to be as vicious in correcting new members as we used to be.

Most people who joined in the last year or so probably never even experienced what raised the bar that high in the first place, they were just following along and learning by word of mouth. It's kinda shameful that it took us this long to realize it, but when people don't know why they're acting in a specific way... It's probably a good sign that its time for them to rethink how they're acting.

Better late than never, I suppose.

14 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2013-04-24 14:59 ID:+J0xX2/a [Del]

>>13 awesome.

Oldest Dollars member? Obviously Raltair, since he founded the sight. If not him, then one'o'the "mods".

15 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2013-04-24 15:04 ID:+J0xX2/a [Del]

Site* Damn grammar.

16 Name: Eros : 2013-04-25 11:49 ID:TTVckjQx [Del]

>>13 Same way I found the site back then, so I should have figured as much.

I think I remember reading a thread along thoes lines, and im glad that things aren't handled the way they were before, but it seems to me that things here in BBS are slowing down. Maybe im just not here to be a part of it but it seems like its been a long time since something interesting actually happened in any of the threads.

Just peacefull I guess.

17 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-04-25 14:36 ID:2VgkRwgK [Del]

Activity wise, we're closer to how we were at the beginning. The biggest flurry of activity we had was when we were swamped with idiots and telling people to leave.

While any action is interesting, I can't really say I'd want that to happen again. But at the same time, I can't say that I don't miss the days where we were more or less constantly fighting off really stupid things.

Peaceful is good, though.

18 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-04-25 19:49 ID:kPQ0r89r [Del]

I specifically remember Navi being a member slightly earlier than me. I joined when the site was around a week old. But we didn't have a chatroom until like a month in, so none of us were really that personal until that happened. Of course, the chatroom is what ultimately caused the most ire, and the aforementioned reason to set our standards high.

The DG and Sirens episodes were admittedly a little fun, in an aggravating sort of way, but I don't mind the inaction as Navi says - in the end, we're meant to be a discussion board; internet turf wars should be left to fiction :U

Of all of us though I'm pretty sure Insert put up with the most shit since he commuted to and from a few different groups before settling on this one; fun fact, BBS is actually a little younger than a couple other Dollars-inspired sites. I think he wrote about it once, and it was awesome.

19 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-04-25 20:00 ID:2VgkRwgK [Del]

It should be noted that BBS actually ended up outliving most all the other dollars-inspired sites, however.

Several of the biggest ones kind of imploded upon themselves as time went on, because they were very fandom oriented. There wasn't so much a community as there was a fad. The fact that BBS made a point since the early days to separate ourselves as something "inspired by", but not "copied from" is what, I think, led to us being as successful as we have.

The concept is here - But a fansite, we are not. Even after the buzz about the series faded, we remained pretty unaffected because we had established ourselves as a site independent of the inspirational origin.

20 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-05-25 22:19 ID:ZGQihjox [Del]

this was an awesome thing to read, for me atleast.

21 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-05-26 17:20 ID:neB2yve+ [Del]

>>20 yep yep. Some of these guys still pop in periodically, by the way, but others were gone long before I came in.

Navi's last paragraph here has a good point, as well >>13

"Most people who joined in the last year or so probably never even experienced what raised the bar that high in the first place, they were just following along and learning by word of mouth. It's kinda shameful that it took us this long to realize it, but when people don't know why they're acting in a specific way... It's probably a good sign that its time for them to rethink how they're acting."

22 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-05-26 23:27 ID:JIZBa/DN [Del]

I remember when i first came to this site last year and was just lurking at the time, I would sometimes see posts from some of these members and even recently I've seen posts by the Yatahaze, Name, and even you Barabisama. You all were here before I ever showed up and seeing you all still coming around the site shows me that this site does mean something. I think it's cool.

23 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-05-26 23:29 ID:JIZBa/DN [Del]

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