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Dollars Day - June 19th - 2013 Edition (692)

1 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-24 18:28 ID:0JbQZf1s [Del]

As previously stated, it has been decided by the community that June 19th, the BBS's birthday, is our Dollars Day. Seeing as the one we hosted this year (2012) was a complete failure, I'd like to open up a discussion for new ideas about what we should do this upcoming year (2013).

Before commenting, please read as much of the previous conversation as you can. I will not be answering questions more than twice.

Keep your eyes peeled for the "Things to Discuss:" posts! Those will update what has been decided, explain what the current conversation is about, and link to relevant posts so nothing has to be repeated.

FAQ Below!
Click "Entire thread" to see the full OP and discussions.


What is Dollars Day?
It is a day when we celebrate being Dollars by gathering around with our fellow members both online and offline. This is NOT a day for advertising! This is simply a time for all of us to chill out.

But I want to advertise us and make us popular!
Check out these threads: Propagation - Dollars 2013

How are we going to tell who is who at the offline meetings?
It should be pretty easy to tell who's waiting and who isn't, but feel free to write a D on yoursef (preferably on your left hand). Also, the individual meetings may have different forms of identification or signage; if you're unsure, be sure to check the thread frequently as we get closer to the date.

How can I become a part of this?
Join the discussion that will take place in this thread. Keep checking back; when we get closer to the date, we'll release the exact meeting times and places. We will also release different chats and games that we'll be using for our online meets.

How can I host my own meeting!?
Again, keep checking this thread. If we start discussing a meeting opportunity in your area, feel free to offer to host it.

Can I host a personal meeting separate from what you're discussing?
Of course! At some point (nearer to the date), we'll make a separate thread for the smaller, personal meetings to be shared in. Until then, please don't advertise your private meetings in this thread.

So, who are you?
I'm nobody. I probably won't attend any meetings, either. I just like to organize these types of things and am interested in helping you all get your perfect Dollars Day.

I'm young! What if I get kidnapped or lost or my parents won't let me!? Omygodomaigowdomaigawd!!!!
We're going to be taking as many precautions as possible setting the meetings up for both the safety and convenience of our younger members. Remember that we'll have online meetings as well for those of you who aren't allowed to go to the offline ones.

I'm older. I don't want to be playing it safe with a bunch of twelve year olds!
If you're older and want to set up your own 18+ or 21+ meeting, go right ahead. We'll try to accommodate both our younger and older members, but it's a bit difficult. The safety and convenience of the younger members really has to go before the amusement of the older ones, to be honest.

The meeting isn't until June 19th, bitch. Why would you make the thread NINE MONTHS IN ADVANCED? Seriously. Why the fuck would you even?
Finally, a multiple choice question!
A. Because I felt like it.
B. Because I have bitches.
C. Because fuck you, I'm spiderbunny.
D. Because we can take our sweet time discussing things.
E. Because we'll have more time to tell people about where and when the meetings are so more people actually show up.
F. Because none of you can get it up like I can.
G. Because that's what he said.
H. All of the above.

I'll leave it up to you to guess which one is the correct answer.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-24 18:30 ID:0JbQZf1s [Del]

I refuse to remake this again, but for some reason, my links are sometimes working and sometimes not working even when they're all set up the same way. Anyway, yeah. Here are the written out URL's.


Dollars 2013:

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-24 18:31 ID:0JbQZf1s [Del]

Things to Discuss:
1. How many offline meetings will we be having this year?
2. Where and when will these meetings be?
3. What will we do at these meetings?
4. What should we do for our online meetings?

My opinions:
1. I think we should have several smaller ones instead of a few larger ones. Aside from how late the times and places were released last year, a lot of the problem was probably that people just couldn't make it. I think it would be better to have them smaller, more spread out, and individualized for the areas.
2. Depends on what seems appropriate with the number of meetings we decide on.
3. No opinion. All I know is that these meetings should have food and entertainment. Movies? Art? Games? Picnic? Resturaunt? Fast Food? Et cetera.
4. I still like the idea of IMVU and Skype.

We need to find a better way to do the Skype group, though; the whole "party" factor was ruined by everyone prematurely talking on the Dollars Day group. Once DD actually came around, the group chat wasn't special anymore.

We also need a list of people who actually play IMVU. I'm determined to do this just because it's such a cool 3D program for meeting up with people, but I'm not going to waste my money to create Dollars items and put them together in an awesome DD room if nobody is going to come to it.

5 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-09-24 18:32 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

No wait, G.
...actually, I'll go with F. Final answ-/shot

This thread was yes, though. While I ultimately probably won't do anything for Dollars Day, I'm glad someone who has legitimate interest and experience of trying to organize this is doing it again. 9 months in advance, schnine months in advance. Doesn't matter when it's made, though if it gets up to its post limit, we'll just have to recreate it.

Just as a suggestion, should the other previous Dollars Day threads be closed but still accessible for past info?

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-24 18:40 ID:0JbQZf1s [Del]

>>5 They are closed :I First one was closed for reference; the second one reached the post limit.

Original Dollars Day Thread:

2012 Dollars Day Thread:

7 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-09-24 18:46 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

That works then.

8 Name: o mighty zohan : 2012-09-24 20:24 ID:p8xHO4WT [Del]

ya! motherfucker dollars dddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy take that yellow scarves and blue sqaures bite are big ass 2013 yyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

9 Name: GarionMB : 2012-09-24 20:50 ID:EkysY3yJ [Del]

I think the dollars from each city should meet at one place like in ontario cornwall it could be the square yeah know

10 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-09-24 21:03 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

>>8 ...No.

11 Name: Whisper : 2012-09-24 21:11 ID:3nvAK0Ti [Del]

>>9 There are lots of us who don't have the money to travel long distances, so if you just mean people in their own city or state meeting, then I agree.

12 Name: Jace-chan : 2012-09-24 21:38 ID:758bHR3S [Del]

I think all the dollars from new york should met at time square and host an event

13 Name: sqroot-3 : 2012-09-24 21:46 ID:7pLYAlBy [Del]

Well, this seems like a really good idea if enough people will actually work together to get stuff organized. Unfortunately, I live in the middle of nowhere so I doubt I'll get to participate anywhere.

14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-25 05:31 ID:3VBQV3LO [Del]

>>9 Well, every city is out of the question. We may be able to do it for every (or every other) state/province/area, but one in every city just isn't feasible.

>>12 We did ours in Central Park last year, but only two people supposodly showed up :\

>>13 You can always join us online ^o^ What chatsites/games do you use/go on?

15 Name: Phes : 2012-09-25 09:06 ID:QLcwPj+1 [Del]

yeah, im fairly new, but im pretty sure im one of the few dollars in Colorado, especially in my area, so I'm not sure how well it would work out here.

16 Name: SRD !P0jBcdiQAU : 2012-09-25 09:09 ID:JGlLxjZe [Del]

woah interesting , Cant wait for it :))

17 Name: Swift : 2012-09-25 09:20 ID:W96k+kWv [Del]

I'm in for this. think that each state/province could have a meeting in the one of the bigger cities in the state. Like either Charlotte or Raleigh in North Carolina, or New York, for you know... New York.

Online wise, is there a way to make a group but not open it up for chat until DD? But software wise,, I have no ideas that you guys probably haven't. IMVU, Skype, Habbo maybe? I don't know.

18 Name: Alice : 2012-09-25 14:51 ID:Ic77cMe8 [Del]

waaaa the dollars day is on my birthday i'm so happy i never tought something line this wuld happen.

19 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-09-25 15:45 ID:Fpu66BA5 [Del]

>>18 Oh, hello.

20 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 16:09 ID:u1R82nwZ [Del]

This year's DD has already passed. Oh well, I'll most likely still be here by that time next year. So I might as well start getting some ideas.

21 Name: sqroot-3 : 2012-09-25 16:09 ID:7pLYAlBy [Del]

>>14 I go on skype occasionally, but that's it. If you can introduce me to some good chatsites i wouldn't mind checking them out.

22 Name: Hei Atzfel : 2012-09-25 16:17 ID:u1R82nwZ [Del]

>>21 I know this wasn't directed at me, but I think Skype is probably one of the better, if not best, chatting systems. Oh, and if you're interested in talking to some other Dollars on Skype, check out this thread;

23 Name: jjp47 : 2012-09-26 02:11 ID:qEHRgLuX [Del]

this would be awesome i would love to see it happen to show if there was a sign of any dollars in my area as well as starting to get more people

24 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-26 09:17 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>23 If you want find out if there are other Dollars in your area, you can go to the Countries sub-board and search for the thread regarding your area in "View All Threads". I already checked my area, and there don't seem to be any other Dollars in my home town. Though there were two people who posted being in the next town over :/

25 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-26 10:06 ID:qN76Lvsm [Del]

>>17 I almost think that's overkill in the way of meetings, but since everyone is all spread out and underage, I don't think there's any other way to get people to actually attend. Unfortunately, even if they do attend the one in their state, there wouldn't be a lot of people there since there are so many meetings.

What if had main meetings and sub meetings? Say, we could have meetings in every state, but 1-3 meetings would override the others. Like, "The main meetings are in NYC,NY, Austin, TX, and Olympia, WA, but if you're too far away to go to any of those, there will still be a meeting in your state."

Or is that even further overkill? I'm not sure :I Need more opinions.

And, see, that's what I'm asking :\ I know how to do that with IMVU, but Skype is pretty... automatic? Once you add someone, they can already start chatting.

The only way I can think of doing it is if the host friends everyone beforehand but doesn't invite them into the group unil the day of. But to be honest, that could get to be pretty annoying depending on how many people want to participate O:

26 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 10:07 ID:eRssE9Tl [Del]

Bump this up.

27 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-26 10:08 ID:qN76Lvsm [Del]

And of course, the same would go for other countries (depending on how many users we have from [x] country at the time). I'm just using the US as an example since the majority of users are from there,... annnnd I also have a map of it next to me o;

28 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-26 10:08 ID:qN76Lvsm [Del]

>>26 Oh irony.

29 Name: Hatash !22a9AUn3RU : 2012-09-26 10:12 ID:eRssE9Tl [Del]

bump -_-

30 Name: Hei Atzfel!FangOFTwoY : 2012-09-26 10:16 ID:KQDxP/S1 [Del]

>>25 I like the idea of having main and sub meetings, but like you said, a lot of members are probably underage, or at the least probably can't freely travel from state to state at will. I myself for example can only go maybe one city over, MAYBE two. So I would be one of the members who wouldn't be able to go to any of the main meetings. Still, it's a good idea.

31 Name: Kanra-san : 2012-09-26 20:41 ID:OVfNPWb/ [Del]

I love the idea. I'll keep checking this thread as we get closer to Dollars Day. (:

32 Name: jjp47 : 2012-09-26 23:06 ID:qEHRgLuX [Del]

humpty bumpty

33 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-02 23:18 ID:2Y8KwirF [Del]


See >>4 for the current discussion topics.

34 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-02 23:37 ID:2Y8KwirF [Del]


35 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-06 15:28 ID:2TYDL2jR [Del]


36 Name: StarCrystal98 : 2012-10-06 21:01 ID:tSsa/vlp [Del]


37 Name: reilyx 52 !.18ItdoukM : 2012-10-06 21:20 ID:wDZeJZaG [Del]

Fun Fact:

We're planning on releasing the second version of the "Note of Compassion" video on Dollars Day 2013. Perhaps if some of you organize a barrel of lulz to be had on the internet, or just want to do something Dollars related to celebrate the day, you can give those of us creating it a hand by spreading the link around like a spastic monkey that just figured out how to hyperlink.

38 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-10-07 18:20 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


39 Name: Robo40@!FzAyW.Rdbg : 2012-10-07 18:45 ID:I/gx6J/E [Del]

Still the same day as my birthday!Man I feel special..I LOVE BEING A DOLLAR!

40 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-10-07 20:01 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


41 Name: Flicka : 2012-10-08 00:19 ID:TsaPUN+Q [Del]


42 Name: Charm : 2012-10-08 06:32 ID:kQeb2PtR [Del]

Damn...I hate living in Europe for this xD

43 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-08 19:41 ID:KxTWgPYX [Del]


44 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-10-08 20:21 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

Why not leave the details up to the individual country(or state) threads? Just say that 6/19 is the official day and leave the place, time and other details up to the individuals to figure out? I just think individual threads would have a better understanding of the popular places and where a meeting would be possible.

45 Name: Ciela : 2012-10-08 23:16 ID:11o2Iy1r [Del]

wow that's on my birthday...

46 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-08 23:34 ID:KxTWgPYX [Del]

>>44 No offense, but I lol'd.

It won't work that way. Do you honestly think people will check back to their state/country threads continuously in order to properly organize meet-ups? It's the internet. Most of us are underage. Nobody is going to go unless the times and places are spoon-fed to them, and we're only going to get those times and places by keeping everything organized and open. The Countries board is a wreck, and we don't have enough people in each area for every state/country to have their own meeting anyway.

47 Name: 厚保炉 : 2012-10-09 07:35 ID:jIDlmmw9 [Del]

Man, i just hope this time it works though...

48 Name: Kanra !PGqewi0ls6 : 2012-10-09 16:12 ID:m9Q548Yc [Del]

Hmm, I like the IMVU idea. It's more accessible for the people who would need to travel if the event isn't held near them. I live in Houston so I doubt this would be a problem for me, but I speak about the people who live in smaller cities where it would be slightly pointless to hold something there where not many people would show (hypothetically speaking.)The only problem with IMVU is the chat limit... 11 is usually as far as it goes...

49 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-10-09 17:02 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

>>46 Now that i think about it, you're right. It probably wouldn't work. If the country/state board was set up differently then maybe but it's simply too crowded at the moment. The number of people is always going to being an issue because of the few number of active members and how spread out they are.

50 Name: TB Cloverfields : 2012-10-09 17:46 ID:eMFfvKI/ [Del]

Oh, this is an awesome idea -w- I CAN'T WAIT~! *dances crazily*

I think that I'm the only Dollar in my area that I know of, but aside from that, I may be available for an online/Skype chat, if anyone's interested. I just gotta make an account first >>

51 Name: peacefulpandemonium : 2012-10-09 23:23 ID:IWBXK0Ro [Del]

If we make a steam group we could all be in the group chat. Also we could make group events where we play on a few servers. TF2 would be perfect because its free to play now so it would not be a monetary problem for people unless their computer cant run it. Even then they could still participate in the chat. From there we could have other events and dates as well coordinated through the group.

52 Name: Who's_Pete : 2012-10-09 23:32 ID:ySThGTvF [Del]

I'm down for Skype. I'm not sure if there are any members in my area as well, but who knows. BTW, first time posting. :D

53 Name: Anonymous : 2012-10-10 01:40 ID:/I8u/VnN [Del]

Woah this is a day before my birthday, awesome.

54 Name: MashBio : 2012-10-10 12:12 ID:pAR6L7Ck [Del]

i think skype is a good idea.

55 Name: MashBio : 2012-10-10 12:13 ID:pAR6L7Ck [Del]

my skype name is fambro140

56 Name: Ren-sama : 2012-10-10 12:19 ID:1LuscqDd [Del]

It's pretty close to my birthday, as well. I hope there is a meeting in my area...

57 Name: Jelly : 2012-10-11 08:24 ID:4mTWXktm [Del]

I think it would be a good idea to meet up in different towns in different countries so that people can go to a meet up close to them without having to travel really far

58 Name: !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-11 09:08 ID:gCmt4YtN [Del]

>>57 You don't say? Last I checked, that was the self-stated point of this thread.

>>56 If you want a meeting in your area, then help us organize this whole process.

>>53 And?

>>50 >>52 >>55 We intend to do Skype in addition to other things, but we need to decide on a way to make it more special. Help discuss that instead of just saying you like the idea.

>>51 I don't have steam, but if you or someone else would like to organize that, keep up with the thread so we can discuss it.

>>48 Keep in mind that very few members actually have IMVU. We'll probably only have 11 or so people in the room. For peace of mind, though, I'll check and see what the maximum number of users per private room is tonight.

>>47 It might work if you would help us discuss things instead of just sit around and hope. This discussion isn't going to do itself.

Just sayin', guys. We're at 57 posts and limited discussion has occurred.

59 Name: Tekato : 2012-10-12 09:16 ID:rBLPnXRY [Del]


60 Name: Connor : 2012-10-12 10:04 ID:TFnz76tm [Del]

I have a felling that I'll have to meet online. TT-TT

61 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-10-14 15:42 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]


62 Post deleted by user.

63 Name: Maomin !NMrPvYoJjg : 2012-10-30 14:46 ID:D07Pcmha [Del]

What if we write quotes from Durarara!! onto notecards or post-it notes and hide them (such as in/under tables or desks) in schools or in manga at the library or anywhere you think a good recruit would be or other Dollars members would be.

64 Name: StarCrystal98 : 2012-10-30 14:58 ID:Qino5mBD [Del]


65 Name: .: Allen C :. : 2012-10-30 16:57 ID:KnGWdb3j [Del]


66 Name: .: Allen C :. : 2012-10-30 16:58 ID:KnGWdb3j [Del]


67 Name: Kerra-Chan !ijGWfe.ejk : 2012-10-30 19:53 ID:/D387j+l [Del]


68 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2012-10-30 21:22 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


69 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-11-10 17:18 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


70 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-11-10 21:10 ID:zlXggmDg [Del]


71 Name: Lynn : 2012-11-10 22:10 ID:TWCVkI8y [Del]


72 Name: Lynn : 2012-11-10 22:10 ID:TWCVkI8y [Del]


73 Name: Lynn : 2012-11-10 22:10 ID:TWCVkI8y [Del]


74 Name: Takuya : 2012-11-10 23:08 ID:xuUA+wIm [Del]

Its been a while I have come here. This really caught my eye. I think this is a good idea. But someone said that some of us dont have travel money, so I also agree on the part we should visit the dollar members on our own area. But, we could think of some other way to meet right?

75 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-11-11 00:38 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


76 Name: kurusane666 : 2012-11-11 04:29 ID:mv783FEy [Del]


77 Name: Jombikroto : 2012-11-11 08:26 ID:kltweFzm [Del]

we should create a thread which contains the meeting place in every capital of every state, that way we will probably be able to meet i think we should discuss this thing in the chatroom it will be easier.

78 Name: Akaitori!RedBIrDfTo : 2012-11-11 09:31 ID:yj5AZNhl [Del]

So ready for this!
I hope there's an offline meet near me. Otherwise, online it is, I guess.

Yes, you're a genius. Do this.

79 Name: Kagome247 : 2012-11-11 10:02 ID:d2VGtPvw [Del]

There aren't alot of members in my town but, our main group here in Anderson have gotten many new recruits by putting the DRRR quotes around town. Our new members have been very into Dollars Day and have helped us significantly. My point is that by posting Dollars logo's and/or idea's more information about Dollars Day will be posted. PLUS, I will be planning an offline event for our fellow Dollars here in Anderson, chheck back for updates!

80 Name: Zarona : 2012-11-11 11:27 ID:oyd4Xj2k [Del]

>>79 Hey, I live in Redding, which is the town right next to yours! I'd love to join in the event ^_^

81 Post deleted by user.

82 Name: Idk : 2012-11-12 16:34 ID:cc1o49uw [Del]


83 Name: Lynn : 2012-11-12 18:17 ID:mAa7DzGV [Del]

I'm in Pennsylvania/cranberry twp and there aren't many dollars in this state.. -_-" I've done some offline single missions as well- anyone here in pennsylvania/cranberry twp? DX

84 Name: Setton!!hPeQ9KDP : 2012-11-12 23:11 ID:Mo/seutp [Del]

This would be a great idea, however, I literally live in the middle of nowhere. On top of that, I really see this being something that would work in a bigger city or at Anime conventions.

I personally think that it would be cool to do something along these lines though, and I have made sure that I'm going to go all out (full Celty gear). I think I will be residing in the Charlotte area during this day. If anyone sees Celty driving around on her bike, it definitely will be me.

As I stated though, I think this will be something that really can only be done in a bigger city. As such, it would be rather cool for each person in a state to pick several bigger cities in their state to host Dollars Day. The key point being 'several cities' to accommodate travel so one person doesn't have to travel 4 hours to get to one place.

85 Name: : 2012-11-18 08:52 ID:fdWCIaXt [Del]

bahmp :3

86 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-11-22 01:05 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


87 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-05 17:50 ID:LjGNKzfz [Del]

>>79 What part of, "DON'T ADVERTISE SMALLER MEETINGS IN THIS THREAD YET," didn't you understand?

>>77 Keep in mind, that would be FIFTY meetings that we would have to plan out and regulate just for one country. We have quite a few members in other countries (not as many as there were last year, it seems, but I assume some are still here), which means that we would have to implement that for other countries, as well.

It's just too much to organize. I'm not /that/ ambitious.

Everybody has been saying, "We should do it in a bigger city," but nobody has suggested any fucking cities. Many people have said, "In several cities," but nobody has suggested a feasible fucking number of cities. Guys, seriously. You have to have some sort of detail in your suggestions if you want your post to mean anything.

In my next post, I'm just going to give my own suggestions to start you guys off. I was hoping the people who actually intend to go would give some insight first, but that doesn't seem likely at this point.

I'm not going to bother responding to the thirty or so posts in here since my last, because I've read them over and they don't have any ounce of description or reasoning in them.

88 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-05 17:54 ID:LjGNKzfz [Del]

Okay, fuck that for a minute. We need to take a count of [active] members and what states/towns they are in. Anybody against me making a thread specifically for it? I don't want to spam this one with it. The info on the map is full of inactive members, and I kind of what to limit the survey to people who might actually go to this thing.

89 Name: Canis : 2012-12-05 18:08 ID:T3wjVvbW [Del]

What if we set up an online survey? I can look into that right now...Then you can use that for your resources. Or Facebook event could even work. Just ask them to post where they live or where they'd like to have the meet up. Or if you want it to remain anon...I'm looking into it right now.

90 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-12-05 18:26 ID:fI8MvtqA [Del]

That sounds really good. >>89 By tomorrow, your reply might be lost, and if you post the survey, it may also be lost before enough people get to it. If you'd like, you can e-mail to me at, and I'll send it to members on the dollars e-mail group. That should help it get around faster too.

91 Name: Paraturtle : 2012-12-05 18:27 ID:0sF6tJnt [Del]

>>77 had the best idea so far.
Create a Board titled Meet-up Locations or something. link it to a map for all I care, and create some standard 'safe zones'.

92 Name: Canis : 2012-12-05 18:49 ID:T3wjVvbW [Del]

>>90 You got it Kitaya! I'll work on putting that together tonight then.

93 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-05 19:08 ID:LjGNKzfz [Del]

Guys... please leave the survey making up to me with this one ._. I suggested a survey about location, but do you guys even know the extent of what I was talking about? No, because you can't read my mind :L

>>90 Don't use the email group for this. It would be easier and simpler to just make a thread specifically for it. That way, people would be able to give replies fit to their needs, and it wouldn't limit the event to people on the email list. You say faster, but I know myself (and many others) don't check their emails every day. Most of us check the boards very frequently, and if the thread is periodically bumped up on Main, it should be seen well and get proper response from people who are dedicated enough to check the site. All the updates/locations/activities/times will be posted on the site, so there's no point in having surveys taken by people who aren't even checking the site frequently.

>>91 What part of >>87 didn't you read? There are people from other countries, and organizing 50 meet-ups in one country isn't plausible or necessary. We'll have a thread for individual meet-ups when May/June comes along. For now, we need to focus on the number of major meetings that we're going to have that we can organize here.

And I don't agree with discussing the idea over chat; it leaves the rest of the community out. Posting isn't that difficult. What's so wrong with discussing it in the thread?

94 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-05 19:13 ID:LjGNKzfz [Del]

The reason why I even asked about the survey thread was because I wanted to hear a member who frequents the boards give their opinion about where it should go. I'd like it on Main (even though it technically should be in Countries) so it gets enough attention. I just want someone to back me up with an OK before I make it.

95 Name: Canis : 2012-12-05 20:30 ID:T3wjVvbW [Del]

Well no, I can't read your mind, but I created a series of survey questions based on what you expressed in this thread.

Maybe we can post the link on here, but the survey would just make it easier to sort through the in coming data.

Maybe it should be every country to it's own devices then? Especially with language barriers. There's no way it happen with the language barrier....

96 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-05 20:43 ID:LjGNKzfz [Del]

>>95 Do you think every country has someone who is willing to help them organize? No :l We didn't have a problem with it last year; the only problem we had last year was that not enough people were showing up, which is why I want to have extra meetings this year.

The language barrier isn't much of a problem. People from other countries who come on this site speak English, whether it be through a translator or not. English site is English, but that doesn't mean we have to blatantly ignore countries that don't speak it.

I like the idea of me organizing things and you guys discussing things, honestly. At the VERY LEAST, before you go around making your survey, pass the questions by us in the thread and let us decide on what should and shouldn't be there. Needless to say, I'll take what I like and add more things I like and still make its own thread. That link will be lost in a second, and considering we're not even 100 posts in, I don't want to be linking to a single post or copying a link in the next 1237 replies.

97 Name: Canis : 2012-12-05 20:48 ID:T3wjVvbW [Del]

Hence why email was suggested but that was a bum idea apparently too.

I get that not every one in every country wants to organize something, but to me that means they're too lazy to actually be a part of anything too.

And I was going to pass the questions along, regardless. I'm not trying to take over your planning process. I'm just trying to be one of those people that is willing to organize, not just discuss like a peon, waiting for others to plan things for me and then show up like I was apart of anything or helped out at all. .-.

98 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-06 07:06 ID:gCmt4YtN [Del]

>>97 Lazy? Why would they be lazy? If they partake in whatever survey-ish thing we make, then they're fine. Again, last year, quite a few members from the Philippines came together in the thread after I asked what place in the Philippines would be a good meet-up place, and they worked out their own meetings alongside us. We still have several months; it's not time to be calling anybody lazy yet.

I want people to help out, yes, but don't hijack ideas that haven't even been explained yet ._. Also, just because I bat an idea down doesn't mean that it's off the charts yet. Give me a reason that my reasons aren't right. Repeating things that I've already explained away won't help; instead, explain in a better way why they would work. It's called debating. Bantering. Throwing ideas back and forth. It's better known as discussing things, which is the purpose of this thread. I'm not trying to scare anybody away; just tell me why I'm wrong if you don't agree with me.

What is the problem with making a new thread? Why do you want to do it by email? Doing it by email would mean that every member who isn't on the email list or doesn't check their email will not be including in the survey. It will also mean that inactive members who check their emails more than the site /will/ be including in the survey, but plenty probably won't even check the site when the date comes around to see when/where it is because they're not all active members. However, if there is a new thread specifically for it, then we won't have to bump a link to the questions every post. Give me a reason why a thread isn't a good idea; that's all I'm asking of you who don't agree with it.

There's nothing wrong with people who didn't help out coming. Some people just suck at organizing things, and I wouldn't want their help. In any case, I wouldn't be organizing it when I'm not even going if I had problem with that. Just, there won't /be/ an organized meeting to go to if nobody helps out. So help is welcome. But be reasonable. Discuss things. We have plenty of time ^o^

99 Name: Arisu : 2012-12-06 12:45 ID:t7aPL4Cs [Del]

Well, I've just read through 90 posts of nothing. I think that in order to start discussing any of the questions from the second post, we have to start talking about individual meetings. Maybe it would be best to make a separate thread where people (like me) could see if it's possible to organize a meeting in their country. That way you could keep this thread neat and post about general things and online meetings. And the US meetings that obviously have priority due to the number of people (potentially) participating. Since, as it's been said, we can only decide on what to do on the meeting based on what sort of activities are available/accessible in our areas, so we could just start searching for people there. That way the bigger meetings in multiple countries can finally be planned, not just those in the US. And we can always hate on people if they start talking about smaller meetings there.
As for the survey, I don't see why you shouldn't make a thread for it, since that way it won't get lost in the posts. And it will get proper attention.

100 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-12-06 13:41 ID:iCPIABk+ [Del]

Individual meetings go in the Countries board, thus we don't have a need for a Thread about that specific topic here on Main.

As was said in the first "Dollars Day" Topic.

101 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-12-06 14:13 ID:CLU2PwmN [Del]


102 Name: Arisu : 2012-12-06 15:26 ID:t7aPL4Cs [Del]

Yes but, as it has also been said, the countries board is a mess. And if it's too much of an eyesore, then it doesn't even have to be on main.

103 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-12-06 21:52 ID:iCPIABk+ [Del]

It being a mess doesn't mean anything. It still means you have to go onto the Countries board. Doesn't matter how much of a mess it is in.

104 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-06 22:06 ID:a7yHrkZk [Del]

lol it's not even a mess. The thread count there is 177. There's only 8 duplicate threads, and it's easy to see which one is which, the one that is permasaged is obviously the dupe.

105 Name: Towa ... :) : 2012-12-06 23:59 ID:ndoXyt5L [Del]

actually, I gues doing this would be less complicated if only we have different representatives in each countries, so everyone in the world could join and have some fun !!!

106 Name: Arisu : 2012-12-07 02:24 ID:/xQJr4s2 [Del]

All right then. I was suggesting this because I don't know how many active members there are in my country, and I know for sure that they don't check back to the country thread. I just supposed that there were more cases like this. At least making a thread on the countries board and linking to it from here would help it get attention.

107 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-07 08:01 ID:gCmt4YtN [Del]


As I have said on multiple occasions, smaller meetings are to be discussed in private amongst the attending groups or in their related state/county thread. At some point in May/June, I will make a thread for you to advertise whatever smaller meeting you are hosting. Until then, keep it clean in the Countries board.

Ask on the Countries board if anybody from your country is active. If that doesn't get a response, try the Random Thought Thread; most active members check Random, and there's no set rule of what you can talk about in that thread, sooo yeah. There are plenty ways to discuss it outside of this thread.

Individual main meetings can easily be discussed in this thread. There is no need to make an entire thread for every meeting; that would basically void the point of this thread. We can't even decide on the places for them yet; they don't need their own threads to be discussed.

I'll make the new thread for the survey soon (either now or when I get home from school).

108 Name: LostBunny : 2012-12-07 18:57 ID:wpOVUaMx [Del]

Ok the ten biggest cities in america Are New York Ny.,Los Angeles Cal.,Chicago Ill.,Houston Tex.,Philidelphia Pa.,Pheonix,San Antonio Tex.,San Diego Cal.,Dallas Tex.,And San Jose Cal. Those are some options we can pick wich one by how many people on the site live around there.
Guys if its not near you then sorry but if we dont decide on a couple of cities then this isn't gonna work. I want to meet my fellow dollars,have fun, and be nerdy so lets make this happen! <3

109 Post deleted by user.

110 Post deleted by user.

111 Post deleted by user.

112 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-07 19:35 ID:WYdJTzbk [Del]

>>108 ...and where did you pick up this crown from? :I

Just because they're the biggest cities doesn't mean that we should have the meetings there. We're trying to base them in places which are closer to actual members. There's no point in having a meeting in LA if all the active members are in DC; catch my drift?

113 Name: LostBunny : 2012-12-07 19:48 ID:wpOVUaMx [Del]

Yeah sorry your right i didnt mean to be rude i should of reread how i wrote that before i posted. I personally know theres a whole bunch of dollars near cinccinati if that helps?

114 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-08 06:12 ID:WYdJTzbk [Del]

>>113 Question is, are they Dollars who would bother attending a meeting?

115 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-08 06:12 ID:WYdJTzbk [Del]

>>113 Question is, are they Dollars who would bother attending a meeting?

116 Name: ExiA : 2012-12-08 06:18 ID:KgkpUqUx [Del]

We live on different countries...

117 Name: Haliuka : 2012-12-08 06:21 ID:kddN8CwR [Del]

can i host a meeting in my countryon June 19?
well my country has 2,700,000+ people
and only 2000 or 3000 of them are OTAKUS,..
and almost 7000 people watches anime in here!
i am a fansubber so i think gather Durarara fans :P

118 Name: Code Hell : 2012-12-08 07:01 ID:avABxuzs [Del]

Is there any dollars in Hawaii. Or Oahu Hawaii what about schofield brks

119 Name: Arisu : 2012-12-08 11:31 ID:GVUxa20x [Del]

>>107 Ok, I'm just figuring out how everything works.
As for what to do, considering the season, it would make sense to spend the day outside. Maybe a beach or something?

120 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-08 15:08 ID:WYdJTzbk [Del]

>>116 >>117 Do the survey. If there are enough people from your country who do it and say they intend to come, one of the meetings will be there :O

>>118 Check the Countries board ;P

>>119 Beaches and parks are generally good things. We did the NYC one in Central Park last year. I wish people actually showed up :( Hopefully (since we're starting planning earlier), more people will get a chance to get permission and participate.

Both beaches and parks are good for picnics ^o^ That will save people on food costs, too. I still suggest that, no matter what we do, people bring their own food :L Would suck if the whole group had to stop so two kids could buy food, you know? Plus, if we have big city meetings, food is expensive.

As for city meetings, I would suggest either shopping, walking about, or finding a good set of cheap attractions :O Or should we stick with free attractions so members lacking cash can still stay with the group?

121 Name: Arisu : 2012-12-08 16:39 ID:GVUxa20x [Del]

Making everything free would be a hard thing to do. Just keep it accessible.

122 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2012-12-08 21:53 ID:yBTpYfzl [Del]

Ok it pretty obvious that New York's going to have a meeting there so I'm thinking that we could have a meeting in San Francisco(because there lots to do there) California for people nearer to the west coast and a meeting in a major city in Texas.Also a big meeting place near Kansas or a state near there. That way we could have the big meetings spread out over the United States (sorry other countries and Hawaii. I only planned out for the contiguous States of America)

123 Post deleted by user.

124 Name: ExiA : 2012-12-09 02:06 ID:RWHlJIWQ [Del]

Are there any Filipinos here?

125 Name: AshenReaper : 2012-12-09 10:37 ID:DUvpvpTH [Del]

"Seeing as the one we hosted this year (2012) was a complete failure" Hehehe

Make a meeting place in Texas! Hopefully this will be more successful than last time.


126 Name: MysteryLaughter : 2012-12-09 11:05 ID:F5LK4lRv [Del]

How about a meeting in Mississauga Ontario in Canada? Location can be decided later.

127 Name: ChibiSali !qopMHGlus2 : 2012-12-09 12:40 ID:0XJDFVO4 [Del]

Things to Discuss:
1. How many offline meetings will we be having this year?
2. Where and when will these meetings be?
3. What will we do at these meetings?
4. What should we do for our online meetings?

I haven't been on this site for a while, but I was so upset to miss Dollars Day last year. I just wanted to put in my two cents.

1. I also think that we shouldn't limit ourselves to a small amount of large meetings. We are scattered all about and if we have smaller groups of meetings then perhaps more of us could have made it to at least one meeting. My friend Britteny in South Carolina wanted to attend the New York meeting and she couldn't make it because it was too far and her parents wouldn't allow it. Even so, those large places are good spots because while for a few it might be hard to make it, others find it easy to hop on a train or bus and get out to NY.
2. That should be decided based on what cities the meeting will take place, how many people are expected to arrive so everyone is comfortable, etc.
3. It would be nice to dine with your fellow Dollars. Perhaps everyone could chat and walk through a large park, have a picnic and relax. Maybe visit some of the larger stores depending on the size of the groups? I.e. Large group in New York City: Central park - McDonalds or other fast food places - large store like the toys r us.

4. Skype and oovoo could be good places for webcam meetings. During the last Dollars day, a friend of mine and I went on omegle and chatroulette wishing people a happy dollar's day. We actually found a few people who knew what we were talking about! IMVU, Gaia Online and Habbo could be good places to hang out too.

Just my opinions. I hope we have a good turn out this year! :)

128 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2012-12-09 18:32 ID:yBTpYfzl [Del]

>>124 I'm half Filipino,but you should ask that question on the Countries page.

129 Name: ThatGirlisCracked : 2012-12-10 04:36 ID:/qlcfjDO [Del]

The Dollars are scattered all over the globe. Unless some members from every country attend in their respective countries, the whole thing would be pointless and would leave some members without a meeting, which is unfair. Here in England, I have never come across nor heard from any other Dollars.
>>126 for example, holding a meet up in Canada alone would be fairly pointless--what would the rest of the world do? Just fly out to Canada?

There needs to be a meet-up in ALL countries for ALL members in said countries, and there should be a main board where said groups can post how their meet up is going on one specific day.

130 Name: Tampopo-chan : 2012-12-10 08:51 ID:/qlcfjDO [Del]

I agree with >>129

131 Name: Xros : 2012-12-10 13:10 ID:qYQzTpt5 [Del]


132 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2012-12-10 15:26 ID:X3Kg9r11 [Del]


133 Name: Jori-chan : 2012-12-11 14:31 ID:1iTLgyI+ [Del]


134 Name: ~Henyul Agrees!LpJR0bXBSc : 2012-12-12 20:45 ID:49J+LTEP [Del]

Alright, i think that yes meeting people in the same city or region is better... I mean, im in high school how the heck will i get the frigen moneeeey!!! If there is anyone who agrees then let me know, i live in ottawa in canada~

135 Name: Doremo : 2012-12-13 14:13 ID:1gmr5/u6 [Del]


136 Name: Kizoku : 2012-12-24 02:05 ID:ABSx438e [Del]

I'm cool with this. Is anyone form Philippines? Preferable San Pedro Laguna? Please message me heare! :DD I'd love to meet you!

137 Name: Kita : 2012-12-24 02:42 ID:qhMvdyFn [Del]

California Costa Mesa??

138 Name: Di Nardo : 2012-12-24 03:40 ID:vOZ4BDWD [Del]

One way to roughly calculate where to plan "larger" (though I don't see how this will work, people will probably end up going to closer meetups) meetups would be by looking at the number of posts in certain states/countries in the Countries category. Some larger states, such as California, might need two larger meetups. Hope this helps whoever is attempting to be in charge!

139 Name: snowflake : 2012-12-24 19:52 ID:G1iubYZx [Del]

any one in houston?

140 Name: Kuro-san : 2012-12-25 00:22 ID:chrYU25R [Del]

is there any meetings in Philippines???

141 Name: FLZero : 2012-12-27 02:12 ID:Kup8FZgt [Del]

My name is FLZero and I've been here for quite some time. I live in the Denver (Colorado) area and would be delighted to host the meeting for us. I'm not sure if I'm alone out here but Colorado is a big place so I'm hoping not. Just feel free to email me. (

142 Name: VivaLaPanda : 2012-12-30 11:38 ID:6YQIxODy [Del]

We could try to set up a custom google maps page, then post our location (Telling people to just pu the marker generally where they are, not on their house) then look at densities and such to find places.

143 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2012-12-30 11:54 ID:hy5g85k0 [Del]

we already have a google maps page,-0.769043&spn=174.548416,137.109375&t=h&z=1&mid=1318133184

144 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-01-15 01:54 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>143 would if of killed you to just link the map thread?

145 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-15 22:56 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


146 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-16 10:13 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


147 Name: InquisitorAeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-01-18 10:51 ID:3Enxdlc4 [Del]

What Hatash said

148 Name: eX_aRmor : 2013-01-18 14:18 ID:IEjjVTE5 [Del]


149 Name: kexvaxus : 2013-01-21 23:37 ID:2NAE6FEO [Del]

what about using stickam

150 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2013-01-22 11:39 ID:Q32g7zMN [Del]


151 Name: Platinum !mGD51LXT3k : 2013-01-24 16:08 ID:LZI44P2i [Del]

For Floridians, Tampa could be a good place, since most of Florida's otakus will be there for MetroCon and its on MetroCon's third day (i think, or right after) so there could be a pretty big/good turn out there. Maybe places/cities that have cons around DD could host a meeting because of the unusually large population of otakus that will be there for that short amount of time?

152 Name: Ultear : 2013-01-28 23:25 ID:9TO+nPQZ [Del]

Even if all these little meeting and stuff dont work out i think a good way to see who is part of the dollars or not is to have some kind of symbol somewhere i think one of the comments was drawing a DD on there left hand, i thinks thats a good idea too! Because even if you forget and remember half way thought the day its easy to take a pen and just write it there

153 Name: Nex : 2013-01-29 00:30 ID:bA6DGxGO [Del]

Anyone in Seattle area?

154 Name: Ennashi : 2013-01-29 00:58 ID:921otiwR [Del]

>>136 Hey! Just asking, Is TAAL RESORT In SAN PABLO good? Do you have any pics? I'm gonna go there on March 28 - March 31..

155 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2013-02-02 01:08 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


156 Name: SoraAiAme !UL5/V6OEIg : 2013-02-05 08:28 ID:Bl0/pHYw [Del]

Hey, maybe the people in the upper midwest could meet at Anime Minneapolis? I'm planning to go there to celebrate my birthday, I can bring some of my Dollars friends with me, and I'm most likely throwing a room party...all wins, yes? ;D

157 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-02-05 10:41 ID:MoAdMzPH [Del]


158 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-02-05 10:44 ID:MoAdMzPH [Del]


159 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-05 20:01 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


160 Name: hiiragi : 2013-02-05 20:36 ID:iAeOfL/3 [Del]

dude bump

161 Name: Seathes !SNOW3kS492 : 2013-02-06 09:18 ID:MdG+b1HB [Del]

Don't change the main event just because it didn't work the first year. Keep the NYC meet and give it time to catch on. It may take a few years, but I think you'll find that with another year, more members will show. The online meetup is good, but I think it needs to be organized as multiple meets, one main global meet, and regional meets. The online meetings shouldn't be left up to the members, otherwise they might not happen.

Keep things the same and let them catch on. My two cents.

162 Name: Taro Tanaka : 2013-02-06 16:13 ID:LbcKPP5l [Del]

This sounds like it's getting pretty big. I'll definitely attend.

163 Name: Dagger : 2013-02-07 07:37 ID:xFsLJxh0 [Del]


164 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-07 19:12 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]

don't mind this useless bump

>>162 it sounds big, but no one came last time. Hopefully it'll work out this time.

165 Name: VivaLaPanda !ziER5e3k1o : 2013-02-07 22:48 ID:J46YMVNI [Del]

This is quite bumpworthy!

166 Name: Metalmine !fROWTqKls. : 2013-02-07 22:57 ID:U6Ociocs [Del]

Hey barabi-sama,

I made a thread in the dollars google group about localized meetings that we can join together to form a larger meeting if you know what I mean. Since we're all so scattered, it'd be easier for us to meet in smaller groups and have an online meeting with video and all if you know what I mean.

167 Name: j-taxton !WABCAFs6Hg : 2013-02-09 07:34 ID:FxWY+t88 [Del]


168 Name: Miraki : 2013-02-09 12:31 ID:hXEKk/ob [Del]

169 Name: Miraki : 2013-02-09 12:31 ID:hXEKk/ob [Del]

170 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-09 14:15 ID:inZL1KHb [Del]

Don't forget what an interestingly exciting day this will be!

171 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-10 00:06 ID:inZL1KHb [Del]

Just a slight bump, because

172 Post deleted by user.

173 Post deleted by moderator.

174 Name: Catherine : 2013-02-10 10:51 ID:fszqW3/6 [Del]

Oh.. what is this reply upon me =_=

175 Name: PKgod101 : 2013-02-10 15:30 ID:zLUvbRgU [Del]

We should at least have every member possible leave a "Happy dollars-day" reply on this thread.

176 Name: ~Hatsu-Chan~ : 2013-02-10 15:42 ID:49J+LTEP [Del]

I agree, we should at least show it and leave Happy Birthdays!!
Good Luck on More Ideas, Chu~!


177 Name: akane-chan : 2013-02-10 18:22 ID:oNV4tI61 [Del]

well this is being discussed rather early... but i see the reasons why.

178 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-10 21:25 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

I almost forgot how people liked this stuff. Here you go! :')

179 Name: Devian !amSg6YyeZI : 2013-02-10 21:50 ID:8P2dOgI8 [Del]

I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this. I don't really find excuses to get out of the house. This one would be pretty sweet if it all works out. Let's keep this up! Only 4 months to go!

180 Name: deviant !DRiuKYSsjw : 2013-02-11 04:56 ID:B2jDz1mD [Del]


181 Name: Mimisa : 2013-02-11 05:30 ID:+YQLW4sp [Del]

What's the point of this website?

182 Name: navy destiny : 2013-02-11 07:44 ID:gGE+92w7 [Del]

I am looking forward!

183 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 19:52 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


184 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 20:31 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


185 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 20:33 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


186 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-12 20:11 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

To get the fact that 98% of you are all single and Valentine's Day is in 2 days. I mean, yay Dollars Day!

187 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-13 22:15 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Still think this is stupid as balls, but I love you guys so take a day of celebration instead of >>186

188 Name: Hanzo : 2013-02-14 18:15 ID:pjncYf/s [Del]

well, where is dollars day gonna take place? id love to join and if it's close by id come and take part~

189 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2013-02-15 09:09 ID:BflmPFBf [Del]


190 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-16 00:26 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

For the few who actually believe we'll get together some day and not have a single pedophile and or rapist amidst our ranks.

191 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-16 13:18 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Who cares: no one. Jk, I mean, have fun.

192 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-16 15:14 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Stupid, stupid everywhere.

193 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-16 20:49 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


194 Name: Doremo : 2013-02-16 22:15 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


195 Name: Facade : 2013-02-17 12:33 ID:Fa1rkQK9 [Del]

To all Dollars members in Ontario, we could all meet up at city hall on Dollars day.

196 Name: TM : 2013-02-17 13:00 ID:R0ysnTEl [Del]

Bah, i don't think there will be any DOLLARS in my place. I'll just tag something somewhere.

197 Name: VivaLaPanda !ziER5e3k1o : 2013-02-17 14:47 ID:6YQIxODy [Del]

I would be into an Anderson or Redding meeting, email me @ if you're in the area.

198 Name: Alternal : 2013-02-17 15:12 ID:1s6jlZHv [Del]

I can see why people think this is a stupid thing, but I for one would be more than happy to meet up in the Toronto, Canada area with a group.

199 Name: anime lover : 2013-02-17 16:53 ID:LEhG/Uy2 [Del]

add more letter limits so the chat room name could FINALLY!! be complete cuz i cant freakin put what i want to -_- grrr

200 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-20 01:49 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


201 Name: L : 2013-02-20 13:15 ID:/efzdRUM [Del]

Someone had a good point for this thread.
We can't just put the passwords everywhere expecting to trust everyone with them. We have to stick with emailing people from time to time so our site doesn't get spammed with random posts from people.

202 Name: Kida : 2013-02-20 14:01 ID:SXcfMIYQ [Del]

@L true.

203 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-02-20 15:10 ID:08JXArpH [Del]

The password already is everywhere.

204 Name: Kylor : 2013-02-20 16:29 ID:96S2fiot [Del]

im about 90% sure that the only dollars around Fort Payne, AL are my friend (who i recruited yesterday) any myself. how will i know if anybody else would be able to come?
better yet, will there be a way to maybe sell dollars merchandise, IE: shirts, wristbands, kyerings etc...?

205 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2013-02-22 06:47 ID:GT9vSQ42 [Del]

Well, June 19 isn't really coming up any time soon and I know I'm gonna forget about this when it gets closer to that day.

I used Ctrl+f to see if anyone had any ideas for a meet-up in Australia.. And there wasn't anything.

So I'm gonna suggest something, since the most common place to meet-up with people in Sydney is Town Hall, what if we decided to meet at Town Hall steps around the same time?

Any other Sydney people that have thoughts to add?

206 Name: Amaryne : 2013-02-22 10:14 ID:7IRNO+7D [Del]

@Takara - I'm from Sydney! Town Hall steps sounds good.

How about 12pm, Town Hall steps, June 19th if you're from Sydney, Australia? I'll be there with the other Dollars.

207 Name: Temms : 2013-02-22 11:35 ID:co3QAvk4 [Del]

Lynn I also live within PA, however I live over in the Lititz area. I'm very interested in being a part of this.

208 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2013-02-22 17:39 ID:SZcbz9ni [Del]


209 Name: Mad Hatter : 2013-02-22 17:52 ID:XawMSnmV [Del]

Main streat park for any in chester west virginia

210 Name: Master-Sama : 2013-02-22 20:29 ID:+C/9NPDZ [Del]

Are the NYC dollars going to meet in Central park?

211 Name: pyotr : 2013-02-22 20:54 ID:EzAezupr [Del]

People can meet at occidental park in seattle maybe. :) its big and open so I think it could work for the washington/seattle area

212 Name: Daisy : 2013-02-22 21:19 ID:Jm/5dzg1 [Del]

Can we do one near Rowland Heights?...

213 Name: Poop. : 2013-02-22 21:44 ID:SUW7M0z0 [Del]

Only is it was the 20th (my birthday) that would be so cool. xD

214 Name: Kacie : 2013-02-22 22:11 ID:qtbRGkDE [Del]

i be down with this, and this be a cool idea.

215 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2013-02-23 08:01 ID:GT9vSQ42 [Del]


What would we do after meeting up though?

Purikura maybe? (*´∀`)

216 Name: AnimeLover : 2013-02-23 12:47 ID:cIoCiFYT [Del]

Dollars Day! Can't believe it! So who's gonna be the host?

217 Name: miku1225 : 2013-02-23 13:14 ID:+2smLfTI [Del]

Oohhhh cant wait! Id be down for skype....

218 Name: Robo40!FzAyW.Rdbg : 2013-02-23 20:34 ID:oQmcXQIF [Del]

(this is going to be on my birthday)

219 Name: ExiA : 2013-02-24 00:25 ID:2qiE8rAQ [Del]

Phil. area?

220 Name: hanayukio : 2013-02-24 17:36 ID:YlT5Xt3t [Del]

I think the posting quotes is a really good idea. I would be cool to get more members that way

221 Name: Sky : 2013-02-24 17:50 ID:eUsjDexe [Del]

From Sydney here, a meet up will be nice

222 Name: TNC research lesson xP : 2013-02-24 18:39 ID:b4LMfWwI [Del]


223 Name: Masaomi~ : 2013-02-24 18:42 ID:feiNvGJm [Del]

hmm... >>221 yup ~ i wanna meet up~ that'll be nice~

224 Name: Hazu-chi : 2013-02-24 18:44 ID:feiNvGJm [Del]

>>205 IM FROM SYDNEY!!!! meet up sounds good~

225 Name: John Smith : 2013-02-24 19:14 ID:osRy8+Jk [Del]

If some people can meet up in somewhere in South Carolina, North Carolina, or Georgia area, I would love to meet up with other members

226 Name: Neku0001 : 2013-02-24 19:17 ID:TcSJVP58 [Del]

My radius is limited, as I have no transportation, but if it were close enough, I would definitely meet up.

227 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2013-02-24 20:38 ID:oTKaJVNt [Del]


228 Name: Hazu-chi : 2013-02-25 16:48 ID:j27cjcj1 [Del]

>>205 >>224 oh wait...June 19 is in school time..rit? i know i still in school...very surprising...but there another time or sth? just asking...

229 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-28 00:29 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>228 nobody is surprised, and you are perfectly capable of making your owner smaller version with people in your area.
It really depends on the school you go to, ex. my hs ends its term on the 13th. Yours may be different, check before assuming.

230 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-28 00:51 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


231 Name: Melganne : 2013-02-28 06:13 ID:ukFak5VI [Del]

I doubt there are many members from Melbourne in Australia, and I would be unable to travel to Sydney since school wouldn't finish for another 2 weeks... I suppose I will just have to go with whatever Online option is decided in the end

232 Post deleted by user.

233 Post deleted by user.

234 Post deleted by user.

235 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-01 15:33 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


236 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-03-03 19:50 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]


237 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-03 22:21 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


238 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-03 23:48 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


239 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-04 16:06 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


240 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-05 01:20 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


241 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-03-07 14:31 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]


242 Name: Lawli : 2013-03-07 15:38 ID:kG48tZmX [Del]

Cool! This is on my birthday! XD Bump!

243 Name: Magnolia : 2013-03-13 10:04 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


244 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-03-14 09:44 ID:YiePIUm1 [Del]


245 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

246 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

247 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

248 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

249 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

250 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

251 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

252 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

253 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

254 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:08 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

255 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:09 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

256 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:09 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

257 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:09 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

258 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:09 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

259 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:09 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

260 Name: Michigan Dollars : 2013-03-14 10:09 ID:9sPBHXVb [Del]

This is my brothers bday. I say we put out happy birthday to the dollars in every mailbox on our streets!!
happy birthday to everyone!!!!!!

261 Name: Song : 2013-03-14 16:44 ID:03VRBf37 [Del]

Maybe we should help other dollars sites for the birthday one of the site just shut down, it wouldn't hurt to try and help them

262 Name: Sky2 : 2013-03-15 15:39 ID:G+oZ0GMd [Del]

If you are wanting to learn about robots why not just build one of your own if that is possible for you to do that is. But if you just want to know about them ask someone who has build a robot before.

263 Name: Sky2 : 2013-03-15 15:40 ID:G+oZ0GMd [Del]

wrong thread sorry

264 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-15 22:19 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


265 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-19 09:38 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


266 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-19 18:54 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


267 Name: MK : 2013-03-20 16:33 ID:VYGwxXkw [Del]

Because a lot of the members are separated by at least a few cities (With some exceptions) Why not organize a Skype meet?

268 Name: Red : 2013-03-21 15:26 ID:KpniGqTa [Del]

Melbourne Australia...if it's on there, June 19th...I'll be there! :D

269 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-21 19:22 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


270 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-26 08:44 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


271 Name: Doremo : 2013-03-26 23:20 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


272 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-03-27 01:49 ID:PyqOrpBK [Del]

nonsense in the main (=^=)

273 Name: Sangre : 2013-03-27 03:45 ID:QC34rJYi [Del]


274 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-27 23:04 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


275 Name: Sangre : 2013-03-28 18:45 ID:9RoqzblS [Del]


276 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-03-29 13:28 ID:1DS34VvM [Del]

I dont want to live in a world where people are this stupid...

277 Name: Lulu : 2013-03-29 20:11 ID:pREo0Wrg [Del]

I think that we are getting really off topic here. Maybe we should let people organize their own meeting in their own country section. (I know someone said that the country board is a mess but still. It should be more organized than everyone organizing everything here.) I think that this thread should be used to discuss online meetings. Meeting that involve everyone, ones that anyone can attend.

278 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-30 12:46 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


279 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-30 17:03 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


280 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-31 07:58 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


281 Name: Tsuki : 2013-04-02 11:51 ID:35bguIY5 [Del]

Bumping because recursive douchecopters

282 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-03 20:26 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


283 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-04 09:28 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


284 Name: Aaron : 2013-04-04 18:02 ID:wLSM1Wsk [Del]

Yo everybody, *waves*.
Right I'm in England and if we could arrange an event or even just a meetup in a sensible place I'd be more than willing to go

285 Name: link488 : 2013-04-04 20:20 ID:o57Szeq2 [Del]


286 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-05 22:55 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


287 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-04-07 12:43 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


288 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-07 18:39 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


289 Name: Otoshi-gami !vBOFA0jTOg : 2013-04-11 22:07 ID:FxWY+t88 [Del]


290 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-13 18:46 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


291 Name: windawg : 2013-04-13 21:20 ID:2RK/teZZ [Del]


292 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-14 00:05 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


293 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-14 09:42 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


294 Name: Tree_!p4qBzlDVUw : 2013-04-14 12:05 ID:XCeI47EK [Del]

Host it in Broward county FL. Ill go

295 Name: Alice!l14UvTg4qQ : 2013-04-14 12:48 ID:olcuUMx5 [Del]

Goodness. Just read this thread. I have an idea, just my two cents. Sorry, it's just concerning mainland USA, since that seems to be where the meting location problems are. I would suggest that we divide the country up into sections, and have a meeting an a large city roughly in the middle of the section. For the Northeast, obviously NYC. For the Southeast, Atlanta, GA. For the Great Lakes area, Chicago. Houston for Texas and surrounding areas. For the west coast either LA or San Diego, CA. And for the central/Northwest area, maybe Topeka? Someone who lives around there might have a better idea. That's all I've got, hope it helps.

296 Name: iamazoroark : 2013-04-14 16:08 ID:E3y/zAe0 [Del]

If only you would hold it in England...

297 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-14 16:46 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


298 Name: Tsukineko : 2013-04-14 16:48 ID:AE1M88t2 [Del]

I think for the US at least, that we should have a big event in each state, in like the capital or where it's most populated, and then from there have smaller events or groups chats around other big towns. For example, with Florida, have a big event in Orlando, and smaller events in Tampa and Miami.

299 Name: yue tusbaki : 2013-04-14 17:08 ID:khsnzjFy [Del]

i think that we should all log on the site on the day of the birday!! or eveyone can post as many thing as they can on the internet of the dollars!!like face book,youtube blogs,..and the list gos on~!Yes,yes ..i think that is best thing to do~!!! so everyone.on the dollars b-day start post,texting,and everything and more to show are love of being a dollar!!! i cant wait~ >w< .

300 Name: Hibari? : 2013-04-15 09:02 ID:LuARe8l+ [Del]


301 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-15 09:13 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


302 Name: Eneliph : 2013-04-16 13:18 ID:8aiWOpDq [Del]


303 Name: Bear : 2013-04-16 13:42 ID:6pim4++z [Del]


304 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-04-16 13:59 ID:hQyLtx8A [Del]

Oh dear. It seems that my hiatus has murdered this.

I'l uh... get around to finish up all the survey info as well as replying to things in a bit.

305 Post deleted by user.

306 Name: Chinaricat : 2013-04-16 15:59 ID:2Fuba0r2 [Del]

BBS Name: Chinaricat
Age: 20 (21 by Dollars Day)
Gender: F
Home Town: Tannersville, Pennsylvania

1. How frequently are you on this site?
Every day, at least 3x a day

2. How long have you been here?
one week

3. Would you go to a meeting if it were held in your area?
Yes, most likely

IF YES... (be realistic with the following)
3a. How would you get there if it was not in walking distance from your home?
I would be willing to go 2 hours in state or to a neighboring state, i.e. Delaware, Maryland, NJ...

3b. Would your guardian require that they come with you?
lol, no.

3c. Would you guardian prefer to talk to a representative?

IF NO...
You probably shouldn't be filling out this form :I

4. What would you want to do if you went to a meeting?
Mission panels
General meetings
Awareness and Information sessions on various topics

5. How far would you be willing to travel during a meeting to get to whatever activities we may do?
During a meeting, I would prefer to walk to the next activity, but if I had to drive, I'd say maybe 15 mi out of the way max

307 Name: hi thar : 2013-04-16 18:43 ID:RlcqPV77 [Del]


308 Name: Tom<3Celty : 2013-04-16 19:26 ID:/4vjapSi [Del]

Any Dollars live in the East part of the States i live in CT and crossplaying as Celty at CTcon

309 Name: Mami : 2013-04-17 06:10 ID:nSSYTcaY [Del]


310 Name: Alice : 2013-04-17 07:19 ID:Gqt7J0fj [Del]

wow it's on my birthday :D

311 Name: Alice : 2013-04-17 07:19 ID:Gqt7J0fj [Del]

wow it's on my birthday :D

312 Name: AKoaksrule : 2013-04-17 07:59 ID:SiQY8sxE [Del]

happy birthday!

313 Name: Lex : 2013-04-17 09:55 ID:bTkNqbFL [Del]

Happy Dollars!!!

314 Name: Medusa : 2013-04-17 12:54 ID:SWHgysxx [Del]

Happy Birthday Dollars!!

315 Name: KahluaMilk : 2013-04-18 09:20 ID:tzsSrTCR [Del]

So... Shall we see what we the Greek Dollars we do as well?
Anyone from Greece please reply >.<

316 Name: Eneliph : 2013-04-18 13:07 ID:T++O6fmk [Del]


317 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-04-19 06:19 ID:NqPhajHt [Del]

Happy Birthday to all dollars out there! ;-) Greetings from Romania, Europe ^^

318 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-19 15:14 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]

>>317...But it's... not even June yet.

319 Name: zero : 2013-04-19 19:58 ID:vOxEzfj8 [Del]

Its still pretty close

320 Name: Aeon : 2013-04-19 21:09 ID:0waH5O7A [Del]

nya. how about adding an AI chat?

321 Name: Blaze : 2013-04-20 00:10 ID:3zdlLWAi [Del]

I bet his will be fun :)

322 Name: Coron : 2013-04-20 01:30 ID:C7/dWK9H [Del]


323 Name: Rien : 2013-04-20 07:26 ID:KbRoP+AZ [Del]


324 Name: Aako : 2013-04-20 08:06 ID:6Umd8awN [Del]

>>295 That's actually a pretty logical idea. I'm for it, we'd also have to discuss the specific area to meet in said city though. But I like it.

325 Name: kendrii !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-04-20 09:21 ID:RrQW8O6e [Del]

There are a few aus melbourne dollars on here, so why don't we organise a meet up too?

326 Post deleted by user.

327 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-04-21 02:58 ID:gu0DzvUH [Del]

I'm so sorry about that post. I saw it was 19th, but I forgot about the month. Stupid me... Again, sorry.

328 Name: Federation. : 2013-04-21 03:34 ID:b771ls1o [Del]

Melbourne, under the clocks, 2 Pm. Be on your cell phone.

329 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-04-22 09:11 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


330 Name: Xissx!6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-04-22 20:39 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


331 Name: Voidn !HdXLZIjZeA : 2013-04-22 21:28 ID:4KxrHyuw [Del]

If we're doing an online meeting, where can i go to live chat with other members? I think a chat service like Chatango could be a fun alternative.

332 Name: zero : 2013-04-22 22:13 ID:5iTouk/q [Del]

Hey so wat place is it that we go to.

333 Name: zero : 2013-04-22 22:13 ID:5iTouk/q [Del]

Hey so wat place is it that we go to.

334 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2013-04-24 05:18 ID:llWXJreh [Del]

+Manual Bump+

335 Name: !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-04-24 07:50 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

Don't bump this for a little while. I need to organize everything that I missed with the other thread.

336 Name: NekoIzaya : 2013-04-24 15:18 ID:ZfzzmEhj [Del]

I live in northern NY near the border and Lake Champlain... so i dont know if there will be a meeting in somewhere so remote... but on Dollars' Day i will draw a D on my hand, whether i can make it to a meeting or not. I hope a meeting takes place somewhere near i live. Also, if any Dollars live near where i mentioned i live, please let me know.

337 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-04-24 15:50 ID:ktrTKS/t [Del]

>>336 If you want to know if there is anyone near you, go to the Countries Board. Don't discuss it here.

I repeat: Please don't bump this for a little while. I need to organize everything that I missed with the other thread.

338 Name: Z !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-04-28 07:59 ID:OZZVnD19 [Del]

So Melbourne, is that under the Flinders street station clocks?

339 Name: Fian : 2013-04-28 10:45 ID:gbIs4lpY [Del]

I'd say
members of dollars that's not quite there in the country, but has spread to many countries

to celebrate the anniversary of dollars
I think, we should meet but not in one place
but a meeting with fellow members of dollars in each country

I'm from Indonesia
so I want members of existing dollars in Indonesia
held a meeting in one of the places in Indonesia

so we do not have to go far away to meet with fellow members of dollars in different countries

340 Name: byakurai : 2013-04-28 10:47 ID:6JUu+ZnW [Del]

is there any meeting in the Chicago suburbs? not the bad part the nice and peaceful part

341 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-04-28 14:35 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


342 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-04-29 21:14 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


343 Name: Amel : 2013-05-01 11:03 ID:vMijSDf9 [Del]

does anybody here live in Montana and or plan to have a meeting?

344 Name: Ryuki : 2013-05-01 11:39 ID:6yx8JkcH [Del]

Ok, so I read through the majority of this thread. Mostly just the things BarabiSama had to say, and I have to suggest Ohio or West Virginia. I can't travel out of state, but I want to attend a meeting. I think it would be awesome, and the ideas are great. And if not, I am on both imvu and skype.

imvu: Bloodlessly
Skype: cupycakes4chu

NY, DC, OH, CA, and any general eastern part of America is great.

Also, if there is the chance of a meeting event in Ohio, then I would be more than willing to throw it. I can set up meeting at places like the mall or the bowling alley, anything really. Even a park would be good. I can bake food, though I would need a list of allergies, and I should have enough money by then for prizes and games that we could do. It would be a blast.

And if no one really lives in this area, then I'm more than willing to just go on imvu or a skype chat. I know it's still a month away, but we gotta be prepared, so it would be good to know if we can have one in Ohio.

That is all.

345 Post deleted by user.

346 Name: Bookman !sdF/UdZzko : 2013-05-02 08:06 ID:3G/KPZfN [Del]


347 Name: Eneliph : 2013-05-04 19:27 ID:M44qvb5M [Del]


348 Name: Unagi.Stuffing !3nn9VDb01A : 2013-05-07 06:17 ID:O5LZDQZB [Del]


349 Name: dean : 2013-05-07 07:37 ID:vOxEzfj8 [Del]


350 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-07 10:01 ID:0wexwDg7 [Del]

Alright, so, there are so many posts on the Survey thread (I intended to close it when it got to 50 or so forms just so we had a starting idea of where errybody is), so go check that out if you want to know who is in your area.

We still need to figure out where exactly the meetings will be held, as well as how many will be. Could you guys toss out some major cities near you (if one within thirty miles of you was already posted, second that one so it's more cohesive)? Then we'll see what cities you guys are really willing to go to.

I'm still doubting this will end well, but I've got a little hope lol

351 Name: Luna : 2013-05-07 14:57 ID:GGlQvKc3 [Del]


352 Name: Dara Dara : 2013-05-07 15:15 ID:PVhi+vX+ [Del]

We could meet in D.C i guess...

353 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-11 11:24 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>350 read this post

354 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-05-11 13:02 ID:ZFD+biPc [Del]

>>350 Skimmed PA surveys and estimated the possibilities if everyone was still willing and able:
Philly (5 willing) (2 plausible)
Pitt (2 willing)
Williamsport(area) (1 willing) (1 plausible)
Harrisburg (1 willing) (2 plausible)

Most likely place would be somewhere in Philly, but still less than 10. Maybe more if you include NJ, but since that's out of my area, it's out of my hands.

355 Name: Derp. : 2013-05-14 03:41 ID:MJ4SsX7c [Del]

Umm... How about we have one in Melbourne? I'm not sure if anyone's suggested that already, but tell me is they have.

356 Name: Shinari : 2013-05-14 12:23 ID:B+zT+SH0 [Del]

My friends and I are going to participate

357 Name: binKa !FtvrRDgvH. : 2013-05-14 17:24 ID:ko3/IdL8 [Del]

Love to participate in Dollars Day!

358 Name: Sara : 2013-05-14 18:08 ID:8scwijxB [Del]

>>296 I live in England too!! I would like to come to meeting if there is, or if ti's far from my area may be not (cause i am 13 :3)

359 Name: BloodShadow : 2013-05-16 12:26 ID:SO5URTyZ [Del]

I live in Edmonton Canada and would totally go if everyone met up somewhere in the city

360 Name: Louise : 2013-05-16 14:54 ID:aiUtvKN6 [Del]

Anyone live in England around North Yorkshire/ Lincolnshire willing to meet up?

361 Name: Adahami : 2013-05-16 14:54 ID:AS22EhHK [Del]

I live in Romania... i do not think that i will have a chance to come.. but i hope that i can be there with my soul :)

362 Name: yukii : 2013-05-16 15:18 ID:3hh+8cuD [Del]

i hinestly didnt feel like reading the whole thread so im simply going to ask, will there be one in cortez colorado, i dont have my own car and im not going to just tell my mom and dad im going to meet with a bunck of interwebs peeps in blahblahblah but if there was one in cortez or durango my freinds parents would take me so yeah...

363 Name: Candice : 2013-05-16 16:12 ID:5Bq7wQrh [Del]

I also did not feel like reading through the entire thread, so is there a meeting happening in minnesota or iowa by chance?

364 Name: Janus : 2013-05-16 17:25 ID:PsSycERO [Del]

>>343 Also a Montana Dollar. Don't know about any meetups, but maybe we could plan one in the Montana thread?

365 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-05-16 17:49 ID:KlgNJtx8 [Del]

Read the thread. If you have any questions afterwards, then you may ask them. Dont be lazy and expect answers

366 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-16 21:37 ID:0JLvEHvd [Del]

Let me repeat some points.

1. How many offline meetings will we be having this year?
I suggest three or so main meetings in the US and one or two outside the US; the rest of them can be privately organized by state/county.

2. Where and when will these meetings be?
I suggesting having these meetings on Dollars Day in major cities like Houson, NYC, etc.

3. What will we do at these meetings?
I think it would be best to have them open like a picnic or just to chill out.

4. What should we do for our online meetings?
Still say IMVU and maybe a private Chatzy room or something since Skype isn't feasible (now that there's the problem with it crashing on Windows 7).

367 Name: nagumi : 2013-05-16 23:39 ID:oTPFLNSs [Del]

why is our website ( full or perverted people?
I think we should ban it for a week and keep them out

368 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-16 23:42 ID:eUJstcEF [Del]

>>367 Wrong thread. But to respond to your question in some way.

The chat is not ours. We just link it so that people don't whine about us not having a chat.

Since it's not ours, we have no control over banning people. So asking us to ban the perverted people will do you no good, since we can't actually do anything about it. Read the FAQ please.

369 Name: yukii : 2013-05-17 15:10 ID:3hh+8cuD [Del]

well i guess the thing did say that if WE wanted to host one then we can o.o but still i cant do that eather, so where will the colorado meatings be held?

370 Name: nagumi : 2013-05-17 16:30 ID:oTPFLNSs [Del]

well at least I tried

371 Post deleted by user.

372 Name: NekoLover21 : 2013-05-17 17:48 ID:HelIIiSp [Del]

It's on my birthday!!! >w<

373 Name: Ninja : 2013-05-17 21:16 ID:DaRuvQHK [Del]

I think we should all just meet up at our city how in toronto has a city hall.....its the easiest place to find....

374 Name: Arika : 2013-05-18 01:43 ID:Y8SLWFvQ [Del]

Yeah, everyone should go to their own town square (if you can't get to the main one).

375 Name: Sugoiii : 2013-05-18 02:44 ID:ekmdndTL [Del]

Alguien que hable español ??xDD

376 Name: Nakura-San : 2013-05-18 06:39 ID:jW/tUuMj [Del]

There are dollars all over the world so yes it should give a meeting in every country.. :)

377 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 07:50 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]

>>376 We do not have enough active members for that. There will end up being one or two people at each meeting, if that :I

>>375 Google translate.

>>374 There isn't a town square in all areas :I

378 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 07:52 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]

Since I have gotten so few proper answers since the start of the thread, I'm just going to start declaring positives that can be argued later.

There will be three major meetings in the US since the majority of our members are from the US.

New York City, NY
Where: Central Park (meet at the Merchant's Gate)

Phoenix, AZ
Where: Hance Park (meet by the stage)

Sioux Falls, SD
Where: Falls Park (meet by the open air shelter)

All of these meetings will take place on Dollars Day at 10AM until those attending wish to leave.

This can only be changed if all those attending the meeting at that particular location decide a different date/time.


I chose these particular parks since they're more relaxed and you won't get bitched at for cosplaying or acting like an idiot in general (there are better parks in Phoenix... trust me o-o but our habits wouldn't be appreciated there).

As for meetings outside the US, those attending them will have to comment here with suggestions.

379 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 07:54 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]

Before someone who didn't read the whole post complains, I'll repost that last part:

I chose these particular parks since they're more relaxed and you won't get bitched at for cosplaying or acting like an idiot in general (there are better parks in Phoenix... trust me o-o but our habits wouldn't be appreciated there).

As for meetings outside the US, those attending them will have to comment here with suggestions.

380 Name: Dara Dara : 2013-05-18 15:20 ID:PVhi+vX+ [Del]

Aww man , NY is to far from me :( . I'll still participate via website though.

381 Name: Skewoop : 2013-05-18 16:10 ID:wsaMiA+F [Del]

How many dollars on Maui, out of curiosity.. I wish I could hit up the dollars meet, but I am on an island..

382 Name: Arika : 2013-05-18 17:33 ID:Y8SLWFvQ [Del]

All those interested in joining up should make a suggestion as to the best major or capital city in the area that they can journey to. Then there should be a collection of these set out and jointly there should be a suggestion as to where in the city the meeting will be. This should be posted out by the admin team to help with the speedy delivery of the new system.
I vote Edinburgh for the Scottish Lowlands as it is the capital.

383 Post deleted by user.

384 Post deleted by user.

385 Name: Acesa : 2013-05-18 17:40 ID:zec6mf56 [Del]

How about in Edinburgh at grassmarket??? or maybe the castle??

386 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 19:47 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]

>>381 Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.

387 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 20:26 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]


388 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-19 05:53 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]


389 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-20 07:45 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

bumping up good threads

390 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-20 07:48 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

Read >>378 before posting.

391 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-21 21:17 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


392 Name: Arika : 2013-05-22 02:22 ID:BWzv9THt [Del]

>>385 Acesa, that's a good idea! Lets see if we can get anyone else.

393 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-22 16:47 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


394 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-23 07:52 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

395 Name: Sairam : 2013-05-24 15:03 ID:EaHV+n8Z [Del]


396 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-24 19:15 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


397 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-05-25 14:20 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


398 Name: yukii : 2013-05-25 16:47 ID:SYf0HBSL [Del]

could there be one in denver colorado

399 Name: Erika : 2013-05-25 19:21 ID:Xe2+gw3O [Del]

What about Bc Dollars take the bc ferries and meet up on the ferry?

400 Name: Dex !1rzdKXCvJw : 2013-05-25 19:48 ID:VpdgPhu7 [Del]

Any dollars in MINNESOTA could meet up at mall of America

401 Name: Avanichi : 2013-05-26 02:05 ID:vPyQPBCL [Del]

oklahomans meet in bricktown. in the parkinglot next to the melting pot. write the letter "D" on your left hand so we can identify eachother.

402 Name: Noelle : 2013-05-26 04:32 ID:rkRtPu6W [Del]

Am I the only dollar in Philippines? The thought is so sad... But I'll try to check the thread everyday. I just hope there's a dollar out there near my place.

403 Name: Kotaro : 2013-05-26 05:13 ID:7I2en1dd [Del]

I'm from the Philippines! Not in Manila, though.

404 Name: bang-bang : 2013-05-26 05:19 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]


405 Name: NxA : 2013-05-26 06:35 ID:5TH5CLbB [Del]

I'm so excited about this!!!Btw,I live in Greece...Are there any other Greek dollars members that want to take part in this event?If so,we should find a way to communicate with each other.How about meeting at the Mall(in Athens),or finding a way to chat via fb?

406 Name: NxA : 2013-05-26 07:14 ID:5TH5CLbB [Del]

Aaaaaand...Double bump!!Just cause I feel like it..:3

407 Name: Masaru : 2013-05-26 07:53 ID:IZxeZSzH [Del]

Can't wait for June 19!!!

I hope I could see you guys, us Dollars in one place if possible, but in my opinion that is gonna be hard, for as far as I know that we are living in a different country, around the world, it is hard to meet in one place.

A place where all the Dollars could meet from around the globe, I hope that's possible. :)

408 Name: Haver !6cv4NS3Hx2 : 2013-05-26 08:59 ID:+prmqclp [Del]

Hey, is there any one out there in South Australia that is going to participate in this? If yes i suggest we meet up in at rundle mall in the city.
x*fingers crossed that its a yes*x

409 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-05-26 10:26 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


410 Name: bang-bang : 2013-05-26 13:19 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]


411 Name: Hei : 2013-05-26 14:20 ID:SXgnAYQj [Del]

It would be really interesting to meet each and every one of you, I wonder if there are any other Dollars in South Asia.

412 Name: Noelle : 2013-05-26 18:46 ID:vE8oqpkc [Del]

No fixated location yet?

413 Name: Q4 : 2013-05-26 20:11 ID:9g34qMME [Del]

hey what about we just go to any McDonald/KFC outlet since its worldwide and the members (that would go, maybe a lil?) but i think they wont be any guy who just ends up alone in a certain district xD

414 Name: Derek : 2013-05-26 20:14 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

I live in Canada so that wouldn't really work well lol

415 Name: Q4 : 2013-05-26 20:17 ID:9g34qMME [Del]

what about a hotspot(like an empty place usually use for concert etc but vacant) in ur area (throughout the world) xD

416 Name: Derek : 2013-05-26 20:18 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

That would be difficult, if only we had teleporters in this world >.<

417 Name: Derek : 2013-05-26 20:21 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

Teleporters would make everything in this world easier to be truthful

418 Name: Q4 : 2013-05-26 20:23 ID:9g34qMME [Del]

and (yet to be) criminals for easy money haha (lets not discuss his realistically ~.~ xD)

419 Name: Derek : 2013-05-26 20:25 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

There is no way to discuss this realistically lol xD
For teleporters are just a object in our imagination a product of an idle brain if you would say (Romeo and Juliet quote)

420 Name: Q4 : 2013-05-26 20:28 ID:9g34qMME [Del]

teleporter.... seems so realistic just breaking the atom of human and connect haha< its that easy xD

421 Name: Derek : 2013-05-26 20:32 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

Technically you are decontructing the original then reconstructing it at another point with the same amount of particles at that end

422 Name: Q4 : 2013-05-26 20:34 ID:9g34qMME [Del]

if only the teleporter is 100% efficient so our atoms wont disperse away xD

423 Name: Derek : 2013-05-26 20:37 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

So Q4 in which country do you hail from?

424 Name: Q4 : 2013-05-26 20:41 ID:9g34qMME [Del]

Malaysia far away xD

425 Name: Derek : 2013-05-26 20:43 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

So far away from me :P

426 Name: chandler : 2013-05-27 00:06 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

Does anyone know if there will be meetings in California. I think the ideal cities would San Francisco or Los Angeles, because they are nationally known. I am from San Francisco, but as I am not of age yet i dont think I could host a meeting. If anyone is doing anything please let us know.

427 Post deleted by user.

428 Name: Hikikomori : 2013-05-27 00:52 ID:X3iHlUy4 [Del]

far far away,
let's do online meeting ><

429 Name: kira : 2013-05-27 02:55 ID:zo10Bygn [Del]

i agree with Hikikomori we should do an online meeting

430 Name: Sera : 2013-05-27 03:00 ID:iJOwOEFl [Del]

I'm going on online meeting ><

431 Name: Derek : 2013-05-27 05:42 ID:eY/+Hyss [Del]

Im down with an online meeting

432 Name: Wolf!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-05-27 06:31 ID:WSJaqxI5 [Del]

we can flood youtube with videos of us saying thankyou mikado dollars power or somthing what do you think ?

433 Name: Noelle : 2013-05-27 06:54 ID:vE8oqpkc [Del]

Can't travel the world on my own yet so I'm with Online meeting. Can't wait for June 19th!

434 Name: Naglfar : 2013-05-27 08:32 ID:Wcw8YrGj [Del]


435 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-27 08:55 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


436 Name: Kanri : 2013-05-27 09:38 ID:PbC2Dnbr [Del]


437 Name: Derek : 2013-05-27 21:06 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

So is it going to be an online meeting?

438 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-05-27 22:31 ID:Ocqruisi [Del]


439 Name: Kozato-kun : 2013-05-27 22:36 ID:MDkASTkA [Del]

está bien.... te veré ese día

440 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-05-27 22:53 ID:Ih4Fb47q [Del]


441 Name: kira : 2013-05-28 00:44 ID:zo10Bygn [Del]

bumpidy bump

442 Name: xbunnyx : 2013-05-28 02:29 ID:egQRoTX+ [Del]

please bump this's going down already and might be gone by the time of june 19

443 Name: Sera : 2013-05-28 02:29 ID:86zHSy9m [Del]


444 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-05-28 04:56 ID:5fEvs14t [Del]


445 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-05-28 05:10 ID:5fEvs14t [Del]

guys we need to find something fast

446 Name: Validation_97 : 2013-05-28 06:25 ID:DppEo5fD [Del]

Anything for WA maybe we should appoint someone to be incharge of of different countries and to assist we could have more to help with States! Not like a person incharge but more to keep us organized.

447 Name: xbunnyx : 2013-05-28 07:12 ID:egQRoTX+ [Del]

I agree with >>446

448 Name: !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-28 12:29 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

It's already been decided that there's going to be an online meeting. Like a week prior, someone will have to make a new Skype group specifically for it. I'll work on an IMVU room.

>>432 No.

>>446 I've been saying that each country should discuss their own meetings for a while :L
Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

449 Name: Pia_Megg : 2013-05-28 13:18 ID:1ahme3IW [Del]

I know this is late, and discussion might as well be done with now, but I thought I'd add this just in case people were still looking here: Since DD is in celebration for the Dollars, shouldn't we all do something, individually, in our own areas that shows we are all apart of this magnificent movement? For example, we all by one dollar stuffed bears, (as many as you'd like), and put a inspirational note on them and just scatter them around parks, (Like suggested in one of the mission posts). Just to show we are unified? And it'd be nice... this is in addition to the skype/imvu or any other meet ups everyone's planing..

450 Name: Derek : 2013-05-28 17:04 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

For this Skype meeting how would we accumulate everyone's Skype address?

451 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-05-29 03:19 ID:aYx9N6zV [Del]


452 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-05-29 03:21 ID:aYx9N6zV [Del]


453 Name: duluduludu : 2013-05-29 03:47 ID:p9PV4+MF [Del]


454 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-05-29 11:47 ID:XBJGqyze [Del]


455 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-29 13:02 ID:EMs39akC [Del]


456 Name: Gen42_Joker : 2013-05-29 13:07 ID:av6holK1 [Del]


457 Name: Nexus : 2013-05-29 13:11 ID:cT2RfzYI [Del]


458 Name: Doug : 2013-05-29 17:04 ID:0w+SAZED [Del]

>>450 Maybe we can make another thread somewhere for posting skype contacts?

459 Name: Derek : 2013-05-29 18:55 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

Yes please

460 Name: Derek : 2013-05-29 18:55 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

Yes please

461 Name: Derek : 2013-05-29 18:55 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

Yes please

462 Name: Derek : 2013-05-29 18:55 ID:w4CYBdxP [Del]

Yes please

463 Name: xbunnyx : 2013-05-30 02:51 ID:YRJKZJJp [Del]

Bump this one up

464 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-30 03:30 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


465 Name: kyaawai : 2013-05-30 03:36 ID:JKJUBrqo [Del]


466 Post deleted by user.

467 Name: alice : 2013-05-30 06:34 ID:tWKSoPZ3 [Del]

it's on my birthday :)

468 Name: Damien Michael : 2013-05-30 06:49 ID:XLXGx51n [Del]

its on my birthday too :)

469 Name: kohana : 2013-05-30 09:08 ID:KYKiDVs0 [Del]

oh cool...

470 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-05-30 10:57 ID:NB8s8ogT [Del]


471 Name: Mizuki : 2013-05-30 12:41 ID:E3WT+ykm [Del]

This is best..

472 Name: 11th Doctor : 2013-05-30 13:30 ID:ifo1UMZy [Del]

>>470 bad wolf bump

473 Name: xbunnyx : 2013-05-31 07:57 ID:p8HLmQMn [Del]

Bump this more...for those who are new to this thread please refer to >>448 and READ THE THREAD FIRST BEFORE COMMENTING. Thank you and please bump this up.more.

474 Name: YuZu : 2013-05-31 09:58 ID:WJ/wMbO1 [Del]

No One from Malaysia huh?? Even If they held a meeting in Malaysia..I cannot Join..Cause I'm Underage..And the meeting must held in Kuala Lumpur..So.. I agree with The DOLLARS online meeting.. ^__^

475 Name: ☊Neru : 2013-05-31 09:59 ID:O6qPEncP [Del]

so, i don't know if this has been said or not, or if it's trivial or not, but for Dollars Day, if people just want to celebrate it on a small scale, why not just make an origami ring out of a dollar bill (or international bill, depending on what country you're in) and wear it on June 19th? it's a small way to token the Dollars and it doesn't require you to leave the comfort of your home. And if you happen to be out shopping and see someone with a dollar ring, say "hi"!

is a really good tutorial on how to do it, if anyone's interested =]

476 Name: ichika**sama : 2013-05-31 15:36 ID:6o3P4GIX [Del]


477 Name: hamaji : 2013-06-01 00:48 ID:OG1j1qwU [Del]

i don't really get how it works because i am new

478 Name: thatgirl : 2013-06-01 05:38 ID:Q7t9E5CH [Del]

what about in Philippines?

479 Name: Hyper : 2013-06-01 14:29 ID:/Wo2Qm1E [Del]

>>477 well its more or less like this, go to the sub forum for countrys and try to get ppl moveing :3
>>478 why dont you check the country sub page?? if no one is makeing it there why dont you do it?....

now back to finals =^-^=

480 Name: schoogirl : 2013-06-01 18:34 ID:qhKAzhE/ [Del]

this is about every country differentely or something global , cause u know time changes differentelyu in each continent !

481 Name: josie johnson : 2013-06-01 22:48 ID:J9E50KHn [Del]

I think we should have it in the qc area mabey east moline or silvis , some place small idk but I am still a kid I just turned 14 but I have some good ideas and we need mor peopl and if you get kids to join then they could interact and grow up to be pretty decent
So if you agree contact me at

482 Name: Hibari? : 2013-06-02 01:14 ID:a9yFoB76 [Del]


483 Name: ~Percy~ : 2013-06-02 05:08 ID:XthL6ov/ [Del]

I can't read through all of this but is there one for Australia? I wouldn't expect so but meh

484 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-06-02 06:10 ID:ifcRy4KX [Del]


485 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-02 08:13 ID:AGn3Xi4t [Del]

I'm starting to assume you guys really don't want this to work :I

Somebody needs to make a Skype group for the event, and it won't be me. Anybody? :L

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

486 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-02 13:05 ID:AGn3Xi4t [Del]


487 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-06-02 14:04 ID:Ih4Fb47q [Del]


488 Name: Noelle : 2013-06-03 05:04 ID:7qU0qov+ [Del]

Well...What now?

489 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-06-03 05:07 ID:1xvDDq3S [Del]


490 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-03 05:56 ID:+j5FjuoH [Del]

>>488 Maybe if you READ THE LINKED FUCKING POSTS--or even, you know, the bolded on two above your own?--you might know what was going on c:

Somebody needs to make a Skype group for the event, and it won't be me. Anybody? :L

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

491 Name: Ana-Chan : 2013-06-03 10:22 ID:o/IOP4ca [Del]

On June 19th, dollars of Thunder Bay, Ontario should meet at the mall at 5pm. I think that makes sense and makes it more accessible for younger dollars as well

492 Name: X : 2013-06-03 10:41 ID:N392dOTW [Del]

How about asking all dollars to change the profile picture of their social networking site account to dollars logo on that particular day? And we can also use any hashtags like #dollars or #dollarsbday, thus people will become aware about the existence of dollars worldwide.

493 Name: Reigi-sama : 2013-06-03 10:43 ID:noQ5Ny7r [Del]

all Dollars of Las Vegas should meet at the mall you know and all dollars in any country should just decide on a place to go and drop pieces of paper reading we are the dollars to let us be known to the world.

494 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-03 18:01 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


495 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-06-03 20:42 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

496 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-04 11:31 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


497 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-04 13:26 ID:EpnWbgGq [Del]

>>492 This is not a day for advertising. We have other advertising days. This is strictly for a show of pride amongst the group.

498 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-04 13:26 ID:EpnWbgGq [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

499 Name: Kermit : 2013-06-04 14:44 ID:kRNZ/M9E [Del]

I think maybe we can use Habbo instead of IMVU because i think is quicker and you dont have to download any program but its 2D :/

500 Name: Ana-Chan : 2013-06-04 15:24 ID:o/IOP4ca [Del]

So what kind of symbol for identification have we agreed on? I've heard about the black ribbons, the $ signs and writing a D on our left hands, but is there something that has been entirely decided on?

501 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-04 16:40 ID:EpnWbgGq [Del]

>>500 Writing a D on your left hand. I'm pretty sure I said that in the OP. If not, sorry for the confusion.

>>499 Habbo really sucks. But if you're determined to use it, set up a meeting place and link it on the 19th. IMVU is a lot quicker besides the download; anyway, the IMVU suggestion is more for people who already have it and want to use it.
Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

502 Name: Ana-Chan : 2013-06-04 17:02 ID:UDyUzDFc [Del]

Ok, thank you

503 Name: Xissx!6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-06-04 23:34 ID:17KWlGqw [Del]


504 Name: Mokona : 2013-06-05 00:33 ID:n61xGnp8 [Del]

For the Seattle area people, Where should we meet?

505 Name: Bookman !sdF/UdZzko : 2013-06-05 01:00 ID:P4ktuM+s [Del]


506 Name: Necromancer : 2013-06-05 07:23 ID:zTxQ0wkf [Del]

Is there anyone here that's from the Philippines? :D

507 Name: HeroBoyxD : 2013-06-05 10:51 ID:CnoIVFMO [Del]

cool great idea

508 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-05 12:28 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


509 Name: kylor : 2013-06-05 15:00 ID:9Yv2E8co [Del]

Dollars day is 2 weeks away, we need to start finding people in different areas to pick a place and have a thread directory to find out if somebody is hosting something near you. IE.. you could start with a thread asking for people to host, then make another thread where one can find their country, state, then find cities to go .

510 Post deleted by user.

511 Name: Rin☆ : 2013-06-05 22:25 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

Il be in japantown, sanfrancisco on dollars for all you CAlifornians

512 Name: otkjpdm : 2013-06-05 23:16 ID:sdvkg9dd [Del]

any offline meeting in scarbrough
canada toronto

513 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-06-06 12:12 ID:FwG/3iBX [Del]


514 Name: Akemi : 2013-06-06 15:07 ID:5ZOMJAhu [Del]

>139 Im in Houston !

515 Name: mummy girl : 2013-06-06 17:04 ID:ctgEyIfy [Del]

hello everyone

516 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-06 17:20 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


517 Name: Derek : 2013-06-06 17:53 ID:p8Yu/NTb [Del]

Im in Ontario Canada skype me derek hon

518 Name: BabyRuth : 2013-06-06 19:34 ID:9hSt9xRB [Del]

Hello :)

519 Name: Zwei : 2013-06-06 20:08 ID:y8oU1mrv [Del]

If anyone's in Toronto I think meeting at Nathan Philip's Square would be a good idea, considering where it is. It'd also be quite easy to pop over there and meet people if you're already in the area (such as at Eaton's Centre).
I can't wait for Dollars day though ~

520 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-07 07:17 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

Really? You guys can't even be bothered to copy and paste this?

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.
Do NOT post here asking if people live near you.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 >>517 >>519 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

521 Name: Wolf !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-06-07 08:59 ID:RnoHEon8 [Del]


522 Name: B.Hollow : 2013-06-07 12:45 ID:IhOXer9m [Del]

Why not a youtube video? we have some sort of intro in the video and we have each member say that they are apart of the dollars? It can consist of each person saying that they are apart of the dollars and/or their written statements. Perhaps voice over's of the statements?

523 Post deleted by user.

524 Name: Wing !xykdDhAf1. : 2013-06-08 05:31 ID:PcVKg0Zc [Del]


525 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-08 10:15 ID:1eM2PJlT [Del]


526 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-08 10:26 ID:inRTb61M [Del]

For the offline meet ups, maybe they can take group pictures for something like a photo album.

527 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-08 12:27 ID:1eM2PJlT [Del]

>>522 We've done youtube videos before, but anyway, this is not a day for advertising us. It's just a day for celebrating amongst ourselves, and yt is a little flashy unless we keep the video unlisted.

>>526 We need people going to the meetings first :I
Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.
Do NOT post here asking if people live near you.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 >>517 >>519 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

528 Name: Hoodie !.WfNJeo6i6 : 2013-06-08 23:36 ID:inRTb61M [Del]


529 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-09 08:21 ID:yKRM7E91 [Del]


530 Name: Naroik : 2013-06-09 12:32 ID:0bt9YZDH [Del]


531 Name: Lawli : 2013-06-09 12:51 ID:GwUb9Y+W [Del]

Heyy... Dollars Day is on my Birthday! Awesome.


532 Name: Ammoc0 : 2013-06-09 13:32 ID:X9i+5GGF [Del]

I'm young so I'll be on the offline chats Ahahaha^^

533 Name: Ammoc0 : 2013-06-09 13:32 ID:X9i+5GGF [Del]

I mean online chats^^ Sorry

534 Name: bang-bang : 2013-06-10 10:31 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.
Do NOT post here asking if people live near you.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 >>517 >>519 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

535 Name: otkjpdm : 2013-06-10 11:21 ID:DjxXXspC [Del]

lets meet at nathan phillips square at 5:30 - 7:30
to all canada dollars

536 Name: Agorain : 2013-06-10 23:41 ID:iAabZ4Rw [Del]

Just tell me where in Western colorado, when what we'll be doing and I'll do my best to get the dollars I know. As well as maybe recruit?

537 Name: Agorain : 2013-06-11 00:38 ID:iAabZ4Rw [Del]

I just got an idea. I saw those pics withthe DRRR!! characters with the caution tape. Not like a fan thing, but what if we have some tape like that with "Dollars'' written on it surrounding the meetings? It would attract more people to us, and also let everyone know its kinda reserved. We could also have people explaining what's happening and why, and convincing people to join?

538 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-11 08:38 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]


539 Name: iilego : 2013-06-11 11:57 ID:DpT4lnEn [Del]

Hi I was wondering what time is the central park event gonna start? I have graduation practice that day and don't know what time I'll get out. Is it possible that I can meet up with the group late?

540 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-11 12:06 ID:Z9AySEdm [Del]

are there eny dollars from florida??

541 Name: sonic_x346 : 2013-06-11 14:29 ID:UCY7H8eA [Del]

is there any dollars from Illinois?

542 Name: Doug : 2013-06-11 17:57 ID:0w+SAZED [Del]

>>540 i live in jacksonville

543 Name: Ja Ne !dCBDNyZMYI : 2013-06-11 18:40 ID:NL/v9/ni [Del]

>>540 >>541 Go to the countries page

On the right of the page, click view all threads and you can see all the countries/states.

544 Name: justin atterberry : 2013-06-11 18:44 ID:i4la8M9p [Del]

are their any dollars in michagan

545 Name: justin atterberry : 2013-06-11 18:44 ID:i4la8M9p [Del]

are their any dollars in michagan

546 Name: <3 : 2013-06-11 20:07 ID:Z9AySEdm [Del]

>>540 i live in brandon fl and >>543 thank you for giving me that link :)

547 Name: PsyCOTicwayZ : 2013-06-11 20:27 ID:mQpIls8f [Del]

if there are any dollars in the area of WASHINGTON STATE. please text 2539060918 if you would like to join a texting group. if so please send the name you would like to be called and an approximate area of where you live. thank you. have a nice day.

548 Name: Izucchi : 2013-06-11 22:54 ID:bSS+5RT6 [Del]


549 Name: FoolishBlacky !gYwrNZJp2s : 2013-06-12 00:52 ID:fl88qK7o [Del]

Anyone want to do a meet up in the Dallas,Tx area?

550 Name: bang-bang : 2013-06-12 10:06 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.
Do NOT post here asking if people live near you.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 >>517 >>519 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

551 Name: iilego : 2013-06-12 21:16 ID:1DUO7kRv [Del]

What time is NY event?

552 Name: cheshire !CjloO9Of8g : 2013-06-12 21:34 ID:CbZbLXsC [Del]

did anyone else notice dollars day is also the premiere of futurama's last season?

553 Name: Sollux Captor : 2013-06-12 21:52 ID:sB5p2Xpe [Del]

2o thii2 ii2 iin reference two my la2t po2t(PsyCOTicwayZ).

ii have a textiing group four people iin the WA2HIINGTON 2TATE area and would liike two meet other dollar2 four June 19th's Dollar2 day, ii have a textiing group 2et up for thiis rea2on. plea2e 2end a me22age two (253)906-0918.

Thiing2 needed:
Ju2t a name you would liike two be called. that2 all. you can leave anytiime after joiiniing iif you change your miind.

You dont need two 2tay after dollar2 day eiither

iif you would liike two joiin ju2t 2end your preffered name(screen name) two 2539060918. Hope two 2ee you around!

554 Name: Miu : 2013-06-12 23:03 ID:YIjpF9Sy [Del]


555 Name: Sollux Captor : 2013-06-13 00:35 ID:H7ihR/+s [Del]

Actually iit2 home2stuck... thank2 for tryiing to under2tand though

556 Name: iNSaNeRoSe : 2013-06-13 16:21 ID:upK95+O8 [Del]

Im gonna go around and post some flyers around my town.

557 Name: Sollux Captor : 2013-06-13 17:13 ID:ovlwloHj [Del]

ii dont thiink that2 appropriiate for thii2. but iif you do, dont make them outrageou2. make them low key 2o people dont recognize them. ju2t 2aying. not 2aying dont do iit ju2t not all out four every1 two know.

558 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-13 17:25 ID:6ksGDRmd [Del]

>>551 What time do you want it to start?

>>553 >>555 >>557 Either write properly or get out of this thread. None of the posts you have made thusfar will be taken into consideration until they are legibly reposted.

>>556 This is not an advertising day. We have other dates for advertising. June 19th is only for celebrating within the group.

559 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-13 17:25 ID:6ksGDRmd [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.
Do NOT post here asking if people live near you.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 >>517 >>519 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

560 Name: Kura Kitsune Fumazaki : 2013-06-14 01:35 ID:1wAGebIs [Del]

To be honest theres to much for me to read without my glasses and so idk if theres been a question about meeting places in serten places like orovile california i mean im in a small town idk how many people live in my small town and i wouldnt know where to meet people

561 Name: PsycheNeko : 2013-06-14 05:04 ID:L9gcyJLX [Del]

Is there really going to be such a meeting?

562 Name: Roxas : 2013-06-14 05:16 ID:HjgKYbru [Del]

Reading all 561 comments is beyond my power

563 Name: Happy7520 : 2013-06-14 06:29 ID:ejRGMq9+ [Del]

I read half of it there... Still it might be really difficult for some of us to get to the certain areas for the meeting. Or what if we can go but, We're just to young? I'm not but other kids might be and this would affect how many people go...

564 Name: Noelle : 2013-06-14 08:21 ID:WqLG732W [Del]

Huh, I wish I could go...

565 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-14 08:35 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

>>560 >>562 I'M SURE THE POST DIRECTLY ABOVE YOURS LINKING TO ONLY FOUR REPLIES TO READ means absolutely nothing, right? I totally expect you to read every single post made here instead of the very few posts I linked. Absolutely.


If you see something that's bolded, it usually has a point.

>>561 No, this thread is entirely pointless and is really just trolling everyone. >_> Did you really have to ask?

Listen guys. If you want this to work, you have to make it work. I'm not going. This is the last year I'm putting effort into this, because I'm not going and nobody wants to help themselves.

>>563 The first post of the thread explains everything regarding ages.

566 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-14 08:35 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

Go to the Countries board to see who is in your area.
Do NOT post here asking if people live near you.

>>378 Read this before posting.
If you want to debate about the location, then give a good explanation about why those suggested are horrible ideas.

Read >>385 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in England.

Read >>491 >>517 >>519 for starting discussions regarding a meeting in Canada.

567 Name: falcon : 2013-06-17 07:32 ID:DpT4lnEn [Del]

make the ny event at 5 am and end at 9pm

568 Name: MyQee : 2013-06-18 00:34 ID:peyiiDUe [Del]

1 more day.... let's party xD

569 Name: Black : 2013-06-18 00:49 ID:24GSoNt3 [Del]

@MyQee yeah! let's party xDDDD

570 Name: Black : 2013-06-18 00:50 ID:24GSoNt3 [Del]

@MyQee yeah! let's party xDDDD

571 Name: Black : 2013-06-18 00:50 ID:24GSoNt3 [Del]

too much click "Reply" --" sorry

572 Name: kawaiine : 2013-06-18 01:05 ID:WeowXg0q [Del]

I'm all the way in Western Australia, I don't think there's many Dollars here.
I like the Skype idea. I don't have IMVU(?) or anything else like that... I'm also really new so..

573 Name: Rai : 2013-06-18 03:47 ID:RrmhwIjR [Del]

Ok so from what i have seen here, the whole offline meet ups aren't really going to work now. After reading all 572 posts I dont think we will be able to get the meet ups working, I know BarabiSama is trying to make this work but Dollars is just simply too spread apart. Dollars Day is ONE day away and there hasn't been any productive post helping where and when these meet up locations will be at. Plus there is also the trouble of actually getting to one of the locations. Most of the Dollars members are too young to go out of their city as well. So what I think is right now we should just stick with the online meets. But if you have a working schedule for offline meets then go for it. Im just saying though for people wondering if there will be meet ups near their location the answer now would probably be no.

574 Name: Noelle : 2013-06-18 08:40 ID:4Xr06RdX [Del]

Tomorrow's the day! (Well, here at South East Asia)

575 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 14:56 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]

>>572 Nobody offered to make a Skype group, so there will be no Skype meeting. There won't be an IMVU meeting either since nobody previously agreed to it other than myself. I guess you guys can party in drrchat or some shit.

>>573 Neither the offline or online meetups are going to work. It has nothing to do with the Dollars being spread apart, but rather, everything to do with the general laziness of the community at large.

576 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 14:57 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


Read >>378 before posting for the US locations.

For Canada: Nathan Phillips Square @ 5:30-7:30

If you're there and nobody else is, you're welcome to blame yourself for not helping organize.

577 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 14:59 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


578 Name: Phantom !TRn3B8qP0E : 2013-06-18 15:18 ID:QM2eZM73 [Del]

Well if we are organizing something that has a general area of the entire united states and other countries inparticular i think we should just get some type of dollars related paraphernalia and masquerade around our respective towns. Maybe if theres some type of community center thats openfor rent we can just set up a dollars themed party. We may even be able to recruite members to the dollars by walking around out town handing out flyers and spreading the word of the dollars and promoting peace in general.

579 Name: Quad Piece : 2013-06-18 15:23 ID:qvzpw8/C [Del]

How about just making people post some images and banners around their towns?

580 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 16:34 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]

>>578 >>579 This is not an advertising day. It is for taking pride in the Dollars with the Dollars.

We have other days specifically for advertising the group and gathering members. Explore the Missions board for that nonsense.

581 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 16:35 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


Read >>378 before posting for the US locations.

For Canada: Nathan Phillips Square @ 5:30-7:30

If you're there and nobody else is, you're welcome to blame yourself for not helping organize.

If you want a Skype/other online meeting, set it up yourself and post it here.

582 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 19:15 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


583 Name: Robo40 : 2013-06-18 23:26 ID:oQmcXQIF [Del]

I TURN 19 TODAY!!!! :)

584 Name: dean : 2013-06-18 23:32 ID:vOxEzfj8 [Del]

Youre almost twenty:-)

585 Name: dean : 2013-06-18 23:49 ID:vOxEzfj8 [Del]

Whoes from holdrege nebraska or lincoln

586 Name: Ja Ne !dCBDNyZMYI : 2013-06-19 00:02 ID:MD4t1/qG [Del]

Happy Dollars Day everyone ^^

587 Name: あんな : 2013-06-19 00:19 ID:iPd2cCNO [Del]

Happy dollars days!

588 Name: KuroInu114 : 2013-06-19 01:23 ID:BCFWVzTC [Del]

happy dollars day

589 Name: Quad Piece : 2013-06-19 02:01 ID:7zzxHKnj [Del]

Happy Dollars Day everyone ^^

590 Name: Hoshi-chan : 2013-06-19 02:02 ID:VQVUIJGy [Del]

Happy Dollars Day! :D

591 Name: SebastianDV12 213jtrg : 2013-06-19 02:40 ID:6Pb5lIRx [Del]

Happy dollars day

592 Name: Auron~chan : 2013-06-19 03:03 ID:8mxjPKnl [Del]

Happy dollars day

593 Name: traveler : 2013-06-19 03:05 ID:usC60FTY [Del]

happy dollars day !

594 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2013-06-19 03:19 ID:cyZyVZHX [Del]

It begins. Happy Dollars Day, all.

595 Name: DreamCatcher : 2013-06-19 03:31 ID:SYnm7UEj [Del]

Greetings do all dollars in the world enjoy your celebrating day as much as you can ;)

596 Name: DreamCatcher : 2013-06-19 03:32 ID:SYnm7UEj [Del]

Greetings do all dollars in the world enjoy your celebrating day as much as you can ;)

597 Name: Potato : 2013-06-19 04:19 ID:O+m8mrou [Del]

Happy dollars day to all !!

598 Name: Min : 2013-06-19 04:29 ID:9K9Q0SoG [Del]

YAY! Happy Dollars Day from Vancouver!!

599 Name: PkmnTrainerRed!i.fBnRu/qc : 2013-06-19 04:44 ID:1e8D4RzF [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Australia

600 Name: Sir.Jim : 2013-06-19 04:49 ID:aYXr36bd [Del]

Happy dollers day from England!

601 Name: JigJazz : 2013-06-19 05:01 ID:MEIJAyM2 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Malaysia

602 Name: Kinkaku !1WDvvZQa4w : 2013-06-19 05:02 ID:s+1qMQw2 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day guys! Greetings from Hungary! Oh, and happy b-day Robo40 :)

603 Name: Raisha : 2013-06-19 05:08 ID:sfh0SdKU [Del]

Heypee Dollar's Day Minna-pyon! :)

604 Name: Shyguy : 2013-06-19 05:15 ID:S5FLjV34 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from clifton, NJ

605 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-19 05:55 ID:0w+SAZED [Del]

Happy Dollar's Day from Jacksonville Florida!!

606 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-19 06:05 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]

Happy Dollars Day, guys c:

You're welcome to spam drrrchat with Happy Birthday BBS chatrooms~

I won't be around until noon EST or so. Have to take one of my quarterlies today.

607 Name: Ghara : 2013-06-19 06:57 ID:tRXgQ9AB [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Fitchburg Massachusetts!!!

608 Name: Iori : 2013-06-19 07:08 ID:udIf3sS3 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Jacksonville Florida!! Whoop Whoop!! :)

609 Name: Ryu Takumi!6kVVCPEsJI : 2013-06-19 07:33 ID:aI4H5cE9 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Germany!

610 Name: NekoLover21 : 2013-06-19 07:34 ID:zrnwdTjh [Del]

Waaaaah It's my birthday as well! Happy birthday to the Dollars & me! <3 Love you guy's. C:

611 Name: Rio : 2013-06-19 07:37 ID:pO/4AJhI [Del]

Happy Dollars Day~

612 Name: Hei!ZfYMbvdkNE : 2013-06-19 07:56 ID:pZ5gHD8u [Del]

Happy Dollars Day! Too bad I can't celebrate it with you all.

613 Name: Miyuki : 2013-06-19 08:05 ID:pA/4Duxb [Del]

Happy Dollars Day Everyone!!~ yay!~ n.n

614 Name: kanoko : 2013-06-19 08:07 ID:S1F0Pu2Z [Del]

Minna .. !!
Happy Dollars Day !!!! =)

615 Name: kanoko : 2013-06-19 08:08 ID:S1F0Pu2Z [Del]

Minna .. !!
Happy Dollars Day !!!! =)

616 Name: kohana : 2013-06-19 08:20 ID:tCHAbmhV [Del]

happy dollars day!!!!!!! :D

617 Name: Renji : 2013-06-19 08:32 ID:3BB8dmIc [Del]

Feliz día everyone ;)

618 Name: Ryuuko : 2013-06-19 08:34 ID:ftmF3GLt [Del]

TAT NOOO I MISSED ITTTT. orz Lack of internet... I never saw this thread... But Ive been in Japan, Hong Kong, and am currently in China right now... so I wouldnt have been able to attend anyway... BUT HAPPY DOLLARS DAY GUYS :D Today's also the day the giant rubber duck leaves Hong Kong. I also missed that.. orz T-T

619 Name: TheArteek : 2013-06-19 08:36 ID:k+Fh2F67 [Del]

Konnichiwa! Happy Dollars Day!

620 Name: Chinaricat : 2013-06-19 09:07 ID:oJbp8TON [Del]

Whoo~! Happy Dollars Day!

621 Name: Maya-tama :3 : 2013-06-19 09:17 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]

Yay! Happy Dollars Day minna! :3

622 Name: Skyshards : 2013-06-19 09:22 ID:mB60/hYr [Del]

Happy Dollars Day!

623 Name: Lilium ~<3 : 2013-06-19 09:27 ID:8k8lnOiQ [Del]

Happy Dollars Day!!!! X3

624 Name: Ayers : 2013-06-19 09:40 ID:sJ3Uzn1I [Del]

Happy dollars day!!!!!!!!

625 Name: Ayrea : 2013-06-19 09:42 ID:sJ3Uzn1I [Del]

Happy dollars day from New York City

626 Name: Ayrea : 2013-06-19 09:42 ID:sJ3Uzn1I [Del]

Happy dollars day from New York City

627 Name: Ayrea : 2013-06-19 09:42 ID:sJ3Uzn1I [Del]

Happy dollars day from New York City

628 Name: Ayrea : 2013-06-19 09:42 ID:sJ3Uzn1I [Del]

Happy dollars day from New York City

629 Name: Ayrea : 2013-06-19 09:42 ID:sJ3Uzn1I [Del]

Happy dollars day from New York City

630 Name: Leon !X6TvWf2ifs : 2013-06-19 09:49 ID:aLU/KOEj [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from the UK! :D

631 Name: Misaki Yata : 2013-06-19 09:59 ID:3SxYVIst [Del]

Yo!!!!! It's Dollars Day! Happy Dollars Day from Chicago!!:)

632 Name: Ana-Chan : 2013-06-19 10:17 ID:En3cig78 [Del]

Happy dollars day everyone! :) dollars of Thunder Bay, ON, remember that the offline meeting is at 5:00pm at intercity. Have a D written on your left hand for identification :) :) :)

633 Name: Reila : 2013-06-19 10:20 ID:v3DbPm2r [Del]

happy dollars day tho there are no dollars in myrtle creek oregon

634 Name: Xya : 2013-06-19 10:25 ID:NXcl3Mv5 [Del]

Happy dollars day everyone :)

635 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-19 11:39 ID:2VUqItqi [Del]


636 Name: Naroik : 2013-06-19 11:50 ID:0bt9YZDH [Del]

Happy dollars day form Colombia! :)

637 Name: happy7520 : 2013-06-19 11:54 ID:E6hy7pHz [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Georgia! XD

638 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-06-19 11:57 ID:m/kB3LXM [Del]

Happy dollars day! Anyone meeting up near Ambridge, PA?..

639 Name: Sougo : 2013-06-19 12:31 ID:owGhppk9 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Brazil

640 Name: Misaki Yata : 2013-06-19 12:55 ID:3SxYVIst [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Chicago!!! :)

641 Name: Jolt !76pH/hfYbA : 2013-06-19 12:59 ID:A2prYqjG [Del]

Happy Dollars day :)

642 Name: Arashi : 2013-06-19 13:03 ID:5VANb8er [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from birmingham!

643 Name: Dioleag!wYygCyWbiI : 2013-06-19 14:53 ID:+4kgn715 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Vegas!

644 Post deleted by user.

645 Name: OtkJpdm : 2013-06-19 16:03 ID:lBY+AzNc [Del]

Happy dollars day from toront in canada

646 Name: Otoshi-gami !vBOFA0jTOg : 2013-06-19 16:06 ID:1rt5DJXd [Del]

HAPPY DOLLARS DAY from California !!!

647 Name: Shizuo : 2013-06-19 16:07 ID:eB+GHlYi [Del]

Happy Dollars day from Alabama!

648 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2013-06-19 16:10 ID:PSyfYss1 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Oregon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

649 Post deleted by user.

650 Name: Snow : 2013-06-19 16:25 ID:RrmhwIjR [Del]

Happy Dollars Day everybody~!

651 Name: Tom<3Celty : 2013-06-19 16:35 ID:/4vjapSi [Del]

Happy Dollars Day Everyone from Connecticut:D

652 Name: Tom<3Celty : 2013-06-19 16:35 ID:/4vjapSi [Del]

Happy Dollars Day Everyone from Connecticut:D

653 Name: Tom<3Celty : 2013-06-19 16:35 ID:/4vjapSi [Del]

Happy Dollars Day Everyone from Connecticut:D

654 Name: anwar9542 : 2013-06-19 16:53 ID:oCi5IxCT [Del]

happy dollars day from chicago

655 Name: anwar9542 : 2013-06-19 16:53 ID:oCi5IxCT [Del]

happy dollars day from chicago

656 Name: Deadman : 2013-06-19 16:56 ID:wJk9s+c0 [Del]

Happy Dollars day from Sunny California

657 Name: Alucard : 2013-06-19 17:05 ID:hcwrbPlY [Del]

Happy Dollars day from France ;)

658 Name: Mokona : 2013-06-19 17:36 ID:n61xGnp8 [Del]

Happy Dollars day from Seattle WA XD

659 Name: Rocky : 2013-06-19 17:37 ID:loFYU8cK [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Puerto Rico ;)

660 Name: zo44 : 2013-06-19 17:52 ID:FD9mYYy8 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from the U.S.

661 Name: BlueRose : 2013-06-19 18:21 ID:+Fj2fip2 [Del]

HAPPY DOLLARS DAY from Findlay, Ohio. :)

662 Name: Fullmetalpip : 2013-06-19 18:23 ID:3Ksd2znJ [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Sunrise, Florida The wonderfully hot and sunny state(more like rainy lol)

663 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-19 20:13 ID:3ywAAO7z [Del]

>>662 hahaha there's someone who actually lives in Florida XD there is little to no sunshine here XD

664 Name: BKnight : 2013-06-19 20:17 ID:GdFMbiM6 [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Massachusetts!!!!!!!

665 Name: Fullmetalpip : 2013-06-19 21:55 ID:3Ksd2znJ [Del]

>>663 yup lol it's rained almost every day for the past 3 months where I am XD

666 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-06-19 22:43 ID:M5osa0hG [Del]

happy dollars day from Texas~ :D *fist-pumps everyone*

667 Name: Usagi : 2013-06-19 22:47 ID:VBz6ErLf [Del]

Happy Dollars Day from Indonesian :D

668 Name: KuroKaito !UUyMTtSq5o : 2013-06-20 03:08 ID:xkQlUlwz [Del]

Happy Dollars day minna

669 Name: Michi-tan : 2013-06-20 03:22 ID:xK/dalUn [Del]

Uhmm I think it's a bit late but, Happy Dollars Day :D

670 Name: Noelle : 2013-06-20 04:30 ID:iSBC+bDO [Del]

Happy Dollars Day guys from Philippines!

671 Name: OgaTakashi : 2013-06-20 04:45 ID:5CPpydkk [Del]

it's abit late but HAPPY DOLLARS DAY!!!!

672 Name: Lawli : 2013-06-20 11:05 ID:MY9YLOQF [Del]

I was celebrating my birthday yesterday and didn't have a chance to get on! D: HAPPY DAY-LATE DOLLARS DAY!

673 Name: Azumei : 2013-06-20 11:24 ID:+nQy8Qtd [Del]

(I forgot yesterday was the 19th already Xp) Happy Dollars Day from Pennsylvania!!!!

674 Name: Azumei : 2013-06-20 11:24 ID:+nQy8Qtd [Del]

(I forgot yesterday was the 19th already Xp) Happy Dollars Day from Pennsylvania!!!!

675 Name: Sky2 : 2013-06-20 13:02 ID:G+oZ0GMd [Del]

There's this website called: It's a website chatroom thing like our chatroom, but different. It doesn't have much people on there and it has lots of cool pictures to choose for the name to go by when you want to chat. And best of all it has a secrete mode like off the TV show of Durarara. So if we had a secrete mode on our chatroom here, we won't have to care about this other website. So who likes this idea of having a secrete mode for our chatroom so people can talk to people in private when they want to?

676 Name: Mystic : 2013-06-20 18:37 ID:IE6dxwMY [Del]

me ^^

677 Name: Azumei : 2013-06-20 19:24 ID:+nQy8Qtd [Del]

*raises hand*

678 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-21 16:45 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


1. Do not post other group's chatlinks here, whether they are public or private.

2. We do not own the chat which we link to and cannot control whether or not it has private messaging.

3. This has NOTHING to do with the thread you posted it in. Please do not post such topics in an unrelated thread again.

679 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-21 16:45 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


680 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-21 16:45 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


681 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-21 16:50 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]

This ends our Dollars Day planning & celebration!

I will not be assisting future planning due to the high expectations yet gross lack of cooperation from the BBS members regarding this planning. If you want to try to do anything interesting for next year, you are welcome to do it yourself.

682 Name: Noelle : 2013-06-22 07:15 ID:vOCNA4nP [Del]

Bump. I'll miss this one...

683 Name: Number39 !VtUZ63FZ7Q : 2013-06-22 11:19 ID:xXWs7W8g [Del]

Think this could have gone better if we made use of the countries forum and it's existing threads? ctrl+f works the same either way with this thread or that forum, but at least every area has their own discussion that way. A thread like this one could have been just to basically tell everyone "hey, meet up with people in countries forum, head on over there now for setting up offline meetings, and this forum will be for ideas and discussions on the online meetings." Or something like that.

684 Name: deba : 2013-06-22 11:30 ID:c5pggwqU [Del]


685 Name: Takao : 2013-06-22 11:32 ID:Xhr9esyc [Del]


686 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-22 12:59 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]

>>683 ...which is pretty much what I did. Thank you, but that apparently didn't work.

>makes thread for discussing online meetings and the prospects of having a few larger offline meetings
>few people contribute
>nobody offers to help organize online meetings or even open up a single skype group
>told everyone to discuss local meetings in the Countries board multiple times
>nobody discusses small meetings in Countries
>nobody helps organize long-term in general
>event ends with a distinct lack of success.

>new people who didn't even read the thread proceed come in and rant, saying I should have done what I already tried

Seems 'bout right.

687 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-22 13:00 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]

1. Don't bump this thread. The event is done.
2. If you would like to do anything for next year, do it yourself.

688 Name: Number39 !VtUZ63FZ7Q : 2013-06-26 14:38 ID:xXWs7W8g [Del]

The countries board looks unused by this. Looks like all the offline meetings were handled here, which looks chaotic. Also I didn't read anything either about using the countries board in the OP. If it was down in the middle of the shitstorm of comments that you mentioned using the countries board, I didn't see it as: aint nobody got time for dat.

689 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-28 16:48 ID:SkeuEebF [Del]

"The countries board looks unused by this."
YOU DON'T SAY? Isn't that exactly what I said?

"Looks like all the offline meetings were handled here, which looks chaotic."
Only the major offline meetings were handled here. Considering nobody was giving input, it wasn't hectic at all.

"Also I didn't read anything either about using the countries board in the OP."
It didn't directly say it, but I basically said to not discuss the smaller meetings in here. I said I'd make a thread to advertise them in when the time came in the OP, which implies they should already be planned out by then. I assumed people would be smart enough to know to use the Countries board (at first), which was a bad assumption.

"If it was down in the middle of the shitstorm of comments that you mentioned using the countries board,"
I said it repeatedly throughout this thread and the last. I also wasn't the only one who said it. If you were someone who was legitimately interested at the time, you would have read through the thread, and it would have only taken maybe a half hour--at most--to do so. The majority of the posts are just one word posts (bump) or just people saying nothing important with a line or two, which you could easily skip over. It's not like I hid it as some big secret.

690 Name: Number39 !VtUZ63FZ7Q : 2013-06-30 14:56 ID:xXWs7W8g [Del]

">told everyone to discuss local meetings in the Countries board multiple times
>nobody discusses small meetings in Countries"
Sorry, my last comment was the result of either forgetting this, skimming over it, accidentally skipping over it or half of it as I have an issue with reading from line to line for some reason, or something of the sort. But may I suggest for next time, if you change your mind about not participating that you put it all in the OP, it's better than repeatedly saying it over and over again, which goes for other threads on other topics as well. But we're all not perfect, we assume people will assume certain details or forget to put details, so it can't really be helped I guess. Although countries board is a pretty crucial detail to the offline half of the topic. But it's all good. Sorry again.

691 Name: HeartbeaKnight : 2015-01-16 21:43 ID:dxiX2kn0 [Del]


692 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-17 02:30 ID:EYhr9jrB [Del]

>>691 Why would you bump this? ,_,