Dollars BBS | Food
















Food Board
Talk about your favorite food, share recipes, and discuss food shows.

Tea, coffee, juice alcohol or something else? What do the Dollars drink? (280)

1 Name: Robin : 2018-03-22 06:21 ID:3fvKKYIz (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 94 kb) [Del]

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I am curious.
What are your favorite drinks? What opinions do you have on different drinks?
Which drinks do you prefer?
Do you have any drinks that you always drink with a certain food? Are there specific ways you make certain drinks?
This is a thread all about drinks :)

278 Name: V@NILL@ : 2024-10-09 01:00 ID:kDNQFG3k [Del]

matcha tea, specifically canned and cold. <3

279 Name: DutchTeaKettle : 2024-10-25 23:23 ID:Cy8PWDXs [Del]

I love me some orange juice. Like, I drink that stuff almost as much as I drink water, and I drink a lot of water.

280 Name: saidaichi : 2024-11-06 15:18 ID:fbX5HK4W [Del]

I got to go with some SOUTHERN STYLE SWEET TEA.

Common Foods You Just Don't like (43)

1 Name: PyroPegasus : 2021-03-02 00:10 ID:gaVAh0EH [Del]

What is a food that almost everyone seems to like but you just don't like it?

41 Name: karma : 2024-08-21 12:03 ID:pMVnHfAp [Del]

i hate tomatoes except tomato sauce

42 Name: S3TT0N : 2024-08-24 02:21 ID:rlI5UXTu [Del]

I absolutely HATE avocados.

43 Name: saidaichi : 2024-11-06 15:17 ID:fbX5HK4W [Del]

straight oinion

What do you want to eat right now? (38)

1 Name: Red stuff0401 : 2017-02-16 13:19 ID:NuiUg2fL [Del]

Right now I want to eat my pillow.

36 Name: luna : 2023-10-09 23:47 ID:gW5uGxvv [Del]

salted pomegranate

37 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2023-10-14 08:29 ID:7mQ1sobC [Del]

pizza, damnnnnnnn

38 Name: Cicada 3301 : 2024-09-03 03:41 ID:07AfF7sD [Del]

We're deprived right now of all of our priveleges but I want to eat pares.

How do you like your coffee? (32)

1 Name: マイカー : 2020-12-16 04:55 ID:RyvmUd0K [Del]

hai hai~ coffee enthusiast here
how do you like your coffees? with creamer, milk, sugar?
instant or ground coffee?

i like my coffee with milk but sugar works too~

30 Name: The Fool : 2024-08-13 11:15 ID:4NUNEwHz [Del]

I like it simple. I use Instant Coffee, usually, though considering switching, and just some dairy creamer. Usually French Vanilla (whatever that means, it doesn't really taste like Vanilla, or French People...)

31 Name: karma : 2024-08-21 12:20 ID:pMVnHfAp [Del]

with milk and honey
always get sleepy afterwards:)

32 Name: R3TR0? : 2024-08-22 06:24 ID:LKQE+JKG [Del]

Depends, i like instant coffee with a good amount of creamer and sugar. i like my coffee sweet honestly.

The Absolute CHEESIEST Grilled CHeese (4)

1 Name: The Fool : 2024-08-13 13:13 ID:waeO6w+n (Image: 1500x2000 jpg, 183 kb) [Del]

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Made this absolute MONSTROCITY of a Grilled Cheese. it was OOZING everywhere. 5 slices of cheese instead of 3 like last time. I had to seriously scarf this bad boy down so it didn't make too much of a mess. But seriously, this was a MEAN sandwich, and it was OOZING CHEESE.

Also, tomato soup

Feel free to share your grilled cheeses

2 Name: Likesgrilledcheese : 2024-08-16 18:36 ID:qw/FYNDS [Del]

That's immaculately cheesy

3 Name: The Fool !vat6z59Wuk : 2024-08-17 07:39 ID:LzZsN6xu [Del]

>>2 yes it was! Almost too cheesy...

The bread was doing that thing where it slides off, and I cheese was gooping everywhere as I ate!

Love your Name >:3

4 Name: The Fool !vat6z59Wuk : 2024-08-17 07:40 ID:LzZsN6xu [Del]

pretend "too" is the only thing italicized and the rest is normal. I forgot how using it works and accidentally italicized my entire message, lol...

Weird Tastes (36)

1 Name: ANDEL : 2021-01-30 10:38 ID:Fo4g/Tf+ [Del]

What weird food combo do you genuinely like?
Bring out your weirdest tastes (^o^)
Mine would have to be cinnamon pop tarts dipped in that liquid cheese dip you use for pretzels.

34 Name: Sintax : 2024-03-02 21:18 ID:M9nNET3a [Del]

coffee with creamer and rice, i never try this before but i saw my cousin eating this

35 Name: chaelin : 2024-06-12 23:14 ID:ehNjgjOL [Del]

i accidentally discovered that tiramisu and orange slices taste so good together to me

36 Name: The Fool : 2024-08-13 11:11 ID:4NUNEwHz [Del]

Now this may or may not sound weird...

But ketchups with chips. Potato chips, takis, doritos, it doesn't really matter. I LOVE KETCHUP! I use it on everything and dip everything in it :)

And potato chips in ketchup should logically not be THAT weird... but my friends and fam all knock on me for this. But... think about it... Fries = crispy/crunchy and salty potatoes, you dip those in ketchup. Potato Chips = crunchier, salty potatoes... why not dip those in ketchup?!

This world is unjust!

Favorite cocktails (12)

1 Name: kingcard2 : 2022-04-29 04:06 ID:bE3Pjuwb [Del]

For those of you old enough to drink what are some of your favorite cocktails? Fancy, simple, classic, new, or plain strange?

10 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2023-10-14 08:30 ID:7mQ1sobC [Del]

Gin Fizz is rlly good, not my fav because i haven't tried so many cocktails so i can't actually choose yet heh

11 Name: chaelin : 2024-06-12 23:18 ID:ehNjgjOL [Del]

not sure if this is a thing already, but i make a cocktail with soju, lychee juice, sprite and rim it with salt and fruit of your choice

12 Name: functionalinsomniac : 2024-06-21 23:19 ID:DLRMPpyP [Del]

a mai-tai is always pretty nice

What do you guys call dishes you just threw together? (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2023-11-26 21:42 ID:JeNzOh3j [Del]

Like when you just throw a bunch of leftover ingredients together and it comes out at least decent, what do you call that? I've been calling it "stew or stir fry" but I want something else to call it because that's kind of long. Ideas? Or, idk, recipes?
My stew or stir fry of the day is rice, frozen vegetables, a lot of garlic, jarred sundried tomatoes (for oil), and liquid aminos (for salt). Add water, boil until water is gone and everything is soft, and eat hot or cold later because it's kind of a depression meal if I'm being honest.
Insulting names are encouraged if they're funny

2 Name: Hanku !t2LwBpWlZM : 2023-12-02 23:34 ID:teeTpoz8 [Del]


Is pastry easy to learn? (2)

1 Name: Nekomo : 2023-08-21 09:49 ID:mEMJtwWL (Image: 335x468 jpg, 44 kb) [Del]

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Well, I'm really in a debate about what to study. What catches my attention the most is the confectionery, but to tell the truth, I don't know anything about it. So he posted this here, I hope he gives advice to better understand what I want to study, as I said before I don't know anything about pastry and it would help me a lot to know if it's easy to learn.I will be waiting for your answers. Thank you for your time!

Psd: Does anyone have the recipe to prepare these cookies?

2 Name: Chipsa : 2023-09-03 15:35 ID:vzdPivVK [Del]

Well it's certainly an interesting process, I don't know about easy, there are difficult techniques. But if you're really interested and have a head to learn it, it should be okay. I used to have a recipe for cookies that looked like that but now I don't. They were windowpane cookies made with hard candy, but those look like jam cookies.

There are different kinds of pastry, from different countries, and the most famous are probably French, but even those are taken from something else sometimes, like Greek pastry used in French desserts, or whatnot. So there's a history of it and a science to it, it's very precise and you'd likely need a good oven and some practice. But even if you learn the basics it's nice. Maybe watch some baking shows, or videos on YouTube? And think how long it took them to get to that level, maybe a year, maybe five, maybe ten. But you can enjoy the process and the desserts and the learning until then 😁😁

Valentine chocolate recipes (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2022-11-21 15:37 ID:f4tplZyY (Image: 575x767 png, 895 kb) [Del]

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Anyone with a killer cupcake recipe for valentine?

2 Name: Chipsa : 2022-12-11 00:57 ID:KT9UtiOI [Del]

I just like to use a cake mix and follow the directions, then make a simple buttercream (I've never made it well without a stand mixer though, just FYI), and add heart-shaped and cute sprinkles. I love sprinkles on a cute cupcake it looks so precious. You could add a tiny gift on top or a chocolate or something as well. If it doesn't need to be too sweet, use cream cheese frosting or a dark chocolate ganache. :D

3 Name: saint mafia : 2023-02-19 06:31 ID:HJ5NFPG4 [Del]

thas so meannnnn how dare u post such a good looking cupcakeeeeee >.<
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