Dollars BBS | Food
















Tea, coffee, juice alcohol or something else? What do the Dollars drink? (286)

1 Name: Robin : 2018-03-22 06:21 ID:3fvKKYIz (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 94 kb) [Del]

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I am curious.
What are your favorite drinks? What opinions do you have on different drinks?
Which drinks do you prefer?
Do you have any drinks that you always drink with a certain food? Are there specific ways you make certain drinks?
This is a thread all about drinks :)

2 Name: Robin : 2018-03-22 06:27 ID:3fvKKYIz [Del]

I'll start this off by saying i never drink green tea with a lot of sugar and i am physically unable to drink chamomile tea.

I enjoy black tea and coffee very much but sadly i can't drink much coffee anymore, because i overdosed a few times and it makes me sleepy.

I always drink either coffee or cocoa for breakfast. It's become like a ritual for me.

Also tea with a few slices of ginger can cure the early stages of a cold in a heartbeat ^^

Lastly i'm not that into alcohol, because my tolerance is quite low but i do enjoy good wine and champagne

3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-03-22 22:45 ID:eYzxn3BJ [Del]

I personally like root beer,tea,and anything not too sweet but not too sour

4 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ!!pay7Ps22 : 2018-03-22 23:54 ID:HHHSHumo [Del]

Water. But when I don't drink it, I prefer to drink Arizona Tea, both the "sweet tea" and the "Gingsen and honey"(don't know if I spelled that right) one.

5 Name: shizuo : 2018-03-29 17:49 ID:4HDqsTii [Del]

Pink lemonade and green tea and water

6 Name: : 2018-04-06 11:47 ID:qoIHSBQ/ [Del]

I don't drink I'm waiting till marriage.

7 Name: John Smith : 2018-04-07 17:30 ID:fxLxze9p [Del]

Water, green or black tea with probably too much sugar, juice, milk with dinner.

8 Name: Q !0m7nv62l3E : 2018-04-11 22:19 ID:bW4JM/b2 [Del]

I'm a big Pibb fan, but apple juice is my number one drink. Can't do apple cider though. Bleh.

9 Name: Ragecraft : 2018-04-12 14:15 ID:p8nOIaAg [Del]

I love tea(earl grey) and blue raspberry Slurpee.

10 Name: Sylka : 2018-04-12 14:26 ID:JNIXq3y1 [Del]

Ooo. Earl Grey as always a good choice. Try Darjeeling.

11 Name: Lies !MVFxuNj.Ak : 2018-04-12 22:55 ID:0SPtn27z [Del]

Kombucha. Fermented Tea... It's good.

12 Name: Kashu !h9vyVnvYZo : 2018-04-14 08:48 ID:oggHGNFa [Del]

Green tea is personally one of my favorites. However I could never turn down some good root beer.

13 Name: MrWolf : 2018-04-15 00:42 ID:AVaY7i8Z [Del]

Hmmm, favorite drink is an interesting topic. I'd say my favorite drinks would probably have to be the following:
Cold: Peach or Mango Bai. Bai is a company that sells these amazingly thirst quenching juices that have a VERY low sugar count, so it's actually pretty healthy for you. You can find them in just about any grocery store I think.
Hot: Hot chocolate. Nuff said.

- MrWolf

14 Name: Gabriel : 2018-04-15 07:22 ID:STBHI2Vl [Del]

I'm guessing the Dollars drink coffee for the most part. I prefer tea myself.

15 Name: Alimo : 2018-04-17 16:51 ID:h173D2uy [Del]

orange juice

16 Name: Izaya1799 : 2018-04-20 12:32 ID:p5FAkQE1 [Del]

I mostly drink coffee and water

17 Name: Madalyne : 2018-04-20 14:38 ID:mPwgBZy3 [Del]

My favorite drink has to be tea, I drink it all the time.

18 Name: Torep2 : 2018-04-22 14:49 ID:HRuAGLO4 [Del]

I usually go for tea (green tea or anything from David’s tea).

19 Name: Nobuyuki_ : 2018-04-23 18:53 ID:UodHqFe6 [Del]

I prefer tea or water. My favorite teas are probably Chai and ginger.

20 Name: Nanami. : 2018-04-25 10:55 ID:fDVZqWSN [Del]

I usually have frozen hot chocolate from a gas station. It is technically hot chocolate but cold and has tiny chunks of ice in it like an icee. Also, Caramel pepsi. It was limited edition though, I hope they bring it back!

21 Name: Maji : 2018-04-29 01:49 ID:4DBkUB8k [Del]

Iced coffee!

I live in a tropical country and it's always hot in here (even at night! and we don't even have winter here so yeah). Iced coffee keeps me awake and refreshed at the same time especially at work.

22 Name: hedito tanaka : 2018-04-30 06:36 ID:4z/eVbhe [Del]

I prefer ice sweet tea

23 Name: Naga Sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2018-05-01 09:03 ID:dHqbvQGL [Del]

Monster energy is amazing. It tastes like Trolli sour gummy worms in liquid form.

24 Name: Cali : 2018-05-03 14:54 ID:4vuWt9yC [Del]

lemon juice

25 Name: Aci : 2018-05-03 14:56 ID:4vuWt9yC [Del]

fanta or strawberry milk
when it comes down to it, fanta

26 Name: Trailer Trash !lmBitchbiw : 2018-05-14 13:54 ID:zR2HbCC6 [Del]

I live on milk, tea, and iced coffee.

We always get some sort of premade iced coffee at the food bank b/c they're super popular at the moment. (There's a lot of experimental brands that don't sell well & end up there as they near expiration, so it's become my go-to for sweet things.) Most are vanilla or mocha flavored; it's all great.

Caffeine actually makes me crazy tired, though, so I have to dilute it with milk. It always ends up more like an iced latte. (I also stir by bubbling through a straw, which gives a nice froth at the top if there's enough sugar added.)

27 Name: Anonymouse : 2018-05-15 16:05 ID:QzJsLFbw [Del]


28 Name: saeyoung : 2018-05-16 12:45 ID:cMKBZjfj [Del]


29 Name: Michio Kun : 2018-05-20 06:18 ID:PM0Pjha9 [Del]

My favourite drink would be a Peach Tea , Iced or not.But I prefer iced and I think it goes well with anything accept in the winter and thats where i prefer warm peach tea.

30 Name: MakoStrwlkr !zmXWgZsAIw : 2018-05-21 23:14 ID:PlLas0LH [Del]

Water. Milk (preferably hot chocolate).
>>29 Same! Peach tea sure is great!

I HATE coffee.

31 Name: Steve : 2018-05-22 04:58 ID:zzeMvbxb [Del]

Mountain Dew & all its variations... Also Coke, tbh its the only dark soda I like.

32 Name: Z3RO : 2018-05-22 10:26 ID:SVOVZsPZ [Del]

I enjoy green tea (preferably hot)

33 Name: L : 2018-05-25 16:35 ID:HQB+Rx4t [Del]

Just orange juice lol

34 Name: Psyche : 2018-05-31 11:41 ID:1Ww0qPS2 [Del]

My favorite would have to be a strawberry banana smoothie or there’s this drink in Disney animal kingdom called the night blossom which is really good

35 Name: Darkstrike : 2018-06-06 15:31 ID:fKlm75BA [Del]

I like bubble tea,tea and almond milk.

36 Name: MagnumDoggo : 2018-06-07 22:51 ID:CIltrd4o [Del]

if i had to pick a favorite it would probably be a root beer float

37 Name: Cosmic Cat : 2018-06-10 00:48 ID:SSfVeJ7b [Del]

I love orange juice and would drink it with anything except cereal

38 Name: Bunny : 2018-06-18 01:30 ID:PVejLPrp [Del]

I would assume coffee.

39 Name: Anonymous : 2018-06-18 19:24 ID:nT88d1+m [Del]

iced coffee

40 Name: Anonymous : 2018-07-02 03:37 ID:7tpCaJ2S [Del]

Dr. Pepper

41 Name: Black cat : 2018-07-02 14:19 ID:1NgiGxvv [Del]


42 Name: Macartzattack47 : 2018-07-03 23:30 ID:Vv1qOi1b [Del]

Hot Cocoa with coffee creamer and caramel. Also lemonade but not together

43 Name: EpicKeith !wf5JJ352J. : 2018-07-04 15:09 ID:cjz7/mpK [Del]

I'm very picky with drinks. Hate milk, coffee, and dislike most juices and sodas.
I love Dr. Pepper, but I have to limit how much I drink. One can a month, not fun. But I also love tea of all kinds!! Black, white, green, sweetened, unsweetened, anything. I haven't had a kind I didn't like yet. If I'm not drinking water, I'm likely drinking tea.

44 Name: kuro : 2018-07-05 17:11 ID:HCSoS0T2 [Del]

Between tea and coffee

45 Name: Zetta : 2018-07-06 19:44 ID:SCbAVQrU [Del]


46 Name: Nottermad : 2018-07-16 18:47 ID:7Qq/3biQ [Del]

>>1 mostly water, but i'll drink OJ like it's going out of style ;P

47 Name: Izachanxoxo : 2018-07-17 00:45 ID:uDowvX1Q (Image: 1456x2592 jpg, 955 kb) [Del]

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Soda (Dr. Pepper)

48 Name: SagePhantomhive : 2018-07-17 19:37 ID:cdmJl65z [Del]

I like mixing lemonade with some sort of tea. Passion fruit tea or raspberry tea with lemonade is pretty good. Thai tea from restaurants is probably my favorite too.

49 Name: Toki : 2018-07-17 22:15 ID:xtlRDCBL [Del]

Vanilla Coca-Cola is my absolute favorite!!

50 Name: Canasian : 2018-07-18 14:01 ID:JksGJK0+ (Image: 800x532 jpg, 56 kb) [Del]

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I my opinion, nothing beats a nice warm cup of green tea, specifically gyokuro green tea!

51 Name: Avocado : 2018-07-18 21:07 ID:l4KFvfET (Image: 225x225 jpg, 6 kb) [Del]

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Hello fellow Dollars members! I'm not sure if everyone knows this drink, but I love it and you might like it if you're into sweet drinks as well.

52 Name: KahluaMilk : 2018-07-22 07:08 ID:G1EHL1Ri [Del]

Black coffee or beer

53 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2018-07-22 14:15 ID:odTHe6dr [Del]

That's actually a very interesting drink. I've tried the regular one and the melon one. I'm not a fan of milk, but those were pretty good. I enjoyed it.

54 Name: Durarara : 2018-07-23 19:41 ID:p7g/iZ2B [Del]

Cool, I've never drank it before but I want to try it out.

I don't really have a favorite drink but I mostly only drink milk and water.

55 Name: Yuzu : 2018-07-24 10:46 ID:E/d3MxAI [Del]

Milk tea and hot chocolate are my usual favourites - but I've recently taken a liking to bubble tea as well!

56 Name: Spark_Shot : 2018-07-25 00:24 ID:2Flv8b4S [Del]

While I love drinking all sorts of teas and have at least two mugs a day, I certainly get the most enjoyment out of alcoholic beverages. I never drink to get drunk or ever drink to more than being slightly warm. I just love the complexities of such beverages. I mostly go for wines and some of the really old cocktails. Sake, however, holds a special place in my heart. When I was going through a really hard time, i found the anime xxxHolic and made an instant connection to it. While
I saw myself as being more like Watanuki, my desire was to be more like Yuuko. As a part of that, on my 3rd watchthrough I bought a particularly nice sake that was on sale and absolutely loved it. I don't drink them more than once a week, but when I do,I am completely at peace. Despite any problem, life changing decision or other stress going on in my life, I am completely relaxed and able to think through it with clarity and steadfast resolve; then carry on with my night without a care in the world.

57 Name: Naga sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2018-08-15 01:34 ID:dHqbvQGL [Del]


58 Name: Bastion : 2018-08-16 23:58 ID:PZqzCffv [Del]

I really enjoy both champagne cognac, like Remy Martin, and Cointreau brand triple-sec. Good shit.

59 Name: Siegrandir : 2018-08-18 16:54 ID:Hp3k3cT5 [Del]

I like both coffee and tea, I drink both of them everyday. One cup of each everyday at least.

60 Name: Sui : 2018-08-21 00:34 ID:1f0c60Hs [Del]

Black tea and fruit juice - I love them both! I usually have tea with cake and fruit juice with anything.

61 Name: Archos Militarus : 2018-08-21 15:22 ID:9crubxoF [Del]


62 Name: ZeroL : 2018-08-22 23:14 ID:3ixxKihN [Del]

Dr Pepper all the way.

Did you know that the drink was named after the father of a girl the creator wanted to marry? It was in an attempt to gain his approval. It failed, but the drink took off.

63 Name: Isamu : 2018-08-29 22:30 ID:jE27YeWR [Del]

I drink mostly black coffee and energy drinks.

64 Name: Deke : 2018-08-30 13:35 ID:lCFFCaWd [Del]

Honestly I probably drink WAY too much sweet tea and iced coffee. I love a good iced vanilla mocha or cold brew espresso. And i love sweet tea of all kinds really raspberry sweet tea is really good i recommend you all try it if you have never had it. water is always good too.

65 Name: Manami : 2018-09-01 02:56 ID:Ug4aOlCC [Del]

Way too much coffee. But if it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever.

66 Name: Eugie!4GNDTEtfiY : 2018-09-04 13:09 ID:mC88UEzi [Del]

i drink green tea

67 Name: Channel : 2018-09-05 06:13 ID:JsQ8jdmq [Del]

iced lemon tea is very nice

68 Name: <Salt>Artison : 2018-09-05 10:48 ID:AzowMIl2 [Del]

I like Coke 0 cause y not

69 Name: Zayrha !u7pSskcXA6 : 2018-09-10 04:56 ID:Xs8akq6R [Del]

I love a beer made in my city, it's the best beer to drink with a pizza or when i go out with some friend

Generally i love tea, almost any kind

70 Name: Wolfgang : 2018-09-12 18:47 ID:ChN+z6Gu [Del]

iced coffee !!!

71 Name: ピカチュー : 2018-09-13 02:29 ID:FSGY/rLV [Del]

Coffee, straight black, and hot.

72 Name: Convex !MVFxuNj.Ak : 2018-10-03 13:22 ID:YQM64kz5 [Del]

In the morning? Coffee, with a Salted Caramel Creamer(A small amount).
Through the day probably a juice or just water.
If i'm still tired at noon i'll break out Gfuel for more energy.

73 Name: Elixime : 2018-10-07 12:54 ID:0CxKaA4q [Del]

Hot chocolate and apple juice ^^

74 Name: Nonymous : 2018-10-19 09:05 ID:Aj5u2Qm0 [Del]

Chocolate milk!

75 Name: RabbitTheCreator : 2018-10-31 18:23 ID:Tm02USQK [Del]

1.All kinds of tea (really: green, black, red (pu-erh), herbal - just all of them)
2. Coffee (fav is Jacobs x Milka cappuccino- if you don’t have this in your country, oh boy im sorry for ya)
3. Glühwein on Striezelmarkt in Dresden (booy it taste sooo good with flammkuchen)

76 Name: Afra : 2018-11-05 13:33 ID:YbIU/VnA [Del]

Actually I dont have anything like a favorite drink but I like to drink a cup of warm milk and with cookies, watching sth nice on the tv

77 Name: Crabstab!Xk7rH3yaWg : 2018-11-06 06:46 ID:QoATAsSr [Del]

Caramel frappachinos

78 Name: MarieAndHerDogs : 2018-11-08 15:24 ID:uR20lygq [Del]

I like to drink milk with sweet bread.

79 Name: J.U.N : 2018-11-09 10:21 ID:pgE4kdg/ [Del]

colourless water...

orange juice...

80 Name: CaveDweller : 2018-11-11 21:56 ID:qekHeOdo [Del]

I like iced black coffee!

81 Name: Anonymous : 2018-11-18 10:58 ID:63Hyw0D9 [Del]

I usually drink a lot of caffeinated drinks such as coffee and soda. But I mostly prefer non-caffeinated sodas like Orange Fanta.
As for tea, my favorite is Raspberry Zinger (with sugar of course)!

82 Name: Red : 2018-11-20 03:29 ID:9e6anFY6 [Del]

I've been drinking coffee a lot lately.
I like energy drinks aswell.

83 Name: Kanna : 2018-11-22 00:00 ID:SetJoMfv [Del]

Some strong peppermint tea after a good sized meal is great. Other than that, just water.

84 Name: Kae : 2018-11-23 00:20 ID:A3fNI8jU [Del]

Mineral Water

Dont know

Mineral water

Mineral water


85 Name: Izaya Gaten : 2018-11-27 10:41 ID:vRbGMaxv [Del]

energy, whine, beer, cappucino ( white ) , ah and ginger ale that shit is rly good for some reason , vitrex

and mineral water if i dont want something isulin, taste heavy

86 Name: Miyukino : 2018-12-02 17:21 ID:d+GuyQw7 [Del]

Mineral water, Milk tea, Iced Lemon Tea, Apple Juice, Cultured Milk? once in a while

87 Name: Xenyth : 2018-12-05 12:23 ID:WgvTdg41 [Del]

Ok so this is a topic I feel very strongly about.

Tea: Must be "Milk Tea" (and not the weak kind you find in combinis in Japan) - Basically boiled milk with loose (but strong) tea. Add in cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods and Star Anise for that extra "Masala" (spice). The best!

Hot Chocolate. EVERYWHERE I go, I try the hot chocolate, in an effort to find the best I can. This is not only local cafes, but around the world. So far I've tasted in UK, USA-NYC, Spain, France, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Pakistan and Japan (Kyoto, Tokyo and various in Sendai). Best was a motorway rest stop somewhere in the South of France....yep.

Best cold drink is a chilled Coke alongside my favourite meals. Can't drink soft-drinks on their own, must have with food.

Coffee - Latte. Mocha.

I want to open my own Jazz/Vintage themed café one day, and you can bet some Anime tracks will make it on the playlist at some point.

88 Name: Redforza : 2018-12-05 13:26 ID:IfYwRvnH [Del]

Once, a friend let me taste her latte (because i don't like coffe but she said it was quite sweet). Since then, i never had a latte again but i CRAVE for it, i can't understand why hahaha
Same, i didn't like beer before coming to Belgian
And please Xenyth, if you're doing this café, tell me where is it, i'll do ANYTHING to go (and these caps lock prove it).

89 Name: Rune_Vocs!dl6f4LGQew : 2018-12-09 09:58 ID:nigvzqvG [Del]

Ginger Tea . .with real ginger

90 Name: Nonymous !5r2qNO.ONE : 2018-12-12 12:55 ID:ebCh1rEU [Del]

>>87 Xenyth, if you open this cafe without posting it's location somewhere on the Dollars website, I'll be legit pissed. Make sure to serve chocolate milk.

91 Name: pk freeze : 2018-12-16 20:48 ID:IQEpuFfs [Del]

i was on vacation back in the summer of 2017 and i got to try this strange soda called moxie. it almost tastes like bubblegum and you can only find it in stores in maine and new hampshire areas. too expensive to buy online.

92 Name: Spark_Shot : 2018-12-19 00:12 ID:2Flv8b4S [Del]

My top 5 would be Sake, Tea, Islay Scotch, Gin and Wine
I Don't care much for whiskeys without a lot of smoke and don't see the point of Vodka except for the sweet drinks that use flavored ones.
My favortie Sakes are Daiginjo and Nigori, my favorite teas tend to be Chai, my favorite scotch is Laphroaig quarter cask, my favorite gin is Drumshambo and my favorite wines are Italian reds.
With Japanese meals I always drink Sake or Kirin. With fine dining fare I drink wine, with US bar fare I drink prohibition era cocktails, pilsners, wheats or stouds, with cigars I drink scotch or wine, with xxxHolic I always drink whatever Yuuko is drinking.
Teas are always strong, Coffee is usually black, Cocktails are always balanced (not over-poured on the main liquor), sake is always overflowing and wines are not poured too young or aged based on the grape and style. Also, scotch is always over actual rocks, not ice.
This is a thread all about drinks :)

93 Name: Yoonbum : 2018-12-20 07:16 ID:XZyNbf7j [Del]

Woah, thanks for the drinking tips @Spark_Shot

I like Mexican hot coco, lattes, teas, any Japanese sodas are good, I drink a lot of water actually, I LOVE Japanese fruit milk, and my other favourites are probably my 3recipes for a special kind of water. If you want my smol recipes then just ask, I'd be happy to tell you. Just don't tell your friends what's in it so that way it's still kind of a secret recipe

94 Name: Baphomet : 2018-12-29 10:34 ID:csCVEhdW [Del]

Hello !
I love alcohol but I try to drink only a few times
in a year (health and all that). In order from the most to the least favorite: Whiskey, Absinth, Suze, Craft Beers, Wine.

At meal time I usually drink non-alcoholic beverages. My favorite being...milk. There are tons of things I CAN'T eat without a glass of milk. (Biscuits, bread,etc...)

95 Name: Bum : 2019-01-13 10:38 ID:aR3LbSVx [Del]

you should try Japanese fruit milk

96 Name: Dee : 2019-01-26 22:23 ID:zcJroDBd [Del]

Coffee nuff said

97 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-01 09:08 ID:jQxjd4rv [Del]

MILK TEA!!! lol I like it in the mornings/at night but it's good pretty much any time of the day;)

98 Name: setton : 2019-02-07 08:14 ID:0u4pL8Ho [Del]

y'all ever drink milk to flex on people who are lactose intolerant?

99 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-07 14:05 ID:US/Zgrq+ [Del]

I don’t think I know anyone lactose intolerant... I do have a lot of friends who eat like nothing and then I feel like a gluttton lol

100 Name: aiyaru : 2019-02-11 17:30 ID:WTRhUB+I [Del]

milk tea , strawberry/chocolate mikshake , starbucks , mango juce, lichie juice, orange juice and bubble magic

101 Name: Reaper : 2019-02-16 05:27 ID:udu6L8lI [Del]

Water and sprite for a normal day. But when I'm out drinking alcohol, strawberry soju and rum in orange juice

102 Name: LunaXIII : 2019-02-20 18:56 ID:l9grDnvC [Del]

Iced coffee and oolong tea from home! and hershey's chocolate shake from johnny rockets

103 Name: Shouta : 2019-03-12 16:14 ID:rrg3LtSm (Image: 229x220 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

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My favorite drinks are the Japanese drinks with the marble in it.

104 Name: NaruSaus : 2019-03-12 17:51 ID:2AUglQ2L [Del]

I used to love sodas but now I've cut them out. I think my favorite drink is like orange juice extra pulp lol

105 Name: Yoshiki : 2019-03-30 23:21 ID:eCfKbKLJ [Del]

My favorite hot drinks are coffee and tea while my favorite cold drinks are cold vanilla-flavored coffee and any cold vanilla-flavored drinks.

106 Name: Shiroe : 2019-04-02 19:53 ID:NvQMy5ej [Del]


107 Name: silVer : 2019-04-12 00:37 ID:gBqR/uOn [Del]

water because I gotta keep this body functioning

108 Name: Maruko : 2019-04-12 08:53 ID:XaKFpARu [Del]

I like a nice hot bowl of ramen with a cold can of Cola.

109 Name: Zera : 2019-04-12 10:54 ID:P/ZQgKTx (Image: 235x214 jpg, 4 kb) [Del]

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110 Name: W : 2019-04-13 02:41 ID:perBTsiE [Del]

Of course Milk, chocolate milk >>109, tea and fruit juice ~

111 Name: "RialReal !4kdXNnnjBo : 2019-04-13 04:38 ID:PILMsha1 [Del]

Tea, soda, and sometimes coffee

112 Name: K : 2019-04-16 12:53 ID:kMm97Bao [Del]

Coffee, tea, and ramune. I really want to try boba tea, it looks good!

113 Name: Nonymous !5r2qNO.ONE : 2019-04-26 08:16 ID:iEc5KA/t [Del]

Chocolate milk, always.

114 Name: HartWolf !11wyIReFVs : 2019-04-26 13:15 ID:E6bO88Q3 [Del]

I love coffee with milk, tea, tea with milk, milk with honey, and everything that includes any of they.

But no coffee with tea, that tastes horrible.

115 Name: Lynne : 2019-04-30 11:45 ID:lxoKIAPa [Del]

Mtn. Dew, coffee, and mint and chamomile tea

116 Name: Brulk : 2019-05-01 06:55 ID:ZPFCN6Hk [Del]

Love me some summer fruits smoothies mmhm, or coffee with no milk and ten spoons of sugar

117 Name: abako : 2019-05-07 22:07 ID:V8dB+w7H [Del]

I like drinking 8 shots of espresso coffee
I really want to lower it before I suffer a cardiac arrest ahaha

118 Name: Shadowruls : 2019-05-09 02:32 ID:grg4FE2+ (Image: 1920x1200 jpg, 310 kb) [Del]

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Doctor Pepper. the drink of intellectuals

119 Name: Aestas : 2019-05-13 14:26 ID:Tny1I2/X [Del]

I love black tea!

120 Name: School : 2019-05-15 11:42 ID:j80YOl6U [Del]

Tea , tea , tea,tea,tea,DR pepper、dp,slurp

From the school of Warren Junior High in Texas America and I seriously just gave the phone and told them to type their favourite drink add a comma and pass it to the next person. I LOVE this thread and have been on it for like a year. Thx! BUMP

121 Name: Endwraith : 2019-05-16 11:46 ID:GolotShe [Del]

I rarely find myself not drinking coffee, i suffer from insomnia so i always need a boost, even if my body has gotten used to the caffeine. Soda wise, dr pepper is my #1 go to.

122 Name: Me : 2019-05-16 22:28 ID:y0N9nVkL [Del]

I mainly drink water, but I always love rum punch!

I also can’t stand the taste of milk. Whenever I drink even the smallest bit of it I immediately feel like throwing up for some reason.

123 Name: Zera : 2019-05-20 07:46 ID:P/ZQgKTx [Del]

>>118 I'm an intellectual and I don't drink pop.

124 Name: Bubbles : 2019-05-21 21:01 ID:9yGcwEh2 [Del]

Tea. I streamline the stuff. Mostly loose leaf greens, no additives.

125 Name: Cheers!wqLZLRuzPQ : 2019-06-05 01:57 ID:1Ti838GZ [Del]

Chamomile Tea, bittersweet coffee, alcoholic beverages and milk (even though I'm lactose intolerant 😔)

126 Name: Akane : 2019-06-09 09:39 ID:gqVG7G/N [Del]

I live for tea and coffee!!

127 Name: ChildIzaya!NNsRkPUNgI : 2019-06-13 12:41 ID:KbxuE6kU [Del]

tea, coffee, and hawaiian punch!

128 Name: Garion : 2019-06-17 18:32 ID:xPmNv72K [Del]

I'm a big coffee drinker, but I swear I can't stand hot coffee. Anything hot with caffeine makes me sweat like hell, so I stick to iced drinks even in the winter.

I work at a Dunkin, so my go-to there is an iced coffee with milk and caramel. It's perfectly sweet, but you can still taste the coffee in it.

My more complicated Dunkin beverage of choice is a coldbrew with 3 pumps unsweetened hazelnut, two pumps sweetened vanilla, 3 milk and 1 cream. (You can order essentially the same drink at Starbucks as a hazelnut coldbrew with vanilla sweet cream). It's an amazing drink but VERY sweet.

I also love Starbucks espresso, so any iced drink involving espresso and almond milk from Starbucks is also a favorite of mine.

Aside from coffee, I love Dunkin frozen lemonades with a pump or two of strawberry syrup and maybe half a pump of sugar. I also love the strawberry and the dragonfruit refreshers at Starbucks (the new mango dragonfruit is amazing).

I also very much enjoy chai tea, but I have to pour it over ice and add milk.

129 Name: Akira : 2019-06-22 06:30 ID:40Dxp/H9 [Del]

Sugary things

130 Name: Malone : 2019-07-01 01:11 ID:Vzf0v0Ud [Del]

Lemonade and Root Beer.

131 Name: Silver soul : 2019-07-02 13:22 ID:QL1EW/dT [Del]

Strawberry milllllk

Or anything with milk in general

132 Name: VixxenFox : 2019-07-02 16:57 ID:rN/rDOuI [Del]

I drink a lot of water but I also drink a lot of soda. MUG Root Beer is my favorite!

133 Name: Syntyr !ydqpX9wYxc : 2019-07-03 08:54 ID:LIeYoSco [Del]

I like to drink plain water or any kind of tea.
Actually I drink any kind of drink that I dont have to sweeten.

134 Name: Random : 2019-07-06 20:34 ID:Z6wuzEBJ [Del]

I usually drink water because I have a bad past with soda but Henry whine hearts root beer is so good. even though it is a buck a bottle where I am it is one thing to have.

135 Name: Artemis-chan : 2019-07-07 06:48 ID:j8eoYjeB [Del]

Chamomile tea is my fave.

136 Name: Star : 2019-07-12 03:58 ID:OHWJViY/ [Del]

Fruit tea is definitely one of my favourites. If you haven't tried it (and you like sweet things) you really need to.

137 Name: RAY レイ : 2019-07-12 12:01 ID:6Gyo8v06 [Del]

Lemon Iced Tea and probably Mojito :)

138 Name: Banker : 2019-07-16 11:32 ID:+26EdfiA [Del]

If you ever catch me drinking anything other than water, it probably has alcohol mixed in it

139 Name: Itzkingjolt17 : 2019-07-16 16:08 ID:CDaz8hLU [Del]

Love shandee (I hope that's how u spell it)

140 Name: LESSER : 2019-07-17 20:00 ID:uzJarQNP [Del]

Mostly juices and literaly any alcoholic stuff

141 Name: Pop Cat : 2019-07-27 05:29 ID:WRBb1h4N [Del]

Water, Whiskey and Coke, Gatorade/Powerade, soda/pop or whatever and energy drinks.

Not much of a tea or coffee guy, though I can enjoy either or on occasion.

142 Name: Blue : 2019-08-28 00:22 ID:W5TR5rTc [Del]

Don't really like tea but I love coffee!

Anything with alchool in it I'll drink, but my favorite drinks are Whisky and Coke and Gin and Tonic.

143 Name: bip : 2019-09-12 01:34 ID:WE5YaNC+ [Del]

chocolate milk is my favorite

144 Name: Kagami : 2019-10-11 17:58 ID:q3JHrtpx [Del]

Water, tea, sometimes ice tea

Not much actually...

145 Name: iiiiiizzzzzzzzzaaaaaayyyyyyaaaaa!!XI8GEi6V : 2019-10-14 03:54 ID:V7RK+qR3 [Del]


146 Name: Echo : 2019-10-17 16:11 ID:r1va8gwc [Del]


147 Name: Celeste : 2019-10-19 08:30 ID:DxDhqT7x [Del]

At school I like to make earl grey with milk. But there is this one soda drink I really like, it's called melon cream soda(have someone heard of this?)

148 Name: [ L O L ] : 2019-10-19 21:41 ID:a1buK9Iy [Del]

coffee and tea both best to have in the morning or late at night

149 Name: kaan : 2019-10-21 18:14 ID:wfRm3XqY [Del]

definitenly coffee

150 Name: shira chan : 2019-10-25 04:16 ID:uTx4AWn8 [Del]

Earl gray tea

151 Name: observer : 2019-10-26 17:35 ID:KMRkR19h [Del]

hmm well i do love green tea but that might just be me

152 Name: Malone : 2019-12-08 01:59 ID:qULiqc95 [Del]

… Water. Though if you mean something hot, hot chocolate.

153 Name: opal : 2019-12-28 11:01 ID:fF8M+nKM [Del]

warm milk with a ton of cinnamon and a spoonful of honey (or sugar)!!!!

154 Name: Saya : 2019-12-31 23:37 ID:Vyz9Vybp [Del]

>>152 same

155 Name: MarieAndHerDogs : 2020-01-24 15:45 ID:tfzuFJXE [Del]

I kinda want coffee right now.

156 Name: Rōra !2Wd5vQlNFE : 2020-01-29 18:01 ID:2QQQ1NJa [Del]

I'm a sucker for ginger tea.

157 Name: penthepoet : 2020-02-08 22:36 ID:pEb18CSm [Del]

I love what I like to call the "Culver's Cocktail" - half Sierra Mist or Sprite mixed with half Minute Maid Lemonade.

Goes down real nice.

158 Name: sansrio : 2020-02-12 12:09 ID:pCLH3H1v [Del]

I really adore watermelon juice. >.<

159 Name: Tokumei-kun : 2020-03-03 13:10 ID:+fkk/VCQ [Del]

I luv oolong tea cause its good >w<

160 Name: Stefan : 2020-03-05 14:34 ID:u4/PrAd9 [Del]

I absolutely love Orange juice and milk!

161 Name: Chipsa : 2020-03-06 05:47 ID:JQayojLn [Del]

Woah, watermelon juice, sansrio?!?! That seems a little strange! Do you buy it in a bottle?
I really like tea. Japanese matcha, Chinese oolong, English breakfast black tea blends... Lots of different flavors. They're delicious!
But I also like milk, and I'll drink lemonade, and coffee is sort of pleasant, too... I like lots of drinks, maybe... I guess... Haha. I also like... Water!!! XD

162 Name: Kamineko : 2020-03-20 01:50 ID:jQcruO+o [Del]

Vietnamese coffee! My girlfriend makes me one every morning. It's really strong, and really sweet.

You don't need a special grind of coffee either. In fact, if you have access to a mostly Robusta coffee blend, you've got a Vietnamese coffee. Vietnam grows about a third of the world's coffee beans, and they grow mostly the Robusta blend.

Really all you need to make a Vietnamese style cofee is Preground Robusta beans, a Phin (Vietnamese coffee drip), and some Sweetened condensed milk. Longevity brand is the most popular in VN, but you can use Carnation as well, especially if your store doesn't have Longevity.

I usually add a Teaspoon of Condensed milk and top the rest up with full-cream milk. Just as creamy but much less sweet. Add ice, and bam! Best iced coffee you can make, and it costs less than $0.50 a glass!

163 Name: Chipsa : 2020-03-21 00:39 ID:WWVY4n1Q [Del]

Ca phe sua da! I really like that. The hot version is pretty good, too. :)

164 Name: CoronaLite : 2020-03-26 01:40 ID:9oF3FJKB [Del]

I'm more of a Country style Sweet Tea kinda gal

165 Name: cee : 2020-03-26 13:30 ID:X6Yla6Ev [Del]

I have an almost unhealthy obsession with strawberry milk

166 Name: Kat : 2020-03-28 09:28 ID:aFcZbr2u [Del]

I like hot chocolate

167 Name: Kappa : 2020-03-31 17:21 ID:m0O7/Vux [Del]

i like strawberry milk too

168 Name: Plantagenet : 2020-04-06 17:27 ID:Zmr8e39G [Del]

I like iced tea

169 Name: Lei : 2020-04-14 18:36 ID:217WFCRN [Del]

I like ice tea as well

170 Name: Polka : 2020-04-18 21:47 ID:ohUJxkaR [Del]

Thai tea is my go-to drink at the boba store

171 Name: NoIchi : 2020-04-25 11:14 ID:0M+UzJHg [Del]

I love traditional tea. Chinese, Japanese, English etc. I don't put sugar or milk in them, I like the original taste.

172 Name: CoronaLite : 2020-04-25 18:01 ID:9oF3FJKB [Del]

I basically run off of Sweet Tea. I GOTTA HAVE IT!!

173 Name: Alice : 2020-05-08 13:51 ID:Xz6EA33N [Del]

I like Earl grey. :D

174 Name: hye : 2020-05-11 23:46 ID:R5NYk8Cf [Del]

Ooh! Always sweet tea! ;D

175 Name: Ichiwa : 2020-05-15 08:24 ID:BRTwokdg [Del]

Coffee 100%
Though I love coffee I'm always down for earl grey tea or jasmine tea!

176 Name: DanielAndYam : 2020-05-17 13:52 ID:oMpSBJeM [Del]


177 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-20 23:34 ID:6Iu5Ch1Z [Del]

A sweet hot tea from Sariwangi is always nice to drink in the cold wind of dawn.

178 Name: Raffle : 2020-05-21 14:05 ID:zl7U61oP [Del]

Some organic water please

179 Name: Crimson : 2020-05-22 12:10 ID:Q7wPLJ2a [Del]

Some green tea on a nice cool day. Bro. 😭👌

180 Name: Donna !3GqYIJ3Obs : 2020-05-31 06:44 ID:ae3K28MV [Del]

Leaf water

181 Name: Portato : 2020-07-16 13:08 ID:bF5Oprh2 [Del]

Water and Arizona tea

its cheap

182 Name: Luni : 2020-07-18 15:42 ID:2OoxpNvp [Del]

Water because of breakouts if I drink anything else :(

183 Name: Xara !cLAc5rAVRA : 2020-07-18 15:59 ID:phWJVrly [Del]

PEPSI all the way! Better than coke too no cap.

Pepsi tastes sooo good but i really should stop drinking it because its a lot of sugar >.<

184 Name: NeedleBell : 2020-07-19 02:40 ID:mHf16o8u [Del]

Tea is good ! :)

185 Name: Shax : 2020-07-22 15:41 ID:RkOdhtWO [Del]

Chilli hot chocolate!

186 Name: Lucy_1412 : 2020-08-04 20:30 ID:M9h+cmSg [Del]

Honestly, I live for lemon tea.Tis tasty with a pinch of salt

187 Name: Kaster : 2020-08-06 02:27 ID:EzQhpwgi [Del]

S p r i t e ! I love sprite sigh, I always drink water because it's healthy but sprite is my fav drink.

188 Name: HappyRobo : 2020-08-09 02:30 ID:aTEeynZG [Del]

Occasionally I would drink a mint and ginger hot chocolate which may sound a bit odd but is actually pretty good.

189 Name: Miraak Tevinter : 2020-08-31 07:15 ID:abi7fa8s [Del]

Horchata,bubble tea and root bear float, as for alcohol id say 4 loko or michelada.

190 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2020-09-14 14:20 ID:SvKJ9Zrq [Del]

>>43 I still stand by this, but now that I'm of legal drinking age, I'd also like to add vodka and tequila to my list. (Also, neat that I got my favorite number reply back then.)

191 Name: Ace : 2020-09-26 13:39 ID:nULowlfR [Del]

Honestly, anything coffee related and sweet is my fave but started drinking chai tea... I am addicted! XD

192 Name: Chipsa : 2020-10-08 16:26 ID:fWwTBMTy [Del]

Ah, >>191 chai tea is amazing, right? Even though uhh, that's technically a misnomer. A tautology. A repeat, if you will! Oh well. :P :D

193 Name: G : 2020-10-10 16:31 ID:qZPl9KQ5 [Del]

>>1 I really try to drink basically only water and home made tea, and I tend to drink Portuguese, Japanese or British tea, although I think the British ruin tea by adding milk hahah :s

BUT, in terms of other drinks, I do enjoy coffee quite a lot, although I don't drink it that often. I love coca-cola as well, it's a really tasty drink

194 Name: nissian202 : 2020-10-19 23:12 ID:cszUu0AB [Del]

if you asked a random person in russia, he would most likely tell you that energy is his favorite drink. but they are very harmful, so do not overdo it with them.
but I just love milk, especially the one that is closer to the real, not from the store =)

195 Name: Hao : 2020-10-23 03:43 ID:ZA0Sekbk [Del]

Yo, Ramune is good. the strawberry flavor with the strawberry poky sticks hit different.. And the strawberry poky taste like a milkshake!

Other than that, I have no taste since a picky person and I'm not a soda person so I'll just drink water.

196 Name: onikuma : 2020-10-24 16:45 ID:RSgzaU+q [Del]

black tea, coffee, and milk. boba is also nice once in a while

197 Name: DoubleW!xX64hzZj42 : 2020-10-25 05:02 ID:perBTsiE [Del]

milk, chocolate, green tea, soda, lemonade, juice.. But no coffee or strong alcohol for me!

198 Name: Von U.M. : 2020-10-27 08:58 ID:Kbvq1pwE [Del]

Filtered coffee and single malt whisky on a daily basis. I constantly drink either one or the other. I also like varieties of black tea and lemonade but, I need to brew the tea for at least four hours for it to be strong enough for my tastes and I'm simply too lazy to make the lemonade so I drink these two more rarely. In addition, I drink monster when I'm travelling. Really despise the taste of any orange related drink and of coca cola.

199 Name: mintaka : 2020-10-28 20:25 ID:FcuSXCD5 [Del]

Green teas, ginger ale, ramune, or calpis soda (I really like the mango flavour). I also really like lemon flavoured drinks, but I'm allergic to lemons haha

200 Name: Orca : 2020-11-05 18:08 ID:nxjjwMr7 [Del]


201 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-13 06:15 ID:GsMoRnOQ [Del]

Well, when I eat pizza, I always drink beer! It's the best thing.
Also, I love cocktails, all kind of them. One of my favourites is the Moscow Mule.
I'm very addicted to coffee so I basically drink anything that contains caffeine, so Red Bull too lol

202 Name: マイカー : 2020-12-16 04:52 ID:RyvmUd0K [Del]

since quarantine i've been drinking coffee 3 times a day--
pray for me ;-;

203 Name: Deja : 2020-12-22 17:01 ID:3A1qbT22 [Del]

I swear i do the same .. drink coffee 3 times a day.. but sometimes i feel sick from it so i bake a coffee cake instead ..

204 Name: Sora : 2020-12-23 10:07 ID:IBDOOQp5 [Del]

I drink a lot of coffee, in fact irish cream or eggnog in my coffee is my favorite drink ^^

205 Name: ren : 2020-12-27 23:38 ID:Mdtrmueh [Del]

I like peppermint tea a lot,but I'm not a fan of coffee because it makes me a bit jittery -.-

206 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-01-03 23:42 ID:AtatlU40 [Del]

I've always been a big fan of mint and chamomile tea, though I have a serious addiction to Diet Coke. XD

207 Name: Adrien : 2021-01-05 16:58 ID:PpEO1K3l [Del]

ill drink just about anything but for a favorite id have to defo go with coffee!

208 Name: Photo !GdQT9PHKos : 2021-01-10 21:16 ID:y8Rj/E33 [Del]

I like both coffee and tea

209 Name: nuannn543 : 2021-01-28 20:25 ID:WFB+ySAS [Del]

i really like caramel flavoured coffee , french vanilla and peach tea as well as strawberry milk !

210 Name: ANDEL : 2021-01-30 10:32 ID:Fo4g/Tf+ [Del]

Tea is way better than coffee. Peppermint tea is rlly good :)

211 Name: Chipsa : 2021-01-30 20:58 ID:KiTPcStS [Del]

I love peppermint tea! :)

212 Name: Kira : 2021-02-12 23:49 ID:ZDJrQjln [Del]

Hot chocolate!

213 Name: Saika : 2021-02-17 11:57 ID:idJ5MsOg [Del]

Matcha lattes are really good, I drink them a lot. I also really like sweet chai.

214 Name: Joe : 2021-02-17 18:55 ID:LpbDVLaK [Del]


215 Name: ANDEL : 2021-02-18 00:44 ID:V5XbROWb [Del]

Water? Your taste buds must be malfunctioning xD

216 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-02-18 05:22 ID:JU5ytMCt [Del]

Joe liked it bland I suppose, he's a purist.

217 Name: PyroPegasus : 2021-03-01 23:33 ID:gaVAh0EH [Del]

Water is best when it is cold. Root beer is the best soda in existence. Milk is great, but I can only drink milk when I'm eating something because it tastes weird by itself...unless it is chocolate milk. I can drink chocolate milk at any time of day.

218 Name: Spark_Shot : 2021-03-06 23:35 ID:E//+hvnd [Del]

I like a bit of everything.
Cold NA I mostly drink water.
Hot NA, I drink an about equal mix of tea and coffee.
Cold alcoholic, I drink a metric assload of sake, followed closely by dry grape wines and scotch.
Hot Alcoholic, I have had warm sake a lot lately, but it usually tends to be a brandy toddy.

219 Name: T : 2021-03-18 15:41 ID:4UkZ8opc [Del]

I like milk + coffee creamer heated up. That stuff's good.

220 Name: Smaze : 2021-03-20 23:31 ID:LFMmp9zM [Del]

I really like water! When it comes to soda I love Coke, I know I’m basic. I’m not a big fan of milk but I do like it when I have cookies or strawberry flavored! I also really like sweet tea, green tea and chi tea as well as iced coffee. Gatorade is good too, I like it when I get tired of water or am really tired.

221 Name: Nekomeith : 2021-03-29 22:29 ID:hg8/JsjV [Del]

I love water, and enjoy orange juice, guava juice, and pocari sweat! (pocari sweat is somewhat similar to gatorade)
I actually don't drink coffee, alcohol, or most teas due to my religion so I don't really have opinions on them haha.

222 Name: bloomi : 2021-04-02 11:49 ID:IYI5FfWb [Del]

I like tea , i can literally drink two mygs a day but i'm trying to drink only one a day

223 Name: イザヤにご : 2021-04-03 08:59 ID:LPGTz9An [Del]

Water is underrated, it was the best drink out there

224 Name: Liam_Sensei : 2021-05-04 02:11 ID:Fa3GoJ2w [Del]

Bitter coffee and water, i dont like alcohol and i like to pair coffe and bread

225 Name: Ghost : 2021-05-06 10:18 ID:hgyDgq0C [Del]

I rather have a coke then any other drink

226 Name: barry2077 : 2021-05-07 17:59 ID:gqAsRrPl [Del]

I like to have milk with peanut butter and jelly sandwichs my favorite drink is wiskey

227 Name: El Psy Kongroo : 2021-05-08 06:21 ID:6siv614W [Del]

My favorite drink is dr.pepper but i always drink water. Dr.pepper is good but only sometimes for pleasure 👍

228 Name: Anonymous : 2021-05-09 11:36 ID:oFsoDvR2 [Del]

raw milk

229 Name: cookie_blue : 2021-05-11 18:35 ID:bnW8Ca2Y [Del]

I enjoy a cold lemon soda with ice ...

230 Name: Nura : 2021-05-12 04:47 ID:RQYroBkz [Del]

Well i guess water, i don't drink soda that much hahaha

231 Name: cghcghcghfk : 2021-05-22 07:39 ID:rZJe5S1n [Del]

uguygytfytdghcvhvh;lkojbihuihi ftycdfyd;ulxdygfxghdh,c,ydbjvghdtfzx,jcjgsessxlydtgysdrtjzxk

232 Name: TheNarrated : 2021-06-03 04:31 ID:vAPfFsFQ [Del]

I mainly drink water. But what I drink occasionally is WINE!

They're just great!

233 Name: Ax Glazier : 2021-06-06 09:50 ID:aUcDPLXq [Del]

Probably soda

234 Name: Just_Muichiro : 2021-06-09 22:57 ID:znPlbOi3 [Del]

Water most likely..

235 Name: Anonymous : 2021-06-19 00:35 ID:b0dDkUCX [Del]

I like to make tea with milk and sugar. I like to make it special by adding some spices like cardamom, nutmeg, and cinnamon. I generally drink this at night.

236 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2021-07-10 13:00 ID:DEV43R3d [Del]

The older I've gotten, the more I prefer drinks that are refreshing instead of sweet, so nowadays I mostly drink water or like watered down ginger ale, chamomile tea or a fruit-flavored green tea (hot or iced), and bubble tea that's at 70% sugar if they have the option to have less than usual.

237 Name: Kurokopi : 2021-08-09 06:57 ID:qemZRQfB [Del]

Beer. And of course, coffee 😉

238 Name: 3rd : 2021-08-11 00:27 ID:qGqY/LgT [Del]

Water and chocolate milk. That's all I need to survive.

239 Name: Nyx : 2021-08-11 16:31 ID:dTJedAdj [Del]

Unfortunately I find water a bit too plain to my taste, though if it's been chilled I will drink it to refresh myself on a hot day. I don't like coffee and tend to prefer decaf teas, particularly rooibos and more recently bubble tea as well. I also like soft drinks- mainly coke/pepsi and their sugar free equivalents, though I try not to drink them too often. I like cream soda and vimto as well, though I've found I've gone off lemonade a bit and don't like it as much as I used to.

240 Name: Yuzo : 2021-09-05 18:02 ID:diqhtMHx [Del]

I will drink green tea whether it is +30c or -30c.

241 Name: Asher : 2021-09-06 06:31 ID:VABlDtyc [Del]

My favorite drink is probably mango bubble tea. With white rice I drink fruit punch, It’s a really weird but good combination. I used to make a strawberry smoothie typa thing with whipped cream but I forgot the recipe I used

242 Name: Saika : 2021-10-19 16:19 ID:Y9qeAZCR [Del]

Em, I'm not sure if I've already put a response on here or not but in terms of tea, I like Chai, green tea, and a certain kind of tea only one brand does. I think it's like a cinnamon tea? I also like chocolate and strawberry milk. I usually make my own strawberry milk! In terms of fizzy drinks, I like Ramune. Not really any other sodas though.. Ah! I also like bubble tea. I usually get milk teas with boba and jelly. I especially like lychee jelly. I also like sweetened matcha.
Boop. <3

243 Name: TaroBoba : 2021-10-26 14:27 ID:kF0vYcWa [Del]

mmm. My name. I would drink my name.

244 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-10-27 00:29 ID:L6rAXqEm [Del]


245 Name: Bontutu : 2021-10-28 21:40 ID:Jrc2XUHd [Del]

Depending on the weather:
Cold weather? Tea
Warm Weather? Iced tea, or a nice fruit granita (which is basically a slushie but with natural fruit juice)!

246 Name: 紀田 : 2021-12-14 00:08 ID:niLPv05y [Del]

I always liked tea! hot, cold, its alwats tasty

247 Name: Azima Tempest : 2022-01-03 22:16 ID:iLw4ZDVG [Del]

I love tea! I like drinking tea while reading a nice book.

248 Name: cxvz !CQ5CVt8dXc : 2022-01-06 16:30 ID:Hv+SSiBR [Del]

No matter what, I always- guaranteed- have an orange juice phase every few weeks, I don't know what causes it or why, but yeah, orange juice.

249 Name: Jodisan : 2022-01-26 08:15 ID:YUmEZqts [Del]

Coffee totally. Helps me keep up with work! A nice coffee is always good if you need that extra push of energy.

250 Name: Iraira !0UZD1OR/j. : 2022-05-03 21:05 ID:PF9shLbN [Del]

Flavored milks. (strawberry milk, banana milk)

251 Name: electroliz : 2022-05-30 18:34 ID:Kwy4bz4c [Del]

i LOVE fruit teas! but i haven't figured out how to make em myself, so i have to buy. other then that, many types of lemonades and matcha stuff. bc i have a lemon tree, and we haven't ran outta the matcha power we bought 3 years ago.

252 Name: Yoki !0UZD1OR/j. : 2022-06-01 06:51 ID:Tu8YjVXK [Del]

Coffee, specifically lattes. It's also good with bread :D

253 Name: Shrike : 2022-06-06 22:26 ID:swTObYm3 [Del]

Angry Orchard, Mead, blue berry ale, Baren Jaeger, Kolch, Port Wines (27, 10 year, 20 year, warres) jameison, Guinness, icy bay, Strawberry Ruhbarb, Not your fathers root beer, fire ball, and yeah those my go tos.

Also water, naked juice, Jamba Juice. Chocolate shakes from In n Out. Yum

254 Name: Grey : 2022-11-30 23:04 ID:b5M/P+RT [Del]

Still is and always will be coffee.

255 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2022-12-04 12:42 ID:UreA0IBH [Del]

Nowadays I only drink water or apple juice or diet soda. That's all I drink nowadays. Two years back I drank other stuff as well. Oh, almost forgot I drink milk as well. Strawberry Milk is my favorite, but it ruins my stomach so I don't drink it that often.

256 Name: LukeDaikiTOO : 2023-01-01 12:19 ID:4mDF+e4u [Del]

more than 10 years ago my mom drove us to McDonalds and at the time they had those 'dragon shakes' which was essentially just a milkshake but with those really tasty chocolate balls inside, they were small enough to go thru the straw. Apparently they were limited time only or something because i never saw them again in my life and nobody remembers them.

257 Name: May : 2023-01-01 18:55 ID:tNRbuP0B [Del]

Peach Ramune. It was my favorite as a kid and still is, Other then that i'd have to go with just water

258 Name: RGina : 2023-01-18 02:35 ID:X8/vL3gn [Del]

pilk is good

259 Name: KuruKuru-San : 2023-02-05 09:30 ID:azDkGSq/ [Del]

I actually love coffee, and i really think that it is my favourite drink at the moment!ᕙ( ❛︡ ▿ ❛︠ )ᕗ

260 Name: 志村クルム : 2023-02-05 17:10 ID:5uJsHnxt [Del]

Black tea makes up most of my sustenance, lol. Originally, I used to drink plain black tea, but over the last few years I really got into ones with dried fruit or flower petals inside for flavour. I'm currently drinking a "Blue Star" Earl Grey, it has blue petals inside!

261 Name: Kurukuru-San : 2023-02-06 00:47 ID:UcbC6dyg [Del]

I have never tasted tea..., one day I should try it!

262 Name: 志村クルム : 2023-02-06 06:11 ID:Wt2kLp8V [Del]

>>261 Shock! How does one live life without coming in contact with tea at least once?!

263 Name: KuruKuru-San : 2023-02-06 06:44 ID:TZSQ2CR7 [Del]

I dont know! but I love coffee! I'm almost addicted!

264 Name: 志村クルム : 2023-02-06 18:38 ID:Kmmor5gk [Del]

If you ever try I would definitely advise against buying anything that comes in tea bags, don't ruin the experience by drinking anything that's not brewed from loose leaves!

265 Name: Firion !!/fN+hj5w : 2023-02-07 20:15 ID:BdTmV8np [Del]

>>264 I only ever drink teas made from teabags lol

266 Name: 志村クルム : 2023-02-09 10:53 ID:icQKb+f8 [Del]

>>265 my condolences

267 Name: 志村クルム : 2023-02-09 10:54 ID:icQKb+f8 [Del]

Tea bags are usually filled with the leftover dust/debris from loose leaf packaging, so you should get a much fuller taste experience if you brew tea from loose leaves.

268 Name: Teno : 2023-06-10 02:42 ID:OZTYLt62 [Del]

Coffee, water, energy drinks, beer legit all i drink.
I cant be the only one

269 Name: Malone : 2023-11-13 03:43 ID:Kan5NbbV [Del]

Most fruit juice’s and the occasional pop, Cherry limeade in particular is a personal fave.

270 Name: Ao !K/gp1PkJHA : 2023-12-23 21:22 ID:zbDYJQTV [Del]

I mostly drink caffeinated drinks. usually monster. haven't had an energy drink in so long though qnq

271 Name: Cloudy : 2023-12-29 04:20 ID:m/QisDmr [Del]

I've recently starting drinking instant black coffee, which I quite enjoy. Water is my go to drink, whether it's bottled or from the faucet. Tea is also a favorite of mine. I like to try different types of tea when I can, but I mostly drink green and earl grey.

272 Post deleted by moderator.

273 Name: chaelin : 2024-06-12 23:11 ID:ehNjgjOL [Del]

I'm a heavy tea drinker. its so bitter but ive developed an obsession with brewing it perfectly. specifically jasmine tea or oolong. of course, i like boba as well. unhealthy obsession with that.

274 Name: sillygooseassociastion : 2024-07-14 09:12 ID:QHE9gvbz [Del]

I'm pretty picky when it comes to beverages, so usually bubble tea or plain water. i'm not a big fan of carbonated drinks

275 Name: The Fool : 2024-08-13 11:13 ID:4NUNEwHz [Del]

Massive Milk fan, but I should spice it up. Tea would probably be better for me, but I am often too lazy to actually brew it! Woe is me...
I do really like sparkling water/fizzy drinks that aren't soda. Don't get me wrong, I do KINDA like soda, in specific instances, but most soda these days is way too sweat. Like drinking gross syrup... drinks like ICE that are carbonated, but low calorie and subtle, fruity flavors are unbeat

276 Name: Maria Madeup : 2024-09-05 23:50 ID:sgFY0w+w [Del]

I personally like a Smoothie... sometimes I like to put less Liquid in it and it becomes like ice cream or something.

277 Name: Smoll Satyn : 2024-09-16 17:46 ID:sVNZ3C0b [Del]

I’m a major tea drinker!! I usually drink Lipton black tea mostly because it’s what I have most available, but my favourites are Oolong and Darjeeling tbh..Though I also like chocolate & strawberry drinks, like Yoohoos or Hot Cocoa.

I’m not a big fan of hot coffee mostly due to growing up on it and just getting sick of it, I only like iced or frozen coffee if I have it and I’m very picky on carbonated drinks, not a fan of most sodas

278 Name: V@NILL@ : 2024-10-09 01:00 ID:kDNQFG3k [Del]

matcha tea, specifically canned and cold. <3

279 Name: DutchTeaKettle : 2024-10-25 23:23 ID:Cy8PWDXs [Del]

I love me some orange juice. Like, I drink that stuff almost as much as I drink water, and I drink a lot of water.

280 Name: saidaichi : 2024-11-06 15:18 ID:fbX5HK4W [Del]

I got to go with some SOUTHERN STYLE SWEET TEA.

281 Name: Ruinlion : 2024-11-29 23:07 ID:wn/3oc1V [Del]

1. Matcha latte! I make my own with 16ozish of milk, 3tsp sugar, :(
2. Milk tea! I prefer it made with black tea, but I'll drink most types.
3. Strawberry nectar/juice! There's a canned type I get and drink straight, though usually by itself instead of with food.

282 Name: Hanku : 2024-12-03 04:33 ID:ZuQX31uT [Del]

Prefer water mostly. ICe cold on sunny days under clear sky, luke warm on other times and warm water on a sore throat.

283 Name: Anonymous : 2024-12-15 16:26 ID:bcxieECK [Del]

Black and green tea, ice cream float, water, fruit smoothies, hot chocolate

284 Name: kat : 2024-12-21 17:47 ID:JEqHHS0a [Del]

i love arizona green tea!! its delicious and never disappoints B) i think i could drink it with just about any food. thinking about it i'm the same with strawberry crush soda... it's so good...

285 Name: O205981010 : 2025-01-06 17:58 ID:folARocx (Image: 600x600 jpg, 40 kb) [Del]

src/1736207900688.jpg: 600x600, 40 kb
Caldo de Cana com pastel da feira... top!

286 Name: Pasiphae : 2025-01-28 09:13 ID:eBFlbghs [Del]

Non-alcoholic, I enjoy matcha and chai flavors. Both hot and cold.

Alcoholic, I'm currently partial toward Beatbox and Mike's Hard. When I was in college, everyone drank High Noon, but they don't taste very good, and the alcohol content is so low...!

Just make sure to never drink 4loko. I've had many a rough night after drinking those bad boys too quick.