1 Name: PyroPegasus : 2021-03-02 00:10 ID:gaVAh0EH [Del]
What is a food that almost everyone seems to like but you just don't like it?
2 Name: PyroPegasus : 2021-03-02 00:12 ID:gaVAh0EH [Del]
Mine is hot dogs. It seems like almost every American loves hot dogs, but I just don't like the taste. I also hate coffee. I use Mountain Dew to stay awake
3 Name: Schrodinger : 2021-03-15 17:56 ID:Tc+YeFhD [Del]
I don't like coffee either, too bitter for me.
4 Name: Kanra-chan 2.0 : 2021-04-03 16:14 ID:EmyoR7+v [Del]
Sushi... I've tasted it once and it just, I don't see why everyone loves it, it has a bland taste, at least for me.
5 Name: Kimiko : 2021-04-04 01:28 ID:95KK9pTN [Del]
Cheese. I hate the taste, texture, smell, all of it.
But I guess that only applies to sliced cheese or cheese sticks; basically any form of solid cheese. Cause I do love it in pizza, or melted cheese with nachos, I love Mac n cheese, and stuff like that. I mostly hate the slice cheese.
6 Name: cookie_blue : 2021-04-12 11:19 ID:bnW8Ca2Y [Del]
I do not like coffee. Sometimes I can't understand why people drink coffee ...
7 Name: Von U.M. : 2021-04-12 14:20 ID:nFg11NJJ [Del]
I've probably got the proverbial award on this one. Black pepper, olive oil and oranges. Barely smelling the stuff is enough to disgust me. There is a continuation but those are not that bad.
8 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2021-04-15 01:16 ID:es08KlEg [Del]
I don't like the canned tuna at all, ugh.
And also chestnuts, I will never eat them again-
9 Name: hutao : 2021-04-20 04:25 ID:y/PdxYF/ [Del]
Nuts for me. All types of nuts. Be it almond or peanut butter or or macadamia or cashews— anything with those as toppings. I absolutely despise chocolate bars with nuts in them, but for some reason everyone in my house loves it to bits.
10 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-04-20 04:55 ID:XjTVTvPS [Del]
That reminds me, I only like nuts if they're served as a standalone dish. But the moment they were served as a topping or an assisting role for any other food, I don't wanna eat them anymore save for some few specific food that did actually still taste just right with my tongue, one thing I recalled from the top of my mind is the chicken porridge.
11 Name: hutao : 2021-04-21 09:35 ID:eUk63NhY [Del]
Porridge... I want soup. It's been unreasonably cold here so far. Maybe I'll make one for myself tomorrow.
I see you want the pure nutty flavor. I respectfully disagree. The tang of nuts when rolling around my molars is a source of great misery. Not only do they taste weird, but they also get stuck on my teeth. I welcome your types, if only because you're the kind of person I can dump the served, yet unwanted, nuts to.
(For tonal purposes, I made the above paragraph in jest. It's hard to convey intent online, see.)
12 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-04-22 08:44 ID:f1dnXV/2 [Del]
>>11 the hate towards nut is high over here lmao
13 Name: NoahLikeBoah : 2021-04-22 11:40 ID:+BcP92v7 [Del]
really dark chocolate brownies. Here me out.
These brownies taste like you're eating thick, clumpy sand. Not only are they often tasteless, but the texture is horrible in my mouth. Whoever thought that dark chocolate brownies were a good idea, clearly have never baked in their life, or should get tested for covid as they definetly have lost their sense of taste. Thank you for reading.
Abolish dark chocolate brownies.
14 Name: Leigh : 2021-04-24 17:30 ID:KvOzGYlY [Del]
I hate oatmeal. Sure you can add sugar, berries, chocolate even to make it taste better but the weird gooey texture is something I can't stomach. I dunno how so many people eat it for breakfast.
15 Name: hutao !hutao4X9DQ : 2021-04-24 21:09 ID:hH0qSbTa [Del]
^ Oof Leigh, I feel you. Oatmeal by itself is kinda weird, but oatmeal cookies are a bit more preferable. There's this one brand here with chewy oatmeal cookie toppings and I yearn for it forever.
16 Name: Anonymous : 2021-04-26 08:14 ID:I8Z0vUIn [Del]
I dislike breakfast cereal.
17 Name: MarieAndHerDogs !DtNPN3MipE : 2021-04-29 09:47 ID:gjsaJPp4 [Del]
I dislike fudge and pinto beans.
18 Name: Liam_Sensei : 2021-05-04 01:51 ID:Fa3GoJ2w [Del]
hmm maybe sweet potato
19 Name: Ghost : 2021-05-06 10:19 ID:hgyDgq0C [Del]
Hash Browns
20 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2021-05-14 13:12 ID:aOolWaEE [Del]
French fries, mint, and coffee. Yuck. Also not a huge fan of chocolate or citrus fruits.
21 Name: acim : 2021-05-15 15:33 ID:rocl2caS [Del]
hmm probably spaghetti
22 Name: canipost : 2021-05-19 13:42 ID:LMjWKWAh [Del]
I dislike anything acidic, except pickles
23 Name: Nyx : 2021-08-11 11:09 ID:dTJedAdj [Del]
Gherkins, coffee and grapefruit personally. Yuck.
24 Name: Nabi : 2021-10-10 04:26 ID:upIlwF08 [Del]
sry but Pizza is overrated haha its not that i hate it but like there are better foods than Pizza.
25 Name: min : 2021-10-13 19:51 ID:SqMJ6KsT [Del]
garlic is the enemy
26 Name: Saika : 2021-10-19 16:20 ID:Y9qeAZCR [Del]
27 Name: Saika : 2021-10-19 16:27 ID:Y9qeAZCR [Del]
And sometimes eggs. Also, tomatoes are ok..
At times, the smells of these things or even textures make me gag. And tomatoes sometimes have a certain taste that makes me gag. It just disgusts me and makes me feel gross.
28 Name: Anonymous : 2021-12-31 19:32 ID:aItXx3Ll [Del]
29 Name: Quazelquop : 2022-02-22 15:37 ID:1CwkINpb [Del]
Pickles for me
30 Name: cxvz !CQ5CVt8dXc : 2022-02-23 08:52 ID:23q2JU7a [Del]
Hard-boiled eggs. They just don't work for me
31 Name: Felisa : 2022-04-05 10:19 ID:HDO5IxvK [Del]
I just can't stand any meat except chicken. I do not know what this is related to, but I am definitely not a vegetarian. Maybe it's because of the texture, or maybe I'm just weird.
32 Name: 3rd : 2022-04-05 13:04 ID:FZskNgnm [Del]
Cheese. Lots of cheese. I like cheese on pizza, or a good burger, but not on it's own and it can't be too strong in anything.
33 Name: Iraira !0UZD1OR/j. : 2022-05-03 21:03 ID:PF9shLbN [Del]
I don't know how people like tomatoes...
34 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-05-04 02:36 ID:ehfxvRdC [Del]
>>33 I hope you're excluding tomato sauce, or I'm afraid we'll never become friends.
35 Name: electroliz : 2022-05-30 18:32 ID:Kwy4bz4c [Del]
pinapple and coconut. its a hot day staple, but i dont like how pinapple bites back on my tongue.
36 Name: JJJ : 2022-06-15 00:17 ID:itHkZ5r8 [Del]
Avocados & bananas on their own...the mushiness is just...no
37 Name: Malone : 2023-11-13 03:56 ID:Kan5NbbV [Del]
Similar to Kimiko and 3rd. For me I can’t stand most cheese, especially American cheese (tastes plasticy to me for some reason). I do like some mozz (pizza is always a yum), cheddar’s, some gouda’s and bries, but I can get pretty particular about flavors.
38 Name: ao3 : 2024-07-14 09:14 ID:QHE9gvbz [Del]
hmmm.. probaly sour foods (lemons, limes, etc.) and types of animal products (meat, fish, etc., also i do like shimp
39 Name: The Fool : 2024-08-13 11:14 ID:4NUNEwHz [Del]
Steak. You'd think I ought to be crucified for not liking steak, or hamburgers! Gimme a break guys! I just don't like the texture!
I'm a Poultry and Seafood man at heart
40 Name: electrospider : 2024-08-20 17:12 ID:Pt1x+K/T [Del]
coconut or pineapple anything. i dont like snacks that bite back, and coconut just tastes wrong to me. but its EVERYWHERE in recipes from tropical countries!
41 Name: karma : 2024-08-21 12:03 ID:pMVnHfAp [Del]
i hate tomatoes except tomato sauce
42 Name: S3TT0N : 2024-08-24 02:21 ID:rlI5UXTu [Del]
I absolutely HATE avocados.
43 Name: saidaichi : 2024-11-06 15:17 ID:fbX5HK4W [Del]
straight oinion
44 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-22 17:04 ID:F67fg1uH [Del]
I strongly dislike plain water. Yes, sometimes even when I'm really fucking thirsty, it'll make me gag as if it was cough syrup or milk of magnesia. Yuck!
45 Name: Ruinlion : 2024-11-29 22:59 ID:wn/3oc1V [Del]
Mint. I can't stand anything mint flavored or scented including fresh mint. The smell alone makes me feel nauseous. It makes finding good oral hygiene stuff near impossible :/
46 Name: Hanku : 2024-12-03 04:34 ID:ZuQX31uT [Del]
Tomato. Just smells unberable to me.