1 Name: Buttertable : 2024-12-09 23:19 ID:5rg1Y2oo [Del]
I loooove encouraging people to eat healthily in order to function at the optimal level!
When you nourish your body with food thats ideal for your body, then your mind and body will be at its best.
Now food is very subjective. Every person has different needs, a body builder has different needs than an.. office worker, haha.
Finding what's right for you is an entire journey full of... decondiitoing your taste buds!! Most people(In the USA, I dont know about other countries) are used to putting garbage in their body because of the instant gratification it provides your tastebuds and the sweet rush of serotonin in your brain.
Anyway my first question is, without thinking of the flavor of things but rather the nutrition: What are some foods you wish you could stop eating and other foods you wish you could enjoy?
Now, Ive been on a 5 year journey of tranforming my diet but to this day I struggle soooo much to resist the call of spicy chips. I have gotten a lot better but on a bad day I gotta reach for that bag. Sigh. *Pan to the empty cheeto bag on my desk rn"