1 Name: Riku : 2020-01-28 14:05 ID:aIU2z3JT [Del]
Hello everyone, I started working on a new durarara-like-chat a few days ago.
I will use this thread to post updates and answer your questions.
If you want to join as a developer OR supporter, please send a mail to: projectdrrrchat@gmail.com
Programming languages: Node.js, Vue.js, MongoDB (Mongoose), HTML, CSS
Original thread: https://dollars-bbs.org/main/res/1577662725.html
2 Name: Riku : 2020-01-28 14:17 ID:aIU2z3JT [Del]
Designs we have until now:
(Note: We're going to offer a modern AND a classic theme)
Modern -> https://i.imgur.com/9AC9OEi.png
Classic -> https://i.imgur.com/HcEWYWX.png
Message Bubbles:
Modern -> https://i.imgur.com/0OEGRYw.png
Classic -> https://i.imgur.com/7yVdfDz.png
Rooms (inside of the room list in the lounge):
Modern -> https://i.imgur.com/dAyYDg1.png
Classic -> https://i.imgur.com/vcvnRZ3.png
The website will be available under the following URLs:
HTTPS will be added once we go online.
3 Name: sayn/!ORRLwk4y.. : 2020-01-28 20:13 ID:bl+/LhGc [Del]
waaa awesome pal, cant wait this new site online xD
keep it up^
4 Name: kat : 2020-01-29 14:37 ID:xgnMnGbW [Del]
This is so cool, tell us when it's finished!!! Also, will it have a password?
5 Name: Riku : 2020-01-29 15:20 ID:aIU2z3JT [Del]
>>4If you're talking about a password like this website has.. :
No, it will not have a password.
6 Name: Koyuki : 2020-01-30 16:57 ID:xigIFqHn [Del]
Hello! Just checking up on you guys! For the new chat, will we have accounts that have changeable names or will we have set usernames we can't change? Thank you! (Again, I like classic better, has more of a nostalgic feel.)
7 Name: Riku : 2020-01-31 07:50 ID:aIU2z3JT [Del]
>>6 Yes! A user will be able to change all his information, e.g.:
- Username
- Password
- Email
- Country
- Description
Keep in mind though, if another registered user has the name you want to use in usage already, you will not be able to use that name.
8 Name: total human : 2020-02-10 20:54 ID:EKhDxggh [Del]
HA so first come first serve... better not be too many karnas XD
9 Name: sansrio : 2020-02-12 14:02 ID:bGzp49mB [Del]
This seems very cool! I'm 100% sure it'll turn out amazing!!
10 Name: Riku : 2020-02-20 04:05 ID:aIU2z3JT [Del]
Login Classic Mobile:
Login Modern Mobile:
11 Name: Matto : 2020-03-12 13:43 ID:RZHjS0Rk [Del]
You can use my IRC system as a backend, if you like.
(channel #dollars, host ka10.de).
Or: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/ka10.de/dollars
12 Name: SeaRuxTheHuman : 2020-03-20 19:07 ID:NgB7Q7ay [Del]
Is there a github? I’m not an expert programmer (I mostly just screw around with lua) but web development has been something that I have been really looking into as of late. Due to my current life situation (my dads an asshole) I won’t be able to get on a computer for a while, but when I can get on I would love to see what you have so I can learn from your code what everything dose, I’ve always been better at learning hints by seeing them actually do something, not just being told what they do.
13 Name: Matto : 2020-04-23 17:42 ID:RFVv4MaK [Del]
SeaRuxTheHuman: You can get an account on my server to try out your stuff.
14 Name: Matto : 2020-04-23 17:46 ID:RFVv4MaK [Del]
And now, as for that link, there won't be a github, because I consider git to be crap, which it is.
15 Name: Riku : 2020-04-27 12:07 ID:423U1tZL [Del]
>>12Yes, we do have a GitHub repository but we're not planning to make it open source anytime soon. I don't think you'd understand a lot anyways.
I am not really sure what
>>13 >>14 is talking about.
16 Name: Matto : 2020-04-30 13:08 ID:RFVv4MaK [Del]
13: I have a server, you can try stuff out there.
14: The english word "git" is a synonym for "trash", and that's exacly what I think about git (the software).
However, since you don't intend to make your thingy open source, my points are all moot, since I won't help you in any way then (especially not with inventing YET ANOTHER chat system).
17 Name: Riku : 2020-05-10 07:18 ID:423U1tZL [Del]
>>16 Well thank you anyways! We already have the backend code of the chat-system finished. It's not about inventing a new chat engine lol, we use websockets and it works like a charm. It's more about changing the already existing engines to our needs.
18 Name: /999 : 2020-05-10 17:35 ID:/hFFjJbj (Image: 400x400 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]
Zing aka ALEXIS is /h/ is going to meet a terrible fate.
19 Name: Matto : 2020-05-11 14:20 ID:RZHjS0Rk [Del]
Riku: If it's not about inventing a new chat-engine, then pray tell me which chat client I can use to connect to your chat.
20 Name: Anonymous : 2020-08-05 15:33 ID:jHtq9W6d [Del]
Bumppppppp. Riku where are the updates?
21 Name: Riku : 2020-08-06 06:42 ID:7OvnFHVU [Del]
I am sorry for the long wait!
We sadly had to stop working on the chat for a few months, Corona hit us hard!
However, we now work on it again!
Let me share some updates:
- Private messages
- registered Users can now add friends
- Users now have friendlists
- Rooms can have passwords now
- Hosts can kick users
- Registration now properly works
- Text formatting
- You can upload images and send them into the chat
- You can draw small pics on the website and send them
- Hosts can now pass host to other users
- Adult Rooms were added
- Many Bug-Fixes
- Localized Error messages
- Dynamic Error messages
- improved data validation
- we added different language support
- all front-end components were localized
06/08/2020 (today)
- Hosts can now ban users
- Filtering rooms by language
- Security Fixes
... to be continued.
Some pictures:
PC Classic Lounge:
PC Modern Lounge:
Mobile Classic Lounge:
Since this is a little stuffed, we're going to add an optional grid layout which will let you see more rooms in the mobile lounge:
22 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-08-06 06:53 ID:VybLFJFF [Del]
I legit believed this was abandoned, glad that you're alive and well even.
Is there an estimation on when the site will be launched? Or beta perhaps?
All in all, I'm quite happy you didn't just forget about us.
23 Name: DefterMoon : 2020-08-11 10:57 ID:Lt4oapEG [Del]
This is sooo cool I can't wait for it to come out.
24 Name: subete_yoshi : 2020-08-18 22:36 ID:6QG5YnR0 [Del]
Upon first seeing this thread I was going to ask how it would be different from drrr.com, but this looks a lot better and seems to have much more functionality. Excited to see this launch.
25 Name: Riku : 2020-08-21 05:18 ID:7OvnFHVU [Del]
Due to many people asking, we now set up an alpha version of the chat.
We will try to push the newest version to the server most of the time.
You can access it via: http://drrrchat.net
If you find any bugs, please let us know about it and send it to: projectdrrrchat@gmail.com
Furthermore, we decided to fix bugs until September, at the start of September we will implement the last major features and start integrating the front-end (design) to the website.
People who really help us with finding many bugs will of course get a reward once the site is 100% up and running. :)
26 Name: D : 2020-09-04 22:08 ID:qK8HG7TB [Del]
Hey, will this chat site let you make a room and leave it without it just despairing? That's one thing that's really annoying about the old chatroom site, once you made a room you had to stay in that room.
27 Name: Gadaky : 2020-09-17 04:31 ID:r7nnRBui [Del]
is it fully operative? or are u still working on it? becouse i have a lot of spare time so i can run the site to find the bugs
28 Name: G : 2020-10-10 09:34 ID:P8yoWHcK (Image: 2047x1260 jpg, 46 kb) [Del]
Hey hey, how's the chat going?
29 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2020-11-11 12:36 ID:rUcLdQqE (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 71 kb) [Del]
Can't wait for the next update on this. Don't stop believin!
30 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2020-12-14 17:21 ID:rUcLdQqE (Image: 617x649 png, 457 kb) [Del]
Just know I never stopped believing.
31 Name: Anonymous : 2020-12-16 23:57 ID:jHtq9W6d (Image: 500x307 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]
How's the chat going?
32 Name: Riku : 2020-12-17 08:01 ID:unwbkECN [Del]
Uni's really stressful right now.
I'll continue working on it once I do have more time. :)
33 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-12-19 02:49 ID:VbZZ6NDJ [Del]
Literally didn't expect you to pop up, glad you hadn't forsaken us lol. We'll be waiting~
34 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-12-20 06:38 ID:FCL3FGbn [Del]
>>32 (Riku) same lol, thanks for the replay!! And well... shameful offering of mine but... I'm a cs masters in case you need a code monkey to help with the chat I am here to join the work force ;)
35 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-20 07:38 ID:+bc++Xov [Del]
this is an amazing idea! i really wish I could help but I know nothing about programming, but i will tell everyone i know about this! thank you for doing this
36 Name: C4S4N0V4 : 2020-12-20 13:31 ID:o+hqDvSQ [Del]
When will it be ready
37 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2020-12-22 08:48 ID:rUcLdQqE [Del]
>>32 Glad to hear you're still around! Take your time and keep us updated as you go. You'll always find interest in a project like this 'round here.
Can't believe I missed the update after waiting so long tho. >:0
38 Name: Riku : 2020-12-26 09:45 ID:pvFTeGfq [Del]
>>34 Hey, honestly we need every bit of help (especially with coding) we can get.
So if you're free just send a mail to: projectdrrrchat@gmail.com
to contact me. :)
39 Name: Goat : 2021-01-08 09:48 ID:dRd1o/0M [Del]
is it ready?
40 Name: ANDEL : 2021-01-30 10:48 ID:R1j51Fh6 [Del]
How's it coming along?
41 Name: Riku : 2021-01-31 05:25 ID:unwbkECN [Del]
Hey, exams are coming up soon and I am not working on it right now at all. I will probably start working on it again in March. :)
42 Name: Silva : 2021-02-18 16:20 ID:EixrwxCU [Del]
>>41Best of luck on your exams, mate. Looking forward to hearing how the project's going.
43 Name: K4nr4 4rg3ntum : 2021-04-23 01:25 ID:p2itW2kW [Del]
>>41 I hope your exams went well. How is the project coming along?
44 Name: Riku : 2021-04-29 08:46 ID:Kwo1dKWf [Del]
My exams went well, luckily. :)
As of right now I am implementing the front end properly. It's coming along really well so far. I hope I can share some results soon.
45 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-05-06 16:33 ID:rUcLdQqE [Del]
>>44 Can't wait to see it, Riku! :D
46 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-07-17 03:17 ID:Y+PIPwXQ [Del]
drrrchat.net is down :<
I wonder how is the progress of this
47 Name: Foreverz : 2021-07-24 19:28 ID:Flc4q1b1 [Del]
I'd join but I'm a php and laravel developer
48 Name: 3rd : 2021-07-29 00:22 ID:BbVMGFAf [Del]
Just a new guy commenting to show his support in the project. Hope it's progressing well, sadly I can't help with coding. Good luck, appreciate all the work you've been doing.
49 Name: titus : 2021-08-03 20:54 ID:aemq3JNM [Del]
50 Name: pic0lin0 : 2021-08-08 16:57 ID:25CEzIdg [Del]
how to upload your code?, do you have website permissions to open other page on domain or something like that?
51 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-08-08 21:47 ID:VZlVEt9A [Del]
pretty sure Riku purchased a domain earlier this year
52 Name: Riku : 2021-10-18 21:47 ID:urw4febb [Del]
Hey guys, I just wanted to give you a small update!
These past 6 months have been absolutely terrible for me, I was diagnosed with a pretty serious disease, got meds to treat it, went to therapy and I am finally feeling a bit better. Also my girlfriend broke up with me, lmao. So now, I am back.
I am going to be completely honest with you guys, as of right now, I am doing the coding part of this project completely by myself. The guy who wanted to help me kind of quit, which is fine. I have decided to completely rewrite the code from scratch yet again, because the old code simply wasn't clean and scalable enough.
So what I've got working so far is:
- Anonymous Login
- Registering
- Login with Account
- Lounge
- Creating Rooms
- Join Rooms
- Leave Rooms
I have implemented all of that in just 1 week, I am feeling much more confident about my coding abilities as a web-developer than before.
Note: Web-Development is just a hobby of mine afterall.
Before this kind of stuff took us weeks to implement.
I am confident if I can keep this pace, a beta version of this site could be up and running the end of November / December. However, I don't wanna make any promises anymore, maybe life decides to fuck me once again.
Also, I decided to re-design the lounge, since the old layout was just a little too clunky in opinion, here it is:
Desktop Lounge with menu closed:
Desktop Lounge with menu opened:
Mobile Lounge with menu closed:
Mobile Lounge with menu opened:
In my opinion the desktop version looks a bit empty, especially on the sides 🤔
I don't know what to put there yet, also I should probably make the room components a little smaller.
Leave your suggestions bellow!
I hope things will finally work out this time.
53 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-10-20 07:08 ID:eVazyyEk [Del]
Sorry about the broke up dud, but yooooooo
Wake up babe, new Riku post is up.
I'd probably just want to be able to use tripcode there, assuming it hadn't been added yet. Wasn't really planning to make an account there, so tripcode would at least be useful to kinda differentiate ourselves from the rest of the anons.
As for the emptiness, I proposed something like the attached. Though I'm sure it would be much harder to tweak the code for it than to just going to the paint application, crop, stretch, and move things a lil bit.
Anyways, nice to see you still working on this.
54 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-10-20 11:26 ID:eVazyyEk (Image: 1200x675 png, 133 kb) [Del]
My bad, attachment didn't get attached.
55 Name: Riku : 2021-10-20 15:27 ID:urw4febb [Del]
Ohhh, nice ideas! I'll ofc add tripcodes now that you ask.
I kind of forgot the entire Dollars thing was about being anonymous and it'd be nice for anon users to have a way of identifying themselves.
56 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-10-21 10:01 ID:eVazyyEk [Del]
Out of topic, but do you perhaps got any recommendation regarding learning materials? For morons, if possible. I got 0 knowledge about codes, so I wanna try doing them. Thanks in advance!
57 Name: Riku : 2021-10-26 04:12 ID:urw4febb [Del]
Hmmm, you can find really good programming courses on Udemy. You should only buy them when they're on sale (which they are really often, trust me) though, because then you can get them for like 10$. When I started coding I bought myself some books for C++, they're kind of outdated though and not really for morons. xD
Oh, and before you start you should try to pick what you would like to do. There's no need to learn C++ if you're going to write websites, that'd be an overkill.
58 Name: Shinigami : 2021-10-26 13:22 ID:iG6GFcHl [Del]
I just found out about this, it looks really cool. I'm looking forward to it!
59 Name: TaroBoba : 2021-10-26 14:21 ID:MEB+S5PN [Del]
This would be a very good idea. The only problem would be outreach.
60 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-10-26 20:49 ID:eVazyyEk [Del]
>>59 It got enough outreach alright, I even recalled Reimu messing around here when the mock-up site was up. Even if it didn't, if there's something that could match drrr.com's quality, then of course it is going to stay.
61 Name: TaroBoba : 2021-10-27 15:12 ID:hFzUqqYG [Del]
Really, perhaps I didn't have enough info. My apologies for being arrogant. Anyways, this would seem like a great idea, the only problem is, (mabye outreach wasn't the right word) but infulece without sounding evil. But to get more and more people in the chats to outreach them. idk, But the good thing is that a supriseing amoutn of people have familiarized themselves with the anime.
62 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-10-27 20:07 ID:Ak7xGN21 [Del]
Don't be sorry, I feel bad now lol
The thing is, drrr.com is currently monopolizing the entire platform of drrrlike chatroom sites. Having an option to use another site would be nice, since everything else is dead at this point. Mushoku is clunky yet still online, but they can't handle more than 12 people at a time so no. Drrrkari is exclusive to the Japanese, so can't do. Darasu and all the other sites are gone, so we're left with very few options.
Even if it didn't get popular, it will at least be left untarnished by the toxicity huge communities often inhabits. It will at least be a comfy place to hang around, you know how drrr.com has some toxic corners in their platform, that's not a really fun place to be in.
63 Name: dio : 2021-11-02 07:49 ID:89YaZZ6R [Del]
hey man, that honestly looks really cool! i hope it will all go well, can't wait to use the finished product :D
64 Name: Riku : 2021-11-02 19:02 ID:urw4febb [Del]
Hello you all!
Thank you so much for the nice words and for the support, it's really nice to read. Also, I fully agree with Firion, I really dislike drrr.com and I want to create a better place for people. I don't care how many will use it in the end, this is my part for the DOLLARS community. :)
I finally implemented the lounge design properly, here's a video of the latest state of the project:
65 Name: Jaydon.A : 2021-11-02 19:16 ID:MmoAHaCZ [Del]
66 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-11-03 17:25 ID:rUcLdQqE [Del]
>>64 Woot woot, I'm super excited for this!
67 Name: Deki : 2021-11-20 12:07 ID:eNw/n4ZG [Del]
This is going to be great!
68 Name: Eris : 2021-11-22 03:54 ID:kkTzn4pV [Del]
I'm excited! But I hope it doesn't devolve into majority roleplay rooms like how drrr.com went
69 Name: Deki : 2021-11-23 17:43 ID:TvF7awSQ [Del]
will the private rooms be deleted once evreyone leaves or can they stay this way i dont have to constantly make a new room code for my friends and stuff like that, this ould be for private rooms only
70 Name: Deki : 2021-11-24 21:00 ID:FH4EsOgV [Del]
71 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-11-24 21:42 ID:KrjLI4mC [Del]
72 Name: Deki : 2021-11-25 15:58 ID:b5qjDGwN [Del]
73 Name: Anonymous : 2021-11-26 17:36 ID:qGwF6Rjg [Del]
Looking forward to this
74 Name: 47suteki!19gV7AvaTQ : 2021-12-06 10:29 ID:tj+zwgy+ [Del]
any updates?
75 Name: dio : 2021-12-28 07:31 ID:3/7iNpuY [Del]
hows it going?
76 Name: kae : 2022-01-17 16:20 ID:5r1c8oxb [Del]
I’m excited for this :0
77 Name: duck : 2022-01-29 11:54 ID:mL8cdxio [Del]
It's the project still up? if it is, is on github?
78 Name: Jodisan !C2aYxqEoEA : 2022-01-30 15:43 ID:wRGicSSu [Del]
79 Name: bumpin : 2022-02-16 10:01 ID:noJ0ofPt [Del]
80 Name: bumpin : 2022-02-27 12:40 ID:noJ0ofPt [Del]
81 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-02-28 01:29 ID:0Ng7DBCz [Del]
Why bump if it has always been on top?
82 Name: Anon : 2022-05-23 11:29 ID:qp3meqV+ [Del]
Any updates?
83 Name: Kam : 2022-08-07 00:08 ID:GDhNKQNC [Del]
I'm guessing there's no new updates?
84 Name: Happy7520 : 2022-09-07 10:28 ID:ElbR0Pg9 [Del]
As an original member of when the DOLLARS site/chatrooms were popping off over a decade+ ago, it's been pretty sad to come back and occasionally see this place falling apart. Everyone seems so distant and not really connected these days. I wish there was a new BBS website as a whole. The chatrooms are a great place to start, so I'm really hoping this project is still alive. Good luck!!
85 Name: Hakku : 2022-09-23 09:30 ID:hPiAvOKd [Del]
Sup! guys the invite still up?
86 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-09-28 01:35 ID:N+rtL6wr [Del]
>>84 Active member Name made a chatroom some time back. It's pretty faithful to the show. Maybe even the most faithful I've seen... accessible at
CHAT.DOLLARS.MOE if you wanna have a look-see.
That said, hope Riku's doing well.
87 Name: Riku : 2023-07-21 08:03 ID:3xmGEgLW [Del]
Sorry guys, just had to grab some cigarettes. I'm back now, I promise 🤠
88 Name: Kae : 2023-11-28 19:09 ID:1MXiTBj/ [Del]
I’m guessing this is abandoned?
89 Name: skyMark : 2024-01-19 17:32 ID:KUaIY5K+ [Del]
seems so, generally drrr projects seem to not be alive 10 years after series end
90 Name: Duhahaha : 2024-07-18 08:10 ID:i9JDTdYR [Del]
Still holding on to the hope that this project fully materializes. Wishing you all the best, Riku!
91 Name: Mal : 2024-10-04 16:30 ID:t/xmlDdp [Del]
Anyone else think drrr causes a curse to the coder?
92 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-22 17:55 ID:Hg9gvsiM [Del]
93 Name: Killua : 2025-01-18 05:44 ID:WxxRFHBq [Del]
No more reply’s recently I see
94 Name: A human. Promise. : 2025-02-11 08:20 ID:Mdio1FkB [Del]
Last reply in january? let me fix that for you.