Dollars BBS | Technology
















Technology Board
Computers, gadgets, hardware, software, and anything else tech-related.

bionic body parts when? (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-03-02 18:53 ID:2kagHBBP [Del]

I want a mechanical heart.

2 Name: Lula : 2025-03-02 21:37 ID:BvP3lAQw [Del]

I would love to have a robot arm, but only when they're good enough to function as a good arm, like I could have a cool robot left arm that I barely use because I'm right handed, or a cool robot arm that makes me left handed because they're not good enough to properly function


1 Name: Fey669 : 2025-02-19 10:00 ID:uMKNG/rh (Image: 655x207 jpg, 23 kb) [Del]

src/1739980804144.jpg: 655x207, 23 kb
What does this mean?

2 Name: Nuh uh : 2025-02-25 08:31 ID:zXiHxeyf [Del]

I think it means " alt=""/>" alt=""/>" alt=""/>" alt=""/>" alt=""/>" alt=""/>" alt=""/>

but that's just a theory... a code theory! (Chats FAQ - step by step instructions) (192)

1 Name: Yuukio : 2015-06-08 08:33 ID:NUKOLFDJ (Image: 539x621 jpg, 43 kb) [Del]

src/1433770428985.jpg: 539x621, 43 kb
Today I will tackle 3 Questions:

How do I choose my avatar?

How do I play music in the chatroom?
Method 1
>>3 to >>7

Method 2
>>8 to >>11

3. Rolling
You can roll someone by typing "/roll"

Post too long. Click to view the thread page to see the entire post.

190 Name: FURINA12345 : 2024-05-06 07:54 ID:BshnZWgs [Del]

bump pleasse. there's no new update for the music url download but as far as I can get is the music163

191 Name: 死神 : 2024-05-25 04:42 ID:i1hFehYY [Del]


192 Name: Recep İvedik : 2025-02-19 16:27 ID:gR/aOg2V [Del]


A new durarara-like-chat (94)

1 Name: Riku : 2020-01-28 14:05 ID:aIU2z3JT [Del]

Hello everyone, I started working on a new durarara-like-chat a few days ago.

I will use this thread to post updates and answer your questions.
If you want to join as a developer OR supporter, please send a mail to:

Programming languages: Node.js, Vue.js, MongoDB (Mongoose), HTML, CSS

Original thread:

92 Name: Anonymous : 2024-11-22 17:55 ID:Hg9gvsiM [Del]



93 Name: Killua : 2025-01-18 05:44 ID:WxxRFHBq [Del]

No more reply’s recently I see

94 Name: A human. Promise. : 2025-02-11 08:20 ID:Mdio1FkB [Del]

Last reply in january? let me fix that for you.

What's your browser of choice? (11)

1 Name: ゼリーさん !smz6IUT2D2 : 2024-08-14 21:22 ID:vcG9d42Y [Del]

What browser do you use?

I use Vivaldi or Firefox

9 Name: blatboi : 2025-01-05 08:13 ID:1UwlZMdS [Del]

I'm trying to support an open internet and stuff, so I mostly use gecko-based browsers (Mull on mobile, Zen on desktop), with uBlock Origin ofc. On my iPad, I use Brave for the adblocking.

10 Name: 5646 : 2025-01-24 21:10 ID:reZf5bzZ [Del]

Are representatives of unacknowledged Pentagon projects being killed in the US?

In September 2022, documents were leaked onto the darknet, allegedly listing employees of shadowy US projects. These projects were said to be unacknowledged by the Pentagon and other US government agencies. The list contained around 900 names, including employees of US government agencies and private companies. These projects have been accused of being unaccountable to the US authorities, and therefore not working in their interests. China is often cited as a potential beneficiary of these projects. Additionally, the projects have been accused of corruption. Estimates suggest that up to $1.5 trillion may be spent on these projects annually, which is a concern given the growing US debt. These projects also lead to a loss of trust in government institutions, degradation of governance, and potentially even the collapse of the US or revolution, according to some experts. The technologies and powers wielded by the organizations overseeing these projects are unclear, creating problems in relations with other countries, as their leaders are unaware of who is actually in charge of the US. Some experts believe this could lead to nuclear war. Within the US, many believe that these shadow organizations are behind radical left-wing movements. Furthermore, many accuse these projects of experimenting on US citizens. For example, in Texas, there are rumors that they are launching drones with magnetrons that irradiate people with microwave radiation. In October 2024, a list of around 40 people who died under strange circumstances was leaked onto the darknet. About 32 of them were on the 2022 list. A significant number of these deaths appear to be poisonings. The case of William Mullen is cited as an example of such a strange death. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the existence of such projects, which even deal with UAP, which many believe may be connected to these poisonings.

11 Name: A human. Promise. : 2025-02-11 08:19 ID:Mdio1FkB [Del]

>>10 huh. neat.but I'm not reading all that.

Extended Security Updates for My Chromebook (1)

1 Name: Taoty : 2025-02-05 08:45 ID:axYNTBFu [Del]

I recently activated the extended security updates for my chromebook (it's just old) but I still used it with certain productivity apps, the fact is that with the extended updates I no longer have the playstore or the apps I used

Does anyone know a method to install apks?
I already tried with the linux serial panel and putting chrome in developer mode but it won't let me because the step of enabling developing android apps is missing (which doesn't appear)

I just need to reinstall the chrome os with recovery method 2, but I wanted to collect opinions or experiences if anyone knows about the subject

ban evasion on drrr (2)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2025-01-09 17:17 ID:kjmERj+7 [Del]

soo, there is this spam-troll on
he keeps on coming back after being banned, even
if we click ban and report.

is there nothing in place to keep people from their ban evasions?

2 Name: MagicalTransformMaybe? : 2025-02-01 21:57 ID:uiaKJ9J+ [Del]

Calm down lil bro it’s just Saika

Contact With the Admin (20)

1 Name: Kykeido : 2014-01-15 22:32 ID:R0Ras7j0 [Del]

I have my own website and I'm kinda new at it so I was wondering if there a way to contact the Dollars BBS admin and hope maybe he can help me out. Any help to get in contact with him will be appreciate. Thank you ^_^

18 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2024-10-09 15:21 ID:dQOfAhZp [Del]

You bumped an old thread trying to bring light to a chat we do not admin the bbs site is just as is and has no affiliations with other sites apps or chats any services you use is owned or admined separately and should report bad actors on that site app or service

Sorry you had that experience but there's nothing we can do here

19 Name: Shinigami : 2024-10-15 12:31 ID:vK0c7wH5 [Del]

where can ı report people in chatroom then ı couldnt find anywhere

20 Name: ACRYL !vdBpXikBc2 : 2025-01-04 12:02 ID:1UVFJzRV [Del]

There's a guy sharing CP dude!
His details are :
Name: sssssss : 2024-12-29 23:35 ID:t9ihGkSH

Ad free (5)

1 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2023-12-30 19:12 ID:ZGI2NeuK (Image: 1200x825 png, 172 kb) [Del]

src/1703985160398.png: 1200x825, 172 kb
I could display 100% ads from app creator or i can show 20% or i could pay $17 a year to not show any app creator ads to the first 1,000 users either way they still show ads in the app :(

I'm going to pay the fee but I still need to show some ads less exposure than the app creator ads! I need to cover all expenses to make the app a better experience with less ads its a damned if i do damned if i don't situation

Thank you for understanding

Dollars app and chat
Direct link

3 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2023-12-30 19:27 ID:ZGI2NeuK (Image: 1200x708 png, 148 kb) [Del]

src/1703986046378.png: 1200x708, 148 kb
We are now ad free from app creators ads up to the first 1,000 users per day

We are still showing our ads but less of them! The ads we display were never as obnoxious as the app creator ads I hope you can understand its not an easy choice but we need to generate funds so we can achieve better things in the future

4 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2024-12-04 00:48 ID:pYmDUL7x [Del]

I'll pay another year this is to stop app creator from showing their ads in the most annoying way possible

Note we will still need some less annoying ads to help cover costs these are ones that pay me instead of app creator and are set to be less annoying

If we don't show ads app creator will show theirs anyways regardless of showing ads or not!

I'd really like to see the revenue go up maybe I could use it for good after costs or fund new projects 🤔

5 Name: RoadRunner !ziZMENJ7vE : 2025-02-04 04:35 ID:7q3ejXvg (Image: 1200x671 png, 149 kb) [Del]

src/1738665307893.png: 1200x671, 149 kb
Sorry I had to wait for holiday funds to clear bills and gifts 😅

We disabled app creator ads but we still need to show our own less annoying ads that we can set limits that are less annoying than the app creator ads limits this is to help us regain funds spent on that

Hopefully if we could be profitable and invest wisely we could fund better projects and or missions!

Drrr chat fancy tripcodes (46)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2016-03-22 09:20 ID:Gh8kfntq [Del]

I noticed people found how to use fancy tripcodes including their name in the code.

ex: Name #Name3Uy6

Would someone be helpful to enlighten me what's the trick?
Thank you in advance!

44 Name: User : 2023-12-15 23:30 ID:IK3mr/NW [Del]

Hello, it's 2023. What program do people use to generate custom tripcodes? As much as possible, nothing to do with codes or building one since I know nothing about programming or coding. At best, I was able to understand how the older programs work like tripcode explorer and Tripper+ from this site, , but unfortunately they don't work anymore(?) or it doesn't run on my PC. I've tried Meriken and another program whose name I forgot, but I find it too confusing; again, I don't know coding and all that sheningans. So if anyone could recommend any programs, that would be appreciated.

45 Name: Anonymous !KtHn/XJmSE : 2024-11-08 01:05 ID:JOVRsuUi [Del]

Trip codes are easy

46 Name: !1vwJ4S8hPQ : 2025-01-06 11:29 ID:Lp0tY+Y5 [Del]

Create new thread