Dollars BBS | Sports
















Cheer Up! And Support! (3)

1 Name: Rei : 2020-02-24 20:49 ID:CCJrrgir [Del]

Hello my trustworthy fellow DOLLARS members! I wanted to ask if any of you have good advice to give someone who is struggling with a sport. A good pal of mine has taken a large interest in volleyball and studied all the rules before trying it physically. He’s very fit and active. He practices 5/7 days a week whether it be tossing the ball up, using a net, or intense drills. He constantly compares himself to the rest of the club and worries he won’t make the team. I believe he has strong potential to make it when compared to others. He just doesn’t believe that. He practices and practices but he doesn’t get any better. I’ve given him every piece of advice I could think of... I’m wondering if you guys could help me with any advice or encouraging words!

2 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2020-02-25 10:08 ID:k6O5Yeyu [Del]

>>1 Sounds like this should have beeen posted in the personal board,

It's easy to try an compare your self with someone else but what he should be doing is comparing him self with him self it's hard to do this sometimes and easily forgotten when training, he should write notes down on the different exercises/drills he dose in volleyball and try an beat his score/personal best then he can see how much he is improving over time.


3 Name: Plantagenet : 2020-04-06 17:24 ID:faAXcxnz [Del]

I play volleyball too! I agree with you Kaisuke, it's easy to compare yourself with other players and think you won't make the team, but try to help him stay positive and practice with others! Practicing with others will help strengthen bonds and learn new things! (Hopefully this is helpful)