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Strange Dreams: We all have them, so let's share (796)

1 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-26 01:45 ID:v9a/lXhf [Del]

Okay, so I noticed that a thread like this had yet to be created, so here it is. We all have had a weird dream or two at sometime. Some are a bit odd; others are just downright insanely weird. Share these WTF dreams and let's see some of the crazy shit our fellow Dollars dream about.

And for fucks sake, please no form of erotic or "wet" dreams. If we wanted smut, we could google it damn it.

2 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-26 01:54 ID:OqYpMTj7 [Del]

I had a dream where I was in my boxers in a place reminiscent of the hyperbolic time chamber, and I was running back and forth from an out of place refrigerator filled with laundry detergent, which I proceeded to repeatedly bring to a group of miscellaneous figures who wouldn't stop laughing at eachother.

3 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-26 01:55 ID:v9a/lXhf [Del]

Well, seems i will go first. One night about a month ago, I was up really late playing Okami. If any of you have played before, it's got some interesting things. Anywho, there was a village full of talking sparrows, and all the chief said was *CHIRP*. Somehow, I dreamt about being in a mob and getting captured by another gang...of sparrows. They tied me up, tortured me with tickling feathers, egg throwing and bird poop. At the end, the big chief came to me with a high powered egg launcher. He stared me down, beak curved into a scowl before he uttered this: "Chirp, bitches." He then shot, and I am guessing, killed me in my dream.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-26 01:55 ID:OqYpMTj7 [Del]

Ninja'd Beltove hahaha

6 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-26 01:57 ID:v9a/lXhf [Del]

>>5 Damn, you totally did. And as for your dream... Interesting. I've never had those "only in your underwear" dreams. Never.

7 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-26 01:57 ID:uNyazeUm [Del]

i remember once when i was still in elementary school, i had a freddy krueger dream, except it wasn't freddy, it just looked like him. here's where the insanity kicks in. i'm chilling in this tree fortress (thing was huge man) when this other kid comes up to me freaking out about some dude name Jack the Propeller and how we need to get the fuck outta there before he slaughters us. as we're trying to get away THE WHOLE FUCKING TREE STARTS BENDING BACK AND FORTH. me and the kid go flying out of a window, sore but otherwise ok, we start laughing and i make a comment about how lucky we were that we got away when the other kid smiles, says "no you didn't" then turns into Freddy (a.k.a jack the propeller) and stabs me in the chest with his finger knives. i then woke up feeling pressure being put on the exact same spot where he stabbed me. freaked me out.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-26 02:11 ID:v9a/lXhf [Del]

>>7 O.O Creepy. I used to have this once a year reoccuring dream about an immortal monster of a man hunting me down to consume my soul. He would chase me anywhere and everywhere. Some of the locations this occured at were...strange. It finally ended when I was 14. The bastard had corned me on a roof to a very tall building. He came up, gripped me painfully by the throat and stared me down. I clenched my teeth, and with as much courage as I could muster, told him I wasn't afraid and that he could fuck off. He smiled at me, eyes burrowing into my soul. "That's good, boy," he said before throwing me off the building. I woke midfall, falling off my bed onto the floor.Never dreamt about that grotesque, immortal freak ever again.

10 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-26 02:16 ID:uNyazeUm [Del]

>>9 i had this reoccurring dream when i was like 3 or 4 where the wizard dude from Fantasia would trap and kill my parents and my then baby sister. it wasnt graphic or anything, but to my 3-4 year old mind, it was terrifying.

11 Name: Risu : 2011-11-26 02:27 ID:P9nAILVJ [Del]

I had a weird dream. In it,I took form of my 4-7 year old self stranded at a parking lot. there was a lot of cars and I went looking for an exit. Then, I heard a gunshot at the distance. it came from a group of thugs that carried pistols. they took out an innocent man for no reason. I was very scared and so I ran away as fast as I could. Somehow, my car that my mom used was there and it was unlocked. I hid inside it and locked everything in it until a guy who I knew he was them came after me. Luckily, he didn't want to kill me since he showed it by blocking me from his "friends" from getting me.(they managed to remove the doors with their guns) But the person who shot the innocent man shoved him away from me and aimed his gun on my forehead. All was then a blurr to me as I woke, but I felt a little pain to where he aimed the gun at me for a few days.

12 Name: Risu : 2011-11-26 02:29 ID:P9nAILVJ [Del]

this was all true! I'm not sure if this somewhat happened in my life. like little clues or some message.

13 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2011-11-26 02:44 ID:iYP4T02p [Del]

My brother once had a dream that he was standing in a blank room next to a table with a phone on it. It then rang, and when he answered it, the voice on the other end said, "The time is now pudding."

14 Name: Mael !hefBVEyOUs : 2011-11-26 03:39 ID:OqYpMTj7 [Del]

If any of you are old enough to remember Windows 95, there was a game on it that involved skiing, now in this game the objective was to dodge all obsticles, however at some point an abominable snow man would show up, and nomatter how quickly you were going, it would always catch you. I had recurring nightmares about that fucker for so long when I was a kid... Now I see the abominable snowman as a metaphor for death..

15 Name: Bakyura!WWQoA2Q7ls : 2011-11-26 04:04 ID:t4OsIgxx [Del]

Has anyone noticed that when you sleep on your arm or something, it causes you to dream about something? Let me explain. You see, I slept on my arm (using it as a pillow) several times. I would be dreaming something strange and then all of a sudden my arm would be chopped off, or my arm gets burned, or something terrible happens to the exact arm im sleeping on. I end up waking up because of the intense pain I "felt" in my dream. Then I realized, my arm went numb. Its like my dream was telling me "WAKE UUUUUUUP~ before your arm LOSES BLOOD CIRCULATION~." It happends to me all the time depending on what body part I slept on.~ I would post about my AWESOME dreams, but I cant even remember half of the things I dream. I just know, that they are awesome.

16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 10:38 ID:/aGfSxUV [Del]

Dreams. Yes, I have a ----load of weird dreams.

1. My most recent one. I can't remember the first part, only that me and this boy were hanging out with this old guy. We were invited as singers to this really high class party. We went to the little plane that would take us to it, but there was no pilot. The old guy wasn't going to go with us, but he had been an aircraft pilot in his days in the war and decided to fly us there.

At the last minute the pilot showed up. He sort of looked like an old version of the "Most ineresting man int he world". He said it was fine and that the old man could pilot it. So, we got to the party ( The dream was steam-punk styled, by the way, and the party took place on a large hover ship thingy. ) and everyone was giving us these dirty looks. The old guy ended up being our pianist, too.

We went to go look for the music sheets, and this real bastard was sitting there with them. He wouldn't hand them to us like he was supposed to. The boy with me finally flipped a shitfit and almost flipped the table on him. I made him stop and calmy accused the boy of being the bastard he was. We went back to the old man, who was standing next to the piano which had a coffee machine behind it, and this red haired chick was crying hysterically and he was lying on the ground unconscious. She tried to say he tried to rape her or something when they really just bumped into each other.

Well, it was my turn to rage. I screamed my head off at the whole party and asked if that was how shitty nobles got their amusement, by hurting people and belittling and lying, etc. etc. etc. The kids at the party were scared. The "most intersting guy in the world" dude popped into the room while I was screaming with this really fat teddy bear and handed it off to a little boy. We glared at each other while I screamed for a minute before he winked (not in a creepy way, more like 'good luck') and walked away. We never found him again. The old man woke up and the hover-ship-thingy he used to work for showed up and took us in. (Shut up, I was watching Last Exile before I had this dream.)

2. I think this one was inspired by Heart no Kuni no Alice or something along those lines. I was in this weird world with two other boys. One of them belonged to the world. The other one and I were fugatives. I separated from the other fugitive and blended into society rather well. During this creepy festival, though, they celebrated this weird ---- holiday. You know how Russian Roulette works? It was similar to that, but I never got to listen to the full explanation because I ran away. Basically, you got a partner, and one of you would end up hanging themselves by the end of the day. The woman who was explaining the details chased after me when I ran. I escaped, but later found her trying to hang the other fugitive boy. It was then that I found realized the other noble-ish boy had ratted us out. We escaped and hid in this swamp-like thing until the festival was over. Then I woke up.

3. Don't even ask me to explain it. Basically, we were living in the mall, but it was turned into this circus type thing. Each group of families lived in a store space, all cramped in wearing colorful clothing. You had to walk on this giant ball go from one store to another and do acrobatic tricks for class. School was in another store space. It was weird.

I have a lot of weird dreams, but those are my there most memorable.

17 Name: Futaba : 2011-11-26 10:48 ID:YMcA17EL [Del]

Nice that you mention!

Today I had a dream of my mom. She had died. In my dream, I couldn't even react. I was shocked that she was gone. I just...

I was like, "Wha...?"

And when I woke up, the dream seemed so real, i couldn't even tell if she was alright or not. In the afternoon, I decided to text her, and she said that she almost got hurt at work while she was stocking things up, but thankfully nothing happened to her.

My family used to tell me, "If you dream of a person who dies, then tat means he/she will live longer/for a long amount of time."

Man, I was so relieved she was okay! ^^

18 Name: The Doctor : 2011-11-26 11:00 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

Had a weird one, I was fell into a trap door, and was in a dark room. Suddenly, for reasons that I have forgotten, there was a hot chick trying to kill me with her bare hands, or claws. Well, (since in RL I am a martial artist) I held my own against her, dodging (but never striking, because I never hit women) thinking I was going to die anyway, I caught both her arms, and kissed her (like I said, she was hot). In turn, she kicked me in the chest and continued. I caught one arm, and she swung her other, but she missed, and I had a lock on her, and kissed her again. Again, she breaks free, even more pissed off than before. So the same happens and I manage to pin her to the wall, and kissed a third time. By now, she is in complete rage and beats the shit out of me, and she pins me to the ground, raised her hand/claw up to strike..... and she kissed me. Then, I woke up, and had an Idea for a manga that I'm making right now. ^_^

19 Name: Midori !XvqOrmXVo2 : 2011-11-26 11:09 ID:2R7BKqdy [Del]

>>17 that's so scary! I'm so glad she's alright :)
I think if I had a penny for every strange/apocalyptic/psychic dreams I've had, I think I would be a millionaire! The most recent psychic dream I had was last night. In my dream, me and two of my favorite people in the world were having a sleepover and hanging out. In my dream I had just woken up at the sleepover and one of my friends were getting changed. Then we went outside to play some kind of game and my other bestie came over. In the dream she had just started to call someone, right after she clicked call, my phone in the real world began to ring and woke me up O.o it was sooo weird!!! But I've had so many psychic dreams before that it's not even funny xD

20 Name: Futaba : 2011-11-26 11:12 ID:YMcA17EL [Del]

>>19 Wow, Midori-san, you must have a sixth sense! For real, have you ever thought about having it? (Ö 0 Ö)
It would make sense! Oh! Or maybe you are a medium! Uaaah! You're so lucky!!

21 Name: setton : 2011-11-26 11:25 ID:x2HegLw0 [Del]

well i had a strange dream last night i was with some friends and we were walking around in the woods and we found a german bunker and it was filled with weapons and stuff so we took the weapons and as we were about to leave my friend found a large object in the back and when we got to the back of the bunker there was an atom bomb and i was like dude i just **** my pants
and we all draged the bomb back to my house and put it in the garage......that's all then i just woke up

22 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2011-11-26 11:27 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

A while back for one whole week I dreamt the next day happened in complete boring normalcy only to find that it was just a dream. Feeling like you're living a 10-day schoolweek isn't fun.

23 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 11:35 ID:/aGfSxUV [Del]

>>22 Not to go off topic, but I just have to say this. I keep reading your name as Yahtzee :O And I'm not even dyslexic lol I guess I've played that game one too many times.

24 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-26 11:39 ID:w+DFq/lr [Del]

>>23 And then you had a strange dream about Yahtzee right? RIGHT?

25 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 11:43 ID:/aGfSxUV [Del]

>>24 OF COURSE I DID \>o>/

26 Name: Darasuum : 2011-11-26 11:43 ID:KEuFaBAZ [Del]

i love havign crazy dreams i could talk all day about my dreams.

i have what's called lucid dreams were i can control everything that's happening.

27 Name: Darasuum : 2011-11-26 11:43 ID:KEuFaBAZ [Del]

>>26 lol spelling mistake

28 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2011-11-26 14:17 ID:w9zZJa2s [Del]

>>23 You're certainly not the first to. lol

29 Name: Ray : 2011-11-26 14:22 ID:3bxEVgQt [Del]

I had a dream while there was a chick with TWO nipples on each boob.... but she was a vampire..... and I play guitar while jumping off a cliff... quite fun until I died while I watched maggots eat at my rotting flesh and all I could do was watch. 'Twas quite fun.

30 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-26 14:39 ID:/aGfSxUV [Del]

>>29 Things I really didn't want to know. Thank you for sharing.

31 Name: PurpleIcon♥ : 2011-11-26 14:51 ID:cRes3Su8 [Del]

i had a dream once that i was walking through my neighborhood on a cloudy/windy day with 2 of my freinds. A guy came behind us and handed me a suitcase and he walked away. Me and my friends opened it and there was a note in it that said "they're looking for you".

Then 2 days later i realized that theres a group of people known as the "unknown" they tried following me everywhere i went but i knew what they were looking for because i was the only one who had it and knew what it was...balls of rocks that make you immortal for life. After a while i tell my friends and they try to kill me for these rocks. but in the end everyone dissapeared into space and i became immortal (i know...its a weird dream:P)

32 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2011-11-26 17:35 ID:X8+luuUc [Del]

*too many, and too long, to put here (any of'd get bred reading them)*

33 Name: Ray !/51IyE0lTU : 2011-11-26 17:38 ID:3bxEVgQt [Del]

>>30 haha, sorry!

34 Name: Tri-edge : 2011-11-26 18:16 ID:IeXeUOXZ [Del]

This is god's honest truth when I was having a dream when I was a kid I dreamt that I was walking down my friend's stairs and I fell and sure enough I did two years after I had that dream and what gets even weirder I had another dream of someone getting into a car accident down my street and two weeks later it happened and those are just a few examples of what i've dreamt about.

35 Name: girl who likes to sing : 2011-11-26 20:45 ID:fwkqH8xV [Del]

for some reason, i keep having dreams about trying to scream.I'm trying to, but its like Iv'e literally lost my voice. and when i wake up, i just have this urge to scream. sometimes just to make sure i haven't really lost my voice. and the thing is, I'm a singer. maybe thats one reason this is so terrifying to me. also, I've been dreaming that when I'm trying to scream, I'm being sexually assaulted. i bite the mans hand and try to scream, but it doesn't work. so he just smiles at me; and keeps going.
also, im a fortune teller. i have a lot of dreams that come true. sometimes they're just completely random. one dream actually came true yesterday. when i had the dream about two weeks ago, it was just an orb of floating light. so i didn't really think anything of it. then, my mom made me come with her to pick up her friend. as soon as i saw it, i was amazed, just like always. it turns out the "orb of light" was a strangely shaped rare round street lamp. (well i wouldn't say rare, but that was the first time i had seen one.) well, these dreams are quite common. thats why im a fortune teller. i have a lot of strange things happen to me. even though im kinda used to it, it still gives me butterflies when the dream comes true.

36 Name: Shibatou.. : 2011-11-26 21:28 ID:rkGiTDUU [Del]

I had a dream once when I got run over a bus. I remembered having a friend back in school, and his upcoming field trip. I went there and waited for him. He came soon later, with a group of his fellow classmates. I saw his eyes drift toward me and stare, but he did not say anything. Yes, at the time, I was a ghost. Weird, huh? Only HE could see me. I've had lots of other dreams too, mostly about adventuring with a group of people though. Weird how I can think in dreams too...

37 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-27 00:51 ID:dy88FzD1 [Del]

I once dreamt of me bumping this thread. It was horrifying.

38 Name: The Doctor : 2011-11-27 11:25 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

I've had so many dreams of me dying in various ways, I was stabbed, shot, had my head bashed in, throat slit, drowning, falling off a cliff and hitting the bottom, had an asteroid hit the earth, and the list goes on. At the end of the dream, everything goes static, like a tv with no signal, then I wake up, and realize my heart isn't beating, then it jump starts, and I Inhale deeply, cause I think I was technically dead for a moment, (when you die in your dreams, you die in real life) But I've had so many death dreams, that I no longer fear death, it doesn't seem that bad. lol

39 Post deleted by user.

40 Name: solo212 : 2011-11-27 11:27 ID:w0c8alrr [Del]

>>38 You are a highlander, you can never die McCloud

41 Name: frevorforever : 2011-11-27 11:41 ID:iDCy7k+Q [Del]

>>38 Ok Kenny (South Park reference)

42 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-11-27 11:48 ID:3/d+EaXC [Del]

I had dreams so real and so fucked up i didnt want it to happen i wanted to just get away, first i was like i hate this reality.. then i questioned if it was reality, then i remembered memories of when i slept and how i woke up, compared the two, and deemed my state of consciousness to be a dream. I forced myself to wake up and times between being asleep and forcing myself to wake up are the fucked up feelings, i feel like (weird as it sounds) my soul is being ripped apart like i know how death may feel, like i feel like nothing, but i know my eyes are open, slowly my eyes start to show the room above my bed, but i cant move my arms starts with a twitch i freakout and i jerk my body then i am awake.

summary: So yeah I think forcing myself awake from a scary dream is just about the worst feeling ive ever felt really feels like i died half way through it

43 Name: Meto : 2011-11-27 13:15 ID:r/itZERu [Del]

My friend had a dream that she was eating a huge cauldron of spaghettios and then people started crowding around her and a paper 'me gusta' face fell in her spaghettios. BEST. DREAM. EVER.

44 Name: Nathon : 2011-11-27 13:18 ID:3Gmtania [Del]

I had a dream one night when my grandpa touched me down in my whee whee. I really hated it, but my body became aroused. I felt betrayed, and then I woke up to find out it's a dream. I'm glad cause I really love my grandpa :)

45 Name: Ray !/51IyE0lTU : 2011-11-27 13:19 ID:3bxEVgQt [Del]

>>44 What the....... are you 6s and 7s?

46 Name: sleepology : 2011-11-27 13:19 ID:b5NirUMn [Del]

Dear impostr, its not hard to tell that youre an impostor
signed, every person who looks at ids

47 Name: SaintSoul : 2011-11-27 13:27 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

Well, I had a weird dream that there was a guy (couldn't see his face) and I was apparently friends with him, and he like, confessed to me, and I like, said no. And that happened about two weeks later. -guilty-

48 Name: Diamond : 2011-11-27 13:32 ID:C1E5OaJF [Del]

I once had a dream where I was in this mall, called the Heavensville mall. Anyways, there was this secret room at the far end of the mall. I walked in and noticed 3 chalkboards with different pictures under them. One had an angel, and other had a human, and the last had the devil's sign. Out of curiosity I walked over to the devil one and started writing the word DEVIL on it. After I put each word, the board glowed a crimson color. Once all were put on there, a massive portal opened up and had thousands of beasts fly from it. One of the old workers saw me as it happened and told me that the mall was holding the creatures from hell captive. He handed me a ton of weapons that would kill the beasts...sadly I woke up before the monster killing spree started.

49 Name: Nathon : 2011-11-27 13:33 ID:VOxkEmKF [Del]

Seriously man!

50 Name: Nathon : 2011-11-27 13:33 ID:VOxkEmKF [Del]

Not cool!

51 Name: Nathon : 2011-11-27 13:45 ID:3Gmtania [Del]

>>48 I mean, that just scares me to shit!

52 Name: Oden : 2011-11-27 13:48 ID:/HFXKZyD [Del]

>>48 that coul mean something
But that scary!

53 Name: Ray !/51IyE0lTU : 2011-11-27 13:51 ID:3bxEVgQt [Del]

>>48 Sounds fun.

I had a dream where I was at a banquet feasting on a particular piece of delicious meat. As I took my last bite I saw there was a scrib inside of it. I tried coughed up the meat, but only blood came out. I then felt a sharp pain in me as the scribs ate away at my organs, feasting on my flesh and burst through my skin, and I could only watch in horror.....

54 Name: GrellSG : 2011-11-27 13:52 ID:k8yQIIsV [Del]

I always keep a journal of my dreams because of how weird they are. So here is one of them:

I was in an outdoor temple like structure with my family. A priest dressed in native traditional Hindu garb, I think, was determining the number of spirits that influenced us or vice versa. There were many other people there that didn’t seem to take it serious. Especially since my parents were there it was quiet obvious that no one was taking it seriously. [It would be best to describe the setting as something similar to an outdoor dinner performance that you would go see at expensive resorts.]
I’m not too sure how it happened but the next thing I knew I was up on the “stage” with the priest. He said he was going to test my spiritual strength which would allow him to determine the type of spirits that connected to me or me with them. I was to sit in the chair provided, straight posture, with my legs bare. Seeing how I was wearing shorts anyway that was fairly easy. He instructed me to remove my shoes and socks so that I could connect with the forces of the earth. I did as I was instructed.
From the angle he had me facing , I wasn’t really facing the audience but more so that the concentrated focus was between me and him as the audience observed like a street crowd that stops at the interest of something that’s happening in the streets but don’t want to intrude.
The priest went off to the side and brought back a large woven basket. Once he removed the lid the audience let out a gasp of intrigue. In the basket was a mass of snakes. Large with yellow eyes, they hissed and snapped at the air. Some of them I recognized from programs on the discovery channel and animal planet but others I wasn’t sure. The biggest one was splotched with red and black blotches. It’s under belly was a traditional pale yellow as most snakes with some smaller black spots that checkered randomly throughout its length. The most unusual thing about it was that its nose had a forked horn that curved back with its head. Above its eyes two smaller horns protruded [picture]
The priest started to remove the snakes one by one. Each one he held the head away from him and presented it to the audience. Next he declared the snakes name meaning and how poisonous it was. That was when I started to get a bit antsy. Every last one of those snakes was deadly, each one taking just one to three bits to kill a person or an elephant.
This is when he began to turn the snake s on me. He brought them close to my bare legs and waited for them to lash out. Each snake snapped at the air near my legs but didn’t bit me. Though I was in danger with each snap from the snakes I did not flinch or pull my legs away. Out of all the snakes, excluding the horned one, about three or four of them actually touch my legs. They didn’t bit me but got close enough that I could feel their teeth graze against them. The last snake was the horned one. He was the most dangerous of them all because of his rarity; there was no cure for his venom. It hissed violently and furiously attacked my legs but never broke the skin. When the snake stopped the priest smiled at me.

55 Name: Oden : 2011-11-27 13:52 ID:/HFXKZyD [Del]

one time i had a dream that me and people from school were playing poker against voldemort and the devil and voldemort at some point yeled AMBERLAMPS WE NEED ONE ONEEE NOOOO!!!
and then i woke up

56 Name: Diamond : 2011-11-27 13:55 ID:C1E5OaJF [Del]

>>52 I've been known to be a psychic through I hope that wasn't one of the psychic dreams...also been known to be in someone else's dream and act upon myself.

57 Name: Sama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-29 11:31 ID:sEFEDJWB [Del]

bump for dreams

58 Name: rolling girl : 2012-04-29 12:15 ID:dukQHqzl [Del]

I usually have prophetic dreams, not sure why.

59 Name: Obsidian !vFA5QOIIik : 2012-04-29 13:30 ID:pvuLS9TS [Del]

Around the age of 5, I expered a dream in which I awoke in the middle of the night to see a tall mysterious figure standing in my room looking at me. Only the hallway light outside of my bedroom was on, so I was really only able to see his silhouette. Terrified, I called out to my family for help. At that time, the man leaned over me and whispered, "I already killed them," and then proceeded to lay his hand over my face and grip it tightly, which is when my dream abruptly ended. After that, I never had a dream of which I could remember more than a few seconds of.

That was until about a few years ago, when I had another vivid dream. For some reason, in my dream, I was walking down the sidewalk beside my house as I spotted my family grouped together and having conversations with each other at the street corner. So I decided to join them, but as I approached them, a car hit me and I was thrown a few yards away. Miraculously, I didn't feel as though I'd broken any bones, but, instead, I felt so stunned and surprised that I couldn't even move. I had landed in a position in which I could see my family, but not the vehicle that hit me. I then heard the doors of the car open and then close. Then, a hysterical women came into my field of view and she was terrified to the point that anything she said sounded like incomprehensible gibberish. One of my cousins then ran towards me, but as he did so, the hysterical woman pulled out a gun and shot him dead. I then heard two more gunshots and felt a very warm feeling around two spots on my chest. I observed as a crimson pool started to form around my body. I then noticed the absence of the hysterical women and spotted a car speeding down the street.

60 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-04-29 18:41 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

>>9 Dear sir, you may have a second life. -brick'd-. That's pretty interesting though.
One time I had this weird dream where I was in a car driving with my mom to a park and we eventually came to this toll booth, so we drove past and eventually made it to the park. But once we got out of the car everyone was sort of surreal and desert like, and there were weird red veinish things everywhere, all the children and parents were gone, and there were buildings scattered here and there. Eventually it turned out that my mom was in a coma and I had somehow reached into her mind.
I also had a dream that the classic Disney princesses were journeying over a vat of acid. Then Belle fell off and I woke up.

61 Name: starwizard : 2012-04-29 19:49 ID:inOnQDT9 [Del]

the most normal dream I've ever had was that spaghetti monsters were chasing me and trying to eat me... weirdly enough I had this dream after eating to much at an olive garden

62 Name: Weems !2eFzSAGExE : 2012-04-29 20:56 ID:ebPHJ7kN [Del]

Okay, so this is a dream I had last night.

It was track practice(I'm not on the track team) and we were racing. But on Motor Scooters. And the track was like a Mario Kart course, and we were going insanely fast. So we get off the scooters and walk across the street and go into this huge building. We take an elevator to the top and we have a team meeting.

So the meeting seemed like it was going fine, but something just seemed... off. Then I looked over to the elevator and realized it was moving up to this floor. So I dropped to the ground as the door opened. The gun only had a pistol, but he open fired on us. I saw blood spill, and I pretended to be dead on the ground until I woke up.

That dream scared the crap out of me.

63 Name: ...secret... : 2012-04-29 21:40 ID:kFTGEirN [Del]

i cant remember much but i was moving thousand pound stuff (i felt like shizuo) at this hotel it wa my dream house i made it once like drew it all glass palm trees everywere water flooded on my feet and i gained strength moved in it and felt like i wa walking in something thickish it felt like. and i woke up.

another time i was sleeping at home woke up in my dream i jumped and started wimming around the house like a frog the next morning i was in the pool wich reminded me of my dreams like a flash

64 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-04-29 21:43 ID:ibEb6lJD [Del]

My dreams jump around so much I can't really put them into words.

Let's just say once there were mind controlling squids, starwars, pokemon and my friends attacking me all in one dream once.

Also, we once discovered that anytime my friend Courtney appears in a dream she either gets killed or horribly maimed. I kinda feel sorry for her.

65 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !Snd/EuAuiA : 2012-04-30 00:08 ID:++kl/JKI [Del]

One time, I dreamt that I was in a city full of strippers and whores, and I was sitting on a billboard, then a car drove by, and I woke up and nearly smashed my phone. Best. Dream. Ever.

66 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-04-30 00:54 ID:49YQI9IR [Del]

>>48 Angels, Humans and Devils... The three sentient races of Heaven, Earth and Hell?
But what does it mean to you?

I once had a dream about a friend I love very much who I got on the bus with. I was tired and fell asleep sideways on the seat, which is weird since the seat isn't nearly big enough for anyone to sleep on. On the bus she suddenly started crying, and she screamed and shouted about how sad she was. She was covered in a blanket and she kept trying to pull apart the blanket and rip it. She started telling me I was insensitive and that I didn't know how difficult it was for her, and it hurt me so much so much that started to cry and I balled up in my seat trying to hide. I was then in a blanket and crying into my arms, while I still heard her crying. Then I woke up in bed and was scared. I felt like crap at school that day...

67 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2012-04-30 11:23 ID:i7kcllJN [Del]

I had a dream that I was traveling the universe with Doctor Who!! 8D Then, when I needed to go home, I hugged him!! X3

Another dream, was when I was in a volcano and a huge waterfall of lava burned my whole right leg!! It hurt like HELL!!!! DX<<<

68 Name: Sam G.d.Q : 2012-04-30 13:41 ID:WActsbXU [Del]

i had a dream that i was attacked by Gummy Bears, they were holding pitch forks and torches. then i was saved by my nemises/friend, and he dropped me off in CANDY LAND!!!!!

Another was like a de~ju vo. and it was weird, cuz i was i fell on top of some guy and i end up kissing him. And it happen like 2 months later! scary shit!

69 Name: Sam G.d.Q : 2012-04-30 13:41 ID:WActsbXU [Del]

i had a dream that i was attacked by Gummy Bears, they were holding pitch forks and torches. then i was saved by my nemises/friend, and he dropped me off in CANDY LAND!!!!!

Another was like a de~ju vo. and it was weird, cuz i was i fell on top of some guy and i end up kissing him. And it happen like 2 months later! scary shit!

70 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-06-03 13:34 ID:w9zZJa2s (Image: 270x249 png, 147 kb) [Del]

src/1338748451665.png: 270x249, 147 kb
I had a strange dream that lasted just a few seconds last night. I was alone, stranded, in a deserted town. I noticed one of the signs read "Eureka." Then of course, the dream flickered off to some other jumbled nonsense I can't remember.

WELL ANYWAYS, of what I did remember, on that sign, there was also a crossed out route number. Just a few minutes ago, I looked up various Eurekas in the world, and found one that looked similar from Google Maps to where I was in the dream.

It was Eureka, LA. The route number......was 837. The fuck, dream.

For what it's worth, I noticed I'll also be driving by quite close to there on the road trip I'm taking this summer. Tis really weird.

71 Name: Anonymous : 2012-06-03 13:42 ID:K097ftkm [Del]

>>68 Deja-vu

72 Name: Kerra-Chan : 2012-06-03 13:53 ID:ulx94M4v [Del]

I had a dream where a unicorn was trying to eat my pants.

73 Name: Xaiver!qnt3P1NBvU : 2012-06-12 21:32 ID:GSXdsDX5 [Del]

Resurrecting this thread because dreams about unicorns are awesome.

74 Name: Hatash : 2012-06-13 00:12 ID:/ucf0+si [Del]

My dreams are visions...strangely odd

75 Name: Marcy !TajKIfLWFk : 2012-06-13 00:28 ID:ZiJLhVE2 [Del]

About a year ago when the walking dead started, i used to have zombie dreams a lot. One of the scariest ones I had was one where i had been barricaded in the bathroom of my house by my parents and sister because i had the cure in my blood or something, and the zombies got in. I heard the screams of my family being killed and I woke up after the zombies broke the door down. I was crying and my sis had even come in to wake me up because i was apparently sobbing really loudly...

76 Name: midway !rRqEHlTdR2 : 2012-06-13 00:28 ID:vdGhcTZX [Del]

>>74 Thats a good thing~! x3

I had a nightmare the other night about zombies. Or something like that. They looked like those immortal soilders from FMA... and

77 Name: Melodi Wilde : 2012-06-13 00:48 ID:cFVsqysR (Image: 640x360 png, 398 kb) [Del]

src/1339566491990.png: 640x360, 398 kb
When my sister and I planned out this sort of fanfic of Hunger Games involving our drama class, I had a dream of how I killed off my recently ex-boyfriend... Much like this...

78 Name: midway !rRqEHlTdR2 : 2012-06-13 00:50 ID:vdGhcTZX [Del]

>>77 Is it wrong that I smiled at this? :)

79 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-06-13 01:16 ID:z5wVbq49 [Del]

>>77 I actually find that to be a beautiful Picture. It's pleasing to the eye.....

80 Name: Zero : 2012-06-13 01:27 ID:j2rc1Tqo [Del]

MY dreams range from normal basic everyday crap to these unusual cryptic "WTF IS GOING ON HERE?!" moments.

The weirdest I've ever had that I can remember is after creating a few OCs for a story.

It started out like most dreams do, falling asleep. But next thing I know once i',m in the subconscious state that leads to dreaming, I felt as if I was covered in fur. I woke up, IN THE DREAM ITSELF, and saw that I had turned into a freaking polar mutant. I was freaking the hell out. Weirdest part (one of many) was I had turned into a female at the same damn time. Talk about odd, but I immediately knew my name in the dream since I knew who I looked like: I had turned into my OC Meia Valentine. I was seriously freaking out at this point. The rest that happens is a ton of boring detail so I'm not going to make you read it

Anyways, it was like midnight in this dream, and close to sun up in the real world. I apparently in this dream was about to die by the hands of a maniacal killer since he had backed me into a corner and RIGHT when he stabbed me i woke up.

I felt a pain where he had stabbed me (heart) when I woke up, and from that day on I have had a story boiling in my mind.

Needless to say if anything could be weirder..... it could be weirder, because one, it was a TG dream., i'm MALE yet i turned into a FEMALE in the dream, and two, it was one of the oddest i've had thus far.

81 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2012-06-13 08:12 ID:/C3RoE7y [Del]

My sister had a dream back 2001 when we moved here in the US. In her dream she went down the basement because she heard a horse. When she reached downstairs she saw our soon to be step dad (at that time)cutting/chopping up a plastic toy horse, but this horse was bleeding at the process of getting dismembered and was alive all at the same time. She woke up.

She told me about the dream 3 years ago. I was terrified because in my head I was thinking "Is it even possible to have the same dream, but being split into two parts.". So I told her I had a dream about a horse around 2006.

From my room, I can hear a dying animal and smell it's rotting corpse. I heard coming from the basement. Our basement is divided into two; the main big storage room and there's a door on the left that lead to a smaller room where the water heater is kept. I heard the noise coming from that room so I checked it out. In there, there is a giant pit hole on the ground covered by a wooden plank. There were flies and maggots every where. I lift up the cover and sure enough the dismembered horse was in there, still alive, staring at me.

82 Name: Kerra-Chan : 2012-06-13 11:01 ID:ulx94M4v [Del]

I used to have a reacurring dream when I was 11-12

It alsways started when I was at home but then I would randomly be drawn to go outside and near the forest that was close by. When I was outside I would notice that the sky was red and that the trees would have people hanging from them. At the highest branch of the tree. I was never really scared more like mystified. Then a whirlwind would come then I would wake up.

83 Name: aberdein : 2012-06-13 13:11 ID:8sVmxBGD (Image: 299x300 png, 146 kb) [Del]

src/1339611065682.png: 299x300, 146 kb
I am Wade Wilson from the Marvel Comic Deadpool. I'm on top of a roof, working with this other assassin, who's always serious all the time. We found our target in a building across from us, I put on x-ray goggles, "Oh my God!" I exclaim, "What is it? Is it our target?" asked my partner. "On the third floor, 7th window on the left.......... THERE ARE TWO SKELETONS GETTING IT ON!" He punches me, "You're wearing X-ray Goggles moron! Now where's the Target?!" I point it out, he tells me to get the sniper rifle, I replace the bullet with a flash-bang, as a joke. It goes off, blinding him, I'm running for my life laughing. I run into a room, lock the door, but it was an ambush. Several scientists beat the crap out of me, I'm protecting my face, "NOT THE FACE! THAT'S MY MEAL TICKET!" I yell, as one hits me in the back of the head with the butt of a rifle, knocking me out.
I wake up (Still part of the dream) I am laying face down on a hospital bed in surgery, I'm in the headquarters for the Weapon X program. They tell me not to move, that the process is incomplete. I feel the back of my neck, the spinal cord, exposed, felt like a swollen cat tongue. My head is almost completely detached, held on only by my veins, spinal cord, and esophagus. They put me back together, and I heal almost instantly, I have become Deadpool.

(separate dream)
I'm at the beach, and I swim out into the ocean, it becomes dusk/night, and I start to swim back. I bump into an attractive girl who is skinny dipping. She doesn't seem to be shocked or embarrassed, instead didn't mind that I saw her nude. I ask her what she's doing here, she replies, "There's an alien invasion going on, this seems like a safe place to hide." We swim back to shore together. On the cliff, only about 25 ft high, There is a Giant Robot, that looked like a scorpion. On it's tail, there was a large canon, and guns where the claws were. Suddenly a tidal wave was rushing towards us, not big enough to go over the cliff, but enough to wipe out the beach/us. The alien Robot fires its canon and the wave is neutralized. As more Scorpions arrive, so does the military, and the tidal waves get higher and higher, but the canons cancel them out.
But at a certain height, they do not work. I take the girl up to the cliff and go to the military base and look at the data. It turns out that there is a sound wave on top of the tidal waves. The sound waves are in sync with the tidal waves, sustaining the waves.
Both human and alien fighters approach behind the waves, attempting to disrupt the sound waves. They discover an airship that is causing the sound waves, and send an alien to take it out.
He goes into morph ball mode and enters a maze-like shaft and plants bombs throughout the ship. Unfortunately, there are small robotic spiders in the shaft that begin to weave webs and entrap him. They use the webs to force him open, and fire at his exposed area, but the bombs destroyed the airship.
I listened to the commanders talking, they said that this can only be the work of Eris. "Wait!" I said, "Do you mean Eris, as in the goddess of Chaos?" They nodded, ".........I LOVE CHAOS!!!!! WOOOOOOO!" I said as I ripped my clothes off and had my Deadpool outfit on underneath.... don't ask me how. "I'll be right back, I GOT DIS!" I said as I hopped into a row boat and heading in the direction the waves were coming from, with the Idea that Chaotic Insanity can beat plain old Chaos Any Day!

84 Name: Raven626 : 2012-06-13 17:26 ID:cFVsqysR (Image: 680x364 png, 310 kb) [Del]

src/1339626393182.png: 680x364, 310 kb
I had another dream about killing someone, but this time it was an out of body experience kind of kill, like I'd been taken over by a beast and was killing against my will. I killed every person who'd every fucked up my life in any way, and then there were none... What a cool dream if I do say so myself... It was on a full moon too...

85 Name: TheMonochromaniac X3 : 2012-06-13 17:49 ID:FNZi0858 [Del]

I once had a dream where i was offered a crowbar and I took it and then i was at school sat by johnny depp with my friend zoe and then we ended up at zoe's locker shoving a bunch of crowbars into her locker with a loaded gun and the principal walked right past us and didn't notice. It was a fun but odd dream XD

86 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-06-13 18:44 ID:ZHWdB8Oa [Del]

I was flying or running through a canyon because a red Carebear was chasing me, but it was floating as it chased me. I think it was laughing too?? ;~; Then I saw Katara and ran to her for help. I went inside a rock house while she took care of the evil red Carebear.

87 Name: Ravana !HltySaVY5g : 2012-06-13 18:52 ID:U7gOxjYq [Del]

>>84 Whoa. The first thing that jumped out at me was you name. Raven is Sleep's nickname for me...

88 Post deleted by user.

89 Post deleted by user.

90 Name: Ayawmo : 2012-06-13 20:40 ID:+2c5Wssj [Del]

I've had many strange dreams, and some of them relate, so I started writing it down and drawing what I remember. Each paragraph break is a different dream so yeah!

My mother's recent passing caused me to have multiple dreams about her, being the jerk I am my last few weeks with her I spent avoiding her. So in my dreams, She's been in my dreams for 4 days, I got to do what I wish I had done, I told her I love her and that I will take care of all my siblings, then she said she'll be okay and recited this nice poem (turns out to be a real poem when I looked up the lines I remember).

Other dreams, these kinda add up to a story of a sort so I drew and wrote them down to remember. At first there was nothing, just like black everywhere and I'm following myself he (I) said "I have to show you something important" then he turns, as I turned some assasin's creed-esque world forming happened and suddenly I'm following this tall white man in a military uniform (who I actually know in real life and he's actually in the military), talking about how they've been expecting me, then we walk through this door, and there are five men in suits spread out around an apartment room and told me to look through a sniper scope and just observe. I then see a beautiful woman, sneaking through the opposite building and stole some sort of folder. Then after sneaking out of the room on the opposite building, I suddenly find her entering the room we're in. Apparently this woman is a very close friend of mine and inside the folder was very memorable (supposedly, in the dream) pictures of us, and I asked her "will you give me copies?" she said maybe, then proceeded to lift me and body slam me to the ground causing me to wake up. hm.

I'm a dancer so I had a dream we were about to learn a piece, then right when we were going to do the first move, I woke up. sending me to a rage fit.

I remember driving a very fast car while eating very delicious pita bread, then suddenly I was driving inside a building and drove straight out a window and proceeding to fall for a long time while the building behind me explodes, I landed on a freeway completely unscathed (which is very likely in my case) and then drove away into the sunset. That was very good Pita bread.

91 Post deleted by user.

92 Post deleted by user.

93 Name: Ayawmo : 2012-06-13 20:40 ID:+2c5Wssj [Del]

I've had many strange dreams, and some of them relate, so I started writing it down and drawing what I remember. Each paragraph break is a different dream so yeah!

My mother's recent passing caused me to have multiple dreams about her, being the jerk I am my last few weeks with her I spent avoiding her. So in my dreams, She's been in my dreams for 4 days, I got to do what I wish I had done, I told her I love her and that I will take care of all my siblings, then she said she'll be okay and recited this nice poem (turns out to be a real poem when I looked up the lines I remember).

Other dreams, these kinda add up to a story of a sort so I drew and wrote them down to remember. At first there was nothing, just like black everywhere and I'm following myself he (I) said "I have to show you something important" then he turns, as I turned some assasin's creed-esque world forming happened and suddenly I'm following this tall white man in a military uniform (who I actually know in real life and he's actually in the military), talking about how they've been expecting me, then we walk through this door, and there are five men in suits spread out around an apartment room and told me to look through a sniper scope and just observe. I then see a beautiful woman, sneaking through the opposite building and stole some sort of folder. Then after sneaking out of the room on the opposite building, I suddenly find her entering the room we're in. Apparently this woman is a very close friend of mine and inside the folder was very memorable (supposedly, in the dream) pictures of us, and I asked her "will you give me copies?" she said maybe, then proceeded to lift me and body slam me to the ground causing me to wake up. hm.

I'm a dancer so I had a dream we were about to learn a piece, then right when we were going to do the first move, I woke up. sending me to a rage fit.

I remember driving a very fast car while eating very delicious pita bread, then suddenly I was driving inside a building and drove straight out a window and proceeding to fall for a long time while the building behind me explodes, I landed on a freeway completely unscathed (which is very likely in my case) and then drove away into the sunset. That was very good Pita bread.

94 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-06-13 20:55 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

Meh, two more dreams.
Kay, so this one time, I had this dream that I was in some sort of village, like, half sci-fi, half medieval. Then eventually, I got chased by some guy, vaulted down castle stairways, and made it to my future class of 2012 (exactly my entire class), and then this guy, turns out he looked a little like my crush. It became kinda lucid, then I woke up. I think I told this before.
I was on the primary school playground that's a little way's away from me, and it was filled with my grademates (dunno why them), and I recognized most of them, but on the playscape, suddenly my vision sort of magnified and I saw this popular girl and a couple other people, among that was a guy in particular that I knew about but never talked to (if you know what I mean), and I just turned back and passed them. Eventually I made it to my current friends but it was like they couldn't see me, and they were sort of frozen in place, like most other students there. I suddenly felt really sad (is it possible to feel emotions in dreams?) and like I was rejected by everyone, and then I woke up, and my face was wet from tears.

Something is wrong with me.

95 Name: Telekinesis : 2012-06-13 23:04 ID:tcfmchoY [Del]

>>94 nahh nothing's wrong with you

I had one where I saw an eclipse and then the moon turned into a dragon. I yelled at it and tried to tell my father, and he didn't believe. My sister ends up doing surgery on my dog because of a dragon spirit or something.

Another one is one I had when I was child. My cousin, aunt, and I were hiding from this huge dog(didn't know what type in my dream though) trying to eat us and I woke up screaming.

-Later (NOT dream), I was at my cousin's(same cousin in my dream) place,and nobody tells me the dog has bitten anybody before. So when I try to pet him, next thing I know, I have a full grown malamute chomping into my freakin' arm.

96 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !I/7tfzIuaQ : 2012-06-14 00:31 ID:++kl/JKI [Del]

I forgot about this thread DX. Well, new dream popped up. Weird as hell.

So, in my sort of Hunting group, a new guy shows up and is suddenly the big boss of the whole Hunt. He only chooses specific people that are allowed to be important. There's only 3 of them. He throws the rest of us out and laughs. I get pissed as fuck, and go up in his face and say: "BITCH I'M IMPORTANT TOO!" He just laughs, and pushes me into a pit. I climb out, and try to kill him by choking him out, but he just stands there and acts like he's fucking immortal!

He threw me back into the pit, and sealed it with a rock. I get SUPER PISSED and somehow turn into a black version of the guy.

Then my brother barged into my room and tried to break my keyboard.

97 Name: Zero : 2012-06-14 00:42 ID:/dczEtAA [Del]

This happened very recently. Like THE LAST DREAM I'VE HAD SO FAR.

I was already 18 in the dream, my girlfriend who lives all the way in Australia (for those of you who know me from previous threads about ME, I broke up with the other one,. didn't work out.) had already MOVED to the States, and the world... had actually changed. It was kind of old fashioned like 1800s old fashioned, but futuristic at the same time.

I had moved out of my parents' house into a small apartment for two and was managing a job at the Hopkinsville Public Library (luckily my gf was working somewhere that paid good money, I can't remember what the job was), and well me and my gf (we'll call her Caitlin for now) were off for the ay.

We were just walking around town when I saw that the roof of one of the building was cut off except for one part. Investigation showed that the town had a room top bazaar that covered the whole town. While shopping around, I noticed a small boy no younger than like 6 standing under what was left of the roof and went over to him. He resembled my younger brother, but was a hell of a lot skinnier, and looked at me like I was someone he knew, almost like he was my father. Next thing I know he said, "Daddy?" and I was stunned.

The kid somewhat resembled me as a child... but at the time I was just appalled. HE WAS CHAINED TO THE WALL (he had this collar on his neck with a chain that went to the wall that prevented him from stepping into the sun) AND WAS BEING SOLD. I knew I had to either choose paying the utility bill or saving the kid. I sacrificed the utilities for the boy, and next thing I know when I'm home with Caitlin and the boy (whom me and Caitlin decided to name Aaron), the kid is calling me daddy. I was seriously freaking out. Time jumped in seconds to the next day, I was driving to work, and out of the corner of my eye, i looked at the building where Aaron was saved from and LITERALLY SAW THE WHOLE DAMN PLACE EXPLODE. I was sent home from work (more like forced to take the day off) and had to relax with Aaron and Caitlin. Next thing I know i'm driving again see the ROAD from the BUILDING and feel the place blow up behind me.

HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN IN THE CAR AND AT THE BUILDING AT THE SAME POINT IN TIME?! After it blew up from the building P.O.V., I woke up because of my DS going off so I could watch Sonic Underground (which was a disappointment, I should have stayed asleep.)


I've been thinking about it all day.

98 Name: itadakimasu : 2012-06-14 07:18 ID:daqRZ1Ai [Del]

The witch in Snow White turned out to be the good guy (somehow), and we decided to fly a rocket into outer space. We grazed the moon (bashing up one side of the rocket in the process), then crash-landed on Venus. After that, the Big Bad Wolf (who turned out to be about 10 times the size of a house) came and was about to eat us before I woke up.... :|

99 Name: Keisen : 2012-06-14 10:17 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>97 1. By 1800s-like but stil futuristic do you mean steampunk? 2. Would it hep ease your mind at all if I came up with some kind of explanation as to how you were in the building and driving at the same time? 3. Whether I tell you the explanation or not, can I use this story if I ever become a writer? Sorry if that sounds rude, but I can't think of any polite way to ask that.

100 Name: Zero : 2012-06-14 11:31 ID:MkxHAhk3 [Del]

>>99 1. Yes it was kinda of like that.
2. Go right ahead
3. Sure ya can.

101 Name: Keisen : 2012-06-14 12:00 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>100 All right, here's my explanation: First off, the people who were selling Aaron were making illegal clones of different people in town to sell as slaves, and were injecting those clones with nanobots to speed up their growth. Aaron was a clone of you that imprinted on you and started calling you daddy because the people who make the clones never show the clones their faces so that won't happen. The reason part of the roof was gone was because of a bomb placed there by a secret organization to get rid of the criminals who were cloning people. However, very few of the criminals were killed, and their cloning pods weren't in their spot at the bazaar, but instead all over the rest of the building. Because of that, their cloning operation went back to its usual business. A while after you were sent home from work for no apparent reason, a man came to your house wishing to speak with you in private. This man was from the organization that placed the bomb, and wanted you to join. They needed you to use their top-secret time machine to go back in time to earlier that day, and stop a clone of a well-known scientist from being sold. You had to rescue the clone, and then blow up the building to make sure nothing like this would happen again, and that's why you were at the building AND at two places at once. Sorry if that explanation was too complicated to follow, but at least I tried.

102 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-14 13:18 ID:xglSR+iJ [Del]

>>1 By the way, whatever happened to Beltove? :T

103 Name: Zero : 2012-06-14 13:30 ID:MkxHAhk3 [Del]

>>101 Wow. Just... wow. That actually makes sense to me.

104 Name: Keisen : 2012-06-14 14:23 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>103 That's good to hear. DREAM EXPLAINER MAN, AWAY!

105 Name: Zero : 2012-06-14 14:26 ID:MkxHAhk3 [Del]

>>104 Trust me, there will be more odd dreams.

106 Name: Ayaka : 2012-06-14 14:28 ID:yBZoTJs/ [Del]

I once had a dream that there was a zombie apocalypse and I was running away from a bunch of zombies. I was running through this field with really long grass, and had to duck and crawl every now and again to keep out of the zombies' sight. ._. There were some other people with me too, but no one I know from real life. A few of them died I think. Anyway, after running through this field, I reached some kind of house which was all safe and nice, and the dream ended with me randomly seeing some DVD I really wanted. I woke up thinking I owned said DVD. My disappointment when I realised I didn't... but also my relief when I realised I wasn't running away from zombies. lol

107 Name: Keisen : 2012-06-14 14:36 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>105 Then I guess my work isn't done... But that's good I guess. After all, it's the only way I can be a part of this thread. I don't remember my dreams, so instead I became Dream Explainer Man, using my imagination fill in the holes in others' dreams, that way it almost feels like I dreamed it myself...

Side note: One time my mom suggested that I start keeping a dream journal, but the way she explained it made it sound incredibly stupid, so I never did.

108 Name: Zero : 2012-06-14 14:58 ID:MkxHAhk3 [Del]

>>107 You know i should possibly give you my e-mail in case i have odd dreams like that one again.

109 Name: Raven626 : 2012-06-14 16:55 ID:cFVsqysR [Del]

I had a dream last night about being lost in a forest. There were distant howls and shit like that. Then I looked up at where the moon should be and it was a full blood moon. Then I felt as if something in me was changing... And then I blacked out. I woke up (within the dream)and beside me was my ex-boyfriend with his neck torn out. I was freaking out and held my face, but when I saw my hands afterwords I realized that they were covered in blood...

110 Name: Zero : 2012-06-14 17:41 ID:AzN2ntRr [Del]

>>109 My only explanation: You dreamed of being a werewolf then killing your ex

111 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2012-06-14 18:22 ID:IGGedVGo [Del]

>>109 Watching too many horror flicks maybe?

112 Name: Zero : 2012-06-14 23:06 ID:AzN2ntRr [Del]

>>111 That's a possiblity

113 Name: redmi$t : 2012-06-15 00:06 ID:mjWUQfr9 [Del]

i had a dream where i inpregnated a mentally handicapped boy by beatin the livin shit outa him (in the dream) the next day he said to me im 9 months pregnant with you're baby, the shok of that flew me outa bed

114 Name: redmi$t : 2012-06-15 00:09 ID:mjWUQfr9 [Del]

shock, sorry about the derp

115 Name: Ayre : 2012-06-15 23:55 ID:1loZXiZ+ [Del]

I had..a dream i was flowing down a river weightless bleeding from the eyes, the current becoming stronger, the noise flooding my ears and growing ever louder until i slipped off the side of a cliff down a waterfall, suddenly im in a bathtub filled with blood, static can be heard in the backround as well as a piano playing bethovens fourth in the backround, i hear children screaming until eventualy everything goes gray, a hushed child saying somthing i couldent realy make out followed by a quick panicky "I SEE STATIC, DO YOU SEE IT TO?" and then bam i wake up drenched in sweat, i couldent fall asleep for the rest of the night or the night after

116 Name: Rockbell : 2012-06-16 00:28 ID:hLmEjxHn [Del]

The last weird dream I had was really strange and kinda violent haha

So I went to the movies with my dad and sister. We went into the theater, and the movie started. But then my dad got a phone call, it was my grandma asking us to meet her for lunch in 20 minutes. We ditch the movie, and try to find the exit.
The theater was on the floor above the restaurant, so we decide to take the stairs. We go through this hallway, and it smells terrible. There's a door at the end of the hallway.
We open this door and there are all these bodies hanging from the ceiling, hooked through the skin with their necks slashed (almost to the point of being severed). We keep walking through this room, and we find more bodies under the floor. I turned around and I was the only one in the room now, so I freaked out and broke down.
And then I woke up.

I had spent the whole night watching horror movies, so that was probably why this dream happened.

117 Name: Zero : 2012-06-16 15:35 ID:EKS7+yGl [Del]

*bumping with no dreams*

118 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-06-16 17:39 ID:9GN0gzNA [Del]

I'm a fairly tactical person. I love spending my free time on TRPGs or RTS games, or even coordinating tactical PvP in MMOs. Odds stacked against me, pulling off things you shouldn't be able to while being outmanned, under resourced, etc.

My strange dream consisted of waking up and realizing I had six members on my team, seven if you included myself. We were a tight knit group that had been on the run, practicing guerrilla warfare for quite some time - Hell if I know on who, or why.

We needed to get past a barricade coming up, and then we'd be homefree. Needless to say, the Barricade was a trap. They had tracked our movements and predicted we would try and cross here, replacing the guards at the barricade with elite sins specifically geared for evasion.

I had an overview of a grid-based combat zone, where I could check the stats and %s of various things while commanding my squad and moving about. They all had comparable stats to my own team.

The only advantage we truly had were that they were all melee, and my squad contained two rangers and a mage on it.

This is where the dream became truly stressful - No matter what I did, how I stacked buffs, or what skills I used, the highest my % to hit them would go was roughly 30-33%.

This was it. All of the time I and the others had sunk into this. All of our efforts. We were so close - And then this was going to be the end. Defeated by blink-tanking sin squads. My dreamself had a breakdown.

I woke up furious and stayed angry for a couple hours, even after rationalizing it was just a dream. I've spent the last day or two obsessively thinking about that encounter and how I could have won it.

119 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-06-20 10:44 ID:ZHWdB8Oa [Del]

Well, I just woke up a few minutes ago from a frustrating and worrying dream(below) (background info: first off I havent seen my bf in a while and I miss him, this is probably what triggered my dream)

(1)In my dream, my boyfriend and I were sitting down at a picnic table outside his apartment. We decided to go inside, but when I got inside I realized he was nowhere to be found. I took out my cellphone and was getting no service at all. I wanted to call him and ask him where he was, when did he leave(cause I couldn't remember) and why he left without telling me he was leaving-therefore making me VERY worried. I run back outside seeing if he was there, he wasn't. I'm back inside and still not getting any signal on my phone. Suddenly my boyfriend is hugging me/holding me in his arms, to try to calm me down and 'shhh' my quiet sobbing. Then(in my dream) I wake up realizing that the hug was just a dream. THEN I wake up FOR REAL and my hands are over my face as if I was crying/sobbing. I think I was sort of crying a bit as I was having this dream?

120 Name: Vivi : 2012-06-20 22:28 ID:uiKLJJja [Del]

I once had a dream where my whole family was having a barbeque. For some reason, it was hosted at this huge mansion, even though I don't know any person rich enough to live in one. There was a huge field behind the mansion and for some reason a really long brick wall.
It was a pretty pleasant dream at first but then there was this big bee following me. I'm apiphobic, so of course this freaked me out. I was running away from it when my cousins kills it by impaling it with a stick. I was relieved at first, but then they laugh about how I could be scared of a bee. One of my cousins starts shoving the stick in my face and I freak out and tell them to stop. Soon, I'm sobbing and begging them to get rid of the bee. They yell at me to suck it up and get over my fear of bees. I start running away from my cousins and they run after me and soon they're chasing me around the long brick wall. At some point, I throw a chair behind me to trip them, but they catch up anyway.
I woke up right when they were about to poke me with the bee-end of the stick. I was crying desperately like I was in the dream.
I have no reason for my fear of bees: I have never been stung, and I am not allergic. They just freak me out. I can't explain why I'm scared.
Any way, when I get up and tell my family about my dream, my dad gives me another lecture on how I have no right to be scared of bees because I don't understand them. -_-

121 Name: Greenkap : 2012-06-21 10:15 ID:mpisWMOu [Del]

I had a dream where my moms friend turned into a demon and killed my family...

122 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-06-21 10:54 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

I had a dream a day ago that I was in last year's science class and making a model of Mount Vesuvius (Why this is I do not know) and stuff happened and I saw people who weren't in that class and stuff happened and I woke up. I would rather not go into detail but it was short anyway.

123 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-06-21 11:14 ID:2jOofGVd [Del]

I can't remember all the details for this one, but it was a year ago and a few days before my house burned down......
From where I can remember the dream starting it was around the Victorian era and I was attending a large fancy party. People kept coming up to me and congratulating me about something, but for some reason, the voices and music were muffled and I couldn't figure out why. At one point, a woman my moms age hugged me and called me Alicia (this is all true, and my name isn't Alicia). Soon, a boy came up to me and, although he was really hot, I didn't know his name though I felt I should, he creeped me out and made me feel unsafe. He bowed and when he began to talk, his voice sounded far away, until he said "Good luck" and called me by my ACTUAL name. I woke up crying and scared to death, but this is the first time I ever told anyone about this in the full detail. What's weird is that I swear that I have met someone who looked like him before

124 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-06-21 12:06 ID:r7/jk2c0 [Del]

.........So this dream I had this morning after I went back to sleep. I was walking with my dad, i had money an a broken off radio antennae in my hand. And then I got seperated, i think we were in a subway station, the dark gray kind and these two hobos attacked me and stole my money, I tried to scream for my dad but my throat was hurting, and my voice was raspy. Then all of a sudden iron man flips the shit out of fucking NOWHERE and beats them up, and I got my money back then went downstairs to eat breakfast. Would anyone like to hear the one about the cats? -7-;;;

125 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-06-21 12:14 ID:r7/jk2c0 [Del]

These dreams go on when I close my eyes
every second of the night
i wonder if i'm high//shotforbadHeartparody

126 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-06-22 00:44 ID:vOvIQCUJ [Del]

Si it started on with me trying to climb a tree, for some fucking reason. When I looked down, I noticed I was wearing a Piano Skirt, and thight highs. Then it hit me. I was a girl for some fucking reason (though it's not like that's a bad thing ;P), but It appeared that I looked exactly like Hatsune Miku (weaboo moment). I still think it was strange that I was wearing a skirt while climbing a tree, while it's was snowing 0.o

Anywho, then I suddenly was in what looked like my house, holding a laptop (and I'm still Miku, apparently). My fucking sister walks in the room, and I tell her that I have something to show her. She comes up to me, and I open my laptop, and start playing the Lavendar Town song from Pokemon Red. The song is playing just like it does on the video.

Then, everything starts getting inverted colors, and my sister's eyes turn purple. She starts talking about killing people, annd then get's an axe, jumps in a truck, and starts driving towards town. I get up, and run after her, using parkour (again, in a short skirt) to keep up with the truck, and then I get stuck climbing a tree. Then I realize that this is how the dream started, except now there's the truck parking on the side of the road, and my sister get's out, coming after me! I jump out of the tree, and start running.

The entire time, the Lacendar Town song keeps playing, getting louder, and louder over time, until I eventually stop in the middle of a field. By now, the song is deafening, and my axe wielding sister is slowly getting closer to me. That's when I do it. I (as Miku, apparently) start singing, and the sound (you know how high Miku's voice is) sends off a soundwave, knocking my sister away, throwing her through the air, and then, everything goes white, and the music stops. Then, I woke up.

So, Miku, Lavender Town song, axe murderers....yep, I had a weird dream alright.

127 Post deleted by user.

128 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-22 10:44 ID:yyJg0mll [Del]

>>126I have had that exact same dream

129 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-06-22 11:15 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

Today I had a double...dream thing. YEAH. So like, my first dream was:

I was standing in the living room of some sort of large house, it was painted yellow and I suddenly knew the entire building. I woke up.

I fell back asleep and dreamt of being in camp with my only irl friends, and for some reason they had found this Elmo doll and kept it, so late that night as I was trying to sleep in my cabin (along with my friends), I saw a deformed thing at the end of my bed, so I nudged the person left of me to turn on the lights, and when she did, I saw the doll, and suddenly it started shrieking like, really loudly, but for some reason it sounded far away. So this guy runs into the cabin and rips the doll apart. I find out that the place I was bunking in was my room and everything was torn up, so the guy agreed to rebuild my room. When it was done it was a fancy tiki hut with a rave room in it. I was happy. I sword dueled with my former math teacher, then crawled through a tunnel back to my tiki hut. The end.

130 Name: Zombie : 2012-06-23 01:03 ID:X9eXE9q3 [Del]

There's this really strange memory/dream i have from when i was really young. Like maybe 4 or 5 years old.. Anyway, whatever it was, it started out with me, my mom, and my older sister going to this strange building in town where i live. And when we walked it my sister got separated from us. Then me and my mom where sent through this really long and dark hallway with several rooms branching off. All i know from these rooms is that they each had some kind of tv or interactive item in it and one room we were sent to had this video of these kids playing simple minded games like "ring around the rosie" and jump-rope. Not long after a nurse in all white came and took us to this gigantic white and metal room. All it had was multiple giant windows and a few colorful chairs and a table with trinkets on them. It felt like they were testing something on me. (When i was younger i was told that i was very hyper-active and i had frequent "rage outbursts") Other than that from whatever this actually was, they had me throw and fetch a silver bouncy ball thing and that was all i could remember.... And its the only thing i can remember from like age 6 and younger. o.o Crazy stuff.

131 Name: Kanra : 2012-06-23 01:07 ID:MyM7Ae1b [Del]

I have had two the past 2 months.

1: The weird shadow girl

I was simply minding my own buisness, at school, when this girl with long black hair, and a innocent smile walked up to me. She kissed me on the cheek, and then said, in a creepy tone, "I have been waiting a thousand years for this," then she snickered, and the dream ended.

2. The creepy old hag

Some old woman followed me from the park in my town, all the way to my house, saying "You have been dead for a year!", and I slammed the door in my face. Then she blew up my house. ._. Damn old bitch.

132 Name: Kanra : 2012-06-23 01:08 ID:MyM7Ae1b [Del]

*her face

133 Name: Maru-Kai !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-06-23 01:31 ID:vOvIQCUJ [Del]

So I'm like a ninja-monk in some monostary, and I walk outside because I hear a girl screaming. When I do, the lights go out, and a bunch of black-robed ninja monks with skull masks step out, surrounding me, and the door locks, so I jump over them, and run back in through another door. The other monks check it out, and we find a force feild that the black monks made. We sneak outside to sneak attack them from the roof, and then a ninja on a motorcycle comes out of nowhere, and attacks us.

Then, I woke, went to a clothing store, goofed off, and told my friends about it, before waking up for real, and realizing that that was also a dream!

It's a dream within a dream! DREAMCEPTION!

134 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-06-23 02:06 ID:++kl/JKI [Del]


135 Name: ms.rose : 2012-06-26 01:49 ID:ClwRD4W3 [Del]

these are several weird dreams ive had spanning back as far as i can remember.
1.i was in my dads house,and theres this reallllly long hallway,his room at the end on the right.i go in,and it looks almost like the room the gorilla in in tarzan found him when he was a baby but alot darker.theres a tv in the corner with the saw guy on it (im 99% sure it was.he was a puppet with swirls on his cheeks).i look up, and theres a black panther balancing on one of the growls,jumps down on top of me,and then i wake up.
2.another time,i was in my moms kitchen,sitting by the counter in the middle it playing with a pot.a huge snake slithers out and starts circling me telling me to kill my mom.i looked up at my mom who was cooking not 4ft from me and noticed she didnt see the snake.i said no,and slowly started to rap around my constricted slightly and kept making reasons for me to do it.i continued to say no.then i woke up
3.when i was little,i used to share a room and a bed with my mom.there was a window on both sides of the bed.i went to my window and looked out.there was a man standing right outside the window.and i couldnt stop staring into his eyes.he was pale,and had black eyes.well not really black eyes,but when i looked in his eyes,all i knew was that he was evil and scary and i did not want to even be near him.i stared into his eyes for a what seemed for forever till i finally woke up.this happened twice.
4.i had a dream when i was in my back yard.we have woods in our back yard,but oddly,about 2ft from the tree line was what i have to describe as the opposite of a was a type of 1 1/2 ft wall.i was army crawling alongside it,and all i heard was screaming.i was trying to find out what was happening when i saw a fire way off in the woods.i saw a guy walking away from it,and at that moment i knew it was the evil man.i woke up crying.
5.last but not least,one day i was once again in my moms room when i looked out my window.for some reason it was not woods in the backyard,but really high yellow grass.there was a fence separating it from our yard,which was also yellow grass,but cut. there was the evil man standing in between a broken area of fence.i went out on the back door onto the porch,wich is no bigger than 3x3ft.i stood there just staring at him for a while,when he turned around and walked into the grass and disappeared.then about 10min later i was still staring where he left when in another section of broken fence a moose came out and charged at me.i ran inside and slammed the door snd locked it.the moose rammed up against the door repeatedly.then i woke up. *phew* beat that!

136 Post deleted by user.

137 Name: ms.rose : 2012-06-26 01:55 ID:ClwRD4W3 [Del]

*slithers out of the cabinet.
p.s. when i saw evil,it is a type of evil that extremely hard to,i would rather be locked in a room with voldemort evil.

138 Name: Hatash : 2012-06-29 20:48 ID:/ucf0+si [Del]

I dreamt of cheese one time.

139 Name: Atheistway : 2012-06-29 21:08 ID:4ve69Mkf [Del]

I've got two.
One was I used to dream that my elementary school was HUGE.
And all I would do is explore it. I swear to it was like hogwarts. And there
Was this huge slide that went to from the top floor to the basement where
The school would somehow turn into a mall and then a street with a bunch
cute shops and one really freaky one that whenever I went into it id get my head
Chopped off.
Frist back story. My brother loves watching Dora and we could
Watch it all day and he wouldn't get bored. Anywho, in my dream my crush was
Boots and I was Dora so frist we meet the grumpy troll under the brige witch was one of my teachers and we had to do social studies homework . Then we went through the creepy forest and he hung on to me the whole time because he was so scared. Our last destination was our school and that's where I found out that our whole school fell below average and we had this as a "test" to see if we had to go to summer school.

140 Name: Atheistway : 2012-06-29 21:27 ID:4ve69Mkf [Del]

Oh forgot a dream. So,I was with this guy who was pretty hot and we where dating. At that point the dream got a little as two years of us dating past. Then he took me out on a date to this really expensive restronte and afterwards to a park he proseeds to turn my way and I thought for he was going to ask me to marry him. So he's looking at me strait in the eye and says "I sorry I don't think this is working for me any more. It's time for us to start seeing other people" Me totally taken aback pulls out a gun and shots him in that empty head cavity of his and and then shot him in the chest over and over agian saying over the dying sound of gunshots "that's what you get for not breaking up with me over the phone you fucking dumbass!" then I woke up.

141 Name: Josh : 2012-06-30 01:14 ID:zpV5dBCl [Del]

i had a dream that me and some guy were trying to get a helicopter to land because we had just did some secret mission of some sort, but the helicopter just wouldn't land, i grab the guys walkie talkie and ask why hasnt he landed, and the pilot started shouting nonsense about too many terodactyls were in the air. and then he started screaming so loud that i couldent understand him. i woke up after the screaming started. anyone know what that dream even ment?

142 Name: Josh : 2012-06-30 01:28 ID:zpV5dBCl [Del]

I forgot about this one dream, i have this tv in my room, i used to watch movies on it late at night and fall asleep. well i fell alseap watching something. and suddenly like in full realism the tv blows upall but the screem remained, and what was on therw was the ring of fire! i heard screams or tourcher and voices screaming then i head a voice say before you die, you see me! i woke up and bolted from my room so fast it aint even funny! it was scary too because when i woke up i still heard noises from the dream. i whish never to have a dream like that again

143 Name: Josh : 2012-06-30 01:31 ID:zpV5dBCl [Del]

also, last month i had a reoccurring girl in my dreams. no matter what the subject matter is and where it was, she would be there in the corner, and when ever i found her, i woke up. why is this?

144 Name: Keisen : 2012-06-30 02:43 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>141 This dream means you watched Jurrasic Park one too many times.

>>142 Either this is your subconscious's way of telling you it doesn't like when you leave the TV on at night, or there's a demon living in your TV that likes screwing with your head.

Dream explainer Man, AWAY!

145 Name: Keisen : 2012-06-30 02:51 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>143 Oh, and that's probably part of a supressed memory that is starting to leak into your dreams, but your subconscious wants to keep it hidden, so it wakes you up before you can remember the memory. Either that or it's the demon screwing with your head again. Dream Explainer Man, AWAY!

146 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-03 01:11 ID:++kl/JKI [Del]

Bumps for shits and shits killers

147 Name: Immortelle !06NY4sFIG. : 2012-07-03 05:02 ID:zpl4Ctg8 [Del]

I have loads of weird dreams, but here's the most recent.
I dreamt it the night after i saw something about odd bubble-shaped clouds on yahoo news. I didn't even read the article, just glanced upon it.

In my dream, I was walking along a busy market street near where we used to live (which is usually included in my other dreams). I can't remember what we were trying to buy (I was with someone. I don't remember who). Then it rained hard, so we had to go back to the house. When I came out again, the sky was almost clear, or at least one side of it was. The sky behind our house (actually it wasn't our house, but it felt like it was) was filled not with bubble-shaped clouds, but with real bubbles. Lots of bubbles aggregated together in a uniform way. More like lined-up, like forming a low wall or something. And they were pretty low (felt like i could touch them).It scared me because because I could see what was beyond the bubbles, which was plain endless darkness. I've been wondering what it meant, if it actually meant something. /end

148 Name: Monochrome !a4GbS16IAE : 2012-07-03 05:08 ID:za5UXaOX [Del]

So, back in March, I had one particularly memorable weird dream. Apparently, I was in a store in a mall, but then just when I was about to go outside through a door inside the store, a bunch of cops or something in hazmat suits came and closed it. So then all of a sudden, there was a whole shitstorm of people around me, so I asked someone what was going on. I didn't get an answer. When I looked outside the glass on the door, there were three people outside, and they tried to get in, but the cops wouldn't let. Two of the three people started convulsing, and died in a way somewhat like in Mirai Nikki, only with more blood involved. The remaining person looked around him in horror, and he ran away. A computer screen appeared on the counter near the door, and a grid with chemical formulas written within the sections of the grid were lighting up from white to blue. When just about all the squares were blue, I woke up, and it was cold outside of my bed. The End.

149 Name: Immortelle !06NY4sFIG. : 2012-07-03 05:17 ID:zpl4Ctg8 [Del]

And as for my other dreams, they're usually awesome (if I remember them) that I wake up smiling or excited.

They usually involve an action/adventure scene: firing guns while trying to get away from men in suits (I never get caught); running around ninja-style (when I was younger and I watched too much Naruto); having awesome powers (invisibility, passing through things, flying); riding a dragon; hunting a dragon; flying away from a dragon; riding a vehicle at high speeds (usually comes with awesome roller-coaster-esque tracks), vehicles usually are trains or jeepneys; very nice places I've never set foot on but still feel like I've known the places for so long; or some kind of situation where we are seriously strategizing about defeating an enemy of some sort or stopping something apocalyptic.

Or enormous tubs of multi-flavored ice cream. Or giant cakes. Or giant boxes of chocolates. ♥♥♥

150 Name: Immortelle !06NY4sFIG. : 2012-07-03 05:43 ID:zpl4Ctg8 [Del]

And if my dreams weren't awesome, they're just fucking irritating. Like when I sleep too late at night (or more like early in the morning, after studying or doing homework usually), and I feel myself gradually going into deep sleep. And when I realize I'm asleep, something happens. There would be this noise, like a scream of some sort. And I won't be able to move. So I had to move my feet or hand or fingers to wake myself up. Before, just flicking my finger up or one sudden move similar to that does the trick. But nowadays, I have to do these movements for a few more seconds for it to work. And I can't get back to sleep after that. Even when I really need that sleep :(

151 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-03 17:13 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

Dora+Twilight+Witches+Baseball+Baseball Cards+Werewolves=Faggiest dream ever.

I don't even remember any of it. All I remember is that those were all major components of my dream, and I woke up saying, "That was the faggiest dream ever."

Something about a grocery store, and Dora was supposed to fight this werewolf, so she asked a witch. The witch said this light up spiky ball thing would help me defeat it. Dora and boots took a ride on this bus full of the vampires from Twilight, except they were professional baseball players. We went up to fight the werewolf. He had the light up spiky ball thing to, and they somehow cancel each other out. There was a flying table. Boots swung in with baseball cards because something about the year of the players would help Dora and Boots win. Dora said, "That's what friends are for." If I hadn't woken up, then there would have been a "We did it!" song at the end.

Before you say that werewolves and witches make the dream slightly cool, the werewolf was a fucking retarded thing and the witch could only read fortunes and do caldron stuff.

152 Name: Kid : 2012-07-03 17:30 ID:s2JJwufV [Del]

teh weirdest one i have ever had was when i was runnng through a mase, and i came out isn a dock- like area, but it was in the sky, so the ships there were flying, and a voice came out of nowhere and started talking about the end of the world... it was weird... for me anyway.

153 Name: mikel : 2012-07-03 18:20 ID:Ezcf1eRu [Del]

I had dream that happened excatly in real life once,in the dream I was siting in my car with three of my friends,I asked one of them out and we started dating,then as the group was hanging out a power outage,and a shooting both occured and We got into a fight with another group...the dream isn't strange,but the fact the same thing happened later in life is.

154 Name: The Doctor : 2012-07-03 20:34 ID:8sVmxBGD [Del]

I just had this one, I was in bed (awake) trying to get to sleep because I got to go to work soon, it's too hot to sleep, so when I did eventually fall asleep, I dreamed that I was trying to get to sleep inside a lava level from a video game, too hot! lol
When I woke up, I just thought "did I get any sleep or not?!"

155 Name: Zero : 2012-07-04 01:21 ID:ejvt1Kvj [Del]

I once dreamed I was an eevee. got caught and evolved into an umbreon. then i killed my trainer for no reason. Turns out i had PokeRus, which went away the next morning. ._. I was freaked out when I woke up, because Umbreon is one of my fave eeveelutions.

156 Name: Stumbledumb !LIiGgNCKzA : 2012-07-04 01:36 ID:MJoPXb8Y [Del]

>>155 while we're on pokemon dreams...I had a dream that nurse Joy gave drugs to my pokemon and they killed each other. ._.

157 Post deleted by user.

158 Name: Keisen : 2012-07-04 06:53 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>155 >>156 Any dream involving Pokemon dying means you've listened to the Lavender Town Lullaby one too many times. (Note: the correct number of times to listen to it is 0.) DREAM EXPLAINER MAN, AWAY!

159 Name: Keisen : 2012-07-04 06:54 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

>>155 Or Pokemon killing people. I misread that the first time.

160 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-04 12:19 ID:TDL8hEfY [Del]

I had a a strange dream when I was dreaming another dream for some reason...

161 Name: Roy : 2012-07-04 12:29 ID:+CitWljd [Del]

Gorillas and i excaping from prison.That very strange

162 Name: Roy : 2012-07-04 12:29 ID:+CitWljd [Del]

Gorillas and i excaping from prison.That very strange

163 Name: Zero : 2012-07-04 13:21 ID:F/7Gcyul [Del]

>>158 ._. It gave me an idea for a creepypasta.

164 Name: Margo : 2012-07-05 10:49 ID:/bCLlsaV [Del]

Getting taken on a rusty bus with a bunch of kids with weapons to a mental hospital/prison and then the dream changing to a horror film style nightmare.

165 Name: JMS !XwfF1a3QrU : 2012-07-05 10:56 ID:k84eP2JC [Del]

...I had the same dream a few weeks ago. Creepy.

166 Name: MobileName !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-07-06 03:33 ID:w9q9GCwI [Del]

Here's one that actually scared me. First time in years.

I was playing LoZ: SS and then suddenly got booted to the main menu screen thing in the middle of a level. Figured it was just a glitch. Started it up, and I was at the place where you talk to the Thunder Dragon, only the land was distorted and discolored. Nothing was there except one enemy on a ledge you could barely get on to if you used the high backflip glitch. Did that, beat the enemy, and immediately got greeted with a statue like Ben, only with longer hair, covering one eye, and he wasn't smiling. I ran for my life.

I exited the area and was returned to where I started. The statue right in front of me. I ran again, hoping for a different result when I exited the area. He was following me. Teleporting right behind me every few steps. He had no animation like Ben did when he teleported, it was instant.

I exited the area and found a place that wasn't even a distortion of an area of the game. It had a volcano in the middle of a circle of land with a few holes in in that you had to dash to get over. I went over the first two jumps and on the third, the statue appeared in front of me while I was in mid air. I hit it and fell into the water below. It fell after me. I was sinking, unable to swim or sink, not drowning either.

The statue then teleported right in front of me and the screen zoomed in on his face. He smiled and his eyes glowed red. It zoomed out as the statue lost its base and started punching and kicking me relentlessly, my body reacting and bending as if it was real.

After a minute or two of this, I was teleported back to where I started. The statue in front of me. I was unable to move. Te statue spoke. It wasn't just a text box. It was real words, coming up as they came up in the text box. It told me I had to gather four pieces of something. One from each area of the place I was in. I had an hour. A clock appeared, counting down in real time.

I decided to go for the closes first. I jumped into the water and swam to the volcano. I was forced into the air as soon as I got near the volcano by gasses or whatever comes out of those little places underwater that lava heat comes out of underwater. I then fell into a hole near the top of the volcano, but wasn't the actual main hole. (I'm sleepy now, so I can't think of words.)

I had to fight two Stalfos and three Lizalfos at once. I won in five minutes. I got the thing and was teleported back onto the land. I ran and jumped to the nearest fourth of the area. I jumped into the water and approached the volcano again. I was pulled underwater as I approached and equipped the Zora Armor. (Don't ask how I got it is SS. I just did. Plus it's a messed up version.) I swam to the end I the tunnel and it was pitch black. I heard the water drain and me stand up.

I opened up the menu and re-equipped the Hero's Armor and checked the map. I saw there was a boss right in front of me and that there was literally no mans more than where I was standing. I pulled out the bow and shot straight forward. My shot hit something and light filled the area. I was then surrounded by Keese. I killed them all. The boss reappeared and I shot it again. Nothing. I tried a bomb arrow. Nothing. I tried everything except the Skyward Strike. Nothing. Then I remembered the Skyward Strike. It worked. He fell and another piece fell onto my little platform. I got it and I was teleported back to land.

I had thirty minutes left. I didn't know why would happen when time was up, but something that can do this to a perfectly working game couldn't have been good.

I went to another area to find the water was lava here. There was an eye target thing. I shot it and a window washer's thing like thing dropped down. I got in and it raised. I was taken straight into an area where I could see non of the ground because it was covered with Bokoblins or however you spell that. I defeated all of them and six Lizalfos appeared. I defeated them. The piece appeared and I got it.

I was teleported back to land and I ran to the final area (180 degrees from where I started), and found that there was almost no land there. Just enough to appear there. It was a bottomless pit. I saw nothing. I saw the final piece on the other side, but knew I didn't have time to go all 350ish degrees to get it (around 10 minutes). The statue appeared and said something. Was real words, but didn't make any sense. I remember non of it.

I attempted to hookshot over to him; I could hookshot the final piece to get it. He was just out of reach. I shot him with my final arrow and he fell slightly. While he was getting back up, I hookshot over to him. There was fifteen seconds left. I hookshot the piece. It grabbed it. It started to pull it toward me as time ran out.

The screen paused then cut to a close up of the statue's face, smiling and eyes glowing red again. He slowly took 3D form. I attempted to yell at him, but nothing came out. I grabbed my trusty staff just as he finished becoming completely real.

Just before I hit him across the head with my staff, he stabbed into my chest with his hand, puncturing my heart. I died as I woke up.

After I woke up, my heart was beating at at least 210 BPM and I was sweating. I felt like screaming. I was actually scared. I can't describe how scared I was.

167 Name: MobileName !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-07-06 03:49 ID:j1Y+wVZY [Del]

Now for something not scary!

I dreamed I had just woken up and it was raining. I went to the window an saw my parents on the carport. I decided to check out what they were doing and went out there myself. No one was out there. Go optical illusions! Mom opened the door and yelled, asking me what I was doing, and I shrugged and went back inside. After I dried off my face, I was somewhere else completely.

I walked around a little then realized I had no idea where I was. I then saw Saki and immediately knew it was a dream. I scratched myself, pinched myself, pulled at my hair, whatever, and felt it all. So I thought it must be real then. I went to Saki and we greeted each other then went around and had a great time.

My dream self didn't know it, but I was controlling the dream to make it perfect. Eventually, I woke up. I want that dream back.

168 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2012-07-06 08:23 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

>>166 Yes, yes. Very scary. You should post that on creepypasta. e_e

169 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-06 12:30 ID:TDL8hEfY [Del]

I was in a box. Being sneaky and stuff for some reason in a dream :|

170 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-07-06 12:48 ID:qN/ZNuB4 [Del]


171 Name: Melodi626 : 2012-07-26 18:00 ID:fRJC+QDV [Del]

Weird dream I had the other night...
I was dreaming of using alchemic powers of sorts to massacre a hoard of mad scientists who made me in a lab experiment...

172 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-30 18:47 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

Is this a dream? For technicality's sake, no. It's not a dream. I'm considering I'll explain that in this post.

You know how time seems to fly in you dreams? Well, that's kind of what this was like, yet it wasn't. I had my eyes closed for 5 minutes, yes I checked the clock before I closed my eyes and after, yet a lot more than five minutes worth of events happened.

ATo better explain this, let me give you a little back story. Vampires control the world, and often capture humans and sell them off as slaves. The main character in my dream, she doesn't have a name, is very young for a vampire. She only hs one human slave, and she treats her well when her temper is in check. Every vampire is bound to the first human they drink from when they turn. They must feed off of the human every so often to avoid pain, but vampires don't have to as often as they get older, yet the human is dependent on it happening every week to a few weeks. To the dream.

The main character comes back to her mansion in a terrible mood. When the guards notice her mood, they bring the slave in case she needs to feed. Of course the main character takes her anger out on one of the guards and comforts the frightened slave having the girl sit by her. The girl does it hesitantly, and after much comforting, the girl calms down. She drinks a fe gulps of blood from the slave girl, enough to calm her temper. That's when a few guards come in with a hostage. The hostage happens to be the main character's enemy, and he says he has a message for her.

The hostage says, "He has your human." The guy the man is referring to has a name, all of my characters do, but I never remember them. She gets up and immediately leaves.

-time skip-

She's at the mentioned mans mansion, which is bigger than hers, and walks right in the front door. The man is surprised and says that he wouldn't expect her to do something so foolish. She's usually more deceiving and always has a plan in mind. She said that she went straight there, and was too stressed and had too much on her mind to bother with a plan, so she just went straight there. When she says this, I was convinced that the girl would just give herself up. The man had a blade pointed at her human's throat ready to kill him. I figured she'd trade her life for her human's, but then I realized that she couldn't she'd want to be wherever he was, so I thought she'd just give herself up to be locked up with her human.

That's when I was surprised. She had began walking towards the man and a ball of dark magic began to form in her hand. Then there was a short flash back to her drinking the blood of a demon, who she's dating. She never drank his blood before because it showed intimacy and she didn't want to be intimate with him because he already wanted them to exchange blood and bind themselves together. She refused because she didn't want anyone to be as close to her as her human was. Drinking the blood of the demon had given her demon powers, yet she was still a vampire.

It went back into real time and she was running at the man with a ball of dark magic in her hand.

I didn't have a good view, because it was dark, so I attempted to open my eyes to see better, but I woke up.

I say this is not a dream for any sorts because I was only laying down for 5 minutes and it takes longer than that to get into REM sleep. I also know that I didn't really fall asleep. Everything was much clearer in this dream than in a regular dream, and I remembered every detail after getting up and doing things, when usually I'd lose 75% of the information if I did that before writing it down.

I just wanted to call it a dream so that I may write it down here for later use. That was an intense and amazing scene. It'll definitely go into a fiction story I have, if not a book I write later.

173 Name: Keisen : 2012-07-30 19:36 ID:zPiHsObj [Del]

Dream explanation time:

>>171 The most likely explanation for this dream is that you watch too much Fullmetal Alchemist.

>>172 Hm... I have this theory that sometimes alternate universes can sort of phase through eachother without colliding. In these events, information can be exchanged between the two universes. Occasionaly, a series of events from one universe can be picked up by the brain of somebody in the other. Because time can flow at different paces in different universes, it wouldn't be surprising if more events were picked up than seems possible. But according to my theory, such events can only occur between two universes that have the same laws of physics, and unless I'm wrong about that detail, it's more likely that the series of events you whitnessed was part of a TV show an alternate version of yourself was watching. Or maybe a movie... you did say it was dark. At any rate, I'm not a real scientist, so maybe you just have a supercharged imagination or something.


174 Name: Alexavier : 2012-10-28 14:26 ID:BEkAXzNG [Del]

This is what i've dreamt":

Few nightsd ago I dreamt I was this pokemon trainer who was searching to find the final (aka the 999) pokemon, and had sailed to a desert land (it was like Davy Jones locker, minus all the BLANK) where people were living the ruins of this ancient society. NOw, hese ruins streatched pretty dang far into the sky, posisbly into space at the highest tower. Going into the ruins with my team of steel types, and some other explorers, I found this sitch that..well released a DIFFERENT pokemon that iwas expecting. The 666 pokemon, Demokani, a pokemon with the form of a bloody looking Ho-oh, fused with Moltres, Zapdos., and Articuno. It was able to change its shape oddly and if your pokemon managed to live through one of its attacks, they became infected and were doomed to going insane.

Apparently, (since I had a Beedrill, none steel type i know), i sent ouit my Beedrill to weaken it at the ruins but failed once it got away. Then I saw three guadrian souls, one of a woman in a red dress with sword, one of a man who was dressed in red robes with a bow, and then a third of a woman in.. revealing bue robes with a staff that all told me I must stop the Demon pokemon before the world was destroyed. instantly I was back in my home land (which looks a lot like my neighborhood and town) and was eacuationing other weaker trainers, leaving only the strongest to help out. My Beedrill was killed, yada yada yadas,... I was JUST about to get attacked by the bird demon pokemon when I woke up.

Explain this you could Keisen,

175 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-10-28 16:19 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

I had a weird dream that I was sexy and everyone stared at me and it was horrifying I never want to be sexy ever.

Another one is I was at this market in an inner city area and this South American looking dude, (dark hair sort of in that weird hairstyle hipster boys have with a white button down shirt with black blazer and slacks.) So I ended up in the arcade section of the market and I entered this room and there was a crowd of girls who were kind of...oozing love all over the guy and he sat down and started flirting with me and took out a cigarette and smoked it and I disapproved. I distracted him by saying I lost a lovely hat I bought and hid in a room and waited for him to leave.

I stepped out of the room and ended up finding myself in a busy street, some old couple threw a hat at me with a white bag filled with coke I presumed stapled to it. There was fat Pikachu on the hat, it was amazing. I entered a store and found myself in the market, the crazy South American dude found me again and told me he broke his smoking habit and I applauded. I found myself in his car and he said he kidnapped me and the crowd of love oozing creeps were in the back seat. I said I had to find my mom and he was like "No." So I kind of stepped out of the car and ended up getting shot by a policeman.
tl;dr Melatonin gives you strange dreams.

176 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-28 20:10 ID:dltk6URK [Del]

I had a dream about having incest relations with my twin sister who turned out to be my friend in disguise who turned out to be my cousin.

I don't really want to remember any more details than that.

177 Name: Diamond : 2012-10-28 21:22 ID:HnGdMjn0 [Del]

For info on how all this starts, please refer to >>48.

Okay, so the dream returned a couple of nights ago, with me having to kill the demons and other beasts from the fiery pits of hell, when all of a sudden some old janitor walks over, supposedly oblivious of what's going on, and hands me a small staff saying 'to light the darkness, it only takes a flame'. I had no idea what he was talking about, but went on and continued fighting. It was like 1 hit kills with the staff.

Upon reaching the middle of the mall there is this huge dragon like beast destroying the 'halo' of the mall, shooting fireballs everywhere, and just wreaking havoc. I go to fight, being able to stab at the beast numerous times before...the staff with it useless I had nowhere to run.

Suddenly, just as the beast was about to do me in, the janitor appears, takes the hit for me, and hands me a holy sword. Amazingly, he wasn't a janitor, but my guardian angel. He rises up, emitting a bright light that blinds whom he called Old Scratch (yup, big beast is the devil himself) and finally disappeared. I finally go in one last time and defeat him, pulling his eyes out, and decapitating him.

Afterwards, the entire mall goes back to normal, the other demons are sucked into the portal and are sealed once more, in fact the room is sealed, never to be seen again. I hear a voice saying 'You made up for the wrong...' And suddenly, poof, the entire mall is was all a big field after all. ...then I woke up.

178 Name: Shiyo !hiBXn.e9Tw : 2012-10-28 23:16 ID:609UH8dy [Del]

I know this isn't a weird dream... but I had one where I killed my family in cold blood. And the creepy thing was that it felt so real... and I was so happy during that dream that I didn't want to wake up...

Anyway, what happened was that I felt like I just woke up from a dream. I know, a dream within a dream, very cheesy and all, but it really felt like I'd just woken up. But anyway, I just went downstairs, found myself a nice sharp knife, and then slit my wrists, like a suicidal person. :l

And then, with that knife in hand, I wandered on upstairs, clambered onto my brother's bed, and then hacked his head off, before stabbing him in the chest repeatedly. And then I did the exact same thing to my parents. Once I was done, I went on downstairs, cleaned the knife, bandaged my wrists, and then climbed back into bed. Before falling asleep promptly. And then actually waking up from that dream with a "Bugger, I thought it was real..."

Worst thing was... I was in Year 6 when I dreamt this dream...

179 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-29 08:49 ID:q8AQLvip [Del]

I had a dream where I literally fell out of the sky.

I (dream self) woke up on a beach, face down in the water, except that the water was really shallow, less than an inch deep. The beach itself wasn't sandy, it was more like small pebbles. I'd got up to look beyond the beach and this...beach side town was covered in a thick fog. We're talking Silent Hill fog, or the fog that Inaba gets in Persona 4. I see this strange cave that's in front of me, except it has a wooden door at the cave mouth. So, I open it and go inside. By the way, this cave opening is in what could only be described as a large boulder. The cave wasn't set inside of a cliff or anything, the beach itself was fairly flat.

I go inside this cave and directly in front of me are stairs, like ones you'd find inside of an old Victorian house, with carpet and wooden handrails and shit. So I go up the stairs. At the top there's another door and when I open it, I come across this...antechamber. In front of me are several more doors, that looked identical to the one I had opened to get into the antechamber.

After that, the dream ended.

My psychology teacher suggested that I had actually fallen into Hades.

Pretty sure I'm not dead.

180 Name: SZST : 2012-10-29 08:54 ID:RCx3p99G [Del]

The last dream I had that I (vaguely) remember involved a lighthouse, a storm, large waves, and a hexagon-shaped plastic float with an umbrella on it crashing into an empty motorboat and flipping it over.

181 Name: Kazehachi!V/vi9gujn6 : 2012-10-29 20:01 ID:KlKGL/Hi [Del]

The strangest dream that I had fairly recently was that I was in the middle of my town's mall, and nobody was in there, but all the stores were open. I decide to wander and see if I could make any contact with sentient life, but there was nobody there. As I'm walking by one of the mobile phone stands, I hear someone quietly groaning in pain, and it was this girl that I had went out with about a year ago, doubled over on her knees.

I asked her if she was okay, and then she said, "No," and gave birth in the middle of the mall, and then the child cried once and was silent. I woke up after that, assuming the child was dead, but it was very bizarre.

182 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-10-29 20:06 ID:cDf8/Ul5 [Del]

A halfdream of mine was that I fingershot my dogs then gave them niquil to cover up the murder, using the logic that investigators would think they died in their sleep, and werent shot.

183 Name: zero : 2012-10-29 20:14 ID:vExAK6zA [Del]

i can't quite some it up but it involved jedi,green lanterns,nazis and and guns.

184 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2012-10-29 22:59 ID:lLHafK05 [Del]

I don't really know how to explain most of my dreams, but I'll give it a go.

In one particularly bizarre one, I was part of a travelling circus, and my act involved stabbing myself in the gut and somehow surviving. One day I was magically transported to a weird yellow world filled with little green midgets who challenged me to a test of endurance for some reason. Not wanting to pass up on a challenge, I accept, and proceed to stab myself in the gut to show how kickass I am. They tell me that my talent is lame, and suggest that I try it again with this giant laser sword thing that they pull out of nowhere. They then proceed to tie me up and stick an apple in my mouth, and then they stabbed me in the gut, although unlike the other times, this hurt like hell.

...and that's when I woke up, all sweaty and my stomach feeling like it had been been gutted with a blunt fork.

185 Name: Kiyomi : 2012-10-30 01:39 ID:VCXXVXDA [Del]

Well... once I had a dream that I was in Mustang's miniskirt harem...

186 Name: Terra!97VVtImbHM : 2012-10-30 02:09 ID:ELNmDZIe [Del]

I had a dream I was running through some sort of mansion. I was running from Lord Voldemort himself, and so were my friends. He killed them using his spells and shit, it was painless though. and then only I was left, backed against the wall, freaking out. And he just walked up to me, pulled out a knife, and STABBED ME.



187 Name: Balthizar !ux48/Vh3Fs : 2012-10-30 02:42 ID:JByaJhS4 (Image: 274x184 jpg, 8 kb) [Del]

src/1351582944341.jpg: 274x184, 8 kb
Well, my strangest dream in recent memory was the time where I was sitting at a round, wood table. The table was floating through space. Stars, planets, nebulae, and even entire galaxies were zooming past me. I was wearing a tophat and monocle while drinking tea. I don't normally drink tea. Across from me was Homer Simpson dressed in a similar attire while also drinking tea. I don't normally watch the Simpsons. Then we proceeded to have an Inception-esque conversation regarding whos dream we were in. Homer was a very civilized gentleman. I woke up before we could finish our argument, so we never figured out who the dreamer was... oh wait...

The next night I dreamed that I was fighting a giant steampunk automaton dragon in a rocky desert with my bare hands. It was pretty awesome...

188 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-10-30 09:26 ID:LjIyg3lI [Del]

I dreamed that I had a lid from a roast pot as a shield and I was adventuring with a random black girl through a haunted house type abandoned junk yard. These caterpillars started crawling over my arms, she wanted them so I gave them to her. Then she traded them for a cat. The end.

189 Name: NomNomTan : 2012-11-05 03:20 ID:1tx2QwuF [Del]

i dreamed that i was being eaten alive by a pack of wild giraffes and my vision was black and white.

190 Name: Rikku : 2012-11-05 03:29 ID:oowH8/X2 [Del]

I once dreamed that I was at a school with some giant pit filled with all these monsters in the back and the students had to fight them. Then one kid got eaten by a giant snake and my brain went into great detail of the process. I love my brain :)

191 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2012-11-26 23:21 ID:t0gHWvuY [Del]

I was in some town whose name never got mentioned with Venellope and my real-life 9-year-old friend (will be A in the story) when robots started to attack the town. After I had stopped a robot from charging at us, Sonic showed up and homing attacked all the robots near us. 

When sonic landed, he asked if we were ok, which I replied, "Mm-hmm," and nodded. 

The dream then switches to my view being Sonic instead of our group.

Sonic (from now until specified referred to as "I") showed up at Eggman's base after destroying every robot in town to find he had been building a robot to compete in the competition the town held every year. 

I tried homing attacking and spin dashing and every attack I could, but to no avail. Eggman revealed that in order to defeat him, I would have to beat him in 12 of the 23 events, which would decide the winner. 

The dream skips all but the 23rd contest, and the score was tied. I remembered the robot had changed forms during the contest, and this time he took the form of a dragon. 

The contest was speed, which I thought I could easily do. We had to do 13 laps around a track that spanned the perimeter of the town, then jump onto platforms in order to get to the finish line. 

The dragon and I tied the first thirteen laps and it took a lead on the platforms, considering he could just fly over them, and won, giving him his 12th win. The prize was the Chaos Emeralds. 

After he got the Chaos Emeralds, the robot destroyed the arena, leaving only populated parts of the stands left by pure luck. 

The view then switches back to my body and A is clinging to my arm while Vanellope is just kinda...being Vanellope on my other side. 

We started to escape and climb down a "ladder" of broken planks that had been created during the destruction. 

Vanellope just glitched down (why climb, right?) and, on the way down, A found a cookie Vanellope was eating that she had dropped when the sudden surprise of the noises of destruction came. 

Some random guy said to not eat us since it was already eaten off of, but I said she could at least eat one of the chocolate chips. 

By this time, Sonic had managed to become Super Sonic and was about to fight the robot. 

My view then became Sonic's again and I flew at the dragon. 

Then I woke up. 

192 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-11-27 03:30 ID:OVAvGGLe [Del]

A couple of nights ago, I dreamt I was back in my proper school (currently closed due to asbestos), and I dreamt I had a sniper rifle, and I killed my ex's new boyfriend. I then continued to whip out the 870-MCS (my favourite shotgun on Battlefield 3) and I killed loads of people for the shit of it. Finally, I escaped and fled the country. I'm now physically scared of myself...

193 Name: Starrtk : 2012-11-27 09:30 ID:P9xl+SRr [Del]

>>192 Jesus Christ! Please don't act on your dreams man.

194 Name: sk8erkid19897 : 2012-11-27 12:59 ID:TlD/ZYzM [Del]

i had a dream that Selena Gomez gave me a laptop..... ^_^

195 Name: sk8erkid19897 : 2012-11-27 12:59 ID:TlD/ZYzM [Del]

i had a dream that Selena Gomez gave me a laptop..... ^_^

196 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-11-27 15:08 ID:LjIyg3lI [Del]

I dreamt that someone confessed their love to me.

Then they fell down a flight of stairs...

197 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-11-27 16:25 ID:LjIyg3lI [Del]

Also, they died and I was convicted of murder...

198 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-11-27 21:36 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

I had a weird dream I was going to Egypt with my mom and we packed those fancy ass leather suitcases from those movies and next thing I know my mom's been blown to bits and I'm driving a taxi and trying to get away from terrorists. I don't even know.

199 Name: zolraK : 2012-11-27 22:54 ID:Rs/lZZl+ [Del]

I once dreampt that I was a pizza delivery man for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They invited me into their H.Q. to play video games on a Nintendo 64... Then my damn alarm clock blasted me awake.

200 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-11-28 18:09 ID:mj7XXJMP [Del]

I had a dream about my crush watching one of our best friends get killed and me get taken by terrorists then my crush and I got killed...... One of those wtf moments :/

201 Name: AliceW : 2012-11-29 09:25 ID:EUTLLtrZ [Del]

I had a dream in which I was a tomato and my grandpa turned into a baguette and chased me around the house with a knife. When he almost got me he somehow cut himself into pieces and I ate him...
I woke up extremely hungry... :D

202 Name: Sei : 2012-12-13 22:05 ID:l4Chwm5+ [Del]

I had a dream where little blue rock people elected me president of the world against my will and I actually won the election. Freaking out because I didn't want that type of responsibility I ran around a rocky area in search of all the rock people that did this to me but was attacked by several people yelling "PRESIDENT! HELP!"
When I woke up I was all sweaty and I ran downstairs (randomly) and ran back upstairs and then I ran into my parents room and said "thank god it's not real" and I started bawling my eyes out. The next day my mom asked me what I dreamt about and I said I didn't want to talk about it (because it was a really strange reason to start crying) and so to this day my mom thinks I had a horrible nightmare.
Yeah... I dunno.

203 Name: Whisper : 2012-12-13 22:27 ID:dPoXXit3 [Del]

I had a dream, more like a nightmare, that constantly changed point of views. First I was staring at someone I knew was myself, but looked nothing like me. I was driving a bus full of people who hated me. I crashed the bus into a walmart, trying to kill us all, but none of us ended up dying. Then suddenly I could actually be inside the body, rather than just watching "myself". I started drenching the others in lighter fluid once we crawled out of the bus, then setting them ablaze. Yet again, the view switched, only now I was one of the people running away. I watched "me" chase after.. me, then manage to cover me in fuel. It smelled terrible. Then, I tried to scream.. but all around me was flames... I could feel the skin melting off my body and I watched in horror for what seemed like forever before I woke up..

I swear to god Im not that fucked up >_>

204 Name: Pixel : 2012-12-14 08:54 ID:vOC4kaOF [Del]

Okay, so this is one of my weird dreams xD

I was at my cousins house yet only the first floor was like her house and the second floor was like another cousins house xD so this man came asking for an uncle who wasn't there at the time and it was night, for some reason and I was in my pijamas xD so, we went down stairs and told him to wait here and we went to this garage like place of my cousins house and mostly all had roof but there was this little concrete part, it looked like a rectangle. I looked to the sky to see the moon 'cause is something I usually do and I found more than one xD there were like 14 moons, or 12? I don't remember, there were a row of 6, then another 6 and another that had like 3 or 2 so I'm not sure how many they were. When I saw them they were all shinning and excitedly, I told my sister and cousin to look at them, 'cause I had another dream about multiple moons and somehow I remembered it and wanted to show someone what I saw. So we looked at them again, but now, some moons were like in a "off" mode xD because now, like the half or little more, I don't know, were like grey, while the rest where still white and all shiny. So, I heard like a lot of noise and looked to the front and saw a lot people like with those red plastic glasses drinking whatever they wanted and so, I heard something else and looked at the floor. I saw like the concrete part ended and I was like in this stair (that was the concrete) and the floor, aside of the cement was sand and I was like "Whhaaaaaat?" and I looked further to see a beach with people in the sand, at the edge of it, some were just splashing the water with their feet and somehow, some parts of the beach were glowing and the water also, weird xD that was the impressive thing and then this dude (good looking one) started hitting on me and I was like "No, dude, no" xD and I was like trying to be annoyed somehow but I was embarrased 'cause I was in my pijamas xD lol hahaha yet he didn't care... or didn't notice it lol xD

205 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2012-12-14 13:08 ID:tgQE9Vx3 [Del]

I've had several dreams that take place in the same place. It's like my home town, but it looks nowhere near what my hometown looks like. Like, I know that it's home, but it's not. It's a (not bad) corruption of my home town. There are more building downtown, and all the road are wider and longer, unpaved and new. In my neighborhood, where there are usually a few trees separating homes, there is instead a large semi-forest with roads running through it, yet the houses are sitting there, in open areas.

IRL, the road to my Highschool has quite a few shops and stuff, and there's a cotton field across the street. In my dream world, there are no buildings along the road at all, and everything on the side of the road where the cotton field is was just an endless plain, about 5 meters below the road on a slope, while the cotton fields location was a lake. The road was also longer, yet school itself was hi-tech, almost like a military base. Where the football taining feidl was is now a massive plains area, with mountains rising a few miles away. Instead of the baseball/softball/tennis courts, theres an abandoned, run down town. In the mountains are large caves.

IRL, I live next to a highway, with a seafood place between us, and our neighbor just several meters away. In the dream world, our home and our neighbors are larger, and separated by a huge, grassy field. The seafood place is more or less a cafe' now. The highway, again, is new and smooth, as well as having no markings on it.

In my dreams, I've had several different scenarios, which I've classified into four categories.

1) Danger.

These have always had a sci-fi theme to them, with something mysterious falling from the sky. Mass confusion, and what-not. I was always running away, I always had something important, and I was always running West/Southwest.

I always new that I was fighting with someone in my family. There was always and angry tone to it, and I was aways running away, either west or northwest. On one occasion, I met several other kids, who I feel as if I knew IRL. The there occasions, I would slow down greatly in running when I tried to leave my yard. I was always aware of this happening, and I woke up when I tried to resist it.

3) Chase/decision.

I only had one dream like this. In all my danger categories, it was night, maybe summer time, and the sky was still bright enough to see. Colours were vivid. In this dream, it was cold and raining, the sky black, and colours were more muted. I ad to choose between helping some good friends in a big fight, or staying home, which I stayed home. They left, and I knew they would probably die. After about a minute, I would give in and get ready, running our the door, but someone would say they were already hurt. I would try to run as fast as I can, again slowing down as I got farther away from my house. I resisted, trying to run faster, and i woke.

In another one, the atmosphere was the same, but I was trying to prove myself as a pilot. I kept failing miserably, and finally gave up. The whole dream had a feeling of depression.

4) peace.

This was the last dream I had. It was bright, a nice summer day. The grass was tall and green, the sky a brilliant blue. Great clouds dotted the sky. There was a slight breeze.

It was not a happy tone, but one of relief, or peace, like everything felt right. I was walking along the great highway, alone. There was nothing around for miles except the endless green fields. It was warm. I knew there was heavenly, beautiful music playing, but I couldn't hear it. I simply felt that it was. There was no thought, no other actions, I just kept walking, feeling very happy in my solitude, looking up at the sky before I woke up.

I felt as it I was saying farewell to something, but I don't know what.

206 Name: Ruffz : 2012-12-14 13:30 ID:uMWx2slC [Del]

Sorry if I miss spell I'm using my phone.

I've had insane dreams also( ´ ▽ ` )ノ one peculiar spring night I had played pokemon ruby far to long, when I went to bed all I could see was a big green gargoyle Stachu. Suddenly it ate toto (fom the wizard of oz)!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) suddenly I am wearing a gorilla suit and eating sushi in Pizza Hut. A flying squirl appears before me while strangling rikki tiki tavi as I push them away I see a brick wall? Then I appear as a frog being help by a T. rex! I then drink some milk grow some fancy pantyhose and fly off in the sky with a kilt. I see a boy in trouble so I go punch the monster torturing him. I grow Abbs and a beard, I then pose handsomely befor I away to find my bed was wet.

207 Name: Maru-Kai !IDESUte0eQ : 2012-12-14 14:06 ID:tgQE9Vx3 [Del]

>>206 Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

208 Name: Tsuchimikado : 2012-12-14 18:34 ID:Zj9fe4mH [Del]

My brother had a dream he was being chased by a wasp. In his dream, he was stung. Then he woke up. It turns out he was actually stung in his sleep in real life. More proof of the relations between dreams and memories, eh?

209 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2012-12-14 21:32 ID:/C3RoE7y [Del]

>>206 sounds like acid.

210 Name: Shibatou.. : 2012-12-15 06:51 ID:mGWraCLC [Del]

I was a part of some club, and we ventured in my backyard(?). I was told that they were leaving, so me and my parents ended up chasing them by car. We thought of the idea to let me jump momentarily, but that was too stupid, so we stopped our car, seeing that they had already seen us to have stopped. So we waited for them, and heard police sirens ringing in our ears. And then we ran. I found myself fleeing from the fuzz with and overly decreasing pace, then two old men running at the speed of sound whizzed past me. I kept flew down a tunnel and came back to the place before, and my club members were there. We hid in a clothes boutique, and discussed about how we were going to hid if the cops came in here. And they did. But I hid in a sub room, disguised as a rare reptile. They looked over and found me, but the scientist who actually isn't a cop squealed over his new discovery. Then I was randomly making a video in front of him called 'The Birth of A Great Reptile-The Death of A Great Reptile. So we played it out and the scientist began to cry in agony at the 'death' part, and then we all escaped when they were distracted.

And I was struck with the idea that my favorite artist had something to do with this.

211 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-12-27 10:49 ID:bcRdOrVB [Del]

I had this weird dream last night where a bunch of my teachers were running around in Guy Fawkes masks and I was raging at my teacher for calling my 90 a B. Then I kept forgetting it was a dream after I woke up and thought it really happened.

212 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2012-12-27 13:16 ID:3osqTBgq [Del]

I had a dream where one of my guy friends and I were going out, but then he dumped me. I was really happy about that, and suddenly this weird, over obsessed girl comes. And she LOVES him. So she's mad at him for dating me and kills him. After that, she starts dating his dead body. I don't even know how that's possible.

213 Name: Batman : 2012-12-27 15:38 ID:0w1pS4ov [Del]

I had this weird dream where Alfred was the hero and I was the butler. It was super weird staying home and doing the dishes while he was out getting crazy chics and being betrayed. It gave me quite a lot of perspective on how incredibly boring it must be for Alfred when I don't involve him in on my investigations... But you know, who gives a shit I'm Batman

214 Name: dflman : 2012-12-27 22:05 ID:1g2liTh1 [Del]

Last night I dreamt I was searching for my cat that had gotten out, (Love my cats more than anything, so naturally I'd be looking; even in my dreams.) and I was out on the sidewalk looking in the bushes. And I found my neighbor's cat! My actual neighbor that I babysit for too sometimes, has this adorable fluffy grey cat that does NOT like being picked up, and I dreamt I saw him outside. I actually do see him around a lot. In the dream, I was stupid enough to pick him up, and I carried him back to his owner because he was too far from home. Which is ironic because he went missing 2 weeks ago! He was gone for 2 weeks, and they JUST found him. Maybe that's why I dreamt about finding him and carrying him home while he KNAWED ON MY ARMS AND FINGERS! XD Seriously. I'm probably gonna be a cat lady when I'm old and retired!

215 Name: dflman : 2012-12-27 22:06 ID:1g2liTh1 [Del]

Last night I dreamt I was searching for my cat that had gotten out, (Love my cats more than anything, so naturally I'd be looking; even in my dreams.) and I was out on the sidewalk looking in the bushes. And I found my neighbor's cat! My actual neighbor that I babysit for too sometimes, has this adorable fluffy grey cat that does NOT like being picked up, and I dreamt I saw him outside. I actually do see him around a lot. In the dream, I was stupid enough to pick him up, and I carried him back to his owner because he was too far from home. Which is ironic because he went missing 2 weeks ago! He was gone for 2 weeks, and they JUST found him. Maybe that's why I dreamt about finding him and carrying him home while he KNAWED ON MY ARMS AND FINGERS! XD Seriously. I'm probably gonna be a cat lady when I'm old and retired!

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218 Name: Feric !Tqnr51kiR. : 2012-12-27 22:09 ID:jCnwAha8 [Del]

Slender Man takes control of all those around me and turns them into werewolves. I start running like Hell for my life and then I suddenly stop, realize that I am in a dream, and appreciate the nice architecture that was created in my dream. And, it really wasn't that bad, either.

219 Post deleted by user.

220 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-12-30 16:37 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

So I had this Creepypasta reading with a chick named ManiacalArtist on TinyChat and eventually we talked about stuff like Homestuck (this has to do with the dream keep reading preasu) and Japanese stuff at three am. So later I went to sleep and had this weird dream that I was in a room filled with Kpop band members having a conference and suddenly Block B was dancing. I left the room and met ManiacalArtist and her posse and we had a weird Minecraft Homestuck ship war and it was really weird.

221 Name: Barry : 2012-12-30 20:32 ID:9rTjIpUP [Del]

I had a dream where I was 7 years old again and I was shopping around Safeway with my mom. I was standing with my mom in the produce section and I watched her talking on the phone, looking at apples until suddenly, I saw this really black, ink-like shadow creep out from the entrance. I tried to tell my mom, but for some reason she couldn't hear me or see me, and when I tried to reach out to grab her arm, my had will go in really slow motion and would never reach her. The shadow then started crawling toward me, like it was about to eat me, so I began to run away from it. As I was running, the store became bigger and bigger. I tried to run out of the entrance, but I could never reach it. Suddenly, the dream took a turn for the better....or actually, it just became really weird. The shadow turned into a boy that looked to be 7 years old too. He started flying toward me with plates in one hand and he started to throw them at me. I became so scared, my body felt really light and a bit numb to the point where I started to fly too. In the end of the chase, he hit my leg with one of the plates he threw at me and I fell and couldn't get up. He walked up to me with a bucket in his hand and started laughing at me while I was crying because I thought he was going to kill me, but instead, he took the bucket and threw the contents that were inside at me. First, I was screaming,squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for pain to hit me, but then he said, "You're so over-dramatic, it's just water." I then opened my eyes and we were suddenly in my apartment's laundry room and he handed me a towel. He then said, "Don't make me mad again or I'll pull another prank on you! Alright?" Still dazed and confused, I just said a weak "ok" and I suddenly woke up.

222 Name: Acid Shampoo : 2013-01-31 09:00 ID:FruHuumA [Del]

>be 14
>be going through phase in which i would usually dream either gruesome night terrors or really confusing and fucked up shit...
>starts writing down as much of a dream as i can remember every time i wake up...
>ends up collecting nothing but the night terrors...

Walking down street, poorly lit but not quite dusk...
turn right into a building.(all of a sudden alot of light from windows shines through the house when it was practically night time. continue walking to a flight of stairs and slowly walk up.
all goes silent exept for a small sort of mechanical humming, suddenly all of the light from the windows turn deep red... start running up the stairs... reach the top to find a girl...(later found out it was a girl i met later and began to like), she sees me and smiles and says something... no words came from her when her lips moved.
alot of blood starts forming around her chest and she falls down to the ground.
behind her was myself holding a knife.
attempt to scream.
no noise.
cant run, cant move.
the copy of me walks towards me and lunges the knife into my chest.
feel agonising pain.
wake up screaming and slam my head against my roof (i sleep in a bed that has a desk under it...)

223 Name: Hibari? : 2013-01-31 09:24 ID:3tinvoen [Del]

Not really a strange dream or anything but a few months ago, I had a dream that I had became a father. It was a baby girl, And I was filled with a lot of joy even after I woke for some reason. I'm not ready to become a father But that dream made me really happy.

224 Name: Nonie : 2013-01-31 13:03 ID:9b8UIT1w [Del]

>.> i have a strange one, but I dont have it with me.... but my own is scary, very detailed, also rhymes...if anyone wants to read it, add me on my fb and you can read it on my notes...

225 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2013-01-31 13:21 ID:bQeguxCg [Del]

I had a dream that i was in a graveyard at night and this weird demon thing came and was trying to kill me. but then their girl with red/orange hair and a lip piercing came and saved me. what's scary is that the next day i kept seeing this girl who looked like her. the red hair and everything. really scary >.>

226 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2013-01-31 13:44 ID:mSBc0Mq7 [Del]

I swear this gets interesting!
I had a dream that I was attending a prestigious all male academy (^-^). The architecture and decor was similar to Victorian and everything seemed great. I was taking in a library/study room with another student and we looked out the window (which was about at ground level, basement 1st floor hybrid). We saw a bird walking around outside. He said, "look a crow!" I said, "That's not crow. Its a kookaburra!" (real thing btw). Then it turned sideways and a breeze blew the window open. It had the body of a rat/dog and (get ready) a huge tapir/horse like penis that was sweeping the ground like a metal detector. We were like: !(◎_◎;) (;゚Д゚). Then it opened it's beak (filled with tiny teeth) and hissed at us. You can bet your ass we ran.

227 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2013-01-31 18:36 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

>>225 And by any chance is your name Scott Pilgrim?
Yeah I had a weird dream I was a gay guy during the zombie apocalypse and I had some lover that got bitten so I comforted him and did a mercy shot. I woke up crying. It was weird. I'm female.

228 Name: LionfishMaster : 2013-01-31 18:44 ID:69S3mqzL [Del]

I once had a dream where I was walking along my house and then this huge snake showed up and attacked me I was like "The fuck did I do to upset this snake" I began dodging all its moves until it managed to grab me (I swear the pain felt real) it beagan squeezing me with its deadly sthrength but before I breathe my last breath it spoke to me "Strangling is my specialty soon you will pass out and I will swallow you whole" I couldnt escape until I figured out I can just relax and loosen up I did that and escaped I ran away but it followed me after what seemed an eternity of corridors I found a room that contained a katana it was the katana I drew in class I took it and unsheathed it and the snake attacked me I moved to the side and hit it with the hilt of the sword it then was stunned I raised my sword and it looked at me and said "I never thought a human could evade me specially a weakling like you" I said to it "I love snakes your kind is beautiful and elegant yet you tried to kill me you dont deserve my mercy" I swang the sword and cut of its head off at the same time its body burned away I then said "I never thought out of all animals a snake would try to kill me"

229 Name: islandsunn : 2013-01-31 20:12 ID:Jkvz0OdS [Del]

I have a character that reappears in some of my scary dreams, it's this wierd bald guy. First I had a dream that I was being chased by another version of myself, he was wearing a red shirt, I was wearing a green shirt. Eventually I escaped him and I made my way into my parent's bedroom where I sat down in this blue rocking chair. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but I felt something tickling my outer thigh. I tried to scratch it away but it persisted. When I finally looked I saw the bald guy standing there in a black shirt...and he was turning into a skeleton. I fainted after that as he laughed and walked out the door.
The next time I saw him was when in a dream where I had been visiting my cousins in Mexico, where that asian doctor from the science channel tried to swing at me with a katana. Eventually I escaped him too and I ended up back in my family's dining room. And it was christmas time. Right before we were going to sit down to eat the bald guy came in and apperently my dad invited him. Then a third, green, eye popped open on his forehead. I ran around the table several times, screaming and then jumped out the window. I woke after that too.

230 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2013-02-01 14:01 ID:TOPewseF [Del]

>>227 if only =P

231 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2013-02-05 10:23 ID:3W2ZKhKx [Del]

I had a beautiful dream around new years. I was in a large city with a lot of other people. It was new years and we were all looking up at the sky, waiting for the main event. The sun swelled up and turned red. Then it exploded with all kinds of gorgeous color and collapsed into itself. Then it exploded again giving birth to a new sun. In this dream the sun was like a Phoenix, and this cycle occured every new year. Why can't my conscious mind conjure such majesty?!

232 Post deleted by user.

233 Name: Witch : 2013-02-05 16:01 ID:bLSQ4d94 [Del]

I had a weird dream, but I was in bottle, full of random letters of B,l,e,t,A,o,g,l,t,e and finally,"n". I put them all together and it spelled "Bottle Angel". And then I realized that the bottle Angel was me. but I didn't understand of me being an angel... so I sat there,being confused and lost in thought and the next thing I new it, I woke up in my bed.

234 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-02-05 20:03 ID:bcRdOrVB [Del]

Oh, I forgot about this thread.

So, last night I in my dream I was on a ship, but the insides looked more like a multi-level building. Seriously, the proportions were way off and the inside was huge. Anyway, there were a bunch of people I didn't know all over the place and we were all being chased around by zombies so there was a lot of sneaking around involved. The zombies kept switching from being smart enough to corner us to being so stupid they were running into walls.

Then, after I help this kindergarten class find a hiding place from the zombies, I find out I'm stuck in this one area of the ship and I'm surrounded by zombies. I start running all over the place, looking for somewhere to hide without getting boxed in, and run into my friend, David. Apparently, he's really good at killing zombies.

We keep running around like chickens with our head cut off when my senile track coach shows up and saves the day. Because apparently zombies listen to him.

What. The. Fuck.

235 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-02-05 23:29 ID:RIz0UD0E [Del]

This dream was a while back:

I had a dream that I was running away from someone. I got cornered into the bathroom and I slipped into the bathtub. A guy with a knife came up to the bathtub and stabbed me to death and I died, but I was still conscious even after death. The wounds he inflicted on me hurt so much!! TT~TT

236 Name: you will never know : 2013-02-06 01:38 ID:oGkaBC/d [Del]

Pigs took over the earth nuff said

237 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-06 03:00 ID:FoBQUtQj [Del]

>>235 My bathroom locks from both sides and has a cabinet underneath the sink which I could squeeze into. And it's small enough to where people could just glance in to see that no one's there. Plus the cabinet is small enough that no one thinks someone of my size could fit in it. But I can.

238 Name: Seiun !AJkRZQfMTg : 2013-02-07 03:18 ID:M93vwNA5 [Del]

A cake with teeth was chasing me a third person view, and i just kept running. The End

239 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-11 20:57 ID:/97GJ7X0 [Del]

I rarely remember my dreams but last night i did. I was at the library with a friend of mine and this girl i like. the girl i like asked me for french homework help(I've never been good in french which is the first strange part). I helped her and she thanked me but after that she just smiled and ranted about how she has always hated me with a friendly smile on her face(second strange part). meanwhile my friend beat the impossible game. After the girl i like finished ranting about how she hates me, my friend and the girl got up, and walked into the distance hand and hand(third strange part). I took it to mean i'm scared of being out done, hated, and left by friends.(by the way, bump)

240 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 21:00 ID:l9h7vM3U [Del]


241 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-24 13:45 ID:GTYO3ABD [Del]

Part one

I aways see movements in the shadows next to my door in my room at night, so that's probably what brought this on.

I woke up after a nap to see something spinning in the shadows next to my door. When my mom came in to tell me something, she saw it, too, and noticed it was getting closer to me. I had noticed this as well. When it got close to me and out of the shadows, it appeared to be a miniature Anubis, for lack of a more exact term. It jumped on me and we fought for a while before I eventually pinned it down and mom shoved it into a pet carrier-ish-thing.

I went online for ways to kill it. Everything and everyone said it's impossible. But nothing's impossible, so I kept searching. Sometime at night, I noticed it was back out again, and standing right behind me. It poked my in a stabbing fashion, causing me to black out for some reason.

When I woke up I was on some disk-shaped arena thing that was moving upward by a chain. My family was there, along with more minianubis creatures. I noticed they had swords and shields, and so did I next to me. I picked mine up and went to help my sister.

Just before I got to her, the one she was fighting manage to push her off. I went crazy on those little B-tards. Even after they were dead, I kept slashing away until they were almost nothing.

When we reached the top of wherever we were, an announcer guy said something like, "WELCOME TEAM EARTH! We have not had an Earth team in thousands of years. The Anubi always killed them before they got up here. So, let me explain where you are and what you are to do. You are to race through many exciting places, such as planets you have never seen before, and even some places on Earth. We will give you an injection containing DNA that will awaken your telekinetic powers enough to fly, but you will not be able to do anything else with them. You also get ten bombs per race to try to kill other teams before the finish li-"

I cut him off and said, "You think this is a joke!? AN EFFING GAME!? My sister died down there. There is no WAY I am going along with anything you will have us do. I will find you. And I will kill you AND YOUR FAMILY!"

"Now calm down. You didn't let me finish. Each time you finish a race, you get points based on your ranking in the race. The team with the most points at the end if all the races gets one wish for each team manner that survived the way up here. The only thing you cannot wish for is for more wishes."

"Then we will win this stupid little 'game' you have here, and we will kill you, get my sister back, and go home."

After that, more Anubi came by and took us to a hospital-like room. They gave us shots and took us to a room to show us how to use our new power.

After we learned to fly, they took us to the first starting like. There were at least 500 beings there.

We raced through a beautiful place. It was like a cave, but round bottom and a ceiling that looked like the sky at night. Probably a version of glow worms.

Then I heard bombs going off. I was somewhere near 50th place. A bomb came directly from in front of me. I caught it after I dodged it. It looked a little like the cracker BIMs from the BTOOOM! anime.

I sped up to get in first. Just as I passed a guy, they threw a bomb at me. I threw my hijacked bomb at him while dodging his. Mine hit the mark perfectly. I then sped back up, being sure to stay away from people as I fly to first.

Then I noticed a counter near the ceiling. It read 410 and was dropping fast. I heard another bomb go off and the counter dropped by three. Then it hit me. That counts the amount of people in the race.

Within twenty seconds, the counter was down to 287. People had really started to kill people. I looked back and saw that there weren't nearly as many people as before. I raced for first. I was in roughly tenth when three bombs came at me from different directions. I dodged them and noticed there was another team of three around me.

"We already killed your family. Just give up. You'll never survive," they said.

"You... You WHAT!? YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR ACTIONS!" I proceeded to fly up to one, grab them, spin them into another one, and threw both of them at the third, with a bomb following close after. It hit dead center and they were all dead. I hurried and got second. I also noticed the counter was 127 after everyone had crossed the finish line.

242 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-02-24 13:46 ID:GTYO3ABD [Del]

Part two

During the next race, I made it my duty to get first with any means necessary. I killed three people before I even got a bomb thrown at me. This time, it was the guy who got first. We had a nice little contest to see who could hit who before I finally ran out of bombs. He still had four left.

He threw one at me an I caught it like I did the first one and threw it back at him. He was caught off guard and nearly got hit. A bomb had come from elsewhere and hit my bomb as they were both headed for him.

I took the chance to use the smoke for a sneak attack. If lee straight at where he was, but he was gone. I took the chance to fly as fast as I could and get first. As I passed people, I stole their bombs and threw them back at their owners.

As I neared first, He came from behind and threw a bomb at me. I dodged and sped up. I passed second, taking the five bombs he had left. I killed him and threw one at The Guy. He dodged it and it hit another person.

I flew at him and threw a bomb at him as I passed him. He barely dodged it. I sped back up to try to get first again, a I could see the finish line. As I passé him, he threw his last bomb at me. I skillfully dodged it and threw one at him. This time, the intercepting bomb was not aimed at him or me.

His team mate showed up an I ran for it, throwing my last one. It got intercepted again, and I got first. We were now tied with 23 people left in the race.

It's only going to get harder from here, I thought.

Durin the next race, I immediately got first and started throwing bombs backwards, hoping to overwhelm people. I heard three explosions. As I threw my last one, it got intercepted right next to me, and I was sent flying forward.

I flew faster than I thought I could. There were 8 people left in the race. I already know two. But if they can hold their own against those two, they must be majorly skilled, I thought. Maybe I can use this to my advantage.

I got first and waited for other people to cross. I waited for the last person to cross and went up to them. I asked if they wanted to join an alliance. I won't kill them as long as they help me to kill the guys who got second and third.

They agreed and we started next to each other. As soon as the race started, I was way ahead if the pack. I saw my "team mate" fly up to my rivals and throw a few bombs. I threw one as well to try to get their dodging off. I hit the weaker player in the head, killing them. Now there is only one person I have to worry about, I thought. As my "team mate" took him on, I raced for the finish line. I heard a bomb go off and saw the counter go down one. Got 'im, I thought. I looked back to see that my "team mate" was dead and that my rival was coming fast.

I threw three bombs at him and missed. He threw a bomb at me and I threw it back.

"I haven't had this much fun in years," he said. I threw my last bomb at him, missed, an hit someone else. The counter read three, but I did not see anyone but me and him.

I looked ahead and saw someone was in front of me. I sped up, ignoring my rival, and stole all their bombs. "Thanks! These will come in real handy," I said. I threw one at him, but he disappeared. I continued for the finish line when a wild bomb appeared. I dodged it and saw my rival coming from behind.

"You're lucky. That was my last one," he said.

"I've got more from the third person in the race," I said a I threw two at him.

He dodged them and one blew up in mid air. The counter reached two. I hit the last guy besides my rival. It was just him and me. I threw my last bombs at him and flew for first. They all missed and I flew as fast as I could.

He caught up with me. I grabbed him and used him for a small boost. He passed me just as we finished.

We were tied with one race to go. It was on Earth.

As we took off, he took an early lead. But I knew exactly where to go as the shortest route. I sped off in a different direction an got to the finish line just as my rival did. We tied. Even at one million frames per second, we tied.

We raced time and again, but we tied each time.

We eventually said to each other, "Why don't we just have a final showdown during our next race?"

That night, I started to train my telekinesis in other ways other than flying. I was eventually able to throw and catch things with my power. I even broke my door by accident.

During the next race, we stopped right in the middle of a desert. We started fighting. I threw a bomb at him and got another to behind him for a sneak attack.

As the first one missed, I made the other hit him from behind. He fell dead and I flew and got first.

I wished for three things when I was allowed. "I wish for my family to be alive again."

They appeared next to me and I hugged my sister tight. "I've missed you so much!!"

"Now I wish for everyone who runs this show to be dead except the wish granter."

They all died.

"And finally, I wish to go home." We were teleported home.

It was finally over.

Then I woke up.

243 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-03-17 20:34 ID:GzGT2mpJ [Del]

I've had a "few" strange dreams, but the one that I can remember off the top of my head...

Okay, so I was walking in the city and there was a giant Stitch from Lilo and Stitch. This giant Stitch evil and destroying buildings and stuff.

For some reason, instead of running away like the sane person that I'm not, I started sprintine toward him.

While running, I saw my online friend and tripped him open, but caught him before he hit the ground and continued sprinting while carrying him bridal style.

Then I threw him at the giant Stitch cos screw physics. He landed on the giant Stitches head, which knocked him out.

Then the giant Stitch returned to normal and had a nap while everyone cheered for me.

And then I had to pay for the online friend's hospital bills...
The end...

244 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-03-20 20:37 ID:o5uKtV5g [Del]

I spent thirty countable days in one 36-minute period. I saw EVERY SINGLE EFFING MILLISECOND as if it were real, in real speed. I know there were more than that, though. Maybe even a year. I was gone so long, I had forgotten what my house looked like, what school looked like, what my friends looked like.

For the first week, I knew I shouldn't have been where I was. I didn't know where I should have been, but I knew it wasn't where it was. I was looking for the way back.

After the seventh day there, I decided to join the bandwagon by obtaining a sword and leveling up enough to at least tie with the people who have actually been playing the game.

It took all of 19 days to reach the highest level in the world.

The next four days I was leveling up some more.

/end what I remember of dream and start me ranting about the dream.

I lost track of how long I was there after that.

It was a very amazing, yet, in a way, terrifying, dream.

Even now I'm about to cry from thinking about it too much.

I saw all my new friends die right in front of me... Too many other, countless people die.

And why?

Why was I there?

Did someone send me? Did they know my powers when it comes to having to deal with stuff like that, and take me?

I don't even remember half of what happened.

It gave me an even greater reason to observe the moment of silence they have every morning. Not only for the men who died protecting our great country of the United States of America, but for my fallen comrades.

I'm still not sure if it was an actual dream, or some reality something shoved me into. I still have pains from some of the injuries I sustained. Others are like they never happened.

I'm just glad to be back to my real life after so long.

In some ways, I miss that place. But in many, I would rather die than have to relive it.

Living feels great. And I never want to forget how it feels to cry, to laugh, to smile, I even want to remember what pain feels like, what sorrow feels like.

Anything that reminds me that I'm out of that accursed place.

If you read the entire thing, thank you for being one of my vents.

245 Post deleted by user.

246 Name: megataku-tan : 2013-03-21 04:20 ID:h1MUBMBy [Del]

I have had many strange dreams
one of them was that i was living in a normal Japanese home. One day i found a duckling and i decided to take care of it. Many days later i woke up and found that the duckling was ten times the size of my house!! it went and ate my family and i was the only one left.The duckling suddenly moved and i got eaten.Then,I'm sitting in a train next to a boy who was wearing usui Takumi's clothes when he was a kid (in one of the ending songs)he asked me what happened and I told him everything.I started crying badly. I turned to the boy only to find aslan sittin next to me!then he pushed me off the train!!Next thing i Know i'm in a pirates of the Caribbean game! and i'm on a ship....trapped in a closet...filled with water. Then i woke up ^_^

247 Name: Eros : 2013-03-21 11:07 ID:TTVckjQx [Del]

>>244 So wait, are you saying you've had a dream that lasted more than a few minutes, like most people tell me they have? Because if you have, then I must not be crazy, and if I misunderstood, then I think I need psychological help. I sometimes have dreams that last at least a week, if not more. Anyone else have something like this?

Sorry for not having anything interesting to share.

248 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-03-21 16:30 ID:RKHyfv+d [Del]

>>247 Exactly

249 Name: Mika : 2013-03-25 20:12 ID:vf4fgqpf [Del]

I'd say the weirdest dream I've had is when I had gotten shot in the head and when I told my parents about it they acted normal. I started screaming at them that I was dead and they just stood there continuing to clean the house. I was so confused.
I've also had sleep paralysis,and I started hallucinating some really creepy stuff.

250 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-03-25 20:24 ID:mrHuek5D [Del]

>>247 There's not a problem. Most people only remember their dreams if they are disturbed in some way while having them. Say your mom pokes her head in the door and you wake up for a few seconds before falling back asleep. You might not remember waking up but you are more likely to remember the dream. You personally might just be one of those weird people who remembers dreams better.

251 Name: mizzah : 2013-03-26 01:35 ID:8nb5uzfK [Del]

I met a guy in the snow. He was drowning because of the snow. His foot was faced up so I plan to pull it up to help him. But when I pulled it, his head was a fish's head I freaked out and woke up.
His face was funny half of the bottom is human like and the head is fish like. xDD

252 Name: jill : 2013-03-26 01:49 ID:RGnbt741 [Del]

it was like during 17th century, that i got invited by an earl. i was looking around in his house and found a dead body in his yard. that earl and the others dont have much expression when i found out. so i just continue enjoying my tea when the alarm went out and woke me up.

253 Name: AceOfHeart : 2013-03-26 03:19 ID:RSHQWr/p [Del]

wooooooooooooooo!!! I can make a book out of all my weird dreams but i will give only one i can remember

i was on a mansion and I never give the thought I am poor and how i am here i just went downstairs to eat and saw my two cousins. Well i sit down and said sorry for being late then my baby cousin was like "about time you take a long time for fuck sake" in a cute voice. I look at the baby like finally this is weird and it look at me and my other cousin give me a paper of the baby shoving her hand up her sister ass. But what is funny is that i didn't care about that i just look at the baby like it is weird and it stares at me with a derp face. everything around me was weird but only the baby got my attention instead of people trying to kill me, i move frame by frame, live in a mansion, my mom is skinny, and I didn't once seen myself in the mirror because i have a habit of doing that...

254 Name: Eros : 2013-03-26 17:11 ID:OIp2aIjF [Del]

>>250 I guess I shouldn't be using this thread to talk about trying to figure out what is going on with me dreams. Anyways, are you talking about my strangely long dreams? Now that I've thought about it.. It isn't really a problem I guess. I just want to know if there is a reason why they sometimes last so long.

255 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-04-15 20:59 ID:sIaneoNW [Del]

I went to my grandma's house, but it wasn't really her house. You know how dreams work like that. A couple of my church camp friends were there, including my favorite one.

After saying hi, I found out she can see a ghost/specter/thing that is invisible for anyone who has not seen it before. Apparently, I knew of a possibly fake creepypasta about it.

You cannot look at it for more than ten seconds until a certain condition is met. Even if you can't see it, you still can't look through it, I should say, for more than five seconds. If you do, it kills you.

It looks like a normal human girl from the neck down, but until the condition progresses, its face looks like a 100 year old witch's.

The only way to actually see it before being able to see it is through a mirror. Same time limitation applies.

The only way to be immune to its killing you is to either have a rare gene, for lack of a better term, that makes you immune or have lived through to completing another one's condition before.

Now that I've explained my conversation with it down to basic levels, to write the dream as exact as I can remember.

I was always darting my head randomly around the room after that, to avoid more than five seconds of eye contact. People thought I was crazy.

Apparently a party had started while I was talking to the ghost thing. people started dieing. It was down to me, my friend, and roughly five brave souls.

At this point, I had looked at and away from it enough for it to be visible. I knew where it was, and its face was becoming more normal.

Two of the other people died. The others grew to be able to see it, and it changed forms slightly. It now had boobs big enough to cover someone's head completely, and it proceeded to do so. They all died.

I was the only one left, with my friend and the ghost. The ghost and I started having a conversation about how I was able to survive so long. It explained to me that the hourglass looking thing that appeared during the conversation was the key to my survival. Once all the feathers sunk to the bottom of the water in it, I would be able to look at her without dieing.

I had two left. I went to my friend and hit up conversation with her, and we both ended up going back to the hourglass. I looked at the ghost and back at the hourglass, and a feather fell. I tried once more, and the final feather fell.

I wanted to confirm that it was ok to look at the ghost before I actually did, and they both said it was, so I did and survived. Group hug was activated.

Conversations were had for hours while I woke up.

256 Name: ∂я.вℓσσρz : 2013-04-20 17:05 ID:bTg53LGy [Del]

Okay, once, I had this dream where me and my boyfriend (Yes, I am a GIRL) were from SoulEater. My best friend and her BF were from there, too. Anyway, well, me and my BF entered a dog compition against my best friend and her BF. apparently, the dogs scored points by jumped into a hole that led to some sort of maze, and then at the end of the maze, they had to come out another hole beside the entrance, then jump into the entrance whole, and that would be one point. Me and my BF didn’t make it to that round, and we got really peed my best friend and her dog did. So anyway, they ended up winning in the end. Okay, so then I went home and took my two dogs (I have two Pomerainians) and went coon hunting. Yeah, I don’t know. Right, so, I had this hat one, and apparently when I was hunting a coon, the one on my head was its baby or something, and it attacked me. I got away with only half my left leg, but Im pretty sure I lived anyway. There, the end.

257 Name: EmilyT : 2013-04-20 20:28 ID:wGuv1zcN [Del]

I had the strangest dream ever a couple months ago that I still remember because most of my dreams are pretty realistic, this wasn't at all.

Ok so I was at school playing in the field in the middle of the track and for some reason it was the same size as my field, but it looked like the high school's field as in coloring and paint on the grass.

There was a bunch of people there, like all my friends but they were all doing things without and since they looked like they were having such a fun time without me I just did whatever i wanted to do.

So i made up this person in my head that played Frisbee with me with a basketball. I'm still wondering how it worked! So for some reason there was a highway right next to the field and i accidentally threw the ball into the highway which was completely empty for some reason and there was like 6 lanes!

Th ball rolled into a building and it went into one store that I think sold mainly books. (btw the building was like a skyscraper and the 1st floor had different entrances because there was different shops in it)

And while my friend looked for it i got distracted by this one weird book. It was a book that when unfolded was like 4 pictures. The pictures was by a guy who expressed his poetry through art and it was how he felt when his mother died. When i looked up from the book it was the same picture of the clerk in the store then there was two pictures in the middle that i don't remember but the one on the end was her head attached to a pig-man thingy's body. So i asked the clerk were the ball was and she pulled out a box from under the counter and said,

"Is it this?" and it was the ball but way smaller, like as if it was a key chain then i said "yes" anyway.

"Oh, that has been sold out for years."

But my friend found it and as we were walking out of the building a truck came flying out of the second floor and then the building started crashing down floor by floor starting from the start. We ran back to the field then it was normal there but the building was grubble... and nobody noticed!

It just made no sense in my mind but what annoys me is that i have no idea what this could mean.

258 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-21 03:33 ID:cLfmseOs [Del]

I occasionally have dreams that follow the rules of video games that I have played. Several times, these have included one dream involving a very large lego lion thing (a pouncing type boss) chasing me in a map like the runescape wilderness, but with lava to both the east and west, and the lava closes in, then recedes to create a trap that you can lead the lion in to to whittle down its health, though I get a lot less health. I once lost, once got past him, and through the free-player's wall in the back, which he guards along with two other lions, all of which hold keys and are defeated the same way. And twice have I defeated 1 or 2 of the lions then my alarm went off. Also, the way I run around and fight is like ratchet and clank, except the weapons suck.

259 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-21 09:53 ID:ZM+xcDmL [Del]

I had a strange dream that I saw a ghost in class then I met other students that can also see him. The ghost was stuck on earth but he does not know why. Well... I think it's like a shoujo supernatural romance? Strange dream... Yeah...

260 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-04-22 02:40 ID:KCv1x1Kc [Del]

I once had a really upsettting dream. It happened that I had I was pregnant and that the baby suddenly grew into a little girl, as I had wished from the bottom of my heart for a girl. In an instant, I realised she wasn't my child and I asked her who she was and she babbled the words "from the fall of Jerusalem" and she asked me if I made her with a man and I replied "no, that's why I was asking her who she was". The dream stopped here and when I woke up, I started crying and screaming that I had lost my baby girl. I still don't know what was the real reason for crying (the fact that she wasn't my baby, although she came out of me and I was so happy she was there or because I couldn't find out the significance of her being there, cause I woke up).
So yeah, for me it was a very disturbing dream, I even think I dreamt about the end of the world, actually, so if anyone knows what it may mean, please tell me. I'm looking for suggestions.

261 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-22 03:16 ID:9C4LsT2p [Del]

>>260 It sounds like the anti-christ... I'm not going in to more detail because that dream creeped me the fuck out.
If you gave birth to the anti-christ... Doesn't that make you the "whore of babylon"? Not calling you a whore, of coarse, that's just the title...

262 Name: hgfds : 2013-04-22 08:19 ID:C0WQ7WHr [Del]

>>260 @inari maybe she represents the falling of jerusalem personified, because of someones deepest desires. your desire for a child could have been turned into a vision of a wish destroying the holy city. i dunno, just a guess.

263 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-22 08:32 ID:9C4LsT2p [Del]

>>262 ...After saying something like that, you made her sound like the next Hitler.

>>260 Anyway Inari, some dreams can be visions I believe. Try writing every detail you remember down before doing a little research.

264 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-04-22 11:10 ID:fGn4tsqa [Del]

Ok, now I'm getting scared. I also thought that it may mean something bad, even what you said, but it sounds a lot worse when I hear it from someone else. I don't know what to say. If it's a desire, a vision or anything else, I still dreamt about it and I dreamt a few years ago about the Mother of Christ and I know that was a religious dream, not an anti-christ one. Anyway, thanks for the thoughts.

265 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-04-22 18:14 ID:S+XoYOxz [Del]

I was fighting Maleficent (yes, from Sleeping Beauty) with the dumbest little totally cliche Disney sword. Anyway, I woke up shortly after she stabbed me in the face... Yeah.

266 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-04-22 22:00 ID:sbGGFITG [Del]

I had a dream that giant ants had invaded my house and my family had climbed up on the couches, beds, and chairs and started to fight the ants. I was screaming and yelling at the top of my lungs. I was also crying.

Silly, huh?

267 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-04-22 23:36 ID:71Xvcr/d [Del]

I can't believe I still remember this one...

Well, my step sister kept stealing my shit and I stole it back and she got mad. One day she stole something and hid it in this tree house just outside the back yard (I think it was a cloth or small doll or something. She stole both in the dream, and I think I got the cloth back. It was so confusing.). Many years later I return to the place to get it back because it always bothered me. It's creepy as fuck now and covered in cob webs.

There's some weird dream morphy stuff in the middle that connects that to the next part that I never could make sense of.

We're all fucking shape shifters and everyone has an animal form. We are told to find a mate and this one jackass keeps trying to get my friend to be his mate. She doesn't want him. One day she goes into the creepy tree house looking for something (I think it was whatever I went back there for, but I don't know why she gave a fuck.). The asshole traps her there. I rush in and save her. I'm later upset and annoyed with this asshole, so I offer to be his mate so he will leave her alone (I have no fucking idea why my ego was so huge, but I guess he must have given up on me because I have no emotions.). I did this because of my lack of emotions in the dream, and that meant that I'll never be happy so I might as well just deal and let my friend be happy since I'm just never happy.

268 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-05-06 20:20 ID:kj4f3Cl3 [Del]

I was teleported to a fantasy world amalgamation of many things I like. Markiplier was there, and many other fake people I liked.

We got a call from a person who lived out behind where we were. We didn't even know the house was there until we looked on a geographically correct map, which included buildings as well. It was apparently a mansion.

Her name was Ashley Darkwood, and I was not the one to talk to her. I was thinking about what she would look like, and my mind automatically went to an amazingly cute...goth? She wasn't really a goth, but best word for it. When I got there, the house was as I imagined, but she was much more warm and inviting than I was hoping.

I was amazed at the size of the place, and she said it was her parents' small house. She was fun. She showed me around a bit then she said she wanted something in a "scary" part of her house, so I agreed to accompany her.

I then woke up.

After I woke up, I noticed how she was the same girl that always reoccurs in my dreams.

269 Name: Mami : 2013-05-14 13:46 ID:yfq5iaSf [Del]

I had this dream about 3-4 times over a span of 4 years and honestly speaking, sometimes I wish I could completely erase it from my mind.

It was on the top floor of my grandmother's 5-storey building, where I used to live. There was a study room right beside our bedroom where we put the family computer and all of our school-stuff. It had this huge cupboard attached to the wall where we stuffed all of our old and unused books.

In my dreams, I always end up in that room and then inside the cupboard. I don't know how I get in there, that part was always blank. But it always felt like something pulled me in. As soon as I'm inside, the doors would close and lock from the outside. Inside everything was black, but I somehow knew there was an infinite space in the darkness.

I never looked behind me because there was nothing to, that's not quite right...I never looked behind me because I knew something was there, and I was afraid to see it.

And then the laughing would start. The bubbly laughter of a little girl that was right behind me. Sometimes it was just giggles, and sometimes I think it was crying, but it was always there, and I always knew that it was malicious. You cannot even begin to imagine how frightening it was to be stuck in there with that thing.

I'd start banging on the doors and screaming for someone to let me out, and after what felt like an eternity, the door would open by itself. Needless to say I hightailed out of there pretty quick.

Now, whenever we visit my grandmother, I never ever EVER go back up there. And to this day I still have an aversion to little girls and and dolls. The strangest part of this is that whenever I have dreams about that place(which are always recurring, might I add), it would always be a nightmare, and the top floor would always be filled with of malicious spirits - hordes of them. I'd always go running to my grandmother for help or protection(what with her being super-religious and all). I've never told any of this to my family members though. They'll all think I'm whacked or something.

270 Name: Lawli : 2013-05-14 16:05 ID:sbokv9Sk [Del]

Before any of you say anything, yes I really dreamed this, and at the time, no I had no idea who Slenderman was. I was 5 or 6 when I dreamed this.

I was sitting by the wall by the stairs, cleaning the wall with a rag. Idk why. Anyway, I saw this shadow coming up the stairs and heard like "O Fortuna" or something playing. I hid behind a trashcan and this super tall guy in a black suit and a really creepy mask with a smile on it came up the stairs. He was super lanky and pale.

He came up the stairs and walked past my mom and dad who were sitting on the couch. They then turned around and looked just like creatures like him. I got scared and grabbed my toy horse (you know the one's with the horse head on a stick) and tried to run. The toy then turned into a real horse and could talk. It ran away with me into the woods and the monsters were chasing us. Birds and crap were following us, too.

Finally, the horse stops and I'm back home. The horse turns back into a toy and falls in the garbage can. I remember seeing the monster and then that's it. I had messed up dreams as a kid.

271 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-05-14 16:43 ID:Tjud6fGG [Del]

When I was a kid, I had this dream that repeated a few times over the years. It started out with me and my sister inside this kitchen (that didn't exist) in my grandparents' hall closet with a pile of carrots. For some reason or another we leave and end up running through this hallway that was all deformed and had this sort of fluorescent green wire texture to it (I kinda think it had something to do with the intro sequence to "Johnny Quest", which really freaked me out at the time: ). Eventually we reach a point in the hall where there's all these square crates sitting around and this small square opening in the ceiling in the center, where I fell over every time. While I was lying there, there was this huge crane-game claw that came down and started to pick me up. The first time I had this dream, I was unconscious/sleeping while it lifted me while my sister stared at it and cried. When I had the dream the second time I was awake while I was being lifted, and laughing at my sister the entire way. The farthest the dream ever got, I saw the attic I was being lifted into, which was well-lit...I think? That's the point I never really had the chance to get into and despite the fact that the dream repeated itself for roughly 2-3 years, I haven't had anything quite like it since.

272 Name: HAM : 2013-05-14 16:52 ID:z0YuK9dZ [Del]

You know those movies where they show what a character is dreaming, and then something in the dream is yelling "wake up!" and they wake up and realize it's their friend/familiy member? That sort of happened to me twice.

In the first dream, I forget what happened in it by now but I heard my dad screaming my name. I woke up instantly to find out everyone was still asleep.

In the second dream, also forgetting what happened beforehand, I remember laying down on something (ground, bed, etc)and a fat coach stood over me yelling "Wake up! WAKE UP!!" and then I woke up for it to be morning. I was also alone in my room ._.

273 Name: Ryuki : 2013-06-04 09:24 ID:hd+EgTNC [Del]

I've had many odd, scary, and just plain weird dreams. But this one is my favorite.

I was sitting on the couch watching tv, it was late and everyone was asleep. Eventually I too fell asleep without even noticing. When I woke up I was outside, but instead of the usual trashed street I was laying in the field of trees by and old factory. Which was still rare seeing as I live in Cleveland.

I lifted myself of the ground, but everything seemed..different. It was dark, and smelled of blood. I inched forward and bumped into something. It was cold and firm, lifeless under my feet. When I looked down, I saw me. My body torn and bleeding across my chest. I was something else. I knew there was something weird too. I looked further, what I thought were arms were paws. On the ground, and covered in dried blood.

I stepped away howling in pain. I couldn't believe what I had seen. Across from me there was the building. In the dirtied glass I saw the beast I was inside of. A dark grey wolf with my honey brown eyes. blood all over it's face, and ears pointed downward. The face looked as scared as I was. That's when I saw them. Dark forest green eyes. It was an abnormal color staring at me from behind the small trees.

I turned around backing away whimpering. The solid black male wolf stepped forward with a blank stare. He didn't make a sound as he stepped closer. I could smell his fur from where I was. Pine, soap, and the odd smell of cigarette smoke. I hit the wall, unable to escape what might happen next. I thought I was going to die, but all he did was bury his nose in my flank.

I could hear his slow breathing. I collapsed under my feet and he stepped away looking at me. I was crying on the inside and out. I was terrified, but not as much as I should have been. He pressed his muzzle against my side and I stood up. I looked back at my body to say goodbye, but it was gone. He brushed against my side, his scent lingering in his fir, and we ran. Out of the small area of forest to the streets, and out onto the hills brushing against each other from time to time. It was invigorating. Unusual, terrifying, but familiar. We ran all the way to an area I used to come to with my mom years ago. One of the only nature trails in the Cleveland area. We ran and shifted onto two legs. I looked to my left and saw, not a wolf, a guy, and he was naked. He looked about 19 or so with mopy black hair. He was skinny and pale, yet he ran like it was nothing. He looked back at me smiling. His forest green eyes shining in the light.

I stopped then. Realizing that I too was back to myself, and naked. We were still unseen between the two rows of trees jutting out from each side of the path, but I was still uncomfortable. I still didn't remember who the hell he was. I ran and hid by a tree. He looked over at me and laughed like this was normal. He walked over to me, relaxed and beautiful. He pulled me into hug and whispered into my ear, "finally I can keep you."

That's when unknown memories flooded through my mind of the past two years. Memories of John, and this guy. Kain.. I stood there frozen. I had missed so much time, and didn't even realize it. And then I woke up in my bed at home.

274 Name: akaixtenshi : 2013-06-04 10:53 ID:T+ZeX9/n [Del]

I have to many strangest dreams to share. They are actually beyond strange so to speak.

One is that I used to dream about my own death -- thrice. The first resembled inside a Counter-strike map because I like this game so much. I was a Counter-terrorist and I was about to diffuse a bomb when the bomb went off. I died instantly but what made this dream more strange was that I even come face to face with St. Peter in front of the Gates of Heaven! Then he kept browsing on his large book containing the names of those allowed to enter Heaven but my name seemed to be not there, perhaps not yet! (I'm hopeful). But then I insist that I should enter therein. LOL. Then I woke up. Secondly was when I was riding a local transportation then I was suddenly attacked; got stabbed on my left side then tossed out of the vehicle. Lastly, I was perhaps a cop then I was chasing a criminal but I was shot first, in the head!

Another set of dreams are terrifying. I love watching horror movies and perhaps liking them affects my dreams sometimes. I don't get scared easily when watching horror movies but to experience horror in my very own dreams, it scared the shit out of me. First was when I was sleeping in my own room then suddenly my mother went inside. But she's different because she was a grueling monster. Her face kept getting closer to mine for unknown reason. Then because of much fright, I was awoken. And another was I became a zombie. I love Resident Evil, the Walking Dead, Highschool of the Dead, Left 4 Dead and the like. That might be the reason behind that dream. I was initially a survivor but because I ate something I drastically changed into a zombie. I even saw myself in the mirror changing; my eyes were reddening and swelling and my skin slowly decaying. Phew!

Additionally, I dreamed something prophetic; more of relating to apocalypse. I used to dream that the world will end through the alignment of planets. I saw in the sky that planet Venus is so close to us. Then I used to dream that I was in outer space, floating, with an approaching ball of fire (maybe it's the sun). I was struck with such ball but all of a sudden it rewind to the past when the ball was still a bit far. Also, I even dreamed of alien invasion in which they would spare the Earth if the aliens would be defeated in the game of tennis. And guess who would fight them? None other than Roger Federer and Raphael Nadal. This dream occurred when I was so obsessed in watching a lot of tennis game. LOL.

Last and definitely not the least and which I will briefly state is that I just had a passionate sex with a guy I like so much. LOL. He just came inside my room naked then it happened. Up to now it puzzles me on why I would dream something trivial like that? The guy barely know me! LOL.

These strangest dreams of mine are so intense that I'm actually thankful there are all just a dreams. Yet I am aware that there are meaning behind these dreams. I have not delve on them but there is a known notion to us that dreams are usually the opposite in the reality. And I have proven that to myself a lot of times. One of which was the sex dream. ^__^

275 Name: hayato : 2013-06-04 11:56 ID:+JSksoBu [Del]

I had a dream, that my family was being evicted, so we decided to pour gasoline and gun powder everywhere, ance to hell. We then walked off into the moon.

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277 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-06-04 12:21 ID:5JQTURy9 [Del]

I have all sorts of strange dreams. A long time ago, I remember having a dream that I was sliding down a water slide when I realized I was sliding down in a slide of macaroni cheese and was naked.
Then another dream, I had a dream that I was chasing around a koopa in an arena with pillows and ripped the walls away to find myself at an island filled with ShinEE fans and otakus.
ANOTHER dream, I remember the world was ending, and I had to escape to space so we had to live in space.

i get all sorts of strange dreams, like I remember having one with me befriending slenderman or something XD I'm a HUGE otaku who fucking loves anime and games, and most of my dreams would also have those in my dreams.

278 Name: Hanabi : 2013-06-04 13:28 ID:Ha9T55SR [Del]

For 3 nights in a row, I had this dream that I was with my family at a beach, and we were having fun, but suddenly a giant wave would come and kill us all, like a tsunami. For 3 nights I had the same dream, but always in different beaches.. and the same thing happened... it was really... creepy.

279 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-06-04 18:57 ID:sbGGFITG [Del]

I had a dream where I lost my upper teeth somehow. I was in a house with a lot of weird people. I started freaking out cause I could actually feel that I had no teeth. I remember wishing that I was in a dream, but it was so real at the time, I had no clue. Suddenly someone who saw me freak out comes up to me and says, "Don't worry, your teeth will grow back." I believe him for some odd reason. A lot of other weird stuff happens but I've forgotten it.

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282 Name: akaixtenshi!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-06-05 03:16 ID:WAFqiZRk [Del]

>>279 We have this belief that if you lost your teeth in your dreams, someone will die. The remedy they say is to bite something wooden. I used to dream of losing my teeth and it's really painful, like it's real.

283 Name: Mahsa : 2013-06-05 13:55 ID:AmMFg6JP [Del]

>>282 Oooh, in my culture, when you lose your teeth it means you're under stress.
I had a teacher who always has this dream where she has a dentist appointment, and her teeth fall out into her hands... and then when she gets to the dentist she just has a handful of teeth. So creepy. She wakes up in a cold sweat, and when she does, her husband asks "Are you holding your teeth again?"

284 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2013-06-05 18:10 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

I had a dream that my leg was dislocated, then my mother helped me snap it back into place, but my foot had a muscle cramp after she did it.

285 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-06 01:41 ID:ZM+xcDmL [Del]

>>282 I know, right? I couldn't even eat breakfast. (._.)

286 Name: 11th Doctor : 2013-06-07 00:04 ID:gQoTvWrY [Del]

Bump to stop hate

287 Name: 11th Doctor : 2013-06-07 00:11 ID:gQoTvWrY [Del]

Bump to stop the hate thread

288 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-17 13:22 ID:2pn1r277 [Del]

^ over spam

289 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-17 15:19 ID:It3YaX71 [Del]

I was at school, and everyone was in the gym - though the gym was about three times it's usual size - lined up in perfect rows. A teacher (I think?) called me over, and then I just appeared outside of a dark-blue warehouse on a cliff (A reoccurring place in my dreams). I was at the bottom of the cliff, where there was a parking lot and, apparently, a carnival?
The cliff wasn't awfully high; about twenty meters. People were moving around in the warehouse, and there was the occasional crash of someone dropping something heavy. I climbed a ladder up to the warehouse, and there was a big market-type stall there, stocked with really weird weapons. Like, gigantic bazookas and oddly shaped knives, that kind of thing.
So the merchant, or whoever the hell he was, gave me a really big bowie knife and kind of... softly pushed me off the cliff? I don't know, it was like he just pushed my back until I went over he edge and then I was at the carpark again.
Then I went to that weird carnival thing - but I don't really remember that much about it. There was a stall in the middle, which I think had something to do with prizes? It was colourful, that's all I can remember.
Then I was back in the gym again, but everyone was in groups now. And it wasn't like our usual assembly, either - it felt like there were thousands of people there! The groups were in perfect lines too, and then everyone started walking out. My class was the last one left, and a few of my friends plus me were asked to clean up (No idea what needed to be clean though), and the kids who were left laughed at us. Then they stopped, like they realized something, and it was just me and two or three other people left.
One of them was a guy in my class - that kid who's popular but you don't really understand why - and the other two were those miscellaneous 'faceless drones' that appear in most dreams.
For some reason, the guy (Who we will now refer to as C) was sitting cross-legged on the floor with a cupcake. There was some kind of grid drawn on the floor, and C was sitting in the lower left-hand corner. I asked him if he could clean up for me, he accepted and gave me the cupcake, which had blue icing and something on top. (I still don't understand why there was a cupcake in the first place??)
Then, I started walking out of the school, down the road I took to get home. But the road was all stretched out and long, and when I reached the corner there was a car there. I got in, and woke up.
I don't understand any of it.

290 Name: Deon~ie : 2013-06-22 03:19 ID:hS/mPnOO [Del]

I don't wanna say what my dream was cuz it was kinda creepy and it all felt so real

291 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-27 00:54 ID:awakCGOG [Del]

Okay, so, this is the first dream I've had in forever, and it was both a really good dream, but a really scary one at the same time.

So, I'm on the moon, and there's this intergalactic battle thing going on where there's a black snake that has wrapped itself around the moon, and there are three people who are chosen to take it out. The way to take it out is to beat it in a race.

So, the three people are me, some guy and my most favoritestest video game character EVER Tiny Tina. (Don't ask me how, she was just there) The other guy dies somehow, and apparently there's this riverbed on the moon where there's trees and caves and stuff. So, Tiny Tina set up a sort of parkour camp there and she and I climb up really high mountains and climb up some longass chains.

In the process, we also go rafting on the riverbed with thin pieces of wood. After that, I somehow figured out that my parents died and me and five of my other younger relatives were left in the care of my sick and dying grandmother. I also figure out that when she dies I needed to take care of my younger relatives, although I knew I was going to have to survive the intergalactic snake battle thing and not die.

But, lol, plottwist, Tina is half spider-thing and can morph into spider-monster Tina whenever she wants. She tells me that she needs to kill me by first hugging me and injecting poison into my blood stream. Overwhelmed by everything and crying, I tell her that I need to at least talk to my grandma before I die.

So, I climb up the riverbed, but she follows and says "Pshh, com here and give me a hug. Don't worry, I turned off spider mode so you won't die."

So, we hugged, but then she goes "Oh shit, spider mode is turning on" so she injects the poison into me and I die, crying.

But then I actually wake up, full-blown tears and shaking and everything. God, that was the second scariest dream that I'd ever had.

292 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-06-27 00:59 ID:gZrYlsGV [Del]

I had a two dream series that I'm making into a book. I'm hoping to fit both into the first ten chapters, but the story itself was only about 1/8 complete, so I'm going to have to either complete the story within dream land or just try to do it myself.

293 Name: Konata42 : 2013-06-27 02:45 ID:HMTTAhQA [Del]

I've literally had a dream where I was the second coming of Jesus. Not even kidding you. The weirdest thing is I'm am the LEAST likely possible person to become Jesus. Like ever.

294 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-06-27 02:54 ID:gZrYlsGV [Del]

>>293 The least likely would be the owner of a big and selfish business, leader of every crime group ever, murderer, drug dealer, smoker, alcoholic, and addicted to every drug that ever existed ever all wrapped up into one person.

295 Name: Red Raven !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-06-27 03:49 ID:k9gdKxDN [Del]

My weirdest dream would have to be where I was sitting on a massive leaf wearing a red dress while floating towards a purple house. I went into the house and it had pink and purple furniture. A rabbit offered me tea and then gave me a tour of the house. The water/ocean from outside started to seep into the house until the house was flooded. Then I was floating on the leaf again. I had this dream when I was 5 :P

296 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-06-27 13:43 ID:L9y9tUJ4 [Del]

>>294 No, the least likely person to be the second coming of Jesus would be original Jesus because if he was he wouldn't be the second coming of Jesus he would just be Jesus which would destroy the second coming of Jesus. Instead Jesus can't be the second coming of Jesus so second Jesus may come second instead of being both at the same time.


297 Name: dean : 2013-06-27 18:38 ID:0pa3s7Bt [Del]

My wierdest dream was me being chased by sports cars in a mall and so i run outside and climb on a tower of people on one crate standing one by one. I got on the top and when i looked down i saw cars circling us fore days until i fell off the tower and got in a brand new sports car. I than drove to bed and woke up.

298 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-10-23 07:36 ID:TfMMl3Lh [Del]

It's been a while.

Either way, my dream was super weird. Not because of the dream in particular, though it was, but the context.

So in my dream, I'm not actually in it. It was like watching a movie. I was watching the guy and his brother try to find his mom, who was obviously dead. They were going through old items, really weird items at that, when they found a clue. When I say weird, I mean voodoo weird. Raw chicken legs, things that I couldn't name, and things like that. None of it was stored in cold temperatures. All just in a box.

For some reason their dad wouldn't tell them anything. It was really the younger one, or main character, that did most of the stuff. Eventually he found a clue that she was dead and could be brought back to life. I think she wasn't really dead, but trapped under someone's spell? It was really confusing because nothing was explained or assumed, which was a first for my dreams. I think that the character knew what was going on though.

Either way, it's really blooding. They start fighting the other guy to free their mother, whom I assume was trapped by the other guy. He was tearing us apart, literally. He'd just capture the one of them, the younger one usually, and they'd try to get a well aimed and strong kick in the face when he bit them and tore off a large chunk of flesh. There was a lot of blood.

I was under the impression that they were super strong and well known for their ability to kick ass. IT was like a documentary and there was a voice in the background, presumably the younger brother's, explaining what was going on. In the end, he caught the younger brother and was about to tear out a large portion of his leg again. The voice said, "I had to. I hope you don't see me in the police reports." The way that it was said made it seem like he did something drastic and I was under the impression that he killed himself without the other guy. I have no clue why, but I think he was pissed.

Everything blacked out and I was in the place of the younger brother. I pulled a grenade and pulled the pin. Someone, who looked like a friend of mine, saved me.

There were parts to make it weirder, but I am already scared shitless. I don't want to hear more.

299 Name: SaintSoul !M7SjwhWBv2 : 2013-10-23 20:12 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

Trigger Warning for Possible Gore
I had a horrible nightmare a month or two ago where I was a journalist in an old synagogue that I pass by (irl) on my way to Hartford and I was being hunted by these Outlast-styled human experiments that were cannibals. Then I switched to third person view and saw the larger of the two monsters beating the journalist and then trying to stuff a fetus down his throat. Then he got away, but was caught by the smaller one and killed.

300 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-10-25 23:13 ID:B10jREkH [Del]

>>298 How did you get into my dreamscape?

301 Name: Aeterna!HERESY3OoI : 2013-10-25 23:15 ID:FyYwLbfC [Del]

It's about now that I realize I'm a freak of nature as each of my dreams is lucid. All of them.

302 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-10-25 23:18 ID:B10jREkH [Del]

>>301 Can we trade dreamscapes?

303 Name: (Insert Name Here) : 2013-10-26 04:53 ID:I5jGlC2z [Del]

well have you guys felt a dream that felt real?

I did once it was a dream me resting and my little brother staring at me saying "I'm ahead of you " over and over

but the crazy thing is that once I woke up the words still
mumbled in my head and the blurry vision of my brother staring at me was still there.

so I run as quick as possible and told my parents, well as a kid no one would believe me so I returned to my room. I then found out after that I was all alone in the house except for my parents who were 2 staircases away from my room

304 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2013-10-26 05:37 ID:1c+S30ol [Del]

>>303 Congrats you didn't achieve lucidity whilst dreaming. Cute pointless anecdote <3

305 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2013-10-26 05:48 ID:B10jREkH [Del]

I once had a dream where I was in another universe for an entire year. Everyone who was trapped in that universe had to fight their oppressors to escape. I used to remember bits and pieces up to an hour equaling 720 hours, or thirty days. My body still felt the fatigue from what went on during that extremely long year once I woke up. Now I can barely remember the first week, but I will never forget some of the friends I made.

306 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-10-26 11:06 ID:a2nNt9WY [Del]

I have only ever had memorable nightmares, never had an interesting dream that stayed with me.

307 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-10-27 02:33 ID:jBEeKcSk [Del]


308 Name: Fox : 2013-10-28 16:21 ID:dD4QZfDE [Del]

I remember one time I dreamed that I made ramen with no water and it burned in the microwave... and then it actually happend one day.

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311 Post deleted by user.

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313 Name: Noelle : 2013-10-29 04:53 ID:FXsW3y0p [Del]

My family says that I talk in my sleep, like one time, when it was so quiet, my mother woke up because she heard me scream a 'Oh my god!!' With my hand outstretched to the ceiling and then I went back to sleep. The other time, another similar thing happened. My little brother found me sitting up on bed one time while saying, "What? What..?" then I fell asleep again. And they may say it's funny, to me its not because it's very creepy and I didn't know what I was dreaming that time.

But then, there is this certain dream that I won't forget though...And I know it may be crappy or cheesy, but it's what it says in my dream. I was in an airplane and I'm a stewardess, pushing carts and taking care of the passengers and stuff, when I was brought to the Pilot's room, and a young man I've never seen before told me that he loves me. His name is Ethan, and we spent a lot of time together there... That is until I woke up. Now I can't believe I fell in love with someone I haven't even met in real life and that he might not be real but just a figment of my imagination.

Anyway, that's my dream. It's been a while though...

314 Name: kamura : 2013-10-29 13:22 ID:s7YM7MAb [Del]

alright i will tell of my dream, but i was to lazy to tyoe it all so im coping it off an english assignment i did of it, so its like a memoir and a bit long, you can read it or not your choice.

It was real, but it wasn’t. It was a dream, a cold, paralyzing, realistic dream, one that I will never forget. This dream will forever walk my memories, leaving me wondering, and sometimes wishing to return so that I could know what happened next. It was something that everyone has felt though. I feel this dream was different, it was like it was actually happening, and I couldn’t wake up until the last second.
It started in Indianapolis, at least I think that is where it was, I know because I was in a big city with very tall buildings. I was at the mall with people from my school. I was having fun, walking around, and browsing through the stores. When it was time to go home I went my separate way, I had a ride home, my dad or mom was supposed to pick me up. When I got to the spot where they were supposed to get me, they weren’t there, I started to worry, I didn’t have a phone on me so I had no way of contacting with them or anyone. My mind raced, I was starting to panic. I headed outside the buildings into the city.
It was dark, and it was somewhere around 8 pm. I walked down the streets, being cautious about the people around me. I decided to go into another section of the huge mall I had been at before to get help maybe. It may have been a little late, but I was still expecting the mall to be crowded. But it wasn’t, everyone was gone, I looked outside and there were people outside, but no one was inside. This had me really worried, where was everyone? Had they all left? Was I really all alone in this huge building?
I shook the thought away; surely I could find someone, a security guard or police officer. Wandering the halls and empty shops I started to look for people, after a while of walking I stopped to rest. It was weird, I had been walking for about 30 minutes and I hadn’t found a single person. I got up and decided that I would go back outside and look for help: I walked out of the building and looked around. The city sounds reached my ears and I took it in, and then I began walking. Moments after walking a man suddenly appeared and we knocked into each other. I apologized and looked up at the man. The man was middle aged and had brownish hair and a kind face. It felt like I had seen him somewhere before, because he looked familiar. He said it was alright and asked if I was lost, like I was some little kid.
But I was lost, I didn’t know this big city, and who knows what kind of characters I would run into. For some reason I felt I could trust this man, so I told him the truth that I was lost. He smiled and said he would take me to where I could get help, and so we started down the street. We talked while we walked; it was nice, pleasant, like I was talking to an old friend. We turned and went into a building; it looked familiar to me as well. This seemed strange to me. How do I know this man, this place? I couldn’t put it together.
The building was all grey, mostly because it was made of stone. As we walked through the building, I had a feeling that we were being watched; it made my back tingle uncomfortably. Then we entered a room, and when we did, I had such a deep recognition of the room that it scared me a bit. The room was as grey as the building and made of all stone, except it was only stone, big hunks of stone were the only thing in it, and weirder enough they all had a line down the middle and all over the walls there were lines, slanted lines. We continued to walk and that feeling of being watched increased more and more every step I took. I then looked at the lines. Wait, I know these lines, they aren’t ordinary, these are slash marks! Someone had cut right through these stones and the walls like butter.
That’s when I saw it, a shadow that moved. I knew this shadow all too well. It was like I was having memories coming back to me, everything started to connect. There was a door at the other end of the room. I told the man that he needs to hurry up. We quickened our pace and opened the door. At that moment I sensed his presence behind me. I closed the door behind us and told the man to hurry and run, he did, and vanished behind the next corner. But I couldn’t move, someone or something had grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, I fell to the floor on my butt, and was stuck to the wall. I couldn’t pull away from the wall, I looked down. What! How is that possible? There were straps on me and around me that were connected to the wall; it was like someone had seat belted me to the wall.
Then the door opened beside me and he stepped out. It was a guy who looked to be in his teens or early 20’s. He had blonde hair, red eyes and light skin color, and was wearing a red jacket, and blue jeans. He had no shirt on underneath the jacket and the jacket was open so you could see his stomach and chest. He had this wicked smile, but that not what my eyes were drawn to. My eyes were drawn to the two huge blades that he carried over his back. Those blades didn’t have to be right in front of my eyes for me to know they were sharp. They were the blades that had sliced those huge rocks and the room. I didn’t even have to breathe to let him know I was there, watching him intensely, not know what to do. His head swung over in my direction, and for a second we just looked into each other’s eyes, then he walked over to me slowly, saying my name. How did he know me?
I didn’t have time to think about it before he spoke again, he crouched down in front of me and looked at me with that wicked smile, and kept saying that I should die, and that was my only fate. Couldn’t speak, it was like my voice had been taken away from me. I still couldn’t move, the straps only tightened their grip. The man raised one of his swords and then sent his blade into my shoulder and down into my flesh. My body went numb, so I couldn’t feel the pain that my body was probably going through. He lifted his other sword slightly and sent it into my stomach and shoved it upward into my gut. I felt myself gasp; a numbing pain overtook my whole body. My eyes blurred and my hearing vanished. I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t really see, and I definitely couldn’t feel. When I moved my head ever so slightly upward, I saw the man that I had been with before come into a view, of course he was all blurry to me, but I knew it was him. He seemed to be talking to the man that had shoved his swords into, who was now standing next to me. I could tell they were communication because like watching a foreign movie there was subtitles at the bottom of my vision. I couldn’t read it cause of my vision, but I didn’t care. I had stopped breathing, holding my breath. The only thing going through my head was don’t breath, don’t breath, if you breath, your done for, don’t breath.
Then I let out a large breath, and the next thing I know I’m awake, but paralyzed to my bed. That dream of my death will be one that I will never forget, and yet one I will always want to return to, just to see what the man would have done, and what would have happened to me.

315 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-10-29 17:08 ID:syt0GsB0 [Del]

Ah! Perfect timing, I had this nightmare this morning and I just can't get over it.

At first, I was a space pirate captain. But that quickly transitioned to my school. I signed up for a program to protect kids walking to and from school. On my second night there, the school I was guarding invited me to an assembly. I went, but on my way there I saw this girl. She had her brother on a steel table in the forest, and she had a clone of herself next to her. The clone performed brain surgery on the brother (Who was pleading for his life I might add)
but then she started crying and gagging when the brain fell apart and the brother died. The original person said "Who cares? It was my intention either way."

I left and went to the assembly. When I got there, they announced that they would be having a new student. And they rolled a capsule-thing onto the stage and I saw my... Crush up there. They said that she would be introduced to the school and start classes after they performed the "New Blood" operation on her. They rolled the capsule off the stage and into a seperate room. The students talked amongst themselves, but I, being worried, asked a teacher if I could go into the room. He let me (He said "Yes" rather cheerfully and walked away with a smile) go into the room, and I found myself in a sort of waiting room. I opened the next door, and... It was horrible. The dream was so life-like, I could see all the detail. My crush was on the surgery table, but her skin was so grey and shrunken, and it looked so cold... The doctor performing it had taken out all of her blood, and they starting pumping this blue stuff into her veins... It was so horrible I want to gag just remembering it. I ran outta there and into the assembly hall, and told the students that their blood wasn't real human blood. They looked confused and claimed that they had actual blood. I told them this wasn't true, and this time they believed me and started to panic.

Afterwards the doctor came out of the room to announce that the operation was finished. When she came outta of the room, she looked normal, but her eyes were so lifeless, and dead...

then I woke up.

316 Name: Kanra : 2013-10-29 18:20 ID:DKXs6waY [Del]

There was this one time I sleepwalked, my friends told me that I went in another room got money then came back,asked them if I could buy a blanket then curled up with my best friend under her blanket
and also once I dreamed about a dragon being stuck in my washing machine

317 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-11-02 12:15 ID:jBEeKcSk [Del]


318 Name: Hearted : 2013-11-05 09:42 ID:BfPLADzP [Del]

I dreamed about my mom last night. You see, she died four years ago but in my dream, she was revived. I don't know how and i didn't care as long as I get to hug her. And damn, it felt so good to hug her again after so long. I knew it was just a dream that time but I refused to believe it. Then after some time, she let go of me and it was like she was saying that I should wake up. I cried because I didn't want her to go. Then I woke up. It turns out I woke up just in time to prepare for school =)

319 Name: AbeMao : 2013-11-05 10:23 ID:0ta9aEXh [Del]

The weirdest dream for me is this dream that I keep having is my boyfriend and me are just laying there and when I turn around to look at him he looks like he had been turned to ashs. When I reach to touch him he breaks apart and spiders come out of him and grabs me. I fight them off but when they are about to bite me I wake up.

320 Name: TyphoonLiquer : 2013-11-05 14:16 ID:mCnwyn00 [Del]

I dreamed by deceased Great grandfather was raking leaves at a Church shirtless. Then I got transported to my school when in the hallways someone said 'there are a lot of lovers but only one soul mate' I couldn't see who and it was an unfamiliar androgynous voice I am not quite sure the meaning of it if there is one

321 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-11-10 22:02 ID:jBEeKcSk [Del]


322 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-11-11 06:03 ID:pK8NuYiD [Del]

I wonder how many of these dreams actually happened.

323 Name: TheFlyingLion : 2013-11-11 14:21 ID:0aASOIQ8 [Del]

I had two different dreams where I'd fallen in love with two different women. I remember how both look one was a red head with glasses and the other had dyed blue hair and red lipstick. I don't recall everything else from either dreams other than maybe being on dates with them but after I woke up both times I couldn't help but feel pangs of sadness.

324 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2013-11-11 14:23 ID:cUAZtg5P [Del]

>>322 I bet at least the majority of them. When I had a dream diary, I got so weirded out by my dreams I stopped using it.
Here's a good one I wrote in my diary that I don't even remember writing:


I don't know, subconscious me. I don't know.

325 Name: Takagi Leigh : 2013-11-11 14:51 ID:MJ+agdcs [Del]

I once had a dream about a gross shrunken head following me. All I knew was that he was chasing me and I couldn't let him catch me. At one point I was on an old bus type thing, and I looked back at to see him on top of a bus behind me. It was really creepy. I think he smiled too, but his teeth were crooked and black.

326 Name: Tsuki : 2013-11-11 21:16 ID:i/l1Z0PE [Del]

>>324 Farmville, :v. You are playing Farmville.

327 Name: astin : 2013-11-11 21:22 ID:1wNurCYv [Del]

>>326 the dream is dated last june. didn't farmville die out like early ~2012ish?

328 Name: XeverinxX : 2013-11-12 00:16 ID:kz5FGXnb [Del]

my friend has a dream that there were two birds stuck in a room and a few people trying to let it out by the window and door.
a few days ago when i came back from school there were two birds trapped in our sunroom and me, my sister and my mum were trying chase it out.


O.O scared the living daylights outta of me when she told me her dream.

329 Name: cindy : 2013-11-12 01:06 ID:B+dJcTgg [Del]

i had super power!!

330 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2013-11-12 09:00 ID:L8s5ABVX [Del]

>>326 Maybe in my dreams, but I haven't played Farmville in years~ xD

>>328 That's cool :o I've had psychic instances before, for example I once woke up having "Black Parade" by MCR stuck in my head one day. I didn't like that song at all (at the time) nor really liked MCR that much, so imagine my surprise when I found out the next day that they broke up lel

331 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-11-12 09:04 ID:ZwE9Rdo+ [Del]

This one time, I had a dream, but it didn't turn out so well, and then 9/11 happened the next day.

332 Name: Yamie !YThmB6Zd8k : 2013-11-12 13:48 ID:8s2F+/qu [Del]

I promised myself I would exercise three times last week, but I didn't. I did, though, dream about exercising! :D

333 Name: Yamie !YThmB6Zd8k : 2013-11-12 13:50 ID:8s2F+/qu [Del]

>>332 I don't remember my code beside my name... :(

334 Name: Hinatot : 2013-11-12 13:52 ID:upwAM+tf [Del]

My dreams tend to either be incredibly bizarre, stories of amazing detail, or completely forgotten. One of my favorites was where I was living in a world where the time left until everyone's death was displayed over their heads.

335 Name: just me : 2013-11-12 18:33 ID:jHuBgxqz [Del]

i had a dream that i was the leader of the pokemons and they were all crowded around me and i was on a pedestal and we were all having a big party. weird... then i woke up

336 Name: Tαkαrα!!dOFnbQCJ : 2013-11-12 21:38 ID:2Liliw5p [Del]

I had a dream where the world was saving resources by not removing the umbilical cord or the placenta from the birth mothers. Meaning that children were running around still attached to the mothers. It was weird and creepy.

337 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-11-13 06:19 ID:94ymk+AU [Del]


338 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-11-13 07:36 ID:NsysI49W [Del]

>>336 That's absolutely horrifying.

This is a bit old, but I once had a dream where I dressed up like a soldier and ran through a graveyard (and later a parking lot) while people shot/threw grenades at me.

339 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-11-13 14:44 ID:BO0nERrk [Del]

I had a dream a good while back it was very odd,

it was like I was floating high up in the sky just watching everything come together like the world being crated and then seeing whales fly past me with some other kind of sea animals, then I was like playing laser tag or something with my friend but in a world war 2 like trench, and out of nowhere a red robin asked me "who are you"

then I woke up and for the rest of the day I was soo chilled out state of mind and nothing could bother me at all, it was like being at real peace with your self.

340 Name: DarkLullabyGirl : 2013-11-13 20:50 ID:X4bYPFXW [Del]

I ounce had a dream that me and my friends turned into all different magical creatures and all the different anime characters ( from every series I have ever watched ) where there to and my friend turned into a Pegasus and a character jumped on her back and they flew away. It was very weird and awkward.

341 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-01-21 08:46 ID:95fCol0i [Del]

I just woke up about an hour ago and I haven't forgotten this yet so.
I got hit by a truck. A really big red truck. I wake up two weeks after I was hit (??), and I'm still tangled up in the broken undercarriage of the goddamn truck. The rest of the dream was me trying to get out of it and losing a variety of body parts in the process. I got out, mangled as hell, fell on the road and crawled my way off it.

342 Name: Ao!I94GMMnlgM : 2014-01-21 09:11 ID:zm9STlvk [Del]

Well I just had a few weird dreams.

One of them was where I was strangling some random person whose face I was unable to make out. Except I was looking up at me strangling said person, as if I was the one being strangled.

I buried an axe in some dudes' eyes the other night. No idea who or why, it just happened.

Someone significant to me took a razor wire whip to me and lopped off my head. I suppose I should have taken that as my life foreshadowing itself.

One time I remember walking on a road covered in water nearly knee-deep. I looked up at the sky. It was like looking at the sun through muddy water from underneath the surface. Then I heard something. Off to the side of the raised path a panther/squid thing came up and killed me and whoever I was walking with, I didn't see their faces either.

I saw a dream inside of a dream. It was like watching a bad movie, but it was one world on top of its opposite. I was trudging through a river, with Pennywise peeping out from the forest, but I was also walking on a concrete sidewalk and saw a cat devouring a mouse right where Pennywise was in the other world. It was kinda weird.

I was once traveling a desert planet where all the sand was wallets instead, and my companion was a vacuum cleaner. That talked.

I saw angels trying to drag me inside my house one time when I passed out from heat exhaustion on my lawn. My heart rate was nearly 200, so I have no idea what to think about that. I was awoken 10 mins after I passed out by a middle aged couple who were parked nearby the elementary school (waiting for school to be out to pick up their child/grandchild/niece/nephew, I assumed). The angels looked like the young adult versions of these people. (I'm still atheist though, if any of you care.)

I jumped off a cliff and when I hit the sea surface I came splashing back out again in a different world, where everything was exactly the same, right down to the shipwreck a few hundred yards to the west of the cliff. I laughed it off and started walking back home.

I got locked in a museum one time and all the dinosaurs came to life and I spent the entire night running from a tyrannosaurus rex with a baby triceratops that could talk to me.

...Is this normal?

343 Name: SaintSoul !M7SjwhWBv2 : 2014-01-21 21:00 ID:OvsKDj8o [Del]

ay got a nightmare to share.
So it starts out like a movie, with the average camera working methods. I am not the character, but I am watching him. He's dealing with a family friend's Alzheimer's which is affecting his relationship with the said friend. Eventually he gets so stressed that he starts hallucinating people he has never met. They tell him terrible things that's he's done. Specifically, a teenage girl in a purple dress told him that he never noticed as she got raped and murdered. She told him that if he had noticed, he would have stood by. Man, surrounded by people who seem to hate him, has a mental breakdown. He attacks his friend and screams like a madman. However, right before the breakdown, he looks at his phone and sees the weather. The effects of the phone which show a sunny sky in the background when reporting the weather have turned into a angry sea storm. He starts to beat his friend, but the camera shows people dressed as stage workers tackling the man. This reveals that he is actually an actor and has had a mental breakdown on set. The last thing I hear is the producer and director discussing the words, "Having a mental breakdown is common on set."
I'm trying to figure out the meaning of the dream. I had an emotional issue the evening before the dream, so it probably has to do with that. I do know that I'm going to incorporate it into a novel project I've been working on. Anyone have a possible meaning for the dream?

344 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-01-22 07:12 ID:syt0GsB0 [Del]

>>343 I think that explains the reason for Miley Cyrus

345 Name: Spenza : 2014-01-22 07:18 ID:Ln0beeWy [Del]

Soo.. i had kinda a wierd dream were i saw my self in third person and it was a random situation at my class.I was sitting at my desk and talking to a friend but while i was talking i accidentely cut my hand on an exacto knife that was on the table, i looked at my hand and saw the cut it was bleading a bit and felt a sharp pain then i woke up.About a few days the exact same thing happend onl now it wasnt a dream when i looked down at my hand i relized it was axactly as in a dream i got chilles down my spine. Soo has this sort of thing happended to anybody else or am i just wiard :P

346 Post deleted by user.

347 Name: Yato : 2014-01-22 11:06 ID:H4p5GreO [Del]

I've had more than one dream in which I dreamt about something that later happened. Visions, if you will. For example, my sister hid some money from me and I dreamt that it was behind a pillow propped against the fireplace and it was there when I woke up.

348 Post deleted by user.

349 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-03-11 21:49 ID:syt0GsB0 [Del]


Okay, so I was locked in a cell that had no windows with an iron door. There were bones and blood in it, making it really unsanitary and shit. There were 4 or 5 other people in the cell with me, all scared out ta their minds. Then this psycho lady would come in and take one of us, one by one. When she locked the iron door behind her , there would be a small plate that read "Live Testing" on it, and after a few moments it would change, reading "Liechtz" in red. Right before I woke up though, I recognized that it meant something like "Lost" or "Stolen by Government official." Or just "Stolen" in general. I also knew that it had been referring to the person that'd she'd taken with her previously.

Is Liechtz a real word in another language or something? 'Cause that bit kinda bothered me a bit.

350 Post deleted by user.

351 Post deleted by user.

352 Name: Karalystė : 2014-03-11 22:00 ID:scOSwk4+ [Del]

>>349 The closest thing I can think of to "Liechtz" is Liechtenstein. It is a tiny country located between Switzerland and Austria. The official language is German and it's population is about 36,000. I hope that helped.

353 Name: Karalystė : 2014-03-11 22:01 ID:scOSwk4+ [Del]

>>349 The closest thing I can think of to "Liechtz" is Liechtenstein. It is a tiny country located between Switzerland and Austria. The official language is German and it's population is about 36,000. I hope that helped.

354 Name: Rasi : 2014-03-12 20:25 ID:5CMExnpi [Del]

I had a dream that I was riding a bike on the top of a building and then fell into a monster's mouth, which lead to a candy kingdom. Then after i ate a candy-cane tree, I was taken to outer space to an unknown planet where my great great great grand children were and they said "Hi granny. WE MISSED YOU." while tilting their heads. I have the weirdest dreams! :)

355 Name: Chi : 2014-03-13 12:28 ID:li7Q1IC1 [Del]

I had a dream that I was running from a serial killer in a jungle, and in the distance there was a faint building and I ran and ran, in there another serial killer was taking my mother hostage and the serial killer tied me up and cut my eyes out of my head.Then I was barely breathing and the killer told my mom he would kill her if she didn't kill me. My mom put a rope around my neck and strangled me and then she killed herself.

356 Name: Cathal : 2014-03-13 17:46 ID:Srpxtdj5 [Del]

Once I had a dream that I was stuck in this small cabin in the middle of a small suburban area. It wasn't that small, though, but back to the subject. I was stuck with a bunch of people and we were all hiding from this weird, alien bear-lizard thing with four mouths. Every time we would go outside onto the porch, it would lunge at us and a few people were eaten by it.

After a few hours we were all sick of just sitting around and for some stupid reason I decided to get up and go outside because we were out of oreos and milk. OREOS AND MILK. Of all the damned things you'd want to leave for, it just had to be those two things.

When I went outside and stepped onto the porch, everything was quiet. As if the monster was gone. Though, it really wasn't. I took one step on the ground and suddenly there was a mouth over my head and it crunched down, killing me, and that's when I woke up.

357 Name: DeathDeath : 2014-03-13 23:55 ID:WlaW7FJO [Del]

I fought a minitaur bare handed I won but was fatally injured in the fight.

358 Name: DeathDeath : 2014-03-13 23:56 ID:WlaW7FJO [Del]

I fought a minitaur bare handed I won but was fatally injured in the fight.

359 Name: Imagery : 2014-03-14 09:34 ID:d0Q/RrMG [Del]

My dream happened when I was like 5. Back then we had this swing-set-playground thing that I used to play on.
So in the dream I was running away really fast from these two big dogs with really sharp teeth. One was black and the other was tan. After I while I got tired and climbed up onto the top of the swing set. (I was running around my house) The dogs were talking and were shouting at me to come down. I knew they were going to eat me. So I just gave up and was like 'okay, you can eat me' and I jumped off the swing set.

After that I don't remember

360 Name: shock : 2014-03-18 10:30 ID:GTwcnCTZ [Del]

so i have been thinking about getting a tattoo but i havent found any that intrestes me so if you guys can reply to this thread with a picture of some great art i might get it. im starting on my back then from the back i start on my sleave. i want to have a few anime tats please and thank you. ^_^

361 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-03-20 23:45 ID:tb+96lmm [Del]

So I had a dream

Yeah. I was running through what looked like a forest, with huge-ass jungle trees and stuff. Then I stumbled upon a treehouse amidst one of the trees. I was then greeted by 3 kids from my school, dressed in loinclothes. They offered me a room in their treehouse, so long as I was able to help them fend off the zombie plague that was spreading throughout the world.

But then I somehow destroyed their tavern section of the house that took them 30 years to build. It was also supposed to be on of the largest taverns on the continent. So, they start chasing me. I outran them though, which was a good thing.

After outrunning them, I found my friend with a school bus full of old people. I asked for a ride, and she said it was fine, although I had to ride outside of the bus since there was apparently no more roo, inside. So, i had to cling on to a metal bar screaming for mercy when she drove off a cliff, did 5 loop dee loops, fell into a ditch 2 times, and ramped off a construction site that landed us in Japanese Disney somehow. How I was able to imagine all of that remains unknown. So, when we got to Japanese Disney, i decided to become a sort of announcer person, I guess. I ran around and made everyone laugh while trying to impersonate Morgan Freeman. Then, some firealarms sounded and everyone ran to the sides.

I then found another friend and started to cling onto her crying, saying that whenever the firealarms sounded, zombies would appear. After the alarms died down, I looked behind me and saw some stairs. On top of those stairs, I THOUGHT I saw a bear and started screaming, running around yelling "KUMA KUMA KUMA" to warn everyone, since it was Japanese Disney, and Kuma means bear.

After taking a closer look, however, I saw that it was a billboard. I laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of my head, saying "Sorry, I'm american~" in really really bad Japanese. Becuase, Japanese Disney. Not too soon afterwards, this huge skyscraper started to light up, and some sort of Japanese idol and Bald white guy started singing. When they were done with their performance, I somehow ended up with a microphone that was connected to the speakers.

I then stuttered and kept on asking how to turn it off, while unknowingly speaking into it. Then this SUPER HOT JAPANESE CHICK came up and clicked a button on it, turning it off. She then said,

"You're really bad at announcing thingsm you know that?"

Me, being as socially awkward as I am, (Even in my fucking dreams) managed to stutter out

"Y-yeah I am, tee hee"

After that, I ewoke up, which sucked because I wanted to kiss her.

362 Name: Cloud : 2014-03-21 04:59 ID:pPKWO+zz [Del]

I had a dream where I was inside the classroom and I was talking to my friend when suddenly my crush's friend came inside the classroom. He walked behind me and kissed me three times. One on the cheek, second next to the ear and third on my neck. It surprised me and then I woke up saying WTF. :o (btw I kinda hated that guy)

because of that when I am near that guy it feels kinda awkward...

363 Name: Kitsune!TiP5As2jNc : 2014-03-23 03:31 ID:xtO8A/zi [Del]


364 Name: deanbbs 8718 : 2014-03-23 21:45 ID:P767aCjw [Del]

I had a dream were I was leaving my school alone on a winter day. I put my computer bag down in relief then raised my arms. Suddenly this large, smooth, and white aircraft comes out of no where and a hand grabs mine. I am pulled into the craft and when I am inside I see my sister and brother looking at me. I fell asleep instantly after seeing her and wake up finding myself to be on a train to Japan. Once I get to this I guess Japanese train station I lead myself out onto this straight road right next to this road leading to a whole bunch of shops with Japanese writing on them. Oddly enough they were actual words in Japanese. I can not speak the language or understand it yet it all made sense. I asked my friend from Japan if he knew them and he said what I thought they were. Their was one sign that was white with black letters saying antiques. I walked into the store and got red ginseng candy. After that I wake up and it is snowing. After that I learn it will snow all week and realize it is winter.

365 Name: Ao!I94GMMnlgM : 2014-03-26 07:36 ID:PL1YFRlg [Del]

I remember one time I had a dream where I was tied up in a basement and I had just a little room around my wrists. I used it to spring myself and picked up a hatchet from on top of a box nearby and buried the blade in his eyes. Then I ran and cut my side on a barbed-wire fence. The other guy was chasing me but I rounded a corner and picked up a pipe, and as the guy was passing I smashed the front of it into the side of his neck. All I remember was there was blood everywhere and apparently I had torn a lot of skin off my left shin. Then out of nowhere, my sister (also covered in blood) appeared to my right and proceeded to shoot the downed man in the face repeatedly with a handgun.

I still have no idea who the two men were, or why I would think of things like that, much less dream them. I don't like this dream, I just needed it off my chest...

366 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2014-04-03 09:16 ID:cGLn0MdN [Del]

It was an apocalyptic situation, and I was just trying to do the basic things to survive. I'm not really sure what all I was trying to do was, but I know part of it involved finding a place to sleep. However, I randomly got stabbed with porcupine quills. Rather large ones, and I think that they wre larger than they would have normally been.

The first time, it was a lot. I would be pulling them out by the handful. I would never feel the pain when tey went in, but it certainly hurt like a bitch to pull them out. They would randomly appear during the day, just a few at a time, and I knew someone was stabbing me with them.

However, if I rested in one place for an extended period of time, there would be a shitton again. So not only was I finding a place to sleep at night, but I couldn't stay in one place long enoguh to sleep until I could hide from this asshat stabbing me with oversized porcupine quills. The worst part is I didn't know that I was dreaming because I felt the pain, and they say you can't feel pain in your dream. Normally I feel pain in my dreams so I only know I'm dreamign those rare occasions where I don't feel pain.

367 Name: HinogaSuzuya : 2014-04-03 13:22 ID:bUgreBwc [Del]

I have too many that i cant recall the weirdest one.. But one that always struck me was one where i was a little younger than i am now. I was with a group of other kids my age in something that looked like a pretty big city (i live in the suburbs) its really dark and we're all alone. We see a bunch of troublemaker-gangs and decide to go inside the first building we can, but the door disappears once we enter. Theres no lights at all only a few small windows which shone the street lights inside. It seemed like it was sort of a kindergarten ; it had drawings made by children hung on the walls (like finger paintings and such) it seemed abandoned. The other children and i felt followed as we walked through, so we tried to find an exit, and, quite simply enough, we did.
But whats really disturbing is that this place .. I happen to see it a lot in my dreams, and even when im not sleeping, i see it. I randomly get flashbacks of just the place while im conscious and awake...

368 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-04 06:43 ID:kzP0uFo4 [Del]

When I was little I used to dream about being in a white room with a faceless man in a suit.
He would call himself my dream companion and he had been a regular in most of my dreams up until I turned 17ish.

Anyways, in the first dreams: It was just a white empty room.
Save for the table and chairs we were sitting in.
We would just talk about my day, my goals, my dreams.
Things like that.
He would put all of my dreams into pretty rational views so I wouldn't be afraid of my nightmares.

Anyways, during the second or third dream of this room and guy I was being woken up.
I could hear my grandmother's voice echo inside the room, like we were inside my head, and I was freaked out. "What's that?" I asked the man.
He told me, "It's your grandmother. You have to wake up now.
See you later."

The night after that dream I dreamt I was on some scout trip and the weather was bad.
There was also a monster in the woods.
We found an old cabin and their were purple and green foot prints all over the place.

All over the walls, the ceiling, everywhere.
I noticed the faceless guy standing outside of the window opposite the door.
Just watching.

The scout masters pulled us all into a group and told us that some of us wouldn't be able to wake up.
But if we could walk on and count 100 foot prints, we would get to wake up.

So we all started walking around and counting.
As soon as I said 100 my eyes shot open and I was wide awake.

Was weird as fuck, guys.

369 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-04 06:44 ID:kzP0uFo4 [Del]

When I was little I used to dream about being in a white room with a faceless man in a suit.
He would call himself my dream companion and he had been a regular in most of my dreams up until I turned 17ish.

Anyways, in the first dreams: It was just a white empty room.
Save for the table and chairs we were sitting in.
We would just talk about my day, my goals, my dreams.
Things like that.
He would put all of my dreams into pretty rational views so I wouldn't be afraid of my nightmares.

Anyways, during the second or third dream of this room and guy I was being woken up.
I could hear my grandmother's voice echo inside the room, like we were inside my head, and I was freaked out. "What's that?" I asked the man.
He told me, "It's your grandmother. You have to wake up now.
See you later."

The night after that dream I dreamt I was on some scout trip and the weather was bad.
There was also a monster in the woods.
We found an old cabin and their were purple and green foot prints all over the place.

All over the walls, the ceiling, everywhere.
I noticed the faceless guy standing outside of the window opposite the door.
Just watching.

The scout masters pulled us all into a group and told us that some of us wouldn't be able to wake up.
But if we could walk on and count 100 foot prints, we would get to wake up.

So we all started walking around and counting.
As soon as I said 100 my eyes shot open and I was wide awake.

Was weird as fuck, guys.

370 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-04 06:47 ID:kzP0uFo4 [Del]

fugin doble post

371 Name: Ao!I94GMMnlgM : 2014-04-04 08:44 ID:PL1YFRlg [Del]

>>369 So... your dream companion was Slenderman and liked riddles and puzzles?

372 Name: Akanoshi !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-04-04 12:25 ID:iM+dXn05 [Del]

well that sounds rather interesting. I do not dream a whole lot or at least remember them but the ones i do know i am never in it. I am always watching from a different perspective. I guess a "god" perspective. the strangest one i had was this guy that was in a car chase and crashed into a river and his body was never found. he crawled on shore and survived due to this "demon ring" and he had to find two more so he would be invincible and basically rule the world. it was strange. still no idea why i am not in my own dreams. i dont even recognize anybody in any of my dreams. i never met any of them before........

373 Name: Akanoshi !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-04-04 12:25 ID:iM+dXn05 [Del]

well that sounds rather interesting. I do not dream a whole lot or at least remember them but the ones i do know i am never in it. I am always watching from a different perspective. I guess a "god" perspective. the strangest one i had was this guy that was in a car chase and crashed into a river and his body was never found. he crawled on shore and survived due to this "demon ring" and he had to find two more so he would be invincible and basically rule the world. it was strange. still no idea why i am not in my own dreams. i dont even recognize anybody in any of my dreams. i never met any of them before........

374 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-09 17:25 ID:5FcHvCN1 [Del]

Last night I remembered why I deprive myself of sleep every night.
If I don't go to sleep pass out tired, I get nightmares. Well I went to bed early because I had a test today...
I had an awful dream, it was like just about everything I feared happened in my setting and not some imaginary place like usual.
I remember being really worried about my pet neko since she was kicked outside. I also remember my friend despising my for some reason, not like a petty argument we're mad at each other but like pure hatred for me. But I was at school like normal and everyone started treating me like that and I had no idea as to why. The tension kept increasing to the point to which I had to run out of there, alas I was chased (like any other good old nightmare,) normally I'm good at maneuvering my dreams and can get away somehow. Not this time, I was brutally attacked like I was some sort of monster (I couldn't feel any pain but I was really scared). The worst part was that's how I was treated, like I some sort of inhuman doll. Ugh it was so awful I just about cried when I woke up.

I really needed that off my chest, not the best way to start off your day...

375 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-09 17:29 ID:5FcHvCN1 [Del]

>>374 I forgot to add that it was crazy vivid and I could clearly recognize everyone's faces.

376 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-09 23:56 ID:kzP0uFo4 [Del]

>>371 Wasn't Slenderman bruv.

377 Name: Ao!I94GMMnlgM : 2014-04-10 22:02 ID:zm9STlvk [Del]

>>376 its the only thing I can relate the imagery to eheh, sorry

378 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-10 23:29 ID:FmInnAOp [Del]

>>377 No, I get it.
Most people think that.

379 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-05-21 17:41 ID:nQ4R6zHE [Del]

This morning I had a vivid as fuck dream.

I was in the future, 2028. Everyone was driven underground after 3 events known as the Collapses. Together they were the Great Collapses, individually they were the 3rd Collapse, the 2nd Collapse, and the 1st Collapse. I had unknowingly traveled to this future, supposed to have been living in 2013. I didn't know why everyone was underground, nor about the Collapses. Everyone worked in the underground, which looked like something out of Tron. I met two people my age, a boy and a girl.

The boy had worked all his life keeping the underground stable while the girl was from a rich background. Neither of them knew what the overworld was like, like all the people underground. Remember that I didn't know that it was 2028 and thought they looked strange. They asked where I had gotten such outdated longfall boots (From Portal). I laughed and said that they were the latest model. Everyone has longfall boots, and I was amazed when the girl showed me the capabilities of hers, like being able to jump higher and using them as rocket boots, as well as being able to survive higher falls. Me, being all confused, asked when they came out. The boy said that they came out a year ago, after scientists retrieved technology from the overworld. When I asked what the overworld was, they gave me anotjer strange look and said that it was the sirface of the Earth. And that everyone was underground.

I asked why, not remembering there being an evacuation. Then they mentioned the Great Collapses, which left me even more confused. The Third Collapse was the first Collapse to have happened, and the First was the last. Weird ordering, I know. She told me that the Third Collapse happened in 2014, where all metal that had been produced became poisoned, or something. They never told me about the Second or First Collapse, although I knew that the 1st Collapse had something to do with nuclear reactors melting down all over the world, causing everyone to go underground.

Then I woke up and was angry at myself for not being able to explore more of that dream.

380 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-05-21 18:45 ID:5FcHvCN1 [Del]

>>379 write a novel. This sounds like it'd be a great book. :3

381 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:41 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

382 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:42 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

383 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:43 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

384 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:44 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

385 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:44 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

386 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:45 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

387 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:45 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

388 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:46 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

389 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:46 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

390 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:46 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

391 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 12:47 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Well when I was younger I always had this weird reoccurring dream. I would be in my house just doing normal things so at first I would think it was reality, but I soon came to realize someone must have been dosing me with LSD every time I had this dream because everything I touched despite it's length or width felt like it was either as big as a log or as small as a piece of tissue when I grabbed it. The worst thing is there was always this weird disembodied female voice screaming at me from nowhere and when I say screaming I mean SCREAMING. I felt like I was being yelled at by a psychotic tsundere with Daddy issues. It was always "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU IDIOT DIE!" or "YOU"RE SO USELESSSSSSSS!" and that would move onto to instill a fear of females in my psyche.

392 Name: Kiba : 2014-05-22 16:38 ID:DF8mT3Qg [Del]

Sorry that was lag replys, truly sorry everybody

393 Name: ToAnyOne : 2014-05-23 15:28 ID:opavjQuU [Del]

I had a dream where I was back in the finland , and I was at war with the russians. It was weird It was after I left finland to go to America for a short period of time. I started having these dream. I am not old enough to be there when we were still at war with the soviets, but it felt real I could smell the gun powder and everything/

394 Name: Jessi : 2014-05-23 15:42 ID:XXNC7k0I [Del]

Ahh, I've had this reoccurring dream about 13 times now, It follows this really interesting story. It's been going on for a little over a year now. It's pretty much about a really big and dangerous gang who's taken a whole city hostage and only one person is resisting them, and there's stuff with human experiments and these giant wolves, it's really interesting and very very realistic. I'm going to write a book about it~

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397 Name: Banshee : 2014-05-25 12:37 ID:l8wMAVD2 [Del]

I have really strange dreams as well. Lots of them.

THere is one that has been reoccuring every night for the past 6 years. So I'm in this really really big forest. And in the middle of the forest is biggest, largest tree. Its makes all the other trees look like babies. And in this clearing around the base of the tree, there were seven tombstones. They were in the shape of giant hands, big enough to sit on and still have plenty of room. Occassionally in the dream the stone hands will close up into fists.

And the one I had last night: I died drowning. Simple but scary

398 Name: Enigma : 2014-05-25 15:24 ID:utrRUh0X [Del]

almost all the dreams i have usually end with me killing some one in some weird macabre way. ive had these dreams way befor i started reading creepypastas.

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400 Name: Pondgirl : 2014-05-26 22:11 ID:K97fzFXb [Del]

Last night I dreamed that I was flying around a ridiculously huge expensive mansion and its grounds with crazy birds. That's all I remember though.

401 Name: Anonymous : 2014-05-27 19:28 ID:qVYAQYXw [Del]

I had this dream that i was getting chased through a church by a random woman. Then I got to a door and locked it, but I was still running. I have had the same dream twice now. I feels real though. Like a memorie.

402 Name: (blank) : 2014-05-29 00:30 ID:q92Tdknd [Del]

I had a dream that everyone knew about the dollars and that I was there leader. And man I go on this website everyday no wonder I had a dream like that wait who is our leader anyway?

403 Name: Lena : 2014-05-29 05:47 ID:pSC/OmmH [Del]

I had a dream where Gasai Yuno was bombing my high school haha

404 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2014-05-29 13:53 ID:j/N3zXqx [Del]

I was in a castle, more like a school castle. Sort of Hogwartish and there was this dragon that suddenly came and started to destroy the lands.
Me and a bunch of my classmates (I have no idea who those were lol) started to gather so we can make a plan to fight back.
Being close to the sea I had the stupidest idea: drown the dragon! XD but when the dragon got into the sea he turned into a teenager. I didn't see him because my male friends blocked my vision so I won't be traumatized for life XD
And then I can't remember anything else LOL I think I woke up the moment the dragon got into the sea.

405 Name: Izmir : 2014-05-29 14:42 ID:qV5CWhYo [Del]

I had this strange dream a Friday where I woke up like everyday, went to school, got home and went to sleep again. And fuck did I believe it was all real. I woke up believing it was Saturday

406 Name: ChrisPanda : 2014-05-29 16:38 ID:FIf49jkP [Del]

Well, I had a dream when my classmate was a secret ninja guy and I was pissing him off for some reason and he just jumped on the roof and threw a smoke bomb and he changed into some ninja costume. He chased me all around school and then I woke up.... (-_-)

407 Name: Hibiscus : 2014-05-29 19:37 ID:hl6l7H2j [Del]

I usually have strange dreams, so dreams that AREN'T strange are weird for me. o-o

I had this dream where I was waiting at a normal-looking train station. It seemed it was afternoon, and, at the time, I was somewhat conscious in my dream. One trick I learned to realizing that you're is dreaming is to look at the time since your mind doesn't really think too logically within a dream, and will therefore make up some random numbers, like "43:80" or so.

So, when I looked at the time on my cell phone, it read, "3:30". In my dream, I was all, "Oh, that's a real time, and it looks about right for this time of day, so...." Then I lost control of my dream and went about as normal.

...My mind is more intricate than I previously thought.... O_O"

408 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-05-29 19:45 ID:VeHmV7k2 [Del]

>>407 Books, clocks, mirrors? Yeah, books/the internet is normal, clocks work like in real life, and mirrors/reflections are used constantly in my dreams.

None of the regular in-dream tricks work for me.

409 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-05-29 21:57 ID:GHUcAoIM [Del]

>>408 You can't change the lighting of a dream by control. Your eyes lack that ability to real life. Try a light switch, if it doesn't work, you're in a dream.

410 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-05-29 22:14 ID:GHUcAoIM [Del]


411 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-05-29 22:50 ID:VeHmV7k2 [Del]

>>409 Again, none of the regular in-dream tricks work for me. I'm so separated from reality that my imagination often takes over reality, and when I am in reality, I'm usually making scientific observations about very, very basic things. Lights are simple.

My mind is too advanced for myself.

412 Name: Minus!A.ggy2eP3w : 2014-05-30 01:50 ID:sKOfkLDK [Del]

>>407 same goes for me. If it is normal, something is wrong. Very wrong

413 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-05-30 06:39 ID:GHUcAoIM [Del]

>>411 I'm not sure how you can simulate a change in light in a dream when you lack that ability as a human being in real life.

Your mind is not advanced enough to keep up a 100% accurate simulation of reality for hours on end. It will make mistakes, you just have to catch them.

The best way to tell if you are in a dream is the point of view, light, and sound. The light and sounds will be inaccurate; light will remain constant everywhere and sound will not be as loud or clear.

You can also repeat a basic physical action in real life over and over, like pressing your thumb against your middle finger. When you do this in the dream, you will know it's a dream. This doesn't work for everyone.

414 Name: *koda* : 2014-05-30 08:31 ID:Lzc9yNmx [Del]

a few nights ago I had a dream that I thought I had had before but I realized ive never had it. but to get to the point I was in a giant spiral clay statue museum and me and my group of friends were walking around in groups looking at all the statues and then one of my friends touched a switch or grabbed a statue ( I don't remember which) and all of a sudden the statues started to move and attack us and turn us into clay statues. then it went like the zombie apocalypse except with clay people. and I ran back to my house and realized that the only way to kill the statues was to light them on fire. and then they all started showing up and trying to turn us and we were lighting them on fire and then my lighter ran out and then I woke up.

415 Name: Ghost : 2014-05-31 13:14 ID:0L29VurB [Del]

There's a weird series of nightmares I've had, and the only occurred when I went to this church camp my mom wanted me to go to.
Every night I would have these dreams about the gates of hell opening on earth, demons appearing everywhere, satan coming, and I think I was possessed by him or something?
Ahaha, they were really weird.

416 Name: Ashlynn : 2014-06-01 15:43 ID:V9qtaTPi [Del]

I had a dream once that I had to watch everyone in my family die. Then I was frozen in time for a bajillion years. When I was unfrozen I found out that I was the only person left alive on earth and all around me were the bodies of everyone I had ever cared about.
Yeah I'm really messed up

417 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-02 14:44 ID:XXNC7k0I [Del]

Ugh, last night I had a dream that I killed a bear with a katana (which it snapped in half after a while), a machete, a halberd, and a gun. It slashed my face, left arm, knocked me down a lot of times, and bruised up my side. The pain hurt like it was real, thank goodness it didnt bite me.

Before that, my mom and I ate some bread but it had poison on it and my vision got blurry and my whole body just failed me and my head hurt so freakin' bad and all we could do was scream on the floor.

Then I lucid dreamed and I was trying to run but of course i sucked at it because thats how dreams work, ugh, and these people were chasing me and trying to arrest me. One of them was Silver from Pokemon and since I kinda like him I was okay with being arrested by him ... But the. The other people showed up and i was like NooooOOOOOO

418 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-06-27 10:17 ID:5FcHvCN1 [Del]

Well I recalled the dream that I had and it made me laugh so I'd thought I'd share it.
Okay so I'm a highschool girl either in swimming/gym class or I'm on the swim team, either way I had a school swimsuit on. Either I drowned and received CPR or I was just chilling on the deck (I don't know what you call it,) portion of the indoor pool, this part is a little fuzzy. Anyways the person who either saved me or approached me was *drumroll* ...Ryan. Reynolds. This is what I found so funny, I've never had a dream about a celebrity before and the fact that my subconsciousness picked him is pretty funny. Anyways he was infatuated with me, highschool boy level infatuated, he kept trying to corner me and ask me out, I kept rejecting him though. Dear subconscious, last time I checked he was a married man. Don't be like that.
Probably the weirdest dream ever, goes against my character and everything.

419 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2014-06-28 15:27 ID:9HvpNlIm [Del]

This guy named Rocky hated me for some reason and I had to watch my shit every time he was around. I only know the guy irl because we're Facebook friends but honestly I've never seen what he looks like besides his profile picture.

420 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-28 18:09 ID:XXNC7k0I [Del]

Last night I actually had a really stupid yet awesome dream that I was on a pirate ship with some of my friends, a rockband, and three izayas and two shizuos. .... I dont even .....

Then everyone had a special ability like teleporting and super strength and time freezing, etc. and i had invisibility and flight. So i would turn invisible to eavesdrop and stalk people and fly away if it wore off...

At one point i decided to punch one of the izayas while i was invisible but he knew i was there and punched me and i slammed into the wall like 20 feet away and one of the shizuos got mad because i almost landed on him so he started yelling and he had simon's voice... Unless that was simon shape-shifted as shizuo O.o

Before i got onto the pirate ship i was able to spawn wings and even turn myself into a dragon but i really sucked at flying. I kept crashing into buildings and getting lost >~>

421 Name: Miku_100 : 2014-06-28 20:39 ID:oRza0y+N [Del]

I had a weird ass dream the other night abput being chased by a demonic shizuo who ended up being a eaten by a bottle of mustard. I woke up with a WTF face in 2 in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep, I was WWWAAAYYYY too weirded out.

422 Name: Miku_100 : 2014-06-28 20:40 ID:oRza0y+N [Del]

I had a weird ass dream the other night about being chased by a demonic shizuo who ended up being a eaten by a bottle of mustard. I woke up with a WTF face in 2 in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep, I was WWWAAAYYYY too weirded out.

423 Name: Rania : 2014-06-29 06:35 ID:4giAFuVq [Del]

I woke up crying from this dream....I don't know why....
There was this problem with our toilet, so I got my mum to check it out....and I flushed her down somehow. When I woke up I was in tears.....

424 Name: Rania : 2014-06-29 06:36 ID:4giAFuVq [Del]

I woke up crying from this dream....I don't know why....
There was this problem with our toilet, so I got my mum to check it out....and I flushed her down somehow. When I woke up I was in tears.....

425 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-06-29 07:29 ID:CTWY2Pdv [Del]

>>424 Reminded me of this...

426 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-06-29 10:56 ID:u/HJtY4C [Del]

I have quite a few strange dreams so I'll try to summarize a couple.

I got a pet swallow(bird)and I named it something like Pete Johnson or something. Then my dad swallowed it whole, but I got it back somehow, and then my dad sold him on the internet.

In another dream, I had to go to my Pit Orchestra performance at the top of a mountain, and I was late so I was rushing up the mountain, and for a reason that would take a while to explain, I ended up accidentally blowing up all the other people who were going up the mountain and I turned into a ghost, but I was still more concerned with going to the performance, so I did, and everyone was angry at me for blowing up the mountain.

427 Name: Jessi : 2014-06-29 17:12 ID:XXNC7k0I [Del]


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434 Name: 『Anon~』 : 2014-06-29 18:01 ID:JvS/Txgs [Del]

I used to have this dream every once a year:

I was running in something like a forest. I was running in a group, with about six or five people. We were all running from this monster,it was right behind us. As we were running, I noticed a big building in the corner of my eye. I quickly turned, gesturing the others to follow me and began to run to it. As we all entered the big building, we heard noises from upstairs. Loud destructive noises. The others immediately to cover, some hid in closets, some hid under tables. But I didn't move an inch. I just stood there, like I was waiting it's arrival...

The noises were coming closer, I tried to move but it was like my feet were glued to the floor. The more I struggled the faster they came. Suddenly, they came. The room was dark, so I couldn't noticed who or what is was at first. It slowly approached me, I was shaking violently as I tried my best to run. I couldn't do anything, I was stuck there. It finally came to me, it's huge hand wrapping around my whole body.

It picked me up, I struggled to get out of his grasp. While I was trying to escape, I noticed something..This thing, was Satan. My eyes widened in surprise and fear. A loud scream come from me and echoed through out the building. I continued to struggle as he pulled out a huge salt shaker. I watched in terror as he put salt all over my body. I tried to scream but nothing would come out. He was leaning in, getting ready to bite my head off. Just when he was going to bite me, I suddenly slipped out of his grasp. I fell onto the floor,quickly got up and ran for my life.

I ran past him and quickly ran up the stairs. I decided to take cover in a random room. As I entered the room I could hear loud screams. I tried to ignore them, but imagining what was going down there I let my curiosity get the best of me. I got up from my hiding place and peeked out the door of the room. Once I caught a glimpse of what was happening I regretted my decision. I loud scream escaped my mouth as I watch the gore scene. Satan looked at me, right in the eye. I froze in terror as he started to walk up the stairs toward me.

I ran quickly up to what looked like a attic. I entered the attic and took cover in the corner. It was quiet and dark in the attic. I looked around the dark room and noticed something. I wasn't alone. There was a tall woman standing in the corner. "You're hiding from 'him' right?" She asked in a quiet voice. I looked up at the tall woman and nodded slowly. "If you want...I can help you escape.." The woman said as she slowly approached me. I smiled happily and nodded vigorously. "Yes..! Please, help me." I said as I looked up at the woman with hopeful eyes. The woman nodded once and help out her hand. I took her hand and she pulled me up. "I'll help you then...follow me.." She said so quiet that it sounded like a whisper. She sighed softly and walked toward the door, I following close behind. The mysterious woman walked slowly down the stairs. She turned and faced Satan. After just one glimpse of the woman, Satan quickly fell for the woman. I stood there in bewilderment as I watched the two. "Is she seducing him..?" I asked myself as I continued to watch. The woman moved closer to Satan and began flirting with him. I watched in disgust as I backed away from them. The tall woman gestured at me to run. I suddenly figured out her plan and ran straight to the door. The woman smiled slightly as I escaped the building. "Thank you." I whispered to the woman before running into the forest. The end.

So that was my dream. Sorry if it's too long. I have long dreams. XD.

Well goodbye now~

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436 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-06-30 13:42 ID:u/HJtY4C [Del]


437 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-06-30 13:43 ID:u/HJtY4C [Del]


438 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-07-01 01:58 ID:R1XON5Fh [Del]

For some reason, I was at a mall that also had a hotel with two lolis. One openly loved me, but I didn't like her personality enough to love her back, and the other was a ninja. Some time at night while I was there, I left our room and went for a walk around the building. There, I saw a loli on a bench looking out one of the skylights at the night sky. I went over, and as I got closer, I noticed that she had a sad look on, so I asked her what was wrong.

She jumped at my words, despite me being completely obvious in the empty mall, and started freaking out, saying stuff like, "Don't hurt me!" and "I don't want to die!" This went on for a few seconds before I sat beside her and started gently rubbing her head.

"It's alright. I'm not here to hurt you," I said.

She calmed down enough to stop freaking out after that, but she was still tense as heck.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She refused to answer me, so I just ignored the fact that I ever asked her. "It's cold out here. Want to stay in my room tonight?"

She shook her head.

"You sure? It's warm."

She nodded.

"Well, if you want a warm place to stay, I'm up on room 305. I'll be here until Sunday."

She loosened up very slightly at those words, but only slightly.

"See you tomorrow, then," I said, standing and taking my hand off her head.

She reached for my hand as I took it off her head, but stopped after noticing that she was doing it. I smile very slightly before heading back to our room.

"My lord," I hear the ninja say beside me in the elevator, despite the doors having closed and our journey to the third floor already starting.

I jump. "I told you to call me Don, also what?" I ask.

I forget what happens until...

The sad loli from the first night and I are in a glass elevator that gets stuck moving between the first and second floor rather quickly.

Another area I forget...

Saturday night, the ninja takes me to an elevator, telling me info on the background of the sad loli. Come to find out, she's laying in that elevator, sleeping. I go over and start gently petting her head as she sleeps.

The ninja and I talk about something as I do so, and then I woke up.

439 Name: Kaiki : 2014-07-02 23:37 ID:2lIbYTRb [Del]

I once dreamed that I was driving a firetruck inside my house. It's a little vage because it happened long ago.

440 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-07-25 07:49 ID:J7wJxyLq [Del]

I injured my foot in some way - not sure on the details - and had to go to the hospital to get it looked at. The doctors decided to amputate my foot at the ankle, but ended up amputating my leg just below the hip (?).
I was waiting in line at the hospital, hopping around on one leg, when I was informed that I wasn't allowed to go to someone's birthday party. Don't know whose party it was, but someone's angry dad really didn't like cripples.

441 Name: Slacker !IUZzEys2W6 : 2014-07-26 00:43 ID:WSWejV1b [Del]

Before I had fallen asleep that night, I very seriously had a conversation with someone close to me about STDs. I have never engaged in any sexual activities, so I couldn't have one. I just am very cautious. That night, I had a dream that years ago I had an addiction to drinking people's blood when they got hurt. I woke up in disgust, wondering how I could ever do something so awful- and knowing that STDs can travel by blood, I was extremely scared for my wellbeing. Turns out it was only a dream, and I'm fine. Woo.

442 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss : 2014-07-26 10:00 ID:cD8ZRbqy [Del]

One day I dreamed about a woman, and I only did that once in my life. She wasn't up to my tastes but following that day, my tastes in women changed. Another day I dreamed of the dawn in the opposite direction, with a pinkish sky, and that pink color is since then my favourite.

Also another kind of weird dreams I have is with… astral projection ? One time I wanted to embrace someone, and then it's like I woke up and was going to embrace the desk near my bed, then I really woke up. Other weird occurences like that are about waking up, but then my arm doesn't move or I can't see it, and then after ten minutes or so I end up really waking up.

443 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-07-26 13:55 ID:nQ4R6zHE [Del]

I had a dream

I joined the Nazis, apparently, and was Hitler's bodyguard or something. We were on a ship departing from a swamp, and we managed to capture a small rowboat that had two children and their mother. Hitler ordered us to hang them upside down from a tree and shoot them. So, me and my friend that joined the Nazis with me shot them, (With me looking away to avoid having to cry while looking at them) with assault rifles and a pistol. When we were done, I ran away from the Nazis and went to join the Russians, where they made me take selfies with a dead dog in order for me to join them. They shot my friend.

Then I became Sagae Haruki and received texts from Isuke. Was weord.

444 Name: Minus!Yv.WgpXtYo : 2014-07-30 11:42 ID:kEMeqf92 [Del]

I just dreamed that from 7 am to 9am I had troubles sleeping. I kept on hearing a clicking noise. Which was apparently my mind making fun of me lol
In fact I was fast asleep and the dream was only weird.

445 Name: Minus!Yv.WgpXtYo : 2014-07-30 11:50 ID:kEMeqf92 [Del]

>>422 This is why I love the internet!!
Poor Shizuo! He ended up being eaten by a mustard! XD XD

446 Name: Nyra : 2014-07-30 16:30 ID:6EPzPUEu [Del]

I had a dream once where I was a man working for some big company. I had just come back from some sort of Indiana Jones-style trip and was reporting back to my boss (Who was apparently Mr. Snow from Hunger Games). I talked to him, and I remember him stating that I was the best Employee he had. He had a big guard dog there. We were riding on some air ship like the ones in Halo. Then, I heard a thud and came back to my boss and his dog both stabbed to death. I saw a woman there(a co-worker) who had a knife. I kicked her to the ground and stabbed her a bunch of times... is it freaky that I can even remember where? Anyway, then it was like a movie, like a camera zooming out while red skulls just appeared out of nowhere and the ground faded to black. The oddest thing was that I didn't wake up panting or screaming. I just woke up lazily like I usually do............. Have fun sleeping tonight!

447 Post deleted by user.

448 Post deleted by user.

449 Post deleted by user.

450 Name: Anon!idreamFYYk : 2014-07-30 19:26 ID:qtNzM3Yt [Del]


I was in a blank room.
There was nothing there, just me.
I was laying in the middle of the room. Relaxed. I felt completely free and happy.
But then, I snapped out of it, went over to sitting and decided to get up. At first, I was walking slowly. My steps could be heard clearly across the room. While I was walking toward the wall, I realized that the distance wasn't getting smaller.
I was confused.
I stopped, looked around and kept going. This time, I wasn't that calm. I panicked. My steps, louder and louder. Faster and faster. But the wall just stayed there, laughing at me. What am I doing in such a room? I thought. How did I get in here?
And then, while looking around for help, I barely recognized a small black mark on the big, white tiled floor. The confusion kicked in again. But curiosity did so, too. So I kneel down, looked directly at the black mark and saw a strange symbol on it. It changed all the time and just can't be described. Strangely, it felt somehow nostalgic.
I've seen that symbol before.
Yes, before. But where? Maybe outside of the room? But I can't remember being there. I don't know what there is outside. I just stayed here all my life.
Suddenly, the room wasn't empty anymore. Familiar things started to emerge from the ground. Things from my childhood. But also my friends and my family. Every thing that appeared made me more and more happy. The feeling wasn't like the one I had when I was laying down on the floor. It was much warmer and nicer. And I felt lighter and lighter and lighter.
And then, my alarm clock started to ring. 06:30. School. I remembered the dream and noted it down. And once in a while I think: What if that white room is my reality. The more things appear and the more experiences I gain, the happier I'll feel in my life. For that to happen one has to stop and look around, no matter how one feels. And if you found something or maybe someone who is interesting and special, then pay attention and you'll see that it's worth it.
But on the other hand, it's all faked.
You are still trapped in a room. The people are not real. It's just an illustion to keep yourself from getting crazy.
No matter what appears, what you learn, what you think and desire. The room will always be your limit.
You will never reach the end.
You will never have something real.
You will be alone all your life. Faking friendships and relationships. Trying to keep yourself away from those thoughts.
But eventually, they will come back.
Each time a bit worse.
Killing you from the inside.
In the end, it doesn't even matter. You are a shell without a soul. You get used to it.
But a mere body can't live with out a soul.

That's why, you
d i e .

451 Name: Me : 2014-07-30 23:15 ID:LgIw2ruq [Del]

I feel compelled to see the symbol now

If the room was reel then the life you live here is real to you unless you believe it's fake. I don't really fully understand what you're trying to say but the dream is kinda cool

452 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-01 10:28 ID:sr7M3qUK [Del]

Thursday Night
I had a dream about the devil or some type of demon for some reason. I was spending time with my friends and my lover y'know just hanging out then me and my friends departed b/c my lover don't get along with them. We were just walking around talking then for some reason we found this circle on the field and I didn't really notice it but my lover did and tried to move me away from it. I realized what it was a few after when I got grabbed getting pulled into the circle and my lover was just trying to hold onto me. We got kinda pulled in together but somehow we were able to escape. I seen it with I took a glance at but then we just went to Lau's home to sleep then when we went to spend time with my friend and with my lover I told then I think I seen the Devil but they were instantly confused about what I was talking about. Then that was the end of the dream...

My other dream a long time ago that I never forgot was very strange too. I had a dream eating dinner with my dad and my older brother for some reason brother told us we were gay but we continue to eat. Then I got up and told my dad I was going out. For some reason I started to beat up this person for his car keys knowing he had some hot as car. I took it and load up my guns in some bag I took. Then I started to drive very fast on a highway and the cops were after me. I started shooting at them and literally I see myself in my body doing this but, in my mind I'm wondering the hell am I doing I wouldn't do this?! I tried stopping myself but there was like no control I was still shooting until I lost then but in that progress I got into a car crash when trying to steer away from the curve. After a few minute of being dazed getting out of the car that was wrecked up on this cliff side I was wondering where was the key? In my mind I'm saying What the hell is wrong with me and who cares about the keys the car is wreck any?! Then looking for the keys we saw it in the water by some hurricane tornado whirlpool thing. I said wow never seen that before but my body starts running towards the key to reach for it going on stepping stones. In my mind I'm saying what are you doing, I can't swim and we are going into a disaster for some wreck car, car keys?! Still trying to stop myself but couldn't then suddenly there was these full dark figures but I can see them smiling playing together. For a second there I felt warmth and this urge of happiness to go towards them and play and run with them and did. Soon after though when I noticed during playing with them I turned around and notice the disaster was gone including the key I was very confuse and turn around trying to ask where it go but the dark figures in the park disappear too no one around then I turned again the place started to turn white then everything disappeared into whiteness. Finally I had control of my body again with only one word to say out of my own mouth and thought What the fuck happened?

Well there's 2 maybe tomorrow I'll tell you another one but it was a good dream. Not that these weren't but it was strange at the same time pretty fun. My other dream was just not as weird as these 2 but nice.

453 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-01 10:30 ID:sr7M3qUK [Del]

"he was" my brother part.

454 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-01 10:36 ID:i6gMeQW0 [Del]

I had a dream last night..that I received a call from my sibling, stating that our mother had passed away. It seemed so real, I woke up shaking. It was weird.

455 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-08-01 21:29 ID:u/HJtY4C [Del]

I had a dream where i had to sneak into a castle to obtain information of some sort, but i got figured out, and then rest of the dream was pretty much ppl chasing me thru the castle

456 Name: H : 2014-08-02 12:06 ID:pSC/OmmH [Del]

I've made a dream where I was at the Bus Station and then Gasai Yuno jumped out of nowhere and started to throw bombs at us like a terrorist.. '-'

457 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-08-03 13:19 ID:Da6XXiak [Del]

I was watching Jericho and World War Z one night and when I went to bed I had a dream that I was in Jericho and we were being attacked by zombies and my idea to get away from them was climbing up these chains hanging from a barn ceiling and shoot at them and everyone listened to me even though none of us knew each other o.o

458 Name: Muffin : 2014-08-04 02:09 ID:lQ0/9F+a [Del]

This creepy voice was telling me to kill a random pug that was sitting in my kitchen. I'm proud to say that I didn't kill the poor thing, but it was weird.

459 Name: Mirror : 2014-08-04 08:41 ID:H2CQkEaS [Del]

I had a dream where I was a spirit then I saw my family crying on my funeral.

When I woke up, I felt sick(although I wasn't, good news though). I found out that I was sleeping for more than 14 hours then. Good thing I didn't actually die. hehehe

460 Name: Lighty88 : 2014-08-04 10:57 ID:xZ78F3z2 [Del]

Someone told me to go to the shop to buy a carrot and with this carrot to save the world. When I bought it, a black hole appeared in the sky.I throw the carrot in,and saved the world. o_o

461 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss!!o+iuw+0S : 2014-08-04 13:54 ID:cD8ZRbqy [Del]

>>459 That's really creepy.

462 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-04 16:03 ID:XU2v7dQH [Del]

The weirdest dream I ever had was probably a really f'd up nightmare.It was a long time ago ,but,from what I remember,I was just chatting with my friends on Yahoo! Messenger (it used to be really popular in my country back then) and suddenly I sensed something weird but decided to ignore it.I remember I had to meet with my friends so I dressed up and ,for some reason,I wanted to take my BMTH cd with me.This is where the weird part starts:my cd always disappeared from my bag and reappeared in different parts of my house.After a while of this happening, an ancient chinese emperor look-alike ghost appeared and started torturing me.After like a half of hour of torture or something like that it disappeared.I went on checking Yahoo! Messenger to tell someone about it and ask for help and I noticed that only one person was online.I talked to him and told me the same thing just happened to him and we figured out that the spirit that tortured us was testing us and tortured us for a determined amount of time.In the end,we figured out that the rest of our friends were also tested and failed to survive that particular amount of time and they endes up being killed by the spirit.
And that's how my crazy dream ended.I remember I woke up terrified,but looking back at it,it was really dumb and random.

I wish I'd remember more nice and funny dreams rather than nightmares.

463 Name: Fazeon : 2014-08-04 16:17 ID:YshQ7p5j [Del]

I had a dream I was piloting a mech with dozens upon dozens of guns, all of them blazing, shells falling like rain onto the ground. The sky was dark.
Funny thing was, I was shooting possessed stuffed animals.
And it was raining poo.
And a monstrosity with a combination of MLP, carebears, and terminators rose over the hill.
I was screaming with valiant honor.

From then on, I never had a dream so crazy in comparison.

464 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-08-05 19:43 ID:Da6XXiak [Del]

This is from a few year back, but I dreamed I was at some kind of high society Victorian party in the 1800's and I was sitting at a table where people came up and greeted me (but it wasn't me, I was just in this persons body) and this one man walked up and kissed my hand and said "Hopefully we will meet soon Ashley.." (my real name) I woke up freaked out

465 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2014-09-03 07:48 ID:AGy0afgB [Del]

I was being kept home from school because there was a big chunk bitten out of my leg. It was hemispherical, discoloured, and very, verytoothy. No clue how I got the wound, or what the rest of the dream was about. The ew factor captured most of my attention when I woke up.
Needless to say a plethora of gross imagery has been implanted in my mind.

466 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-09-03 10:50 ID:UINfx4cO [Del]

A couple months ago I had this weird dream that I was fighting Kirby in a haunted house for some reason. In the middle of the fight, Kirby started drinking a bottle of milk, and hen I said "Hey, y'know milk comes from cows, right?" So then Kirby completely flipped and tried to kill me (he wasn't trying before, is what I mean). So I ran through the door to the next room in the house. I had to go down a hallway until I got to the room; I saw a cat there and it was hungry so I gave it the rest of Kirby's milk. In the room after the hall, there was whole bunch of crazy shit, like talking plants, a robber eating his money (or something like that), and a farmer with a giant hamster. I started asking why the hamster was so big, but then the farmer cut me off and said "Don't mention his weight." So then I went down some steps and saw this thing in the wall (I forget what it said, but I think it was something like 'everyone is trying to kill you'). So then I went back up the steps into the room, and the hamster was glaring at me. I just snapped at him and said "What the hell are you looking at, you fat gerbil?!" (the farmer was like "oh hell no") The hamster completely demolished the cage it was in and ran out after me. It was chasing me down the hall, and in the middle of the hall was the cat, but it was huge from the milk I gave it. I ran back into the room with Kirby. Everything in the was all full of lava. I didn't see Kirby there, but then this creepy owl came down and smiled at me, and then Kirby jumped in and pushed me into the lava ._.

(what the hell...)

467 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-09-07 00:05 ID:xfuRwU8K [Del]

Hmm, a while ago I dreamed that I was trapped in this huge, dark, labyrinthine indoor playground complex. It had to be at least as tall as a three-story house, probably covered about a hundred square metres on the ground, and I had absolutely no idea where the exit was.

On top of that, there were these hairless, mutant hamster things that were running around after me in there, each one about the size of a rottweiler and with teeth that looked like they belonged to a bear. I spent what felt like hours climbing and crawling through tight, dark spaces that would have been enough to freak out a claustrophobic like me in and of themselves.

Eventually I must have either started waking up, or my brain had just had enough fun terrifying the living piss out of me and decided to take pity on me, because when I found my way to the top of one of the spires. As I heard one of those hamster-things snuffling after me, I noticed that there was a gap in the netting which I could fit through. Between being eaten alive by the freaky hamster mutants and taking things into my own hands and jumping, I promptly chose the latter and pretty much threw myself off the edge from three stories high and hit the ground.

And then bounced up over the giant playground. And then fell back down. And then bounced back up. And down. And up. Like the entire world was one giant trampoline. I don't even know. The rest of the dream was just me bouncing around like I was in a cola ad. I woke up when the vertigo started getting to me.

468 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-09-07 00:53 ID:F3nzqc+L [Del]

I had different powers depending on which side of my body I was laying on. If I was laying on my back, I had both side's powers, but only at about 10% effectiveness, so it was just more reliable to rotate my physical body to make my dream self have powers.

469 Name: DaiMajutsu13 : 2014-09-08 12:39 ID:hXxc48yy [Del]


About claustrophobic, ever get the dream when you have to crawl through smaller and smaller spaces until eventually having crawled a long way in a really tight space, you get stuck? And then you spend like hours agonizing which way it is safer to go and how, not being able to even turn around stuck with the choice of either push through somehow or having to crawl back somehow backwards?
Creepy as fuck

470 Name: i will make my presence known to you and you will not see me : 2014-09-08 21:29 ID:xiFXRxsq [Del]

Oh my gosh, this thread is really cool... I don't really feel up to talking about my dreams, so instead- BUMP! I'm gonna have so much fun reading through all of these...

471 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-08 21:57 ID:e8tVq83Y [Del]

I can't use conventional forums anymore. Imageboards are still shit, but a regular forum is a whole new level of shit.

472 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-08 23:40 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

>>471 Wrong thread?

Or did you have a nightmare about forums?

473 Name: Nibelung : 2014-09-09 03:24 ID:mGXBTg9L [Del]

I rode a car in Texas and decided to take a lunch in McDonalds. The building looked rusty and old but it didn't matter because i was so hungry. I ordered something heavy cause I'm a fatass. After I ate I went to the restroom to piss, then suddenly McDonald(clown) slashed me by a chainsaw and got cut off into two.I had to crawl outside the building to survive while being pecked by crows.

474 Post deleted by user.

475 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-09 07:07 ID:2/GxJhGK [Del]

>>472 wrong thread

476 Name: Chreggome : 2014-09-09 07:15 ID:kzP0uFo4 [Del]

>>472 >>474 >>475
lol I saw dat scared, Xelph.

477 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-09-09 09:59 ID:2/GxJhGK [Del]

>>476 gosh darn, you got me

478 Name: Dusty Bunny !08vfntjTRk : 2014-09-12 22:00 ID:BtuXFSwS [Del]

>>469 Thankfully, no. ...*taps wooden table*

479 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-09-13 00:01 ID:Nzll4YBs [Del]

I had a dream where I got eaten by a Greenland shark because it was angry at me for saying that Greenland sharks were the moldy pickles of the ocean. It sounds silly, but it was really scary

480 Name: Raziel !NWmkZEyfPo : 2014-09-13 03:08 ID:Ll2UtX4m [Del]

I don't remember it very clearly but a few days ago i had a dream about this Canadian hat my best friend bought me last year

481 Name: Hill !DBRA/23qi. : 2014-09-15 08:15 ID:5/BwL0lC [Del]

Some years ago, I had a dream about the class going too a swimming pool, but for some reason the pool was filled with small pieces of bread instead of water. And the weirdest thing was that noone seemed to notice, not even myself (Until I wake up, that is). And then there was one person who was about to drown, but he solved it by eating his way out.

Yeah, I know, I have weird dreams..

482 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-15 12:25 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

I had a really weird dream last night. I was like the little princess girl of some kingdom, and weird suitors came every few days talk to me. I remember one in particular. I gave him like this bigass plant and he gave me a ring, and he was like, "Oh wow, I love it! It's even better than the one you gave me last time!" And I was like "wut" and he pointed to behind him of some ugly bush I must've given him before, and then I realized I had a bunch of rings on my finger and was like "jeez how many times have they made me play with this kid".

I also dragged my close friends into the castle with me via something like pokeballs and had to hide them from everyone else, and I think I snuck out at one point and went to the city or something, and I may've had a few lesbian relationships through the dream. I think I also went clothes shopping at some point. There was probably magic involved along the way too.

I'd be a terrible princess, apparently.

483 Name: Six !6cVG7VjCko : 2014-09-15 15:34 ID:xjrQdiJp [Del]

Here it goes...
I was with my school and it was like a form trip to a mafia wedding / funeral because apparantly when you are in the mafia you combine weddings and funerals for maximum fun. Well I went to the wedding but then as I was walking into the funeral with my friends I was stopped because I didnt have my ticket. I had no idea I needed a ticket to enter a mafia funeral but meh so I went to the ticket booth to buy one and apparantly they were sold out so I was waiting there with this guy who was also kicked out. We talked a lot and I had feelings for him for some reason because he was alright looking and friendly so I asked him to go into town with me and he said yes but what I didnt realise was that he had been kneeling down the whole time and when he stood up his crotch was at my head hight (I am 5,3) and then he got a phone call about killing somebody and I stole a cherry from a cake and got bitch slapped by some angry woman and then I threw rocks at her car...The end :)

484 Name: Six !6cVG7VjCko : 2014-09-15 15:35 ID:xjrQdiJp [Del]

Here it goes...
I was with my school and it was like a form trip to a mafia wedding / funeral because apparantly when you are in the mafia you combine weddings and funerals for maximum fun. Well I went to the wedding but then as I was walking into the funeral with my friends I was stopped because I didnt have my ticket. I had no idea I needed a ticket to enter a mafia funeral but meh so I went to the ticket booth to buy one and apparantly they were sold out so I was waiting there with this guy who was also kicked out. We talked a lot and I had feelings for him for some reason because he was alright looking and friendly so I asked him to go into town with me and he said yes but what I didnt realise was that he had been kneeling down the whole time and when he stood up his crotch was at my head hight (I am 5,3) and then he got a phone call about killing somebody and I stole a cherry from a cake and got bitch slapped by some angry woman and then I threw rocks at her car...The end :)

485 Name: Six !6cVG7VjCko : 2014-09-15 15:35 ID:xjrQdiJp [Del]

Here it goes...
I was with my school and it was like a form trip to a mafia wedding / funeral because apparantly when you are in the mafia you combine weddings and funerals for maximum fun. Well I went to the wedding but then as I was walking into the funeral with my friends I was stopped because I didnt have my ticket. I had no idea I needed a ticket to enter a mafia funeral but meh so I went to the ticket booth to buy one and apparantly they were sold out so I was waiting there with this guy who was also kicked out. We talked a lot and I had feelings for him for some reason because he was alright looking and friendly so I asked him to go into town with me and he said yes but what I didnt realise was that he had been kneeling down the whole time and when he stood up his crotch was at my head hight (I am 5,3) and then he got a phone call about killing somebody and I stole a cherry from a cake and got bitch slapped by some angry woman and then I threw rocks at her car...The end :)

486 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-10-05 18:09 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

So, I had a great dream worth sharing. Could've been a nightmare if it wasn't so ridiculous lmao

Imagine that you're having a party with all your friends and family at some little house with a big garden. Everyone is enjoying themselves until you notice a weird kind of plane slowly flying across the sky without any wings. It's huge and kinda camo. It's weird, but you don't think much of it; after all the military /has/ been all kinds of tests lately. But then there's another. And another. And then there's the starting of a fleet of them in the sky. You've been concerned for a while and try to see if anyone else is getting a bad feeling. They aren't. You're sure something is wrong and convince everyone to go inside for a few minutes until it passes. Everyone is bitching and whining about having to go inside when it's such a great day out for the party.

The next thing you know, the sky is just getting filled with these plane / airship things. Everyone is still annoyed and tries to go outside, but just then a low flying one comes just over the house. Then another. Everyone gets shoved back inside, and you all stay there waiting for the wave to stop. A while passes, and more just keep flying across the sky.

You know everyone is hungry and agree to go outside and grab the food from the party. As you're out there, a ton of them are flying low to the ground as if they're trying to hit you, and you run back inside desperately with all the food you could carry, wondering if whoever is running them is going to hit the building or something.

After a while longer, some people are starting to understand the dangers, and your friend offers to go out front and see what's going on, armed with his airsoft gun. You keep checking on him to see if he's okay while he stands guard out by the mailbox, fixing up his gun. The airships are starting to become less and less. You relax. Stop being so paranoid, you tell yourself.

One more peek, and you see a goblin-like creature with a woodcutting ax coming down the street. You go to grab a weapon to help your friend, but by the time you get out there, the goblin's hatchet is bloody, and your friend's body is limp on the ground. The goblin is looking around but doesn't seem to see you.

Thinking your friend may still be alive, you decide to try to sneak out to him to bring him back inside. You creep out of the house and quietly near him. However, the goblin sees you soon enough, and you realize that there's a smaller one with it as well. You manage to fend them off to a degree and rush to check your friend's pulse while they're dazed, but your friend has definitely passed on.

You consider running back inside while they're distracted. However, there's no time to move, think, and especially not mourn. You try to fight them to the best of your abilities. The small one is easy, but the large one seems unaffected by your hits. You see there are more down the street and in the nearby park and really... everywhere. And you realize just how quiet everything is.

The goblin is almost down when it's called off, at which point a short bishounen with colorful hair in a bowl cut and oddly colored skin comes up to you holding a (crystal ball or a cat, can't remember which). You're on your guard knowing that whatever the fuck he is isn't something you want on your side. The two of you have an awkwardly casual conversation where he asks what it's like to be human and comments on what he and the rest of his aliens are up to. At the end, he says that you're just another human and'll probably die even if he leaves you be but wants to kill you.

You come up with a quick plan and try to plead to him as calmly as possible to let you live. You use the excuse that because you're a human, you'll know best where the remaining humans are. You say you know that it's the end anyway and might as well help you put them out of their misery. He's skeptical, but you say you came from a place full of humans that he'll never find and that all sorts of places like that probably exist where the humans are in hiding.

He agrees then, and the two of you walk along through the empty town and ruined streets, surrounded by aliens that he periodically shoos off. He's made it clear that he's a high ranking alien and that you'll be protected so long as you help them find the humans - but of course, you'll need to be trained first.

You've considered going back for your family and friends at the house or trying to convince him to keep them too, but you realize the safest thing for you to do is to casually keep away from the house and hope they manage to survive on their own rather than blatantly show them to the aliens.

Some time passes. You've seen the gore of the house and know none of them have survived. In the mean time, you're living in what was a business complex that's been turned into the alien's home base / training center, where you're learning about their plans and all that they're doing. You've had a few run-ins with less open minded aliens but are mostly ignored or looked up to as having knowledge on the humans. You share a room with a few alien girls who're actually pretty cool despite looking really weird (all the aliens look differently but're really colorful and odd).

So yeah. Welcome to the new world that you've casually strolled into as one of the last humans on Earth.

Despite how sad it was, it was a great dream. I had a ton of fun and remember it so clearly.

487 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-10-05 18:22 ID:TQLYVM7P [Del]

>>486 seems interesting. would like to see fanart of what the aliens looked like.

488 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-10-05 18:28 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

Oh, I had another cool dream recently too. Lots of apocalypse dreams. This one was about the start of a nuclear war. It wasn't safe for kids to walk home on their own, and they were afraid busses would get stuck in traffic if something went wrong, so my town installed a tram to bring kids home. I proceeded to ride on top of the tram like an asshole playing around in the toxic fumes.

That was more or less the introduction to the whole thing because it then skipped forward to like a year later or something. By that point, the world wasn't really inhabitable from the outside, and everyone needed to know how to take care of themselves in the new societies. They locked all us kids (I was a bit younger in the dream) in an all-ages school that's set up in like tiers. As you advance each tier, different kids are eliminated, and you learn something different.

One of the earlier tiers was in the lunchroom, where the tables were separate by color, and a lot of the kids were fighting. The kids who defended themselves but didn't start any fights advanced to the next tier, while those who stated fights went to a different tier, and those who didn't defend themselves didn't advance.

The one after that was a bedroom that everyone shared, and the kids who did anything sexual were left behind while the rest of us advanced. After that, there was a larger tier with several rooms. That's when the concept of a money-based society was brought up to us. We had to manage our own accounts through these computers they had and only had the money we made from the earlier tiers to spend with a small pay for each day. Every little thing costed money. Oh, you want to go to the bathroom? That's money. You want to walk down the hallway? That's money. You want to talk? Money please.

It was ridiculous but introduced the concept of a closed off society (imagine dome-like utopias) where you have to buy everything you want to do and live off that economy.

Oh, and did I mention that the school was run by Oprah? She was really clumsy too. She kept falling over the railing outside a tier that was set up like a motel.

489 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-10-05 18:30 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

>>487 They were weird and really cartoony. If I had to compare it to anything, I'd say their appearances were like if Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and Monster's Incorporated/High had my dream as a love child.

490 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-10-05 18:33 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

Those are also one of few I've had that didn't take place in my little dream universe. I can't remember any other dreams that shared their settings. The nuclear war one could arguably be compared to one I had that was like a college, but I don't remember the college having any areas that were like a motel. I'm not sure where to put these ones on my dream map :\

491 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-10-05 19:17 ID:TQLYVM7P [Del]

>>488 your dreams are as obscure as mine only mine are very vague compared to yours.

492 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-10-12 10:52 ID:1EKF8ZKk [Del]

I dreamt that I posted a selfie on the stalker thread.

Thankfully, I didn't actually do it.

After that I hung out with my friend and went fishing, but her dad took forever in the bathroom and we didn't get to fish and drowned in a flood.

493 Name: Lawli !kE7nekQeNY : 2014-10-12 11:32 ID:UGOhCg/O [Del]

I had a dream that we were in a video game. Like, it was real life but it had video game concepts and abilities and we didn't question it.

In the dream, I was in this creepy building with a standard creepy-building lighting job, but all the light was red. So it was really hard to see. There was also this girl there that I kept calling my sister, but she wasn't my actual sister. (That happens a lot in my dreams, actually. There will be someone that I refer to as my mom or my best friend, but I may not even know the person in the real world.)

Basically, we kept saying we had to find all of the parts to complete the level, or escape the building. The "parts" were body parts. Like, at one point, we located an arm in a toilet, and there was another point where we had to steal a head from a body this guy was chopping up without him noticing. It was... kinda gross, in hindsight.

Oh, and there were these wild western-era, steampunk-esque baddies trying to stop us. There was a sherrif and a showgirl and a bartender that I remember. They were actually some scary bamfs. I think we stole the sherrif's bullets at one point.

I woke up before we could leave.

494 Name: Mikia : 2014-10-13 16:24 ID:gkC9rPiH [Del]

Once, I had a dream that I failed the 'chairs playing test' in school. I usually sit sixth chair (out of 18 cellos) but my dream was that I failed a playing test over a song we are playing, and I was moved to second-to-last chair. I woke up and panicked, but then I realized that it was just a dream. Now I'm really scared that I'll be moved back in the section, so I practice more than I did before.

495 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-10-14 14:57 ID:pb4VqbEx [Del]

My friend told me she had a dream where she somehow got sucked into Durarara, but to everyone else in the world it just looked like she was in a coma. Then I was in the dream, and I was watching DRRR and saw her in it, so I figured out how she got there and tried to do the same, but it didn't work.

496 Name: You will never know : 2014-10-14 23:00 ID:NEd5keKs [Del]

Pigs took over the world nuff said

497 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-14 23:19 ID:k9HwGF+M [Del]


498 Name: HAM still too lazy to get trip : 2014-10-15 11:49 ID:L8s5ABVX [Del]

>>496 muhahaha

I don't remember the dream but I had this dream diary and one of my entries was:


499 Name: Azura !2y1il5Qy0g : 2014-10-17 11:06 ID:juizE1ZQ [Del]

the other night I had a dream where I was in a fighting tournament where the winner would determine how the world would end, I didn't get passed round three though where i was thrown from a tower and into a pit of fire. apparently I lived though, and the end of the dream ended with earth being eaten by a giant rubber ducky.

500 Name: Butts :D !4ZeKtProWU : 2014-10-20 12:40 ID:mUouFdbB [Del]

i once had a dream where i fell down a hole and met an aardvark who guarded the treasure at the bottom.

501 Name: agrejk7etrz : 2014-10-20 14:22 ID:SWZtwLUs [Del]


502 Name: Diamond : 2014-10-21 23:18 ID:tihE53MB [Del]

So, for the past few weeks I've had the same dream. I'm standing in what seems like a fractured and distorted version of my home town, with the entire area being perfectly symmetrical. By the time I reach the end of the town, there's an invisible barrier with a girl standing on the other side. She's 5' 9", blonde hair that goes down to her back, turquoise eyes and a smile that could warm any heart. She mouths to me in a strange language, something like french, but her voice speaks in english. The same happens to me apparently, being able to mouth in English, but she apparently hears french. We walk around in the strange town, talking as if we've known each other for many years. Near the end of the dream, all things go black, and an invisible barrier separates us again. As her side fades away, all I hear in the darkness is "I'm Emily, please remember me?"

And I wake up, teary eyed.

503 Name: Krona : 2014-10-22 14:35 ID:8pCOxmBQ [Del]

when I dream I can often feel "physical" pain, like if someone hits my back, I can really feel the pain in my back. Or that one time I was tickled in my dream... I'll tell ya, THAT is a nightmare (and you can't even do anything to stop it)

Anyway, I remember once I had a dream that was split in 3 different "parts", everyone symboling a certain emotion that I hate (it was Angst, feeling helpless and fear) That dream kinda affected me..
I always have this kind of creepy dreams or nightmare..

504 Name: Iruze : 2014-10-22 15:27 ID:EPWvmSRJ [Del]

I always have 'normal'dreams placed in my hometown with some twists. Like flying, im always able to fly. And I recommend it! flying is soooo much fun. (But its very hard to do).

505 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-11-29 18:41 ID:OT0ZvJUE [Del]

Last night, I dreamt that Rav and I had sex.

Yeah, seriously. I wouldn't joke about it.


506 Name: Handle : 2014-11-29 18:46 ID:p0CCfvEN [Del]

>>505 lul.

Probably, TMI, but it's all the more canon now. Thanks, Yata. That was reaffirming.

507 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-11-29 18:52 ID:GTjKlWCj [Del]

>>505 UHHHH...

508 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-11-29 19:46 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

>>505 >>506 >>507

You know you use the BBS too much when you can casually talk about the wet dreams you've had about other members.


509 Name: Handle : 2014-11-29 19:48 ID:p0CCfvEN [Del]

>>508 Indeed.

510 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-11-29 20:46 ID:OT0ZvJUE [Del]

I didn't ask for it.

511 Name: Handle : 2014-11-29 21:42 ID:p0CCfvEN [Del]

>>510 You didn't have to tell us either, but hey, what can you do?

Anyways, we need moar dreams, I say! MOAR DREAMS!

512 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-11-29 21:53 ID:GTjKlWCj (Image: 243x255 png, 83 kb) [Del]

src/1417319611611.png: 243x255, 83 kb

513 Name: ham is gay : 2014-11-29 21:55 ID:JKDrz7kC [Del]

>>505 i am so happy i saw this.

>>508 this.

so my dream:

i was having a cat fight with da bae and instead of arms we had mini fir trees for limbs and i woke up laughing because the leaves rustling around angerly was just hysterical.

514 Name: Diamond !UzEJEWELJg : 2014-11-30 01:43 ID:nSgI3LGM [Del]

>>505 ...welp...that one ship I knew was gonna sail.

Is it awkward to have dreams like that except with Neko-tama...? I mean...I just dunno anymore.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuut anyway, one of the more recent dreams I've had was really strange, and really similar to another dream I had when this topic was first made.

It was the same mall I had visited long ago, but with strange people. Everyone was red with demon wings, and felt angered around me. there were two doors in front of the mall, one red and black, the other blue and white. My eyes shut, and suddenly a third door was between the two. This third door opened, showing a black and white room behind it. As I gently stepped in, the demons seemed to start ignoring me, aside from a small few who followed me in.

These demons looked very closely like my best friends, and one like my crush. They told me that I needed to choose where I was going, where my life would lead me...that not everything is just merely black and white. They said if I chose the side of the higher beings, I'd lead a happier life to many, but one to myself. They also said that if I walked amongst them, I'd feel strong, and feel joy..but at the cost of those who enjoyed me for who I was.

My memories came in, showing me that when I stepped through these doors, everything fell apart the minute I stepped in. When I wanted everyone to be happier, I only caused pain to myself and when I personally wanted to have fun, I hurt and disappointed those I cared for most. It made me think that black and white is all I know...until a fourth door with the colors of gray and purple started to open.

Gray and purple, the two colors that make up the light and says my consciousness. I stepped out of the doors, noticing that angels and demons were coinciding together in the mall afterwards. There was no fighting, no killing of demonic blood, no warrior of righteous power going up against all those that breathe sin. There was only my thoughts, my friends, my family...and myself.

515 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2014-11-30 02:03 ID:hFg0iHCN [Del]

Time travel, time-ignoring phones that worked across timelines, as well as through time, Cern is evil, three factions that all have a leader that can time travel, I am the only non-faction leader that can time travel, and some really buff guy wants revenge on me for some reason.

516 Name: Allan : 2014-11-30 08:53 ID:AS7gsQdM [Del]

I secretly created a new type of zombie with my dream. Now I'm trying to think of a story to write...zombehs...

517 Name: Elucidator : 2014-11-30 22:50 ID:7i5i3XWj [Del]

Well dreams are normal. But recently, for some odd reason, my dreams is as though i "forsee" my life. Like a vision. For example, I dreamt about going to a restaurant only to find it was closed (weird dream i know), but a few days later, something similar happened. The restaurant I went to really was closed. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, and shook it off, but similar situations appeared from time to time. But it's not always that I have such dreams, it's only sometimes. But still, I find it odd. XD

518 Name: JNR$ : 2014-12-01 03:13 ID:qeKk8CY+ [Del]

ill trade you im always killing evil creatures covered in blood under a blood red sky an sometimes i vist hell an have a good old time then i leave hell clearly she the door its a dark black color with strage markings on it an then i wake up go back to sleep an not dream anything

519 Name: マーズ : 2014-12-01 07:26 ID:+gtpE4rZ [Del]

I really don't remember the entire dream, but I got up with the name "Bahamut Bell" screamed on my head. What do you think it means?

520 Name: Apek !xrTqpTdpwU : 2014-12-01 10:57 ID:r8DarH/0 [Del]

Chased by looooooooooooooooots of clowns in a Shopping mall...
It ends up by me myself jumped down from the rooftop...

So, I'm scared of clowns. ((trembles

521 Name: Kaito : 2014-12-01 18:23 ID:frVRLDo4 [Del]

>>520 Apek I am scared of clown too. I had a dream was being chased by 'em and they were also carrying axes. I don't quite remember though what happend after that.

522 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2014-12-01 18:40 ID:HrqgfXrQ [Del]

Once when I was around 7, I had a dream that my dad turned into a bear and was eaten alive by ants. And for some reason, the entire dream was in a Dr. Seuss art style.

523 Name: Spite : 2014-12-01 19:22 ID:XE4O5kKL [Del]

A few nights ago I dreamed that I was hanging around in this log cabin hotel place and hiding from the owners because i didn't pay to stay there. Then i found a bunch of girl guides sitting in a boat on the grass lawn and tying knots in bright pink and green rope so I hung our with them and pretended I'd been on camp with them the whole time. Then I was also carrying around a zip-lock bag of 'crystallized ebola' which looked like meth, and I accidentally spilled it on the ground and freaked out. Then I went to the upstairs part of the log cabin place where there were lots of gifts lying around for some reason and my little sister, Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter and I and ate sausages with m&ms on them.

524 Name: Water The Toxic Savior : 2014-12-03 09:02 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]

Does anyone have those dreams where they continue off of one you've had before, or so it seems? I'm not sure if I think this is a continuation of a dream i've had be for because that's a part of the dream itself or if it's an actual continuation of an actual dream i've had a long time ago and just forgot, it doesn't help that i have lucid dreams, but within the dream I recall that i have had the dream before along with the memories of people, places and events within it. I am aware that i'm dreaming, but i'm not too concerned with it, or maybe i think i'm aware only after i wake up because i might not know any better? It's all very complicated.

[ ]

525 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-12-03 21:16 ID:dODZyfyM [Del]

>> I've had dreams like that before and then when I wake up I wonder if the dream will continue ever again or not, because it usually happens to me two nights in a row and then the third night I can't continue the dream.

526 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2014-12-07 12:28 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]

If you wanna talk about strange dreams...

last night i woke up from having a dream about Reltair, if that is not strange then i don't know what strange is!, All we did is play video games together with two other people in the dream, then he send me a link and showed me ou to log into this site as an admin, needless to say i was freaked out when i woke up.

527 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-12-29 09:01 ID:lbbJ0L5s [Del]

Bump. I've been having some really fucking weird dreams lately. I don't know if it's because I've been eating too much before bed or what, but they're really vivid and bizarre. And random. Here's one I remember reasonably well.

So, I'm at the small school courtyard where I used to hang out with randoms when I was in middle school. It's getting dark, and the place, somehow larger than it should be, is packed with people who are having a massive party, with groups of people scattered throughout the place. In the middle is a friend of mine, one of those guys who I used to hang out with because we both didn't really have anyone else. Except he's not alone this time, instead he's all swagged out with all kinds of fucking futuristic looking clothes and stuff, playing on a phone that's projecting holograms and surrounded by people. So I walk up to him, and I talk to him about... something, I dunno. He's acting all suave and arrogant and retarded, and evidently I wasn't invited to the party, because he waves his hand at me and I fucking leave the party all disappointed and confused.

I go home. Except it's not home, it's a room in an apartment that is inexplicably right next to the school courtyard, which is inexplicably no longer a part of the school, and has inexplicably gained a front checkpoint where a couple of bodyguards are screening guests. I can see into the party from out my window, about 5 or 6 stories up, and I can see my asshole friend up on a table telling a story to an adoring crowd Wolf of Wall Street style. I sigh and go to sit down and watch T.V. for a bit.

I'm watching Ren and Stimpy. I don't know why, because I've seen maybe 2 or 3 episodes of the show in my whole entire life, but I'm watching it. And the dream shows me a whole fucking episode. Not as the watcher of the T.V however, more like the dream I was just dreaming dissipates and all of a sudden I am God watching Ren and Stimpy doing stupid shit for a good 20 minutes. Can't remember the specifics, but I remember being incredibly disturbed.

I wake up, apparently having dream hallucinated the whole thing, and the party next door is still in full swing. I go to the window to find that everyone there is having sex. The party is a now a giant orgy, and I was not invited. I look down at the body-guard screening checkpoint thing, and I see Corey Taylor from Slipknot looking at me. Except he's not Corey Taylor, he's a fat guy with a yellow beard and hair, wearing a suit and glasses and on a Dethphone. He's waving at me, so I wave back. He sees me waving and looks at me like I'm a fucking idiot. He then makes a gesture than indicates a gun blowing his brains out and points to me.

I step back from the window, and for fucks sake, a woman in a black outfit (think Kim Possible type clothing) pushes her way through my window. She gets in and starts chattering away like one of those girls in those movies where the guy doesn't know he's a spy or superhero or something stupid and the girl's somehow known him his entire life but he doesn't remember her. It is then that I realise that this girl is Mila Kunis. She keeps talking, and walks towards my stove, which is conveniently located behind a wall that exists purely to separate the stove from a parallel room. Also while she does this, she is taking off her shirt. For some reason.

...and that's when my mother rang me on my mobile to get me to fucking wake up.

I know. It was getting good.


528 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-29 10:08 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

I had a weird dream last night. I was apparently attending school still, and after school, I (and others) would always go to this old lady's house. She'd make whatever kind of pie/cake you like, and you could sit down and chat with her. She and my mom were close and loved it when we came. So one day, we went there when her family and some other students who were close to her came over. We were all sitting around the table chatting as we ate, and all of a sudden, it sounded like an old radio broadcast came on at the same time the heat kicked on. She claimed it happened a lot and asked if I would help her see if there was a toy or something caught near the furnace, which was deep in an unfinished part of the basement where you could see under the house a bit.

Nothing was in the furnace, so I crawled down around and looked, but nothing was there (but a pokemon plushie there scared the shit out of me lol). She admitted while we were going back upstairs that weird shit like that was happening all the time and that she thought a ghost was there. The behavior was like someone from prison, which my mom pointed out, and the old lady said she'd thought that too. She pointed to the blinds (which were those tall vertical ones) that she spaced out so their shadows looked like prison bars, hoping to scare it away.

My mom and I offered to help, along with the rest of the family. I can't remember exactly what we did, but it was starting to work. I saw something that was possessed have its ghost go back to normal and float away and everything. Then, though, the actual demonic whutever got pissed off, and everything in the kitchen started shaking. I picked up some cans and potatoes that were shaking to see if it would stop when they were put back down, but it was REALLY pissed, and we knew shit was about to go down. My mom was trying to play the hero like, "omg everyone get out I'll be the sacrifice!" but I kicked her and everyone out just before stuff started flying around the kitchen. I threw my potato at something that came towards me and then ran out, and I had just barely closed the door when a huge glass bowl came hurdling towards it and exploded. We all got out of the house and listened to it tearing through everything like 'wtf'. Then I woke up tho.

529 Name: BarabaeSama !lmBitchbiw : 2014-12-29 10:09 ID:LtsrpvZy [Del]

Oh, and she had a very fat daughter who was angry all the time and hated my guts q-q

530 Name: Water The Toxic Savior !BgxF79hIoI : 2014-12-29 17:00 ID:wRoLa4TS [Del]


531 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-12-30 00:05 ID:lbbJ0L5s [Del]

>>528 Don't you just love a good ghost dream?

I've had a few recurring ones in the past, and they're usually enjoyably thrilling experiences. 'cept for ones I had when I was a kid where I was being hunted by terrorists in a haunted house, or something similar. When I wasn't being chased by ghosts I was being shot at by these satanic soldier people who wanted my organs, or something. Those were terrifying. And I think I died in a few of them.

532 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-06-06 10:50 ID:X2FzRZWq [Del]

I had a really weird dream last night about my mom, stepdad, kid me, and grandma. The four of us were on some kind of ocean adventure and got off course from where we needed to be. We ended up in this crappy little wooden boat and traveling from island to island.

At one of the islands, we found a ton of purses in the water that turned out to be filled with expensive jewels. I knew my mom would take all of them if she saw, so I hid most of them. But she caught me looking at this one really beautiful opal necklace and confiscated it. At this point, we were basically stranded because the boat got destroyed.

A traveling antique shop happened to stop by the island and offer us a ride, but my parents refused because they thought the owner just wanted the jewels. Grandma and I decided to go deeper down into these caves in the island. We were just kind of fed up and didn't care anymore, even when we got trapped down there because of the tide.

Meanwhile, my mom noticed we were gone after a few days and decided she'd go look for us the next day (when the tide went down). But when the time came, she decided the weather was just too beautiful and instead sat on the beach tanning with her jewels. Grandma and I ended up essentially drowning while clinging to each other, but we weren't unhappy.

533 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-06-06 10:51 ID:X2FzRZWq [Del]

Then this god-like thing reached out from under the sea and wrapped us up in its arms like, "This isn't the life you were supposed to live. You deserve better." Then the two of us were standing on the main beach while my mom and stepdad, disheveled and dirty and weak, were crawling up from the water with their little bag of jewelry.

Grandma was younger, and I was older, the two of us like really pretty twins in our late 20's, wearing nice clothes with freshly cut hair (mine in a neck-length bob). Mom recognized us and gave us this incredibly glare. Grandma and I just linked arms and walked away; we were living a better life without them.

I just felt incredibly happy when I woke up; I think my grandma was trying to tell me something. I also really like the way my hair looked in that.

534 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-06-06 11:38 ID:X2FzRZWq [Del]

My grandma actually is a twin, too (her and my (grand?)aunt). Well, technically a triplet, but that one died when they were little. It's weird.

535 Name: Siobhan : 2015-06-06 16:08 ID:t4cOal1b [Del]

I once had a dream in wich I was standing in my backyard. I noticed a lady who was setting a buch of seals free in the ditch behind the backyard.
She asked if I wanted to buy a big, flying teddybear for about 10 euro. I bought the teddybear, sat on it's back and flew away.
After flying on the back of the teddybear I crashed into a mailman. He cursed a lot at me and after staring at him I just left hem there and flew away.
Then i was suddenly in a car with 2 kids who, apparently, where my friends.
The father of one of the kids drove me home and then i woke up from my dream.
Sorry for the bad English, it isn't my first language.

536 Name: AnamisWolf : 2015-06-07 04:19 ID:sWRH1cy7 [Del]

Ok you guys know all about Pokemon creepy pasta right?
Well I had a weird dream that I now dumb only as Pokemon Creepy Red Version(It will seem like I made it up but seriously it was just that shocking that it's hard for me to forget.) because well..

It started with me playing Pokemon classic red version for the Gameboy but it was in color more like the classic Gold, Silver, and Crystal games. Apparently according to my dream self I had learned about some creepy hidden glitches in the game and decided to exploit them to check it out being bored.

At one point I got to Pewter City and I don't remember exactly what I did but some how I made Team Rocket mad and they set the city on Fire destroying it and blowing up a good portion of Mt. Moon leaving pretty much everyone dead. with the exception of a few that managed to escape in time Red being one. Walking to Mt. Moon on the trail that you normally encounter trainers I find a Clefable sprite laying face down on the ground and quickly have Red check it out. It turns out the Clefable was half alive, burned badly and half altered into a Gengar(kinda like the whole Gengar is Clefable's shadow thing). It's eyes like Gengar but not red with long fangs and a aura of malice around it.

Then suddenly a message came up saying "Clefable wants to join your party.. Will you take Clefable with you?" I selected yes and Celfable took the place of my first pokemon. I of course was quite creeped out by this but recalled this was how the glitch was supposed to be and thus continued on going to the next glitch.. what happened then with the other glitches was some f'ed up stuff a little to adult for the post so I'll skip past it.. but Red followed the events gaining more messed up pokemon like a Kabutops that murdered people for example and at some point without realizing it I merged with Red becoming a fem Red in the game(I still kinda looked like male red though, still had short hair and a flat chest. XD).

Next thing I knew 6 years have past and now Me/Fem Red is 17 and living with my/her mom in the ruins of Saffron City. We're both looking up at the sky in which an artificial moon is being created after team rocket destroyed it harnessing the power of a legendary pokemon, screwing up the world's ecosystem and making the world fall into an almost apocalyptic ruin with people killing and looting each other to survive, Team Rocket of course ruling everything having over taken the world with their brute force. Me/Fem Red talks with my/their mom for a bit about the state of the world before I/Red gets up taking her bag and a steel pipe, and goes out onto the street into the darkness with the exception of a few still working street lamps still lighting up portions of the road. I/Red sees a lot of carnage, death, and destruction on the way when she encounters some punks that want to kill me/her for any food and valuable's I/she has.. In response I/Red draw the metal pipe and let it hang loosely at my/Red's side tipping my hat up slightly revealing a red glowing eye as I/Red wears a creepy insane grin on my/Red's face tilting my/Red head's slightly. The men seem unnerved but still go to attack, using their pokemon as well, I/Red sends out the messed up Clefable that proceeds to kill all of their Pokemon brutally while I/Red kills the men with the pipe. Once done I/Red loots their corpses with the Clefable feasting on the dead pokemon.

After that we go to Celdron City to the ruins of a mall where all the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and the Champion all reside basically underground as rebels against Team Rocket's rule. They're all take on trainers weeding out the weak ones all in order to find trainers capable of helping them take down Team Rocket and help restore the world. Once in there I/Red sees Blue/Gary/Green(JP) who is merged with my cousin who played pokemon blue and was my rival in real life, and my online friend that likes pokemon yellow mixed with Yellow from the pokemon adventure's anime. I/Red then smirks stating "I will become champion before either of you and fixed this f'ed up world." before walking off to fight the gym leaders.

And with that the dream ended...

It still so bizarre and creepy(though kinda cool too).. I can't help but recall it that vividly.. Honestly I was talking with one cousin about Pokemon(Particularly Trainer Red) and listening to "Insanity" by Hatsune Miku before I had that dream but yeah.. ^-^'

Well if anyone needed Pokemon creepy pasta material for a story but couldn't think of one.. I'm sure this dream I told you about will give you ideas now.. ._."

537 Post deleted by user.

538 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2015-06-07 08:26 ID:cp9UJsPm [Del]

I always wanted to be a dental hyg- oh, that kind of dream...

539 Name: CreepyPlayer : 2015-06-07 19:32 ID:8e58C26O [Del]

When I sleep I have a dream were I wake up in my room. *though its not exactly my room* Its bigger and longer with ''Gaps'' between furniture and other. I hear noises and when I walk around I feel a chill and somehow see what's in the gaps without looking there. Most of the time its a blurry image or ''things'' The most recurring one is a kid looking like he went mad just watching in a crouch position. Sometime he's up on the walls sometimes he looks at me with his mouth wide open and such. But its hard to define is actual look. and he just looks scared shitless most of the time.

The only last thing I remember is there's an open window (covered by drapes) and there's a glow coming from there. I think its where the noise is coming from and it might be my experience were I had post traumatic disorder waking me up every night.... It was truly hell and I almost died from stress, lack of sleep and unable to keep meals for that week. So yea I never really went there. Mostly because I feel if I get close something's gone pull out of there and drag me out there.

540 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-08 02:15 ID:/7HIx5L4 [Del]

Last night I dreamt that I was standing in front of a bathroom mirror pulling out every single one of my rotten teeth.
(my teeth were rotted and nasty in this dream)
I was just pulling out tooth after tooth, there was blood but it was all black. After I would remove one from my head I would look it over and drop it right down the sink.
I would stop here and there, smiling at myself in the mirror, to observe the damage.
I seemed to be pretty content with the gaps in my smile.
For a brief second in the dream I remember worrying about my appearance, what people would think, how it would make me feel.
"I don't even care." I said, dropping one of the last few teeth into the sink.

Klink klink klink
I woke up.

541 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2015-06-08 07:34 ID:t9OZVfAz [Del]

So, before I tell you my dream, let me give you backstory. The Layout for my dreams never make sense. Ever. It's just nto something to be understood. Which is weird, because you think I'd realize it's a dream.

Well, yesterday was frustrating with basic communication being a thing that doesn't happen, so I was very pissed off yesterday. And the dream kind of just left room for me to be mildly annoyed and irked all day.

Regardless, on to my dream. The daughter of my dad's best friend, she's my friend, was graduating, so we went over to watch. She has two sisters, so let's call her A, the younger one B, and the older one C.

I went into the bathroom to change into something nice. She's graduating, so I figured I'd dress up. Which is where the weird layout comes in.

There's the bathroom of their house. The kitchen of their house, and the area between is was where people were walking around to attend the graduation.

I realized I didn't have something nice to wear (ie a dress), so I left without a friggen shirt on for some reason and pretty much did my best to cover myself with my arms.

Because, the thing was, I wasn't really aware that the area between was where a bunch of strangers would be for the graduation. I've known A, B, and C since we were kids, so it's not the end of the world if they saw me partially covered.

But since the situation existed and I didn't know until I left the bathroom and bedroom area. I went out and ask A and B if I could borrow a dress, but I stayed quiet to not draw attention to my situation.

But they kept asking me, "What? A brush?" After a while, I figured out that they knew that I was asking for a dress to borrow and were just being dicks about it.

So I just got pissed off, went into the bedroom, put on sweats that I stole from one of their closets, and didn't come out. I ended up falling asleep. I woke a few hours later in my dream and they'd eaten lunch and dinner without me.

I don't remember what happened after that, but I told someone in the dream what happened and they got mad because of it.

Then I woke up. Except I don't really know if this was still dreaming or if I seriously woke up. It happens for my weirder dreams, I wake up in bed, but I'm not really awake. I think I was still dreaming. I'm not sure why, but something didn't quite make sense when I woke up. This was early on in the night, so I don't remember what it was.

But this kept happening a lot. I kept dreaming that I was waking up, and the only reason why I think I was dreaming at least some of them is when I woke up this morning I dreamt that I woke up, then I realized that I was dreaming (though nothing really out of the ordinary happen. Nothing happened at all, actually) and I woke up for real.

But the dress thing still kind of pisses me off. IT's like, I know that it didn't happen, but I'm still annoyed.

542 Name: Tryosin : 2015-06-09 11:54 ID:irafpe+D [Del]

This dream that I'm gonna tell you guys about is my most weirdest dream and creepiest (in my opinion) so be ready for something weird.

So it starts of with me being at my grandparents house taking care of the laundry and to the right of the laundry machine there was a really big red button and then I said to myself. "Hmm I wonder what this red button does?" So I pressed the button and the laundry machine slided to the left and it revealed a spiral stair way downwards and I followed it and then I mysteriously got teleported to a clothing store that was also a grocery store.

Then someone walked up to me and asked. "Hello there, I'm the manager here. Do you wanna work here?" I just nodded and then he took me to a room with a sign on the door that said Personnel Only and he opened the door and when I was in the room I saw three mirrors. He took me to the first one and I looked completely fine. Then when he took me to the second mirror my face started rotting and his face was melting. Then on the third mirror my head was just a skull but my eye balls were still there and his face looked like a lizard but at the size of a humans head. Then he put a mask that made me look like a lizard and after that he said that I was hired and then he pushed me out of the room.

Then I just ran to a window to see where I was and it turned out I was at the center of the city where I lived. And I knew where I was because of a fountain that is in the city IRL. But then I noticed something, from where I was standing there is no clothing/grocery store at this place in the city IRL, instead it's a restaurant. And then I woke up. And I was just thinking to myself "What the f**k just happened?".

543 Name: zronixen : 2015-06-21 01:53 ID:DQQeBPU8 [Del]

I had a dream that I was at a party. There was a man sitting beside me that was in his mid 30's but paid no attention to me. After sitting through half of the party, I saw these girls passing out invitations. I turned to the man beside me and asked him "Why are those girls passing out invitations to a party when they're already at one?" He replied with "Those girls are acquaintances to some boy." That's all he said. When the girls finished passing out the invitations, I was the only one that didn't get invited. I then saw an elderly man that looked like a farmer, he brought his four border collies with him and began warming them up to start herding some sheep. This is where my dream took a strange turn in events, I wasn't at the party anymore. I was on top of what seemed like a train/trailer, there were no safe railings at the sides of the train/trailer so it was severely easy to fall off from the sides. The man that was sitting beside me at the party was also on the train/trailer. After traveling a few miles on the train/trailer I remembered the farmer with his border collies, turning to the man I began talking about his border collies and asked him if he had his own. He said "Yeah, I do." (He also said what color it was but I forgot what) I smiled and began talking to him about my own border collie, but he then labeled me as a nuisance and ignored me. The trains/trailers slowly came to a stop at a train track that had a paper looking house on it, but it was so wide that we couldn't go around it. I heard somebody that was the leader of the trains/trailer say "We have to make some sacrifices to be able to drive through." When that person said that, I somehow knew I was one of those sacrifices. My half of the train/trailer detached from the older man I used to talk to, but my train/trailer shrunk and was smaller. So small that I had to scrunch myself in a tight position and make my elbows touch my knees so that I would be able to fit on it, my train/trailer moved into the paper made house. I was scared and looked behind me to see some other kids that were following me, the kids were around my age (14 and younger) but when I was looking behind me at the kids, my train/trailer ran over something that made me lose my balance. As my train/trailer was about to tip over, I quickly pushed my leg out of its position and kicked the ground to make the train/trailer regain its balance. (I don't know why we couldn't walk on our own two legs, we just weren't supposed to) I looked back to take a look at what I ran over, at this point I was crying and saw that it was a Tasmanian devil. My eyes grew wide and I began asking the kids with a panicked tone "Is it dead?! Please, please tell me it isn't!!" But the kids ignored me and continued moving thier own train/trailer. I took the time to take a brief look around my surroundings to find out it was filled with Tasmanian devils. They were curious of us kids and began getting closer to us, at this moment all the kids including me jumped off our trains/trailers and ran in opposite directions. One kid that was eleven or so, was hiding near the window. I tried to crawl in the hiding spot near the window, but couldn't fit. All the kids were panicked, the eleven year old boy just looked like he was in shock. When I gave up on the window spot, I turned around to see two Tasmanian devils right in front of me, one seemed to be the mother of the few. I screamed and kicked the Tasmanian devils away from me. (I know, should have left them alone but they seemed pretty upset in the first place) this was when the Tasmanian devils had enough of us kids being in thier home. They began snarling and growling at us, I hid by a window and began crying. That's when I heard the door to the house open and the woman that owned the house said "Good job for not crying." Thats when I saw a girl that was one of the sacrifices walk back in with a smile on her face. I saw the woman close the door and began walking away, but I tore the window enough to squeeze my arm out the window. I began sobbing louder and begged her to let me out, she stopped in her tracks and smiled at me evilly. She then suddenly appeared before me and asked "So you really want out? Well there's one thing you can do-" that's when I woke up. I have no idea what she was going to say.

544 Name: Mariru : 2015-06-21 08:03 ID:1dl+J+r8 [Del]

When I was 11, I dreamt about my teacher who was one of the most popular guys in the campus go bald.
I didnt have any particular gudge against him or anything. In fact he really was handsome but he was too boring in class that i slept through his whole class session.
Anyway, when I woke up I was weirded out but i set it aside and just went to school like normal. but then when it was his time for his class, I was like oh my gosh... ( o.o ) he really did have a haircut...or more like he had a hair removal...

545 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-21 15:42 ID:G1n2qnzv [Del]

I had a dream that a boy had a father who ran a convenient store. It was a store where they lived in, so as the boy was helping his father stock up on things, he found this large mirror. Wondering what it was, he lifted his arm to find his hand go though. It took him into another world.
But not really, it didn't really occur to him that it looked exactly like his kitchen, where it stood in front of his eyes, only to look a bit dark and damp. He saw a lady, and the lady happened to be crying, and beckoned the boy to come and comfort her, but instead, his father suddenly came in to take him away. It was his mother, his father said.
They were able to escape the dimension, and live again in a benign life, but where was his mother?

It was indeed a strange dream, more like a story.

546 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-22 06:05 ID:/adgTjc6 [Del]

Does this count as a nightmare?
I was playing Spiral Knights, and I was playing from the beginning. I closed the game and opened osu! I started playing songs with no fail on, and I didn't touch the mouse. Every time a beat was missed, I felt horrible because it would cause my percentage to go down. Luckily it was only a dream.
This was the dream that made me the most scared I've ever been.

547 Name: sashimi : 2015-06-24 01:19 ID:9W8SNPRb [Del]

I remember this dream I had in kindergarten.
I was on a torture table and my two best friends were torturing me with knives and stuff. Suddenly I peed and they laughed at it. The girl then stabbed me in the vagina. After, I woke up and had peed in my pants 0-0

Don't judge me please

548 Name: Anonymocity : 2015-06-24 11:27 ID:XUeD+Ovh [Del]

I had this one dream where this guy in a suit was swinging on a vine yelling "haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potate". I wish I was lying but I'm not

549 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-06-26 04:24 ID:+tp3yXhS [Del]

>>547 Maybe you're subconsciously a M?

550 Name: TDFKAC : 2015-06-26 07:18 ID:A4fmrj+Y [Del]

>>547 hot

551 Name: Mag : 2015-06-26 12:24 ID:wU54c/CM [Del]

>>547 And here I thought we could all be adults and not make fun of them.

552 Name: RoseRed : 2015-06-29 23:30 ID:S4w1qpIS [Del]

I have allotof really weird dreams. Mostly their psychic but a little wrong like what might happen if someone doesn't do something.
An example would be when I dreampt about my best friend killing herself. She had actually written a suicide letter but me and one of her other friends convinced her not to.
But sometimes my dreams aren't psychic at all. I mean at least I think they aren't. Nothing even remotely similar has happened yet.
Like I had a really strange dream in which i was at a party with a ton of people who I didn't know but felt really familiar with. Espescially one girl and boy. The girls name was Sarah (she had blond wavy hair and a white shirt on) and I don't remember the boys name but he had pretty long hair (and was wearing a blue shirt with a black design) . I asked the girl out. Which is really strange because im not a lesbian ( I'm not even bi ) and she said yes and kissed me. Then some guy (who I didn't like for some reason) started flirting with me( I mean I really hated him)I got away from him but was stopped by the guy with the long hair. And guess what. Apparently I had a crush on him ( he was cute) and he flirted with me. He knew I liked him and he saw me kiss Sarah but he was flirting with me.
I don't remember much more of the dream. It felt really weird though because I really just don't like girls.
I've also been having dreams in which the same two people occur. They always look the same and they always have the same name.
Peter always approaches me and I'm confused but I trust him even though he's a total stranger. He takes me somewhere but I'm always hurt bye Jacob who I feel is Peter's brother but doesn't like Peter much. Sometime there's a third charachter but I always wake up before getting his name.

553 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2015-07-01 03:59 ID:SKF0wQlI [Del]

I might as well share two of mine.

In one of them, my dad turned into a bear and was eaten alive by ants. The entire dream was in a Dr. Seuss art style. I was about six at the time and it was horrifying enough to young me that I still remember it to this day.

Another dream that I had was about a year or two ago. You know those little dots in Pac Man that you have to go around and "eat"? I was one of those dots. I tried to beg the kid playing the game to stop, but of course, he couldn't hear me and continued playing. I got eaten and then I just stopped existing.

554 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2015-08-03 14:15 ID:4Aqd/fv6 [Del]

I just had a dream where I woke up and was in a different world. They had the internet since literally the beginning of time as just a thing that permeates the air, but they took it for granted to the point that they never advanced their technology past text-only communication through the internet, and any phone more advanced than a rotary phone cost thousands of dollars. All of the entire world was also ruled by a dictator. Though he seemed nice to the people who lived in the same city as him, due to better technology for less inside the city and other such stuff, life outside the city was extremely hard and no one really had the money to even get a flip phone, which had been invented just a few days before, and the fact that the dictator made laws against a lot of stuff being aloud outside the city, of course not telling its citizens.

My dad was a renowned mechanic, and would fix anything anyone brought to him for pretty much free.

I found a gang in my town that wanted to overtake the government and a lot of other stuff, but they just didn't have enough power to really do anything against the technological giant that was the city. I decided to join them, though, to help try to balance everything out.

While I was wandering the town, I found a group of three really cute little girls that were living in an abandoned house. They were too cute to not help out, so a lot of stuff happened that was mainly off screen for what seemed to be about a year. During that time, we (I) fixed up the house they were living in, got them clothes that weren't terrible, though still no way to clean them, and a stable food supply.

My gang found me one day while heading back home with them, since I lived with them now, after having some fun at... some building that I don't even remember what it was. They had somehow acquired a motorcycle. Their budget was messed up as always. The girls thought the motorcycle was super cool and went and hopped on it.

The gang guy and I talked for a while, and he said he'd take the girls back to the house, and he and I would talk more there. He zoomed on ahead, and I took about 20 minutes to reach the house. The girls weren't anywhere inside, but he was.

Stuff happened off screen after I asked where the girls were and he refused to answer, and now we enter the biggest house in town and the girls are there. We live with the most wealthy family outside of the city now for some reason.

And that was a dream.

555 Name: Brighten : 2015-08-04 04:23 ID:EvQc2ZvE [Del]

One time I was Will Smith and I saved a tower full or orphans that were being used as test subjects.

556 Name: hazel : 2015-08-04 20:43 ID:uV0EB+Pn [Del]

I went to beach and even though my cousin was right there everyone was crying and saying he was dead.. very strange. I guess I was a ghost whisperer.

557 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-10 01:09 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]


558 Name: PandaFreak : 2015-08-11 11:25 ID:zoC+Th0x [Del]

I once had a dream where I was in my house and there were Titans practicly everywhere.They would only appear after some kind of curfew (when the sun sets) and you would have to stay indoors in order to be the weird part....
If a Titan took interest in your would have to smear peanut butter on some other house...PEANUT BUTTER!!!
I had a continuation to this weird ass dream so I took my time to calculate what happened...
So I accidentally smeared peanut butter on my house...was nearly eaten by a Titan...cleaned the peanut butter off my house with bleach...killed some Titans like you would imagine...flew around like crazy...soon enough I was in a house where the feller would take me to safety...some guy doing drugs ran off jumped through the window...I start to chase him for some reason...and I then woke up
I don't know how my brain came up with this but holy shit it was weird

(This is much longer then it should be)

559 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-11 12:52 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

I had some weird dream where I was going to this creepy class where you had to torture yourself and other students, and you weren't allowed to leave until you finished every assignment. You had to be really discrete about the torture since it took place in like a library computer room. The class was otherwise really open, like you could come and go as you pleased, but the possibility of being killed some day if you left was terrifying enough to keep people there. It was really weird.

560 Name: That's... : 2015-08-11 16:06 ID:4hlseOcK [Del]


Fuck, dude. That's a neat concept for a movie or an anime.

561 Name: Shiro (Phone) : 2015-08-11 20:30 ID:CaWcdPSY [Del]

I had a dream once that me and my class mates had to save the world from a sheep wearing a monocke and a top hat. . .im special

562 Name: PyroToxin : 2015-08-12 00:56 ID:0d2vGgKc [Del]

I once dreamed I was stuck in my classroom, but the chairs were robo bulls...

563 Post deleted by user.

564 Name: Low_fiction : 2015-08-12 07:57 ID:CAfe12fL [Del]

Once, I dreamnt about being eaten by a banana

565 Name: Masaomi : 2015-08-13 23:51 ID:yTyHmodc [Del]

I had a dream were I was in my house then it started raining blood and this old creepy lady was attacking me and then zombies came and at her then me ..... Yeah so that's it

566 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-14 01:10 ID:uFb2wkXv [Del]

In my dream (let's just skip the weird and fucking scary bit), my bag was painted blue, MY GREEN CREEPER BAG WAS PAINTED BLUE SO ALL THE GREEN WAS REPLACED. The surprise and the fury i felt then was more than I ever felt before, there was also a tinge of despair after I knew it was unrepairable, good thing that when I woke up it was fine

567 Name: HFA : 2015-08-14 21:07 ID:LDXeRCM9 [Del]

I had a dream that a car broke down on the side of the road. Some random person sent me to a fire station to get this object that was apparently going to fix the car. But when I got to the fire station, America, England, and Germany (from Hetalia) were there. Apparently the fire station was where they lived and they all had their own bedrooms decorated with things from their country. Then they somehow had a room for me too. I was trying to find the object I came there for but they wouldn't let me, and they wanted to give me a tour of the fire station. After the tour, I tried to get the object again, but America told me I couldn't unless I stayed overnight in the fire station. I started arguing with all of them, but I eventually agreed to stay. I don't remember what happened after that...
I guess I watched too much Hetalia that day...

568 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-08-28 22:11 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

I had a weird dream last night. I was still attending vocational school (except there were more female students in the program), and we were invited to have a few students participate in some swimming competition. I thought it was hilarious and offered to go. But once we got there, it turned out that it was some super serious Olympic-style competition between schools across the country. I had no idea how to dive properly, but I didn't really freak out, just because the situation was so fucking comical. Alright guys let's invite the computer geeks to the swimming competition without telling them there'd be thousands of people watching! The other school kept assuring us it wasn't competitive, but just, wtf lmao

569 Name: DutchBunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-09-26 13:32 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

Had a cool one this morning. Two of my friends (let's say A is the guy and B is the girl) and I went to LA to visit A's friend. We had a fun time, walking around the strips, getting Slurpees and sandwiches, and making fun of celebrities. But the A's friend (C) came to us and was really serious. Apparently his brother (D)'s girlfriend had gone missing, and he had reason to believe D was responsible for it. C was friendly with a couple cops, and they agreed to cover him if he went in D's place to find evidence, but he needed help going through everything since D's house was bigger than it looked.

We agreed to help out, so the four of us (ABC+me) snuck in D's house while he was out, the cops waiting outside. The place was really weird. It was very sleek and modern, but there were a ton of rooms and hallways and doors hidden behind things like bookshelves, etc. We weren't being careful at all and just kinda tore everything apart. We couldn't find any evidence that he'd killed her, but we did discover that their relationship wasn't great, he was cheating on her, and the lady he cheated with had a kid he really liked.

When we were leaving, I remembered that I'd seen flowers from the window and decided to check it out before we left. Sure enough, it was a fresh flower bed the width/length of a grave. The cops came over and were like "well, I guess we know where the body is" and pointed out there was another one nearby, implying there were two victims. The cops pulled shovels out to check, but the gardener saw the group and started coming over. The four of us ran off before we could be seen, and it clicked then that the gardener would have to be in on it if those were the graves. I woke up then.

It's really odd for me to have crime dreams. With very few exceptions, I dislike the mystery / detective / crime genre with a passion.

570 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-09-26 22:04 ID:K/31Usp2 [Del]

If these could all be expanded and be short stories, we could potentially publish a sci-fi book.

571 Name: Michkoch !7ufZFMQff6 : 2015-09-26 23:37 ID:2pWvsKyP [Del]

Once I had a dream about me living in an post-apocaliptic world, the last and only survivor, surrounded by a decaying city. And I dreamt that I was there for 10 years all alone, just by myself. I have never felt the same before. That dream changed me. It was so vivid, so real... The loneliness... It was horrible, it was hell itself. Since then I'm affraid of losing my friends and to become a lone person.

572 Name: Michkoch !7ufZFMQff6 : 2015-09-26 23:46 ID:2pWvsKyP [Del]


573 Name: DutchBunny !lmBitchbiw : 2015-11-08 09:29 ID:iJSTtCe+ [Del]

two weird dreams recently.

1) I lived in some shitty country at war and hopped a bus headed to a nearby. I know it was going to get attacked, so I dove off the side and crawled up to a shore on the island, found a boat, and drove myself over to the main town area. Once there, I realized everyone was speaking a language I didn't understand, so I wandered around looking at food with puppy dog eyes until I accidentally stole something. That's when I met these two boys, a tall black kid with buzz-cut hair and a short white kid with long dreads, who "saved" me and brought me to their base of operations. They were also foreigners and could speak my language.

They'd been working as mercenaries in the area, trying to get intel on the war before it touched their little slice of paradise. Then some guys broke in, and I saved them, and they were like "oh damn bitch can fite" so I joined their exploits. I also fell for the white kid who fell for me, but we couldn't admit it. Then some of his hair got cut in an accident, so he decided to get it re-styled, and I made fun of him too much for it looking girly so he left us :c but the black guy and I continued our merc duties. The other kid never did come back before the dream ended.

2) I squeezed my breasts in my dream, and like, pus came out of my nipples, and then my boobs deflated down to a b-cup, and a hole opened where I squeezed. It was really fucking disgusting. Like my boobs were acne. Ewwwwwwwwwww.

574 Name: Bambi (bitchtrip here) : 2016-03-20 17:13 ID:neB2yve+ [Del]

So many typos in that ^

I had a couple nightmares last night. I'd gone on a trip with friends and came back to find my mom's dog almost completely starved. (She actually was sick recently, but she's been gaining weight lately and is pretty much a healthy weight now, so yay.) Also had a nightmare that my mom tried to get back together again with her various husbands and failed as always and everyone hated each other the same way they always do and it was awful.

575 Name: Kurosuke !ZhEadTxef6 : 2016-03-21 07:19 ID:V8oeKLs9 [Del]

>>570 i agree.
this will called:

"Dollars Anthology"

576 Name: Mako : 2016-03-21 07:47 ID:2jtteONn [Del]

My friend had told me about a weird dream she had about her crush rubbing a teachers butt (don't ask, it was terrifying to hear). That night I had a horrible dream that I was chained to a wall and forced to watch that happen. All. Night. Long. I'm scarred for life.

577 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-21 13:22 ID:22YXh6lM [Del]


578 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2016-03-21 14:36 ID:ch6863N1 [Del]

My friend had this dream that she told me about where she came to my house since she was in town and wanted to hang out. However, when she got there my mom said, "Sorry, OroseC isn't asleep right now." So she spent the rest of the dream waiting for me. Guess I didn't fall asleep XD

579 Name: JNR$ : 2016-03-22 02:16 ID:Nx+JWA4l [Del]

Last night some dude i was sitting next to on the couch with put his arm around me so i RAMed his arm into the side of the couch got punched then his dad punched then i shoot both of them in the legs that will tech you for trying to put the moves on me i left the house or apartment an drove off into the sunset stupidest dream yet gay dude trying to put his arm around me so i break his get punched by 2 people an then i shoot both of them in the legs wtf

580 Name: Blake : 2016-03-22 10:20 ID:qOtRLnu1 [Del]

I had this dream where i was in a 'Alice in Wonderland' typr house and there were all these stairs and like some were on the cieling or side ways on the walls and like all these stairs were different but when i tried to leave the room through any of them like i wouldnt be able to move my legs past a certain point or like i would see fire among a lot of other things

581 Name: wasp : 2016-03-22 15:01 ID:JsDicpzd [Del]

so I was at a skate park that was actually a roller-coaster and we decided to skateboard but instead of using a skateboard we had to skate on frozen rad

582 Name: Ella Marvell : 2016-03-23 10:05 ID:63uPocWN [Del]

Okay, so I had this weeeird dream when I was younger that all of my family members drove away without me. So I had chased after them, (and somehow I was able to keep up with them.) Somehow they got off the car and passed by me into the building. So, it kind of gets weird now.... The whole landscape kinda looked like a Toca Train station. The whole sky was made up of a patchwork quilt. The grass looked like green felt circles pasted to the ground. The train looked like a 3D toca train. My family stepped inside and the train started off on its path. I started trying to run after the train, trying to get the conductor to slow down for me. I finally caught up to it and the conductor looked at me. The conductor had no face (Imagine Slenderman as a conductor)

583 Post deleted by user.

584 Name: Kai !5EJ71eKlNQ : 2016-03-23 20:40 ID:MBNeDjet [Del]

(someone told me to put this in here since it would be better to be here than random, even though it isn't a strange dream.) Ok, so last night I had a dream, and it was one of my favorites. I have an Internet friend that lives in a different country. I've known them for almost a year, and they're just one of my bestest internet friends. Anyway, I had a dream my friend that I know in real life and I traveled to where they lived and actually stayed there. It was so amazing. I even hung out with their friend, who I'm friends with. Also, their aunt in the dream looked just like my cousin! Except, for some reason she had orange hair. That's pretty much it, but I loved it so much. c:

585 Name: Panda Le Freak !EYrvRrGrnI : 2016-03-23 22:22 ID:HqjShSGP [Del]

>>584 Holy shit Kai. I mean do you even know how we look like man.
Or did you just dream of meeting our living icons.
Actually who did you visit, Bakey? Sei? Daniel?
Be more specific will you. OuO

586 Name: Mako !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-03-24 07:39 ID:1PEXI4Xi [Del]

>>585 I know Kai offline so I can answer this!

Kai is talking about a friend who isn't in the Dollars, they know each other over Instagram :)

587 Name: jaybee : 2016-03-24 09:37 ID:SV8dpwbZ [Del]

So, this dream isn't recent at all, I'm pretty sure I had it when i was about 6. At the time, I really liked a Strawberry Shortcake show that was airing. Anyways, one night I went to bed and dreamed that I was in the show, but it was just empty and no one was there. So I looked inside a house (which was literally just a gigantic strawberry) when the entire house just stood up on long, skinny legs and started chasing me. The entire dream was basically just a building-sized strawberry chasing me around in circles, yet I remember that when I woke up, I was absolutely terrified.

588 Name: Someone dear : 2016-04-08 23:13 ID:Y8etJ0zH [Del]

I was once raped by my friend in a dream, though I never saw him at all I knew it was him. Dreams are weird like that. It wasn't pleasant. It felt so real that the entire time I was wrecked over what would happen to out relationship afterwards.

589 Name: Raiden !iKD8I/3/Jc : 2016-04-19 16:15 ID:sUcO7x54 [Del]

I went to Hell in a dream once... wasn't bad actually. Some of it was frozen over too. I went sledding with a kitten of all things. It was fun. Weird part is, I'm not religious, and I had a dream related (kinda) to religion.

590 Name: CLAY !edDj4vQpdM : 2016-04-20 04:02 ID:nD7Qd9el [Del]

o i just started my dream log tumblr today haha

anyway here's an abridged description of today's dream: local swimming pool features mechanics that allow for color changing lights. senior students take advantage of this mechanic to take photos of other students with different colored lights.

591 Name: Abziiee!eOSP90O0Mg : 2016-04-20 08:45 ID:apbAQSEd [Del]

Talking 'bout weird shit, two days ago I dreamed bout my mum hitting my head with wood was it? then somehow it was some freaking hard plastic cooking brush thing. I took my little sister and basically fled out the house. not that i died from the continuos hits since it didn't stop me from coherent thinking or moving.... weird. The house was different as well as my surroundings I felt like I was living there and it felt familiar somehow while I was fleeing through the alleys and stair cases in flats. Also, after I wake up and go to the living room eating breakfast with my mom after hours, I see that damn brush thing on the table since my sister plays with it. *Sighs*

592 Name: Roe : 2016-04-20 23:12 ID:nMEdhc/L [Del]

Does anyone else constantly have zombie dreams? I have one almost every time I find myself dreaming. I don't even like zombies. I can count the number of zombie movies/shows I've seen on one hand. It's annoying that I'm starting to get used to these dreams.

593 Name: ToChan24 : 2016-04-21 18:16 ID:oxuaeBsp [Del]

I always have dreams like me being an alien and trying to fight someone or gaining power and knowledge to save the world!! it happens to me so much that I have started to believe that i am actually an alien and the one who are like my species are trying to contact me through my dreams~ I really wish it to be true! ^^

594 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2016-06-06 22:04 ID:cYaqhYUM [Del]

I once had a dream about the zombie apocalypse and Jesus was there. He was a douchebag.

595 Name: OtherSong!u/DTDJe3l. : 2016-06-11 15:42 ID:3+Rt/s3v [Del]

I'm in a dark apartment, and i'm kneeling in front of an open fridge. I know i have to make supper, but i feel so drowsy...4 girls surround me: three stare at me, one of them makes clicking noises; the last one is using a dropper to drop some kind of liquid into my hair. it's suddenly daytime; i'm standing in front of an open door shining light into a different apartment: two guys walk in (movers) and stare at the mountain of women's shoes on the floor in front of me.

That's one of the recurring ones. I feel like reading this thread would be good inspiration for surrealist art/themes/shows haha

596 Name: CLAY !edDj4vQpdM : 2016-06-12 16:02 ID:je0VWyqD [Del]

IRL, my laptop is currently broken (top screen can't bend)

in my dream. I simply ripped off the top screen, so that I wouldn't have the hassle of carrying around an open laptop.

then i realized that I couldn't use the laptop because there was no screen.

597 Name: JaNi : 2016-06-12 20:49 ID:Usuzw4Ol [Del]

I was being chased by wolves so I went to higher ground and when I looked back I saw puppies with pies on their faces

598 Name: Sakata250 : 2016-06-13 09:02 ID:SBpu7PHi [Del]

In my dream I was at a classroom in some kind of lecture and my cat appear out of nowhere there and I pick him up in my lap and started to rock him like a baby and sing some kind of lullaby that sound a lot like the theme song of Dragon Ball Z HAHAHAHA!

599 Name: Annivras : 2016-06-13 17:42 ID:0vy1ucQD [Del]

Even though i love fat cats, always a fat cat in my dreams would hate me

600 Name: Speaking Sister : 2016-06-15 09:42 ID:Nzbz6SCW [Del]

I had a dream where everything was normal and then I woke up and everything was still normal, that is really weird. Normally abnormal things occur in dreams, maybe I wasn't sleeping, maybe I'm psychic. By the way any heavy guys want to smut? instead of googling you can email me at c:

601 Name: Dutch❋Bunny !lmBitchbiw : 2016-06-28 09:15 ID:neB2yve+ [Del]

Had a dream that two friends of mine (one represented by Markiplier, the other implied to be a mutual friend of ours), and I were the "good" guys in some treasure hunting story like Uncharted. After all this drama and cameraderie, there was a super climactic scene where the mutual friend had a shoot-off with someone. The bad guy was seriously injured and on the ground (shot multiple times in the abdomen), but our friend was killed (shot in the head).

I was really, really upset and pissed and grabbed his gun (which was this little nub-nosed six-round revolver with one shot left) and went to finish him off, but Mark just kind of grabbed my arms and pulled me down like "no... we're gonna be good. This isn't what we're here for. You're gonna be a good girl today, not a killer." and we just kinda cried and tried to pull ourselves together until the dream ended.

Imagine if there was actually a moral struggle in the latest Uncharted (minus the final action scene) instead of "whooo let's just kill everyone without a second thought, then tell our child all about our 'adventures'!"

still kind of depressed over the dream tho. it's like the emotional version of a nightmare :T

602 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-06-28 21:59 ID:nV9u+KN3 [Del]

I had a dream where I slaughtered my entire family like they were pigs, and loved it. Problem?

603 Name: /Kida : 2016-06-29 12:45 ID:gEU19D7M [Del]

LOL, I had a dream that I stormed a isis base and killed them all with my bare hands, then this is when it starts to get weird, a fallen angel and 5 demons wanted to kill me cause I was a threat to all demonic creatures plan, but you know how it ends for em after I came out like a boss, then I stopped NWO, prevented demons from destroying all humanity, and then goku and vegeta was in my dream they said I'm tHe strongest human on earth and wanted to fight me so I said sure they fused into Vegito SSJ5PERFECT the earth wasn't able to hold up so knowing me, I teleported us onto another planet in the dark universe, and hell there was xenomorphs, demons, and more, I'm basically faster than everyone I'm 5th on the list.

So in my dream I'm basically a god, so I wooped Vegito kicked all the way back to earth, which is a godly level kick since I teleported on a godly level and speed lets just say lightyears are just cell's compared to me, multi dimensions, and universes God is able to go to.

Part 2, next week.

604 Name: RikkaChi : 2016-06-29 19:57 ID:YvKCqNXH [Del]

I had a dream where I was walking in a dark path. I couldn't see a thing. All of a sudden, I was playing SNES Mario Cart Rainbow Road. But, I was running. And got run over about 5 times. All of a sudden it felt as if I was falling and then I woke up. And I walked around more and fell again. This happened about 10 times before I actually woke up.
I haven't had many dreams since.

605 Name: Ana !S261O6b/YU : 2016-06-29 22:48 ID:fbVEtqbz [Del]

This dream actually took place quite a while ago.

I was taking a field trip in a mansion. I was walking around multiple rooms and one of these rooms had a Jamaican guy sawing on a piece of wood. I assume other rooms had other people doing similar projects regarding craft or construction.
I found the field trip really boring and wanted to get out of the dream, so I tried to kill myself multiple times by jumping of of the indoor balcony. I felt disappointed when it didn't work the first few times. It was actually a pretty mundane dream, despite this.

I have also had dreams where I would get sucked into a narrow tunnel and end up in a duplicate version of my home, and I would always try to get back to my real home by attempting to summon that tunnel. I think it went that way, at least. Whenever I asked the fake family member (the copy, I should say) about how to get back to my real home, they always insisted that the duplicate home WAS my real home.

606 Name: Tarquin : 2016-06-30 08:25 ID:TqYMXjG3 [Del]

Okay so this will need some explanation. When I was younger I had a problem where if I was really tired, my dreams would start effecting me outside of them. If you don't understand then you soon will.

I went to Canada for a week long trip and the first night I woke up to the sound of pirates laughing, I could see their shadows on the wall as they walked across the cabin. I slept next to a window, so when I looked out I saw us sailing away from our cabin. I started to freak out a little bit so I tried getting out of bed, when I touched the floor I realized I was actually on a bunk bed so I was dangling from the top of my bed and had to struggle to not fall.

When I eventually got onto the floor, I went to our kitchen, when I walked through the door the entire cabin was rocking back and forth almost like a boat. Realizing that I was probably hallucinating, I decided to go outside the cabin and get some fresh air. When I closed the cabin door behind me, everything went quiet and the whole thing stopped.

Some of you may get skeptical by this but it was weird af and I still remember it perfectly.

607 Name: No5 !No5.DXNUVA : 2016-07-01 18:15 ID:XkOPYC+0 [Del]

Once I dreamt I was in a zombie-apocalypse-like world and it was one of the coolest nightmare-like dreams I ever had. Then on the next two days I also dreamt I was in that world and those dreams were sequels of the first one, but in the third day I slept I died in there, and never dreamt about that again.

Then sometimes I wonder if life is like that dream, when we die here do we wake up in another place?

608 Name: Levi'sEren : 2016-07-05 07:41 ID:nnfaupgn [Del]

I had a dream once that I actually /was/ Haruka Nanase and I was in a race against Rin Matsuoka and I won and then woke up. it was thrilling

609 Name: Scarface : 2016-08-12 08:50 ID:1Tge+Ne3 [Del]


610 Name: Kon : 2016-08-13 18:40 ID:CfBssr94 [Del]

For the people who think the Dollars is the real deal and real organization, then please comment on this thread to tell me what you think. I wunna see who really thinks its the real deal.

611 Name: demoness : 2016-08-15 04:35 ID:+mLUB18t [Del]

i had a dream once where i was someone else. i was walking, and with each step the scenery around me changed. one moment i would be in a dark hallway, then suddenly it would be an open field, then a room with marble floors and torches, then a path in the woods, then a courtyard with archways and vines, in whatever order ever changing. the whole time, there was a voice calling out a name- the name of the person i was in the dream- and i'd have an out of body experience. my dream perspective would zoom out, and I'd see the face of the person i was in the dream, but i can never remember if it was a man or a woman, what the name was. i kind of feel like it was my own voice calling the name of the person i was in the dream though, and it was weird, so... of course, i decided to use it in a story XD

612 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-08-15 07:04 ID:neB2yve+ [Del]

I didn't share my latest weird dream on here and ended up forgetting it. Fuck.

613 Name: Valter Lund : 2016-08-15 11:52 ID:SPny/u3s [Del]

I murdered Kim Kardashian in my basement, stole her teeth, and proceeded to sell them on the black market.

Make of that what you will.

614 Name: PandaNinja : 2016-08-15 18:34 ID:JEsVXk1H [Del]

I once had a dream where i was naked in the middle of an old street that i used to live by and there was a big house with a huge yard and i went behind a rock and i was trying to see if someone was there, because i spotted my clothes there. I ran to the house and got dressed and for some reason entered the house and hannah montanna's brother pulled me into a room and raped me. after that i went into the restroom and i cried and there was a horse in the bathtub and it was really skinny and creepy and white??? There was like vomit in his mouth and dripping out. Idk what the fuck that means but ok

615 Name: Enigami : 2016-08-16 07:24 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

Had a dream about my old high school, except it was some bizarro version of it. There was blood and graffiti all over the walls, it was dimly lit, and there seemed to be very few people. I also like kinda remember some girl being a bitch to me, but the details are scant.

616 Name: JNR$ : 2016-08-17 03:52 ID:r5toFAO6 [Del]

A king cobra looks at me goes outside ok im climbing back into my covers hear growling then just to get my throat ripped out by a little cute puppy wtf dream

617 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-08-17 04:11 ID:TbWJsWWp [Del]

>>615 I hope she died?

618 Name: Enigami : 2016-08-17 06:58 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

>>617 Eh, don't remember.
Had another weird one. It started out at my grandparents' driveway, and all my cousins were working on cars. My extended family then had an intervention for me, but for what reason I'm not sure. I think it had to do with me not wanting to be around them.

619 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-08-17 08:27 ID:TbWJsWWp [Del]

>>618 How nice of them, til you realize it's a dream.

620 Name: jill : 2016-10-13 14:43 ID:YnHEIk3T [Del]

I'm back~ wait that's not right
Anyway, I woke up 4 in the morning because of a strange dream. I dreamt that someone I know was unconcious and I was holding him, I felt nervous that woke me up. I tried going back to sleep but ended up continuing the same dream, I was feeling really anxious now, that woke me up again. I got out of bed and drank some water cause I heard that its good to stay hydrated during situations like that. After that, I went back to bed and felt that I might continue dreaming if I slept, so I check my phone for notification. Strange thing is the person I dreamt of message me around that time. So I texted him back and continued sleeping. An hour later, I suddenly having that dream again. This time I was talking with another friend, we were just talking normally when suddenly she mentioned his name. I remember that dream I have that made me anxious, and woke me up again. I was around 5:50 am, I checked my phone and saw him replied to my message. It just made me wonder that maybe he put a notification in my brain. My phone is always silent and I'm a deep sleeper. What's more is I rarely have dreams. If I have a dream it would make uncomfortable to sleep and it wound end up with the sleep/wake pattern. When I dream its most of the time a precognition. That's why I'm really anxious when I'm dreaming. Maybe something bad would happen to him, I just can't stop thinking about it.

621 Name: Enigami : 2016-10-13 16:19 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

Had a lucid dream recently. It was outside my school, and it was sleeting. I realized I was dreaming because my feet felt cold, and when I looked down at them, I saw it was barefoot, standing in sleet. Upon realizing it was a dream, I have do aloud "ah, guess I'm dreaming." I briefly glowed yellow, too. From there, I remember jumping over a bunch of cars. Up to that point in the dream, I had been with some old friends of mine. I think I ditched them after realizing I was dreaming.

622 Name: Enigami : 2016-10-13 16:20 ID:c3/9yR0O [Del]

*said aloud. Damn auto correct...

623 Name: Naga saki : 2016-10-14 05:56 ID:r1stwFQg [Del]


624 Name: jill : 2016-10-14 14:37 ID:YnHEIk3T [Del]

I dream that I have no dream

625 Name: Neko !CATze2aJBc : 2016-12-29 23:38 ID:/8YIStNX [Del]

Lately I keep dreaming of munching on people's arms. Not eating them, though. Just chomping.

626 Name: Blank : 2016-12-30 01:35 ID:g7I4Ick5 [Del]

One night I had this extremely weird dream and I remember it very well. Also sorry I such at spelling.

Okay so I was with my grade back when I was in middle achool. We were having a trip to Joshua Tree National Park. As a grade we go on camping trips.

So I was climbing up a mountain and I saw a boulder that was obviously covering a secret door. I went over and slipped into the passageway. Inside was a giant room that on the ceiling was the night sky and the floor was a lake. There was one boat on the lake and some floating candles. I got into a boat and was just floating down the river/lake, I was filming it because it was weird.

Then I was transported into another room that looked like the back stage of a theater. The walls were those big red velvet curtains. There was someone talking to me, it was the god of the relm. He told me to put away the camera because he wanted to remain a secret.

Then I was transported to a minecraft super flat world covered in bounce houses. There was an evil guy who led me to a big bounce house castle. The path leading to the door was covered in bottle caps that were sharp side up. Among the bottle caps was a ring. I picked it up and became the ruler of the realm.

Suddenly a giant came and attacked. I hid in the bouncy house and thought of my grade (class) back in Joshua Tree and how they were probably looking for me. I was wishing I was back with them, that's how you got out of the realm. It wasn't working and the giant was coming closer to me. Then I woke up.
Then I had this other dream when I was a little child.

I was sleeping in my bed when a giant pink and purple owl came through my window. I hopped on and we flew into the nights sky. Then I had to poop so I pooped on the owl and it went right through him.
I have really weird dreams.

627 Name: Izaya : 2016-12-30 13:45 ID:Hjg2EDA5 [Del]

My sister turned into Juuzou Suzuya from Tokyo Ghoul and tried to kill everyone.

628 Name: merge : 2016-12-30 16:06 ID:4mCehhDh [Del]

'Austria' from Hetalia came to my primary school andbegan eating all the children.

629 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2017-03-01 12:29 ID:JifZTX47 [Del]

I was depositing my luggage at a counter in a giant restroom.
It's an American one, and I know that because the people there were complaining about how the trans politics are forcing toilets to be unisex.

..I read too much newspaper.

630 Name: Nanako's Shadow : 2017-03-02 09:26 ID:cGXTav/y [Del]

Izaya burst into my room and I jumped away because he lunged at me with a knife but then he just started laughing maniacally and cut up my pillows. Then he yelled about how he had been selling humanity short.

631 Name: uni !0UZD1OR/j. : 2017-04-03 19:19 ID:XCXljD6/ [Del]

So, I don't know if this is actually a dream but I'll share anyways because I'm curious to see if anybody has had a similar dream/experience.

I went to sleep like I normally do, but I "woke up" around 2:30am because I had a nightmare (or dream within a dream) (what it was is irrelevant and I can't remember anyway). After "waking up," I couldn't remember absolutely ANYTHING about my entire existence. I had no idea who I was, what age I was, what my name was, where I was, what time/day it was, couldn't remember the name of anyone whom I might know, etc. I just laid on my bed for what seemed like 5 minutes tops trying to remember who I was (I didn't even try to move because I was terrified and extremely confused). All the details of my life started slowly coming back to me one by one and I was terrified of going back to sleep because I thought I would forget everything again once I woke up.

There are some possible explanations: 1. It was all a dream. I never actually woke up, but instead woke up inside the dream and forgot everything inside that dream. 2. I was in a half-conscious state where I neither was awake nor asleep. I didn't try to move so idk if I wouldn't have been able to move, so sleep paralysis may have happened? Although I've never experienced it before. 3. I actually did forget everything lol.

I've woken up before confused as to where I was, but never have I forgotten every detail of my life. I talked to my therapist about this and she said it's happened to her 3 times in her life and that it may be related to anxiety, but it's nothing to worry about. I also tried googling it, but there were not that many results. Has this every happened to any of you? What do you think?

632 Post deleted by user.

633 Name: Cy : 2017-04-04 00:06 ID:CDdJ8Erc [Del]

There's this type of dream I occasionally have, and I don't know if it qualifies as a dream or not but I'll tell the story anyway.This has only happened two or three times and it's not really the dream itself that's weird but the experience.

I'll be having a dream when I wake up, but not totally so I'm in this half awake state but because I'm still partly sleeping my dream doesn't go away. Instead it merges with whatever scene I'm looking at so the background/setting of the dream just becomes the scene I'm looking at (first dream was about some witch raven that landed on the window to the left of my bed and tried to use a spell to kill me and the second was some guy that came through the door to the right and tried to choke me to death). The disturbing part of it is that while I'm watching the scene with open eyes, I can't breathe. Literally. It's like instead of breathing naturally and having to make an effort to hold your breath, the roles have reversed and I have to make a conscious effort to breathe or I'll just stop doing it. It stops doing that as soon as I close my eyes but when I open my eyes I can't breathe again. My vision becomes all blurry and unclear because of the lack of oxygen so I'm in this state of constantly opening then squeezing my eyes back shut desperately. On the second time I did try keeping my eyes open for as long as I could to see how long I would last and what would happen, but I somehow sensed it was becoming too dangerous and shut my eyes again.

At some point the strangling sensation dies down which is when I fully gain consciousness and lay there staring as my vision slowly clears. It happens kinda like how a camera comes into focus, but more gradually and smoothly. For some reason I've always felt calm and blank after I gain full consciousness instead of the expected panic.

634 Name: Kuudere !nDs1lC1ZZc : 2017-04-05 07:50 ID:RFbhBNXT [Del]

I had 2 zombie dreams and they were... weird. The last time I thought of anything zombie-like was a whole month ago so I have no idea how they got into my dream.

The first dream started in a normal afternoon while my mum was cleaning the garden. She found something weird and when she bent down to look at it, she yelled. My sister and I went to the garden to see what was happening. My sister opened the door and then my mum jumped onto her. Almost immediately, my sister rose up, now a zombie too. I tried to lock the door, but instead of pounding on the doors like normal zombies did, they had intelligence and somehow opened the doors with ease. I ran away from home as fast as I could. I ran two streets away and tried to call for help. I rang a doorbell, and I heard footsteps, so I thought I was saved. But then suddenly, the one that opened the door was a zombie and I was shocked by the jump-scare. The only thing I remembered after that was I kept running away and asking for help, but everyone turned out to be zombies. I can't remember any more because I had this dream 2 weeks ago but yeah... I know its weird

The second dream was the one I had last night, which surprisingly I remember very little of. There was a zombie apocalypse again, but I was alone on a train to a safe place (this may be a mix between the continuation of the last dream and Train to Busan). Just like Train to Busan, an old woman ended up opening the door thing, but it was like I knew it would happen so I quickly rushed to the next carriage. Since my dream was set in my suburb, the carriages either have this space separated by a metal door and some metal foil on the walls (?) or you have to exit the train to cross over to another carriage. The latter one is more dangerous but also better because you can separate the carriages by force. Anyways, I was in the one with the doors so I opened them and force closed them before everyone could turn into zombies. For some reason the rest of the train was empty so I ran to the very front of the train, but the train suddenly stopped. I realized that we had stopped at a train station but the operator had turn into a zombie and as a last effort he locked himself inside the room and opened the doors. I sprinted as hard as I could towards the other platform where the doors were closing. I barely made it in because the zombies were slow. Inside the train, it felt like a different world. Everyone was so nice to me, and it felt like we were in a peaceful era. However, it didn't last long because after a few days zombies suddenly popped up in the carriage next to us. Zombies had infiltrated this train too. We ran and locked the carriages, but once again the zombies unlocked it with ease like humans. I tried to run with them, but they couldn't catch up with me because they got too used to the idealistic lifestyle (i don't even know what that has to do with their speed, it was uh part of the "voice-over" in my dream). With no choice left, I jumped out the window. This is where it gets reeeally weird. My classmate suddenly appears driving a bus with our class and I jumped onto the bus. We find our English teachers and try to rescue them, but we only managed to take 2 of them when a titan zombie appeared. We loved the remaining teacher but we had to leave her. But our classmate kept insisting we rescue her and I flashback to the time when the teacher told us she was Greek and the classmate said her godfather was Greek too. So in exchange for the bus getting damaged we stalled enough time for the teacher to be rescued (the bus behaved like a magic bus because I was thinking of the creepy horse prince while dreaming). I have no idea what happened afterwards because I think my body probably felt that I should get more rest and stopped giving me gigantic shocks.

635 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2017-06-17 04:39 ID:3Stws5Co [Del]

An Argument Against Binge-Watching Virgin Soul Right Before Bed

So I had a dream that I was with someone, like a guardian / family member, along with a friend/brother (not sure which it was, never really got explained). We were both young. The family ended up in space at some weird fast food place for aliens and accidentally cause a ruckus (pretty sure us kids were being assholes). We either got sold or stolen but anyway, we ended up in this space camp for trafficked kids.

All the kids had their own pods to sleep in, plus combined cells / containment areas for like workers, but we got to wander around a bit during the day. My brother (we'll stick with that) and I got it in our heads to escape. Little by little, I started organizing things from like the head brothel lady's table (who I think, just by appearances, was sometimes my mom irl? lol) during cleanup, like slowly confiscating sweets and weapons by organizing them into like trash bags to be picked up.

We had this grand escape plan, but it didn't go through. I don't know what happened to him. Someone else knew about the bags that didn't tell (another kid), so it was some other part of the plan that fell apart. I think they were just getting too violent there and we snapped too early. They tried to put me into prostitution or something and I freaked, so they were like "if you're not going to use your body for what women are made for, maybe you don't need to be one."

They then proceeded to remove my ovaries / do a partial hysterectomy, dress me like a boy, and toss me in with their "tranny" prostitutes instead of the girls. The cells for the girls and mixed/etc child prostitutes were right next to each other -- you had to walk through the girls to get to the trans/inter ones, which was humiliating for some reason. I was like terrified the girls were going to call me out for being dressed in rags and missing what I was supposed to have, but they were also victims there in their own way and super understanding.

(The dress I was in was just a plain gray t-shirt dress, the same I was put in right after the operation, so you could see the bloodstains of where I was cut. It was obviously meant to be a public humiliation thing.)

When I finally got the freedom to walk around again, I didn't dare to even think about escaping. I either couldn't find my brother or was rejected by him, don't remember which. But the kid who knew about the bags came up to me eventually and was like, "I know you were planning to escape. What they did is fucked up, but we still have to get out of here." He eventually convinced me to start making the preparations again.

--I didn't really like him that much because he wasn't willing to stick his own neck out, at least not from my perspective, but he was cool with taking advantage of what was already accomplished. I think that's why he never talked to us before the procedure. It's also part of why I wasn't 100% invented in the escape until things got fucked again.

Anyway, I started sorting things out, but the head lady was suspicious of me now and watched my every move. She commented on everywhere I put things and would ask for certain bags to sort through herself. (A lot of them had her own stuff in them, like designer shoes and purses and things, that we were going to sell once we left to get a starting income.)

I got around it by spreading the bags' contents on the floor and organizing them there so she could see everything, subtly moving anything that wasn't supposed to be there out of sight. But she was eventually going to catch on if I didn't cool it down. The boy I was with threw a fit, though, and insisted more bad things would happen if I spent anymore time there, that playing it safe wasn't worth it.

Needless to say, we got discovered while I was sorting, but everything was together this time. I managed to grab most of the supplies, and we ran out to a docked space ship that either he or my brother had timed / stolen / etc. and commandeered it. I woke up around then, but I vaguely remember having a semi-successful journey afterwards. I think he turned out to be a creep / related to creeps, too, and parted ways bcuz I just went through enough of that shit.

Getting to the ship was also harder than it sounds, but I don't remember the details. There were a lot of chases avoided fights and shortcuts I think. She turned out to not be as strong as she seems, anyway.

Weird dream. Definitely missing details. Hell, I almost forgot it when I woke up, but then I had this vague memory of a traumatic hysterectomy and bloody child and was like "wait, that's not right". Took a second before I remembered the dream completely lmao. It's crazy how fast your mind can shift from that sort of thing.

(I think it was supposed to be a nightmare, but they don't really phase me at this point? Too many.)

636 Name: soul : 2017-06-17 13:54 ID:T8w/Mxcb [Del]

I had this one dream where I was in a dark hallway, then an asian guy went up to me and took my hand then led me to my bathroom, then he locked me in it, there was a tv in the room, and he told me to go and watch it, so I did, but it was really boring, so I banged on the door, and thats when I woke up.

637 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-06-17 17:00 ID:P6lNEh07 [Del]

My house was turned into a "funhouse" with attractions setup around the yard, I remember staring at a large ride of sorts visible from over the fence. For some reason there was also the stereotypical "creepy twin girls" sitting on a doorstep, where I approached, smiled, nodded, and made my way back down the steps.

I seem to dream much more often than I remember. I've been told I grumble and curse in my sleep. Must be some pretty vivid stuff going on that I'm unaware of.

638 Name: K.A.R.M.A : 2017-06-18 02:45 ID:Akh4jGuk [Del]

I had this dream like a long time ago but i still can remember it, it like i was walking by a beach the suddenly the sand where i stand turn into a hole i fell down. I asure you it very deep then i fell on a bed and i was thinking where did this bed came from? Out of nowhere sebastian michaelis came out. Its sebastian michaelis,i though why would he came when he about to say something,my roomate wake me up.

639 Name: Not a fish !z0EqBUBovI : 2017-06-18 21:15 ID:Pe/6XwNY [Del]

I had this really weird dream a while back.
So, I'm at this weird type of fair. Nothing interesting, just a bunch of stalls and typical stall games. Then, I walk up to this one section and found an obstacle course you could compete in against others under this tent. It was all motorised too. The running track was like a treadmill that was moving backwards, then when you finally get off the treadmill, you reach a small spinny platform that you somehow control to go back to the entrance of the tent. You do this, while avoiding the spikes, giant swinging axes and other sharp pointy things that mean instant fatality. A couple of guys were participating and I remember one coming out screaming, he had lost his arm and it was bleeding heavily. I think there were other body parts inside the tent, can't really remember. For whatever stupid reason, I decide I want to try it out. Long story short, I somehow managed to survive it with my little sister who I was competing with.
At the time, I didn't normally watch horror movies or anything gory, so I have absolutely no idea where this dream came from. I never told anyone about either because I was around 12-13 at the time and i'm pretty sure your not supposed to have those kind of dreams at that age.

640 Name: kiwi pie : 2017-06-21 22:20 ID:ypHw81Va [Del]

Idk but I turned into a duck sitting on the edge of some sort of floating island and there were wooden crates rolling towards me. Then I was a chicken instead, same situation. Then I was normal again, in a house, getting ready for school or something, and some anime guy barged in and started arguing with the cook. I have no idea who they were based on, never seen them before. Also the guy who came in had a sword with a round tip yeah

641 Name: Shiro !SHirOszFlY : 2017-10-14 21:12 ID:owyIah6a [Del]

had really strange dream that fucked me up, something about fire, an open landscape and really thick pink fog?

I also have the one dream ill always remember from when i was young.

The dream looked as if i were in the autumn season so all the leaves were red. I woke up on a road in the forest thats close to me, and there was quite a thick fog or mist. I remember being lost? even though i knew where i was when i woke up.

Thats all i remember, neither of these really made sense

642 Name: Haru D. Zumie : 2017-10-16 07:09 ID:9YZa/CKS [Del]

Yeah, I do have strange dreams that don't make any sense just like everyone else, though I never dreamt of anyone dying. But this year, I had dreams that had somehow happened in real life. The contents of my dreams didn't really happen, just its ideas/topics. They were those kinds of dream that people will die. Something about earthquakes and war. Thankfully, none of my important people died whether in the dreams or in reality. We were now rebuilding our lives after that disaster happened. But just last week, I had dream again of people dying and the worst had happened in that dream. One of my sist died in the dream, so now I am kinda protective and alert to my sister afraid that anything could happen to her in real life, afraid that my dream will come true again. Though I never dared tell her about my dream and why I am protective over her. She now called me weird.

I shared my dream because I was hoping that someone could give me advice on what to do. I am stressed about my latest dream. I hate having dreams like this. Can someone help me?

643 Name: Boopwrang : 2017-12-18 16:55 ID:73LM7Euj [Del]

I once had a dream where I was in a stranded island, got bitten by a snake, then turned into a 3rd perspective of a businessman, then woke up.

644 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2017-12-22 00:23 ID:UxREzbgy [Del]

Just last week I had a dream where I was in bed and a bear was breathing on the back of my neck, I could feel each breath, I don't know why I thought it was a bear but that was the only thing that came to mind I didn't want to turn round to see what was there for like what seemed a few minutes but then I just woke up and there was nothing in my room, my door was shut and so was my windows I did even watch anything with bears that night or at any other time and I live in the UK which is somewhat bear free.

645 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-18 10:21 ID:sE7wmiKj [Del]

i had a dream yesterday. i went to australia and Nyanka was there to welcome me. i dont even know what nyanka's face looks like. other than nyanka, Neko was there. Pieface too, Enigami and Findmuck.

and since it was a very short dream, i dont get to see anyone's face. probably means i hang around here a lot

646 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2018-03-20 08:22 ID:ulP49QJv [Del]

I was half asleep and didn't realized that I was drifted into dream world, walking up stairs. I don't know how that bucket was there in the first place and why my avatar keeps walking until I stepped on it, I tripped and woke up while mid falling

647 Name: Degritone !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-03-21 13:33 ID:DXXo4y5k [Del]

Had a dream where I was a protagonist in some super weird mashup of Minecraft, Super Mario Odyssey, and Sonic with TC's economic system.

648 Name: Kurima : 2018-03-21 13:59 ID:Ym+YHpD2 [Del]

My friend once told me that she had a weird dream when she was litte. In her dream there was an old man singing 'watch me poo, watch me poo'

649 Post deleted by user.

650 Post deleted by user.

651 Name: GreenCream : 2018-03-21 15:40 ID:LAUcQYFp [Del]

I remember I once had a dream about this girl at my school, though it was fukin weird, I came into an empty classroom and she was sort-of naked with her shirt undone and her arms tied up to the top corners of the smart board and she was struggling to get free, nearby was a strange machine and in the dream I used the machine to put these sort-of breast cups that covered her whole breasts and then another set the same size also connected to the machine and put them over my breast area (I'm a guy though so its flat at this point) then I remember turning the machine on and basically switching gender with her and as I did she became free from her "chains" and I was now her but I was still in the same physical position, then she sort-of forcibly pushes me down on the ground by the shoulder, she looking the exact same but no tits, and me looking a bit more girly I think but with tits then she puts a cup from one breast cup thing over my dick and vice versa for her vagina and flips the switch so to say and basically I end up a girl and she ends up a guy but with the only things changed on her from her girl form being she has a dick now instead and no tits... Then she forces herself onto me in the dream and I still remember as I guy the feeling of getting fucked in a dream to what felt like hours. It was a wet dream when I woke up and was the weirdest dream I've ever had and I kinda wish it wasn't a dream, not because Im trans or anything but just because of how it felt in the dream and how I still years later long for that feeling irl and tbh I won't mind being a girl over a guy

652 Name: James !GBBXFwEfac : 2018-03-21 22:48 ID:DJhMRzR5 [Del]

>>646 Dude SAME! It happens to me all the time! Drives me nuts. Usually I start the dream falling from something high and wake up on impact to find myself flinching really hard. Kind of creates the illusion that I landed on my bed. Sometimes I will trip or run into a wall or something like that but it is usually falling.

653 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2018-03-21 22:53 ID:oRPX+RKt [Del]

>>652 it happens regularly, I knew it really well

654 Name: Athame : 2018-03-22 09:34 ID:RWgABtas [Del]

My dreams are very... discordant, for one I can't tell the transition between reality and dream, often times I'm sitting there thinking, and finally realise that I was just about to go unconscious; then all of my dreams follow no order what-so-ever, just an amalgamation of my ideas and experiences, essentially it's a free acid trip every time I fall asleep.

655 Name: Roxas : 2018-03-22 18:32 ID:mq59vCa6 [Del]

I'm that friend of >>648 and I can tell you the full story.

When I was seven I had a dream about breaking into a place that trained super heroes, except everyone wore quarantine suits and killed anyone who entered that wasn't a teacher or student. I still don't know why we were breaking into the place.

Anyway, the alarms went off when we got inside, and we were panicking because we thought we were gonna die. Then this old man walks up to us and says, "I'll help you get out of here, but once you're safe you need to help me. Got it?". We agreed, and he teleported us to his house, which was right outside the hero training school.

After that my dad goes up to the guy and is like, "What do you need help with?". The old man starts dancing and singing. Suddenly this toilet appears in the corner of the large house. He sits in it and begins to sing, "Watch me poo, watch me poo".
Even in the dream I could smell it, though it was probably just me passing gas in my sleep.

I still think about that dream to this day.

656 Name: Degritone !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-03-24 14:56 ID:DXXo4y5k [Del]

Had a dream where I was me, but in a world that had skills and stuff, and I eventually made my way to a civilization everyone thought was dead because no one had heard from them in ages, and no one had come back from going to see if they were still a thing because I needed to use a thingy they had their to further upgrade my skills, if it was still working.

Turns out, they aren't dead, just at war with a dragon I already hate and this weird group of people that were trying to enslave them for some reason I can't remember. Their defense systems were pretty hard to get past, but I did, and I was crowned king for some reason I can't remember.

Then the weird organization came and took a few people, including a few lolis, and one that was a legaloli that was helping me out with understanding their people from the beginning of becoming king. I liked her. A lot. So they would now feel my fury.

They had plasma guns and some other stuff and I had to use one of my unique skills to essentially walk through stone for up to 2 seconds in a few places where they had large metal garage doors, essentially, that I had no hope of getting through in order to reach everyone.

They were being used as sex slaves and as weird entertainment where some would be put into machines that would force various sexual things on them as they were forced to do something like singing or playing some kind of game or whatever. Pretty sure I killed everyone in the place that wasn't me or a slave after I saw how the lolis were being treated.

So, we take everyone back to the place I rule now and start getting things a bit more modernized and work on getting my skills upgraded further. I spend a few years doing so, and eventually, I get some skills up to level 8, with level 9 being the max (skills leveled from 0-9 rather than 1-10,) but I couldn't upgrade them any further because the only known way to do that was to find someone with a level 9 skill and have them teach it to you, and the only one with these specific skills at level 9 was the dragon I hated.

So, I go back to where I used to be for a small vacation from being king, and I decide to see if I can upgrade any of my skills at the old place I used to do so, and I was able to upgrade my movement skill to level 9, which surprised me very much. I decided I'd investigate how different the skill was under the hood from when it was level 8 later and just run around at like 1% the speed of light with instant acceleration and deceleration with complete inertia negation, so no dying from going from standing to 1% the speed of light.

And my dream ended while I was roaming around the countryside at roughly 40 MPH. I heard a guy playing a tune on an instrument and I started whistling it, and I was imagining it in my head when I woke up, but I forget it now that I've been listening to music and typing for a while.

657 Name: James !GBBXFwEfac : 2018-03-26 21:47 ID:DJhMRzR5 [Del]

>>656 weird dream

658 Name: Degritone !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-03-26 21:58 ID:rpn99O9B [Del]

>>657 Ehhh, pretty normal for me.

659 Name: Degritone !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-03-27 14:35 ID:rpn99O9B [Del]

I don't remember most of this dream, but I remember the last like hour of in-dream time.

This guy and I were running somewhere at night and we were trying to stay hidden so no one would see us because we were in enemy territory or something. We didn't hide well enough because this huge dude riding a horse saw us and started chasing us.

We got chased for a good 10 minutes before we hit a roadblock: A road that was up a like 15-foot cliff with no good footholds. So, my ally jumps up and gets me up there with him, then we keep running as the huge dude just jumps up there like it was nothing and we eventually reach a body of water.

Then the dream gets weird. My ally is pretty tired from running and pulling me up a cliff, so I have to carry him across the water and to the other side. When the huge dude gets in the water, he instantly changes into some weird... I'm not even sure if it can be called clothing. I can't even describe what.

So, I try to delay him by knocking off these three bars that are on his new "clothing." He cares for a bit, but after he gets out of the water, he doesn't. Well, he does, but he just lets me hit all three off.

Then all the bars turn into balloons and everyone from my faction is there and the big dude gives everyone some balloons and say that they need to kill him without letting him take the balloons and I'm just confused, but eventually, everyone else has lost their balloons, and he has a suit of balloons he's made with the ones taken.

So, I go to face him, and I just make sure to keep my balloon out of his reach as I go to bite each balloon to pop it because doing so is a win condition for some reason. And then I win because he was too focused on my limbs to realize my head was the real way I was doing things.

660 Name: Degritone !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-03-28 17:57 ID:rpn99O9B [Del]

Had a dream where you could make your own 5 abilities for a League champion and then they'd be balanced by some automatic system and you'd be able to play them in first person VR on this weird free for all map.

Then the dream shifted to me being in a gang of mystery solvers and for some reason, the world ran off of (much, much more balanced than it currently is) Yu-Gi-Oh!, where, once again, you could make your own cards, but they'd be auto-balanced by some magic system. I can't remember the name of the archetype, but I remember playing an archetype where there was one monster that had like 1400/1200 and had an effect something like,

"Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing one card in your hand face-down. When this card is Special Summoned: Special Summon one [archetype] monster from your deck. This card is unaffected by your opponent's card effects and cannot be targeted. You can only control one [card name]. If you do not control another [archetype] monster: Return this card to your hand, then [card name] cannot be Summoned until the end of the turn."

I think the theme of the deck was something like the card above was a mech pilot and all the other monsters in the deck were the mechs.

661 Name: Umbreon : 2018-03-28 20:01 ID:Lf0p5qgR [Del]

I had a dream that I was a vampire. It was totally awesome. I could fly, have super speed, be totally above my enemies, it was awesome. Then, I got taken to a police station for sucking someone's blood. Doctors came in and were amazed by my biology. I tried to act innocent/humble, but I just knew I was so awesome.

662 Name: Degritone !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-03-29 20:19 ID:R4455qmX [Del]

Had a dream that my family was in hell, which also happened to be a 3-story building with infinite floor space on each floor, with each floor being different, and there was a this leveling system and we were trying to find the most efficient way to gain experience and we went around and found this pinball machine was decent, but the best way was to enter a story telling contest where the judges were satan himself and 5 demons. The contest had 10 levels, and the lower levels gave worse experience than the pinball machine, but the higher levels gave an insane amount of experience, like the winner of level 10 got ten billion experience. Also, I went around and had sex with a few people because dream.

So, eventually, everyone was called to try out for a part in a battle that was going to happen somewhere, and we were looked at and reduced to about 30 people, including me and my sister, but not my mom or dad. We were given special melee weapons, and mine was a weapon that would change its shape to be the most effective for the current attack. Or it could be this massive thing that only I (or people with insane strength) could wield, so one very effective strategy was to just leave it in that form and run full speed forward, since it still had all its mass, it just didn't affect me, so the inertia of this like 2 ton mass of hyper sharp steel being rammed into you at like 9 MPH was going to hurt quite a bit.

So, we get to the fight, and I go around and do that. There were a couple really cute lolis that I avoided hurting, because that's just not me, but I knew my team behind me would take them out and I was sad. But, I get to the back line where they have archers and stuff and mow them down and eventually, I'm called back to where we started because of a truce of some sort, and we start wondering why we even did this.

Then I wake up as I start talking to various people about their weapons.

663 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-04-07 08:45 ID:lOZXUFYh [Del]

Had a dream where I was part of a gang of mystery solvers kind of like the one from Scooby Doo, but bigger and we lived in a world with actual magic and we could use some. Magic in this world was weird. It was mostly projecting intent in a direction through some medium (usually a foot-long stick, but anything ~1 foot long and pointy-ish would work) and then something happening, such as opening a door or whatever. There weren't any actual spells.

So, we're in this swampy-place where this village is, and there's been some sort of ~evil magic~ going on and we have to go into this massive, super old and run down mansion because we find out the source is in there.

So, after nearly dying to traps and stuff every 3 minutes, we finally make it to the top, and find a vampire. Vampires work weird in this world. In order to be created, they have to eat a limb of a human. Then, they gain massive power, but need to drink the blood of one entire human every 100 years, or more, as the older you got, the less often you needed a refill, and that could either be all at once or slowly over years. But, you were cursed to stay in the location you became a vampire. It wasn't like your feet were immediately glued to the ground, you were just stuck inside the building or forest or whatever you were in.

Turns out, we were all also one single vampire using one of their powers to essentially make shadow clones and then change their appearance, for lack of a better description, and we've been trying to get here for like 300 years or whatever, but their traps were so annoying and deadly and we thought there would be a blood well up here so we wouldn't have to harm any more people. But nope, it was just one of the oldest vampires in existence.

Then rewind time a lot.

I'm actually me and I'm traveling around with my family and we happen to be in this swamp place before all of the above happened. It's night and we see a demon or ghost or something enter a house by phasing through a wall, and inside, I can see a super cute loli, so I immediately grab the nearest stick and run at the building, with my sister coming after a second without knowing what's up.

So, it was a specific kind of demon or ghost or whatever it was where you had to project any intent at it from outside a house while it's in a room with a window and in a specific phase in order to kill it. I don't know the exact criteria, but some rooms would cause it to project normal, yellowy-orange fire onto the inside of the window in the room its in in the shape of a face, and others would cause it to project the same face on the outside of the window in blue fire.

If you projected at it while it was in a normal fire room, it would follow your projection trail and devour you from the inside out, but if you projected at it while it was in a blue fire room for a total of ~5 seconds, it would die.

And while we were doing this, it sent a friend after us, a giant, sentient (possibly even sapient, I don't know) ball of wet, spiky vines with legs. In order to deal with that type, you had to project a crushing force to squeeze out the water and then a heating force to set it on fire.

664 Name: OxygenIntensifies : 2018-04-08 20:34 ID:wH0GQuys [Del]

I had a dream where I was dating Patrick Star (from Spongebob) and he gave me a hat, should I be worried?

665 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-04-14 21:39 ID:LgFeme2P [Del]

I dreamed I was in this weird contest thingy with a few hundred other people and eventually it got to a point where we had to kill each other and some guy came to my house and tried to kill my parents, but didn't and instead laid down in their bed because...????????????? So, I took a gun from a place where I know one is and went down to their room and shot him in the head. He looked to be about to plea for his life, but he tried to kill my mom, so no words for him. Only death. There was even blood on the pillow and stuff.

Then, I was in my room, and me and like 6 other people were really, really small and either the room was filled with water that doesn't give things buoyancy or we could fly as if we were swimming. I don't know which. And some guy was going around killing and raping people (in that order), so I decided it was time he die. The fight took a while and used some weird thingies, but he eventually died.

And immediately after everyone else was dead, I became my normal size and was laying in bed as if I'd just woken up when my sister walks in from my bathroom for some reason and asks to borrow a few things I've recently acquired IRL.

Then I wake up.

666 Name: Paris : 2018-04-16 11:04 ID:LfjpjKWJ [Del]

I've been having almost the exact same dream for a year now. I have these dreams every few days or so. Each one involves me running away from something, and it usually ends with me falling off of something and waking up. Sometimes it's about a school shooter and me running away from them, or sometimes it gets as wild as some red skinned aliens invading earth and me running away (again)

667 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-04-22 05:08 ID:PNgYLjNJ [Del]

I had a dream where like 30% of people had super powers and my sister and I had one, but hers was incompatible with her and was causing her to get sick and stuff, so we did something I can't remember to move her power to me, and I was perfectly fine with it.

So, I decide to go to a sort of camp-ish place thing where people with powers go to get sort of trained on how to use our powers for good. I guess it was sort of like UA if it wasn't a building, but not really, but that's the closest thing to it I can think of.

So, my power was to temporarily copy someone's powers, and my sister's power that was now mine was to cause mirror-like projections to appear that people could walk through. It wasn't very useful that way, but you could break it into pieces and moving through a broken piece would put you into a blank void with holes in it and going through the holes would let you out at one of the broken pieces.

So, I met a group of people I liked at the camp. I can't remember most of their powers except two. One was sort of a combination of Starfire and Raven from Teen Titans in appearance and personality, but their power was closer to raven's where they could send out black energy tentacles to grab and manipulate things and they could cause their body to become intangible to anything but the tentacles and use them to fly sort of.

The other one was this one girl from high school and she had telekinesis, but it worked weird and she could barely control it after she started it.

So, I get to work figuring out hoe the girl I know's power works so she can better use it. But during that time, the Starfire/Raven combo gets super friendly with me and eventually, we start having sex pretty much constantly.

But when I'm not near her, I eventually manage to figure out that the power of the girl I know does, in fact, work weird. In order to move anything, she and I had to coat something entirely in the invisible and otherwise intangible telekinetic power, but she already knew that. But, once we did, it would move in the direction we wanted, but really, really fast.

So, I took a knife and started testing it against a tree. I would move it into a tree and see what happens. It would go into the tree as much as I wanted at first, but then it would keep pushing harder and harder without me wanting it to and without the momentum from it being mid-air instead of the middle of a tree, it was barely making any progress into the tree, but was doing so, regardless.

So, I tried it a few more times and the same thing happened, so I tried moving it really, really slow. And it sped up faster than I intended it to go after a few seconds. Come to find out, her telekinesis worked by constantly imparting acceleration into an object rather than just when she commanded.

So, if she were to accelerate an object from resting to 1 MPH over one second, it would keep that acceleration and get to 10 MPH over 10 seconds, for example. So, to get anything to cooperate and stay still, she had to impart equal and opposite accelerations on the thing, rather than like how your arm you just kind of say, "Move here."

After figuring that out, I went back to having sex with my Starfire/Raven combo friend. And my mom and sister decide to come visit, so we scramble to get decent and we manage to do so barely in time and they want us to go on a ride around the country because reasons and I don't really want to, but I say yes for some reason and so we get in the back of the truck and drive around for a while and we tell my sister about what's been going on.

Then we get back to camp and we have to do this activity that I can't really remember, all I remember is there were a ton of these little really fast animals that we had to catch. Don't remember why or what we did with them after we caught them.

Then I wake up.

668 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-04-22 05:25 ID:PNgYLjNJ [Del]

Ok, so I guess I should put down the dream that haunted me from about 2005 to 2012. Nearly every night, I would have this dream:

I'd wake up in this massive room with steel walls, floor, and ceiling, and there would be two people wearing silvery, hooded robes that would walk from the center of the room to opposite corners, then one would levitate up to the top of the room. Then, they'd conjure giant metal balls and fling them at each other and dodge them. But I was also in the room, so I also had to dodge them.

After a few years, it just immediately started. No warning, no meeting in the middle, just balls flying around the room.

Around 2009, I figured out that by hiding in the corners, I could avoid almost every ball. The only time I'd have to worry was when one of the ball wizards went and hid in a corner so the other one sent a really small ball at him so it would fit into the corner, which was pretty rarely.

After around a year of that, the dream would start with me sitting on a couch watching a TV when suddenly hundreds of animals, anthropomorphized animals, and humans would run from behind the TV and around me. At first, I was really scared and confused, but then, near the end, some elephant guy told me to run for some reason I can't remember, so I got up and ran.

I saw a door at where the people were running and as I ran, it would get further away rather than closer, but the people had no trouble getting to it until eventually, I was the only one left and the door closed and then the ball wizards went at it again.

After that dream, I just started running as soon as I saw the first person run by, but it would always be the same thing.

And the last time I had the dream, some time in freshman year of high school, I noticed the setting and began running immediately, before anyone showed up. And the door was just there, standing still, and I made it through. I never had that dream again.

But the thing about that dream is that I always knew if I was going to have it because on days where I would have it, I'd have this really weird feeling where it would look like I was looking througha screen that showed what my eyes saw, rather than seeing through my eyes. A good way to say this would be if this is normal eyesight:


Then mine was like this:

O          >

669 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-04-29 11:32 ID:GCzYYnXr [Del]

Just had a dream where I was in this video gamey world or something, I can't remember what it was exactly, but there was this really, really nice guy who was the first person I ever met. Turns out, he was one of the top ranked and most popular people in this world and he just talked to me like I was important even though I'd just started.

Some time later, I made two fireworks because reasons.

Eventually, he died and he had set up plans for a massive party to celebrate his life rather than mourn his death. I was somewhat unfazed by his death at first and didn't go to the party because I hate both funerals and parties.

The next dream-day, though, I learned he had used my fireworks in his party. That made me cry so hard that I started crying IRL and that woke me up.

670 Name: Crow : 2018-05-06 23:59 ID:l7+cnRnW [Del]

I was in some underground sewage lair, and was watching videos and gaming with a friend I don't have IRL. Looked like blue haired Chloe from Life Is Strange, but smoother features and a bit younger. Everyone down here were ghouls [Tokyo Ghoul], so we were all wearing masks. At some point in time, an extermination force showed up to wipe out all the ghouls. Sort of like the CCG, but lamer, yet more creepy even though they were all normal dudes. Aside from the fact they were massacring all the ghouls with harpoon traps [Happy Wheels] and rifles. Since my friend and I were huddled in a corner, we weren't spotted right away, so we sprinted through the lair to find an exit. We both took our ghoul masks off too, since they were useless then. I remember at some point seeing Uta get a bagillion harpoons through the torso, but living through it somehow. Then he directed us to an exit to the surface, and we took it. He also told us where to find a place of refuge. After getting out, loads of shit happened. My friend somehow got separated from me, and I was left to run away from a lame version CCG dude on my own. Idk why, but my dream made this lame dude seem terrifying, so I was trying to desperately get away by hooking an out-of-nowhere grappling hook I magically had onto the AIR and FLYING to escape [don't ask]. Eventually I got away with my friend who came in and saved me at last second. Later we got captured though, and put into this giant prison boat where we had to pull off some shit to get the prisoners and guards to fight against each other as my friend and I used it as a distraction to run away. Soon, we found the refuge, and the rest of the dream was just random and crazy encounters/escapes from CCG men.

671 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2018-05-31 03:33 ID:501NGiDK [Del]

I had a dream that I was on a campus and some girl had been murdered.
It was... very strange listening to everybody and watching them as they dealt with the death. I just kinda wandered around and observed without interacting.
Not the first time I've visited this campus in a dream.

672 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-06-24 15:24 ID:q/jTzlSk [Del]

Just had a dream where I started as a commoner of some random place, but the king of the dragonborn was over because reasons and I saved him from something and so he decided to take me along to this thing where the rulers of many nations were meeting because of reasons I didn't know until later. While there, I met a few other humans, which was rare in this world, and the prince of the human nation decided that I was more fit to be ruler because I connected with his subjects more or something, I can't remember exactly why.

So, now that I was privy to information of the meeting, it turns out that this cult is trying to raise and ancient evil for reasons and they were trying to stop it. So, dragonborn king and I get really close to stopping them together, and then the cult uses time magic to make me change timelines like in Steins;Gate. At first, it seemed like I'd just been sent back in time, but there were a few changes. He and I were then able to find a lead that a couple people in my place might be connected, so we go and investigate, and as we get there, we see something going on, but we get time magiced again and this time, it makes it so the dragonborn king was never born. So I'm now alone.

But I'm still at the place I was this time instead of somewhere that made it seem like I was in the past. Somehow, my position didn't change and the relation between the dragonborn nation and my nation hadn't changed, either, it's just that the king was someone else I wasn't as close with. I found this out by asking where the king I knew was by name and getting the answer of, "Who's that?" I got really sad for a few minutes, but then I got angry and went off to investigate further.

As I was leaving the place I was at, one of my best warriors was about to fight a large group of dragonborn near the entrance of the place, bvut I was able to squeeze past before the fighting happened and asked one of the higher ups what was going on. The dragonborn nation had requested that we release 5 people who were known to have been involved with the cult and we refused. This was odd because I'd not actually managed to arrest anyone in either of the other two timelines, yet the cult activity was very obviously still going on in this timeline.

So, I got super suspicious of the guy who told me that, as well as two of his friends and decided I was going to go see the prisoners personally when I started a battle with staying asleep to see the conclusion vs waking up. I lost and woke up.

673 Name: Homofem : 2018-06-25 18:06 ID:noiiENCb [Del]

I dreamed that my ex best friend, who was female, gave me a kiss on my cheek. That made my day, eventhough it was only a dream.

674 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-07-01 21:44 ID:QwtVL8qU [Del]

I remember two dreams that may have been a single dream.

The first was I was at someone who was supposed to be my cousin's (but isn't any of them) house and they had like 10 giant stuffed animals and they came alive and were apparently this super elite task force of murder and they would go kill anyone who saw them moving. They started moving while I was in the room and so I got freaked out and ran into my "cousin's" room and told him what I just saw and apparently they hadn't seen me because they'd just started animating from being their usual state of inanimate stuffed animal. He thought I was insane and went to check and got killed. They came toward the room and I jumped out the window and hid on a thingy I don't know how to describe and they searched the room and didn't see me before going outside and checking there and saw me and they said something like, "We don't have time to kill you right now, as we have an assignment, but we now know what you look like. We'll find you by tonight," and they hit me with some blue goop before they all ran off into the woods.

So I ran toward my house and started wiping the goop off on the ground and trees and stuff and I'd thought I'd got most of it off before I reached my driveway, but I decided to be safe and go to this creek that ran under the road and into my property to make it look I ran in the direction of the water flow in case I missed anything before running back under the road through the like 3-4 foot diameter pipe and home. But, in dream world, that entire side of the road had changed entirely to be a flat, wooded area with about two feet of gravel off the side of the road. So, I decided to make it look like I was trying to hide under the gravel and while I was doing that, a car started coming and I wasn't sure if it was them. It stopped and turned around and it was Travis Willingham.

He apparently knew the family in dream world and asked me what's wrong and I said I would sound insane if I explained and asked if I could get a ride to somewhere like Evansville or somewhere else about an hour away. He said to get in, and explain what was going on, and I explained as we took off down the road toward my "cousin's" house and he said I was insane before a car filled with only the stuffed animals came and passed us and he noticed and we sped off. Then they caught up to us and before they were able to actually kill either of us, I went back in time to just before I entered the room with the stuffed animals.

I stopped myself and went out of the house and started down toward my house. No goop, no having seen the stuffed animals in this timeline. And maybe even my "cousin" was alive in this timeline.


A person who was made up for my dream, but who was my friend in-dream, and I were in this VR arena place where you could get different melee weapons and fight ~5 other people at a time, and if you won, you could keep your weapon permanently and have it be your starting weapon in then future instead of just your fists. He and I were messing around and he got this massive ball and chain that did barely any damage but sent you flying when it hit, and I got this scythe. He hit me and I thought I was going off the edge for sure, but I managed to catch the edge with my scythe and pull myself up. Then some guy taking this seriously comes over and kills us and we start a new round after a few seconds.

I decide to take it seriously this time when the same guy starts blasting us with Skyward Slash-esque sword beams and he says something about how insanely overpowered weapons with two names are. And I don't really remember much after that except the guy organizing the arena gave me a weapon that turned my hand into a sword and helped me beat the guy for some reason.

675 Name: Homofem : 2018-07-02 06:22 ID:noiiENCb [Del]

I am on a diet and felt bad about eating chocolate in my dream.

676 Name: Kuroba : 2018-07-03 20:28 ID:HeiucPoQ [Del]

I dreamed that me an my older sister were picking clovers when we were younger, she then found a random tarantula in the clovers and placed it on her head in a daze, before going wide eyed and screaming, causing the tarantula to bite her scalp and kill her, I think I had a murderous mind as a kid...

677 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2018-10-13 13:08 ID:u6nim8KC [Del]

I had a dream I was in some sort of school-like place that taught about SCP-like being and objects and me and a small group of friends decided it was a great idea to go into an abandoned part of the school. Inside, we found this old, broken, golden statue and one of the idiots in my group decided it was a great idea to go and pick up the face.

He turned into gold and was absorbed into the face and it floated up to head height and one of the nearby arms floated up as well. It very quickly rushed another of us and did the same thing, fell to the grou8nd, and rose back up, but this time with a leg in addition to the arm. This went on until it had a full body (so, 5 people dead) as I was trying to talk to it as we ran, when it stopped and finally vocalized and I can't remember the exact conversation, but it agreed to not kill anyone else if I was able to complete a challenge it set, and I said I would try. It took us back further past where it was into what was probably an old gym without bleachers, but as large as one that does, with stuff like a kitchen and other stuff set up to make it seem like someone was living here.

As we entered, it transformed into an imp Midna-like loli, but with short black hair instead of Midna's long orange hair and (very) dark brown and light grey instead of black and white. She said that the challenge was to float off the ground and stay in this room with her until she said I was done, and to say, "Greetings! ____tiful morning!" to her every morning. Replace ____ with her name that I now forget. I would have done this for free knowing she's a loli.

She touched me and made me start floating and I kicked off the wall to the rafters and stayed there. This went on for a while, and she was super strict at first, but she eventually started having tea with me after like 3 days and started letting me do more things like letting me use the floor as a kick-off point and letting other people in the room and whatever. At one point after people came over, I had sat in a chair, which I had never done, and everyone was freaking out because my feet were on the floor, but she said it was fine.

After everyone left, I went up and hugged her, and she let me and we stayed like that as we went to sleep. She woke up a little before me, but stayed in my arms, and when I woke up, I said good morning like I usually do. She opened her mouth to say something, but I was teleported away by something and after a bit of looking around, I was also transported back in time to like a week before we went on our adventure and found the loli.

So, I raced back to her room and she was there and was about to attack me when I called out her name and told her to stop and started telling her about what happened, and she didn't believe me for quite a while, but eventually calmed down and talked with me. We didn't get as close as before, but we did get to the tea phase without any threat of dying just by touching the ground. Then, yet again, I was back to around a week before going again.

Repeat above, but with better success getting her to calm down, and a quicker teleportation, but before I was, she told me to just say the good morning greeting if it happens again. And it did. Over and over, until eventually, I was only able to say the greeting and see her reaction before I was teleported back. I woke up during that loop and never found out if I get out of it or not.

678 Name: Yellow Key : 2018-10-16 17:00 ID:UPcAJKg9 [Del]

I tend to have dreams people can't fallow so I'll try to explain this one the best I can.

I was in a hospital room visiting an old lady. One of the walls was just a big window and it was dark outside. I could see the reflection of the room. everything looked the way it was suoposed too. the bed,the old lady.everything except the chair by the window was perfict. in the chair was something that looked kinda like the rake. it was a cold grey and its face had a thin sheet of skin over it. you couldn't see its eyes or its mouth, well not in detail. it sat there in the chair with its arms crossed and arms folded politely. the only thing I could hear was the name "the good man". I talked to the old lady for a while before what i could asume was "the good man" spoke. he was calm and his voice was very human. I talked to the good man for a while about modern day things that have happend lately. that's when the old lady died. we couldn't hear anything, the room just felt uneasy. it was only seconds before I could feel my throat being slit by one of the good man's long fingers. it wasn't a fun feeling. the feeling of skin ripping. the slow decend into a fuzzy darkness as you suffocate on your own blood.

i was afraid to go back too sleep after that. I can still feel where I was cut. that's only one of many dreams where I've felt death. if you guys want to hear another just say so

679 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2018-10-16 19:26 ID:QIqxf6bi [Del]

>>678 but people tend to love those kinds of story...?

680 Post deleted by user.

681 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2019-01-23 14:47 ID:wqLe0jWv [Del]

Mine seemed to take place in two parts.

First, I was downtown with an ex and two others (a guy and girl around my age). We left a club to hangout around town when the two others suggested loitering outside of an open business, literally to see what would happen. The ex and I say nuts to that and head off at which point the other guy starts arguing with us. It was then when I made a connection and asked my ex "So when were you two together?" her answer was "about a week ago" and I started laughing.

Hard cut to my family throwing a house party but it's not a house I remember. All is well until my mom literally starts some insano hostage situation which involved throwing people into a pool. (I never made it far enough in the dream to see what was inside.) Some people left the "party", some were resisting in a panicked state, as if they didn't know where to run, several were already lined up at the pool looking in.

The next part really put me at a loss here. At one point my mom had a hairdryer (because reasons), and I decided I needed to take it from her (because reasons), and smash it (because reasons).

I spent the rest of the dream trying to smash a hairdryer against a wall without success o3o

682 Name: Yellow Key : 2019-01-23 16:02 ID:+FK/MUdq [Del]

I have what people consider ‘nightmares’ or ‘night terrors’ on a regular basis but I just find them weird or interesting. Though, I have had a few dreams where it left me in an unpleasant state.

I once had a dream that I was in a jungle that seemed to be on top of a mountain near my house. I was going to go explore a hut that was suspended in the trees. In my head it was called “the hut of the forgotten”. I climb up a ladder and open the door, only to feel a sense of unease so I decided to leave. I think I jumped down from the hut but didn't land correctly so I ended up sliding in the dirt. I feel something in my hand and go to look at it. Its a triangle shaped rock with glowing blue on each side. I stare at it until I feel the ground shake and what I thought was a roar from the jungle. I got up as fast as I could and began to run. Whatever the thing was, was a big hairy beast with glowing blue eyes. I remember seeing a cliff and just running right off. I could feel myself falling and then everything around me turned purple.

That's one of my more tame dreams. I have felt myself die in dreams and trust me, it is not fun. The imagination is a dangerous thing.

683 Name: Anonymous : 2019-01-24 01:08 ID:fISPaCBt [Del]

one time in a dream i was at home and i had a dirty fork in my hand so i yelled around the house "mom where do i put this dirty fork at?" but i couldnt find my mom or anyone else like my siblings and my dad (i have 5 other siblings) and then i went into the garage to see my whole family eating my dad alive. my mom slowly turned to me and said "pass me that fork i need it to tear his arm off" i gave her the fork and then i woke up in a cold sweat cause of
how horrifying the dream was. i had this dream when i was very very young like about 5 years old and i still remeber it now that im 19 anybody know what this means?

684 Name: Neu!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2019-01-28 21:07 ID:PT7qi7wm [Del]

There was a time in which I had dream, it started with me and someone going through a highway, it was barren and desolated, we still continue walking. After a few more turns, I found a car who got into accident, I never care less about it and continued walking. We stumbled into a town, there was a talk about some sort of killer walking around in the forest nearby. When I go back to same road, I found a man, the murderer, eating? or killing? the entire family inside of that same destroyed car. What made this weird was that when I first saw the car, I never met with that killer.I forgot the rest of the dream, although I remember leaving the scene quietly.

685 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2019-02-01 10:30 ID:Xt0+cwUI [Del]

i wonder if this dream is affected by my taste in stories.

starts off with me thinking about Vermillion, a webnovel i read through yesterday.
then it switches to a story about a roman centurion who was super great and had super soldier troops who died early and was resurrected cause of scifi shit thousands of years later once modern society is gone. i think it was global warming that did us in.
then it turned into something about a person with the superpower duplication, where they could duplicate themselves and change specific aspects of it the longer they did the duplication. it was weird and turned into this weird weird thing i dun really wanna talk about. it was a cape-verse. they also ran a circus. turns out the only reason the ability existed was for "repopulation." it was weird.
that turned into a dream where my brother had the duplication ability, so i asked him to duplicate my laptop and his pc and his graphics card twice. classic me. also, my mum was playing wizard of legend on the switch (which i dont own irl), then i played it, and we both sucked.
then it turned into fantasy stuff about a world which has fallen angels and stuff, except it was modern, like they had tvs and so on. it was weird. it focused on this recently fallen angel who sucked at being a fallen angel, like he was struggling to fly.

686 Name: Thorns : 2019-02-01 19:08 ID:C5EZmdsZ [Del]

I have many lucid dreams, usually one every other night unless I'm especially exhausted. But this one takes most of the cake.

Dream: The first thing I notice is that I can't move my hands and legs. I'm on the ground for some reason and all I can move is my head. So, I look down and to my side and there I see are my arms and legs are tied. I wanted to know what was happening so I changed the view (since it's lucid) and I could see that I was tied to a cross as if I am to be crucified with 3 other girls in the middle of a church. Then I see this little girl around 7 in a white dress with an axe coming up to us and chopping our bodies up one at a time. (I was too terrified to think of doing anything.) When she gets to me, I suddenly wake up shaking.

687 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2019-02-19 08:35 ID:Uk5XUJHS [Del]


688 Name: Absol <3 : 2019-02-19 15:47 ID:2i6l4i2O [Del]

I have many weird dreams... But there was one short one I had in 6th grade that was really strange...

So basically I'm walking through the halls of the school, when suddenly my friend comes to me with black and yellow marks on his face and he's slowly turning into a bee. Meanwhile my other friend is screaming and racing down the hall, thousands of bees on her trail. She jumps through a window into a pit of snow below and her scream cuts short. Then I get surrounded by bees, which have formed to create a large "Titan" creature. Don't know what happened after this, but I remember my online friend showing up and pulled me away. She was wearing the Survey Corps cape, and I KNOW she doesn't like anime.

So basically... Attack on Beetan?

689 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2019-07-10 06:21 ID:yxKoMQiF [Del]


690 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2019-10-08 07:14 ID:7oshXZ3i [Del]

So this morning I got trapped in my dreams again. I think it took about an hour to wake up.

The dream started off by me waking up in my bed, but something wasn't right and I realized that I was still dreaming. I woke up again and went through the same process a few more times (the giveaway being that I felt too tired to move and could barely open my eyes). I then woke up again and I managed to sit up in my bed and even walk around the room. I noticed though that I was in nothing but my bra and panties, which wasn't what I went to bed in and realized that I was still dreaming. I woke up again, but this time in my sweats and sweater which was also wrong so I woke up again. This time the room was in black and white so I knew it was wrong as well. I went through a couple more dreams testing them and trying to wake up by scraping my knuckles against the wall (when doing this didn't hurt I realized that I was still dreaming), screaming as loudly as I could, or slapping my cheeks. Eventually, after quite a few dreams, I woke up in real life.
And yes, I scraped my knuckles against the wall just to make sure that this was the real world.

691 Name: Me !bsNKZwEEGc : 2019-10-15 17:29 ID:SXtmfYHh [Del]


692 Name: SLY : 2019-10-17 10:45 ID:TtELUhBi [Del]


693 Name: Zamiel : 2019-10-19 23:16 ID:DW2VRhLr [Del]

Hey chicks bump bump

694 Name: Lizardman : 2019-11-12 13:43 ID:RXdSMFc0 [Del]

I had this really vivid dream from about a year or two ago.

It started off with me looking for a part time job and as I was looking I came across this weird looking man in a colorful suit. He asked if I needed a job and when I told him yes, he brought me to an abandoned carnival. He told me that he wanted to get it back up and working again but needed employees. I accepted and he showed me around. Apparently there were little ghosts that possessed the dolls there but they were afraid of people and my job was to get them accustomed to humans. So I worked there and one day the man in the suit said he had a meeting to go to and took off. By this time the ghost dolls had taken a liking to me and we had become friends. I figured that they were now accustomed to humans and invited a bunch of guests in to the carnival. At first everything looked fine and so I went on break. Inside the office there were cameras set up and as I got there I saw that the people had round up all the ghost dolls and were burning them in a giant pit. I rushed out and tried desperately to put the fire out. By the time the last flames died down, I realized that none of the things burning were the ghost dolls. It was a bunch of random something (I can't remember what had taken their place) and as I picked one up to examine it, I heard the sound of someone clapping. I looked up and saw that all the people that were there were now mannequins and in front of all of them was a shadowy figure looking down at me and clapping.

695 Post deleted by user.

696 Name: Raffle : 2019-11-15 23:19 ID:rgDOhAaW [Del]

A few weeks ago I dreamed of a bunch of armed men coming to my house then shooting my Dad dead which terrified me as I watched through the window in my bedroom then one of them saw me and came into the house and he
held me at gun point then with tears going down my face I said something like please get it over with quick as I motioned to my forehead then the guy took aim and fired while I screamed then sank to the floor and woke up. The weirdest thing was is that it felt like I had died.

697 Name: Wacko : 2019-11-18 15:02 ID:GahyZRCY [Del]

Been having some dreams of this guy for these past years. Only sometimes though. He's nice and kind and has this very calm but mysterious aura around him. He most of the time has dark hair with blue eyes. Idk who he is, since i don't know anyone in my life that resembles him but he seems nice.

698 Name: Sparrowhawk : 2019-11-23 17:06 ID:5zRUmJKq [Del]

>>690 That has happened to me way too many times. When I was still in secondary school, I used to dream that I went through almost my whole day before moving into another dream (I think I may have woken up for a split second in between dreams though).

699 Name: someone!DxX7367STg : 2019-11-29 03:42 ID:gpfnEvCP [Del]

Few years ago I would have the same dream a lot, I'd be at home and I have some people over, then there's this girl, I've never seen her face, she has long light brown hair and it looks so smooth and straight, she wears shirts overall and white shirt under it, she's skinny and tall, her skin is fair, and there's be a fog outside and somehow I know that a guy wearing a black robe with a sythe is outside, everytime the dream is a bit different but it always ends with the girl getting a phone call and going out and me trying to convince her not to but she goes out instead and the dream ends.

Another dream:
I had a lot of dreams about my house's door not being able to lock, like I'd find that someone is outside (robber or kidnapper) and would try to look the door and sometimes just close it, but it wouldn't lock or close and I'd panic, and in some dreams I'd be at home and there are a lot of strangers going in and out from it, one time I saw a classmate whose father died and then she went to Brazil there going in with the croud. The dreams ended after we got a new door.

700 Name: someone!DxX7367STg : 2019-11-29 04:04 ID:gpfnEvCP [Del]

I remembered another dream
I was at home and it was late 2am maybe, and then I get a phone call and I answer, at first there's nothing just background sounds, it was like the person who's calling is somewhere far and abandoned there wasn't any sound of cars or people, and I somehow knew that the person is outside some abandoned building away from any near houses or other buildings, and then I hear a breath and a little girl asks me with a really low voice "where are you", her voice along with the sound of silence around her gave me goosebumps even after I woke up, and after days of the dream, idk why. So I asked her what she meant and she said that I asked her to go there and that she's waiting for me, I explained that I didn't and asked her how can someone as young as her be out alone at this time and told her to call her parents and go home at once, I had a bad feeling about the whole thing, then she said "oh, here you are" and hanged up while I was trying to tell her no I'm at home. Then I got forward view of what would happen in the future and I'm accused of kidnapping the girl and they have text messages and phone calls from my phone as proof, then everything just rewound and I go back in time to the moment before she called and would try to save myself and her. It rewinds a couple of times before I succeed, turns out her parents are neglect her, and just acted worried for the midea, they haven't even made any interactions with her for few months and sometimes she they don't see her for weeks, so she talked with a guy online and he became her friend and asked her to visit him to play and gave her an address for that place, I don't know how the phone calls and texts were by my phone but in the dream everything got fixed.

701 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-14 22:48 ID:ZSAUgwKD [Del]

Today I dreamed that a spam post appeared on Main, I sighed. There was also some posters about school subject or something, I've only seen them in me derams. I also opened the chatroom and they talked about something I've been paranoid of for some day now. And there is this group, we'd decide about something with an Animal Kaiser cards. There is the Version part and the Evolution part, mixed in together. I think were trying to make two team or something.

Weird, I can't get them to be chronological at all. So this is just what I remember.

702 Name: Ch1p : 2020-05-17 06:06 ID:rDEza+gj [Del]

Micahel Jackson opened my fridge and drank all the milk

703 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-05-27 17:57 ID:JGEk0sCZ [Del]

I dozed off this morning and quickly dreamed of an RP thread newly made on Main board. Quickly awoke ofc.

Cluttering thread on Main has become a nightmare fuel for me, I'd occasionally dreamed of lurking BBS and when I scrolled down on Main, it'll be there. Oh well...

704 Name: Donna : 2020-05-29 16:07 ID:yrI6Lm+R [Del]

Pennywise stabbed me to death but his actor is hot so it's alright.

705 Name: Donna !3GqYIJ3Obs : 2020-06-05 05:49 ID:43GqtUvz [Del]

Yesterday's nightmare was me trying to take a test but my vision became blurry soon because of my tears which were actually like a waterfall (like Midoriya) but the saddest part was that I failed the test. Doesn't feel like a good omen for my upcoming test IRL.;-;

706 Name: Not A Robot : 2020-06-06 22:52 ID:JnLUOoBr [Del]

I dreamed I planted a tree, with a USB implanted in it, with the giving tree e-book on it (yes, it was exactly like this ). and then I had to fight Dr.Breen from Half Life 2 in order to go back to my house and wake up from the dream.

707 Name: Raytzeelll!RafRKzorUQ : 2020-06-09 11:27 ID:izCxY36D [Del]

I dreamt that I brushed my teeth and was getting harrassed for the way I brushed them, because I wasn't able to reply -because of the booththrush in my mouth

708 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2021-01-07 06:12 ID:bVDAUmdn [Del]

Figured Name might enjoy this one. ;)

709 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2021-02-11 10:07 ID:vpNWGyPL [Del]

A few nights ago, I dreamed of conversing with a friend of mine. The content is not much of importance, I don't even remember honestly, just about anything you'd talk about when you hang out. A trail of sadness followed after I woke up, that's of a friendship I've already lost. Guess I haven't really let go yeah? Heh.

So every now and then, I started recalling stories where the character met someone they hold dear that's already deceased in their dreams. They hit much harder now.

Dreaming is like playing a game with a corrupted savefile, it wouldn't even try to autosave. Once you're done, it resets.

710 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2021-02-13 07:27 ID:lXgfiKNW [Del]

I dreamt that I clenched my teeth so hard the all shattered and I distinctly remember feeling them with my fingers and tongue like “oh shit my teeth are done”. I woke up and checked, still have all my teeth. No new chips.

711 Name: Saika : 2021-02-22 17:54 ID:/LYFal5M [Del]

When i was five, I had a dream my brother was luke from star wars and darth vader cut off his head and he fell into a basket of pink bunny stuffed animals at walmart and they all turned red from blood. very morbid. Lol

712 Name: creepy dream : 2021-02-23 14:24 ID:1jhAGJLM [Del]

I had this dream multiple times in my life when i was a child. I was looking at myself in my own room from a corner, the "me" i was looking is floating above my bed, sleeping. Then, when i get close, i am no longer "me" in 2nd person, and i become the "me" floating above my bed. I realize i am floating and that i'm actually scared of heights and gravity starts doing their thing.. so im falling into my bed and i hit it that hard that i wake up in that exact moment.

713 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2021-03-26 11:59 ID:Z3Tumml8 [Del]


714 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2021-04-26 20:25 ID:zPmO5hCS [Del]

So I was having this dream a couple nights ago:

It started off with a guy and his son (age around 10) going to a wedding. While there they met this one strange guy who seemed to know them, but the father didn't recognize him and so ignored him. Then there was this explosion and it somehow gave the father time travel super powers (I think the son had something as well, but I can't remember what). The people that had caused the explosion attacked the father and son and so the father used his new powers and accidently travelled back in time. The father and the boy landed in a jungle about twenty years in the past. There they met the father's late wife who was now aged at around 10 years. The people who had attacked them though had followed them through time and the father was forced to flee again. The son though decided to stay behind with his mom. The father arrived back at the wedding in the present timeline. There he ran into the strange guy again, but this time recognized him as his son who was now in his 30s. The bad people attacked again, but the son dealt with them and they all lived happily ever after.

715 Post deleted by user.

716 Name: Hrxia : 2021-05-20 12:43 ID:E0AMVFWL [Del]

Had this weird dream where I had a sibling that got cast away into another world & apparently I was also banished from my home world into this one. In that new world, she became a wizard apprentice & studied the dream exploring magic to break the barrier between worlds, then got inside my head which for some reason looks like a medieval weaponry room.

Anyways, we were talking about our other sibling that got banished into a pocket dimension where he’s held captive by the supernatural darkness that lives in it and we’re trying to save him despite our circumstances being divided by the wall of realms.

She had already talked with our other siblings who were also in another world and came up with a plan. She looked into the laws of nature in our world and says it’s very strict unlike the world she resides in, but she told me it’s still possible to brute force my way to the dream world like what she did to me. Some form of light, radiation that is capable of affecting the mind...

717 Name: dre : 2021-10-22 18:07 ID:LBYGVlsd [Del]

Had a dream featuring The Dollars (from DRRR, not here) last night. It was about the main character of Squid Game escaping the game and running until he got caught up in some turf war and got kidnapped by The Dollars. Um... then they asked him to identify some people and he found his daughter but they refused to let him interact with her. Something like that.

718 Name: Azima Tempest : 2021-10-28 21:37 ID:d4+f7QKB [Del]

I once had a dream that our class was on a field trip in a island and we're on the only one there. Then we got cursed and to undo it we have to sacrifice someone and we did. Then her body turned into a skeletal boat and her skull is looking ahead. It won't come off my mind, so I'm thinking of making it a book.

719 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2021-11-15 15:06 ID:kkPL5mCa [Del]


720 Name: Jodisan : 2021-11-17 12:49 ID:wbwhYNYa [Del]

One time I busted the biggest load in your mothers anus. It was really weird.

721 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2021-11-19 13:13 ID:H+OR1joq [Del]

Not really a strange dream, but I dreamed I was back at the camp that had the loli I was friends with, but she wasn't there.

Also don't scroll down past the RTT for a few hours.

722 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2021-12-15 13:47 ID:GRg71/nO [Del]


723 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2021-12-27 16:14 ID:jMhLaFlY [Del]


724 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2021-12-30 10:02 ID:XiKdgmOB [Del]

Had as close to a lifedream I think I'm going to get. This time, I actually started as a little kid. I grew up almost exactly the same, but with magic in the world, so there were significant differences (I was a magic neet instead of a computer neet, for example.) The important part is that I went to college and that's most of what I remember.

There was a ranking system of some sort and I'd originally gotten the lowest rank because there was no school-level magic training that was affordable and around my town, so I was entirely taught by my parents at first, then myself as I grew.

I joined this magic racing sport club and my first race immediately showed everyone I wasn't ranked properly (though it could only officially be changed at christmas break.) I handily beat everyone but the seniors who were the highest rank, who could actually keep up with me. I went through the first half of school while learning the formal names and stuff for what I had already been doing.

In extracurricular stuff and from the library, I actually learned new stuff. Christmas came around and I got ranked first. I'd expected it to be by a stupid wide margin, maybe even to the point of making a new rank, but it was apparently really close because I was only getting high Bs or low As in classes because they were boring and I didn't pay attention. They could 100% deny my formal knowledge, but they couldn't deny my power.

Only the teachers had any hope of survival if I went on a rampage, let alone stopping me. There were a couple that could instantly stop me because they had access to some magic only taught in 8th year of magic college, and like 2 people a year ever made it that far, globally.

Anyway, over christmas break, I learned some new, I thought even possibly unique, magic. I drew in the souls of mes from other universes to increase my magical power. Significantly so. I got 3 other souls and I was stupid powerful, but no one knew it until school started back up.

When I got back to school, the only teacher I actively liked noticed what I'd done and immediately got worried because messing with souls was stupid dangerous stuff. Like, she was surprised I'd survived anything similar to what I did, let alone survived with all my souls in the configuration they were.

Apparently, there were many buckets I could put my souls in, at least 100. The only ones I remember were "all," "healing," and "bodybuard." All was where our soul defaulted, and you should always have at least one soul in there because if you don't, rip in paninis. Healing made it so the soul's power went exclusively toward healing any damage to me (body or soul,) and passively so. Bodyguard just made my body really resilient to damage.

There was also the fact that keeping my souls all in one bucket like I was doing would cause them to eventually break, definitely weakening me, if not killing me eventually. I 100% disagreed because one of my souls had broken down. Its power spread evenly among my other souls and, if anything, I'd gotten stronger. Probably because I didn't need to coordinate my souls on tasks as much while retaining the power of that soul.

This was apparently not how this usually goes, so I told her where my souls came from. I'd done something entirely new for the first time ever. No one had done anything involving other universes, let alone taking souls from them. I woke up around this time and tried furiously to get back.

And I succeeded. I told the other mes, which now numbered in the hundreds because of how much faster that world's going than this one, what was going on and they said I was 100% free to come back. Well, they said it like I would if I didn't think for a second, "Sure, we don't need you anymore, feel free to go back to your own life."

Coming from anyone else, I'd 100% not know if they meant that in a mean way, a gaslighty way, or the way they/we actually meant it: To make sure I knew I was free to go.

725 Name: Saika : 2021-12-31 17:42 ID:Q3CgayqK [Del]

2 nights ago, I had a dream in which I was making food. In this dream, I had no beef so instead, I decided to kill some rando to make food with. Last night, the dream continues, the dead guy is in my fridge, and somehow, I still have an ankle(the night before, the guy grabbed my ankle, and instead of getting him off, I decide to chop on my ankle and foot.) So here I am, getting this decapitated guy out of my fridge, and I pull out his arm and hand that are holding on to my ankle and foot. I then continue to make food with this guy. (I think I made cabbage rolls and gyoza) My sis is in the kitchen eating cabbage rolls that she made and she is eating them with some kind of really good lemon and chili sauce. I then dipped the pieces of this poor dead guy in the sauce and start eating it. and then I think "y'know what, I don't think I want to eat this guy"(I don't say that until I see my ankle.) And then I'm like "screw it, this is delicious" and continue to eat. (to give you an idea, it tasted like chili lime chorizo. very delicious) suddenly, it goes to me and my sister running through this pastel-colored mall(it looks very decora menhera candy-like) an in this candy menhera decora town, we are being chased and as we run down the streets of this plague-ridden town. And then there these two milf-like peach ladies that remind me of the mosquito lady from one punch man and they were after each other and then I woke up. I don't know when I started being a cannibal in my dreams but I guess I am now..


726 Name: cxvz !CQ5CVt8dXc : 2022-01-03 08:36 ID:XkJmo0T1 [Del]

So there's this recurring setting in a lot of my dreams: it's like a small, hexagonal (somewhat?) clearing in either a forest or a field, and there're sometimes streetlamps on the perimeters. Whenever it appears in my dreams, it always leads to one of those loop-y types of dreams.

The first time it appeared, it was a clearing in a yellow field with a wooden gate on one side (just the gate, no fence or anything else). Upon opening the gate, I discovered a tiny abandoned amusement park of sorts, if you could actually call it that. It was closer to just half of a ferris wheel and some arbitrary metal formations. Anyhoo, I left somehow and decided 'I need to go back there and bring my friends and a camera because exploration'... and thus begins the loop. Lo and behold, when I got there, a creature of some sort was standing by the gate- I forgot if it was right behind or right in front of the gate- and so we ran. But we just ended up running... back? to the clearing? except this time we ended up entering through the side of the clearing, on a path 90° off from the gate and not directly opposite it as we had entered the clearing before. After that I don’t really remember, either we defeated the creature or befriended it but I woke up not long after lol

The most recent time it appeared, it was right outside a parking lot. It was like a random- dare I say, otherworldy- hexagonal cut out in an otherwise normal parking lot, surrounded by trees save for the ‘entrance’ where it connected to the parking lot. The parking lot was for some sort of clothing store or mall probably, because throughout the entire dream I was holding two shopping bags with three items of clothing in one, and one in the other- two pants, a dress and a shirt altogether. I don’t know why I remember that so specifically. So here’s the loop part. Every time I tried to drive out of the parking lot, I’d teleport back as if I had gone out of bounds in a game. I don’t remember if I got out of that loop or not before I changed dreams.

727 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-01-20 11:23 ID:CHx7XKdd [Del]

Had a full on MoL ripoff movie of a dream. It even set itself up for a sequel.

So, there's this super mage academy and I just got in and I'm getting to learn about all this cool magic and meet god. Then someone attacks the academy and kills everyone, including myself and god. Time resets to the beginning of school and I think it was just a dream.

Repeat loop one, then I go and start figuring out what in the world's going on. I forget most of this middle but, but basically, I find out some guy is using a small portion of a split apart artifact to become stupid powerful.

If the whole artifact were brought back together, he'd be even stronger, but he'd also be required to follow the commands of god, when given. No specific part of the artifact has that power, it's just a thong that the entire set does when together.

So, queue 200 loops of searching around for the parts and figuring out what in the world to do to actually get them. I never get a 100% complete set ever before god is killed and the loop resets.

So, I go find as many stupidly strong people as I can and get them to fight the dude. It works as well as you think it would given everything else that's happened so far. But it does delay the reset by a few hours.

So, I do both at the same time: Gather all the strong dudes and all the easy parts at once, then get them to delay the dude while I make a ritual to get the one really annoying part. It wasn't enough. Try again, but work on the ritual parts that don't need to stay in place as I do other things? No.

Gather all the strong dudes and help in the fight as the new strongest dude beyond this artifact-driven super dude? No, but we were able to sheer off a small part of the armor they had.

So, I kept trying that for a while. No, but I got better at dismantling their armor. Problem was that their body was more resilient than the armor, it was just there to further increase resistance to some specific spells and types of attacks.

Spend a few more loops reading more about the specific shard the guy has and learn that any chipped off pieces of the armor can act as weapons if another specific piece is around.

Go back and learn of other uses of other pieces of the artifact that can help if I have a small portion of the super part of the artifact. Learn quite a lot about it and decide it's time to actually win this.

Start by gathering all the strong dudes and all the easy pieces and doing all the mobile ritual parts, as before, but also teach someone how to do the last few steps. Instead of trying to finish the ritual while they fight, I use all the new information to get a shard of the armor and punt the dude to a different continent so we can have more time for the ritual.

Doesn't work for ling, dude is stupid strong and gets back in like 3 minutes. I intercept him a few miles from god and engage in combat. Mid combat, I learn that I can make a shard of the armor not into just a really strong mace, but also the same kind of sun sword the other guy had been using this whole time.

Stab it into a joint in the armor and, after a few seconds, it dislodges that whole plate and I get to see how this new weapon fares against the dude's body. It's like cutting through butter. Queue intense fight where, for once, I actually have some way to damage this guy, if not outright kill him.

I was still on the defensive because he could kill me in one hit, but he'd never been under this sort of pressure before and, as such, had no idea how to fight with anything but an overwhelming advantage. Taking advantage of that, I was able to split his armor into four pieces and cut him in half faster than he could regenerate (I should mention this guy was like 8 feet tall and like 5 feet across, he was massive. The little sun weapon I had didn't even go half way through him.)

During the fight, we'd gotten back to feet from the ritual site. I cut him down just before he stopped the ritual.

Then, while it was unneeded, we finished the ritual, anyway, and recombined the artifact so no one would be able to have that power without being bound to the commands of god.

After party I forget, but involved a blind dude, ~~roll credits~~ wake up.

Also, the setup for a sequel was the dream panning over each artifact piece location while someone said something like, "That was better than expected. Now we know what not to do with the other pieces when the artifact passes through ."

728 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-05-07 16:44 ID:rmkENePm [Del]

Every once in a while, I'd open RTT and saw insertnamehere on the current day. I will always be like "What the actual fuck?" When I eventually woke up, time definitely had passed on for a bit since that shocking discovery and I'm still at a disbelief, so I went to check the RTT over in real life.

Imagine my disappointment when what I was looking for wasn't there. I mean, I kinda saw it from a mile away that its a dream, but still.

729 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-05-30 22:40 ID:FWyegyR+ [Del]

Someone bought a $250 dollar trip to an island and I was gonna go with my girlfriend. Then we somehow end up with a billion tag-along little kids that completely fill up the 8-person-wide jeep we're going to the island in.

I can't remember anything else but I just wanted to share the least sensible dream I've had in a minute. Logic just flew out the window on this one.

730 Post deleted by user.

731 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2022-06-03 11:58 ID:FWyegyR+ [Del]

>>730 An odd one for sure...

732 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-07-26 10:55 ID:Ku1rDQwH [Del]


I distinctly remember this, I'm waking up while holding a pee and then deliberately closing my eyes to go back into the dream world because I saw a toilet down there. Then I had this moment of clarity when I was about to release'em, so I opted out of that fake toilet and actually wake up to go to a real toilet irl.

I'm not a lucid dreamer, I never had such clear control over my dreams before that or since then.

733 Name: cxvz !CQ5CVt8dXc : 2022-07-26 13:38 ID:TNhG4wUT [Del]

So I've been sporadically recording my dreams right after I wake up in hopes of having better (read: more immersive) and clearer dreams. Here're some highlights.

"Heights, staircase, gun, parking lot, the family madrigal x demon slayer, looking for 2 keys?"

"In charge of some viewing area... started with winning some sports stuff, then Walmart (?), happened thrice but at different points, then hurried back somewhere because someone was trying to assassinate you"

"Killed some demon things and stopped a catastrophe with science, history, and medicine, played with a baby, went to a really sketchy town and did a comedy sketch, went to Hogwarts and learned a bunch of magical music"

And no, I don't have any ounce of recollection of any of these dreams, but hey, they're in my notes app so I must've written them, right?

734 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-07-26 23:34 ID:vJ25Ilbh [Del]

>>733 Encanto x Demon Slayer sounds like a bop-ass fever party.

Also, the thing about putting your dream notes online is that someone on the net will remember what they read for years to come, but you who were only retelling through recalling that fleeting memory from the dream will forget everything in a day or so. Kinda intriguing in a way, I think.

I've had that happened to me before when someone on IRC asked me about a post of mine I already forgotten about, except for its remaining trace left in the threads. I sometimes even backtrack through old threads and got confused about my own posts because I can't remember what I was referring to anymore.

735 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-07-28 15:06 ID:kfBsPF4D [Del]

Had a dream I was at a warped version of my high school, then went through some doors and saw the pooper's dad. The dream changed a lot around him, and I realized I was dreaming and that our dreams had somehow overlapped. The dream at that point became super clear and it was interesting for a while, but I still had something to do in my dream, so I left his little sphere of dream for a little.

After I did my thing, I went back to find him and ask if it was alright to stay in his dream because I'd not been in someone else's dream since I was tiny. He must have misheard me or had dream shenanigans happen because he answered some other, unrelated question I didn't ask.

736 Name: Boopwrang : 2022-08-01 19:08 ID:gX7p/l92 [Del]

Had a dream where I joined the army, my troop got captured during battle and the guards gave me the job of a hit man to do a job on a nearby island. I woke up and went back to sleep and had a dream where I went to the doctor and found out I got cancer and hung out with my grandma

737 Post deleted by user.

738 Name: Nyanka !cSsNy1w6Kk : 2022-08-02 05:39 ID:TCQzHlD0 [Del]

I had a dream that I was getting on a plane to Mexico. I was supposed to be traveling with my sister and a friend but for some reason they never arrived and so I went alone. And I wound up staying with FindMuck (who I'm 99% positive does not live in Mexico City) and his sister who had three kids. We went to a park where there was lots of flowers and it was very lovely. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

739 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-08-02 07:28 ID:Mpl1RpPO [Del]

>>738 Of course anyone would hang out with Muck when given the opportunity, this is now my headcanon.

I'd assume he's able to manifest because you've seen his face on the stalker thread once too often.

740 Name: Firion !HYDlod9R/I : 2022-08-10 05:18 ID:H2U3XdB1 [Del]

I was two-third into a movie I was watching in my dream before realizing I need to get my sis to school early today, I was so mad I had to opt out of that viewing experience because I actually had managed to wake up and successfully get back asleep to continue watching it a few times before I realized I really need to wake my sister up.

There was a study tour for a class of students, they're going back to the past during the time this one business school still existed and it was an era when the academy's golden age was almost over. The headmaster got into some sort of argument with one of the students and they were like about to have a final showdown or something, idk, it was exactly that two third part of the story, and it happened not before the class went back to their own era abruptly due to the big argument, but not long after they thought it was safe, they got sent back into that era where the headmaster is already waiting for this supposed showdown, and I still remember very clearly the students had a confused look like they're stranded or something (I mean, they did really). I also remember there was a romantic subplot, I can't remember the details anymore, but I think some NTR happened or someshit. It was so weird and insane.

741 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-11-16 07:05 ID:u6zHtz8C [Del]

Anger. Had a dream I was in some game it something, and a loli had been summoned. She was really cute and wore a yellow shirt with a star on its front. Objects that were temporary always disappeared around 8 PM.

We didn't know if that included her. She said that she didn't want to leave. I told her I wouldn't let them (the GMs or whoever) take her.

8 PM rolls around and we're trying to keep a ribbon that belonged to a now-dead team member around and I will murder the GMs if they take the loli away. Well, she begins acting erratic, trying to take the ribbon and get away from everyone. I grab her wrist and don't let go.

Her color starts draining and she starts contorting, but I keep holding on. She lunges at me and screeches, waking me up.

I woke up basically paralyzed. I still felt her in my hand and felt like all my regeneration powers were trying to drag me back into the dream, "if only I let go," the GMs whispered. I refused and tightened my grip. I am now awake in full, and I still refuse to open my left hand for the loli that didn't want to go.

742 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-11-16 08:26 ID:u6zHtz8C [Del]

After >>741, I spent almost an hour trying to get back. Contacted >>724 and they threatened the GMs into letting me keep her on the conditions that I get to sleep by 8 PM tonight and let her go to let them edit the skill she comes from to make her permanent.

743 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2022-11-21 15:01 ID:xZYsDxEv [Del]

>>742 Was probably just super sleepy hallucination. Never happened. Or they lied and they'll die the next time I go to that dream world.

Separately, had a dream I was in a specific dreamscape where you could see the dreams of sleeping people, and if you were really good at dreaming, change entire sections of the world to always involve specific things in dreams while also being places to explore for other people who happened to be conscious of this location while dreaming.

Apparently, I was weird because I had an insanely large section I could influence, but it was limited to a specific cube centered around where I live, rather than a small sphere around where my dream body is.

Some tour guide person came with a small group and started talking about the various structures I'd apparently left in the area last time I was there (not that I remember being there before, even if I did know everything that was there.) He saw me and assumed I was just some rando to join in the thing, so he asked me what I'd added to the area, and I started pointing out various living beings and structures and what they do and who they are.

He called BS, so I let him into a weird kitchen thingy that he'd never had access to before and he got to ride on the back of a giant snake that was constantly chasing a bird around through the air of the space. It was a really weirdly laid out place. Multiple levels with large holes to let the snake fly through and around and stuff.

When he finally believed me, the snake finally caught the bird and turned into some god thing that tried to kill everyone. I didn't let it kill anyone - not even the fake people working the kitchen - and killed it, instead.

After the tour guide left with his group, another of those god things showed up and didn't immediately start trying to kill and destroy stuff, just shunted me off into some dream where all the other god things usually lived. They tried to kill me, but weren't able to hurt me at all.

I also wasn't able to hurt them. I forget why, exactly, but I couldn't. When the god thing that shunted me there got there, he told everyone to stop trying and showed them the corpse of the other god thing I killed. That one was apparently the strongest god thing, but had some weakness that allowed them to actually be damaged (and killed) by me, while having never even been scratched by the other god things.

The one who shunted me to the dream wanted to nominate me as a new god thing for being able to kill the old strongest god thing. A bunch of them didn't want that and instead tried to kill me harder while others fought each other to try to claim the position of strongest.

The shunter froze them all before any damage could be done to anyone and basically said that either I become a god thing or the shunter takes the position of the strongest. They all agreed to let me take a test at that: Figure out a way to actually damage the god things. If I did, I'd become a god thing. As long as I hadn't succeeded yet, they'd continue as if nothing had changed from when the old strongest god thing was missing.

I was in the middle of figuring out how to do so when I woke up.

744 Name: Saika : 2022-12-31 21:56 ID:UzIgyGq3 [Del]

I don't remember the rest of the dream, but two nights ago in my dream, my mom had a small bust. Like an A or B-cup. It was scary. Very bad.

745 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2023-01-01 10:43 ID:H9sr/ezY [Del]

Had a dream that 0 times infinity was defined in a way that makes sense literally everywhere except the world of numbers we use in everyday life. It had a really cool looking graph.

746 Name: NG-S !iPH0rf2lkw : 2023-01-08 17:11 ID:yrDQrzCj [Del]

I have some weird dreams, but I always forget them as soon as I wake up.

747 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-01-15 00:16 ID:ZhIQHKMp [Del]

I've been having dreams of people messaging me about things campus related that I somewhat dreaded at the edge of awaking, it happened so often over the past few days that I just got used to it and instantly recognize how dream messages felt. "Ah, this must be a dream. Lemme get actually awake and check my phone if its really just a dream." Then I find my phone either under me or beside me on the bed and figure out those messages really doesn't exist.

Really trippy.

748 Name: Iris : 2023-01-17 02:12 ID:HBi0K8HQ [Del]

I keep having the same dream where I would be walking down a hallway with doors to the left and right side unmarked and no idea where they lead, after walking down the infinite hallway there is a door that is marked but when I grasp the door knob and turn it I wake up.

749 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-01-17 07:01 ID:vsr9Nd6M [Del]

>>748 Isnt that kinda like the chainsawman dream sequence thing? Are you chainsawman?

750 Name: CLARY : 2023-01-18 11:09 ID:fWNVsndu [Del]

Back when I was a kid I had this dream where I would be sittin near a pond dark and a well was besides me. It was day time I know but the environment was too dark and Iwas honestly afraid of the dream. I had this many times until I became 13. I stopped having this dream but recently this year, just after couple of days from new year, in like 4th of January, I had this dream again and now I can remember clearly that the pond was there, the well was there, it felt nostalgic inside the dream itself like we feel when we're away from home for a quite long time. This time, in my dream I walked a bit and touched the water of the pond and the water seemed too thick to be called as water. The darkness was terrifying but I walked a little bit and besides there I saw a little town. I walked down there until I saw people staring at their TVs. There were like families just starring at their TV and there was that girl in the TV show. I saw her red clothes, she was wearing a hat kind of thing british girls used to wear back in 70s. She was holding an unbrella, blackand white stripes and the background was oddly black and was changing constantly from black to white to black. I felt that heaviness in my eyes inside my dream like she was trying to enter my brain and I instantly thought that she was the one hypnotising the people of the town with her show. For a moment, she was dancing and for the next moment she was starring right at me, at the people watching the show. I moved on from there and it eventually become harder to walk but I continued until I reached a house near an abundant railway line. The house didn't had a TV and someone's wife was there working. That house was made of clay as far as I remember and she was eagerly waiting for her husband. She even said that she would kill as soon as her husband comes home. I got frightened and naturally I tried to run away but until that time my legs stopped working completely and I can't even get up on my own feet. The women was pretty and she had those eyes of an angel, she had a child, the most prettiest of any human being ever possible, her child was holding a Butcher's knife and I was afraid. After that woke up and I'm glad that I woke up. Now I clearly remember the women, the child and that girl from the TV show. Dreams aren't suppose to work like this right? How can I remember faces that I have never seen before?

751 Name: Don't wake the dream : 2023-01-21 06:40 ID:K48tXd+r [Del]

Today I saw a dream where I kind of cheated but not exactly? Ok here it is then. My dream starts somewhere in my school and now I'm in college, but I am doing something in school with all my college students. So I was in the hallway doing something then I went to the class, teacher was already there. He told me to sit and he was telling everyone where to sit, basically mixing boys and girls. There was one that girl in college with whom I had a little fight you can call it back a year ago. I never actually hated her but she allegedly framed me fo manipulating her to break up with her boyfriend who was my friend. So she basically ditched my friend and framed me for breaking their relationship up but y friend and I, we both knew that she was framing me for her mistakes. So the teacher made me to sit with her and I was angry. There was my girlfriend next to me as well, I kissed my girlfriend. After some time, the classes were over and the girl, let's call her JB, she touched my hand and smiled at me although she hated me and I never liked to spoke to her. Then there's a thing with me and my girlfriend that we actually do not like to show our intimacy in front of others. We like to keep it a bit secret and in like public I like to kiss her whenever no one's around. So, inmy dream, we wese going for the next class and when I entered my class there was no one and JB holded my hands and kissed me and looked me in the eyes and said, " I can't resist". I kissed her and after that other came in so we separated out. Then it hit me that I was doing wrong, I was supposed to kiss my girlfriend and my girlfriend was supposed to be there instead of her. In the other class, I was sitting in front and JB was sitting in the back of the class I was angry and I didn't even wanted to look at her. She felt sorry too I guess by her looks. It's weird to think now that she kissed me. It's weird to even think that the girl who framed me would kiss me

752 Name: Arycl !prDdJ8Ym5w : 2023-02-08 04:45 ID:hdQ+WYqt [Del]

There I had a dream fewdays ago. It was in the night time, I started my dream in my college but the college was somehow different. It had new old places and buildings. I was there with one of my friend in a small house and we're talking about how different things are in the night time and that's why it's not possible to stay awake in the night. So I'm a night owl kinda guy but in my dreams, I agreed. Then we decided to stay awake how hard it gets and I felt the struggle to stay awake inside my dream ut did it anyway. Things escalated quickly after that. My college had these weird gatherings, the whole srea just expanded from my college to like a big city full of people and students but these were not like normal people you can tell that by looking, there's no visual difference but you can sure do feel it. There were strange thingsgoing on. There was some sort of parade thought the city. There was like a festival sort of feel to it. I saw the girl again but this time she was with my girlfriend alongside two other friends of hers. Yes that girl hates me in real life, she thought that I'm the one to blame for her mistakes but in my dreams she's just attracted to me. In real life, I also felt that she wanted to break my relationship with my girlfriend because she was attracted to me for some reason but yeah coming back to my dream, she didn't tried to kiss me at first, I greeted everyone and then I left for something important. I was travelling inthe darkness of the streets of my city and I entered one building where I was very careful not to make any sound so that no one would wake up. One of my comrade came in and told me that no one's going to wake up as it's impossible for the humans to wake up in that time. It was like a whole new different world where people were sleeping alongside 'things' living their life as we do in the day and me and my friend and my girlfriend and her were the only one uninvited. Then I met a clown several feets bigger, like 9 feet or so he knew that I was not a being among them and he then tried to kill me. I ran and ran and ran and eventually I came across an old bridge, the lighting was like sunset although it's actually night. I saw the time and it was around 2:50 in my watch. I approached towards the bridge and I can see the girl. Not going to lie but she looked awfully beautiful and I knew that she wanted me. My girlfriend went missing and I was searching for her st that moment. That girl kissed me and she pushed me and herself down the bridge and she didn't stopped kissing we're under water kissing for like 2 minutes and then I felt the drowning water covering my conscience. That girl was scrubbing off her lips and she bite me as well. Then I blinked in my dream, I came up to the bridge swimming and then I saw my girlfriend, I ran to hug her and she hugged to so tightly I cried out loud and I get louder as she was hugging me tight. I told her about my confrontation with that girl and my girlfriend told me that she knew about the girl and my girlfriend set up the girl that way. I didn't knew what to say what to think, then the scene changes when I jumped across the wall of my college,the real sun was rising and the weirdness was fading away. I looked back at the gates of my college and sure hell the deepest interior part was the same but the parts nearest to me went back to normal. My friend told me that he fell asleep when he pee in the well and somehow he ended up in the house. My girlfriend didn't even lift her hands off me and I was holding her like I'll not let her disappear again. I felt the pleasure of holding her hands and the pleasure of coming back to normal life but sooner I knew I'll be going to that world again, but this time alone to see all sorts of things. Hell I made friends from that world too who could only stay in the night and notin the day time. The sun was rising as soon as the light starts hitting the place, I blinked and blinked and the place changes back to normal. But in my eyes, the area where Iwas living, it still had that small house inside my college but I didn't went there. Instead I was looking at the red purplish orange background of the streets that were going back to normal. This was sure one hell of s dream for me and I actually wants to feel this again.

753 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2023-02-27 19:44 ID:nz+bI5Uo [Del]

I hate my brain sometimes. Dreamed I got a bunch of shrapnel in my legs and my legs still hurt four hours after waking up. One particular piece almost took my right foot off and made me unable to feel my heel + the right half of my foot. While this was still going on IRL, I could still feel my foot, but it's like there was a few frames of lag when I tried to move it. Was very annoying, glad my legs are back to normal.

754 Name: Name !Lup0uZudWo : 2023-04-15 15:13 ID:IacTEKDH [Del]

Had a dream a system came to earth and I forget how the system itself worked, but there were orbs that you could use to upgrade items. After my sister and I found the first one and it upgraded a vehicle, the US army found us and basically forcefully drafted us on the spot.

Time skip a few weeks in the future and we're driving home after a few more upgrades and the... team leader I forget the rank name of now was threatening us without outright threatening us when he let slip how most of the system works: It's an image system, but it's basically domain-based rather than attack-based and it's first-come-first-serve on land until the owner gives it up or dies.

"Big mistake, my imagination touched everywhere before anyone touched anywhere because this is my dream!" *wake up*

755 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-05-31 23:57 ID:lwuJKVRO [Del]

Just had a really bonkers dream.

In the dream, I was getting ready to went out of the house on my way somewhere with good clothes. There is a huge sliding gate at the front yard made of metal, I can't see whats on the other side. I opened, and went on my way. Next thing I know, it cuts to me that already fell on the ground, vision blurry, head dizzy, in absolute confusion. I can't feel my leg except that its shaking a lot, something white seems to be biting my feet, like "oh god, did I just got bitten by a stray dog? Am I getting rabies? Is this what caused all these headache and my inability to feel my leg?"

Turns out, that white thing was just my long pants. I fell asleep on the couch and my right foot was positioned awkwardly to the point where bloodflow is slightly obstructed. Absolute bonkers dream, never had anything so realistic like that before. Like, the head didn't need to go commit error like that to make it even more immersive.

756 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-06-06 18:01 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Solving a murder
Arrive at the scene
"Whats the time of death?" Someone asks
I look at my watch. "Right now."
Everything stop within the giant clock and resets.

I arrive a the scene
The time of death is 4:30. Its currently 2:29
I investigate for a bit, look around.
The stain glass windows in this place are beautiful...
Before I know it, its almost 4:30
I don't hear it but I sense it... an attack
I turn around and the murder happens right in front of me, a dark spell straight to the heart.
4:30 hits, the bells in the clock ring, everything pauses and resets.

I arrive at the scean.
Due to my shitty memory, the only detail I remember about the attacker was that they were wearing a dark dark green trenchcoat.
I start the investigation....

757 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-06-14 23:18 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

One of my moms friends had tickets to a movie. I've never met this person before, but my mom was insistent that I go.

We get to the movie theater and the place is packed. People are flooding in through the doors as staff stand outside.

We're each given a white paper bag and I am confused. The friend tells me it's popcorn and I go "Yippee!" Because free popcorn. I do not check the bag and put it in the bag I brought with me.

The entrance of the building is short. It immediately heads toward some stairs. Wide stairs that go far far down. You'd think you had gotten to the bottom but there's just more stairs. Straight down.

The friend comments something about how it'll take forever to get back up. I wonder why there isn't an elevator. The friend says "I hope you don't have anything planned later." I reply with "Only my therapy appointments tomorrow."

We get to the bottom of the stairs. It leads into several different halls. They look overly fancy. Intricate patterns on the walls and floors. Fancy velvety couches and beautiful vases atop marble podiums. All with a red and gold color scheme.

I felt... out of place. Others were dressed to the nines and here I was in a hoodie and sweatpants. Though, no one seemed to notice nor care.

The friend takes my arm and starts leading me down one of the halls. We pass many people and many doors with labeled numbers. "We're in room 1007." She says. None of this feels like a movie theater.

We get to room 1007. It's similar to a small waiting room. The room itself is more wide than it is long, and chairs a lined up against the back wall facing a TV.

We take a seat next to an older couple. The woman dress as if she's at an opera but the man in every day clothes. I feel less self conscious about my casual appearance.

The TV begins playing something. A tutorial of sorts. Similar to what plays before a movie in a theater, telling you to turn off your phone and don't record the show. But it was different.
I look around. Understandably confused. People start taking out the white paper bags wich directs me to do so myself. I look inside to find a bottle of medicine, amongst other light medical things.

The TV says itll help us see in the dark and experience the movie in "new ways". Though, bottle was familiar, and apon looking inside, I realized it was cold medicine.

The old man beside me started happily talking about what a miracle the medicine was and that I should take it to see in the dark. I say "No thanks. I can see just fine in the dark.." Before pointing out the bottle was just cold medicine.

The man doesn't believe me. So we spend a minute or so reading the text. But there's no ingredients list, wich worried me even further. By now, everyone else was acting strange. Some standing close to the TV and other simply wandering aimlessly.

I continue to voice my concerns to the man next to me, the only other lucid person here but he continues to go on about how it's perfectly safe and the pill tastes of a sweetness when bit down on.

This continues as I examine the bottle and the other items in the bag. Before I knew it, I tasted a sickly sweet taste in the back of my throat and the realization I had, at some point during my concentration, eaten one of the pills.

That's the last thing I remember before I woke up.

758 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-06-18 19:42 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Have a feeling someone is following me in my dreams.

He takes different forms but whenever we make physical contact, I suddenly know who it is. I don't know what he wants but.. it's worrying me.

The vibe this person gives off is like the essence of the shiver down your back. The figure in the night. The noise in the dark. But in brod daylight.

What dose he want from me.

759 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-06-21 22:58 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

I fucking broke my jaw but I either couldn't tell or didn't care so I kept trying to talk about assassins creed lore (I know no lore) and the mouse universe theory. Wich is actually very interesting yet I'm pretty sure is completely made up in my dream. I must talk about it.

Mouse theory is the idea that all simular universes occupie the same space and line up in the same way at certain points. For example, I could be late for school because of traffic in one universe, but be late due to not waking up on time in another. In both universes I arrive late at the same time, causing an overlay. This is where deja vu comes from. The mouse part of mouse theory is from what it looks like when multiple universe are overlayed visually, making people look like they're scattering around like mice.

760 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-06-29 06:02 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Went to a park and the world began to end and they asked if I did everything I wanted and I said "no. I wanted to die." And they were like "you just might get that." And I was like "nah. I'm actually immortal. Goodbye." Before clapping my hands twice and 'waking up'

I was still in a dream but for the rest I listened to a beautiful cover of the Gravity Falls theme and ate ice cream.

761 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-06-29 19:05 ID:tDxA/+Kl [Del]

On a trip, we were staying in this wooden crib with a very low ceiling and poor lighting, I practically had to crouch through a few rooms with people sittng around while carrying my suitcase to get to my room. It feels like the place is floating on a body of water, since its all wood.

Then it transitioned to another dream, where my room in that wooden crib had a ladder going up. I went up there, and was stunned by the most breathtaking landscape view my brain could possibly ever imagined. We were on a peak of some thin mountain, I assumed, because the balcony of that place on top of the ladder is so small too yet I couldn't really see the lower part where it actually stands on. The sky is blue, its like late morning almost high noon, so the cloud, the sky, and the sun looks really really beautiful. There are other lower mountain visible, covered with bright green grass, some flowers littered the lower part of the terrain, beside it is the ocean. The breeze is just the most amazing thing I ever experienced, as far as I could recall of the dream.

Then some many guys comes up on the balcony too, according to the info I was equipped with during the dream, these are the authority folks from the USSR (because I watch a USSR documentary before falling asleep). Then they barricaded the whole open air with transparent polycarbonate roof, because "equality" or something, communist thing I managed to catch from the documentary, how miserable civilian life actually is during their reign.

It was mad, I was quite mad, and sad, why would they do this. Then I kinda woke up, I guess.

762 Post deleted by user.

763 Name: Koru2 : 2023-07-04 02:03 ID:Phg6GFH3 [Del]

A few years ago, I used to lucid dream frequently, either fully in control of the dream or simply aware that it was happening (which was much more entertaining). Over time, it really improved my general level of awareness in the waking world.

But I can recall one particular night in the early months of COVID 2020. I "woke up" in my room, but I knew it was a dream. I recognized I was in sleep paralysis and could scarcely move anything but my head a little bit. I often sleep on my side I felt a sensation of dread behind me. Then i turned my head slowly noticing a "man" with a hat sitting on my bed with its back against the wall and his eyes clearly fixed on me as i catch a look of him.

We both suddenly jolted, and I instantly whirled my head back around out of reflexive panic. I sense "him" grabbing me from behind and drawing me in almost as if sensing my terror after getting a look at him, pulling me in I could feel his heavy breathing behind me. I felt something like sorrow and desperation from it? so after a moment of attempting to struggle despite being paralyzed. i gave into the feeling and closed my eyes and wiggling my toes trying to force myself awake. waking up pretty unnerved afterwards. I can only remember that he looked like a shadow with a hat but i couldn't see his eyes at all.

Thing is after that i stopped lucid dreaming like i used to after that(I also stopped dreaming generally for a bit, or perhaps I just forgot about them).
remember them). its been a few year now although the feelings i got from it stuck with me ever since. especially the odd feeling comfort of maybe even safety as it was pulling me in despite the dread it gave me.

I still dream now and then, but they don't happen as frequently or I don't remember them, so I wonder if it's due of what I saw.

I learned about the "Hatman" less than a year ago. the memory still bothers sometimes. wondering why did i feel that hint of safety?

Im glad to share my experience of what ruined my lucid dreaming! :)

764 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-07-04 06:48 ID:y01lBMjR (Image: 456x361 png, 60 kb) [Del]

src/1688471289781.png: 456x361, 60 kb
Oh faceless man faceless man I'm sorry. All you wanted was for someone to play the piano for you so I played. I played you many little songs. I willingly gave you 50 hours of my life to play your songs and in the end, you were betrayed by the others... I'm sorry....

So there's this room, in a mall. You could request to stay a certain amount of loops (hours) as time stood still in the room

The walk way had no rails. You could easily fall down to whatever sides. I never found out what the curtains were for.

The sign on the middle curtain said "Do not hurt the man. He wishes no harm appin you. Just play."

Most things in the room were bedazzled
The sign, the piano, some of the prizes.

Sometimes there would be actual walls but they were made of mirrors. I've learned my lesson about those and preferred not to look too long....

There are two doors in the room. One on each side. The drawing is from the perspective of the entrance.
If you request a loop, you'll go back to the first door once exiting. This skips 1 hour in real world time.

I think there were multiples of the same room. At some point, I could feel someone chasing me from a different room so I just kept going through. I could feel myself getting further time wise but the room itself never changed.

Until the 24 loop mark. Whatever was chasing me had caught up to me and they were pretty nice to me but it turned out them and the other contestants killed the faceless man... ending the time loop...

I didn't want to leave after that.

765 Name: Eeveeon : 2023-07-09 13:01 ID:8LP+43vq [Del]

I dont dream much but when i do they are typically bat shit crazy... like mushrooms level off trip xD ima have to find my notes. i try to write down as much as i can about these dreams before i forget them. ill be back

766 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-07-25 05:18 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Had a dream I tried to go back to school but I was too stupid and failed so I became a homeless man who passed out stickers and everyone in my area thought I was cool. I had to sustain off of dog treats tho.

767 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-07-30 07:19 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Had a dream about A giant cult of like, actual goats. Thats it.

768 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2023-07-31 07:22 ID:rofwrVd1 [Del]

>>767 Some might say... goatlings

769 Post deleted by user.

770 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-08-03 06:14 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

>>768 Insert rimshot sound effect.mp3

Miscellaneous dream notes! (I can't remember the full context for them.)

*Was just walking around and hanging out with friends when I remembered I had an appointment somewhere. It was so chill.

*The effects of the apocalypse are numerous and also alot of people are dead. Like, alot alot of people are dead.

*Tried to get a cake out of a mini fridge but it was broken and was spraying water everywhere. :(

*Float in space. Stare into the stars. It's beautiful, it's wonderful. So pretty and calm. Have the world around you muffle and melt away. Forget the end of the world. Reach out... and be pulled into another world by your alternate self.

*In a mall with some friends but it's "get chased by horrors beyond your imagination time"

*The soundtrack for this one was a fucking BANGER. I don't think I could recreate it but it sounded like something from System of a Down. As for the dream itself. Uh... let's just not talk about that.

*Got a cool piggie back ride. I can't remember why. The person was trying to do a game glitch and I was needed for it or something. Is family was pretty nice tho.

*I was in a Danganronpa killing game but was in the middle of calming down a cow, trying to put it to rest when suddenly a trial was announced and we had to go RIGHT THAT SECOND like- no time to get ready. So I get in the elevator and there are people in their pajamas and half done makeup and still a mess from cooking and I'm just here with a shovel and a shotgun whilst covered in dirt.

*I was creating a robot child that was super smart or something.

*Mall got a fucking upgrade. Why is it so colorful and happy? Something don't feel right. The daycare area is MASSIVE. Like bigger than security breach massive.

*Had a dream I had a magic deck of cards. Depending on wich ones I drew, the world would be effected differently. I could choose to personally ignore the effects leaving everyone else to deal with them. A 5 of hearts, also known as a hat card for some reason, decreased everyone's sanity. I drew 2 hat cards.

*Sentient AIs seem to REALLY hate me. :/

*There was like, this big party going on at my aunts house and there were a bunch of people around my age just chilling and they just adopted me into their friend group despite all of them being rich people except me. Then we went on a drive for a little bit.

*I swear if I have to do another industrial hallway monster puzzle I'm going to start pushing people into the fucking pit. Stop making me do them. 😡 Also the library deluxe is looking snazzy! It's actually pretty cool. They got a whole theme park now. :)

*I'm infiltrating an alien building for some reason. I can turn into one of them if need be. This place is very familiar... I recognize those blue walls and shaggy carpet. I could never forget a place like this. So much so that I mumbles this out loud and others noticed. It's so weird...

*This festival is WACK

*"No one is gonna wanna protag you with a name like that. :/"

"Bitch, my name is LOUIS."

*We're back at that one underwater building??? Place??? Thing??? Was this a hospital? I don't know. They have games and food like a pizza place. Wasn't something chasing us? Oh its Alex's birthday. Guess I'll just vibe in here then. Also popcorn has replaced coins.

*The council of the air element is making moves to completely fill the higher knights staff with air element users. One of the former High knights, the dragon princess, suspects this but cannot do much due to her old age.

*Playing hide and seek with a blood thirsty chaos entity is fun when they don't want to kill you specifically!

*"The blanket is the only thing that calms him down. Therefore, it's the only thing that really matters."


*"Well, Godzilla is prone to tripping and falling, as proved in one of the books. So you should probably slow down." 🤨

*"It's a real party when everyone is together!" -An ad about being polyamorous in my dreams.

*Damn. I really be chilling in the hospital and people have the GAUL to roast my art? Unacceptable. I'm gonna eat this jumbo sized snickers bar. Get nay nayed.

*Be careful what you wish for! proceeds too not be careful

*Spell frozen tears
Doc. Doc don't go running off on your own- DOC NO
And she's dead....

*Had a dream they added werewolves and shark people to genshin impact. You could make them your friends and they'd help you climb or swim places.

*Also had a dream where I was running a blog about this weird fish but the blog was coming to an end soon so I gave the fish to a fan. We were at a dollar tree and there was a whole section for tiny things. I was very excited

*Had a dream I died in the training dimension and unlocked creative mode.

*I was having a normal dream and it became a nightmare. I only remember "Alexa, call the police." Over and over while someone ponded on my door...

*Trying to figure out why there's this weird magic barrier around festival lake. It doesn't effect anyone anymore but it sure is suspicious. "Are you OK? You haven't said a big word in 2 years!"

*"Tag yourself! I'm the crowd dicending into madness."

*"You won't get much out if him. He only really communicate through stovetop..." a little kid about their uncle who I need help from. Also, the same trade?????

*"I'm not really good at mutch except bitting people really hard..." :(
Turquoise, worried about making friends at school.

*I can't remember most of it but it seems I'm at war or against someone at schools (in a fun, playful way) and the person who set everything up has left us some clues 🤔

*"It's sad, is it not? That no matter how hard we try, life will simply continue. If humanity never evolved think as we do today, something else would have. And it would drive them to madness just as it dose to us today...."

*I don't know what the Metta is for character hide and seek but boy am I Good!

*The demi children are getting back together! Melt their statues to set them free.

All of these are random notes from dreams over the years. I have more. ^_^

771 Name: Memento Mori : 2023-08-19 21:26 ID:aWwt6XDh [Del]

I went through a full Sunday in a dream, woke up, thought it was Monday, looked at my clock(It's one of the ones that shows the date), got extremely confused when it showed the day I thought just happened previously.

Even funnier, the book I thought I finished in my dream had a different ending.

772 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-08-20 12:13 ID:y01lBMjR (Image: 885x605 jpg, 34 kb) [Del]

src/1692551604815.jpg: 885x605, 34 kb
In my dream there's a room in a school hall. On the outside of the door, it says "CAUTION. DO NOT OPEN. THERE IS NO ONE INSIDE." On the inside On the door it says "IF YOU SAW ADS, NOTES, MESSAGES, OR DRAWINGS ADDRESSED TO YOU REQUESTED SOMEONE BE LET OUT OF THE ROOM, YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED. THERE IS NO MAN IN THIS ROOM." it was a narrow room with a low ceiling. The door is on the far right side of a long wall. You can see the end of the room from the door. To your right, there's a big poster. This blocks another door that leads to another short hall with 3 doors. One on the left, one on the right, and one at the end. Due to the layout of the building, the doors to the left and right should not be able to lead anywhere but they do.

When the room is closed, you'll hear a old man on the other side of the door. He asks to be let out. When you open the door, no one will be there. If you open the secret door, you will see the man and he will enter one of the 3 doors.

Opening the door let's in "data" and once it's open, you must absolutely make sure no one is inside. The door will not close if there's even a byte of data.

Data can make the room malfunctioning. It will begin to clone people who have gone inside. These clones are hostile and will attempt to kill you

773 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-09-06 17:38 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

I've been having dreams about romance and such, with real people I do or use to know. I find it disturbing because I'd never consider dating people. It's just not my thing. I wish the dreams would stop. I don't want this kind of love...

774 Name: CLARY !vdBpXikBc2 : 2023-09-17 14:44 ID:RBxdjXW7 [Del]

Today I had this weird dream where I went to a college. Currently I am a dropper student and I am preparing for entrances but in my dream I went to a college that I have never seen before. There were students sitting whom I haven't seen in my dream ( I mean the faces I didn't see all of them), I proceed to sit next to a girl and I have never seen her in my entire life but a few weeks ago I guess I saw the same girl in another of my dream. So it goes like this, I approached to the bench to sit next to her as there were no seats nearby. I sat there and another guy proceeds to sit next to me. She was sitting on my left, it's not like I like her or anything, we were new, we just met then and there. So a mam shows up, tells us about who knows anything related to C++ and I stood up, so others students were all regular to the class and I decided not to attend college in this year I was just there for a formality work so I let it pass like I don't need anything. Mam called the girl, her voice was sweet like I know her and surely she wasn't my girlfriend, I know my girlfriend's voice pretty well we've been together for like 5 years by now. But I didn't give it more than a thought and let it pass away. After the class was over, she casually asked me what I am going to do for the notes I have missed and how long I am staying in that college. I told her that I won't be there for too long and I wouldn't be needing the notes as I was not attending college for more than a day or to. Hearing this she became sad suddenly and now she's staring at me, I used my eye gesture to ask like what happened? I asked her if she's ok. She just kept there starring at me looking all sad like I know she wants to have some time with me. I didn't knew her before that in my dream, we just met but she felt familiar for which I said, " we can be friends, and we can hang out with my girlfriend as well" She instantly became happy and said, " sure then we will meet right? I want to meet her too and be friends. I don't want to lose you" I said, " sure you can actually have her number and call us whenever you need us" and then I gave her my girlfriend's number and then we talked a bit. She was again staring at me, like she's happy to be there sitting next to me but she doesn't want to lose that moment. Then we went to another class, there were sofa instead of bench or chair for some reason, I sat there and we all waited for our teacher to come, she was sitting on my right side and she was sitting close to me and I didn't mind as well ( I usually do not interact like that, I feel uncomfortable when there's some unknown girl sitting next to me except my sister and my girlfriend or my mother, I don't know I just don't accept any other girl except these people I know in real life). I walked up to get something and a guy she knew before me showed up, he sit on my seat and they were talking about something and as soon as he saw me he walked away and I saw distressed, she saw me as I sit there, she told me not to go away like that anymore. I said, " ok I was just looking away" Then we decided to go outside for a walk and I wanted to explore the place as well so we both went together to the rooftop where she told me that she used to be a good friend with the guy I just saw before but things went south so she break cut ties with him. Now she was all alone all by herself until I showed up and be nice with her and she said that nobody was that much nicer before that she became sad when I say that I wouldn't be attending that college. I felt sorry and I felt bad for her and she like leaned on me afterwards I woke up

775 Name: MAD !2PE2w.UjyY : 2023-09-20 00:43 ID:5U9BmuC2 [Del]

All my dreams consist of animals hunting me down or watching plants grow. I dream rarely but when I do I either wake up unable to move or feeling at peace.

776 Name: CLARY !vdBpXikBc2 : 2023-09-26 14:27 ID:W7ptxaJG [Del]

I am having this dream again where I reside in a city full of neons lights and technologically so advanced that amazes me and there I am with a group of people trying to defend themselves feed their babies and child and breach inside the city, I help them to plan out and look for a way to get inside. I get to see the whole scene where everything looks so good inside the city that everything looks so goood from the outside, just chaos is inevitable as people are cruel to each other and crimes are overwhelming, people are disguisting these and people are homeless. I saw the present there and it was like a city doomed wasteland and there I was again with another group of people planning out how to survive and how to do something to make everything better. I saw a school up above the sky, where the stairs are so steep that I am not able to come down but everyone else other than me are coming and going fine. I met that another girl whom I just saw this time, didn't call her, I just stared down the stairs and she wasn't looking towards me, I tried to call her but then I realised that I know her but I never asked what her name was. I starred, I wanted to make sure that I remember her face properly this time but I still forget her face that I just couldn't remember her face anymore. She was with me for an instance sitting on a train flying across the sky inside the city and there I was thinking again how to react but she was looking happy and I thought that I shouldn't make her sad by asking anything, so I kept on talking things she liked.

777 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-10-03 00:51 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Was watching RT game play a game and he had cheats on but despite this he could barely outrun a pissed off elephant chasing his character and he had to turn on multi-player so chat could kill it.

778 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-10-05 03:19 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Also had a dream where me and my brothers went to a restaurant and the food I got sucked so they began stealing from other people's food for me.

779 Name: Kaster!eVHHrdPaJg : 2023-10-14 13:03 ID:p5zpMTXf [Del]


780 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-10-15 17:58 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Got sent to a town where multiple buildings are haunted. Town hall is haunted and several people + all the staff went missing. I get rid of whatever caused the haunting and the town hall is suddenly restored. Turns out everyone in town hall was stuck in a time loop.

The hospital was also haunted but still active. The haunting causes the halls to extend beyond the buildings borders and multiple days would be smushed into one causing it to always be packed. I couldn't catch the creature causing it.

There was also a ocean side house that was haunted and the area effects the water. It was filled with junk. I think I found the cause upstairs but then things got blurry.

781 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-10-23 10:40 ID:y01lBMjR (Image: 193x262 png, 26 kb) [Del]

src/1698075620630.png: 193x262, 26 kb
"I wanted to stop her. To pull her back but... suddenly my body froze and I could see everything from the sky. I could see myself... staring directly at me with a smile I've never seen before..."

Thats all I remmeber from his one.

782 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-11-08 15:21 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Had a dream I went to the fun part of Portal Walmart at night and was just chilling at the arcade. It was still open and there were some people. Then I left and walked into a forest. The sky was pretty. Then I read Freddy fnaf was following me and with the power of power juice and this gun I found I killed him.

783 Name: Boopwrang : 2023-11-08 22:11 ID:quSfbljn [Del]

Had a nightmare where I was on my bed and when I went to check my grades, they were 68.7%. I was so confused because I know I got good grades on all my work that I woke up.

784 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-11-13 00:49 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

I had a dream I worked at an ice cream shop and we were just closing. I was watching my coworker chat when some people come in. One an old mam who ends up chatting to one of my coworkers about liking girls (this coworker is a lesbian, they're bonding) and thr other person walks up to the counter and my other coworker goes over to see what they want. Coworker 1 says something about how she'll do anything for a pretty lady when coworker 2 calls her over to help, revealing that the customer is, in fact, a pretty lady. So she immediately gets back to work despite the fact we're supposed to be closing.

Eventually we kinda forget about closing and we're all just chatting. Some of our friends show up and coworker 1 says she needs to borrow my phone to call her mom. A new customer comes in and asks for ramen for some reason so I'm like "yeah, for a dollar." He gives me a dollar and I summon a cup noodle from my bag and give it to him.

I decide to go outside to take a breather and the sky is absolutely beautiful with plenty of clouds. The ice cream shop is in a place with lots of beautiful grassy fields and farms in the distance. A little further than that are beautiful snowy mountains. I run back inside and tell my friend I need my phone. Everyone is wondering what I'm so excited about and go outside with me. They agree, the sky is indeed beautiful. I take a few pictures and we decided to try and get on thr roof. The ice cream shop is a barn red with a black shingle roof that has layers. Though the base is white tile with random pastel colored tiles sprinked in. Probably to blend in with the farms.

We try a ladder but it's broken. We try a step stool and it's broken too. Some other friends climb up on their own. Eventually I use a swivel chair to climb and just as I'm getting up to the roof...

I wake up.

785 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-12-05 19:25 ID:y01lBMjR (Image: 337x389 png, 51 kb) [Del]

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I don't remember much of the beginning. Me and a few others have to go to some buildings to check on the communications towers as well as collect some stuff. I ask my partner if he's afraid to face the keeper of building 3, a blue and white haired man. He makes an excuse and I laugh. Before we go to buildings though, we all go to an all you can eat buffet. There's all sorts of delicious food. We have some people supervising us and me and my partner get in trouble for messing with a ride that's inside the building. We evade punishment by getting food. I'm so overweight by the amount of food I only get some oversized chicken wings. Me, my partner, and my supervisor talk about chicken anatomy and mentions about the end of the world before we go to sit down. I'm about to start eating when it cuts to later.

I'm at a communications tower. It's glitching even outside, as no one can tell if it's building 5 or 4. I enter through the large double doors. There is only a white space with a giant computer and someone else.. the room is unnaturally large. So unnaturally large that it's unfathomably bigger than the building itself.

There's a virus on the big computer. An avatar shifts and changes on screen, it makes tormenting remarks towards the person in the room, who is an anti-virus. The virus causes the room to rapidly shrink, in the blink of an eye, the large computer is now slowly being pushed towards us like a hydrolic press, the unopeneable double doors behind us not allowing more room. As it pushes closer and closer, my face begins to distort and I start screaming. So loud that I both could and couldn't hear my own voice. Like a paradox. The computer begins to slide back, the room expanding to compensate for the new area needed. I get closer and closer before I wake up.

786 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-12-07 10:32 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

I'm playing a game on my phone. It's like temple run but only mine cart and only in caves. Also it's spooky. I'm walking with a friend after school. I don't recognize this campus but apparently we go here. We're walking past a large soccer feild that has a baseball feild next to it separated by one of those really big fences. We're walking against the crowd of people leaving to go home because we're meeting up with a different friend at their class. I lose my game and ask my friend to hand me my zip lock bag of snacks. They were holding it because my hands where busy gaming. I get my snacks, though they accidentally give me their little bag of change and I hand it back. Just as we see a different friend walking towards us in the crowd, I wake up.

I find it strange I still have alot of dreams about school. I haven't been in school for years.

787 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2023-12-08 11:31 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Me and a bunch of people are walking down a road. The area around us is vibrant and colorful. It kinda reminds me of Mario. But we have to start running. A strange sludge is catching up to us and we have to evacuate. We get to a mall, it has a subway station at the bottom floor. I take a moment to visit the arcade before going there. There are a few people already waiting for the special train that'll pick us up. I say hi to some friends and we start chatting. The train arrives, it's a pink steam train with only one car right now. We begin to get on. As I step onto the train, I wake up.

788 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-01-29 03:00 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

There's a feild, with a big tree. There's alot of people there. I can't remember why. There's chaos. I can teleport to an island that can see the tree from afar. There's a house with a family on this island. I know this family. I'm telling them about the chaos and I've brought charts and maps. We decide to eat dinner. I'm sitting at the table, I can see a closet from where I'm sitting. It's slightly open. I know there's a body in there. It's in pieces. There is no blood but it's rotting. I know. I know. I know. We continue to eat dinner.

Someone from the big tree chaos comes and tries to get the family to do something. I tell them the island isn't within the trees jurisdiction. They're upset but can't do anything.

I go outside to view the chaos. The tree has changed. There's a big transparent purple barrier around it. I watch as the tree glitches out and becomes red and black. I can see the chaos still.

789 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-02-02 08:25 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

I'm at a house in a different dimension. I've been to this house before but at night. This dimension seems large but it isn't. It's a resting place for dimension hoppers.

Someone finds dimension ants in the garage. We evacuate the house and take the party outside. I try to get people to leave so the clean up crew can exterminate the ants but they won't listen.

I use a knife to cut a hole in the grass and make a portal. I again try to get people to leave but they won't listen. I can tell something bad is going to happen so I hop in and wake up.

790 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-02-07 18:17 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Somewhere in training dimension there's a floating island with a castle and many fruit trees. There were no homes for the people though. We picked food from the trees and messed with the physics of our land.

Then we found the caves. They were dark, cramped, and confusing. There were many corpses. But on the other side of one of the caves was the back of the castle. It was dark and distorted but the area that once only had trees now had homes. It was like a mirrored version of our home.

So we planned a route through the caves to get back and forth between the two places. But some areas of the caves were more dangerous than others.

The hounds.. strange, wolf like creatures would come from the caves as well as large, centipede like creatures. They were both highly dangerous. We had to make protective measures and block off one of the extra cave entrances but we only had pillows and barbed wire. I could feel it cut my skin.

We had pillow forts and a cannon that shot out a guy named Dave at the enimes.

791 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-02-22 05:55 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Had a dream I was preparing to explore the mall at night but I kept forgetting things and would have to go back to the apartment. This apartment is connected to the 3rd Floor Building stairway that has a bunch of doors and one of the double doors leads to the malls arcade.

Eventually I'm prepared but instead of using the door I have my mom drive me to a different entrance and I go through there. My mom and my little brother are at a different building kinda in the same parking lot and I can see them through the windows.

I've been in this part of the mall before. Though, this mall isn't based off a real one. I wave at them through the window as I'm exploring. Eventually my little brother books it across the parking lot and tries to get in. Security stops him and my mom comes to get him.

I explain that he can't be here because this part of the dream is dangerous and the only reason nothing bad has happened yet is because we're sharing a dream. Up to 6 people can share a dream with me. I have no clue if this is true.

792 Name: dream denier : 2024-03-14 21:56 ID:WLrVQHmk [Del]

uhhhh I can't eblieve so many peoeplle would LIE about thinks. Dreams are NOT real. No matter what CNN says.

793 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-03-17 20:22 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

had a different dream where I was downtown across from the convention center doing something??? And I get a call from Elizabeth (who I thought was possessed by a god but ok?) And she's like "Hey where are you?" And I explained that I just got off work and I completely forgot we were supposed to go out to eat so she tells me the restaurant she's at and I go there.

It's this fancy place I was NOT prepared for. There's this long red staircase leading to the bottom where most of the sitting area is and Elisabeth is like, making changes to our sitting area because she was raised in a super rich environment and forgot I'm like- just some dude kind of guy and now she thinks everything is too posh.

The waiter is telling me to just wait at the stairs so I am and I'm watching Elizabeth but eventually I decide to go down there and tell her it's alright but I fall down the stairs (luckily everything is like a really soft velvet) and I laugh and get up. Elizabeth is understandably worried for me and decides we should leave.

We walk around downtown for a bit and end up just eating at unnamed burger joint instead.

794 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-03-25 04:56 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

I'm in a mall in a different dimension. The mall is infinite, like that one Ikea SCP. I can come and go as I please but there are many trapped there.

I've become friends with a group of people who wander the mall. They're really nice and offer me food. I tell them they don't have to and that I can get some myself.

Every time I reenter the mall, I enter where I last left which is like logging back into a minecraft world. The group will barricade the area for me so monsters don't get me.

I've never seen the monsters directly but I know they're there.

One day I'm with them and I'm helping build something. My clothes get ruined so they give me some extras and tell me to go change. I go to the bathroom to change when raiders attack.

I've already finished changing but I don't want to go out there. They find me and I just start singing the smile song from mlp and they don't attack me.

I don't like them very much. We're talking and one stabbs me in the lower back with a pen. It hurt. I leave the dimension.

I reenter at a different time but invisible. I'm just trying to go do stuff but they keep almost finding me.

795 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-05-03 02:49 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

I was at a club or something. I go to a counter to order food. I can't remember what I ordered but the person misheard me and gave me human. I didn't particularly like it so gave it to some other people. I go back to the counter and order chicken tacos. While I'm waiting, one of the people from the table, a kid, gives me a drawing as thanks. I keep it.

796 Name: ꙮ Kiyo? !9Ei9BD71rs : 2024-05-07 10:43 ID:y01lBMjR [Del]

Had a different dream where I was at a hotel at night. I checked in and went to my room. But something was wrong. I got a bad feeling and hit in a closet, but then a killer found me and I died. But it was kinda like a game so it went back to the beginning and I got to try again. Each time, new things would show up or become apparent.