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Looking for a very specific type of friend (16)

1 Name: Mag : 2020-08-24 19:38 ID:WAa7i8rS [Del]

I'm gonna get right to the point with this.
I don't have a lot of friends, and I have a hard time making/keeping friends. There's a few reasons for this. Number one: I just don't interact with people IRL (and with covid going around I really can't), and number two: I get bored of people very quickly. I'm not like a sociopath or anything, I just don't like to bother being friends with someone that I have nothing in common with who I find boring.

So that brings me to make this post. I would like to try and have friends, but don't want to go through the hassle of talking to someone for awhile only for nothing to come of it.
This post will be like an application! I'll list a little about myself, and what I'm looking for in someone else, and if you match with what I list and would like to be friends with me you can reply and let me know!

About me: I'm young, 19. Very political, but don't really support any party in particular. Into philosophy and psychology. Artist, though I mostly just do art out of boredom these days. Really interested in codes and riddles, and will sometimes make my own.

What I'm looking for: 18+ only! You would have to be very open minded. Or though I do understand having hard set opinions when they are based on some sort of fact I do not like those who don't want to listen to the other side of things.
Gender, sexuality, and race are something that shouldn't bother you.
The smarter the better. I would like someone who I could write riddles and codes with. We could take turns trying to figure them out!
You'd have to be okay with not talking a lot. I normally prefer to take my time with responding.
Lastly (and probably the most impotent) you'd have to be able to impress me. This also leads back to the 'smarter the better' part. Maybe write me a riddle?

2 Name: S.O.R.A. : 2020-08-25 10:46 ID:EQppE1re [Del]


i dont have friends, but i get bored easly of them but is not very personal, i look for someone smarter that could be amazing, if you arent smarter you can bore me

so i hope look friends

thats how i see your post, nothing personal

3 Name: TheApostle : 2020-08-26 09:16 ID:dJTQZSIS [Del]

I'm 19, very political conservative and I study theology. I've learned greek, latin and german. (Psychology and philosophy play a large role in religion and theology). I'm Christian though so if that's a turn-off then we prolly wouldn't see eye to eye. But like you said about being open-minded I'm definitely willing to play both sides of the field (just as long as it is in line with God's word). I'd at least be interested in some friendly debate or some-such. Or just chatter about personal life on the message board. unfortunately I don't check drrrbbs that often but if I do I'd be down to talk (so like a part-time friend)

4 Name: Mag : 2020-08-27 21:41 ID:WAa7i8rS [Del]

>>3 The only real problems I have with Christians is when they fail to acknowledge that the Bible as we know it today has a lot of miss-translations. And also when they use parts of the Bible to spread hate even though it is not their place to judge but Gods. Also it's very annoying when you ask them a question about something in the Bible that you don't understand or disagree with and get hit by the "Just pray about it" line. And lastly, no matter what you believe in you can't expect people to live their lives according to your religion.
As long as you're not one of those Christians we might be able to get along.

5 Name: omverse : 2020-08-27 22:51 ID:c5h6Aqdd [Del]

No one should bare the burden of being anyone elses entertainment. We're not here to keep you from getting bored. No one deserves to deal with whatever it takes to prove themselves worthy.

The fact that you're posting this here just to reject, judge, and belittle the people you think are less then you is horrible and we're not the problem. TheApostle offered their friendship and you shat on them saying 'as long as you arent the type of Christian I dislike' - its insulting whether or not they fall into the type that you dislike. Not everyone fits into your understanding of one level or another.

Your intelligence is limited like everyone elses. Intelligence isn't exclusive to you, nor does it fit into the box you've labeled 'smart' - Id love to have a friend like you, and like the one you've described, but not if they're constantly tallying my worth. That's not friendship.

Try developing a bit more Social intelligence on your own first. Dont be so quick to reject people if they have a tendency to be themselves. Reflect on who you are, change who you are and wish the best for everyone else. Ask yourself why you can't accept people, why you think that your boredom is other people responsibility. Ask yourself what ot means to be a friend, not just to have one that meets your requirements. It's quite a riddle in and of itself.

6 Name: omverse : 2020-08-27 23:14 ID:c5h6Aqdd [Del]

Try not to worry about what's wrong with anyone and try figuring out what's right. Get to know people before listing off all the problems you have with their identity.

If you were my friend, I would keep my best self from you. You've brandished a metaphorical blade with your post and I would be boring around you because I would be armored around you. I wouldn't feel comfortable revealing myself to you, i would not be comfortable discussing ideas and sharing understandings. I would not feel engaged. I would not feel like I mattered to you, so I would have no reason to offer you my best self.

7 Name: TheApostle : 2020-08-28 10:08 ID:dJTQZSIS [Del]

@Mag, honestly I hate the "just pray about it" line too. I actually agree with most of what you said. As for the poor translations, that's why my synodical school requires you to learn Greek, Latin, and Hebrew so that you don't rely on any one translation but rather the entirety of the different resources available. I do happen to disagree about what you said about religion though. I don't expect people to live their lives by my religion (that's why evangelism is necessary, to bring people to faith), but you know who I think does? Most Liberals (most not all obviously), they force everyone to say that transgenderism is ok and that homosexuality is natural. If you ever disagree you're labelled a bigot, I'm not saying that all that should be illegal. What I'm saying is that hate-speech is bs, everyone should be allowed their freedom to speech. If I want to spread the gospel or even lay down the law, I should be allowed to in the same way that their allowed to say that they're a different gender than their biological gender. To clarify, everyone judges, Christians perhaps to a more extreme degree. Although it is God's job to judge, he gives us his word so that we can point out sin. That being said, it is by no means necessary for a Christian to go out of their way to tell (for example) a homosexual that they're sinful because to an unbeliever that wouldn't make sense and they would come out hating Christians. On the other hand Christians need to focus more on being loving and giving the gospel while still adhering to the laws of the Bible.

Sry for the long post.

8 Name: Mag : 2020-08-28 12:37 ID:WAa7i8rS [Del]

I think it's a very good (and actually very cool) thing that your school requires that. I imaging that would also allow you to better understand other text from around the same time and therefor have a better image of how society was when these things were written.
I understand were you're coming from about Liberals, but I think something that's important to understand is what it means to be transphobic/homophobic, which is: Having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual/transgender people. So most people who disagree with those things are bigots to some extent. Which is 100% within their right, as long as they aren't doing anything to negatively affect anyone else or how they live their life. You do not have to agree with it, but it's not right to go out of your way to say it's not okay or "natural" to be that way. If it has no affect on how you live your life than it is okay for them to be that way, just like it's okay for someone to be Christian as long as they're not hurting anyone.
As for hate-speech being bs, I can see both sides to that argument. On one side it seems very unfair that it's only called hate-speech when it's about certain groups and not others, but on the other side when someone says something about, a straight person for example, it has very little to no power over them, and more importantly if someone is harassing a straight person it's probably not because of their sexuality, whereas when someone harassing a gay person and is calling them "unnatural" and a f@got it is because of their sexuality. It could be argued that if someone was saying stuff like "Stupid het, dumb het" that that could be a form of hate-speech, but there isn't the history behind those words like there are with others.
Now, as for whether transgenderism and homosexuality is natural, I guess that would depend on how you define natural. It occurs in people without outside influence, so in that form you could call it natural, for it naturally occurs, just as being born missing an arm which makes you different from the "norm" naturally occurs.

9 Name: TheApostle : 2020-08-28 15:05 ID:dJTQZSIS [Del]

Yeah I can agree with all that.

10 Name: Mag : 2020-08-28 17:09 ID:WAa7i8rS [Del]

So, you said before that you're conservative. What parts of conservatism do you agree with?
I myself am more of an independent, though in a lot of things I fall more on the left progressive side.

11 Name: TheApostle : 2020-08-28 17:35 ID:dJTQZSIS [Del]

The capitalism side of things and also their values as far as human life is concerned (I am very anti-abortion).

12 Name: Mag : 2020-08-28 18:37 ID:WAa7i8rS [Del]

What makes you anti abortion? And to what extent are you agents it?

13 Name: TheApostle : 2020-08-28 20:36 ID:dJTQZSIS [Del]

I'm fully against it. I'm all for women's rights but what about the rights of the child? Also even if they say that it's a fetus (not a baby) it doesn't change the fact that they're snuffing out potential life. (I happen to think that it is alive not just potentially) That all being said, women shouldn't be saying "my body my choice" when their body isn't the one being harmed. As my favorite president Ronald Reagan said "I notice that all the people who are pro-abortion have already been born."

14 Name: Mag : 2020-08-28 22:12 ID:WAa7i8rS [Del]

I disagree. Until it is born it is a part of the mother's body for her to decide what to do with. You can not force a woman to give birth if she does not want to do so. Many people (myself included) do not believe that it is a living thing until it is born. You can't be pro-life and then ignore the fact that women sometimes kill themselves because of the mental trauma of being forced to give birth. Does the woman's life not matter?
And so many people who say they are pro-life have never and will never adopt any of the many kids in the foster system, will never fight to make sure pore and homeless people can have affordable health care so they don't die, will never donate their spare kidney to someone who needs it to live, and would never give what they have to help the mother who was forced to have a child who they couldn't take care of and will now have to live on the streets or close to it, and yes, that does happen to women all the time because having a kid isn't cheep. You're either pro-life all the way and do everything you can, or you're a hypocrite.

15 Name: Delta : 2020-09-04 20:30 ID:KI/qy35M [Del]

it's been some time since I've been on this site, but I've returned and @Mag and @TheApostle 's debate on abortion has caught my attention. It's a topic I feel strongly about. I'm 18, female, from the uk, and have studied philosophy and ethics for around 3 years and I'm going forward in studying chemistry. I believe myself to be well researched in topics such as the scientific view of the development of the foetus and arguments on when to define this as having developed a life beyond that of the mother's, be it having formed a heart or a brain or merely being a cluster of cells.
Beyond the base arguments of "every being having a right to life (regardless of developmental stage)", and the counter of "my body, my choice" - both of which are valid stances to consider. Something I believe to be incredibly important and surprisingly overlooked in the coverage and discussions of these issues is quality of life. Quality of life is incredibly important, if the mother cannot afford to support a child and herself mentally/financially then it is a perfectly acceptable decision on her part to want an abortion, having a child could make her lose her job, her income, and make her life strenuous and make her unable to give the child a good life, a life every child is entitled to. Further, many tests have been developed so that expectant mothers can be made aware of any disabilities their child may have. Some parents are able to afford and accommodate for this, certainly some of these may not mean their child will be dependent on their parents for there entire life. In some cases it can be known that their child will never be able to have the quality of life they deserve and that they will be solely dependent on their parents for their entire lives in to adulthood.
In my early studies on the topic I came across a documentary on abortion, I unfortunately don't remember what it was called but I do remember one interview which was incredibly impactful on me, it isn't light and there is no way I would dare tamper with the words spoken by this person: "I wish my mother had aborted me." They explained (through their text to speech system, the text being formed through tracking their eye movement) how they felt like they have been nothing but a burden to their parents, they'd reached well in to adulthood and could do nothing for themselves. They were entirely dependent, and while they admitted they were glad thy had been given life, hey wished that it didn't come at the cost of their parents livelihoods and happiness. This is something that has stayed with me and only solidified my resolve that the ability for a woman to receive an abortion without question is important.
You could further discuss the reality of rape victims becoming pregnant, forcing that woman to carry that pregnancy to term would, in my opinion, be undoubtedly cruel and unethical. Having to live through something so horrific and traumatic, then being forced to bring the child of the perpetrator of such a heinous crime in to this world, and then potentially having to raise that child. Clearly something in such a situation strikes you as absurd and cruel, (especially replying to @TheApostle here with your statement "women shouldn't be saying "my body my choice" when their body isn't the one being harmed")

apologies for the long and potentially aggressive sounding response, and while I do not intend to soften my words (I hope it reads as passionate rather than problematic), I do wish to clarify my intention to imply state my piece on the matter

16 Name: Mag : 2020-09-04 21:43 ID:WAa7i8rS [Del]

No need to apologies for the post being long^^
It was very well said, and a very valid point of view, one a lot of people don't take into account too often on this subject.