Dollars BBS | Personal
















abused and neglected (26)

1 Name: jocan : 2020-04-16 18:16 ID:0eZOoe2u [Del]

the people i live with are abusing me by hitting me taking away my belongings scolding they forced me to remove my clothes i want to be free they keep bulling me please i need help i want to live with someone !!!!!!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2020-04-16 20:41 ID:a22GDf0w [Del]

Try to change yourself and become stronger. Or call the police. Idk how to help. Personally I changed myslef.

3 Name: jocan : 2020-04-17 14:22 ID:0eZOoe2u [Del]

im trying but im unable to do anything as one person

4 Name: Tai : 2020-04-17 16:50 ID:h9SMN/8N [Del]

My friend is in a similar situation so jm able to understand what your going threw and it isn't a nice feeling, but do your best to stay strong and keep yourself together everyone has power of there own and your strong and can get threw this, but there are people who will stick with you and give you support maybe you can isolate with a friend of yours and the dollars are here for you always, im in the uk if you ever need someone

5 Name: Ceska : 2020-04-18 16:29 ID:7A1XuTOq [Del]

Please call the police and get help to deal with the situation. Abuse isn't the kind of thing one should try to deal with alone, and it can be harmful to you if you try to do so. Neither seeking help nor being abused, Jocan, mean that you are weak. People who abuse others are ultimately weak themselves, because they feel the need to put down others for themselves to feel "strong".

For your own sake, please call the police and reach out to some form of mental health advisor (sorry for bad english. therapist, etc). No person is equipped to deal with this kind of situation alone, and even if you are, you shouldn't have to.

I hope things will work out for you, and that your abusers will be brought to account. Wishing you the best Jocan, stay strong.

6 Name: J : 2020-04-20 03:37 ID:jzWhsOly [Del]

Call the police!

7 Name: jocan : 2020-04-22 19:06 ID:3ksNH3ys [Del]

i just need a trustworthy friend to get me out please understand

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9 Name: jocan : 2020-04-23 13:42 ID:3ksNH3ys [Del]

the thing is im trying to get to help with tasks which i cannot do on my own like help me buy things online and outside to stores & can travel to places so can come pick me up because the abusive people i live with don't allow me to do those things these people rough scolding strict people if i were to get help without anonymous ill get extremely damaged by them immediately if the authority's were to visit and leave the house for investigation im not prepared for it i need a plan and they could have anything to say to them from getting in trouble

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12 Name: Anonymous : 2020-04-23 17:48 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

>>10 >>11 Holy shit, calm down. On the personal board we shouldn't be accusing people of faking things until proven otherwise. It's better to be safe or sorry. When Jocan straight up asks you to buy them a switch, then we can say they're not serious.

Also, the way that you phrased things in >>10 makes it seem like you were encouraging Jocan to harm themselves. I get it was probably just to prove the point, but your advice is coming off unecessarily aggressive. I don't think what you said was wrong, just no need to degrade somebody who's asking for help.

We don't know how old Jocan is, so they might actually not have very many moments by themselves. We also don't know what country Jocan lives in (and if in the US, what state) so in terms of the law we can't be sure how protected they truly would be if they were to call the police. Even in the US, in very small towns dealing with the police department can be tricky when it comes to domestic violence.

OP, you should research the laws in your area. I hope the police can help you. I think you should follow Ceska's advice. Take what you will from omverse too, because their main points weren't wrong.

You're right to believe that you need a solid plan. Like you said, if things don't go well the first time, your safety is at risk. And if things do go well, there's still the question of where to go once you're away from your abusers. If you're a minor, then most likely the government will take care of you. (You should look up laws specific to your area about how this goes.) If not, you'll have to look into homeless shelters / safe houses in your area. This may be increasingly difficult since we're in a pandemic (not sure how bad it is in your area though), but some places should still have hotlines up. Don't stop trying.

Stay strong, be smart, and be careful. You're not alone, you can do this.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2020-04-23 17:53 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

Forgot to say this– many people who are in abusive situations are financially vulnerable, that's part of why it can be so hard for people to leave. Don't be ashamed if you truly need help buying necessities.

And you don't have to be physically handicapped to feel tied down to a place, either. It's all mental sometimes, and you have to break out of it. Again, stay strong.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2020-04-23 17:53 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

Forgot to say this– many people who are in abusive situations are financially vulnerable, that's part of why it can be so hard for people to leave. Don't be ashamed if you truly need help buying necessities.

And you don't have to be physically handicapped to feel tied down to a place, either. It's all mental sometimes, and you have to break out of it. Again, stay strong.

15 Name: omverse : 2020-04-24 04:13 ID:fdhhdBVR [Del]

Youre right I wasnt watching myself , apologies

And apologies to you jocan I hope we can find a way to help you.

16 Name: Ceska : 2020-04-25 18:11 ID:/pESiMNE [Del]

Anonymous gives sound advice, reading up on your local laws and looking into safe places to stay is very important.

Can you call or e-mail the police and inform them of your situation, then? I don't know how it works in your land jocan, but if you say that you're afraid of being hurt more if they show up at your home, they should understand your situation better then, and plan accordingly. Are you able to stay with a friend for a while?

If directly reaching out to the police is not an option for you, is it possible for you to talk with your doctor when you next have an appointment (or make one)? Or if you're in school, seek help from a teacher or a school nurse? This might vary depending on country (or state) but they should be obligated to help you. You might also consider, if you are able, to call a domestic abuse line. The people there are trained to help victims of abuse, and would able to give you more concrete advice that can help in your spesific situation. They would also know about local laws and options available to you where you live. It can also be good for your mental health - like Anonymous says, it's important to try and break unhealthy patterns, especially when it comes to abuse.

You're doing good by reaching out to people, Jocan, stay strong.

17 Name: Jocan : 2020-05-07 23:51 ID:6hbOBCoq [Del]

i just need someone to help me get things either online or from the store that im not allowed and unable get by myself at the same time i need someone to drive to pick me up so i can stay just for a little while until i live myself please ill do anything im currently packing and clearing things before a big argument happens so i can quickly leave when the time comes unexpectedly

18 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-08 15:08 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

If that's what you want, then I'm not sure this is the website to be looking for it? We don't even know where you're from (don't post anything too specific in your reply), and this site has people using it all over the world so it might be hard to find someone local. You don't have to tell us this much, but think about how old you are and whether you're male or female. The risks you'd be taking by living with a stranger you just meet online is already high, but the risk of getting involved with something dangerous is exponentially higher if you're young or female (or especially, both). I'm not saying that the Dollars are a dangerous bunch, but not everyone is as generous and harmless as we want to assume.

I really think you should look to people in your life and the resources available in your area. Ceska gave great advice in >>16. Reach out to a doctor, school nurse, teacher or other school official, EMT/paramedic, etc. In some countries they are mandatory reporters, meaning they legally have to help you if they even suspect you're being abused, let alone if you tell them point-blank.

If you're unable to do that, then please look for different hotlines and shelters in your area. They can give you better advice than any of us can. They might even be able to arrange safe transportation for you.

If you say you'll do anything, please at least try this. I really think it's the safest option for you right now. Ceska & omverse, please pipe in.

19 Name: omverse : 2020-05-08 23:43 ID:J1wGRLuY [Del]

It's clear to me that Jocan is deliberately keeping information, and seems to be ignoring everything that is said and reaffirming his request without responding to our help.

Jocan, I doubt you will take this offer - seeing as I don't trust you yet and I have been a hostile party to this discussion thus far.

But I am a generous person at heart and willing to help you financially if you are willing to elaborate on whats going on and provide information about your plan and circumstance.

email me if you wish to discuss this privately. You can explain to me whats happening and I will be more than happy to provide some help any way I can. Especially if you are running out of time.

omverse . dollars @ gmail . com

I realize this is against the rules to give this information but please consider it a fail safe and let Jocan reach me before removing/flagging it. This is a private email specifically made for this message board, and is separate from any other private information of mine.

At the very least I can attempt to verify Jocan's situation privately -- and that way we can direct Jocan to the best help to save time and allow him to prepare for his/her transition.

Those of you in this discussion willing to help once I have full details can email me as well and we can start a group email with Jocan and go from there.

Apologies for being so hostile before Jocan. I don't want you to harm yourself, but it seems to me you are, at the very least, ignoring the people here trying to help you. So i'm opening this door to privately message me as a sign of peace. Please walk through it so we can really help you.

20 Name: omverse : 2020-05-10 21:44 ID:Kd52Umw6 [Del]


speaking with Jocan through email now

those of you in this discussion please watch for my additional sage posts.

If something comes of this, I will update accordingly

If it amounts to nothing, I don't want to be the one to flag the discussion before anyone knows the results.

21 Name: omverse : 2020-05-12 16:40 ID:cH/Us3OU [Del]


Currently awaiting return emails from several shelters/government facilities in Jocans location.

Hopefully we get a response by the end of the week.

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23 Name: omverse : 2020-05-14 22:36 ID:fq4egRIm [Del]


Jocan is now in direct contact with a shelter. The next time we hear from them, they will be in a safe place.

24 Name: Ceska : 2020-05-17 17:42 ID:mxxOTHAW [Del]

Apologies for not chiming in earlier.

If Jocan is in contact with a shelter then that is great news. Thank you for keeping this thread updated, omverse.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2020-05-21 21:02 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

Jocan, I'm really happy and relieved that you're going to be somewhere safe. Wishing you the best from here on out :)

And omverse- I'm also just chiming in to say thank you for stepping in & keeping us updated. I've seen you around in a bunch of threads lately, you seem like a solid guy to start with but you've really shown your maturity and generosity here. Thanks again.

26 Name: omverse : 2020-05-30 05:56 ID:EyDSMUUn [Del]

new thread by Jocan it seems. Maybe not, wither way there is not an efficient method to help people in these kids fo situations...

I've failed at every attempt to help.
Shelters in Jocans area demand direct contact from Jocan for an evaluation. Jocan wont contact them, and they wont contact Jocan