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help me write the end (5)

1 Name: Carsival : 2019-11-18 12:23 ID:4iKpNPeS [Del]

Hi! I'm sorry for my poor english.
Few years ago I dowloaded the dollars app and stayed in those chatrooms for almost a year before deleting it.
I'm a theater writer and I'm writing a play about chatrooms and loneliness but I'm on a dead poit, I don't know how to end the story and mabye the community that I left many years ago can help me regain my inspiration.
answer me if you are interested.

2 Name: MisterOlive : 2019-11-18 14:59 ID:EdGCAlY7 [Del]

Oooo, I'm interested.
I wrote some theater plays in the past too so hopefully I can be of help!
Even if not, I would be more to read it and give my impressions.

3 Name: Carsival : 2019-11-26 10:11 ID:4iKpNPeS [Del]

oh thank you!
so long story short this girl Luna falls in love with Liam.
They meet each other in Luna's friends chatroom.
they start to know each other better until Luna starts to wonder if Liam's feeling will stay the same even in the real world, where she is half as beauty, half as smart, half as funny as in the internet community where they met. She ask this question and his reply is positive: he would still like her even in the real world.
I don't know how to convey this feelings in a dialouge, I've never experience something like that and it's hard to make it sound real and honest.
what shall I write?

4 Name: Anonymous : 2019-11-26 11:48 ID:iuXJJk+7 [Del]

Not the same person as >>2, but I guess having more opinions is better right? Not a theater writer, but I'm a fanficiton writer (oof, ik) who also struggles with dialogue sometimes, so I thought I'd add my two cents.

I think most people in a situation like Luna's would just try to avoid meeting irl. They probably wouldn't say what they're afraid of straight-forwardly unless they were really backed into a corner about it.

It really depends on Luna's personality though, and what kind of friendship she has with Liam. Do they banter and poke fun at each other a lot? Can they usually be serious and heartfelt with each other, or do they tend to inject those sorts of conversations with humor? Also, how corny are they as people in general? Are they romantics or do they cringe & have a hard time with affection? All of this & probably more things factor into how you should write their dialogue. (You don't have to answer all these questions for me lol, unless you want very specific advice, but hopefully it can help point you in some direction? Idk)

For example– I really hate sounding mushy, and I text pretty closely to how I speak in real life, which is a loooot more casual than my writing tone here. Instead of texting "I'm afraid that you won't like me as much in real life. I'm not as funny or smart or pretty" I would text something way more stupid-sounding like "lmao no don't even start, i'm like an actual goblin irl". Is Luna also the type to resort to self-deprecating jokes?

I'm not sure how you're planning to have their dialogue be performed either. Is there meant to be a visual aid that will show the audience exactly what is being typed into the chatroom, or is every message being read aloud by the characters that send them? Because that would change how you write the dialogue too. (Texts written like mine would Not sound good read aloud. lol.)

I hope this helped at all, I know I didn't really give you a straight answer. Good luck with writing :)

5 Name: Carsival : 2019-12-01 15:07 ID:4iKpNPeS [Del]

Thank you >>4 !!!
you were really helpfull with your questions.
Luna is mature and sincere in conversations but in real life she is very introvert and lonely. Carsival on the other hand is very fun and smart and doesn't really think too much. Conversations are light, casual, full of humor and silly. But when they talk about their stories they are heartfull and kinda cringy (but in a good way). The lines are said out loud as they will do in a real conversation, so they sound easy to understand but at the same times personal and casual. I have now wrote what kind of lines they will say, but with those questions in mind I have change it many times lol. I still have some time left to check them before I'm done with the work.

I'm missing only the title. I have some options in mind but I'm too in deep with the story to have a clear vision of how they will sound to an audience:
- Chatroom (simple but kinda dark)
- Sunshine Gloom (is the name of the chatroom. One of the member choose it, inspired from the quote "Be the Sunshine in the dark gloom of the world" that a close friend told him)
- My real self (a little too romantic but I like it)