Dollars BBS | Personal
















Discord dollars? Relay a message for me!!!!! (7)

1 Name: Zera : 2019-08-15 10:15 ID:iiE9j9XY [Del]

Thanks to my abusive parents, i can no longer use discord or the internet. Me being here right now is real risky. But I want someone to relay this message.
"Hey guys, it's zera. Listen, I absolutely love you all and I wish I could be around. Sunny, you're amazing and I miss you. Flem, you may not like me much, but I miss you so much too. And Leon, oh oh Leon. I miss you so so much. I wish I could still be around and I may not even be here for a few years. But I want you all to never forget me, because I will never forget you and the positive influence you put in my life. I hope to be the one to be sending a message myself someday soon. Love, Zera."

Please for the love of god copy and paste this in the chat. Bring it to at least Leon (joof's) attention and have him share the message with the other members when they're on. It would absolutely mean the world to me.

2 Name: lofi : 2019-08-15 20:03 ID:nqxwl1Hh [Del]

dw I've delivered it safely, I hope ur situation gets better and if u need help reach out!!!!

3 Name: Zera : 2019-08-16 08:50 ID:iiE9j9XY [Del]

Thank you so so so so so much!!!!!

4 Name: Hiroki : 2019-08-17 04:48 ID:tZ4WyYFJ [Del]

^^ It reminds me when I did some mischief or had to do homework, and my parents didn't want me to watch TV or use the PC or that kind of stuff.

I could still watch TV at my grandparent's home, or I had to use my DSi to browse the internet. (They didn't confiscate it when I just had to do homework).

>>>1 Don't you have a place where you can be away and use your phone ? Like a room at home, WC, library, your friend's, ...

How do they enforce or control what you do ? You're always uder their watch, they check your browsing history, filter or log your access to the internet,... ?

5 Name: Zera : 2019-08-19 09:51 ID:iiE9j9XY [Del]

They have a parental app on my phone keeping me from doing anything and monitoring anything I do. It's like they're stalking me. And they took my phone from me so I can't even get it in the first place. I can't message friends. I can't contact the outside world. I can't use any form of virtual entertainment. I can't even listen to music. I'm completely shut off from the outside world. I'm only here because I'm on a school issued computer.

6 Name: Hiroki : 2019-08-20 11:28 ID:pByT1w2X [Del]


Can you ask a friend to give you a old phone ?
You could use it over Wi-Fi, to browse the web, and use apps like, Telegram, Whatsapp, Callcentric…

What is that parental app ? And what is the model of your current phone ?
How old are you and under which jurisdiction do you live ?

7 Name: Hiroki : 2019-08-20 11:56 ID:pByT1w2X [Del]

I want to check out whether it only monitors usage times or also content.

Maybe using web clients could prevent your messages from being exposed.