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A wish? (5)

1 Name: Kittycat : 2018-04-01 11:17 ID:3ImNtOd0 [Del]

Anyone else wish they where a different person or didn’t waste their life? I do...I wish I didn’t waste my life yet I guess being lazy is human nature

2 Name: HelpMeOutBro : 2018-04-01 11:38 ID:8EYHYG30 [Del]

Personally for me, I don't. Because I have an amazing family, group of friends, life in general even though I do have my problems.

I'm fine being me because I can always improve myself as I live. I'm just a 17 year old kid right now, almost 18 but I appreciate that I was able to live up to this long when a lot of people take their lives before this time.

Giving up on being yourself will never get you anywhere nor make you someone else. By thinking that you really ARE wasting your life, you really are then, because you are doing nothing to change it.

Remember kitty. It's ok to feel down. it's part of being human, but don't let it boss your feelings around to the point you just do nothing and feel miserable for the rest of yourself. Whatever is bothering you, I hope you'll be able to overcome it.

3 Name: Miyuzumi : 2018-04-01 16:16 ID:ZNOq0bsI [Del]

Just wanted to give my opinion on the advice HelpMeOutBro gave to you Kittycat.When something bothers you,you don't overcome it,you either forget about it or find someone or something you love to do so you don't think about the bother(which is practically the same as the first one).Being lazy isn't wasting your life,thinking that's wasting your life IS wasting your life(a bit confusing eh?).Honestly i am not religious even tho i am sort of *forced* to be,I do NOT believe in god and all the rules in a religion(no offense to anyone that does),life isn't about achieving something but about *trying to achieve* something.For if u come to the end,then there's nothing left.It's like if you are really good in something(for example sports)you will never be *the best* because there will always be someone better that will come after.Now then,wanting to be a different person?Well that just means you are not satisfied with the way you are now soo
make a change!(sorry for the long text)

4 Name: psycho : 2018-04-01 16:40 ID:O7lvfNur [Del]

liked all what u all said
such a nice words
thx dollars

5 Name: HelpMeOutBro : 2018-04-01 22:40 ID:gZlC6uel [Del]

Miyuzumi >>3

When you think you're wasting your life on something you make it a reality. Everything we feel, think, etc are all generated from our minds. Psychologically, we as humans can even FORCE ourselves to release dopamine just by sticking a pencil between our teeth to trick our brain. I never really stated that being lazy is wasting away your life, I said thinking that you ARE wasting your life makes it so you are, because you're just sitting there wondering how awful life is, while doing nothing to make you life happier. You seem to be relating what I said to SPECIFIC things such as love, hate, sports(?), religions(?), as evident by your sentence, "you either forget about it or find someone or something you love to do so you don't think about the bother." I was in fact not relating it to those at all, but more generally.

And YES I can overcome something if it does bother me, I can overcome it if I try to. It takes several failures before success, but it is not impossible. By thinking it is impossible, you make it impossible for yourself. Overcoming is not allowing the negative force fighting against your thoughts and emotions win, so that it does not bother you or get in your way anymore.

I'm basically just saying, thinking negatively about something doesn't help anyone, but actually going out there and TRYING to improve yourself, life, situation, etc is better than just doing nothing but complaining about it. Yes, you can complain if you want to because it can relieve stress for a while, but it will not be permanent.