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Scary moments (10)

1 Name: Yuki Blue : 2017-07-19 20:15 ID:Kp1nP70S [Del]

Anyone ever had a scary moment? Like you where driving by a tornado or you where super close to fire? Anything like that? Just wondering since there was tornado alarm and crazy storming where I live in Wisconsin and i just happen to be taking a shower... yup terrible timing for a shower.

2 Name: Rin!W80JVncZoU : 2017-07-20 01:56 ID:arO/ZrbU [Del]

I never had that kind of moments myself. I hope I wouldnt. And yes taking a shower during that timing is horrifying. Well just remain calm and think quickly. And act accordingly. Take care.

3 Name: Poppet : 2017-07-20 19:23 ID:oWqf+V85 [Del]

Once I stepped on a rusty nail, and you could prolly get really bad infections from that or something because my dad was pretty worried and called a hospital. I was like seven and it didnt hurt that much so I disnt understand why everyone was freaking out

4 Name: k0 : 2017-07-21 17:04 ID:014LbMlg [Del]

Once i heard gunshots near my front door, but luckily one of our neighbors was a cop.

5 Name: Jouhou : 2017-07-22 02:20 ID:CN3gRCzo [Del]

Gunshots in my neighborhood are pretty common, if not nightly, but we did have one more exciting exception to that regularity in that we recently had a SWAT team and bomb squad sequester my neighboring apartment building. Aside from that (which, in all honesty, was less scary and more of me being a nosy old lady trying to get as much information as I could from my window), we had a windstorm a few weeks ago that put our city into a state of emergency. Trees were falling altogether and blocking off streets, crushing houses, and knocking out power lines. It took an incredibly long time to fix it all, and some of the city's power was out for as long as a week (mine, personally, was only out for eight hours or so). The light at the end of that wind-wrecked tunnel was that the houses without power for weeks had alley parties and used barbecues and gas to cook meals for all of their neighbours, who brought whatever they could contribute for it. From what I've heard, it was an incredible time.

6 Name: Cyanide : 2017-07-22 16:02 ID:x8B9ZXTd [Del]

I never have tornadoes being by Lake Superior. Move up north! Haha (And the one in 2012 doesn't count imho)

7 Name: NinjaTantei : 2017-07-22 18:15 ID:eZ6GeGIT [Del]

I live in Central Texas so Tornadoes are not a huge deal. Really, the worst we get is the hailstorms that could produce Tornadoes. A couple years ago, I was sitting at home and there was a huge storm going on outside. The sky turned green and the rain was coming down at an angle. The sirens started going off and my family and I prepared to take shelter. While we were gathering the dogs into the room, I noticed that the rain had stopped. I stepped outside onto my porch and the air was still. The wind wasn't blowing and I couldn't hear any of the animals or bugs that usually make noise. The sky was still green and then it started pouring and hailing a couple minutes after it stopped. Later when I talked to a friend from Kansas about the storm, she said that there was likely a funnel forming nearby which because she said she experienced the same thing in Kansas. I wasn't scared during the storm but I was glad that I was not at work at the time. Trying to corral a bunch of scared children into one room is difficult.

8 Name: Jouhou : 2017-07-22 22:57 ID:CN3gRCzo [Del]

>>6 Ah, lucky! But I kind of like being in the pinnacle of the storm like that, despite how scary it can be to spend the night thinking a tree's going to impale your window. It's exhilarating and so, so beautiful! That said, I've heard Lake Superior is absolutely gorgeous! I may just move up north someday after all!

9 Name: Chronos : 2017-07-23 03:44 ID:mTN5yg/K [Del]

I had a few scary moments, though my favourite would be this one:
When I was younger I went to an old church on a rainy Saturday evening, engraving a pentagram in the wall with a pocketknive. I also engraved "Lucifer was here" and the date.
When I returned home, there was a thunderstorm raging in my town. I was home alone and started listening to music, when suddenly the electricity was cut. It was entirely dark and the storm was shaking my window shutters, while lightnings were striking down. Suddenly I heard a voice, low and deep and kind of scary, calling my name. I went to the door, but there was no one, still hearing the voice calling my name. Then all of a sudden something hit my window. I screamed in panik, thinking it would be a demon from the underworld... just to realise that our cat had still been outside, now trying to catch my attention. I have never been so happy about seeing my cat.
Nevertheless, I still donĀ“t have a clue what voice I heard back then. I assume it being the wind, but who knows... perhaps it was the Devil or God himself calling me, trying to lead me back to the right path...

10 Name: Kyouka : 2017-07-23 08:04 ID:gkL4D0JW [Del]

I had been in a bus that catched fire. It was the scariest thing ever happening to me.