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Tired of smiling? (5)

1 Name: A Person : 2016-12-26 14:58 ID:Qii5uA7k [Del]

Hello. I just want to say something I've been thinking about for a while that I never talked about.

Have you ever smiled so much that you just don't want to do it anymore? People see me as that super nice super kind super sweet person and that's a very nice thought. I've had people note that I'm always smiling. But this super nice super kind super sweet person is getting sick of smiling.

When I was going through a dark time, the way I got through it was to smile. However since then, I've never stopped smiling... in front of others. The reason for this is because I want to make other people feel happy, even if it's so small that only the subconscious will realise it. I don't want others to recognise I'm feeling down either, because I don't want to add to the list of problems that others are secretly dealing with. So I smile for others even when I feel down and at the same time I kinda feel happy doing it. I guess you could say at this rate I'm a pretty good liar.

I don't understand why I'm getting tired of smiling though. I should be happy about it, I'm not making anyone worried or anything which is good because they can focus on some priorities. So... why am I so sick of smiling?

Thank you for listening.

2 Name: Zamiel : 2016-12-26 18:15 ID:+5zWkQNh [Del]

Hello, I understand, I was in the same situation and I don't think it is unusual, a lot of people fake their smile I think. Maybe you should find a friend, someone you can be honest with, someone you can be yourself with. I still fake my smile with others but I have one friend with who I don't fake anything. Having a person like that, whether it is a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or family, really helps you, find that person and you will probably stop being tired of faking your smiles, because you will know that you can truly be yourself with one person.
Hope I could help, good luck

3 Name: Devil's Counsellor : 2016-12-27 08:47 ID:+BA1nUuG [Del]

Well, you're tired of smiling because you have to put a conscious effort into moving your face muscles to form a smile. If you were genuinely happy, you'd smile naturally and not have to think about moving your face muscles, and therefore wouldn't be tired of smiling.

My advice is for you to stop smiling if you don't feel like it. By always smiling, you're just pretending not only to others, but also to yourself that everything is fine when it's not. In a sense, you're running away/avoiding your problems by always smiling.

And don't worry about bothering people and making them worry for you. That's what people do. They cause troubles for each other and worry. That's completely normal/ In fact, I'm more worried for someone who smiles all the time as opposed to someone who has frequent bouts of sadness or anger. At least with the person who is angry and sad, I know what they're feeling, but with a person who just smiles all the time, then I have no idea what's going on and I worry for them.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck.

4 Name: Blank : 2016-12-28 02:50 ID:jEnKL8jP [Del]

I have had this problem for years. I got bullied very badly in school by people who I thought were my friends. To get rid of the situation I just kept smiling and by the end of it we were friends again. I can't say the exact things that happened but they bullied me very badly. After that experience I wasn't as happy anymore, before I was the most creative, excited, and crazy person ever. Now I just feel tired and just done with everything. To this day I am still struggling with putting up only fake smiles and being social. I have a very limited amount of friends. Even if you feel tired of smiling you have to try your best. Smiling makes people want to be around you and makes you a very loved person. It can brighten someone's day by smiling at them. I'm sorry for what you're going through but just be the best you that you can be and make the best out of the situation. If you feel sick of smiling then there must be something wrong, something is messing with your life. You have to make your smiles real and don't over do it. Don't smile all the time, only when you have to. I may sound like a psycho but this is good advice. Just be the best you that you can be.

5 Name: A Person : 2016-12-30 09:38 ID:Ud8390wS [Del]

It's not a problem though. Trust me, I definitely understand what it's like to fake a smile, its suffocating and makes me feel bad. But, that's different. I'm tired of smiling, but that doesn't mean it's fake. There's nothing in my life at the moment that is making me feel absolutely negative. I go outside and have some fun, and suddenly at the end of the day smiling just feels... wrong. So it's not that I'm feeling down or anything. I really am honestly just confused.