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Life probs. (5)

1 Name: X : 2016-11-30 14:47 ID:9u2EJxw9 [Del]

I am a college students and I am currently facing what I could define as the worst moments in my life. The reason why is because well I am currently facing an eviction notice. The reason for this eviction notice is because my FAFSA which i was counting got lowered extremely. Between trying to get loans because I have no credit history and well I am a full time student, I am running the fear that I am getting evicted soon, soon to become homeless because I am a student.

My roommate and me at this point don't communicate anymore. The roommate just expects me to cough of the money as if I was rich and at this point we are not friends anymore. It is a culmination of things and I am honestly just scare out of my mind.

Today when I woke up I reacted by hiding away in my closet and the only thing that made me get up is the fact that finals are coming soon.

2 Name: Fact : 2016-11-30 18:38 ID:+BA1nUuG [Del]

Wow to be honest I don't know how you can fix your problems. I don't know where you live, but if you live in America, just know that huge numbers of people are having similar problems as you. There was just a report the other day that said the top 0.1% in America own more than the bottom 90%. But if you're not American, still know that there are still a lot of people with the same problems as you.

I hope things get better for you.

3 Name: Sid : 2016-12-01 21:24 ID:ZTxIB7Af [Del]

What you have to do is get a job. It is tough, believe me, but it can be done. You can't have a social life, unless if you don't mind your grades dropping. That is the school of hard knocks though, welcome to being an adult.

I don't want to keep working full time while going to school full time, it burns me out. A goal to do something better is really what keeps me going. I tend to get 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I take naps when I can, especially now, since I get less sleep due to finals coming up.

4 Name: Sora King !40XbC9fmEc : 2016-12-01 22:47 ID:rUTnTdiS [Del]

I agree with >>3. When I was a junior in high school my mother made me work, and I'm so glad she did. It sure wasn't easy, but the early you start the better. I was a server and I work 21 to 28 hours per week depends on my availability; during school breaks I would work 5 days. For 3 and a half years I worked every weekend and sometimes on weekdays so I didn't have much time to go hang out with friends or even spend time with my family. Sometimes I didn't see my own family members even though we are living in the same house ( when I was in high school I would leave the house at 6:30 AM for school, go to work after that and get home around 10:30 PM). Fast forward 4 years later, I quit my job because I want to focus on college. I'm a junior now and I have enough money to pay for my tuition. Being an adult is tough but that's life. Best wishes for you. You can get through this.

5 Name: SilverNeko : 2016-12-01 23:31 ID:rxYf/NHM [Del]

Email me i can probably help its