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The final straw (17)

1 Name: Blade : 2016-11-06 08:30 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

So life was looking up for me finally. A girl actually wanted to hang out with me. But then, when yesterday finally came to hang out, well, we didn't. It wasn't the fact that we didn't hang out that bothered me, it was the fact that she never even bothered to text me to say no. Then 3 hours after I ask her if she is ready to go, she just made some bullshit excuse. Now she is trying to apologize and is asking me to reschedule. Lol, like I'm stupid. I answered yesbut to be honest I don't think she's worth it anymore. I decided to give up on trying to find love and just live my life without this stupid emotion. Fuck that shit man. If she texted me saying no, that's fine. But don't lead me on like that. Fuck that.

2 Name: builder396 : 2016-11-06 15:02 ID:+RZRDwgO [Del]

I love reading from people who think they have a hard love life and give up because of something like this. If you think love really works like that, its no surprise no girl is interested in you. "Shes not worth it anymore." Why? Because once she didnt have time? Grow up. Just because she cant drop everything to hang out with you you rant as if shes treating you like shit, while based on what youre writing shit is clearly more what you think of her than the other way around.
But if that is all the commitment you have, then really, please do give up on a love life.

3 Name: Akina : 2016-11-08 22:43 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

>>2 I agree
Love can be complicated but you had a good example to why she should't waste her time. She even apologies and you just blow up. If there's really more to it you better put the full story next time on what this lame excuse look like at least next time.

4 Name: Akina : 2016-11-08 22:44 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]


5 Name: EasternOrc : 2016-11-09 04:46 ID:6gkYYnQn [Del]

Life is hard and love is harder , you cant let small things like this make you angry at her ^^ there always something happen in the last minutes , give her another chance she may make you really happy later and you may start to think later "I can`t believe i was going to miss this happiness with her" , My advice is give her many chances until you see a big reason to stop seeing her.

hope my advice help and good luck in life too :D

6 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-09 04:52 ID:OuhwLZfk [Del]

>>5 love is harder because you people watch too much drama, it's pretty simple find a job to be able to feed your family a women you can trust then magic happens, you can feed the children and your wife since you have a job, and the trust between you and your wife will help you easily out of problems together (watch twin exorcist find two couple growing strong together). Then love your children everything would be great

7 Name: Unknown : 2016-11-09 04:54 ID:OuhwLZfk [Del]

>>1 have a little bit more patience if you want this relation to work then try a little harder to make it work

8 Name: Blade : 2016-11-09 22:09 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Sorry guys. I was really angry when I wrote this. I calmed down. I still talk to her, but I don't know. I just can't seem to get a grip on this whole love thing. I just don't know what to do. I hate playing these stupid texting games where one mistake leads to her not being interested and so forth. Everyone else does it so easily, and when I try to replicate it, I have no success. I hate sounding like a quitter, but after trying for so long, I just want to quit. Thinking about how even my little brother has girlfriends all over the place and so do my friends makes just want to quit, and even kill myself at times. I'm so pathetic. Hell, I even held a knife to my throat 2 years ago. Ever since then, I keep telling myself that things will get better. They don't. If anything, they got worse. Hopefully this girl will at the very least still talk to me. I just hate myself. I know, how can I expect someone to love me when I don't even love me. I know. And I don't expect that. Whelp, cheers to living out the rest of my life as a lonely loser.

9 Name: Akako : 2016-11-09 22:43 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

Why would you base your entire social value on being unable to find a girlfriend? You also have basically no way of knowing how "easily" others did it. Also, since you genuinely seem to be interested in a long term relationship, don't play the text games. Nothing good will ever come of it if you fake your opinions in front of someone you want to spend a significant portion of your life with. Even tho you might get rejected, it will only happen in situations where it was bound to happen eventually. About what to do... basically, try interacting with girls normally more. I mean, even if there was your destined one in the group it wouldnt really matter if she didnt even know you exist, right? And make sure that you understand that a girl is by no means obligated to go out with you just because you were nice to her. And understand that no matter what you do, it might not work.

Also, yeah, good luck finding a girlfriend as a corpse, I am sure that will help. -_-

Btw I can tell you from my own experience that certain weird people will love you even if you hate yourself.

10 Name: Blade : 2016-11-10 00:07 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

I base my worth around that because it's literally shoved down my throat every day. Every time I go out, my friends have their girls with them. And yes I've tried with some of their friends. Guess what happened? Nothing. My dad always tells me how I'm handsome and that he would be getting girls all the time if he had my looks at my age. I don't see it. I really don't. And it's just hard for me to just randomly interact with girls. They just look at me weird and I hate it. And yeah I know she isn't obligated to hang out with me. But at least take 5 seconds to tell me no instead of just leaving me hanging. Don't even get me started on going to bars. Last time I went, everyone was dancing except for me and this other girl who is single and is apparently looking for someone. I politely ask her to dance, she says no (obviously), and my friends kept asking me why we weren't dancing with each other. Maybe this is a sign that I'm destined to remain single. I don't know. Hopefully this girl I'm talking to at least goes out with me. If not, well, you know what comes next. The champagne glass cheering to the single life.
Thanks for the advice though. It means a lot. I'll listen to you and see where it goes.

11 Name: Akako : 2016-11-10 09:53 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

I might be wrong but based on what you said it seems like you are just really socially awkward. Try doing something about that first.
Maybe try some dating apps or sites that have a chat function? If you get to know the person before you actually meet them it could be easier. And it wouldnt just be randomly interacting.

Also, did you ever consider the option that she didn't come because she was just too nervous and that she didn't say anything about it because she was scared of what you'll think of her after she didn't come?

12 Name: Blade : 2016-11-10 16:44 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>11 I think I am awkward. And I've tried Tinder. No luck. And no I didn't think of that possibility. Maybe that's why. I'm still trying. Hopefully it works out.

13 Name: Akina : 2016-11-10 18:25 ID:XELNxSsn [Del]

For sure your anger needs to be worked on. All you have to know it's not always you it's the fact love is just complicated to find b/c remember besides you thinking like this so is the person you dating. They don't want to disappoint you as much you don't to them. If you quit you'll be as good as the next person that quits on you even if you say you'll change or make it up. Besides yourself you do have to always consider the other person as well. To know if that person is for you always is the toughest things to know. It also doesn't matter by numbers how many that person was with b/c obviously they had to move on to make those numbers. The least the number is the better b/c you didn't need to get hurt and picked wisely or luckily. So don't be too hard on yourself or others. At least you were able to calm down to take up these advises b/c this is the help you want you'll get it.

14 Name: Blade : 2016-11-10 22:39 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>13 yeah. I do get angry quite a bit haha. But what really bothers me, and it's not the fault of any girl, it's my stupid inferiority complex. My closest friends don't bother me about it, but some of my friends basically rub it in my face that I'm a single virgin. We'll just be talking and they'll say something like "at least I get bitches" or something like that and it just pisses me off. I'm basically a fish and they are judging me by my ability to climb a tree. It sucks and they don't know how much it depresses me. When I tell them to stop, they just keep at it. It makes me feel worthless knowing that I'm undesirable. Actually, since we are on the subject, I was supposed to hang out with her tonight again and, yup, you guessed it, she flaked again. But at least she told me she isn't going to hang out, so I'm not really bothered by it and we are still talking right now. But to be honest, I'm giving her one last chance. If she flakes on my one more time after we already made plans, I'm done. Since she clearly doesn't want to hang out with me, why waste my time? And I am thinking about her right now. If I cut her off at the third flake, at least she won't have to talk to me anymore and she can be free of me and my pointless texts.
Again, I'm sorry for ranting and sounding angry, but I'm more upset than anything. I feel like a worthless social outcast who will forever be haunted by the fact that I will remain single for the rest of my life.

15 Name: Blade : 2016-11-12 14:21 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

Update. So after all of my ranting, complaining, and giving it one more chance, we finally went out! I think I made a good impression so I'm good haha. Thanks guys. I guess patience does go a long way.

16 Name: Akako : 2016-11-12 14:28 ID:XAPVd6kM [Del]

>>15 You are an idiot in the kinda good way lol. Btw could you ask her in a roundabout way if what i guessed was right if possible? you obviously dont have to but i am pretty curious

17 Name: Blade : 2016-11-12 18:59 ID:b4O8qRCX [Del]

>>16 lol yeah I know, I'm not the sharpest tool in the tool shed. But hey, a broken clock is right two times a day right? And about her being nervous about me? I might. I'm going to see her sometime next week so I'll ask. I won't make it obvious though haha. Thanks again man!