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16 years old and need a job (8)

1 Name: Psamurott : 2016-02-18 11:12 ID:oNTFOUWz [Del]

im broke as hell and need a job, any advice
im from the UK btw

2 Name: Rosie : 2016-02-18 15:29 ID:QARsfmL7 [Del]

Well, just apply at every place you can. Go to a strip center or mall and go into one store after another and ask for applications. Look up online some local places that are hiring, and until you can get a job do small things like get the neighboors mail every day, or walk dogs, or mow lawns and such. Good luck! :)

3 Name: Psamurott : 2016-02-19 05:10 ID:635Fur5a [Del]

>>2 thanks :)

4 Name: Boric : 2016-02-19 08:30 ID:Hqvpk3lm [Del]

Also it helps to be persistent. Try to go into the places that you applied for once a week and ask about their hiring status, and if at all possible, always try to talk to the hiring manager.

5 Name: Psamurott : 2016-02-19 12:59 ID:635Fur5a [Del]

>>4 I'll do my best

6 Name: Teeformee : 2016-02-19 14:22 ID:Rezz8efA [Del]

As a 16 year old from the UK I suggest try a Waitrose if you've got one near you, they tend to be very accepting. Tesco and John Lewis have an online application with questions that are a real pain in the ass, but if you can suffer through that try there.
Honestly tutoring is pretty good too. It's not rly a proper job per say, but if you know parents of children in primary school then tutoring is a good way of making money, since you can choose how much to charge (I charge £15 per hour)
Hope this was helpful, good luck m8!

7 Name: Topman : 2016-02-19 15:05 ID:Y0YhLOP+ [Del]

I have a lot of friends that have uploaded their CV to relevant websites and had job offers from places like carphonewherehouse

8 Name: Psamurott : 2016-02-20 11:57 ID:635Fur5a [Del]


thanks for the amazing help