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Do I Have Feelings..? (5)

1 Name: Masyn : 2015-12-02 18:14 ID:WCM+RIO8 [Del]

So I have an extremely confusing family. Let me explain: my mother has divorced twice, has had three children (including yours truly), each from a different father, and each of her "husbands" (most recent one isn't even married to her) are either, 1) total arsebags, 2) over-reacting, or 3) cheaters. You're probably thinking, "Well, what's your problem, then?" and here it is.

I'm almost never thinking about my biological father or first stepfather.

This upsets me a bit because both of them were and still are important aspects in my life. Like, shouldn't I think about them at night, or during the day when I do something they always did with me (i.e., drawing, watching TV, hiking, etc.)? Shouldn't I be asking my mum if I could call them and see them or spend a school break with them, even if they live in different states or countries?

I know that this seems silly, but I seriously wonder if I have feelings sometimes. Especially towards my biological father (let's call him... Jason).

For example, whenever he calls me, I usually respond with a tired and exasperated voice. Most of the time I don't even listen to what he's saying. I simply say "Mhm" or "Yeah, that's cool". I'm not sure if this is a result of not being able to see him for most of my life or if I generally don't care that much about him. Either way, I think I might have an internal problem of some sort, maybe like ignorant-only-daughter-itis.

But yeah, there you go. If you've been through this kind of thing and could spare me some advice, I would be extremely thankful. And if I wasted your time, you have my deepest apologies.

Thank you.

2 Name: Hutsalot : 2015-12-02 19:46 ID:4jw1ZOhF [Del]

Your probably just mentally/emotionally tired from all the stuff you mentioned. You just need to take a nice relaxing, quite break, and then try talking to the people you want to talk to more. Hope this helps.

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Masyn : 2015-12-08 17:52 ID:WCM+RIO8 [Del]

Haha, you're probably right.. I guess I'll go drink some tea now. Thanks, Hutsalot!

5 Name: Hitsuji : 2015-12-09 11:23 ID:ajlzmTc+ [Del]

Like>>2 said, take a break. Find something that helps you relax, find ways to relieve stress, or start a sport that you can hurt people in (like fencing... trust me, it helps.). Your situation seems like a hard one, so just gambette kudasai like the japanese say (don't trust google translate on this it's wrong. this phrase means keep your chin up)