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i want to make friends but i dont know how (14)

1 Name: Ace2Face : 2015-11-04 02:10 ID:EhzrdDd1 [Del]

You see i only have 3 friends and we are not that close, so can some one explain true friendship and tell me how do i get it

2 Name: Hisa : 2015-11-04 03:42 ID:t1SO2vcI [Del]

It's hard for me to make friends, but some other people say it's simple. Try waking up to them and getting to know them better when you're free/have nothing to do.

3 Name: Kanra : 2015-11-04 05:17 ID:pSJNx4+e [Del]

I have many so-called friends.
They are the ones I communicate about the surroundings in my life.
Talking about Anime and stuff.
Being together with them on eating lunch.
Being able to share jokes with them.
But when I have some problems in my life, they never had the interest to help me or anything.
So indeed..they are "So-called-Friends"
True friends are different. They'll help you through thick or thin. They'll share a laugh. They'll share their opinions and listen to yours too. They'll cry for you and smile for you.
They'll be frank but you'll realize they're doing that for your sake.
And a true friend is the one who really appreciates who you are. Someone you can really trust.
Well..I have atleast 1 or 2 friends like that.
It's not necessary to have many friends..if they're just sincere and true to you. Then that counts as a true friend.
Hope this helps.
And also..well getting that kind of friends are usually from the unpopular ones. Pick the ones who are also alone..if that is..well they'll consider you as their true friend too.

4 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-04 15:42 ID:EMgx72sG [Del]

going by kanara's definition of friends "They'll help you through thick or thin. They'll share a laugh. They'll share their opinions and listen to yours too. They'll cry for you and smile for you.
They'll be frank but you'll realize they're doing that for your sake."

it seems i have no friends at all

5 Name: MomoIro Kakarichou!4NcuSThL.k!!YbYzBMqP : 2015-11-04 15:43 ID:EMgx72sG [Del]

well maybe just one person also she is my so called ...... crush

6 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2015-11-04 16:24 ID:66FvP8ZP [Del]

>>4 Why does your quote sound so familiar?

7 Name: Spade : 2015-11-04 16:51 ID:hJPI9AiX [Del]

Well as Kanara said that's what some friendships are like but really friendships are all kinda different. You want friends that you can joke with or be serious with, someone who will listen to you and you listen to them. Friendship is a two way street, you both have to make an effort or it's not going to work out so well. Really as long as you have one good friend you can trust a lot of things to then you're pretty much good. If you want to make more friends, the first step is to be open to making friends and meeting new people. The second step, is to follow through with that and to meet new people.

8 Name: Xelon : 2015-11-05 04:35 ID:+UXGVSaT [Del]

Their is no way to define what friendship is on the emotional level
Their is many definitions too, one being 'A person who is not an enemy or opponent; an ally' (Oxford dictionary, definition 1.4)

I can consider a few people my ally, yet I don't consider them friends
I can consider a few people my friend, yet I don't consider them allies

Those who are both could be considered true or close friends

So all I can suggest is maybe you search for someone else who is searching
Ever see someone sat alone everyday? Go sit with them, if they are in the same boat they will appreciate the act, maybe join a club or society?

Only by becoming acquainted can you become friends, anything from there onwards depends on how you interact with them

9 Name: OroseC !puodSbGaRU : 2015-11-05 11:13 ID:tDqmLztO [Del]

Well, do you think you are better off independent or with a defined group of friends? Personally, I stay independent, the only people who dislike me have no reason to, everyone else is an acquaintance ,maybe a few exceptions that I can call "friend". You don't necessarily need a whole bunch of friends, just having connections can be satisfying enough. If you want friends desperately, just talk to people. The number one reason why I have little enemies and many acquaintances is that I give. Mostly thing like food or dollars whenever someone needs/wants one. Just think, "If i were them, I would want someone to do it for me, too." I guess to sum it all up, just be nice, but make sure to be yourself so friends will be true friends and will want to hang out with your real self and your second self.

10 Name: Yato!6SSyzd7Qgs : 2015-11-05 19:00 ID:GNmy9Wvy [Del]

People these days all think life is about having the most friends, look, all you really need for a friend is one very unique person, so just look for someone that seems right and be friends with them, and that will make there friends your friends and you'll have lots of friends after that, but realy, you just need one person.

11 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-05 23:30 ID:VCDeisOL [Del]

just find somebody and talk to them, theres always hope, and if theres hope, you can be damn sure that theres a chance.

12 Name: Otaku Atlas : 2015-11-06 00:52 ID:eRcPYaNn [Del]

Just select the good,real true friends and be anti-social to the other ones but do not start a fight with a ones you act anti-social to but if they start A fight with you dont hold back and hit em with all ya got

13 Name: JamJam : 2015-11-06 18:15 ID:6dYPbaFA [Del]

you have more friends than me >>1 ;_;

14 Name: kiki : 2015-11-06 20:48 ID:2AVHviab [Del]

I here u i had a lot of trouble until i met my best friend and there group I felt alone