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Dream Thread (7)

1 Name: Sebastian_Michaelis : 2015-06-20 21:22 ID:K9T8VKF/ [Del]

In this thread, you can share your weirdest dreams. BTW, please do it put nightmares. I always get such strange dreams and write them in my journal. Anyway, here we go.


So my 4 best friends and I are all Legos, and we have to kill Satan. BTW, we are in a mall and it's really funny. Satan sends 4 giant lego spiders to stop us, and the only way to kill them is with condiments,so we all get loded up with condiments. Long story short, we kill them all, and find out the only way to kill Satan is with blue and green lego missiles, so we get it done. Then an angle comes wearing a Hawaiian shirt and gives us a gold trophy. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2015-06-20 23:31 ID:p86GTaB4 [Del]

I had a dream that my aunt found out that I was an atheist and disowned me. Spooky.

3 Name: Leena !Uw.mzAFfos : 2015-06-20 23:57 ID:JU2oT53B [Del]

I had a dream where I was being a dick to children in a resort, I actually threw one over the railing... then, I was transported to my school where it was dark and haunted. L was there so everything was okay, 'le~!

4 Name: zronixen : 2015-06-21 00:32 ID:W6mAU/4c [Del]

I had a dream that I was at a party. There was a man sitting beside me that was in his mid 30's but paid no attention to me. After sitting through half of the party, I saw these girls passing out invitations. I turned to the man beside me and asked him "Why are those girls passing out invitations to a party when they're already at one?" He replied with "Those girls are acquaintances to some boy." That's all he said. When the girls finished passing out the invitations, I was the only one that didn't get invited. I then saw an elderly man that looked like a farmer, he brought his four border collies with him and began warming them up to start herding some sheep. This is where my dream took a strange turn in events, I wasn't at the party anymore. I was on top of what seemed like a train/trailer, there were no safe railings at the sides of the train/trailer so it was severely easy to fall off from the sides. The man that was sitting beside me at the party was also on the train/trailer. After traveling a few miles on the train/trailer I remembered the farmer with his border collies, turning to the man I began talking about his border collies and asked him if he had his own. He said "Yeah, I do." (He also said what color it was but I forgot what) I smiled and began talking to him about my own border collie, but he then labeled me as a nuisance and ignored me. The trains/trailers slowly came to a stop at a train track that had a paper looking house on it, but it was so wide that we couldn't go around it. I heard somebody that was the leader of the trains/trailer say "We have to make some sacrifices to be able to drive through." When that person said that, I somehow knew I was one of those sacrifices. My half of the train/trailer detached from the older man I used to talk to, but my train/trailer shrunk and was smaller. So small that I had to scrunch myself in a tight position and make my elbows touch my knees so that I would be able to fit on it, my train/trailer moved into the paper made house. I was scared and looked behind me to see some other kids that were following me, the kids were around my age (14 and younger) but when I was looking behind me at the kids, my train/trailer ran over something that made me lose my balance. As my train/trailer was about to tip over, I quickly pushed my leg out of its position and kicked the ground to make the train/trailer regain its balance. (I don't know why we couldn't walk on our own two legs, we just weren't supposed to) I looked back to take a look at what I ran over, at this point I was crying and saw that it was a Tasmanian devil. My eyes grew wide and I began asking the kids with a panicked tone "Is it dead?! Please, please tell me it isn't!!" But the kids ignored me and continued moving thier own train/trailer. I took the time to take a brief look around my surroundings to find out it was filled with Tasmanian devils. They were curious of us kids and began getting closer to us, at this moment all the kids including me jumped off our trains/trailers and ran in opposite directions. One kid that was eleven or so, was hiding near the window. I tried to crawl in the hiding spot near the window, but couldn't fit. All the kids were panicked, the eleven year old boy just looked like he was in shock. When I gave up on the window spot, I turned around to see two Tasmanian devils right in front of me, one seemed to be the mother of the few. I screamed and kicked the Tasmanian devils away from me. (I know, should have left them alone but they seemed pretty upset in the first place) this was when the Tasmanian devils had enough of us kids being in thier home. They began snarling and growling at us, I hid by a window and began crying. That's when I heard the door to the house open and the woman that owned the house said "Good job for not crying." Thats when I saw a girl that was one of the sacrifices walk back in with a smile on her face. I saw the woman close the door and began walking away, but I tore the window enough to squeeze my arm out the window. I began sobbing louder and begged her to let me out, she stopped in her tracks and smiled at me evilly. She then suddenly appeared before me and asked "So you really want out? Well there's one thing you can do-" that's when I woke up. I have no idea what she was going to say.

5 Name: zronixen : 2015-06-21 00:37 ID:W6mAU/4c [Del]

It was very weird and freaky xD

6 Name: Diamond !UzEJEWELJg : 2015-06-21 01:40 ID:XreAXwku [Del]

>>1 Uhm, I hate saying it, but we already have a dreams thread on the Random Board. Here's the link:

7 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-06-21 04:20 ID:h3qWxlCB [Del]

>>1 Yeah, this is a duplicate