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What to do with my dyslexia (6)

1 Name: confused : 2015-05-14 15:33 ID:km8sPRIf [Del]

My teacher thinks I have dyslexia. I don't know what to think but she said that if I take a test and I prove positive then I could have extra help in tests. And it would help my grade. I know what I want to write but my spelling and grammar pull me back. My parents don't what me to take the test so that I don't look like a crazy person. I just don't know what to think? I haven't got my head round it yet. But their arguing isn't helping me. U just don't know what to do?

2 Name: gagiru : 2015-05-14 16:12 ID:W5DaoxCu [Del]

I guess the best thing to do here would be to try to convince your parents to let you take the test for it. (When you feel that you're ready to, of course.)

You could say that firstly, being "crazy" (or mentally unstable, I believe is the preferred term for it?) definitely isn't something a person should be shamed for. Secondly, being dyslexic doesn't even mean you're mentally unstable... it just means you're dyslexic. Which definitely isn't shame-worthy either. Your parents shouldn't be ashamed, they should be supportive.

If anyone looks down on you for possibly having a mental disorder, then honestly they're just being jerks. Nobody should be made to feel bad because of something they can't change about themselves.

If you really do have dyslexia then you deserve to get the extra help on tests. Why should you have to face difficulty for the rest of your school life? It's really best to do things at your own level. It's like with exercise... I don't work out as hard as an Olympic athlete, because I'm not at their same fitness level. Sometimes things have to be adjusted to suit other people, and that's perfectly okay.

I don't know if I helped at all, but I'm wishing the best for you. xx

3 Name: confused : 2015-05-15 01:46 ID:km8sPRIf [Del]

Thank you so much. I'll try and convince by parents to let me take the test. You've really help me feel way better. Thanks

4 Name: Yuukio : 2015-05-15 06:46 ID:KnIK+2MO [Del]

>>1 but you seems fine with typing the words. I thought people with dyslexia would have trouble reading words and so have high rate of typos... I think your teacher made a mistake.

5 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-05-16 00:02 ID:eXc6qs8g [Del]

>>4 I thought they just stuff really really really slowly.
>>1 I had a friend that's dyslexic, no one made fun of him.

6 Name: Onsui : 2015-05-16 14:31 ID:qIH17l+G [Del]

I have a pre-stage of dyslexia and the school's support helped me a lot. I'm now in a really good highschool thanks to that.
Also being crazy and having dyslexia are reperate things.
My brother has full dyslexia and noone would thing of him as crazy or even stupid.

Your parants should open their mindes and inform themselves about it. If they insist on believing that dyslexia has something to do with your mendal stade, tell them that some studies believe that dyslexia is a matter of DNA^^

>>4 People with dyslexia have problems with the sounding of words, the spelling of words, reading quickly, writing words, pronouncing words when reading aloud, and understanding what was read.