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Does anyone else do this (10)

1 Name: KingKasuma : 2015-04-24 14:52 ID:fhQVcL2E [Del]

I talk to myself, well it's more like I have small rants with myself. I've told my friends and pretty much everyone I know about this and it doesn't seem like anyone else does it. I guess the reason I do it is cause when I was little I didn't have any friends at all and I started to pretend I had imaginary friends. The fucked up thing was that most of those imaginary friends were supposed to basically be my class mates from school. I wanted so much to be accepted by them that it could have been real or imaginary. Back then I talked to them all the time, my imaginary friends that is, I spent most of my time alone and it scared the shit out of me when someone caught me talking to them. As I grew up I started getting more real friends and I stopped with the imaginary friends. However I kept talking to myself anytime I was alone as if someone was listening. I don't know if this is a disorder or I'm completely insane but I honestly think there is a man near me almost all of the time just listening to what I say. I kind of thought he might be like my guardian angle but I have no idea. Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this

2 Name: Toastywafflz !qVs0Vq85og : 2015-04-24 15:30 ID:YOeVhJw+ [Del]

Lol don't worry because you definitely aren't the only one. I can empathize; I know a few people that do that too and I myself am guilty of ranting onto myself occasionally. I don't personally think there's anything wrong with it; I actually think it's good for you, cathartic in a sort of way. Hearing yourself talk is a little different than thinking to yourself, and when you're alone and you talk to yourself you can bounce the words off your ears and hear how it sounds which for some reason helps clarify whether something you're thinking is sound (pardon the pun) or not.

There's nothing wrong with what you're doing, I do it sometimes too, it's cathartic, somewhat fun, and provides a slightly modified self perspective that either clarifies the internal monologue we have going or spurs thought. Maybe some of that is just me, but in any case don't feel crazy heheh~

3 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-24 16:37 ID:JnqGDpH4 [Del]

>>2 You definitely put it right! XD

Yesterday I said goodbye to two good friends of mine, imaginary ones if you say so. And they didn't mind as much as I thought.

>>1 Besides imaginary people, I do believe in spirits and angels. There's one angel on each shoulder and sometimes spirits come to say hello to people, they definitely listen.

So you might think youre talking to yourself, but you arent!

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-04-25 04:45 ID:bS+lfmAV [Del]

....I got scared from reading >>3

5 Name: Enigami : 2015-04-25 07:47 ID:qppX+DL5 [Del]

I don't know about imaginary friends, but I do rant to myself. I don't like people to see me angry, so I vent in private.

6 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-25 08:10 ID:JnqGDpH4 [Del]

>>4 woops, sorry about that >.<

It's not a scary thing, there are good spirits too and some are pretty humorous! And angels don't say anything to you, they just listen. Rest assured buddy XD

7 Name: firelily : 2015-04-25 08:43 ID:+kvE7saG [Del]

i still do that evry once in a while

8 Name: Just me : 2015-04-25 13:52 ID:z5MLaHta [Del]

Don't worry, i do that too, i guess i kind of use it as a copeing mechanism, idk what i have to cope with it just relives stress. don't worry, this is normal. i do everything that you just listed, even the part about the man.

9 Name: PuellaMagi : 2015-04-26 04:51 ID:KwhIwcAm [Del]

doesn't seem that scary to me. i'm going on 20 and i still do this. i just prefer to have fictional characters as my friends, or my Kyubey plushie. i would even imagine how they would converse with me and i would respond back. i've tried explaining this to my dad, he just thinks i'm weird af. as long as you can realize that you're talking to imaginary people and you're not getting confused with reality and imaginary, there shouldn't be any problems.

10 Name: Ayukine : 2015-04-26 05:00 ID:c5ufdsUG [Del]

I talk to myself too, my parents yell at me for it though