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guys i have a doubt (10)

1 Name: anoymous123 : 2015-04-19 04:34 ID:o8oEuQg7 [Del]

a long time i figthed a lot, two years ago i had to change country and i started not training my muscles etc,i did get a litle overweigth, a few day ago i started training and i did 80 modified push-up and 80 sit-ups and i feel like my muscles are there a problem or something?
anyway if you know any good exercise without equipment i will be glad to ear

2 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2015-04-19 05:08 ID:JnqGDpH4 [Del]

Well, maybe your muscles arent 'fucked' but rather theyre sore and in a healing process. And what you're doing right now seems fine to me (the pushups and situps) but martial arts do teach a lot of how to do exercise without the equipment (epic toning bruhhh). And just dont go 'all out' all of a sudden in one go, take it slow maybe.

3 Name: anoymous123 : 2015-04-19 05:10 ID:o8oEuQg7 [Del]

>>2 i don't know if martial arts is my kind of thing.thanks

4 Name: ryuhime : 2015-04-19 18:06 ID:N1zFFfB3 [Del]

It's actually a good sign if you're muscles hurt. It most likely means that whatever exercise you're doing is effective. If they still hurt after about a week (meaning a week since you last exercised) that might be a problem. Getting stronger is process where you sort of partially wreck your muscles and then they heal and become stronger. It would probably be best not to reach your training limit every day, but every two or three days would really be beneficial.
You may not be interested in martial arts, however many martial arts exercises are good for training. You could probably find some online.

5 Name: Yuurei !l6b21W13yM : 2015-04-20 03:55 ID:A+L8of3R [Del]

I heard a while back that muscles grow when regrowing after over exerting your limbs

6 Name: anoymous123 : 2015-04-20 11:02 ID:o8oEuQg7 [Del]

well i am gone continue with my exercise and maybe i migth join some martial art club,i am not really sure anyway.well thanks guys.

7 Name: anoymous123 : 2015-04-20 11:50 ID:o8oEuQg7 [Del]

guys i am 14 , i am at the rigth age to get into martial arts?

8 Name: Deathduelist : 2015-04-20 12:40 ID:TvthoQEc [Del]

Usually muscles need to heal after exertion, so you should probably lay off a day a week as a rest period or at least do some exercise with low exertion like yoga for flexibility.

9 Name: SM&A : 2015-04-20 15:30 ID:B7LEEfiE [Del]

I have been practicing the martial art Judo for six years, and actually began years before your current age.
That being said, one can get into martial arts at any age. The earlier the better.
If you want to focus on the actual fighting a bit more (if you intend to use it in real life), most would say that anything is good, but I personally think that arts such as Krav Maga and/or Karate would work finely.
Seeing as how the Dollars originated in Japan, I'd say Karate, but Krav looks really fun.
Keep in mind: All martial arts I know of train your body, among other things. Anything is good :P

10 Name: The King : 2015-04-20 21:18 ID:Zah+aauF [Del]

Masturbate really hard constantly to the point where one arm is really buff