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I had enough!! (10)

1 Name: Misaki Tanaka : 2015-01-13 21:09 ID:kYTEDfGH [Del]

My mom mocks my depression by saying "I'm depressed look at me!" Or "I'm so sad I'm just going to do nothing!" It bothers me I get angry and she forced me to be happy or at least act she doesn't like it when I'm always on my phone. The Internet is the only thing I can go to or drawing but lately she's been hurting me I hate it. Her boyfriend makes it worst asking me questions like; "Why are you depressed?" "You dont even work your always on your phone." I get so angry for my whole life I've been looked down on been called weak, monster, psycho, and waste of skin I don't know what to do lately my minds been fuzzy and I'm getting angry and tired of this pathetic life.

2 Name: Rogue : 2015-01-13 21:59 ID:NKsa/a4a [Del]

One thing I would recommend is going to talk to someone about it, like a councilor or a therapist...I find talking to someone helps, especially if your in such a horrid, unsympathetic environment like that...I am so sorry you have to deal with sounds horrid...

Also... Just know the group is here for you ok? You can always talk on here too about what is going on... if you ever want to talk to me too, I won't mind... I may not be the best at comforting but I will still do my best to help regerdless... :)

3 Name: Loveless : 2015-01-14 03:07 ID:wZNlC6L2 [Del]

talk to someone about it and if you feel like talking to me you can email me :

4 Name: Nemo : 2015-01-14 04:55 ID:fHTWZp1X [Del]

How old are you? Can you live on your own?

5 Name: greyghost : 2015-01-14 06:23 ID:rCa6JFvH [Del]

I understand but if you're young and healthy then there is hope.

Take me for instance: I am almost 40, my heart is bad, I suffer from chronic depression, anxiety and agoraphobia. I can't work, have no friends and have no prospects of a better life unless I win the lottery or something.

To top it all off, I may be loosing my disability income and will have nowhere to live or any way to pay for my meds or doctor visits.

You sound like you're young and in good healthy. Make the most of your opportunities while you're young and able bodied. You can make it. Don't give up.

6 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-01-14 10:40 ID:pxkJSSKl [Del]

>>1 taht happened to me too,they think that is just a joke and it is just something created in our generation,they think that only adults have problems and the teens,kids,Minor don't have nothing to worry should talk to anyone that can help you,and see if there is any way that you could go to somebodys house,because your house doesn't sound like a good enviroment to grow

7 Name: Water The Toxic Savior; Villain of Noble Vice !BgxF79hIoI : 2015-01-14 12:07 ID:FXV5G6in [Del]


they make fun of you because sympathizing with your feelings will only make you express them more instead of doing something about it. Hopefully if you get mad enough you'll do something about it.

8 Name: Baphomet : 2015-01-14 14:33 ID:XqeFQu7q [Del]

I can't say that I fully undertand what you are going through. I made a depression when I was 7 (because of bullying and such) so it is still a bit hazy in my memory.
One of my classemates had a depression last year so she only attended the first two months of school before they sent her in something like an asylum. There she found a girl she fell in love with, she came back to school and started to open to more and more people (well actually she's speaking with more or less 4 people). Maybe you should try to find love.
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck from Switzerland.

9 Name: Dragonhand : 2015-01-14 15:43 ID:NHJP/vCY [Del]

Depression is a pathetic state that will keep building up unless you fight it with every fiber you got. Your parents may be acting like dicks, but being condescending about you wont help as well. It is up to you and you alone to fight it, to kick it as hard as possible and say fuck it all, I deserve to treat myself better then I do, I'm worth more then I think I do.

10 Name: SyndicateMember!lnkYxlAbaw : 2015-01-14 18:14 ID:A4kO+ykg [Del]

I have been studying clinical depression for a long time. What I found that there is not any real answer to solving the problem, sometimes talking to a therapist works, other times people are given antidepressants by their doctors, while others have ECT or TMS done to help. However, depression does exist, and it seems like your mom doesn't believe that you have it. That means that you don't have the kind of support that most people with depression need to get through it. I'm not telling you that you need to do anything, but if you truly want to escape this feeling of pure despair and lack of motivation you are gonna need some to help you convince your mom to get you the help you need. It will be hard to do, it will be a struggle, however, with enough support you will be able to get through this. Also try to get a doctor to diagnose you and try to find out what you can do. I think you can do it. When you feel like you are having a particularly good day, get to the doctors and get moving. Some small things that can help get you to that point would be exercise, like running or playing a sport, and finding someone, friend or family, that will always be there for you, and someone that wont leave you alone for most of the day. Social interactions help allot. Oh and try to fake it till you make it, as cheesy as it sounds, it has proven to be effective in changing someones mood. Best of luck and I'm rooting for you.