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Meaning of a dream (29)

1 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-22 02:59 ID:Kn0ShAyW [Del]

Do you ever have a dream that make you sad? Cry? Dumbfounded? Stressed? Or shocked? What kind of dream is it, and what is your reaction when you have those dream?

Just asking~
Because I had a nightmare last night...strangely I dream about meeting my ex on a rooftop, I backed away...and suddenly he pinned me down on the ground, and he suddenly turn into Izaya Orihara. He whispering the same thing like my ex used to said to me. "You can't forget me, I'll be always in your heart. No matter what you do, you will always come back to me", Izaya whispered this. I struggle but I'm too weak, he suddenly touched my left eye. He complimented how pretty it is then he gouge my eyes, jabbing his fingers on my left eye and squish the inside.

After that I wake up and find my left hand on my left eye, my left eye slightly scarred because of my finger nails...I know it's not that important but...I want to share this because I'm scared...have you ever dream of something scary like this too?

2 Name: Ness : 2014-12-22 09:06 ID:hNNN/abg [Del]

Chi-Chan I have a scary apportion stalking my dreams. He wants to control my body to be free. I call him Dark Ness.

3 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-22 18:11 ID:xzcmUL8e [Del]

What's that...?

4 Name: Ness : 2014-12-23 09:08 ID:hNNN/abg [Del]

That's my point i don't know what it really is: a demon, ghost i don't know i just know it's always in my dreams.

5 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-23 16:21 ID:zAdh3ksW [Del]

Well chi-chan...first can i ask you a question? Are you a fan of Orihara Izaya? or shizuo? or both(if you know what i mean(LOL))?If its the initial I think you just have a fetish of getting cornered against your will and him having his way with you(not saying its bad...its pretty common nowadays)(especially whit characters like Izaya)...if its the second then maybe your just genuinely scared...the brain does that in our dreams...I can't really remember but whenever I think of bad thoughts, my dreams end up bad so maybe your just stressed or somethings bothering you...if its the third(well the third's a joke so...)anyway I won't take my word if I were you, cuz I don't believe in any supernatural stuff(but I do get scared hehehehe). bets of luck!

6 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-23 16:54 ID:zAdh3ksW [Del]

Ness...I've read a couple of your post and man its creepy!XD either way you said you've tried everything therapist,priest all that jizz and I'm quite sure your aware that I don't believe in paranormal stuff (base on my last post here) so if my advice won't work find it from another fella'...My advice is maybe this apparition or demon or anything like that isn't real or something that isn't living in your head...I think you've been focusing too much on the fact that it could be real that you made it real...and trough the years this ordeal in your mind has only grown firm, that its mentally hard for you to get rid've been focusing too much of ridding it that you think that it's actually real hence making it even advice is too ignore it even if it talks to you,scares you,touches you imagine that you have the upper hand in both worlds...imagine him being arrested,being beaten up,or raped,torture him like what if he looks scary provoke him tell to hit you hurt you...keep your eyes open while he does and I guarantee won't feel a thing. test him be the man,the boss...stand firm.

7 Name: Touasuki : 2014-12-24 09:05 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

i dream the same person all the time . -^- Why?

8 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-24 09:56 ID:KVCvbEaF [Del]

Umm...what is the meaning of 'fetish'? (⌒-⌒; )
Either my English is too sucks or I don't get it. Well...I don't really get what's going on either way...
I mean I always dreamed about that if I see my ex. We rarely contact eac other but we're in the same school so meeting him by's unavoidable.

I get this feeling that both of them (Izaya and my ex) are alike and scary...
Both of them like manipulate people...
I've been manipulated too actually

This is so weird!!! (-_-)
It's so scary and yet...their words...both of them tormenting me's weird. When Izaya gouge my eyes, sometimes his face change into my ex face!
Why am I dreaming like this...this is so pride can't take being insulted *sigh*

9 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-24 15:08 ID:41DjOXNu [Del]

>>7 Its either your obsessive or god knows what.(Specification)
>>8 It means its your preferred sexual intercourse but since we've establish that your genuinely scared I think you should solve it by the roots...go to your ex and ask for an apology...for starters...whatever the problem is its that your scared of your ex,pairing his manipulative personality with Izaya means you believe that he's willing to go as far as Izaya's willing to go in terms of mental torture...My advice: stop being afraid

10 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-25 00:55 ID:KVCvbEaF [Del]

We...we already become friends though, and h apologize to me but...I've been having dreams about him whether I see him...he's chatting with me like usual, talk like usual but...I don't know why the dream...I can't get away from it. It's haunting me to the core.

Izaya face been popping out in my dream, afterward it change into my ex face. It's kinda weird...scary and yet...I don't have the strength to do anything...

"You will always come back to me", "You will never leave me". Those words keep lingering inside my mind. Gosh, I feel sick

11 Name: Touasuki : 2014-12-25 19:21 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

hmm I go to school with Person. I don't really Person. I'm not obsessive over Person. I haven't even talked to Person. But I feel odd around Person. It's so strange. Am I going Insain?!

12 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-25 20:22 ID:3zAJe37a [Del]

>>10 Well...That's something...Let's see what we know ok, you have a terrifying dream with izaya and your ex who is saying that you will come back and you just don't have the strength to fight it,on the contrary you both are in good terms already. Dreams you see are not just made by random,their base on your personality,memories,and feelings everything your head knows will be applied, sure there are things you can't even remember but the brain you see remembers what you don't remember,either way I think that it could mean that you regret breaking up with him thus him saying you'll come back that is your subconscious speaking which is in neglect with your own consciousness that is saying you don't, creating bad thoughts and feelings thus making it a nightmare which makes it scary, about izaya I believe he pops out in your mind cuz he does everything to get what he wants in the most villainous of ways, that's just his character.And that since you haven't deal with this problem,since your so convince that you did the right choice your subconscious has been eating you all this time.(this is just my opinion if you don't want it don't get it :D good luck fellow Dollar)

>>11 You need to fix your english cuz I could barely understand it,anyway its not weird feeling odd with a person some people are just unsociable that it makes it hard so connect.(assuming that's what you mean by odd)

13 Name: Touasuki : 2014-12-25 20:28 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

for some reason I feel sorry.
Sorry everyone for complaining

14 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2014-12-25 20:45 ID:fWwb0HEx [Del]

I usually dream about something where surely is blood. Bloody war, or breaking a glass and blood starting to flow down my hand, or some fucking strange creature cutting off my friend's leg, or me just brushing my long hair and suddently blood starts flowing out of my mouth. So like what's wrong with me and blood? I'm very calm and it's rare for me to care about something, and I don't have any negative reaction when I see blood or other things that some people find gross or bad (sex poses, smoking, drinking, swearing, getting pervy)

15 Name: Touasuki : 2014-12-25 21:46 ID:Sc+qeKcL [Del]

my idea is that your surpressing a secret nature that you did't even know you had. so it's trying to claw at your brain through dream that you WILL remember. like who remembers dreams of rocks? I think it's just your mind trying to get your attenshion to there anything else like hidden secrets in ur dreams?like a certain erson? or animal
anyway who am I I can't even decode my dreams let alone yours. and I can't spell!!!

16 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-26 02:31 ID:TrPhuqKg [Del]

>>13 don't have to react like that its what I call creative criticism but if it has offended you I'm sorry :(

>>14 Maybe its not blood you have a problem with, maybe its what blood symbolizes like violence or gore,whichever it is are you in anyway traumatize to anything violent,phobic?

17 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-26 03:17 ID:KVCvbEaF [Del]

So in other words...I still can't forget him... *sigh*
What a pity...I thought I already through it, the past. He's so annoying, manipulative, and a jerk!! But I can't hate's strange. I'm ashamed that my feelings for him still there...and I just notice it.

I already promised myself that I won't come back to him. He did a lot of mean stuff to me and I'm...still scared after what he did. I have to find a way to end this nightmare.

Wow, that was bloody...I had that kind of dream too back when I'm still watching Corpse Party. But I let it slide

18 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-26 05:19 ID:TrPhuqKg [Del]

>>17 Try ending it face to face with him, go to him explain your nightmares,he may laugh or anything but depending on his answer at least you could find closure(my own opinion)cuz' either way it all started with him...psychological problems like night terrors are often solved trough the roots and if you really can't solve it on your own seek help from a professional.

19 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2014-12-26 13:34 ID:fWwb0HEx [Del]

>>16 Like, nope... Of course this doesn't bother me, I like my dreams :3

>>17 Lol. Horror movies don't scare me, I don't even bother about them. Even Evil Dead didn't have any effect xD

20 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-26 21:20 ID:0PYtNs/S [Del]

Face to face? With him? Nah even if I want to...
He's been avoiding me in the real world, although he's still talking to me via chat and phone. He's a coward that work behind the scene, that's how he always is~
He used to bully me using my friends, blackmailing me and stuff. But he never face to face to me when that happens. He's the worst but I still can't forget odd...I suppose even though he's a jerk, we used to be couple.

Hahaha, well I'm not exactly sure but...I'm kind of scared with movies like Ju-on, One Missed Call and stuff. But I'm not scared with Saw or Evil Dead, I prefer blood gore genre movies to...well...THOSE thing

21 Name: Arahiro Ayazi : 2014-12-27 01:54 ID:3jWSgmnY [Del]

>>20 how did you became a couple in the first place?

22 Name: C.Coffee : 2014-12-27 04:19 ID:FrnzHS/z [Del]

I've been following this thread and Ness' one for a while now, so I was thinking...
Would it be interesting an official Dream Interpretation thread? Please tell me if it would be a well-appreciated idea or not. ^^ It would take some time to make a well organised thread, if the idea seems interesting to you I'll willingly get on work. ^^

23 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-27 06:41 ID:GLgxTZiZ [Del]

Err well it was back when I was in junior high school...I can't make any friends due to my shyness. I'm even shy talking to a teacher and the people who sell food in the canteen...and so one day, I want to buy a sandwich and I can't even say a thing to the shopkeeper because I'm practically invisible and shy...and then he show up and help me up. "Which one do you want?". And I shyly pointed to the sandwich, he buy it for me and rushed between the crowds. A minutes later he showed up with a sandwich on his hand, I thank him and he said, "No problem, if you need anything just ask me".

I also bullied by the boys on P.E, they pushed me and steal my basketball away when I want to play it. I cry and he pick another one for me, "Here, take mine". He's basically help me when I'm in a pinch and I fell in love and so err...I confess. We date but...a week later he dump me and said I was a replacement. After that incident, he bullied me and show me his true self...a sly guy with twisted mind. He said things like, "there's nothing immortal in this world, if so why are we making friends? Why are we living?". We fought a lot of times for our belief and well...we forgive each other when we're already in senior high school.
Sorry for the long description (⌒-⌒; )

I think it's a great idea! (^○^)
Telling other our dream would be fun~
It's also convinient for my I think it's okay ^_^

24 Name: Daydream : 2014-12-27 09:01 ID:jIp7tvY+ [Del]

So cute! No wonder you still like him! he gave you the attention you deserve. The choice is up to you, do you want to be with him? Or don't you? I suggest that you meet new people that give you attention in a good way tho :3 You can do it! no worries, you can grow out of shyness if you want! it's incredibly hard work, and I used to believe it wasn't possible, but it is! Keep in mind who you are or want to be.
As to the evilness of your ex: he is probably torturing himself with all these questions/actions more than anyone. And he was putting it on you? I'm glad he doesn't do that anymore. Good chance that when he's a little older he'll be a fine chap.

Are you bored a lot? I sometimes have "nightmares" that are pretty gruesome, but they make me feel alive. I'm happy on those days, so I think those are the good dreams. Nothing wrong with a little excitement :3 *bites your neck*

25 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-12-27 19:47 ID:TMBNuM0W [Del]

Err well...I decided not to come back anymore. Beside he looks like enjoying himself without me hehehe...I don't want to bother him just because of a nightmare. Even though I want to tell him, we're not even close anymore...and he's been avoiding me I just hold on

26 Name: GhoulHunter !vta2Xj1LII : 2014-12-28 08:34 ID:lIf3wzcv [Del]

Hey fellow Dollars...
It started bugging me, since throughout this week, Ive already had two dreams of the same nature - slaying demons...might sound childish, yet, it feels odd to me. Since early childhood Ive been highly spiritual and close to lines where one thinks "am I seeing things for sure or am I crazy?"...the dreams that have a deeper meaning stay in the back of my mind because they are very vivid...and these demons were pretty real...
the first one was athletic...had horns going up and held a heavy sword that requires two hands to lift and a long swing to hit your foe...any thing I would take in my hands to try and counter attack his hits would form into dust upon touch of the demonic sword...some might know the feeling when in the dream you know you have different are someone else...I wasnt...I was in my pure if the demon attacked me in a market when I was shopping with my dad...then some guy from the crowd tossed a sword to me...said it was magical and...the first thought of mine was "Excalibur" didnt turn to dust, but when I tried slicing the wouldnt penetrate the skin...during a few sudden hits of the demon I lost Excalibur and...when the demon was happilly taking another swing to give me a fatal blow...I figured...I have magic..I totally have it and I...summoned light in my right hand, hid it behind my back and...when demonic sword was coming at me, I made a quick move with my left hand, I made a hand gesture from left corner to right if it was a sword to block the hit...where I made the gesture, in that line appeared another sword and upon impact the demonic sword was the one forming to dust, then I slayed the demon with my newly found power...
The second dream was of the same categry of slaying demons, but had a different own body and place in society felt, I slayed the demon without destroying its weapon, instead, I took it and killed the demon with it...then came out the prison (in which I happened to be held) and showing the weapon I took from this huge demon, problably 3+ meters high, but of a very heavy stance...I challenged everyone who was outside...most of them ran away...
So, the question is...are there any of you who have had similar dreams or...maybe can think of an explanation, its not that I dont have a version, but I want to hear opinions...

27 Name: Akatsuki : 2014-12-28 19:08 ID:nkga9ce7 [Del]

im into psychology lately so:Well if it is of any help dreaming is organizing memory and getting rid of stuff your brain doesnt need. so if you want to dream about something theres a little chance you will. but when u see something that your brain cant connect to something usefull then it gets it organized, no matter you want it or not. Example : you see a red car on a poster on the street, later you see in a magazine a recipe and you just come across the word lemon without thinking about it, next day you see a tiger on the add on some site on internet, and all of that stuff is now in your brain-unusable. and then your brain decides to make a thing out of it- you dream about riding in a red car when suddenly a big lemon falls in front of you and a big tiger jumps out of the lemon and kills you. thats how dreaming works. crucially you can only dream about things you already experienced, or here or in some of your past lives(if you believe in that ofc) :)

28 Name: GhoulHunter !vta2Xj1LII : 2014-12-29 04:36 ID:lIf3wzcv [Del]

I am well aware of scientific explanation of cant even actually imagine a person's will be of someone you saw on the street...tho, another question for you would be...if someone cant remember that they dreamt for like...two years...not a single dream...and then they start poppin up...what you think could be the cause?

29 Name: 青葵201-chan : 2014-12-29 07:00 ID:whDsGzZP [Del]

Nawww...Everyone will have a bad dream once in a life time (・∀・)Don't worry, make sure after speaking out you feel relax a bit than keeping it inside~
I got few dreams, actually most of my dreams made me criedO(≧∇≦)OBut anyway I'm used to it already so I rather don't mind<3
Somehow once I dream that I became Izaya or Kanra(don't really remember though) and almost killed by Shizu-chan ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ But luckily I was awake before I really did die in my dream ヽ(;▽;)ノWhat a relief~(Shizu-chan sure is horrible
Anywayyyyyy...Don't let your dream neither your past stress you out<3 You can't, no one can run from the past, but we can face it~( ・ ω <)☆
Dollars works together!(・`ω´・) Let's solve the problems and let out stress without any judging in Dollars<3
(hope the others agree though pfft :p)