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I'm afraid. Help please (13)

1 Name: Nam : 2014-11-09 11:57 ID:D4zGvJ/6 [Del]

Hi. I don't know how to start but I'm always feeling fear and I'm always uneasy. It doesn't matter if I'm with someone or not or what time of the day it is, I'm just really afraid. I don't think I have social anxiety because I can speak rather confidently and love going to public places, however, I just want to be sure. What do you think is wrong with me? Please help, this is really scary.

2 Name: Kyz : 2014-11-09 12:05 ID:+ExlMr+l [Del]

do you have some kind of a trauma?

3 Name: Nam : 2014-11-09 12:46 ID:D4zGvJ/6 [Del]

>>2 I have shocking memories but I never found them distressing. My teacher would beat me and other children when I was small, also called us names and screamed everyday but got sacked at the end of the year. I also remember being afraid when my mother threatened to stab me but at the end of the day I hardly recall these memories and don't think much of them

4 Name: SON GOKU : 2014-11-09 19:02 ID:Y55mnvok [Del]

put the crack pipe down get a therapist your asking people who haven't clue about themselves little alone you

5 Name: Roanoke !u4youLLrGs : 2014-11-09 19:29 ID:QHCjf8oN [Del]

>>4 Who are you to say that others don't have a clue about themselves. You cannot say whether or not someone has a clue about their self because you are not them.

6 Name: Celestial Envoy !bDuNCOUT7Q : 2014-11-09 20:54 ID:Ym1Axe85 [Del]

Getting beat by your parents is one thing, but if you have been ever been stab or had an intrusive injury by your parents, get help from your teacher or neighbor or police.
Now with that being said it seems to me that you are afraid by past physically traumatic memories, and at moments you remember these things, that are caused by the smallest trigger in you everyday life and or you run into a situation that you think that you may get hurt and then think about those scarey thoughts. It's like your bodys natural reaction to these situations. You might not notice these things but it can just sit at the back of your mind with out your notice. It's not hard to get over these random fears you have but it may take some time. Just think in reall time your not in danger, you feel that shit coming back to you just remember where you are and take a breath in. Eventually your mind will naturally find a way to cope with your fears, especially when you get older. It helps to talk to your friends about this stuff to or anyone you feel comfortable with. Now, if you think it's so bad that you want to consider therapy that's on you but I would never recommend it, because they may want to put you on medication and using drugs to solve the problem is not solving the problem. You can overcome any trial that comes your way as long as you want have the will to do so. You be alright.

7 Name: Kyz : 2014-11-09 21:24 ID:57+G3Gg1 [Del]

I'm not a major is psychology, but I guess that it's your subconscious which makes you anxious of people around you thinking that they might hurt you.

8 Name: Nam : 2014-11-10 01:12 ID:D4zGvJ/6 [Del]

Thanks for your answers everyone, I don't think Its bad to the point I need therapy, I just wanted a little help. I have a little idea what's going on now, hopefully I can control it in the future. :)

9 Name: Mathwyn : 2014-11-10 02:30 ID:6RrgQNO4 [Del]

Hey, it sounds a bit like you are struggling with an anxiety condition or panic attack disorder.

First of all there is nothing "wrong" with you. Not in that you aren't feeling anxious or you aren't feeling what you are feeling. Its just that like getting sick, a perfectly healthy human being will experience mental illness in their life. You aren't alone in this, its actually a natural response to the world we live in.

If if is anything like I've felt then I wouldn't focus on the how or why. That wouldn't really help right now.

Physically what might be happening to you is that your body is going into 'fight or flight' mode all the time. In response it floods your system with adrenaline, which makes it harder to think straight.

When you feel yourself spiraling into anxiety. Stop, breather and look at your thoughts. Don't challenge them, just examine them and see what you are thinking. You may find that most of it is untrue or illogical. Then just keep breathing and examining. Thats at least one method I've used.

If you are looking for help or at least methods to cope, I'd start with a book called: Living With It: A Guide To Panic Attacks, by Bev Aisbett. I don't know how available it is outside of Australia but I found it a big help myself.

And remember just because something *feels* true, it doesn't mean it is. Things are almost definitely not as bad as they may seem, at least that was the case for me.

Best of luck, and post here if you have any more questions. I hope I helped.

10 Name: Nam : 2014-11-10 14:50 ID:D4zGvJ/6 [Del]

Thanks, that helped lots!

11 Name: ChocolateSquirrel : 2014-11-10 16:10 ID:v8aWcuMU [Del]

I used to have really bad anxiety. Seeing as you went through a lot more than me, it's probably worse (sorry if I assumed wrong). I can honestly say that talking to a therapist, or at least some kind of counselor, is very helpful.

12 Name: Mathwyn : 2014-11-11 03:14 ID:6RrgQNO4 [Del]

Good to hear it helped. Post if you have any questions or anything!

13 Name: Dummy : 2014-11-11 18:33 ID:62WBgqB6 [Del]

For battling anxiety, you have four options:
1) Meditate
2) Do drugs - MDMA, benzos, pot (in small doses) etc, but DO YOUR RESEARCH B4 YOU DECIDE TO TRIP MANG
3) Force yourself to socialize (hard mode: cold approaching people you're attracted to).
4) Exercise (for them endorphins)

Whatever floats yer boat, bub.