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Acne: Personal experience, opinions (7)

1 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-18 10:27 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

I was wondering if anyone else has issue with acne that no matter what they do, it seems to stay whether because it's just a severe case of it or permament acne scaring that medicines simply can't do anything for it.

How do you guys deal with it self esteem wise? Or have you even accepted it yet?

Another question that might be well suited for people who don't have acne problems, how do you view acne when you see a person with it? It is really hard to look past? Is it distracting? Or is it actually something that can be easily over looked?

I think a lot of people are insecure about acne so might as well talk about it.

2 Name: Zkeptyk : 2014-08-18 11:49 ID:28y+Qv5T [Del]

How old are you? If you don't mind answering.

From my experience of being a girl and currently being fifteen, at times acne is something you have to work hard to eliminate, other times you just have to let it pass.

No matter how terrible/tempting it might be, do not try to pop/scratch them.

Things the increases the chances of acne is stress, side effect of puberty, menstruation for girls, bad diet and unhygienic facial skin.

There are creams and scrubs for acne that you can apply to your face but it's not good to use them too much, at the very most, three times a week. Cleansing your face frequently is good but too much is bad and can increase the chances of acne.

When I see another person who has considerably bad acne, I just pity them and feel sorry for them. When I know a person well, their personality overrides their appearance. So if they're nice, I don't notice any existing acne that much and if they're mean, it's easier to notice bad things about their appearance (in this case acne).

This is all I can think of from the top of my head, if you have any questions feel free to ask ^-^

3 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-18 11:56 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]


I'm 23.

4 Name: Zkeptyk : 2014-08-18 12:02 ID:28y+Qv5T [Del]

How do you currently handle acne?

5 Name: Akagami : 2014-08-18 12:07 ID:JIbqlBf/ [Del]

>>4 Well me personally I just occasionally take medicines. But it doesn't doo much because it's mostly scaring I have and acne medicine proves kinda useless for thag. I never actually really picked my face, the scarring just happened on it's own so I got screwed over like that. I'm still trying to learn ti get over it a bit. I'm told there's medicines I can take for scarring? So I might look into that.

Curious to hear other people's thoughts though. I thought it'd be interesting to talk about the subject or what kind of stuff they deal with.

6 Name: Chini !MjE8yjSjJY : 2014-08-18 12:10 ID:jthpq9uB [Del]

I'm 23 and I still get some pimples from time to time. I'm not sure about my reason, but apparently there are a lot of them in general.
I think, the main problem are hormones, if you're stressed, unbalanced, depressed or something, there is a greater chance for acne to appear.
Also, your face is kind of a map showing you what's wrong with your body - if there are some parts, like your heart, blood-pressure, who are not feeling so well. might want to check this out:

there are other nice tipps on this site as well :)

My tipp is: trink water, avoid dairy products and too much sugar, wash your face with clear water at least 2 times a day, and change your pillow once per week or every two weeks (it needs to be clean)

And also I don't see people with acne as ugly or something...maybe because I got it myself. But to me it doesn't matter. I think, it's different from person to person...and it depends on the way of how one is looking at "beauty" - because beauty shows in different ways. but some people are only looking for the outside...(which is quite sad)

7 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-18 12:13 ID:o7YaVxEo [Del]

"Working hard to eliminate it" doesn't work for many of us, which is where I think the biggest misunderstanding about acne comes from. Acne can be caused by everything from stress to diet to hormones to disease to environment to genetics... There are entire books written about different causes of acne, yet most young people are under the impression that acne is solely caused by hygiene. The worst part is that many schools don't educate them to believe otherwise. It's the biggest inspiration behind bullying other with regard to acne.

A lot of people don't understand that it's out of ours hands for many of us. Some people can't just "wait it out", either. If you still have acne after puberty, chances are that it's not going away anytime soon.

It took a lot of angst to get to this point, but I've accepted that my acne won't be going away anytime soon. The more accepting you are of it, the less you judge yourself, and the better your self-esteem becomes. That said, I do think that acne is unappealing. I get grossed out when I see others with bad acne and assume there are many who do the same. Out of respect, I've made the habit of wearing makeup when I'm out anywhere populated on days when my acne is particularly bad. I, however, don't think that should be the norm. I'd also like to note that there are many good looking people who don't realize it just because their face is scarred up from their acne. You'd be surprised what some people look like when you learn to look past that.