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Help...? (6)

1 Name: Chartreuse : 2014-06-05 19:39 ID:+sJrd6Pl [Del]

Hello, everyone. I have a bit of a problem, I suppose.
To put it simply, I feel helpless.
It feels like no matter how hard I try to work for something, I'm always simply running in place. As someone who has very ambitious goals for their future, this is increasingly frustrating. I have tried multiple times to shake off this feeling and break out of this "helpless slump", but nothing seems to work, and I end up feeling just as if not more frustrated as I did when I began, like it's impossible for me to achieve anything.
This is especially concerning as I have just recently gotten out of highschool, and am soon expected to join the world of working adults.
I'm not quite sure what to do, and I'm at a loss. Apologies if this sounds too vague, I'm having trouble putting what I feel into words.

2 Name: AdjustingPriorities : 2014-06-05 20:48 ID:YMIlHjsI [Del]

Hello Chartreuse, i'd like to help.
While I'm not exactly in the same spot you are, I can say that I was headed towards a similar fate. When I realized that, i turned everything around. Personality, achievements, mindset, just everything. BUT, it all started with me. And that's all you can do too. you have a fate. something is out there for you. Anyone can achieve greatness, but whether or not they follow that path when they pass it is up to them. Just out of high school? You have time. Get up and do something. Something to be proud of. Make music, write a book, create, express, help others...You may not be good at these things, but you won't get good if you can't convince yourself to do them. As you do more and more, you'll get better and better. One day you'll look back and realize how far you've come. Express your feelings in ways other than words. Maybe then you'll find an answer. I know this feeling. I really do. But The only one that can do anything about it, really do anything at all for you. All one can do is give it a go, right? Don't give up. You only truly loose when you give up. And you're right, it was a bit vague, but I gave it a go here. So that means it's your turn to try.

3 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-06-05 20:51 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 sometimes just plain "hard work" doesn't cut it, a lot of things are needed in order to achieve success. Don't get discouraged, get innovative! Don't just work on the problem, solve it! Feelings helpless isn't going to fix anything so get up, stop second guessing and be confident, you can do almost anything that you put your mind to.

4 Name: Chartreuse : 2014-06-07 16:07 ID:+sJrd6Pl [Del]


Thank you both for your responses! I feel like they were both things I needed to hear, and I'll try my best to heed your advice.

5 Name: Take a Chance : 2014-06-08 00:34 ID:5opoEeIS [Del]

6 Name: Take a Chance : 2014-06-08 00:36 ID:5opoEeIS (Image: 344x120 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

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