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Do you belive in hope? (82)

1 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-19 06:35 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

Basically I'm going to tell you about me. First off, I've been diagnosed with several mental disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Agoraphobia (judging from myself); Some of these from different therapists.
I've been attending psychologists since 6th grade and right know I'm attending two, once a week and one from a mental health hospital. This is embarrassing but I have been hospitalized once in that hospital for something I don't want to say here (don't worry, it's not murder).
Ever since a little kid, I was different, I feel like I just don't belong here. In Elementary School and Middle School I had friends but lost touch with them, however in Middle School I got bullied which pretty much made lost confidence in other people and isolated myself entirely in High School so much, I slept in recess and classes that I didn't realize they ended. It was torture.
But I decided to change that when I entered College with a new attitude and tried to socialize. It went somewhat well, but in the end I dropped because of the stress and lost contact with those somewhat friends.
In the present, I have to go to some classes or to work with my dad at his boring job. I want to enter to a theater class, anime club and/or a paranormal club: I like a lot about mythology, but I'm so scared to do anything that much I don't draw, game, read or watch series because I feel like a sloth. I feel I will never know love or feel accomplished... I just don't know what to do...
I joined here so I could meet people that likes some things I do.
I ask you. Do you think "hope" and "happy endings" exist?

2 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-19 06:37 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

I'm 20, btw.

3 Name: Shanae : 2014-04-19 06:46 ID:QMax6Q7c [Del]

You're strong... I'm not one to talk about this cause I'm losing hope as well, but hope is the thing left for me to hold into..

4 Name: foreversigh!wQfr6KA0vQ : 2014-04-19 06:56 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

I joined to meet people too. As for happy endings, all I can say is that it's possible that they exist and we might as well try and find out. I like to think about different concepts and ideas to do with our existence and purpose so I don't know if you're into that sort of thing. I definitely know what you mean though about probably never knowing love or feeling accomplished. I've got no idea what to do in life either.

5 Name: foreversigh!wQfr6KA0vQ : 2014-04-19 06:58 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

Us three should start a chat room or something and stay in contact since we seem to be alike.
My email is if you want to talk to me Navi

6 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-19 07:15 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

I don't know... I feel like existence is just pointless. This so called reality brings more pain and hardships than anything else.
If there is a God, he isn't "Unconditional Love" as some people say.
I'm not strong at all, because my parents say I was born with "everything."

7 Name: foreversigh!wQfr6KA0vQ : 2014-04-19 07:24 ID:8kd8gHWS [Del]

Yeah, I agree with that. There's not much else to say there.
I'd say that your parents are wrong because if you had "everything" then you wouldn't feel that way. What's important to you is different to others so they have no right to say that you have what you need or that you are fortunate. My situation is pretty "good" by peoples standards as well but I'm different and what matters to most is different to what matters to me.

8 Name: Echo !yOmc3RMgD2 : 2014-04-19 08:51 ID:SjdAaMen [Del]

I may not able to give you the best opinion, but I'll try my best. To answer your question, yes, Navi-san, I believe that hope and happy ending exist. That's why I'm still here and doing my best on my life. Everyone has their own problem in their life which can change someone's point of view towards the world and his/her surrounding. I may not experience the things you've experienced nor know much about those mental disorder. But, I understand the insecurity you feel, because sometimes I feel the same thing. However, you shouldn't lose on hope, Navi-san. Because the thing that make many people out there live until this second is 'hope' and their will to seek for their own 'happy ending'. The one that decide that you are strong enough on your life is yourself. If you believe that you will be able to pass through that insecurity, you will with your own way. I know it's easy for me to talk but hard to apply it in the real world. However, the chance for you to find a happy ending is not a 0%, so everything is possible to happen^^ Your existence is not a pointless thing. Maybe, you are able to do more than common people. And don't worry, you are not alone. Don't be afraid, because I'm sure you find find someone who will able to support you and make you think that you're that worth. It's okay if you don't believe me this one, but 'God always cheers on everyone who never gives up. He won't change a condition of someone or a group of people if those people do not fight for it.' And also, this world is not static. You can be on the lowest state in this world, but you can be on the top someday. Also, here a quote I love so much from Kagami Taiga on Kuroko no Basuke, 'there is no such thing as useless effort.' Even if your effort seems like it's nothing, without you notice, it change a little part of your life. So, I believe you are strong enough to try the best for your happiness. There is always light in a dark room if you believe that it exists. Good luck, Navi-san^^

9 Name: NessaTheSinner : 2014-04-19 11:02 ID:GWvRhNzb [Del]

I believe there is hope and happy endings. Hope exists because if it didn't all humans would eventually die off sad and alone. Happy endings are hard to ever get and are easily lost at the blink of a lie. But if you are careful and make the right choices you will achieve one and if you are smart you'll be able to keep one. Having mental disabilities doesn't make you different at all. At least 50% of the world have a small one. Mostly common ones like slight OCD or a bit of a panic disorder but it's still there. Also really what's normal anyway? I myself am bipolar and am still living a normal life. (Refused to see any shrinks or anyone) Simply put it don't let these things hinder you. Just do what you want. If you're feeling lazy or sad smack yourself and say something like "No! I've got to get a hold of myself." Because if you're feeling like that and unable to even do the things you enjoy you need to. Good luck!

10 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-19 11:56 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

>>8 Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? Because that's what I feel from your post, Echo-san.

>>9 I don't blame all completely on my sanity, but myself. I've been a pathetic coward for so long and have made mistake after mistake. I feel a void of loneliness that can no longer be fulfilled with things I enjoy or used to. I wanted to create a comic but I'm giving up on that; Why? Because I'm so fixated with perfection and compare myself with others so I don't enjoy drawing anymore... I also been feeling fatigue, heartaches and muscular pain (I'm not fat nor skinny, so this may be because of depression and not going outside that much)
A relationship like Tomoya and Nagisa (Clannad) is something I long for.

Thank you all for your comments.

11 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-19 15:53 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

If I didn't believe in hope then I wouldn't be here. The belief that tomorrow will be better, I believe in it, it may be a little hopeless sometimes but I push through and keep going because it gets better, it's gotten better and it'll get even better, I'm sure of it. With hope, I believe in happiness and I believe in fate, everything happens for a reason, I really believe that. However, I don't always believe in happy endings. It may sound stupid and delusional but I feel as though in all my previous lives I died, and I wouldn't call those endings happy ones so I'm skeptical that my ending this time will be a happy one. But I'm not lamenting it or anything, I'm kind of fond of unhappy endings, because happy endings can be mediocre at times, the plot lines of anime that I remember the most are the tragic ones. But I also do believe in happy endings, I guess what I'm trying to say is that either way, thinking about the end helps nothing, the endings don't matter, it's more important to think about what you do while you're still here.

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14 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-20 16:22 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

>>11 It is said you carry the karma of your past life.
I wish I could change the situation I am, but everything became dull and pointless to me. If I die, the world would not notice. The only things that stops from suicide is because if I actually go to Hell by doing it (which would be an unfair law of God btw) and the physical pain. I learned that if something gets better, something brings you down again.

15 Name: Neko-tama!EQ2c47V0Ps : 2014-04-20 19:03 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>14 there's an equal amount of happiness as there is pain. Human life is so precious and fragile, and if you're gone, there will always be at least one that will notice. Another way to look at living would be to live selfishly for yourself, live because you can and no one can tell you not to, live for the sake of living.

16 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-20 23:42 ID:ZJ2BUp38 [Del]

Life is shit.

"Hope" exists because it's an emotion that doesn't require anything solid to base itself on.

"Happy endings" are subjective.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-21 00:45 ID:d+EG7YSD [Del]

Hahhahahahahahahaha happy endings, life is controlled by will power, if you force the world to make you happy you will be happy, learn to channel your thoughts.

18 Name: Asuka : 2014-04-21 04:32 ID:m4JgXU8G [Del]

Erm lol
controlling life might not be happy
Lies are bad, but the truth might not bring happiness(does not apply to everything)

Life dont suck and if hope is subjective, Hatred is subjective as well, no one knows anything much

19 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-21 05:48 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>18 No.
Hope is a constant.
It's not subjective at all.

20 Name: Talon : 2014-04-21 07:58 ID:Befuy0Et [Del]

nope only blow jobs and lolipops

21 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-21 11:16 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

'Sup. I'm just here to fix some stuff. I kind of half read the thread, since I'm in a hurry. I'll probably come back later when I have more time.

You were right. Sort of. Let's me tinker with this.

First, all emotions are subjective. They differ from person to person, in both catalyst, execution and perspective. No one here sees or feels hope the same as the others.

Second, hope is /not/ a constant. Since when are emotions not transient, ephemeral? You can constantly feel hopeful, if you want. However, you have to make effort to do so. Look at the OP. She (?) doesn't seem very hopeful to me. Half the people here don't seem to fit the definition of hopeful.

Third, hope is the anti-thesis to despair. They exist to balance each other. Not sure what that has to do with anything but it's there for you to read.

Fourth, there is no such thing as a happy ending. The only ending existence has is death. Death is not a happy thing. It is simply non-existence. You can look forward to it but there is nothing after. However, there is a such a thing as 'being happy' or times where you will be happy. So long as you are prepared for life to balance your happy with sadness, it can be done. Never walk into happiness without accepting the inevitable sadness.

OP, you are in a pickle. I understand your mental disorders and they will make it extremely difficult for you to obtain lasting hope and happiness. I have a few of your problems and past experiences, for sure. However, I've long surpassed them. The only advice I can give you, that I know will help you, is to find people like myself and pose questions to them. Try to find out what makes them successful and how they rose out of moments of weakness and failure. See if you can adopt their strength as your own, so that you may see the sun once more.

Anyway, I'll cut this short for now.

22 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-21 11:22 ID:0rA4Dyih [Del]

Anyone who has an name like Navi the Annoying Fairy I must have some similarity to ;))
I'm not sure if you've tried this but I hope you have a few moments to drop your past off your shoulders. If you watched/read Durarara, you'll know what I'm referring to when I say: Izaya had it nailed to the board with Kida. The past has most of us wrapped around her bony fingers, but why? I'm looking outside right now, and it's such a great day. Perfect Weather. I just want to go out there and do whatever comes to mind. But I have some put off work to do...darn it. Am I slacking off, trying to ignore the heaps of work I have to do? Yeah, I am completely. So I hope what I have to say helps even in some remote way. I think of myself as a student of philosophy and religion and many other things but when it gets right down to it, it doesn't really matter. So I'll give you a bulletin of what I believe:
What's my purpose: My purpose is what ever I end up doing in my lifetime.
What's the purpose of humanity: To live.
I honestly believe that this world is the dream of the creator. In that way, I want to make this a beautiful dream. It may not be, it may be an experiment of sorts...but my intuition says otherwise. I want to live and I want to live well. There are so many things I want to do, I share them with you too if you want to hear it. Good luck mate, and stick with us. The dollars is definitely the place to be.

23 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-21 11:35 ID:0rA4Dyih [Del]

And did I almost entirely side step making any reference to your original post? Yes, I did. But I did so because I truly don't even think in terms of things like hope and happy endings. I think in terms of possiblity, and personally I can't even consider the end.

24 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-21 15:29 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

Thanks guys, I feel a little better now. :)

>>22 You creep me out! :P

25 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-21 16:15 ID:0rA4Dyih [Del]

>>24 But why? I am simply your friendly neighboorhood Mask Salesman :) -gives you the Mask Salesman's mask-

26 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-21 23:16 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

>>25 As long it's not Majora or the Fierce Deity. :P

I think a strong reason why I feel like this is because no one needs me... It's like having no purpose.

27 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-22 02:10 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>21 Hope is a constant as in, it's not subjective.
Emotions aren't subjective, regardless of how different they are from person to person, at the very root of the emotion they are exactly the same.
Emotions are chemical interactions that remain constant throughout people. Regardless of how I view hope and you view hope, hope is the same thing.

Death is not an unhappy thing either.
Also to say there is nothing in the afterlife makes youre previous outburst about metaphysics seem reaaaaaaaally dumb. xD

28 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-22 05:23 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

I don't even know to begin with this....

I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. I don't recall speaking about the afterlife anywhere on this website. Metaphysics is a broad subject to begin with. Of course there is nothing after death. Part of the stigma of being 'conscious' is being alive. Having the senses and storage space to interpret the data you receive requires a functional brain. Even if there is /something/, you won't know it. So, there may as well be nothing.

You are using the word 'constant' incorrectly. I suggest you look it up. Emotions do not remain constant. Emotions are always ephemeral. Those chemicals you speak up have to be constantly generated by a catalyst or else they disappear quickly. Only in the case of a disorder such as chronic depression can they even be remotely considered as 'constant'. The process to create emotions is USUALLY a constant thing but the emotions themselves are not. If emotions were constant, we wouldn't be able to feel each one individually. You would literally lose yourself in a sea of emotions from birth, because you would be feeling every single damn emotion at once, all the time.

Thus, my point stands. Emotions themselves are subjective. How we feel about emotions is subjective. The process behind creating them is subjective as well. I don't feel hope during the same context you do. The definition of hope, however, is not subjective.

You need to understand that you are referring to the definition of hope, not the actual emotion. You are making the mistake of mixing fact with theory.

As for an example, let us assume the two of us are standing next to each other while we stare up at an asteroid entering the atmosphere. We will both be feeling hopeful. By the first definition, [the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best], our hope is the same. However, in my head, I'm hoping for the asteroid to crash into the Earth and kill us all, cause I'm tired of dealing with idiots. That would be the best for me. You, on the other hand, hope that the asteroid will be destroyed with minimal damage to the Earth and the majority of people live. So, from a politically correct standpoint, my hope is immoral while yours is moral. Yet they both stem from the same chemicals you speak of. It doesn't matter if they are fundamentally similar. Perspective means everything.

I hope that makes sense now.

29 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-22 07:14 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>28 "Fourth, there is no such thing as a happy ending. The only ending existence has is death. Death is not a happy thing. It is simply non-existence. You can look forward to it but there is nothing after." "I don't recall speaking about the afterlife anywhere on this website." -You


1. not changing or varying; uniform; regular; invariable: All conditions during the three experiments were constant.

The definition of hope is the same through every single person.
Hope is not a unique feeling. No emotions are really unique feelings at the core of the feelings, every single one of us is the exact same.
We fear, hope, love, hate, etc. etc.
Ergo, hope is a constant regardless of what a person is hoping for.

OP asked if hope exists, yes it does.
Because, like all emotions, they are the same chemical interactions between differnet people.
However, happy endings are subjective because what makes one happy doesn't make another happy.

30 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-04-22 08:11 ID:o3+rSlAX [Del]

>>29 Couldn't you say what makes one person hopeful doesn't make another hopeful?

Eg, the chemical reaction that is hope happens at subjective times between individuals?

31 Name: Asuka : 2014-04-22 08:54 ID:j+uMiIPr [Del]

>>30 thats quite true however if that is said, that means that the circumstances together with the persons nature built up the hope in them
Therefore, isn't hope subjective to the happenings around them

Im not quite sure, but if one loses their raison d'être "reason for existence" it might encourage or motivate hope or totally demolish one's hopes*-*?

32 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-22 12:36 ID:0rA4Dyih [Del]

My, my, what an interesting place for such an interesting debate :) I would so enjoy to participate, but alas I find myself short on time... Might I add though, these chemical reactions you mention are simply that. They aren't the whole of emotions. You could trigger specific reactions and the person might not feel the emotion as they would under a naturally occuring circumstance. Nay, it is the sequence of these reactions and the neurological patterns they produce that is the experience. Do different patterns result in different experiences? Because indeed, not everyone's brain is 'wired' differently. Is it the same experience under a different code? or a different albeit possibly similar experience? These questions filled my head when I was previously a Neuropshychology student.

33 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-22 13:28 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

I swear. I wrote my shit at five am and it still makes more sense than the reply I got. Thankfully, >>30, >>31, and >>32 all got my point I was too tired to make. Was I too tired to make it or was it just that the person I was arguing with was too stubborn..?

Whatever. I'm still tired.

>>32, I'm down to discuss this at any time.

Wait, isn't this kind of selfish of us? I mean, I'm pretty sure the point of this threat has already been met...

34 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-04-22 15:01 ID:0rA4Dyih [Del]

Let's ask the OP, Navi how are you feeling about now?

And as far as your purpose goes...I'd say I feel pretty good about not being needed. Being needed is just too much responsibility. Take this very moment for instance, I have to make a good and nutritional dinner because no one else really feels like cooking one at the moment!! Darn them I say! ...not out loud though... I already said what I think, that our purpose is whatever we do in our lives! ...can't write as much as I'd like at the moment...dinner...

35 Post deleted by user.

36 Name: Anon : 2014-04-22 19:01 ID:mBGzCACk [Del]

Dear navi The wrold is not as bad as you think. All this mental disorders are not you. The don't compleat make you and you do have control over your life. Don't let what others think get you down. Do what makes you feel fulfilled .

37 Name: Anon : 2014-04-22 19:01 ID:mBGzCACk [Del]

Dear navi The wrold is not as bad as you think. All this mental disorders are not you. The don't compleat make you and you do have control over your life. Don't let what others think get you down. Do what makes you feel fulfilled .

38 Name: Anon : 2014-04-22 19:01 ID:mBGzCACk [Del]

Dear navi The wrold is not as bad as you think. All this mental disorders are not you. The don't compleat make you and you do have control over your life. Don't let what others think get you down. Do what makes you feel fulfilled .

39 Name: Anon : 2014-04-22 19:01 ID:mBGzCACk [Del]

Dear navi The wrold is not as bad as you think. All this mental disorders are not you. The don't compleat make you and you do have control over your life. Don't let what others think get you down. Do what makes you feel fulfilled .

40 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-04-22 19:24 ID:rwDmKQkI [Del]

>>33 In Personal, the threads are not as important to 'maintain', at least in my eyes. They usually only get 30 posts before the problem is solved or helped. This is still relevant, anyway.

41 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-23 04:47 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

I have good news for me. I'm joining a manga class so I can start drawing again and maybe, just maybe make some of my dreams come true. I wish to meet good and caring people like some I have met here. :)
Sadly, I'm still having problems of Sinus tachycardia even though I'm taking medicament for that.

>>34 Someone that needs my presence, someone I can love. The love of my family is not enough for me. I've been too isolated for a long time, I just need human contact.

42 Name: infitix : 2014-04-23 06:08 ID:PNyjQAiZ [Del]

Try meeting different people, people that you can get along with and that have the same interests as you. That way you're more likely to have more and better friends

43 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-23 13:59 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

Roger that.

Glad to hear it. Let us know how it goes.

44 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:38 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

45 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:38 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

46 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:38 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

47 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:39 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

48 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:39 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

49 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:39 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

50 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:39 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

51 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:39 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

52 Name: The Judge : 2014-04-23 20:39 ID:Cg1iy1xs [Del]

Hope is an irrational idea, created by some idiots in an attempt to convince the world that all the evil in the world isn't that bad. But it is that bad, all you have you have to do is look around and see what's really going on. Hope is just something to keep people from offing themselves. P.S you and everything you know is going to fade away so lose that bull crap called hope.

53 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-24 00:52 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>30 Just because what caused the chemical reaction is differnet, it doesn't mean that the reaction itself is.
It's still prety much the same thing.
So, all I was doing was answering OP's question about hope being real.
It's real and it's a human constant. The circumstances under which a person feels hopeful are totally subjective though, I never said otherwise.

54 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-04-24 10:40 ID:o3+rSlAX [Del]

>>53 I think you were completely misunderstood, I think that is exactly what people thought you were saying.
Also, Cross thought you meant emotions stay reacting forever when you said 'constant'.
This is why I like Personal so much. :D

55 Name: Chreggome : 2014-04-25 01:18 ID:KAGgDWKu [Del]

>>54 I know I was misunderstood, and in all fairness, I used that to get Mr. Cross mad f̶o̶r̶ ̶l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶s̶

56 Name: Weird Philosopher : 2014-04-25 01:21 ID:pp4gFOc8 [Del]

Our real plans is always misunderstood by those who are innocent. Instead of listening they insist that we are wrong and we should listen to them. But they help you and give you some ideas so, I thought give some space. Let your head cool off. Certain someone said "The way you life your future makes your past change." Be confident. It will take time, I know i'm not in the right place to say this because my age is 16, 4 years gap from you. But all I can say is the past in in the past. Those who bullied you have their own problems, they tried to hurt you because they're just releasing their griefs from other persons and other thing. That's their way of forgetting their problems. In a reversed psychology you helped those persons in a reversed way. :D

57 Name: Weird Philosopher : 2014-04-25 01:32 ID:pp4gFOc8 [Del]

Existence. Hmmm, it's a huge thing it affects our daily lives. Because even your alive and no one sees you as a person you are dead. If they don't notice you as a living person and they make you feel that you never existed. You are dead in that way! For example a hero is created in 100 years ago. And it's written in the book now, and everybody knows him/her his/her is not dead. When will you die? When you are shot by a gun? NO! Is it when you are buried? NO! It's when your existence is not even recognized. The tougher things get the more people come to their own conclusions. Think a way that you should exist too.

58 Name: Weird Philosopher : 2014-04-25 01:35 ID:pp4gFOc8 [Del]

Law of attraction. It exist, maybe? Because God gives you what you really like.

59 Name: Weird Philosopher : 2014-04-25 01:35 ID:pp4gFOc8 [Del]

Law of attraction. It exist, maybe? Because God gives you what you really like.

60 Name: Weird Philosopher : 2014-04-25 01:40 ID:pp4gFOc8 [Del]

You should be more open-minded. Really, i'm not this positive though, i'm quite a pessimist.

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63 Name: Mr. Cross : 2014-04-25 19:14 ID:uY+21RoD [Del]

You're a real bastard, you know that? LMAO.

Are you...talking to yourself..?

64 Post deleted by user.

65 Name: Weird Philosopher : 2014-04-27 05:53 ID:Vmk4ieU6 [Del]

>>63 Nah, i'm just sharing my ideas from my past days. -.-

66 Name: Weird Philosopher : 2014-04-27 05:53 ID:Vmk4ieU6 [Del]

>>63 Nah, i'm just sharing my ideas from my past days. -.-

67 Name: ayu : 2014-04-27 09:46 ID:ssuD0MKv [Del]

I guess you're questioning if a person should have hope in every situation? Well, I do not think I could have hope in every situation - for example if i became very sick and doctors would tell me i will die shorty and there's nothing that can be done. Some people might have hope even in those situations. I think it's best if you try to look at the situation/life realisticly and tryto find positive ascpects of it as well. Even if you are dying you can still try to look what has been good in your life and all the beautiful things you've exprianced.
About happy endings... I don't think about 'happy endings'(maybe before death i'd evaluate my life as in happy/unhappy - that is the only ending that comes to mind). Life is a process, not a state and as long as you live you'll have ups and downs. Like I said before, i think it's best if you focus on the positive things and things that you can do to change your situation. At the dame time, it's ok to be sad, disappointed, angry etc. sometimes too. But when you want to move on from that, thinking positively will probably help you strenghten your resolve.

In your situation specifically, I do think there is hope. Even in posting aboit your life here, kind of shows you are willing to do somethings to try and male yourself feel better. I think there is strenght in that as well, no matter how small. And just living with as much problems as you have, shows strenght as well IMO. Life is hard and sometimes just continuing takes a lot. I think it's great you joined a manga club. I hope you have a good time and meet people you like. Just coming here and seeing yourself, you can be sure kind people exist and that you will meet some like that if you hang around.
I would encourage you to keep living and trying things that you feel might help you and notice all the good things you achive, no matter how small you take them to be. Those small things can be a reason to keep going. And they can accumulate and lead to bigger things. Rome wasn't build in a day, after all. And depression (and other disorders) isn't overcome in one either. Just keep living with your own pace, because you are worth it.

68 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-04-28 05:23 ID:nmtsmRIO [Del]

>>67 Thank you so much! It did make me feel better!
Thanks everybody else too!

69 Name: Hakaron : 2014-04-28 16:17 ID:jCNhGYYd [Del]

Hope. What seperate us humans beside that our brain are for some more intelligent or other have stronger muscles and so on, what seperate us ?

The answer is nothing, Nothing.

So when you see to people who make thing which other people thinks it was impossible what seperate you from them? Nothing. In the 20th century many people said i thinked it was the 100m at running could not be beaten under 6 second or so until this day more than 2000 peoples even college students make that what peoples call impossible possible.

So why should it be impossible for you to have a happy life ? Why what seperate you from others ? Nothing the only you need is a life. Because when you have a life you can change this life, when you have the power to stay up morning you can make all possible.

But now the question How bad do you want it ? Are only saying that you want a happy life ? Or are you ready to give everything up what you HAVE to become what you WANT to be ?

Now about the past: It give three kinds of time: the past, presence and the future. No think that you are walking every step you make before even when it was 1 hour or 1 second ago is past and no matter what you do you cannot change it. Now to the presence the border between past and future is so fast away that you cannot change it. BUT you can work in the presence to CHANGE THE FUTURE. BECAUSE THE FUTURE STILL HASN'T HAPPENED !!!

So when you want a happier life be ready to go trough the deepest part of hell because when you truly truly truly want something from the bottom of your heart you shouldn't think about what you can do but be ready to make EVERYTHING WHAT HAVE TO BE DONE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.

So my last question: Have you make the decision to maket this reality or do want to stay at your presence life and go to the boring job with your dad ?

When you make a decision, I hope that this will help you:

Good luck in the future.

70 Name: Amestris : 2014-04-29 21:48 ID:mwW7FOjh [Del]

Just remember. There is always someone waiting for you to come back to them.

71 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-10 12:53 ID:tpoPpNyh [Del]

I second that. Believe it or not, I just wanted to send my greetings to you mate :) I finally have some free time again and I'm finally going to start what I have been saving for over 2 years now...another journey, Skyward Sword. So Navi, with that news I bid you good day :)

Annnd, my mask workshop is back operating for a time! Perhaps...perhaps you would like the annoying fairy's mask? This is not an advertisement!!

72 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-05-16 03:35 ID:6ah7qHSs [Del]

Lately, I've been feeling very sad... Just getting out of my house and seeing groups of friends or couples laughing and enjoying themselves, fills me with rage, jealousy, with the desire of making everyone feel worthless like me... It pisses me off, and I'm ashamed of that.
I'm a pessimism parasite that can't even smile at the stare of happiness, so I just pretend. I don't care about anyone at all... At least that's what I think even when my family tells me otherwise.
Everything is changing. My cousins who I used to play a lot, my stupid brother, old friends, everything... Except me... I'm a pathetic-lazy-coward-selfish child that doesn't want to grow up.
My health is not getting better either.
Someone I know died, with just their acquaintances noticing for a bit then moving on with their lives. What was his significance in life? Our lives have no meaning unless you're someone especial destined to do something revolutionary.

>>71 Unless you don't mind hand-holding (Fi is worse than Navi) and linearity, you'll like it.

73 Name: イアン : 2014-05-16 06:47 ID:fw47+J5F [Del]

I think you should go for an adventure find yourself, find some new things to do and be confident.

74 Name: イアン : 2014-05-16 06:47 ID:fw47+J5F [Del]

I think you should go for an adventure find yourself, find some new things to do and be confident.

75 Name: Asuka : 2014-05-16 07:55 ID:m4JgXU8G [Del]


There ain't meaning in life, its how one decides to be
If they persist to be pessimistic then the meaning would never avail

The fact that some people nowadays are disgusted at the sight of happiness is because they've never inclined themselves to consider that life is not that bad

There is no need to feel its selfish to rage it out or explain
But it is almost irritating when ppl try to pretend,sometimes it doubly obvious

*All of these are my opinions,its fine to leave it be

76 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-05-16 11:02 ID:tpoPpNyh [Del]

>>72 Those feelings I have heard expressed by my closest compatriot! He is infuriated every time a couple goes by (the sight of holding hands infact sets him on a tireless rant each time!!) I can understand him only as he is second to myself, an entity which I have wholy absorbed...;)

But me..when people are truly happy around me, it gives me a certain feeling of satisfaction. Which is why I can consider myself a happiness salesman of many forms ;) Sometimes I fail in my efforts, but yes, I am often severely misunderstood! Navi, if you are comfortable in your ways, so be it! I've never seen anything in particular wrong with being a pessimist myself! But there is something about what you've wrote that I hear my own heart cheering fruitlessly...the fact that I have been forced into adulthood with no say of my own is the greatest crime to ever have been committed upon me!!!!! I HAD TO WAIT 2 YEARS to finally uptake the master sword once more!! But I have come to look at it, I haven't 'grown up' at all. I've learned to mimic their ways yes, indeed...learn their forms of communication, put on airs that they would accept me into their world as one of their own...all for one, and one for all.

I wrote a very good post if I could say so and still be considered acceptably humble... ;) It was in the suicide hotline thread, you can read it if you like...

hmmm...I have to go it seems! For the moment I will say though, I am looking forward to an anime convention occuring near me - I did put a notice of it up in random but then here, I shall mention it again: ColossalCon, at the Kalahari Resort! June 5th-8th! I do know of many people who come away happy from cons... :)

77 Name: Navi The Annoying Fairy : 2014-05-16 21:18 ID:6ah7qHSs [Del]

>>75 >>76 Sorry, I just had a depressive moment I just felt to write it.

78 Name: Neko : 2014-07-21 23:40 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del] Have hope my friends. Find it in the places that you treasure.

79 Name: Neko : 2014-07-21 23:40 ID:gJ7ae5rN [Del] Have hope my friends. Find it in the places that you treasure.

80 Name: Puck !OTHETEnDOU : 2014-07-22 01:20 ID:2v9bAjZU [Del]


81 Name: ZAK : 2014-07-22 02:11 ID:6DLma1Xj [Del]

I may not be an expert in life, but i know how you feel about being bullied, i was once there before. Also it's up to you whether you believe that there's a happy ending or not. Just don't lose or give up hope even if it's just the same size as a single grain of rice. Hope is your only ticket to attain happiness, no matter how small it is, as long as it's there, you will be happy one day.

82 Name: Termicreeper : 2014-07-22 08:05 ID:NzLIvjMZ [Del]

I don't really believe in hope.