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I need some help... (8)

1 Name: Chibi : 2014-03-19 19:12 ID:Qiw47fU7 [Del]

Before I start I´d like to thank anyone taking the time to even read my thread. If you´ve got any advice I´d be immensely grateful to hear it.
I´m at my wits end right now. I´m confused and rather unsure and I could really use some help. My Girlfriend basically freaked out again today, she´s done something similar before but today it really hit home. She´s staying out of town at the moment for an internship so I (assuming that I had nothing better to do) made plans to meet with a friend. I was talking to my GF before he arrived and when the doorbell rang she hung up saying that I don´t care about leaving her along. That´s far from the truth. She is dear to my heart like no one has ever been before. But she said it in a tone that gave the impression that I really didn´t even like her, that she was unimportant to me. That really stung.
The best is yet to come. After she hung up she was hit by a car. She wasn´t hurt. That´s what she said when I asked anyway... she was at least well enough for what followed. She drove off wanting to go home (about a 1 hour drive) and because she didn´t know where she was going ended up on a 4 hour drive only to end up back where she was. The thing is that she does this kind of thing to get back at me. She ends up risking her life because she doesn`t think and makes it seem like my fault. I´m not even sure as to the circumstances of her being hit by the car. I´m not sure she was paying attention to where she was going. I know she wasn´t alright, it was obvious, but she insisted everything was ok. She lied to me all day today. Her insistence that I don´t care hurts as well. She does this constantly. I can´t keep it together anymore.
I don´t know what to do. I´m not sure if staying in a relationship with her will workout anymore. As much as it pains me to say It might be the best to break up. The thing is I don´t know what she´d do. She´s even threatened to kill herself if I leave (not that she´s suicidal or anything, she just says he needs me... a lot.)
I cant deal with this kind of s**t... she alienates me and expects me to come back to her apologizing. I mean... I don´t know if it will be too difficult to last between us. She isn´t easy to cope with sometimes, but she is worth it. And I do love her.
It was good to vent... Writing it down always helps.
If anyone has any advice or knows what it´s like, could you help me out? I´d really appreciate it.

2 Name: Fazeon : 2014-03-19 20:19 ID:Ox7Cg6Yf [Del]

Ah, so its this type of girl (no hostility intended). Basically, and although I know that you are doing this already, give her more attention. Make it so that she really know that you like her this much. Talk to her about it. Tell her that you care about her more than any other thing in the world, and that you really do care about her. But, you should also tell her to be more careful. She shouldn't be risking her life so much. She needs to understand that if you lose her, that could impact you as much as you losing her.

3 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-20 07:57 ID:0tGvIx+v [Del]

Slap bitch her ;)

Nah kidding, asFazeon said don't show more, but tell her more that you care. If you feel she's worthy, you'd be ready to go for the best and the worst of her.

That been said, you can always tell her that is no need to hurt herself to get a reaction from you, and making her understand you're not here to crawl to her, but to enjoy having her around you. You're lucky to be with her... But remember she's lucky to be with you ;)

4 Name: Ragnamanda : 2014-03-20 09:55 ID:VmkSjqTm [Del]

As >>2 and >>3 said, let her know she means a lot to you. If she can't comprehend, and still insists on this behavior it may be time to break it off. Best of luck to you :)

5 Name: Stupot : 2014-03-20 11:35 ID:g5tvixOS [Del]

Agree with ragnamanda, best is to look for your own happiness first

6 Name: Neko-tama : 2014-03-20 17:36 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>1 tell her that she needs to change in order for things to work. Show her more affection and make her feel loved. The best way to solve most relationship problems is to talk about it, just talk to her. Good luck~! ^^

7 Name: MidnightWinter : 2014-03-21 04:30 ID:bEbgfQAa [Del]

>>6 This person is right. you need to talk to her and explain things to her. girls, tend to over think things so don't just say, 'we need to talk' in a sad or serious tone because that will make her feel like you're going to break up with her. the moment she feels threatened, what ever you say goes through deaf ears. sometimes, what you mean is different to what you say and what she hears.

I also agree with this person >>3 it's best that you leave her if she still doesn't understand that you love her, it is possible that she doesn't appreciate all the effort you're doing (that is if you don't give mixed signal),

though it kind of makes me worry about her since she could be like me, well, my past self... I was a clingy type. i enjoyed cuddles and always wants some form of physical contact, like holding hands or sitting real close together. i always want to tag along wherever he goes, i get really upset about little things like him not noticing/remembering things or not telling me things and making decisions without telling me, hated it when he makes plans that doesn't include me, afraid that other girls will take him away anytime. I practically made my whole world revolve around him and only him. I ended up wanting him to drop everything and do the same.... it was too late when i realized i was suffocating him, and he was already gone. it made me wish he talked to me about it and not argued or complained about it. though i'm quite happy right now and i'm glad that it happened since i became a better person :D

BOTTOM LINE: Talk to her and not complain or accuse her. for example using 'i wish' and 'i hope' instead of 'you always' and 'you should'

8 Name: Chibi : 2014-03-22 14:19 ID:CrIt8zAD [Del]

Thank you all so much!
I can´t descibe how happy I feel knowing that there are people willing to help me even if I´m a complete stranger.
I´ll take all of your advice to heart >7 Zou were really on the mark with what you said. And I think we´re both a bit clingy at our best times ^^.

Thank you all again!