Dollars BBS | Personal
















Be Happy (3)

1 Name: durarara123 : 2013-12-15 21:47 ID:QBgBkl1j [Del]

I've gone to this tread many of times complaining and going through some personal/difficult stuff, but is that all this tread is for? Can't something personal also be happiness like a event with your family or friends that you just went through?

Talk about the things in life you are grateful for

Don't talk about the troubles and how you got out of them, but rather talk about the life after the trouble or when the smoke clears.

Talk about good changes and share your personal achievements, not just money or getting new stuff. But personal achievements like "I finally felt happy"

2 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-12-15 23:04 ID:Rt1U9Yka [Del]

Heh. Sure, why the hell not.

I've always had a passion for acting, and I wasn't half bad at it. But I also have terrible stage fright. So I never joined the School Drama Club. Until this year, that is. I mustered the courage to join. As a result, I finally have some good memories from my Highschool years. Memories I'll never forget, and new friends. We just closed up our Winter Play and it was a huge success. I got compliments from just about everyone, despite having such a small role in the play. And for the first time, I felt that my Dad was actually genuinely proud of me, he wasn't just saying it for once. While up on that stage, I felt nervous, but at the same time, I was happy. Everyone in the Club cheered me up when I was down, and gave me confidence when I was nervous. Even though it's my Senior year, they made me feel like I had been there from the start. I actually felt like I was a part of something great, and that people would remember me.

3 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-12-16 19:40 ID:91O3aqmp [Del]

>>2 I agree with you there... people in my drama club at school are always super supportive... It kind of feels like one big family... and when the final curtain closes I feel relived that its all over but at the same time sad that its over... Drama club defiantly gave me some fond memories as well