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Weird problem (22)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-26 18:22 ID:Xs5rLdtX [Del]

hi... well ive been having this problem i discovered that my little sister has been watching well how should i say it...hentai... emm yes that and i dont want to tell my parents cause well its going to be hell and i really love her and i dont want her to be killing her brain with such things i know she is not exactly that young (14) but its still unconfortable for me to know that and not to help her getting out of this. some might say try talking to her or something but the thing is i already tried in a very discrete way and she ended telling me the truth and that its starting to be like a drug to her and she doesnt wants to watch it , then she started sobbing and crying about how guilty and dirty she felt so.. guys please give me some advice or something this is really getting on my nerves. Thank you.

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-26 18:33 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

Watching hentai and porn is completely normal for an adolescent, as is masturbating. Fourteen is a perfectly fine age to be watching it and/or doing so. You shouldn't be even thinking of confronting her about something like that; it's extremely embarrassing and is highly unnecessary.

Do not tell your parents. Your sister's sexual habits are absolutely none of their business. As for your sister, tell her that it's normal and that she's not "dirty" or "weird" or "obsessed" - it's something that most kids do, and it's perfectly acceptable. Just tell her to be a bit more discrete about it.

It's your place as the older brother who slowly edged her into bringing this up to bring her back around. The last thing you want her to do is to feel guilty or dirty about something like this. Even if she stops, she should never feel like she's doing something bad or inappropriate by watching it. Most girls her age and younger are watching porn, as are the guys; her decision to watch animated porn is no different nor any more "naughty" than another kid her age.

It's unhealthier for her to be ashamed of it than it is for her to watch it in her own interests. That kind of stress and paranoia is not good for her, nor will the absolute embarrassment be if you turn this into a huge deal.

3 Name: Mason !/plX6RXiW6 : 2013-09-26 18:46 ID:T3LD+W6g [Del]

>>2 I agree wholeheartedly with everything that's been said in this reply. While there is such a thing as addiction to pornography, at a young age like 14 watching porn, whether it be live or animated, is perfectly normal. Only if it starts to interfere with her daily life and cause her high amounts of distress (and that's setting aside the distress that you've created by inserting yourself into the situation) should it ever be considered a problem, and usually it isn't considered true addiction until the person in question is a bit older, as adolescents tend to watch pornography and masturbate a LOT.

Sorry to kinda reiterate what's already been said, but I wanted to add that while it CAN be a big problem, at her age the chances of it being a problem that actually needs to be addressed are slim to none. Give her the privacy she needs, and don't judge her.

4 Name: Butterfly : 2013-09-26 20:46 ID:NOCcqOCC [Del]

Personally, I think animated porn isn't as bad as real porn... Sure "cartoons" can be far more graphic than it is in real life, there is a difference between animated sex and real sex, just as there is a difference between animated violence and real violence. Similar to how watching 300, and all that blood, is immeasurably different to all the times Daffy Duck has had his ENTIRE FACE blown to the other half of his head several times.

Look, it may be a bit crazy off base here; as I don't porn or hentai, but from what I understand of it they are both considered "dirty" but hentai is more anime based art styles opposed to film/pictures of people actually doing things. As for her, don't make a huge deal of it; like others have said already it is more common than you think. If she hates watching it so much, let her hate watching it.

5 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-09-26 21:27 ID:UVX0Lv69 [Del]

>>2 Barabi, you're perfect.
It's just porn. It's like watching a TV show, as far as I'm concerned. You can develop unhealthy addictions to it, but there's no problem unless you're emulating it in a way that causes harm to yourself or others.
Your sister can watch whatever she likes, provided that it isn't harmful. It's her private time and that needs to be respected - her chronological age is irrelevant. As long as she knows what she's doing and it doesn't bother her or anyone else, there is no reason for you to shame her or rat her out, as far as I'm concerned.

6 Name: Kanra : 2013-09-26 23:15 ID:RS17cQKO [Del]

Blinking is right, she doesn't watch it if she doesn't like it. Hate to tell you, but that's bull shit. When I was 14 I watched that stuff, just being honest, maybe not on a he tai level but still pretty mature. Just leave her be, I didn't feel dirty, and she sure as he'll doesn't either, it's embarrassment, don't think you know someone so easily. It may make you uncomfortable, but you should allow her to do what she wishes as long as it doesn't harm her of course, just accept it. Believe me, it's your opinion that she shouldn't be watching it, and that it makes you uncomfortable, give her the freedom you would like in return if the situation was different. She doesn't fucking watch he tai and cry like nooo i don't want to watch! Uh no, she could just click X out of tab or whatever. Come on man, accept it.

7 Name: Kanra : 2013-09-26 23:19 ID:RS17cQKO [Del]

Dear lord, I just read the entire post. Are you a brother? It doesn't matter leave her alone, Christ! She's not a child!

8 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-09-27 02:38 ID:COrDCvIL [Del]

I started to watch yaoi and hentai porn at the age of 11 because once I clicked the wrong link by mistake.
I regret nothing.
I totally agree to what Barabi said up there. You're her brother, but you don't have to necessary be her protector, too. If she doesn't like what she's doing, she'll be also able to stop herself.

9 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-27 05:15 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>5 iluvu2blinky \o\

10 Name: musiclover : 2013-09-27 12:47 ID:baFdSJDM [Del]

Kanra is right you may be her big brother but you have to let her grow up so dont feel sad or bum just let her grow up besides at somepoint she will leave and make her own desisions

11 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-28 15:18 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

You said she doesn't want to watch it.
Some says that is normal to watch those things. At her age I was interested in playing the piano. I also looked like a 9 years-old. So I don't know if she is weird or me.
Anyway, if she really doesn't want to watch hentai then help her. Put her to play songs, paint something. Or just gave her puzzles to solve. Try to tell her to watch some good anime. Like Fairy Tail, or Blood Lad, One Piece, Sword Art Online, An anime that keeps her focused. With a good plot and awesome graphics. Even fight scenes will be better.
I'm a girl, if you wonder, and trust me that I don't like when kids loose their innocence. I know she has a age, but still think this is bad for her brain. She knows better what is good for her, but you can guide her to a better path in life.
You said she is crying and feeling guilty. Tell her that she shouldn't and try to watch other animes with her.
And don't tell your parents. You are close to her age and she sees parents like there is a huge gap between them. Oh, and I think she really cares about what you think. And I guess you are good friends ^^

12 Name: Gilbert : 2013-09-29 05:14 ID:CMJWNpf0 [Del]

With everything being said. Here's something quick:

The answer to that is privacy. Give her privacy. She's a teenager; she's confused undergoing all the hormones and puberty. These are the days where she becomes more aware of sexuality. And the way she that she found to express it is by watching hentai. It's the same way little boys draw penises in their notebook and laugh about it.

13 Name: Chreggome : 2013-09-29 05:22 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

black mail her into sex.

Just kidding, that's awful.

Just tell her that it's not dirty, so long as you do it right.
Moderation and self control are two of the greatest things ever and can be applied to any and all situations to make life almost stress free.

14 Name: Broker X : 2013-09-30 14:16 ID:LRm8X0Dm [Del]

It's like a drug. Even if you want to stop, your body just makes you do it. You can't stop. One thing that might work is having her memories good songs, having her talk with you about it, and staying away from the device she watches it on for a few weeks while she does the other two. Be around your sister more and spend some quality time with her. Don't act like you caught her doing something wrong, but if you see her doing it ask her to go play video games or do. Something else with you. If you reduce the time she spends watching it slowly over time, eventually she'll stop.

That's all I have to say. Good luck.

15 Name: Broker X : 2013-09-30 14:16 ID:LRm8X0Dm [Del]

It's like a drug. Even if you want to stop, your body just makes you do it. You can't stop. One thing that might work is having her memories good songs, having her talk with you about it, and staying away from the device she watches it on for a few weeks while she does the other two. Be around your sister more and spend some quality time with her. Don't act like you caught her doing something wrong, but if you see her doing it ask her to go play video games or do. Something else with you. If you reduce the time she spends watching it slowly over time, eventually she'll stop.

That's all I have to say. Good luck.

16 Name: Broker X : 2013-09-30 14:20 ID:LRm8X0Dm [Del]

Sorry if there's mistakes in that.

17 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-10-01 10:45 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>11 It is completely normal. Fourteen is actually a bit old to just have started watching it, but it's possibly that her hormones just took longer to kick in. Not everyone watches shit like that, so it does all depend on the person; no one is weird for watching it or not watching it. It's just television, for god's sake.

>>15 It's not a drug. You can stop watching porn at any point in time. She just feels guilty about it and needs to be relaxed.

And I really think this is a bad idea.

Even if she wants to stop, I hardly think it's her brother's place to intervene with it. He should be helping her feel like what she's done is okay without trying to influence what she does about it afterwards. That's her business, not his.

18 Name: Hidden !yxSN/bs2A2 : 2013-10-01 20:47 ID:B7f3Bfvl [Del]

"Fourteen is actually a bit old to have just started watching it," Not necessarily true, it differs per person, and also personal preferences. Also it's not the activity of watching it that is like a drug, it is her sex drive... or "hornyness" if you don't know what a sex drive is... Also it isn't stated that this is her brother, it might be her sister. Also the little sister told her sibling about it herself, so it is ok for the sibling to be involved. and you don't need to sound so hostile about it.

Anyways, she is obviously hitting that sort of stage in her life, at this age she must have already gone through the physical changes, but the... well sex drive, can burst a bit after puberty. First off, is it pornography alone that she feels dirty with and doesn't want to deal with? or is it strictly Hentai? Ether way she feels dirty about it because she knows she is adolescent, and it is improper to be involved in intercourse, but it is not really bad for this kind of activity... Just make sure she knows not to actually have intercourse with someone, and that only go as far as pleasing herself... Uhm I don't really what else to say for this matter... If she wants to stop, she will have to find other ways to satisfy her sex drive (if she doesn't she will prob not break that habit, or switch to something worse), so she prob will have to use masturbation or something else... Ether way none of this is necessarily bad or unhealthy :/ she has no reason to feel "dirty", it's natural to have this sex drive, and you do need to take care of it... however you do this is up to the person, so long as you don't have intercourse when your not supposed to.

19 Name: Saika : 2013-10-02 03:53 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Sigh. I feel like I'm going to be unpopular on this thread.
Our culture is very open to porn at the moment. It's kind of a don't ask don't tell don't judge sort of thing.
Before I get into the issue, I think I should clear up some things with you:
1. Don't be so squeamish: Girls watching porn is the same as boys watching porn. If you find boys watching porn normal, then you better find it normal for girls too.
2. Teenage girls often don't understand how they really feel
3. If you help her with anything, it should not be for your own benefit. It should not be because it's making you uncomfortable that she has sexual urges. It should be because she doesn't want it.

Onto the unpopular part of my post.
I've heard it all. Porn is completely normal! It's completely fine! It's unhealthy not to do it, let her do it!
I won't dispute that masturbation is completely normal since I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary, but evidence is piling up against porn.
Porn IS like a drug. It IS addictive. It CAN destroy lives. This is why there are porn addiction support groups where porn users try to give it up like giving up smoking.
In my opinion, outside of 'be kind' and things like that, the number one rule in life should be 'moderation in everything' (outside of things that only cause harm and never cause good).
Moderation in porn is included.
The thing that your sister struggles with is a negative image of sex. She feels guilty and dirty about porn. Maybe you should find out why. Until she can find it within herself to accept that she has a sexual drive and will one day be sexually active, pornography is going to become an increasingly unhealthy way for her to vent her desire. She may really become addicted. Then it will become a problem. Because she hates herself for watching porn, but she continues doing it. She'll be killing herself emotionally.
Well adjusted people with no problems with their sexuality are more likely to be able to moderate their own intake of porn.
So your steps are to -
1. Reassure her and allow her to embrace that women can have sexual desires and urges to fulfill them, and that is FINE.
2. Tell her that you are open to hearing anything she needs to say about her habits (if you are okay with that).
3. If she wants to quit porn (believe it or not, it is possible), then she should treat it like any other addiction or challenge to her self control. There are communities out there to support her in this, e.g.
Good luck.

20 Name: Cocoa : 2013-10-02 08:39 ID:emRCRAPc [Del]

Hey anonymous-San.. Like the other dollars says its really okay. Just convince her it is not wrong but tell her to be careful of people walking in since it could be a problem. If she feels guilty, tell her it's okay. Okay?

But if after some time she still cries when she doesnt watch hentai.. That's a red sign. But you can't really do anything, can you? She's a bit too old, and she has never fell 'aroused' like when she watch hentai for her whole 14 years, it's natural for her to feel like that, I mean I did.

If she has hobbies, like maybe going to the arcades or karaoke or eating.. Tell her to go with her friends or just bring her there if she doesn't have one. Get her mind out of hentai.. At least for a day.

21 Post deleted by user.

22 Name: Greek ALPHABOT King : 2013-10-08 14:03 ID:t/dIQdvL [Del]