Dollars BBS | Personal
















Who are you? (4)

1 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-07-02 11:48 ID:Bvfwl9lZ [Del]

Who are you :) ? What do you like? What do you not like? What interests you? How do you feel about yourself? What is your favorite song? Is there anything that has a special meaning to you? How do you feel about other people? What do you look like? Where are you from? Or just anything else :) !! Let your fellow Dollar members get to know you!

2 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-07-02 12:13 ID:Bvfwl9lZ [Del]

Lets see..

I like- Anime, Dogs, Cats, Cuddling, Rain, girls with short hair O.O, demonic things(I don't like hail Satin or anything just the look :P) Video Games, drawing, Lord of the Rings, fantasy

I don't like- people who speak before thinking, people who purposely try to "fit in", when my friends lie to me, when my wifi wants to suddenly shut off, drugs...most kids my age are all doing them and think they are cool but they piss me off, rap music(except the really old ones from the 1990's)

How I feel about myself- I, like most girls, don't like my appearance, I think I'm chubby and have to small of eyes. Although I don't like how i look I do like myself, I like all of my interests and like how i approach the world

Music I like- Vocaloid, most anime openings/closing, a techno/indie mixed music, sometimes rock,

How I feel about people- I don't like the people I live around. I live in Louisiana and everyone is very religious and judgmental, I don't like my some of my generation because most of them are interested in drugs. Drugs piss me off because I don't understand the point in doing something when you know it will only cause trouble and doesn't help anything

so yeah...that's me :)

3 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-07-02 12:39 ID:qmPtxcYQ [Del]

>>1 That's what the introduction board is for.

4 Name: Lawli : 2013-07-02 16:00 ID:s6GE39aQ [Del]


I like: Anime, cats, rabbits, hedgehogs, BBC, the colour grey, foreign countries/languages/foods/cultures, nearly all music, sleeping, cake, cake, cake, movies, reading, writing, drawing, beef stew, black teas

I don't like: Tattoos, camel crickets, jazz, country, being completely helpless in a situation, yellow, people who don't respect other people for who they are or where they come fromnd are rude about it, brussel sprouts, mornings

How I feel about myself: I'm pretty happy with myself. Yes, there are some things that I wish I could change and some that I will work to change, but I'm happy with myself over all. I'm happy with who I am. :3

Music I like: Vocaloid, a lot of JPop and KPop, rock, orchestra, classical, Eurovision, pretty much everything but Jazz and Country

How I feel about people: This is a hard one for me. With risk of sounding like our favourite info broker, I love people. I don't mean it anything like he does, though. I have avery, very, VERY small amount of people that I dislike. I think that we all have our moments of goodness and that we just need to have a little faith in one another and get rid of all of these stereotypes... I think life could be a lot waiter then. However... I know that not all people are good and that, for some, there is no hope. It's a sad truth, but it is just that: the truth. So... I guess i don't really have a view on the whole of humanity. I prefer to just make views on individual people.

What do I look like: Umm... I'm kinda tall for my age. 5 foot 8. I have peroxide blonde hair layered over teal hair with some dark blonde still peeking through. I have NO muscles and am kinda skinny. Not really slender, but not really voluptuous either. XD I have the softest hands and feet in the WORLD, according to most... I have blue-grey eyes with a brown ring around my pupil. I'm caucasian. Umm... That's it.

Where am I from: TOP SECRET... Though some may be able to guess from the way that I talk.