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eenie meenie... (8)

1 Name: reiko : 2012-05-24 21:18 ID:Jrz7NosX [Del]

Well I'm having trouble choosing my option classes for next year. I have the classes that want to be in soooo bad, but sadly I can only choose one of them!!
Its between my love for music and art.
Its so frustrating.
*sob* Can anyone give me any advice??

2 Name: Kaori !!zEnInHNI : 2012-05-25 00:54 ID:+lcCqflj [Del]

Well how about this

1. Which one do you find yourself spending the most time with? Do you draw every day or play music everyday?

2. Taking a music class in school usually results in having to go to concerts and such, do you AND your family have the time to attend?

Ack. it's late, but hope those two questions culd help a bit

3 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-05-25 05:45 ID:TsW3mQVY [Del]

>>2 Kaori's questions were pretty good, but I want to add one more:

If you fail, made a fatal mistake, or didn't reach your target in one of them (music or ART) which will make you try harder to be better?

4 Name: Azuren : 2012-05-25 05:54 ID:lvg+Ak7b [Del]

Agree with >>2 and >>3
@Reiko >>1 I was in your same dilemma a year ago.
Just think about it carefully! What i want to add is that its best to save your stress reviler for a hobby; what i mean by that is, if you do one of those things to relax or have fun, Its troublesome when that thing becomes another stressful part of your life.
And you can always take either of the two in your future years :)
Hope this helped.

5 Name: reiko : 2012-05-25 06:59 ID:Jrz7NosX [Del]

Ah, Thank you everyone!!

6 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-05-25 21:23 ID:6GYTMvoD [Del]

Definitely try drama class. It was the most fun class I ever had.

7 Name: reiko : 2012-05-27 20:14 ID:Jrz7NosX [Del]

>>6 Sadly,my school doesn't have any drama classes.

8 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-05-27 22:06 ID:QmIVc+KW [Del]

I don't want to discredit art at all, being that I'm a very musically-involved individual, but maybe you should also think of what you'd be involved in outside of your classes. I know, for instance, my school only offered about three different performing music classes, but the type of music I loved playing most wasn't even a class, so if I came up to a scheduling conflict I was able to sacrifice most of any of those classes because I could still be involved in the one I wanted.

Also, in terms of music, think about your involvement on a few different levels and long-term. Do you enjoy listening or playing or singing, because all three are very different experiences. If you decide to not be involved in the music program for a while, will you keep yourself in practice, because it takes alot to get back into the swing of things after a month of doing nothing, let alone an entire year.

I've always loved the arts, especially since, for those with a passion for them, there's always a way to involve them in your life somehow. Food for thought, take it for what it's worth, and if you really can't do both somehow, always keep your mind open to the possibilities around you.