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Just curious (6)

1 Name: Mahiru : 2012-04-21 23:13 ID:F3wPdRD5 [Del]

Well I just recently found out that I have Fibromyalgia a few months back, and I was diagnosis with Lupus when I was 14 years old. I spoke to my doctors on what I should do but it does not quite help, even though I spoke to my doctors, I also want to get other advice from others who may know someone who has them or have them. What helps with the pain and what can I do stop feeling so fatigue? If anyone can help that would be wonderful =)

2 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-04-21 23:29 ID:fFiwhJua [Del]

1) I think this would go on the Personal board.
2) /not the best idea, but still valid in the aspect that it DOES relieve pain/ Drugs. Heavy medication.
Caffeine and food can help with fatigue. Make sure your diet contains the vitamins you need to get through your day. It's really important to eat healthy food that's specific to your needs, rather than fast food cheeseburgers.

3 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-04-21 23:31 ID:fFiwhJua [Del]

Ignore #1- I thought I was still on Main. I had no idea that I switched boards, and should probably go to bed.

4 Name: Kaori !wdv07RjiSE : 2012-04-21 23:53 ID:OGCpX043 [Del]



:Y im sorry, i dont have fibromydkaslghsjkquigsa or wolf. But i am lactose intolerant, so I feel you on a scale of.....not...normal? o3o WELL its all gud, no worries, im sure theres summun here who is just like you :T

5 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-04-22 00:11 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

I have a friend who has been dealing with Fibro for many years now, but she won't fucking answer me because she's on Netflix and won't respond to my messages >:O

When she finally does, I'll ask her what she does ^_^

6 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-04-22 13:11 ID:Eq8wvB4R [Del]

So there are a few things that help, she tells me.

If you live in a "Green State" (A state that has legalized Marijuana as a medicinal herb) then go for that. It's the #1 thing that helps her out.

Another thing is "Dry Saunas." Obviously that takes out all of the controversy of using Marijuana, but it doesn't help as much.

Also, get tested for food allergies. Apparently food allergies can trigger your Fibro. So knowing what foods to avoid can help.

And she tells me that there are also places that will give some kind of massage for Fibro patients. It sounds like that's a little bit expensive, though. She hasn't done that one much, but she says she loves it.

And if you're serious about this, try going to a wellness doctor. " My wellness doctor uses only herbal medications, and has honestly been the best doctor I've ever gone to, over all the bullshit specialist. They'll help get them on the right regimen and medications and do the food allergy testing and whatnot."

We both wish you best of luck, and hope that some of these help you ^_^