Dollars BBS | Music
















Instruments (712)

1 Name: Eto : 2011-01-31 22:43 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

Anyone play any instruments? It'd be nice to know the talent in Dollars, :P

Any Instruments you'd like to learn (you can post even if you don't play)

2 Name: Hsin : 2011-01-31 23:19 ID:AgEdZ631 [Del]

I like instruments! There're so many kinds of instruments i wanna play...
I've learned to play the piano since i was 7 years old and I've learned to play the French Horn when I was freshman.

NOW I REALLY WANNA PLAY BASS!! i do love its voice time for me to do so now =~=

3 Name: Eto : 2011-01-31 23:24 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

Bass is pretty easy xD its easier than guitar in some aspects, but in some aspects it's a bit harder (playing like Pino Palladino for example)

XD I've always wanted to play piano fluently. I used to :(

Guitar and Ukulele here (And Bass if you can count it)

4 Name: Misuto : 2011-01-31 23:42 ID:c8FeyHrP [Del]

Haven't touched my piano and violin in some time. I need to.

5 Name: Eto : 2011-02-01 07:50 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

>>4 go touch you're piano and violin! (Lol new sense of the word "audiophile") xD jk.. maybe.... dun dun dunnn xD

6 Name: Silver !ozOtJW9BFA : 2011-02-01 08:02 ID:iG9Bqu/W [Del]

I play the guitar :3
And a little bit of bass.

^Just a friendly advice, though. If you want to learn the guitar, you have to know a little bit of bass. It's easier that way. For me. I didn't do that, and I had a pretty difficult time.

7 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-01 08:06 ID:sx8c6Cax [Del]

>>5 Well I'm never gonna look at them the same after that comment, thank ye :U

I also played acoustic guitar a little bit for a while, but it was a while back and the guitar I had wasn't exactly a "beginner's" guitar. Too big for me, tough strings - I could only do simple chords for a while.

8 Name: Eto : 2011-02-01 10:35 ID:1/AxNlTK [Del]

>>6 Lol, Its not necessary to learn bass first. Bass just makes it easier to know the scales and which notes are where. (fingerboard chart comes to mind)

>>7 I'm so sorry xD well no not really. I play acoustic, was given a dreadnought guitar with really old strings xD it happens to all of us.

John Mayer style songs help because they teach you weird jazz chords that're fun to play :P also Gabe Bondoc (youtube artist) is a HUGE influence on my playing :)

9 Name: Boa~ : 2011-02-01 10:42 ID:y1rwQPTq [Del]

I play the Guitar :D bought a Blue Fender Sonoran about a month ago ^^

10 Name: Silver : 2011-02-01 11:34 ID:F1KQKNH6 [Del]

>>8 Uh-huh :3

Whoa whoa whoa. So there are many people here who play :D
We can like, make up a video with each of us playing one song like this one here

Haha. LOLjk.

11 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-01 16:34 ID:c8FeyHrP [Del]

Why "LOLjk"? I like the idea.

(shameless plug for the other similar topic.)

12 Name: Eto!CRN4qR5IE6 : 2011-02-01 16:53 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

actually.. xD They're planning a chorus, which in my knowledge is all singing. Mebbe we could do something different. like an online band. I've seen it happen. Funtwo did one with a drummer friend of his and another person. It worked out. of course, vocals would be nice. (just a thought, no obligation)

13 Name: Silver!ozOtJW9BFA : 2011-02-01 17:48 ID:F1KQKNH6 [Del]

I'm captivated by this cover

No. I have affinities for guys who play the guitar and strum like the one with the penguin hat ;A;

14 Name: Eto : 2011-02-01 18:16 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

>>13 Lol those are all just power chords? those are easy enough, especially on electric guitar's light strings, so you could probably play that...

I want a les paul tho...

Lol Anyone else play anything else? Hsin's got a french horn, thats f'ing awesome! more brass instruments and we could be a ska band xD don't be afraid to just say it.

15 Name: Dainar : 2011-02-01 19:45 ID:kz8Y6yj9 [Del]

I play the piano, guitar, drums, and bass. How much are Les Pauls? I forgot. But I received one for my birthday.

16 Name: Eto : 2011-02-01 20:23 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

about $600 USD for Epiphone Les Pauls.

Gibson Les Pauls are around double the price. My one professor had one and he got it signed by Les Paul himself at a show prior to his death. D: sad but that guitar's value tripled.

17 Name: Airurando : 2011-02-01 21:46 ID:y0kbAnFr [Del]

I mainly play guitar and sing but I also play some drums and bass, as well as a tiny bit of keyboard. I got a Korg MicroSampler not too long ago and I've been getting some pretty interesting sounds out of it.

18 Name: Hsin : 2011-02-02 02:16 ID:eaCUUK65 [Del]

woo so many people play guitar and bass.That's wonderful if I have some questions when I start the bass, I will come here and ask you guys :D
oh i forgot, I can play keyboard..I like that ,it's fun!
maybe im weird, I like listening to the bass solo ><

19 Name: Hsin : 2011-02-02 06:21 ID:Ukid1LtO [Del]

if you watched Gintama~~ watch it! the guy is pretty cooooool!

20 Name: Eto : 2011-02-02 10:16 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

>>18 yeah, xD theres definitely enough people who know how to play guitar/bass here, so you're welcome to ask for help.

>>17 just googled that (i have to admit i dunno anything about keyboards) nice keyboard xD

21 Name: Akito : 2011-02-02 11:26 ID:GLoM0zbS [Del]

I pretty much play stereotypical instruments, piano, violin, and viola. I'm planning on learning accordion though, I love the sound. <3

22 Name: Eto : 2011-02-02 12:10 ID:3Sz0Eglu [Del]

>>21 jealous :( violins a beautiful instrument. I'd love to learn to play. And the accordian's hilarious to play xD its a mini keyboard basically

23 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-02-03 11:49 ID:Q8acffIT [Del]

Let's post our stuff (clips, covers, original material).
Via mediafire, youtube, whatever.
I wanna hear what you guys got.

Also, I play a decent amount of keyboard, a little guitar.. I can carry a beat on drums (not for long though). Mostly programming though.

Sorry, it's really quiet.

24 Name: Malork!n3wvnoIz02 : 2011-02-03 14:31 ID:L6ju0Vf8 (Image: 133x196 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1296765082984.jpg: 133x196, 5 kb
oh god, you guys play a way cooler instrument then me DX I HATE IT! but no violins or cellos in the band! which means i'm stuck playing a dumb instrument because they wouldn't let me play trumpet cause of these retarded braces!
SO... I play... THE BARITONE! DX (ill include a pic for y'all

25 Name: Misuto : 2011-02-03 16:43 ID:c8FeyHrP [Del]

They're a year old, but I've uploaded some songs that I played on the piano. Besaid (FFX-2) and Melodies of Life (FFIX) respectively.

26 Name: Invertebrate : 2011-02-03 19:06 ID:Qa+Rq+zg [Del]

I can play the guitar. I can also play the ocarina, though I've only worked with a sweet potato. I'm trying to learn the panflute.

27 Name: Hsin : 2011-02-03 21:19 ID:vZ6UNpBz [Del]

>>24 well...your instrument maybe is similar with mine~ (French Horn) I like Brass Instruments!! especially the trombone and the trumpet!
I have a friend who play tuba! she is a girl o.0

28 Name: Kiri : 2011-02-04 18:05 ID:Zvf+/u0g [Del]

I play the flute but I've only been playing for about 3 months.

29 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-02-04 18:13 ID:Bh5Vz/9y [Del]

Nice. I'm not exactly familiar with Final Fantasy music,
but those sound great.

You could.. Join a ska band.

30 Name: Eto : 2011-02-04 18:50 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

>>24 No instrument is dumb. :P But yeah braces are a bother i get you. Lol, when you get them off, play trumpet! then be a jazz trumpet like louie armstrong :D

>>25 Misuto, I actually came across those awhile back xD nice

31 Name: Altoids : 2011-02-04 21:33 ID:yDPrG14o [Del]

I've been playing the violin for 7 years.
It seems long, but I'm still pretty mediocre, haha.

I've always wanted to play percussion, cello or bass guitar.

32 Name: Kaori : 2011-02-04 23:03 ID:CZ+RMk9P [Del]

WHOA. i totaly failed in finding/seeing this thread >:T anyways, ive played piano for 9 years, flute for three years, and just started guitar x333 FINAALLLLYYYYY

33 Name: Enni : 2011-02-05 06:48 ID:n601pk/D [Del]

Classical Guitar. 3 years.
Although I'm still not very good since I didn't really practice for the first 2 years and only got serious about it last year.
If you count my voice as an instrument then I did Choral singing for a good 4 years.

34 Name: Eto : 2011-02-05 10:59 ID:0dsEW0lg [Del]

>>31 an advice for people who find themselves stuck at a "mediocre" level (i was too): Play harder pieces xD, you wont get them right away, but eventually you will, and u'll "level up" in a way xD Lol did that make sense?

Lol cool beans, so many people playing instruments :D I find this to be lovely

35 Name: Altoids : 2011-02-05 22:33 ID:yDPrG14o [Del]

Lol, it made perfect sense. I do have a habit for choosing pieces that are too hard for me anyway (mostly because they're cooler than beginner/intermediate pieces anyway).
Thanks :)

Ohhh, you reminded me that I've been in a choir for six years.
I forgot to add that because I hate singing D:

36 Name: Hart : 2011-02-06 22:47 ID:zteF943V [Del]

bassoon and tenor sax for jazz

i used to sing but my range died at puberty.... :(

37 Name: gao : 2011-02-07 17:30 ID:WgoNYMc0 [Del]

;3; i wanna learn how to play the cello really -really- bad but... i dun thinks i'd b very good at it ' - ' i not b very musically talented... -sigh-

its so kewl tht so many peoples play instruments, anyways 8D

38 Name: Akito : 2011-02-08 10:22 ID:/qg0pPHU [Del]

>>37 never hurts to try, rite? :D

39 Name: Irk : 2011-02-08 13:18 ID:Q8acffIT [Del]

You guys should join up for the Dollars chorus

40 Name: Hart : 2011-02-09 20:53 ID:zteF943V [Del]

>>37Me too!

41 Name: Asura : 2011-02-10 00:13 ID:kxFzKO/o [Del]

Bleh. I can sing and... learning to scream sing >.> dunno, I likes? xP And I play guitar too, and bass<3
I like making dark type shit, so bass is lovely for those xD guitar too, but... I prefer bass on those xP

42 Name: saeiouj ena : 2011-02-10 05:34 ID:/rb/htnu [Del]

hello, i love guitar. who's a fan of sungha jung in here???

43 Name: NiGhTFrOg9 : 2011-02-10 10:07 ID:P60Y54Lk [Del]

i play lots of instraments trumpet guitar and piano XD

44 Name: ponceau : 2011-02-11 23:12 ID:jMGU7h+m [Del]

oh haha.
guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, flute, piano, melodica, saxophone, accordian, singing. none of them exactly amazing, but still.

45 Name: Irk : 2011-02-15 12:48 ID:Q8acffIT [Del]

I want to see you play all of those

..At the same time

46 Name: Lookie !.GhOWWhAnE : 2011-02-15 22:07 ID:cEm3KoFI [Del]

i only play the GUITAR and also sometimes i sing although my voice is kinda fucked up but they say even though i bad in singing while playing guitar i have guts to sing rather than being shy

47 Name: Eto : 2011-02-16 08:28 ID:Eqx/KuNi [Del]

Ah, I haven't been on in awhile because of schooling.. Must catch up. :P

In no particular order

>>42 I love Sungha :D Although sometimes i don't feel the emotion xD but he seems like he's having fun in some of the vids (when i first saw him I thought he was being forced by his parents)

>>36 I've always wanted to play tenor sax. Sounds so sexy.

>>37 DO IT! :D if you're serious about wanting to, then definitely. I always wanted to play some bow/string instrument, it seems so classy. cellloo

>>41 I envy great bassists xD being able to come up with a bassline for anything.. FACT: playing bass makes you a better guitar player. :P 'Cept I'm not into "dark shit" xD Jazzy/classic rock basslines are what get me off. Pino Paladino is just one of the many i look up to

>>44 Lol another Uke player! yesss.. And i totally agree with >>45 I wanna see how you pull off guitar, bass, ukulele, accordian, one of those melodica holding contraptions, a saxophone and a flute strapped to you xD

>>46 Thats great! It's definitely better if you sing along to whatever you're playing. Lol, what's singing but moving you're voice up and down right? (Lol, Elf)

48 Name: MabAsakura : 2011-02-16 15:01 ID:FLKRZQTG [Del]

I know how to play a little bit of everything I'm about to list.

Alto Sax, Clarinet, Piano, and Violin.

I play the Clarinet in band and is so far my favorite woodwind because of its warm tonality.

Alto sax was something I dabbled with in band. I like it because of its high range, however, it can be a bit annoying sometimes when your fingers are clumsy and/or wrong embouchure.

As for piano, it's an ongoing instrument. I've played it since I was little and although I'm not really good at it, I like to play it because it has unsurpassed range and it's just plain epic.

Lastly for violin, I'm taking a strings class in college. I'm loving it so far. It's fairly difficult to play, however, which instrument isn't? I'm turning my main focus on the violin. Sounds sexy.

49 Name: Marebito : 2011-02-16 21:13 ID:/qA4bdbK [Del]

I can play the guitar. I've been playing for about 7 years now.

However, I really want to learn how to play the cello. I think it's a very pretty instrument.~

50 Name: Lucifer : 2011-02-20 10:23 ID:iCZ9UeV/ [Del]

I can play the piano, viola, violin, and I've been learning drum set.
I'd love to learn how to play bass guitar though... Or the trombone. Or the saxophone. Some kind of jazzy instrument.

51 Name: Curious : 2011-02-20 19:23 ID:4MnVA1eT [Del]

I'm pretty skilled on the piano, I can play a few advanced pieces, but only because I've committed them to memory. And I've also played the flute since 4th grade ^^"

52 Name: Nightfire : 2011-02-20 22:31 ID:tIgGOq4E [Del]

I play the trombone although I've stopped playing since last year. Kinda got bored of it in some ways. An instrument I wish I could play would be the violin or electric violin. Always thought they were awesome instruments.

53 Name: Eari : 2011-02-21 03:26 ID:G4GUdTMS [Del]

I haven't practiced in a few years but i used to play the piano, cello, viola, guitar, guitarron and i was also learning to play the trumpet and the harp but i never got much practice on those two. Pretty sure if i tried to play now i would suck xD

54 Name: Mukufro : 2011-02-21 05:05 ID:iFltWL3r [Del]

i played piano and a little violin. i want to play alto sax,clarinet.
>>53 wow! many instruments you have played desu~

55 Name: Batora : 2011-02-21 05:42 ID:IM38rGly [Del]

I play the guitar mainly now, but I also know the trumpet.
I really want to pick up the piano or violin though.

56 Name: Eari : 2011-02-21 12:55 ID:G4GUdTMS [Del]

>>54 Not at all. My friend was a godly player with skills that i couldnt believe. He could play a new instrument in days n play a piece that would take me weeks. :/ ah i remember now lol i started with the clarinet as my very first instrument. i always wanted to play the sax but never had enough money to try.

57 Name: Mukufro : 2011-02-21 15:44 ID:S9Bcos+B [Del]

>>56 wow! cool! just, i said to my teacher at school wanted to play sax.. but he said, i'm too short TT^TT its the same when i said i want to play clarinet. ahh~ ignored that. btw, is clarinet easy to learn?

58 Name: Blood : 2011-02-22 02:29 ID:arlLV49b [Del]

Guitars, Bass, drums, and singing especially guttural screams and growls. I play in metal bands and i love speaking my mind out THE BRUTAL WAY \m/

59 Name: Akito : 2011-02-22 21:13 ID:CWqmAAH0 [Del]

>>58 I always see some bands in my school durin lunch and after school rocikng out, it sounds pretty awesome and they seem to have fun~

60 Name: Rogers : 2011-02-23 09:42 ID:kCYH2r3z [Del]

I play
I'd like to learn
*Piano or keyboard
*Ocarina would be nice

61 Name: GummiPanda : 2011-02-28 01:49 ID:v5jcrnv1 [Del]

Hmm.. lets see, I've been playing the piano since 1st grade.. I've been playing it for a long time already but I suck at it, I'm still on beginner books. D: I also play the flute, it's been about 3 years since I started that. But I'm in a band so I'm way better at flute than I am the piano.. D:
I want to learn how to play the violin, guitar, and bass clarinet/clarinet. I don't really care much for violin and bass clarinet/clarinet anymore though, but it'd be nice to learn those too.. :3

62 Name: Ezzy : 2011-07-01 14:35 ID:UZNE9Ni8 [Del]

I Play: Elecrtic guitar, Bass guitar, a little Keyboard and Piano and some Drums....oh and Ocarina too (almost forgot)

I'd Like to learn: Ukelele, Banjo and....a Double Bass =]

63 Name: Ciela : 2011-07-01 18:10 ID:qNO5DVK4 [Del]

I've been playing the violin for like 6 years now? i cant even remember. And I can also play cello, but i prefer violin. I used to play drums, but gave up on that and now play some electric guitar :) i Wanna learn to play the piano though

64 Name: Valerie : 2011-07-01 19:42 ID:AxaYQAmi [Del]

Unfortunatly no, but I've been dieing to learn how to play the violin for years. So hopefully I will soon.

65 Name: Ferixu : 2011-07-01 19:52 ID:FuG6THr/ [Del]

Holy crap so many talented people. @_@ -Stares at the people who play like a dozen instruments- My main instrument is cello, but I play the piano too, I gave up on the violin and guitar.

66 Name: Aria Hiragi : 2011-07-01 21:42 ID:Oz/Eg2i5 [Del]

i would love to play the violin....

67 Name: KdogKingOfRock : 2011-07-02 00:54 ID:QxXR1CFi [Del]

I play electric guitar, acoustic guitar(6 and 12 string), bass guitar, piano, a little violin, some banjo and im learning drums. O and im only 17 XD

68 Name: AGH-RMS : 2011-07-02 01:02 ID:2TGMWtJl [Del]

I tried learning the Violin... Now it just sits in my room, gathering dust... Well, the case does. The violin itself is actually inside of the case, and... Well, you get what I'm saying.

Words of wisdom: Never try to learn any string instrument via DVD's.

69 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-07-02 02:55 ID:jGg6Q3/z [Del]

Damnit...I haven't touched my violin in years. I feel depressed every time I think about it, and how I totally don't know how to play it anymore.

I do still play the piano though. :Ubb

70 Name: Mael : 2011-07-02 10:34 ID:KB+bnIg+ [Del]

>>69 Its like, every time you walk by your violin, you can hear its soft cries of despair and loneliness.

71 Name: maho : 2011-07-02 17:06 ID:cAplx3iO [Del]

i play guitar for about 5yaer's and i play ukulele and if you like to learn the ukulele i say go for it it's really easy and fun!! =D

72 Name: Chitose : 2011-07-04 04:47 ID:0hOuxrce [Del]

I play guitar.
Learning how to play piano.

73 Name: Persona : 2011-07-04 10:23 ID:HJSIQChz [Del]

I play the Piano
wish i knew how to play the Violin but it seems that strings hate me lol

74 Name: ShiroNeko : 2011-07-04 13:14 ID:cucJugEU [Del]

I play ocarina
well, it would be better to say: I learn to play it.
No teacher around here, so I have to learn it on my own (without any experience in playing an instrument) but I think I can manage it.

75 Name: breadbeard : 2011-07-04 21:32 ID:NfX8kkgk [Del]

I play guitar and trombone primarily, but I also know, to some extent, trumpet, baritone, drums, ocarina, mandolin, concertina.
I'd like to learn piano but I'm too uncoordinated :P

76 Name: Takara : 2011-07-05 04:26 ID:GWiOn1Br [Del]

I play the drums and a little bit of piano since we're required to learn it in Year 7. Primarily drums though.

>>75 How can you be uncoordinated with piano if you play the drums? Surely you would've had to learn how to be more coordinated with drums?

77 Name: Dim : 2011-07-05 07:51 ID:tZT1CH/+ [Del]

I play the Bass, Piano, and the Harmonica.

78 Name: Kireinami : 2011-07-05 10:22 ID:vXwsmiec [Del]

i play piano, clarinet, and alto saxaphone

79 Name: breadbeard : 2011-07-05 23:13 ID:NfX8kkgk [Del]

>>76 I'm not sure... it's something about moving each finger independently of each other. With drums, you just have your hands and feet, as opposed to ten fingers plus foot pedals with piano.

80 Name: nat-chan : 2011-07-05 23:52 ID:BKEi/7Bk [Del]

I play piano and violin.
most of the songs i play are classical :)

81 Name: BB : 2011-07-06 01:40 ID:2xGaogXM [Del]

Im currently working on a music degree playing trumpet :)

82 Name: Houdini : 2011-07-06 02:32 ID:eGuF4wlX [Del]

Actually, I'm learning how to play the harmonica.

83 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2011-07-06 23:29 ID:QIriUwci [Del]

I've been playing the piano since forever and I learned the bells (glockenspeil lol) from when I was in band. I play the guitar and ukulele too, but I can't do bar chords yet... I know how to play very VERY basic stuff on the drums. And I sing, which I count as a instrument!

One day, I swear, I'm going to perfect my guitar, ukulele, and drum skills. And then I'll learn the violin, viola, cello, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, accordion, and the bagpipes! Gah, that's gonna take forever...

84 Name: Petre' : 2011-07-06 23:30 ID:A/Z2mpIl [Del]

Working on guitar but i can play Trombone

85 Name: Seven : 2011-07-07 03:43 ID:RneTIwTJ (Image: 960x1280 jpg, 117 kb) [Del]

src/1310028225221.jpg: 960x1280, 117 kb
I've been playing guitar for around 4 years now and I'd say I'm pretty good at it. I play lots of different genres but I mostly stick to melodic death metal.
I also hope to one day learn to play the piano(most beautiful sounding instrument ever) and the violin :)
I'll include a pic for you guys of one of my 4 guitars.

86 Name: Pinni : 2011-07-07 05:27 ID:3fWzPamu [Del]

I've been self teaching myself piano (well... keyboard) for some time now. I can't sight read so I have to memorise every piece I want to learn.

I'd like to learn saxophone (but too expensive) or guitar (hurts my wrist).

87 Name: KdogKingOfRock : 2011-07-08 00:44 ID:xD611BOK [Del]

>>85 Bro thats an epic guitar :D i myself have a Gibson GK 55 and ive played a Dean Razorback, Fender Stratocaster and Telecaster, ESP Alexi Laiho Signature, Gibson Les Paul Standards & SG's, and nothing compares to it

88 Name: Prince : 2011-07-08 01:41 ID:j+rpgM6B [Del]

My life mission is to learn the bass. Well, not really, but I still want to learn it. I'm planning on buying one once I get a job.

My parents bought me an acoustic guitar, so I've been poking at that for a while. I have no idea how to play it properly.

89 Name: Seven : 2011-07-08 02:32 ID:RneTIwTJ [Del]

Wow! Very nice! You're quite a lucky man haha. How much did that beauty cost you? :D
I personally love Gibson guitars over any other brand. Specifically their Flying V's. I use nothing but Gibson and Epiphone Flying V's! xD Although I do love Schecter and some Ibanez guitars too but I stick to my prized Gibsons.

90 Name: Makku : 2011-07-08 04:15 ID:M1qtKYlC [Del]

Ima Guitar player, a bassist, a drummer, and a vocalist! Id love to be able to jam with some members haha

91 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-07-08 04:18 ID:Bh5Vz/9y (Image: 700x265 jpg, 17 kb) [Del]

src/1310116692724.jpg: 700x265, 17 kb
If I come into some money any time soon,
I'd want to get a white Epiphone Dot.
It's far from the nicest guitar, but it would be my first, and I wouldn't feel right just jumping to a nice Gretsch hollowbody.

Picture pretty related.

92 Name: Kiyomi : 2011-07-08 18:32 ID:gHYVHiSA [Del]

So many people play instruments! It's good to see that. ^_^ I play the French horn, Trombone, acoustic guitar and Piano. (But I'm not very good at the piano...) But I really want to learn the violin. It's such a pretty instrument.
This is a very musical group. :D

93 Name: Seven : 2011-07-09 00:30 ID:RneTIwTJ [Del]

I know right? Haha would be so cool if we could get some people together to perform covers of anime songs! Just for fun c:

Nice. What kinda music you play?

Definitely. Makes me happy being around musicians!

94 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2011-07-09 02:10 ID:QIriUwci [Del]

>>86 Aw, I can't really read music all that well either... I've been playing piano for over 10 years and I can't even sight read unless I write the letters of the notes on the sheet [It's so sad]. It's a good thing I'm really good at memorization, specially since I had to play a 15 minute accompaniment piece once ^_^;;

>>90 >>93 Yeah, that'd be really cool if we could get people together to play something!

95 Name: KdogKingOfRock : 2011-07-09 20:15 ID:Dj3Ife2y [Del]

>>89 Gibson is by far the best guitar ive ever played! and it didnt cost me a dime ^_^ My dad gave it to me a few years back for my bday he got it from his uncle for like $200 and its still in perfect condition! We just started doin some research on it a few months back and found out just how rare this Gibson is and i wudnt trade it for the world. I also play a ibanez acoustic guitar too lol

96 Name: Maximum : 2011-07-09 20:40 ID:S2vOxr46 [Del]

WOW so many people play musical instruments its awesome. I play the guitar, drums, and piano, i'm not that good at reading music but it would be cool to get together and play something.

97 Name: Seven : 2011-07-09 23:07 ID:RneTIwTJ [Del]

Omg xD I'm jealous. The price on that thing has probably skyrocketed! You should post a picture of it :)

98 Name: KdogKingOfRock : 2011-07-10 00:42 ID:xD611BOK [Del]

Ok!! it will be tomorrow before i can post a picture of it tho just check back on the thread tomorrow it should be up around lunchtime

99 Name: Losafox : 2011-07-10 08:51 ID:eRtgHrLn [Del]

I play trumpet.. and am in marching band.. I've been playing it for about 6 years now.. O.o

100 Name: KdogKingOfRock : 2011-07-10 13:05 ID:xD611BOK (Image: 640x480 jpg, 62 kb) [Del]

src/1310321107376.jpg: 640x480, 62 kb
Here is the pic! My Ibanez acoustic is also in the pic and the original case.

101 Name: haseo : 2011-07-10 14:11 ID:vZid+x4i [Del]

I play the piano and am learning to play the guitar. I got a church organ for free from my uncle, still have no idea how im supposed to use the foot pedals.

102 Name: Seven : 2011-07-11 12:12 ID:RneTIwTJ [Del]


Wow very nice. I love the way those white pickups look against the finish! You got yourself a true beauty.

103 Name: Aggression : 2011-07-11 15:03 ID:s5Rd+yJO (Image: 640x360 jpg, 174 kb) [Del]

src/1310414622962.jpg: 640x360, 174 kb
Heres a pic of my Stratocaster~<3

104 Name: Amaterasu : 2011-07-11 15:25 ID:OYcBynMo [Del]


105 Name: iKn0wz : 2011-07-11 21:48 ID:n5d0Wtap [Del]

i know how to play...
alto saxophone, piano, guitar, and flute (totally manly, eh?)
i wanna learn...
harmonica (i swear,i will dress up as a farmer-esque person and sit somewhere and start playing. seriously.)

106 Name: Airurando : 2011-07-11 23:25 ID:y0kbAnFr [Del]

>>103 Nice dual humbuckers. How's the sound?

107 Name: DAK075 : 2011-07-12 00:30 ID:1G/YCm8C [Del]

I wanna learn the piano and ocarina.

108 Name: Umiko!ozOtJW9BFA : 2011-07-12 00:49 ID:uPa6J3lp [Del]

Le gasp I haven't posted in this thread yet? D8> Of all threads, how could I have not posted in this one? TT ~TT
I play: flute/piccolo, clarinet, alto/tenor sax, trumpet/cornet, percussion, oboe, violin, piano
I'm learning: guitar, cello
I want to learn: french horn
Blah, so much stuffs

109 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-07-12 01:33 ID:Bh5Vz/9y [Del]

Uhh. I guess you'd call it industrial.
I'm learning to play guitar a little,
but mainly I play the keyboard/synthesizer and do programming.

110 Name: Seven : 2011-07-12 03:34 ID:RneTIwTJ [Del]


Well at least now I know who to call if I ever want some violins and wind instruments in my music :D

Industrial? With a semi-hollow body? XD That's kinda funny. But cool! You got any samples of your work? :)

111 Name: ERM : 2011-07-13 00:25 ID:iVuG1uuV [Del]

I can play flute and trumpet, and a pretty OK piano.

112 Name: Nakura : 2011-07-13 02:49 ID:E9L8h28K [Del]

Slowly learning piano, dropped out of guitar lessons, and was forced to learn the recorder in 4th grade

113 Name: Pokjhdbnxw : 2011-07-13 03:09 ID:I38P76Vh [Del]

ah ha!
I see someone else had to endure the unpleasantness of "recorders"
I'm not even sure they're conidered a legitimate instrument.

No one really cared or bothered to learn how to play well. I'm guessing it was the same for you.

114 Name: Kitsu : 2011-07-13 04:49 ID:EAzukkwn [Del]

i learned a little bit of recorder :|

115 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2011-07-13 04:55 ID:QIriUwci [Del]

>>113 I'm pretty sure many people (including me) were forced to learn the recorder at some point in their lives, haha. Most of us just blocked the memory out of our minds. Recorders are legitimate instruments, though, and apparently there's even different kinds...

116 Name: V2Blast : 2011-07-13 20:27 ID:rPjpjdWD [Del]

I played violin from grades 5-12 (and a bit in college). I also sang in 7th and 8th grade, and then not until 12th (and also, a semester in college).

I also have an acoustic guitar and a bass that I don't know how to play very well.

117 Name: Michishige : 2011-07-13 22:46 ID:+2ATk1/u [Del]

I can play clarinet. Beautiful sound ^_^

118 Name: Rez : 2011-07-13 23:21 ID:y9Ko4L8x [Del]

I play Electric Guitar and I'm pretty damn good if ya ask me!!

119 Name: Pokjhdbnxw : 2011-07-14 04:25 ID:I38P76Vh [Del]

>>115 Oh, I thought it was a sort of thing that schools cooked up to keep us busy or tack on a few more grades. But I still think they are fairly useless...
They are still nothing compared with the rest of instuments.

I remember they were made of sort of plastic; Which in return makes them a little over $10.00.

120 Name: 70K1D0K1 : 2011-07-14 05:18 ID:QIriUwci [Del]

>>119 You're probably right about the schools thing. I think they're fairly useless for most people, but an instrument is an instrument. Ah, maybe if someone somewhere could actually play it well, it wouldn't have such a fail reputation lol.

121 Name: Ekajra !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-07-14 10:34 ID:L2bS6mUr [Del]

Recorders actually sound really cool when they're made out of anything other than plastic. Especially wood. And when they're not being played by a fourth grader.

They're especially good for Celtic music.

122 Name: Lallali : 2011-07-14 10:53 ID:tGECTy+o [Del]

I play keyboard!
And I'd like to learn guitar

123 Name: Ekajra !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-07-14 10:56 ID:L2bS6mUr [Del]

Also, I thought I already replied to this thread, but apparently not.

I play percussion, with mallet instruments being my least skilled variety. I'm terrible at sight-reading. I can get rhythms fine, but to actually figure out notes I have to sit down and write down what each note is above it. I also play piano, with the same problems.

Over the last year I've also been learning ocarina. I'm not that good, but I can play off of tabs quite easily and I've memorized a few Zelda songs, which for the average gamer is all they realy care about. :P

124 Name: Pokjhdbnxw : 2011-07-15 00:49 ID:I38P76Vh [Del]

I see now. Nobody in the entire school had a shred of talent when it came to recorders..... And we were fifth graders....

125 Name: ClownOfAbyss : 2011-07-15 01:35 ID:/y+StHlh [Del]

I play the drums :3

126 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-07-15 03:34 ID:Bh5Vz/9y [Del]

None that are finished. But I've got a lot of instrumental versions.
I still lack a decent microphone, and an opportunity to record.
Seeing as I live with room mates.

I'll upload one though.

127 Name: DAK075 : 2011-07-16 00:12 ID:1G/YCm8C [Del]

lol When it came to recorders in grade school, I took that stuff seriously. The best in my class, and it helped me introduce me to the world of playing an instrument. I want to learn additional instruments, but I don't have the money for one.

128 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-07-19 00:55 ID:Bh5Vz/9y [Del]


Here we go. As you might be able to tell, it's not a hollowbody guitar playing,
in fact, the guitar track is still just a "rough copy", and it's missing vocals,
but you can get the idea for the most part.

129 Name: Seven : 2011-07-19 01:55 ID:RneTIwTJ [Del]


Hey that's not bad. I like it. It's catchy and has a very nice use of synths :)

130 Name: L : 2011-07-19 04:10 ID:33ADaNiF [Del]

I play the geetar. and sometimes the piano. I'd like to learn the bass next.

131 Name: Irk !Y7kBtlCaVo : 2011-07-19 06:17 ID:Bh5Vz/9y [Del]

Thanks! Actually, the only 'real' thing in there at the moment is the guitar, haha.
The drums are just midi at this point, since I don't know anyone who would/could record them for me in good quality, haha.

132 Name: Seven : 2011-07-19 11:25 ID:RneTIwTJ [Del]


Hahaha thats okay dude. My songs are the same way. Not even the bass track is real in my songs xD I use Addictive Drums in my songs but luckily, our band just found a really good drummer so now I don't have to bust my ass writing out some drums!

133 Name: Arawn : 2011-07-20 16:49 ID:RA170Ndi [Del]

I play the French Horn, but I'd love to learn piano

134 Name: Seiko : 2011-07-21 17:29 ID:drxt6KIl [Del]

i know how to play piano, and im trying to learn how to play the guitar :)

135 Name: Mukufro : 2011-07-22 07:21 ID:nR+HgEyB [Del]

i plays piano a lot. and know i'm learning clarinet xD

136 Name: kinobi : 2011-07-22 09:44 ID:4KRjaQrA [Del]

i played the trumpet switched to percussion.

137 Name: Theren Leofivra : 2011-07-23 05:03 ID:dIB5oOkm [Del]

Classical piano and cello, as well as electric bass guitar. <3

138 Name: Meto : 2011-07-24 14:49 ID:HjVgKVif [Del]

Oboe and bass drum in marching band :)

139 Name: Saya : 2011-07-24 21:44 ID:308sSh0C [Del]

I Know a little git of the Piano, But I would live to learn the Cello and the Violin!!

140 Name: FusedCrusader : 2011-07-25 00:12 ID:e5BBV35S [Del]

Tenor sax

141 Name: Natalea Frost : 2011-07-25 02:45 ID:xDMj4s6S [Del]

I used to play the marimba, vibraphone, xylophone, and 1st bass drum in marching band.

142 Name: Artifact : 2011-07-25 03:22 ID:Dc2yIjE0 [Del]

Used to play the trombone in marching band :/

143 Name: Oriental Dream : 2011-07-25 15:19 ID:xoXiFZdI [Del]

Playing: Trumpet

Wish to play: Violin

144 Name: CUNever : 2011-07-25 16:23 ID:9hyqTYhC [Del]

I can't play, but I have a violin. I love how they sound,

145 Name: noir : 2011-07-26 00:05 ID:OpKhYRxS [Del]

I love to play the drum set, but having trouble with double bass...

146 Name: Lucca : 2011-07-26 00:52 ID:Q66cmQ/B [Del]

A player of both piano and violin :D

147 Name: VDU : 2011-07-26 20:54 ID:Y9nQZ8Up [Del]

I can play the piano. I kinda mess around with the guitar too...

148 Name: Paine92 : 2011-07-26 21:24 ID:3fC89+Je [Del]

I play the violin. I tried playing the guitar once, but my hands are so used to the violin, that they can never work right for the guitar lol

149 Name: Rabbit : 2011-07-27 14:04 ID:Dag+sUnX [Del]

I play flute french horn and a little bit of other instruments! :3 But those are my main ones. Anyone name their instruments? My flute's name is Jupee and the french horn is Umi. ^.^

150 Name: Misao-Chan : 2011-07-27 14:31 ID:Ui3aORRj [Del]

I can play the flute. Also piano a little.

151 Name: Misao-Chan : 2011-07-27 14:31 ID:Ui3aORRj [Del]

I can play the flute. Also piano a little.

152 Name: Kanon : 2011-07-28 01:09 ID:Rvf32IVW [Del]

Piano here. Self taught so far. But i can play stuff like dear you from higurashi no naku koro ni. and the river flows in you by yui. also, some game music.

153 Name: Midori : 2011-07-28 11:09 ID:BSMwTxio [Del]

I play piano, and sing (yes, in my world singing does count XD) and I will probably be learning guitar and ukulele soon. I used to play the clarinet and recorder but I would love to learn how to play the violin and electric violin.

154 Name: kexvaxus : 2011-07-28 12:22 ID:BbD/0IDo [Del]

I play bass guitar,guitar,and some drums

155 Name: Sora : 2011-07-28 17:33 ID:x2/Bpi6Z [Del]

I played violine but it was only for 2 years and it was when I was like . . . 12 years old?

156 Name: Noir : 2011-07-29 15:13 ID:P16S1I1k [Del]

i play trumpet(main instrument), sax (rusty), guitar, bass(dabble), piano (REALLY rusty) and being traiend to sing (well lol, music major) I REALLY would like to become good at guitar, bass and singing though

157 Name: BW : 2011-07-29 15:59 ID:71tPfaRr [Del]

I play guitar and I know the basics of playing the keyboard.
I'm also in the choir ... if vocals count as an instrument :3

158 Name: Midori : 2011-07-29 20:00 ID:BSMwTxio [Del]

>>83 If you wanna hear some amazing violin music you should listen to Emilie Autumn <3 her stuff is beautiful.

159 Name: Rei : 2011-07-30 12:11 ID:SYI4YDDX [Del]

Flute, 4 years.
I haven't touched it in a while though. o:

I would love to play the piano and ukulele.

I had a chance to play piano when I was younger, but I guess I wasn't really interested in it as a 5 year old. Though now it makes me kind of wish my parents forced me to play. Oh well.

160 Name: Yubel : 2011-07-30 14:30 ID:iw7ulxFY [Del]

I've been playing the violin for about a year now and I used to play piano when I was younger for a little bit.

161 Name: Prototype : 2011-07-31 02:44 ID:OpJsi6rn [Del]

i play piano... have been for more than 13 years

162 Name: raven : 2011-07-31 06:22 ID:ngC4APyj [Del]

i have played the violin

163 Name: TensaZangetsu : 2011-07-31 06:31 ID:Y1rpL+hS [Del]

I play the piano, clarinet, saxophone, drums.

164 Name: Kaze : 2011-07-31 08:35 ID:Y1rpL+hS [Del]

Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums. Some Flute, but I barely play it now.

165 Name: Nick : 2011-07-31 11:21 ID:S8cql2qV [Del]

The piano, Clarinet, Viola

166 Name: Kite Asakura : 2011-07-31 12:48 ID:sKe7tIkE [Del]

Lol all I know how to play is the guitar and drums, sucky I know Xb ^^

167 Name: upero : 2011-08-01 02:28 ID:QijiEKle [Del]

I do Vox in a band, want to learn bass though!!

168 Name: KonaKonata : 2011-08-01 11:33 ID:t7qvrAIm [Del]

Guitar,Piano,Drums,Flute,Recorder,and Violin

169 Name: F : 2011-08-01 18:38 ID:VC/uS7Fn [Del]

I've been playing the viola for four years and I played violin for a year.

170 Name: Nyaaa~ : 2011-08-01 23:59 ID:Y7PGEkrQ [Del]

Flute, Piano, Violin, Guitar, DiZi, Vocals
I want to learn the Harp, ErHu, Xiao, Viola, Cello, Steel Drums, and Lyre
I really want an Electric/Silent Violin with a loopers, a small amp, a music editing program, tons of wires to connect devices to each other and there is still so much more that I'm too lazy to type ;___;

171 Name: Miescha : 2011-08-03 02:55 ID:u6CRbu5M [Del]

I play cello, piano, guitar, and ukulele. Unfortunately though, I'm useless with wind instruments.

I would love to learn to play bass guitar.

172 Name: Kohaku : 2011-08-03 04:41 ID:Z4h+j3++ [Del]

I would love to learn how to play the sitar. and I play the piano, not very well, but i play haha

173 Name: Zatomic : 2011-08-03 05:02 ID:jg0UPUCJ [Del]

ive got a little experience with piano and im pretty good at guitar but my best talent lies in my voice. i love to sing.

174 Name: 優希 : 2011-08-03 08:57 ID:dx5dPar2 [Del]

I play the piano and flute, and been learning to play guitar . . . it hurts hahahaha

175 Name: Rings !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-03 21:22 ID:YHhPj+zl [Del]

I'm practicing the piano at the moment and got a bit of experience with electric bass as well as drums.

176 Name: Fix : 2011-08-05 21:08 ID:aNx1JwGh [Del]

Bumping this back.

177 Name: FancyPasta : 2011-08-05 22:59 ID:K7UIq3VK [Del]

I Siiiiiing! XD (i can play percussion/drumset and a bit of piano too...) Soooo yah.

178 Name: Durii : 2011-08-06 00:22 ID:EvIdFNHx [Del]

Been playing violin both ways for less than a year.

179 Name: PakYU : 2011-08-06 05:10 ID:sVSY48C0 [Del]


180 Post deleted by user.

181 Name: Lisok !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-06 11:24 ID:jh/M4khF [Del]

I sing, play the piano and the guitar ^_^

182 Name: Chocola : 2011-08-06 13:46 ID:3CGn34il [Del]

I've been playing the violin for about 4 years now, but there's nothing to play. (I might just take requests now, lol.)
Well, I'm also a fandubber on YouTube and I USED to play the recorder. X'DDDDDD

183 Name: Mo_Chara : 2011-08-06 15:53 ID:2XsyV0ul [Del]

Fiddle,piano,bagpipes,trombone,bango,and flute.

184 Name: brittany : 2011-08-06 19:31 ID:JX1Wl3bi [Del]

ive always wanted to learn to play the drums :) but i don't currently play any instruments, unless you count banging two pencils on a table music lol

185 Name: Grayness : 2011-08-06 22:37 ID:nCHRXXve [Del]

piano, drums, guitar, violin, recorder and harmonica(lol)

186 Name: Chaoder : 2011-08-09 00:22 ID:ZDMUrKxs [Del]

Guitar (Acoustic/Elec), Keyboard, Ukulele, Bass, Drums

187 Name: AjikanFooFaita : 2011-08-09 04:41 ID:oqHG85Ax [Del]

Guitar and Drums...i learned the guitar on my own, i blame Rock Band for teaching me drums, but i guess thats tangent learning for ya... 8P

188 Name: Night : 2011-08-16 20:26 ID:Xv/HJa2X [Del]

Clarinet!!!! Ive played the clarinet since i started in band, and i still do play it, I totally think it's awesome, although i could play a flute or violin if i wanted to

189 Name: Aelita : 2011-08-16 20:40 ID:HhsOFec9 [Del]

I've always wanted toplay violin or the flute. right now im working on piano. those three together are just beautiful to me...
>>188 welcome! glad you could make it

190 Name: Ameterasu : 2011-08-16 21:27 ID:Gf+cFgj0 [Del]

I used to play the trumpet, i was section leader my senior year, i love it and would keep playing but have noone to play with such an instrument.
i also play guitar though, i was originally going to go to school for it but changed my mind. Just play it on the side now!

191 Name: Username !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-16 21:58 ID:Gf+cFgj0 [Del]


192 Name: Ameterasu !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-16 21:59 ID:Gf+cFgj0 [Del]


193 Name: Night : 2011-08-17 00:20 ID:Xv/HJa2X [Del]

>>189 good luck with piano, that one i learned how to play Mary had a little lamb, lolz, i stopped learning piano, youll have to teach me bow to play it properly

194 Name: Invader Kiwi : 2011-08-19 09:30 ID:Xkq4m8h1 [Del]

I play clarinet, and I have for four years or so now. I also play a bit of piano (mostly by ear). I'm taking on-and-off guitar lessons from my uncle, and I've ALWAYS wanted to learn the violin, but I haven't yet.
I also play the recorder. And the spoons. But do either of those count?

195 Name: aurora : 2011-08-21 07:16 ID:n8fyykrM [Del]

i play the flute

196 Name: Maikeru !EVhmZi554U : 2011-08-21 11:23 ID:duh9XK9O [Del]

I play the Guitar and Bass Guitar. I started by learning the Piano. Then I decided that the drums would be good to learn as well. So now I can play Guitar, Bass, Piano and Drums.

197 Name: Veggie(: : 2011-08-22 14:31 ID:2t8TLewO [Del]

I play the flute , have been for about 5 or so years now
also just recently learned piano(:
I would really like to learn how to play guitar though, it's been something i've been dieing to learn(:

198 Name: Zer0 : 2011-08-22 21:24 ID:dQfldDLM [Del]

Sometimes piano, but I'm a painter not a song writer and stuff. My brother though on the other hand can learn to play anything he is given. It's amazing!

199 Name: Calbee : 2011-08-22 22:45 ID:ELtlD2e9 [Del]

I play the piano and violin. Here's my youtube channel:

It's only got 2 songs on there right now, but I'm working on getting some more on there. check it out!

200 Name: dami-kun : 2011-08-25 12:34 ID:LoDH6Q29 [Del]

Just picked up the violin again after 4 years....Feels good.

201 Name: Tul : 2011-08-27 02:54 ID:EOKXhPAq [Del]

I played trombone in marching and concert band back in high school, not so much anymore but I can still play

202 Name: Ita-chan : 2011-08-28 15:46 ID:dNqftJ25 [Del]

I've been playing violin since the sixth grade and I still do[junior in high school btw]

203 Name: !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-28 16:00 ID:M4v+gMR2 [Del]

I play the cello and love it! <3

204 Name: BoSsun3 !Ly7MRw0CGU : 2011-08-29 22:54 ID:EOB8vpBb [Del]

I have been playig the guitar and the drums for 3 years and I really like it :D ^~^

205 Name: Nyx : 2011-08-29 23:26 ID:bRRQeqqT [Del]

Clarinet, bass clarinet, flute, tenor saxophone, tin whistle, recorder, alto recorder, guitar. Mainly clarinet. (My, that seems like a lot when I write it all down!)

206 Name: Black-Diamond : 2011-08-31 05:07 ID:jprv653L [Del]

i wanna play the piano.

207 Name: Chris !NtMOh6TBfo : 2011-09-15 03:06 ID:oDwCfswh [Del]

I play the guitar, both acoustic and electric.
I currently own an Epiphone Les Paul Custom.
It's pretty fun to play and kill time, killing time with music!

208 Name: 7th Heaven : 2011-09-15 07:57 ID:ofPKUJSn [Del]

Piano Player :)

209 Name: Yoko !bCw9fOn1RI : 2011-09-15 08:07 ID:mIjZAhdb [Del]

Singer. Simple as that. >~<
I think it'd be cool if all of us banded together and played/sang a song together.

210 Name: C0ff1n !uaU1DuqsI2 : 2011-09-15 08:50 ID:K8OpXgA1 [Del]

I play guitar, mandolin, theremin, and bow on guitar(like Jimmy Page but different).

I have a 1979 Gibson Les Paul Custom, a 1989 Gibson Flying V, a 2002 Fender Strat, and all of that runs through a 212 Peavy Studio Chorus amp and a Boss Me 70 multi-effect.

211 Name: Kuro : 2011-09-15 09:57 ID:x+WLNVuD [Del]

I play drums , guitar and piano :)

212 Name: 70K1D0K1!CDqPSd5mZM : 2011-09-15 10:10 ID:9mZoF3q0 [Del]

>>209 A bunch of people have banded together to sing the Dollars Chorus, although the video hasn't been finished yet. There's also the second one but the sign ups for that is done already. You might wanna participate when a third one comes along, or maybe start your own if you or someone you know can edit sound/video together.

213 Name: Merr : 2011-09-15 15:41 ID:66MBzHe4 [Del]

I am trying to learn the ocarina.

214 Name: jjcoree : 2011-09-15 17:27 ID:VdzlW6tm [Del]

im a DJ

215 Name: Artemis : 2011-09-16 23:12 ID:07DX1y/e [Del]

I play Alto Saxophone, guitar (mainly my electric), and piano

216 Name: Jenna : 2011-09-17 18:57 ID:NWzRBYv5 [Del]

I play the drums and the piano. I want to learn guitar and maybe violin too though.

217 Name: CBerry : 2011-09-17 19:30 ID:5vx/8Ja8 [Del]

I play the cello.

218 Name: Kanara : 2011-09-18 16:51 ID:dRNZPfDs [Del]

I play the acustic,bass,and electric guitar, the piano,and the drums... Thats alot of instruments 4 a girl 2 play right!

219 Name: Todd : 2011-09-18 17:32 ID:7R5zBFsp [Del]

I play the drums! it's so much fun, whenever I hear a song i have to drum to the beat. it's just a drummers instinct to start drumming to something random.

220 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-09-18 20:49 ID:GXfJIoQf [Del]

Play the piano, organ, string bass,erhu, and suana

221 Name: Rinya !ShM4YMpsZo : 2011-09-18 22:59 ID:Y5E2Hp9F [Del]

I play the cello, and can make various noises with my computer. Would love to learn the piano.

222 Name: This girl.. : 2011-09-19 23:20 ID:PtVXvLEP [Del]

I play the clarinet, piano, drums, bass and guitar (:

223 Name: Haru : 2011-09-20 01:23 ID:Q5otwXH1 [Del]

I can play the piano, cello, guitar, recorder, violin, piano, a bit of bass and drums.

224 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-12-11 11:15 ID:T+tQ3+Jo [Del]

I guess I'll bump this.

I can play the drums, guitar, bass, slap bass, the saxophone, and I can sing very well... I'm more proud of my vocal skills, than my skill in any of the other instruments I play. Mainly because, I don't always practice playing my instruments, hell, I'm lazy, I'll admit it. But I always sing, especially when I'm driving. I have always practiced and enjoyed singing more than playing any other instrument. But that's not to say that I don't enjoy playing the others. :)

225 Name: Lynne : 2011-12-11 15:02 ID:u5gZ1OYy [Del]

>>224 Same here. I really like singing and enjoy it a lot, especially if the place where I'm at is really quiet.

The only instrument I know how to play is the guitar, and I'm too lazy to practice it. I am only motivated/inspired to learn more when I see covers on youtube, but other than that, nah.
I want to learn the piano though because piano + guitar = jrgbvireuawesomeness.
I want to learn the cello too because my friend is planning on taking up violin.

226 Name: Blaze : 2011-12-11 19:16 ID:WywrX5Fv [Del]

I play acoustic/electric guitar, electric and double bass, drums, piano, harmonica, and I sing. I really wanna learn saxophone and violin (both are beautiful in their own way, as well as most other instruments, but theirs something about them that I've always liked)

227 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2011-12-30 17:52 ID:WOQ6V/kS [Del]

Wow .-.

EVERYONE HERE IS SO MUSICALLY TALENTED! Each post has atleast 3 instruments.

I just looked this up because I finally played a barre chord. This is almost the happiest day of my life, but my index finger is in great pain.

Oh, and I played the clarinet but it's been about 3 years and I used all my reeds.

♪♫ Musical Bump ♫♪

228 Name: JessePwns!Q7t.srvWZ6 : 2011-12-30 21:23 ID:zqt8/gEx [Del]

WHAT!?! im surprised I haven't post on this xD
Well I can play
Saxophone, clarinet(but haven't played since grade school), guitar, i can slap some bass, ukelele.. and some ocarina! if this counts..Vocals. they're an instrument too!
Also 2 songs on piano xD

229 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2011-12-30 21:35 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]

I sing, but I'm kind of shy about it. I can play guitar sort of. I'm self-taught, so it's not perfect. I got a drumset for Christmas, and I'll probably start taking lessons this coming spring.

230 Name: General Pasta : 2011-12-30 22:44 ID:66l8w90k [Del]

Bass guitar.
...and the ever-complex 'mind'.
Oh, and since apparently every post has to have 3 instruments since <277, uhm... trombone, vocals. Yeap...sure.

231 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2011-12-31 02:11 ID:QDq/fLhn [Del]

I sing and play melodica ;D
Also trying to learn guitar.

232 Name: Xénos : 2011-12-31 04:47 ID:GejDYTAw [Del]

I sing a bit, but if I'm in center of attention it's very embarrassing...
I also play cello. It's been very fun, especially if I don't think of the idiots that share my class.

233 Name: Starrrk : 2011-12-31 15:25 ID:32wmcadi [Del]

Played the clarinet for 3 yrs, but all I did was take credit of the groups work since I actually suck at it.

234 Name: Cheese : 2011-12-31 22:17 ID:gpFHj7E/ [Del]

Hm... I play the violin. I've been playing violin for eight years, yet I'm still horrible at it. >.< I also play piano, which I've been playing for seven years, though I'm not very good at it, either. Another instrument I play is the clarinet, which I've been playing for two years (I'm not bad at it, but I'm not good at it, either), and then I also play the ukulele, which I've been playing for... A year or two now.

235 Name: victoria : 2011-12-31 22:31 ID:x2RnV32Y [Del]

I've been playing the french horn for 6 years,the piano for 4, and the trombone for 2.

236 Name: Yamagatta Miko : 2012-01-01 00:27 ID:oKlMQEVw [Del]

I play the violin, the piano, cello and oboe. And, yes, i do have way to much time on my hands!

237 Name: Kira : 2012-01-01 00:56 ID:m0fhZ4hF [Del]

I play the flute and piccolo. Yeah, they sound lame but they're actually really fun and sound great!^^ Recently, I've just started playing the guitar too.

238 Name: Tias : 2012-01-01 07:30 ID:t5vMCtTb [Del]

I play drums, bass, guitar, piano, ukelele, and didgeridoo :3

239 Name: Banri!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-01-01 09:44 ID:ydKWDfwt [Del]

Well, I can play flute, piano and a bit of cello. I never really touched any other instruments even though I really wanted to :x

240 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2012-01-01 10:34 ID:GXfJIoQf [Del]

Piano, string bass, suona, erhu, and a little bit of organ and harmonica and guitar....

241 Name: shizou<3 : 2012-01-01 15:56 ID:A7bCzCJZ [Del]

I play the violin. Everybody is a critic though. Just because its only my second year to play......

242 Name: Zeb!nk5uepxjzY : 2012-01-01 17:06 ID:Q+gp2DoN [Del]

Yeah, the radio.

243 Name: Mr.tai : 2012-01-02 00:23 ID:fXbICtDr [Del]

i play snare drum bass drum at my marching band

244 Name: Euphemia !c38/0JfWSg : 2012-01-02 12:00 ID:IZRrxc1y [Del]

Err... acoustic guitar. (sorry if i got the spelling wrong). ...not the best at it, but I could play without breaking strings. ^_^

245 Name: Feral : 2012-01-04 18:19 ID:4h+GnNEW [Del]

I played the tuba through middle and high school. Rockin' that low brass, like a boss.

I wouldn't mind learning how to play bass guitar though.

246 Name: yuiko : 2012-01-05 08:15 ID:UTkYWpk/ [Del]

I play flute, and electric guitar!!

247 Name: Yamie : 2012-01-05 13:24 ID:Lq36bs+1 [Del]

I used to play the violin, but quit. Now I want to learn to play the piano.

248 Name: HaiHai : 2012-01-05 15:46 ID:q0QGwpCr [Del]

I play the clarinet and now learning oboe.

249 Name: Ike : 2012-01-05 17:14 ID:iN6Ho4Nq [Del]

i play the guitar =) i play n a band and i'm pretty gud =)

250 Name: Zecro : 2012-01-05 18:39 ID:hiv1//PV [Del]

I play the Trumpet and Piano =D

251 Name: Masamune : 2012-01-05 21:28 ID:hLCWVLhY [Del]

I play bass, ukelele, harmonica and the trombone :D l

>>249 that's cool, I'm in a band too! What kinda music do y'all play?

252 Name: Maruko3000 : 2012-01-05 22:34 ID:yTH5rAhs [Del]

I play tons of instruments or I want to play like the violin, bass, guitar, and the piano I already learned it but I forgot all about it. The instruments that I play now are the flute and clarinet.

253 Name: SonoBashou !2F1CQOhsn2 : 2012-01-05 23:18 ID:1vC65ifD [Del]

guitar >:3 have been playing for 2 years and i love it; Im just now learning how to play some of my favorite anime OP/ED ^_^

254 Name: KimiHara : 2012-01-06 06:38 ID:Qd9534lJ [Del]

I play the piano for 1 year without teachers(i only know openings and endings anda also songs of visual and k-pop now) and I'm learning to play guitar and bass :D

255 Name: introspect : 2012-01-06 07:14 ID:zmyRhrCa [Del]

clarinet. i had a long stand with it but grew kinda tiring.

256 Name: ^samansuko^ : 2012-01-06 14:15 ID:oomQ5Vto [Del]

i play the drums and some piano and some flute xD

257 Name: Nearisepic : 2012-01-06 21:10 ID:fx6cbMDi [Del]

I play violin, sing, play piano,drums,gutiar and sing screamo. cuz who dosnt like screamo? XD

258 Name: iHuman : 2012-01-07 14:04 ID:91O8GZ59 [Del]

I play classical violin, piano, and guitar. I also write/compose music.

259 Post deleted by user.

260 Name: Hopeflow : 2012-01-07 17:26 ID:Wn3NJOPq [Del]

I play cello(learned it 2 years ago),recorder(haven't touched it for 3 years) and bit of piano(self-taught). I'm learning Dhol(indian drum) right now(doing quite bad at it at the moment, can't get the rythem correct...). I can't read the music notes'll at least take me 10 seconds to recognise the note but don't know it's name ( like G or A).... What a bad musician I am...

261 Post deleted by user.

262 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-01-09 17:04 ID:fCPijucq [Del]


263 Name: _reventerWind : 2012-01-09 18:12 ID:ZcBi6XdT [Del]


264 Name: DaisukeRaven : 2012-01-09 18:30 ID:F8v3RrV/ [Del]

I play the Violin. =)

265 Name: 石川 霊子 : 2012-01-09 18:51 ID:gUaAXhbo [Del]

I play electric bass guitar, flute, and piano/keyboard

266 Name: Rammy : 2012-01-11 00:20 ID:MNG0hlU4 [Del]

I play piano violin and guitar, I want to learn bass and drums though.

267 Name: sesame : 2012-01-11 00:26 ID:WvA9ids8 [Del]

i play the alto saxophone.

268 Name: Cristiano !PsX5fNQJ5w : 2012-01-11 02:01 ID:qnNc/wCw [Del]

I play the piano and the ukulele

269 Name: HoleinOne !L5ix4I6Qgg : 2012-02-25 17:28 ID:9RHQlML8 [Del]

I play the flute, cause it's a manly instrument. :D
Sometimes I play guitar but flute is just too jazzy.

270 Name: Maru-Kai !9dSBtRoNss : 2012-02-25 18:18 ID:nJUJBbcS (Image: 640x480 jpg, 105 kb) [Del]

src/1330215514890.jpg: 640x480, 105 kb
Even though I'm still new to music, I can play (fairly well) The electric Bass, acoustic guitar, and I recently took up Violin. I also wish to take up drums, and viola, and I used to play the keyboard, and flute.

271 Name: ReiShirogane : 2012-02-25 18:58 ID:zKRcszMe [Del]

I played Violin, Piano and Drum~

272 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-02-25 22:17 ID:jxXflWNJ [Del]

Clarinet and saxophone. Oh how I love them so. I've been told I own "too many" instruments. I have one crappy clarinet (bought when I first started), one good quality, one white (because I can, that's why), one bass clarinet, and one alto sax. I do love my instruments.

273 Name: serAphic_esperAnce !/Jevuf4Zy6 : 2012-02-25 22:49 ID:FQME/MYa (Image: 640x480 jpg, 130 kb) [Del]

src/1330231764917.jpg: 640x480, 130 kb

274 Name: R3d : 2012-02-27 10:03 ID:LFmSJjyQ [Del]

I play piano and acoustic guitar, and I used to know how to play the flute and alto sax. I wish I learned the violin...

275 Name: Kunar Shugane !q9yoJKUgVY : 2012-02-27 12:46 ID:OtCPWKr8 [Del]

I started to learn how to play my acoustic guitar until I had a lot of personal events occupy most of my time. I'm started to get the urge to re-learn it again. On top of that, I'd love to learn to play the piano. I always liked the sound of a well played piano. :P

276 Name: dude : 2012-02-27 23:38 ID:7vf4W2Pw [Del]

your hot

277 Name: Yoshimitsu : 2012-02-28 13:18 ID:+/wm2KrV [Del]

I used to play chello for a while :P

278 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-28 15:16 ID:nkA5PMGK [Del]



279 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-28 18:36 ID:B8gyXHq0 [Del]

I dabble in Bass Guitar, a teeeensy bit of electric/acoustic Guitar, a bit of Trumpet since I used to play one bloody ages ago, and I've tried my hand at the Cello at some point.

I can't consider myself a musician by any rite, but I can mimic the musical stylings of others pretty well. If only I had the attention span to sit down and learn something through to a point where I can actually call myself a musician ^_^'

280 Name: Abraxas : 2012-02-28 19:08 ID:3U5wgJEB [Del]

I actually own a concert ocarina from my great grandfather. I seriously need to learn how to play it.

281 Name: Keiko !.NZ1W8Ic.c : 2012-02-28 20:45 ID:E4/Rhj7E [Del]

I play piano, currently learning how to play guitar and violin.

282 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-28 22:36 ID:khE+WM9Z [Del]

>>280 Do it.

Do you know how legendary the Zelda themes would sound on an Ocarina?

Seriously, DO IT!

283 Name: PuppyChow : 2012-02-28 23:55 ID:HMbTa3rR [Del]

I can sing a little...only a little and I can play some piano.

284 Name: Vives !0qvjPx3R8I : 2012-02-29 00:41 ID:mbdKx0Fn [Del]

I'm going to summarize my musical know-how. Hope ya don't mind. :P
I play piano. Everyday. Or I go crazy.
Well, not really, but it is a passion of mine. I learned to play when I was very young, I play every single day, and I'll be playing until I die.
I still can't read notes though, despite years of effort. :/ And yes I know how easy it is, I just have some kind of mental block. Don't know why.
I play by ear completely, and also compose my own stuff. I usually end up playing whatever is stuck in my head (which means I have a collection of vocaloid and anime-related songs in my arsenal).
My singing is... fair to good. But I think I sometimes sound somewhat like a duck. That's all I'll say on that.
I record music with a friend of mine (another Dollar) and we're currently working on an acoustic cover of Creep by Radiohead. :P
I was once in a fairly unsuccessful band. It was comprised of one part practice, one part discussion, and one part eating chips.
But overall, I consider myself a musician.

285 Name: d.maria : 2012-03-18 23:21 ID:3vyEooVc [Del]

violin and flute! (=^.^=)

286 Name: kibara : 2012-03-19 00:37 ID:vr2XIapz [Del]

I am learning to play bass guitar and so far I love it

287 Name: trixi!2PPyaetEs2 : 2012-03-19 12:11 ID:OQLoMtot [Del]

Drums and i love it it always helps me when im stressed and also flute

288 Name: Kouhai !1pENNZ9iUg : 2012-03-19 20:14 ID:VhXyPYZs [Del]

slowly learning piano

289 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-03-20 03:35 ID:0CDXoZFZ [Del]


Aspiring saxophonist.

290 Name: Mizuki !v7dc/HXG46 : 2012-03-20 09:59 ID:Mx8iw6CC [Del]

>>289 Bassists are so cool.

291 Name: Junsui100% : 2012-03-21 04:02 ID:5JVQtMsJ [Del]

Drum set... But I still a newbie... *emo corner*

292 Name: Bakaneko : 2012-03-21 05:56 ID:v1oijigy [Del]

I hope to learn to play the violin...

293 Name: Hibari : 2012-03-21 13:45 ID:dDBxsM/1 [Del]

Have a guitar but have not learned to play.

294 Name: TrinityKarose : 2012-03-21 21:45 ID:IsXsSsn9 [Del]

I play violin and piano. And a tiny bit of flute from my freshman year... and that's about it.

295 Name: Swift : 2012-03-21 21:59 ID:xlT0S4cj [Del]

Ahem, not to brag, and I'll probably sound like an ass, but...

Guitar -both electric and acoustic, 'cause they have different styles
Bass - only electric
Standing Bass
Keyboard/Piano-only a little Piano, though.
Drums, most types
Kazoo FTW!
The Vocal Chords, for the few bands I can sing, including female vocals. O.O
I can't remember how to use synthesizers, which may be a good thing...

296 Name: Setsuko-chan : 2012-03-21 22:53 ID:gah5WEqD [Del]

I play the Violin, but im playing the AWESOME cello next year! I LOVE the cello's sound!

297 Name: Sora : 2012-03-22 03:40 ID:Tri5ObFQ [Del]

Contrabass, but i ceased a few years ago.

298 Name: mei-chan : 2012-03-22 10:25 ID:7RYpeM4K [Del]

i play violin and clarinet the two most common intruments at the school.

299 Name: dami-kun : 2012-03-22 13:13 ID:4eIhIyft [Del]

I play violin.

300 Name: Anasthaeziiya : 2012-03-22 13:16 ID:RuWgW2GU [Del]

I play the violin.
And also the ocarina because of Zelda ;D

301 Name: Stewart~ : 2012-03-22 15:39 ID:6DKJWqUR [Del]

I play a Electric Bass~

302 Name: Kion Stelz : 2012-03-22 15:48 ID:/TZWAAVQ [Del]

i play guitar and alto-saxophone. i want to play a bass tough

303 Name: Kyaroriina : 2012-03-22 18:04 ID:2hopbSKP [Del]

Flute, when i was little i played piano :)

304 Name: Jnexxx : 2012-03-22 19:07 ID:mxCz0Thh [Del]

I play the guitar (electric, acoustic, 12 string) the bass (4,5 and 6 string) the piano, some violin, some banjo. Basically anything that has a string. I also am a dubstep dj and need some help with promotion if any dollars wanna help a brother out ;D ill have some stuff on youtube soon email me if you want to help

305 Name: Rather Concerned Citizen : 2012-03-27 11:19 ID:E9rUv53i [Del]

I've played guitar for quite a few years, but to be honest I'm nowhere near as good as I could/should be. Mostly I just play songs that I like and as of right now I haven't written anything yet. I also know a few songs on the piano, but I don't know enough to say that I play it.

Lately I've been messing around with the Diatonic Harmonica, because I'm a really big fan of the portability of the instrument. I'm hoping that I can start to play some real songs with it sometime soon, instead of just messing around with it, but for that to happen I'm just going to have to buckle down and start learning.

306 Name: Amaya : 2012-03-27 19:31 ID:FHE6xt06 [Del]

I play piano as my main instrument, and cello for orchestra.

307 Name: Rockbell : 2012-03-27 22:41 ID:kPqqo/kp [Del]

Piano, drums, and working on guitar. Self-taught piano, my dad's teaching me drums, and I'm getting actual lessons for guitar because I fail at it XD
And if it counts, I sing. Took vocal lessons for... 3 years.

308 Name: tsukii : 2012-03-28 05:46 ID:wuPRCKmf [Del]

i play both guitar (a little ) and Flute..

309 Name: Hanetsu : 2012-03-28 05:55 ID:BWnTZV7E [Del]

I play violin, though I'm not a master at it, I still can't produce a smooth sound from it. ;w;

310 Name: Yoahimu : 2012-04-21 14:05 ID:weERtgmO [Del]


311 Name: Ichiko : 2012-04-21 14:18 ID:R53sPaAX [Del]

I play clarinet, piano and guitar xP

312 Name: Alex D. : 2012-04-21 18:16 ID:nbakF863 [Del]

I play flute...I wish I could beatbox on it...

313 Name: Arrietty : 2012-04-21 18:31 ID:g4YKVG3R [Del]

I play the Drums (but not really good T.T)

314 Name: Oh_Yeah!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-04-21 19:13 ID:Nk1zVVv/ [Del]

yeah I can kinda play flute, the irish whistle, and the mandolin......but I've been doing more art now days...

315 Name: Marudashi : 2012-04-21 20:34 ID:BPMRDdei [Del]

Does the maracas and cymbols count?:P i used to play recorder in grade 2, but then i noticed i sucked.My friends said i sing good, though. I can play a little on the piano, but I only know one song. Im pretty useless in the music catagory, sorry XD

316 Name: Oh_Yeah!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-04-21 21:17 ID:Nk1zVVv/ [Del]

315 yeah man that totally counts!!

317 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-22 00:21 ID:rh6pFkyc [Del]

I play the Mac.

318 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-04-22 00:21 ID:rh6pFkyc [Del]


319 Post deleted by user.

320 Name: jin : 2012-04-22 02:18 ID:FW8EzRBo [Del]

i did play the piano and acustic guitar but now i play the bass alittel

321 Name: Pineapplez!lsl.FRUIts : 2012-04-26 16:05 ID:HVz6Vc8s [Del]

I used to play piano but I quit

322 Name: Riceball Melody : 2012-04-26 17:24 ID:oWvfTS0K [Del]

My main instrument is violin. I am also a percussionist in band, though I've only been doing it for a year (sooo...drums, mallet instruments, etc.) And I'm teaching myself the piano.

323 Name: Mika : 2012-04-26 23:42 ID:HwCAPdWU [Del]

I've always wanted to learn the drums ~_~ but unfortunately, i don't have any set of drums. i don't even have enough money to rent >.< But if ever i have money in the future, i'll make sure i'll learn the drums ^_^

324 Name: Ziel-san : 2012-04-27 01:32 ID:OaRP5zHd [Del]

I wish I knew how to play the piano. I just don't have the time for it. TT_TT

325 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-04-27 04:49 ID:JkA1U/oa [Del]

I had took piano lessons (basic ones) and had stopped long ago :d
I wanted to learn violin myself but it is kinda hard with just reading a normal reference book about the basics of the violin without no one to instruct you T3T

326 Name: Chenin : 2012-04-27 06:40 ID:hOxO6MmY [Del]

Well, I only plays piano and violin^_^
We've got plenty skilled members here o.O

327 Name: Kelandis : 2012-04-27 22:15 ID:K2sf4fNS [Del]

I'm learning bass guitar

328 Name: Vanlandinghale : 2012-04-27 23:05 ID:NiQxMZKy [Del]

I used to play trumpet and violin in middle school. I stopped when I got to high school.

329 Name: Kaiya : 2012-04-28 10:10 ID:slUHNYyy [Del]

Hyym, i'm learning to play classical guitar. :3

330 Name: Atsuka : 2012-04-28 11:10 ID:5Rtbqrxr [Del]

I play Piano :)
I can play the begin of "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X \o/

331 Name: himeko : 2012-04-28 11:11 ID:6sclSVdN [Del]

i used to play violin in elementary but now i play the guitar

332 Name: Xteena : 2012-04-28 13:00 ID:VK4Y2S4w [Del]

I can play flute.

333 Name: Riceball Melody : 2012-04-28 15:51 ID:oWvfTS0K [Del]

>>330 That's one of the few songs I've managed to teach myself. :) Love that song...

334 Name: Lina : 2012-04-28 17:53 ID:ZWmEtteY [Del]

Acoustic guitar and piano. ;)

335 Name: Cero : 2012-04-28 18:13 ID:X9hrb17r [Del]

I'm supposed to be learning the flute, violin, piano, guitar, and drums- but I don't have the time at the moment. :L

336 Name: Rachel : 2012-04-28 19:26 ID:2VeG2QGc [Del]

I play classic guitar, piano, violin, and I used to play viola.

337 Name: kureyuku : 2012-04-29 21:59 ID:J9WW1N3W [Del]

i play the guitar

338 Name: Aoki : 2012-04-30 03:32 ID:qO2c3VZa [Del]

Drums, electric bass/base, electric guitar, and a bit of piano

339 Name: soifon : 2012-04-30 07:46 ID:kEKqtw97 [Del]

i play guitar!! ^^

340 Name: Elly White : 2012-04-30 15:09 ID:wnfOTqGw [Del]

piano for 6 years :D but I quit... and my brother thought me to a little bit guitar ^^

341 Name: nobody : 2012-05-01 01:55 ID:Ff7Rw5qz [Del]

abelton live with a midi controller set up! that considered a real instrument?

342 Name: Tamashii : 2012-05-01 05:39 ID:5qanlB7z [Del]

I play drums :D
It's amazing ^^

343 Name: Harukaze : 2012-05-01 08:55 ID:R5xBeuiU [Del]

ive played the piano my whole life, but i'd love to play the harp~

344 Name: ;;] : 2012-05-01 17:23 ID:jVG48SIl [Del]

the flute, but I'm not that good XD and I press random keys on my piano and make ominous sounding "theme" music hahahaha

345 Name: Shinigami : 2012-05-01 23:14 ID:DfGqViut [Del]

I can play the piano and saxophone :P For about 6 years each

346 Name: Vicky : 2012-05-02 13:17 ID:a3qBJKLK [Del]

I play the Viola! I just started 2 years ago and Im loving it >7<

347 Name: Ameterasu !VGzOHdOTYc : 2012-05-02 13:20 ID:dCguJ4AM [Del]

Guitar and Trumpet, but not since i got out of highschool a couple years ago. no time and noone to play with :(

348 Name: MedicDroid : 2012-05-03 01:40 ID:rE6FgHBO [Del]

Bass Clarinet, Bass Guitar, and im trying to learn the Cello. yay :D

349 Name: Megumii : 2012-05-04 10:12 ID:btzCXWMg [Del]

Cornet/Trumpet :/ trying to self-teach piano now T.T wanna learn violin~

350 Name: Lobbey : 2012-05-04 23:43 ID:Bu0UktZ9 [Del]

I play the guitar. I actually have a competition coming up called the CML (Canadian Music League) Gotta learn and memories a 5 page song.

351 Name: Rooona : 2012-05-05 14:57 ID:Qm/KZL41 [Del]

I have been playing piano for 12 years and trying to learn cello from one of my friends. Why do so many people want to learn cello so much? I think its because it sounds so lovely. I have also been taking harmony lessons. Its nice to see that there are people whose interested in making music rather than listening.

352 Name: Rooona : 2012-05-05 14:57 ID:Qm/KZL41 [Del]

I have been playing piano for 12 years and trying to learn cello from one of my friends. Why do so many people want to learn cello so much? I think its because it sounds so lovely. I have also been taking harmony lessons. Its nice to see that there are people who are interested in making music rather than listening.

353 Name: Shadow : 2012-05-05 20:45 ID:QdOh+dKS [Del]

Clarinet, alto clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, oboe, keyboard (learning by ear), percussion, bells, and voice!

354 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-10 13:29 ID:fj3qAKam [Del]


355 Name: BlackBird : 2012-05-11 10:51 ID:TeZOfTCP [Del]

I have been playing the piano for a long time, and I also play a little flute, as well as some singing :)

356 Name: nonilyn : 2012-05-11 18:09 ID:fwrd8f+7 [Del]

I sing, piano, clarinet, organ(key board), guitar and ukulele

357 Name: SikadoSan : 2012-05-11 20:36 ID:iLAwnNcy [Del]

I sing and play the guitar. And am currently trying to learn the harmonica.

358 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-05-11 21:34 ID:Zoj4yWmq [Del]

I play clairinet, little bit of piano and little bit of guitar

359 Name: Apple !1C6JcPWEcg : 2012-05-12 01:35 ID:vc/eC648 [Del]

I play the piano, flute (& piccolo), and started to learn both the cello and harp. :)

360 Name: phantom : 2012-05-12 04:43 ID:giu1pAcb [Del]

I play trombone and guitar with a little bit of sight reading piano. im in six bands with the trombone and one is the north lanarkshire wind band.

361 Name: Chuck Noris Jnr : 2012-05-12 07:20 ID:R42qdgrU [Del]

i play the drums. bro

362 Name: mitch_rand : 2012-05-12 07:21 ID:xbflthgK [Del]

Bass Guitar

363 Name: BloodyMad : 2012-05-12 12:26 ID:ubLZLnF9 [Del]

Saxphone and piano all the way.

364 Post deleted by user.

365 Name: Shinigami : 2012-05-13 02:58 ID:+fp0wHlB [Del]

>>363 Yes!!!

366 Name: vampcake : 2012-05-13 02:59 ID:hI3DtcEa [Del]

yesh i play cello -^vv^-

367 Name: Shizuo : 2012-05-13 09:10 ID:eXRbM+a1 [Del]

i like to play all sorts of instruments. i play guitar, drums, cello, flute, any instrument really. i mostly love playing the cello.

368 Name: Asteri : 2012-05-13 14:40 ID:LfcGzYJS [Del]

Teaching myself to play the Guitar~

369 Name: Shika : 2012-05-13 19:07 ID:tqQ7AqeF [Del]

Clarinet Bflat
Wants to play
Eflat clarinet

370 Name: Zaccely : 2012-05-21 23:19 ID:la7RLjXH [Del]

I'm doing my first diploma on both Piano and Violin. I play Viola, and a little bass. (I can SORTA sing, but I'm not that great at it. XD)

Alot of people at my school hate violin, (Not helped by the horrible quality of my school's string group), and I'm trying to think of ways that I can make it more popular. Any ideas?

371 Name: akai.tenshi : 2012-05-22 01:25 ID:g3S0yYjG [Del]

It's been my dream to play piano..I'm also interested to play drums because I was inspired by Ritsu Tainaka from K-On! even though she's only an anime far, these two are instruments that I want to learn how to play..

I used to play flute, thankz to our Physical Education subject..and a little harmonica since when I was a kid, I owned one..

372 Name: Sayuri : 2012-05-22 21:41 ID:CKVBVWkh [Del]

i wish i can play an instrument!
I cant sing...I try to sing screamo...but i love to sing rock!!!

373 Name: Beast_boy : 2012-05-22 22:00 ID:x2/8aH47 [Del]

i play piano drums guitar bass keyboard and i sing a bit lol

374 Name: Bre-chan : 2012-05-23 11:27 ID:jwSDn1Ee [Del]

I played the clarient when i was in middle school, not anymore...

375 Name: Iron Fear !hcugXK.swA : 2012-05-23 12:17 ID:mX+L5Mzw (Image: 224x208 jpg, 7 kb) [Del]

src/1337793453245.jpg: 224x208, 7 kb
I can't play anything

376 Name: Sukaira : 2012-05-23 13:04 ID:gjcQLo9/ [Del]

I sing and play guitar. I haven't tried bass yet but that'd be kinda cool to learn.

377 Name: Kerra-Chan : 2012-05-27 15:32 ID:PAWO4pnv [Del]

I can sing, play the trumpet, piano a little, and some of the bass guitar. :3

378 Name: Cristii354 : 2012-05-27 16:30 ID:af3shUjo [Del]

I play Saxophone Alto but also know a little clarinet trumpet and piano and MAYBE GUITARRRR HERRRROOO LEGENDS OF ROCK BITCHES

379 Name: Mitsubachi : 2012-05-28 19:17 ID:yLatD45p [Del]

I play violin, and I sing a little. ^^

380 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-28 22:48 ID:jgxBXHhS [Del]

I used to play violin. I could still play it if I tried, but I don't. If I listen to music, I can figure out what notes they'd be on the violin. I would play, but I'm lazy.

381 Name: Lesba kaj Fiera : 2012-05-29 01:37 ID:txmVlxwH [Del]

Well, I know how to play the piano and I guess I use my voice as an instrument, too.

382 Name: Meh : 2012-05-29 11:58 ID:FW+K5RTg [Del]

I can sing a bit... and I can play the trombone, just not that well.

383 Name: kurolait : 2012-05-29 15:57 ID:diDg62HO [Del]

Well, I play Flute and Tenor Sax decently, with Elec. Guitar on the side. Wanting to get into bass, though.

384 Name: Echo !V1l9Amc90Q : 2012-05-31 01:53 ID:dpMlVlQQ [Del]

I used to play the trumpet,flugelhorn, baritone and could play french horn, tuba and almost all other forms of brass instrument in my band .. I miss playing music so much but dont have a chance to play any more.

385 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2012-06-01 20:07 ID:q6ch4cf0 [Del]

Spending a $100 for my ukulele was the best idea ever.

386 Name: ☭Maru-Kai㊈ !FzZsxghPjA : 2012-06-01 21:20 ID:8C4hzHEb [Del]

>>385 I used to think that Ukuleles were stupid, but after hearing some guy play "Sakura Sakura" on it, I changed my mind. I now think that Ukuleles are badass.

387 Name: YuKi-himE : 2012-06-01 22:07 ID:CmoZYF2c [Del]

i know how to play guitar, flute, and a little bit of keyboard

388 Name: Firo !D9YDuldeCw : 2012-06-01 23:00 ID:q6ch4cf0 [Del]

>>386 i used to think the same thing. that ukuleles were the sissy versions of guitar. but that was back at the beginning of my HS years. now it's like "ladies, sit back and relax and let me serenade you" lol.

389 Name: Aulixe !hRiXx9VPzw : 2012-06-04 21:54 ID:ewG4mq7+ [Del]

Trying to learn piano now, but I know guitar, ukulele, bass and clarinet.

390 Name: Master-Sama : 2012-06-05 05:36 ID:wYqicE9b [Del]

Guitar, piano ,violin

391 Name: Tune♫ : 2012-06-05 12:31 ID:CseoZuHt [Del]

clarinet, flute, piano, percussion, penny whistle, ukulele, saxophone,bombard, and ocarina,

392 Name: Rin : 2012-06-05 20:19 ID:4jWIc8NU [Del]

Oh my, you go Tune! So many instruments...:) I play clarinet and piano, and am hoping to learn violin by the end of the summer. Oh! I just learned Trust Me from DRRR! on the piano, here's the link to the sheet music (plus more from the show or other animes) if anyone wants it:

393 Name: roxas132 : 2012-06-05 22:08 ID:U29V6qa+ [Del]

Trumpet and violin

394 Name: wumbo !zc9lVZTNbM : 2012-06-06 08:15 ID:I78U8pgy [Del]


395 Name: Dovahkiin : 2012-06-07 00:48 ID:S5Y9e3P6 [Del]

Guitar, bass guitar, ocarina, ukulele, banjo, trumpet, and 1 song on piano xD

396 Name: rio425ee : 2012-06-07 20:48 ID:L1+5QzlF [Del]

i play the bass, the cello and know how to play some guitar and drums.
id like to learn the piano, sax, trumpet, and really any other horn and brass instument (as ska and jazz are really fun to play)

397 Name: Ridden : 2012-06-08 01:02 ID:lbEpcmwO [Del]

I play violin

398 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-06-10 22:46 ID:qicPmvpK [Del]


399 Name: Daidaiiro!!OuOy4ER2 : 2012-06-11 00:16 ID:/K2Hxm7o [Del]

I play guitar, bass and a little bit of drums. I've been in and out of bands since I was 13. Honestly, being on stage playing music is the best rush ever.

400 Name: somgrl8 !ucyOShsaYw : 2012-06-12 02:46 ID:L2lXYyxh [Del]

beginning guitar and piano...
I always call my voice my instrument...I used to sing when I was younger in a choir for years but my heart murmur caused me to get strep throat a lot..I also got bullied and stopped singing. But ever since I've been with my bf I started singing again. Not in any performance type aspect, though I sing all the time. At work, in the car, while I'm shopping for groceries. Crazy thing is...I've improved so much in the past couple of years b/c of his support...I get compliments all the time. His unconditional love has given me courage to pick up some instruments. Wish me luck!

401 Name: Sparky Hanazaki : 2012-06-12 10:08 ID:7mJsl+E9 [Del]

Saxaphone and Trumpet.

402 Name: Bobet22 : 2012-06-13 21:06 ID:BLUv52qH [Del]

I play guitar, cello, alto sax, piano, autoharp,violin, organ,and (the one that im best at)clarinet.Oh yah! Have been playing clarinet for half my life!

403 Name: Kyali : 2012-06-13 23:48 ID:PSaJ4BcJ [Del]

I tried guitar, and it never really worked out for me.
So now i'm beginning piano :D And i really want to learn to play the violin too.

404 Name: TheTwitchingShadow : 2012-06-14 07:57 ID:wog3wypr [Del]

I play clarinet, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, tenor sax, alto sax, bells, mallets, a little bit of piano, oboe, and singing. I want to play flute or trumpet someday...

405 Name: Kagamine Ren : 2012-06-14 08:10 ID:eDfi9EsN [Del]

I play piano ...but , I don't know how to read a note :D hahaha

406 Name: Rue : 2012-06-14 13:19 ID:n3aXd3GA [Del]

Piano, Saxophone, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, some Guitar, and some Bass (both string and guitar). ^^

407 Name: LEGION(Demons) : 2012-06-15 10:10 ID:YDrZObmG [Del]

Mines a Gibson SG Devil Guitar!

408 Name: Bobet22 : 2012-06-15 13:49 ID:ixdkLy2g [Del]

Yah clarinet players!

409 Name: kuroga-san : 2012-06-19 13:30 ID:TqtgHXzr [Del]

I used to play the harp, but it was a looong time ago, so I've probably already forgotten :( I can also play the piano, but I'm not really great at it.

410 Name: Nyx : 2012-06-19 14:08 ID:7I4fl2H8 [Del]

i play bass violin all 'cuse of an anime i watched i got obsessed and learned how to play. Its a beautiful instrument.

411 Name: Kai : 2012-06-19 16:44 ID:y7ZsDUJv [Del]

Cello~ ^-^ I literally fell in love with instrument. I will never forget the first time I heard one. I froze when I heard it and I can't explain how beautiful it was. Now I have have one.

412 Name: Nyx : 2012-06-19 16:53 ID:ox6MHogH [Del]

>>411 i know what u mean when I heard the base violin in that anime it was so beautiful youtubed it and I feel more in love and now I play it

413 Name: Nayme : 2012-06-19 22:12 ID:nxFlYkCb [Del]

^^ Trumpet, saxaphone, piano... I love music, and everything to do with it~

414 Name: IggyRide : 2012-06-20 06:29 ID:wH/41BQE [Del]

I play piano and sing A LOT!!!!!

for the past nine years infact.... and it just got competitive with music comps and what not.

I always wanted to learn to play the drums and guitar but never had the time

415 Name: Zombie : 2012-06-21 11:45 ID:JQeWzjXV [Del]

Im learning to play bass :3

416 Name: Xion !TdlobzHtvU : 2012-06-21 16:09 ID:8Y1j3m6N [Del]

I play the flute, and I dream about playing the piano

417 Name: Awesome : 2012-06-21 17:41 ID:iVo8bPEo [Del]

I play the Flute but I've always wanted to play the Saxophone.

418 Name: Lapushgurl98 : 2012-06-21 20:31 ID:PaUNCNnO [Del]

I play guitar. I used to play flute. I prefer instruments that can stand by themselves.

419 Name: Bloodshot Sakura : 2012-06-22 20:43 ID:AaiDFwLE [Del]

A bit of guitar, violin and viola.

420 Name: Setton-san : 2012-06-23 10:35 ID:naie0KMI [Del]

I play the piano, but I've always wanted to play the bass.

421 Name: Kaede : 2012-06-23 13:12 ID:V0x0ZjxH [Del]

My favorite instrument has to be... wubs... Wubs are a cannon instrument, right? If not then I quite enjoy playing my violin and the piano, I played the oboe for a while but that didn't work out too well.

422 Name: Ciryu : 2012-06-23 15:53 ID:zyM1EJkN [Del]


423 Name: Aki-chan : 2012-06-24 00:05 ID:aWwcthhc [Del]

I really want to learn to play the guitar & Piano.

424 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-06-24 07:17 ID:/gHEnm1h [Del]

I play the piano (though I'm still a beginner, I've been learning for about 8 months). I'd love to play the violin or the flute.

425 Name: Kat-chan : 2012-06-24 16:57 ID:zxh8liT3 [Del]

I play bass, but I would love to be able to play the piano.

426 Name: ~Freshmike~ : 2012-06-24 18:24 ID:/Or9aF0S [Del]

Anything percussive

427 Name: Allientis : 2012-06-24 18:59 ID:QyX6J0JT [Del]

I play flute, and i'm learning guitar and piano

428 Name: Cee : 2012-06-24 19:13 ID:KhByIKu4 [Del]

I learned piano, flute, guitar, violin. I wasn't that great at any of them though. Ahhhhh...

429 Name: MiGo : 2012-06-24 22:37 ID:qHo4mQOJ [Del]

Clarinet and Piano :)

430 Name: Noiz : 2012-06-25 00:42 ID:qHo4mQOJ [Del]

I focus on flute and piano, but I know basic violin and a few notes from different instruments here and there :p

431 Name: Vandal : 2012-06-26 16:42 ID:37E2o6Wz [Del]

Trumphet, Trombone, baritone, and a little tuba

432 Name: Claire : 2012-06-27 15:41 ID:vtFZreRn [Del]

I play trumpet in band, but I also know piano and I'm learning to play acoustic guitar.

433 Name: Century : 2012-06-27 18:05 ID:bBnchuOj [Del]


434 Name: Sanka-san : 2012-06-28 02:28 ID:IXrQeGKF [Del]


435 Name: Minato. : 2012-06-28 11:22 ID:3RbdxZyT [Del]

Piano, guitar, violin and drum.
I'm still learning~

436 Name: Rin-chi : 2012-06-28 23:41 ID:FmxBJJP9 [Del]

I play Piano and Violin. I wanna learn cello one day. ^^

437 Name: RyuKente!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2012-06-29 00:44 ID:XUoyVt15 [Del]

learning drums and guitar and i want to learn the alto sax....mmmmm -le drools-

438 Name: Tom<3Celty : 2012-06-29 01:35 ID:cpadyX/s [Del]

I play Piano,Guitar,Bass,and Drums and sometimes i sing songs right now im thinking about doing a cover of the song In this moment from Black Lagoon Roberta's Blood Trail

439 Name: AzurexSkies : 2012-06-29 01:59 ID:/AY2yny0 [Del]

I play Piano,Violin and Guitar.

440 Name: Josh : 2012-06-30 00:09 ID:jKQ8vHGE [Del]

i play Guitar, Synthesizer, Bass Guitar, and i can program any drum machine with no problems.

441 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-01 16:21 ID:+TzKb4NR [Del]

I'm trying despratley to learn how to play guitar with a book i bought online.And i gotta's tough.

442 Name: harlequin : 2012-07-01 19:00 ID:QCjoGC2G [Del]

i have 3 guitars 2 are acoustic the other is electric

443 Name: Mizuki : 2012-07-02 01:20 ID:1Z4/u+9L [Del]

I'm a flutist....and this kid badly wants to know to at least play an acoustic guitar, but no one would teach me... </3

444 Name: Shiftkey : 2012-07-02 02:29 ID:kiKHQNTk [Del]

I play the piano~ Although I haven't really played for that long so I'm sort of rubbish lol
I've always wanted to learn the violin though haha

445 Name: ScaredyJui342 : 2012-07-02 07:55 ID:ZVIQuJkB [Del]

I play the violin but I somehow suck at it... And I know how to play the piano too since my parents forced me to

446 Name: wumbo !zc9lVZTNbM : 2012-07-02 08:44 ID:2VeG2QGc [Del]

LOL >>445 My parents forced me to play both violin and piano

447 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-02 10:02 ID:EG3G4H5G [Del]

I played the Saxophone, don't anymore :\

448 Name: N/tuitt/O!VAXwf1eFAU : 2012-07-03 10:54 ID:cvISWk/q [Del]

I played the bass at my church and in a few bands in my hometown :), I have an Ibanez SRGD and a Yamaha RBX170.

I cant play Violin but I would love to play it!

449 Name: Roy : 2012-07-03 23:12 ID:Hii4bcNe [Del]

Learned how to play the Guitar when i was 10

450 Name: Takki : 2012-07-04 04:27 ID:Pm/CDxRK [Del]

I play the guitar.

451 Name: Kelandis !vtrNYjatFE : 2012-07-04 21:52 ID:K2sf4fNS [Del]

Learning to play the bass guitar.

452 Name: RyuKente!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2012-07-21 19:21 ID:uE9LuA4i [Del]

Hump De Bump

Started my guitar lessons officially today, haha my fingers hurt pretty badly though. Need to develop callouses on them xD

453 Name: nyan-nyan : 2012-07-21 22:21 ID:iXOfZSTX [Del]

i play bass

454 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-10-18 04:45 ID:Ri9G52Fg [Del]

I play euphonium (a bit like a baritone >>24) and tuned percussion, timpani (the BIG drums!), and drum kit. :D Picture is a euphonium by the way.

455 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-10-18 04:46 ID:Ri9G52Fg (Image: 358x600 jpg, 63 kb) [Del]

src/1350553566559.jpg: 358x600, 63 kb

456 Name: Xros : 2012-10-18 07:02 ID:BXogPHQ4 [Del]

I've played the trombone for a number of years. I've also learned the basics of almost every other bass instruments

457 Name: Saz : 2012-10-18 17:11 ID:N1GV51ay [Del]

I play a guitar, violin, and piano.

458 Name: Chrome : 2012-10-18 19:38 ID:Eh27AlvA [Del]

i play a flute, drums, piano, violin, guitar, and i sing (i consider the voice to be an instrument)

459 Name: ShotaroKaneda !radhZ7oYHc : 2012-10-19 07:23 ID:AFUJ93g5 [Del]

I mostly play drums, but I'm pretty good at guitar, too. I also play keyboard and bass on occasion, but I'm not that good at them. My singing isn't great, but I'm excellent at doing harsh vocals (growling, screaming, etc.).

460 Name: BeefWantonNoodles !5XUH.9vJRw : 2013-03-21 03:46 ID:irs8bnN1 [Del]

I play acoustic guitar and I sing. I tried piano once. I want to play violin.

461 Name: Ven !0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-03-21 07:30 ID:G1k0EEQ/ [Del]

I can only play woodwinds (excluding flute), I've been really terrible in everything else.
I've played the Recorder, Saxophone, and Clarinet.

I don't think there's any instruments I want to learn at the moment.

462 Name: Aka : 2013-03-21 11:23 ID:9s8p/YWA [Del]

i want to play the flute

463 Name: Hamano♥ : 2013-03-21 14:15 ID:5SYiF0hq (Image: 405x720 jpg, 58 kb) [Del]

src/1363893319638.jpg: 405x720, 58 kb
I play acoustic guitar^^ And a little piano too, I love piano♥ But I really wanna learn how to play the violin too! I'm gonna learn it in September, so it's gonna be fun♥ Ps. This site rocks! When I found out there was an actual Dollars page, my heart almost skipped a beat! xD This is my guitar :P

464 Name: Meto : 2013-03-21 15:06 ID:Cre0xsSq [Del]

The last time i posted on this thread was 2011 omg i still play the oboe but now I play tenor quads so cool

465 Name: Neku : 2013-03-21 23:37 ID:cvCELaRv [Del]

I've been playing the drums for 10 1/2 years and it would've been longer but i took a break and now im getting back.

466 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-07-20 13:18 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]


467 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2013-07-21 03:06 ID:mmwHS/bY [Del]

I started with piano when I was 6, like the majority of the Asian population. Later decided violin was better for me. I also play the double bass, and I've *attempted* guitar, but pretty much failed.

468 Name: Hates : 2013-07-23 05:36 ID:JM9ppJBS [Del]

Violin for 16 years :)

469 Name: j.kun : 2013-07-23 08:13 ID:pKOXnNuS [Del]

I am a ouido ^^ and i used to play guitar and synthesizer

470 Name: j.kun : 2013-07-23 08:14 ID:pKOXnNuS [Del]

I am a ouido ^^ and i used to play guitar and synthesizer

471 Name: j.kun : 2013-07-23 08:14 ID:pKOXnNuS [Del]

I am a ouido ^^ and i used to play guitar and synthesizer

472 Name: j.kun : 2013-07-23 08:14 ID:pKOXnNuS [Del]

I am a ouido ^^ and i used to play guitar and synthesizer

473 Name: gameDRIVE : 2013-07-23 21:27 ID:FGRvRrNc [Del]

I go to a place and perform guitar- in which I play lead guitar- and vocals, but I also play piano, Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, a bit of flute and piccolo, some drums and percussion instruments, a tiny bit of trombone, and I think it wouldn't hurt to say that we all have played a recorder and/or a kazoo before. Though I do take some lessons, quite a bit of these I had taught myself on my own time.

474 Name: Bree-Cheese : 2013-07-23 21:29 ID:mIKKD6tJ [Del]

I've played the piano since I was eight, and I just started to learn to play the violin. So fun! :D

475 Name: Wojnar : 2013-07-24 08:55 ID:poL1ui8D [Del]

Guitar and Bass.

476 Post deleted by user.

477 Name: KuroInu114 : 2013-07-24 13:45 ID:t1o/K5FV [Del]

Bass, piano, recorder, ukele and the ocarina (not very well though)

478 Name: Karisawa : 2013-07-25 01:07 ID:88k++dmY [Del]

I can play the violin, sort of guitar, and sort of ukulele. ;P

479 Name: Nisemono-524 : 2013-07-25 15:55 ID:VoezPt52 [Del]

I play the flute, alto and tenor saxophones, acoustic and electric guitars, a tiny bit of piano, and some ocarina ^^

I want to learn bass guitar and fiddle, violin, cello, and ukulele~

480 Name: Kumiko : 2013-07-25 17:20 ID:rWWdsm0S [Del]

Bass guitar, flute, guitar, piano, violin, recorder, and i can sing well

481 Name: LuX Cole : 2013-07-26 00:50 ID:uhWyM4ag [Del]

I play guitar and violin, and I know a bit of piano. I also make an awesome backup singer.

482 Name: V : 2013-07-26 05:04 ID:Nvkb6itI [Del]

I play bass and I used to sing a bit.

483 Name: Akayuki : 2013-07-27 09:26 ID:Yja0OkCe [Del]

i play piano, organ, recorder.. and singing is more like a hobby; i don't sing in front of people

484 Name: Coubie : 2014-01-02 18:23 ID:sg5F4SVB [Del]

I play mallet percussion, so like marimba, xylophone, chimes, bells. That's mainly for school though. I also play piano which is really fun :D I used to take guitar lessons.
I want to learn how to play the electric guitar or bass and the drum set :D Also I want to know how to play the violin too
And i can't sing at all haha

485 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2014-01-03 04:50 ID:U2FvqOwM [Del]


486 Name: one_extra_footstep : 2014-01-17 21:44 ID:o/v9pHet [Del]

I play piano, cello, violin and clarinet. I haven't touched my clarinet in who knows how long, I'm learning violin in school and I've stopped playing cello a bit to focus on piano cos I have my amus coming up...>.< damn so nervous

487 Name: girlypeace : 2014-01-18 21:53 ID:QmCsPiGn [Del]

I don't know if it counts but I sing...a lot.

488 Name: DEVILS-KID : 2014-01-19 00:30 ID:0xgHXgn/ [Del]

My favorite is the Gibsob SG "Devil" Guitar I would like to play. So I would jam it in my room and start practicing. I like to call it "Ember".

489 Name: Dokajito : 2014-01-19 01:27 ID:0O0x9Zbd [Del]

I play the viola. I've only been playing it for two years though so I'm not the best. I really want to learn how to play the cello, piano, and violin though.

490 Name: GIANT : 2014-01-19 11:47 ID:64/fVz3z [Del]

I play the violin. I've played for just over 13 years. I love all music though. I would love to learn the piano and cello

491 Name: Fox : 2014-01-20 09:26 ID:o9AJ/FRK [Del]

I play flute...I would love to play piano though!

492 Name: Naught : 2014-01-20 16:58 ID:7WfSSKnl [Del]

I play Ocarina.

493 Name: Cocoa : 2014-01-21 06:43 ID:Hdr1QRtW [Del]

>>490 i play a little piano and violin too!! But i just started so.. yeah -,- Would love to hear your music :x

494 Name: Inori : 2014-01-21 08:59 ID:cizf94Df [Del]

I play the piano!

495 Name: Inori : 2014-01-21 08:59 ID:cizf94Df [Del]

I play the piano!

496 Name: FREDRIQ !qd/L1y25ZU : 2014-01-21 16:41 ID:BcVbHQWn [Del]

I play Trumpet

497 Name: Blahbluzy : 2014-01-21 19:20 ID:B+niHoD7 [Del]

I play cello

498 Name: Sakunya S. !3glyCy57HY : 2014-01-22 00:56 ID:eLLUBhXd [Del]

I play the piano, attempted to play violin and guitar but didn't work :/

499 Name: GrimmKitty : 2014-01-22 09:03 ID:tcw9cfJy [Del]

I play flute! I'd like to learn piano, too.

500 Name: Ice : 2014-01-22 16:57 ID:9/hamv+2 [Del]

I play piano and saxophone and I'm planning on learning acoustic guitar next.

501 Name: Norin : 2014-01-22 18:58 ID:YX+tbaCf [Del]

I used to play the saxophone, but it started to make my throat and my mouth hurt. I've been playing the piano for about 1 year. Still a beginner but I stopped. I can't find any instrument suitable for me to play. ._.

502 Name: ibuki : 2014-01-24 19:31 ID:qsbSKhv9 [Del]

i play guitar and piano

503 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-02-03 16:44 ID:v0ByqS22 [Del]


504 Name: Altori : 2014-02-09 03:19 ID:pYS1ic8P [Del]

I play viola. Cheers to the viola minority!!! (We're a rare species...)

505 Name: Kisagi : 2014-02-09 03:21 ID:3wQvJuq0 [Del]

I play trombone, baritone, flute, piano, & violin

506 Name: Ryuhime!wSnCrazyF. : 2014-02-12 01:45 ID:FOvXEDLW (Image: 960x960 jpg, 95 kb) [Del]

src/1392191157123.jpg: 960x960, 95 kb
Bumping with a picture of my current setup. I have my Ibanez EX series, my vintage SwitchCraft amp Cable, My Skullcandy studio headphones, and my brand new (to me) Ibanez amp since my Simmons died.

507 Name: S. R. : 2014-02-12 13:33 ID:eT6ZQmeL [Del]

I want learn how to play the piano and the violin...
But I can play the flute.

508 Name: Arreis Black : 2014-02-12 16:17 ID:g5pmkfQT [Del]

I suppose if you throw anything at me and I figure out how to play, I can do it. *Shrugs* .-.

509 Post deleted by user.

510 Name: Kazehachi !V/vi9gujn6 : 2014-02-13 01:46 ID:OP2IrSXS [Del]

Percussion, Piano, Voice, and a smidgeon of guitar.

511 Name: Emiri : 2014-02-13 22:23 ID:cJRiO44D [Del]

I play the cello, piano, and I sing! :D

512 Name: Altori : 2014-02-18 18:25 ID:pYS1ic8P [Del]

I think that's a really inconsiderate thing to say to all those out there who make an effort and spend time and money learning how to play an instrument. Though your definition of "play" might just be making squeaky noises. It's harder than you think to play an instrument well.

513 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-18 19:48 ID:jxinUy/l [Del]

>>512 It's pretty easy to learn how to play an instrument. Being able to play it for 5 minutes without an angry mob surrounding your house and lighting you on fire is a different story.

Then again, there are some people that can learn to play instruments really well fairly quickly. Some have natural talents.

514 Post deleted by user.

515 Name: DeathconJ : 2014-02-20 15:43 ID:abDGE+rJ [Del]

i play bass and acoustic guitar. something ive noticed from most guitarist is that they take the bass to lightly and when they play it they treat it like they treat it like any old normal guitar that they cant play chords on and because of that it sounds different and not right same thing with me and electric that's why i stick to classic acoustic because i was born and raised in a household that played spanish classic guitar.

516 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-04-09 08:00 ID:5UkDqeA+ (Image: 800x600 jpg, 58 kb) [Del]

src/1397048407289.jpg: 800x600, 58 kb

517 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-04-09 08:01 ID:5UkDqeA+ [Del]


518 Name: Kiku !LgO1WF2BHY : 2014-04-09 08:24 ID:qVunyoSB [Del]

I play the cello and piano~

519 Name: ice !MMgCi7sN6o : 2014-04-24 03:18 ID:6UcUtiMX [Del]

I play bass for my band. :3 baaamp

520 Name: Xephlrek!9RNNck.4fo : 2014-04-24 09:07 ID:6Nkrfb1x [Del]

I'm really good at lighting.

521 Name: Suli Hyuga !CLCPVwPYnM : 2014-04-24 13:15 ID:yttwAiJB [Del]

Rapping....that's not an instrument unless you're one of those people who consider vocals to be impressive.

522 Name: Aoi : 2014-04-25 00:57 ID:Q5GK3nQ3 [Del]

Instruments I can play:Piano, Violin, Cello, and Marimba
Instruments I want to play: Saxophone and Guitar

523 Name: SINFUL SOLDIER : 2014-04-25 20:37 ID:0xgHXgn/ (Image: 1600x1200 jpg, 565 kb) [Del]

src/1398476268458.jpg: 1600x1200, 565 kb
Gibson SG "Ember/Devil" guitar.

524 Name: Michiko : 2014-05-01 15:01 ID:UWhHgWnM [Del]

I play the flute (or is it calld recorder...? Damn I am no good with the names of instruments in English...)
And I'd really like to learn to play the piano. ^^

525 Name: dmm.1 : 2014-05-01 17:29 ID:z84ELV2m [Del]

I play guitar, trombone, drums, clarinet, piano, and recorder.
The only regret I have is I never got to learn a bowed string instrument always wanted to learn cello since I saw Blood+ but I always found that I could pick up the basics for any instrument with a few hour practice I mean the theory is the same once you get the basics of the style your trying to play

526 Name: hikaru : 2014-05-01 18:17 ID:eQFo3Fy6 [Del]

I play the violin, and a little bit of the keyboard.
Wanted to learn how to play the guitar but never found the time, patience or teacher.

527 Name: AkumaRin : 2014-05-02 03:39 ID:DOXYjnhK [Del]

I play flute, piano, keyboard, recorder (there's a difference between a flute and a recorder)
I play a little bit of the violin and also a little bit of the pan flute
I used to play trumpet
And I want to learn guitar (Acoustic and Electric)

528 Name: Amekiru : 2014-05-02 06:14 ID:YMS6ERNX [Del]

I've been playing the piano (for about 6 years) and i also know how to play the recorder (school requirements if u get what i mean lol). The flute, violin and guitar are nice instruments and yeaaa i want to learn them but i don't really have the time to. ^-^

529 Name: ItalianYandere : 2014-05-03 17:12 ID:QgepvecS [Del]

I've been playing piano for a while now, and I've gotten pretty good at it ^^

530 Name: Azraela : 2014-05-03 21:45 ID:ZVcAkfWm [Del]

I've played saxophone for 8 years and I've recently quit. I'm thinking of join my schools band front, but the one instrument I want to play now is the electric guitar

531 Name: Kasai : 2014-05-03 23:07 ID:y0lfd83Q [Del]

I have been playing the flute for about 6 years almost 7. Also recently I started learning how to play the piano

532 Name: FairyGemi : 2014-05-05 10:00 ID:FixWzxN8 [Del]

i would like to play the violin but i dont really have the time for it

533 Name: Hiccarus : 2014-05-08 03:40 ID:aS4NEVMk [Del]

Back then, I used to play a lyre, but I kind of lost the love I had for it so I don't really play it anymore. Also the piano, I was good at it back then. I'm learning to play the guitar right now, and I also have an obsession with the drums.

534 Name: trekmanLIVE : 2014-05-08 05:02 ID:+GjCNRh7 [Del]

I used to play the French horn in school for the school band, but I ran out of course space, so I had to drop it. It was wonderful, though.

535 Name: Eiji : 2014-05-08 20:59 ID:5cAg41Yv [Del]

Im playing the violin right now ^^....its hard though xD...But its still a fun instrument to play :D

536 Name: Kaii : 2014-05-08 21:05 ID:MPIBG7Ot [Del]

I've played the piano for 7 years and the viola for only 2 XD

537 Name: Aya : 2014-05-08 23:09 ID:RGWykw+T [Del]

violin for 7 years
guitar for 3 years
viola for 2 years
cello for 4 years

these were taken at the same time

538 Name: multo : 2014-05-10 05:42 ID:5GeE1fn0 [Del]

at the moment still in the learning process of guitar and would like to try drums :D

539 Name: Laura : 2014-05-10 14:59 ID:/w5MsGNG [Del]

I'd love to learn the guitar & drums :3

540 Name: John Relic : 2014-05-13 17:58 ID:sic3iVdd [Del]

I used to play clarinet, not sure how good I'd be now haha

541 Name: Kyangral. : 2014-05-14 03:44 ID:CDGcLzTd [Del]

I really like to learn drum,guitar,piano and violin.
My parent bought me all this instruments but I can't learn them all without a tutor. -_-

542 Name: Mitsuko : 2014-05-15 09:04 ID:vk4LBSab [Del]

>>541 that's many instruments that your parents bought for you :o
and apparently everything i wanna learn ~_~ I already play guitar and piano but drums and violin seems hard to self learn D:

I think guitar and piano are easier to self learn though. or you can try clearing piano first. all other instruments seem easier after that IMO

543 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-05-15 16:12 ID:34wE/r0K [Del]

>>541 >>539 >>538 all you looking to pick up guitar...I've never really done lessons before but I'm always open to helping people out when they're getting started. May be a little off beat about it but I'd gladly answer any questions and give pointers. Hit me up on the IRC channel sometime. I'd even be up for maybe doing Skype sessions if you wanted.

544 Name: Guardian : 2014-05-19 01:58 ID:HYSFbUQ5 [Del]

I've been playing guitar for 7 years, alto saxophone for 9 years, baritone saxophone for 6 years, piano for 2 years, bass for 4 years, and I'm starting with drums soon

545 Name: DG : 2014-05-19 09:16 ID:6vjsHcUi [Del]

I am a full-fledged oido (ear musician). I was taught guitar when I was 8 then I taught myself as I was growing. Then I was taught drums when I was 10 and learned all by myself, by just observing drummers in gigs and in the advent of the internet, Youtube.

When I was 15, I really desired to play piano, and I did. ALL BY EAR, then I had little formal lessons in piano, then taught myself to play some songs, but I preferred playing by improvisation.

I always believe everyone is "oido" inside. You just have to tap that potential inside you and have that burning passion for music, so I say kudos to all who are reall trying to learn an instrument. I tell you, it will be all worth it. :))

546 Name: だつけろ : 2014-05-20 11:30 ID:K7xedwJ6 [Del]

I learn drum with 9 years and bass 1 year ago. Now a wan't learn Violin

547 Name: GalaxyNeko88 : 2014-05-21 06:24 ID:Xuv5b63c [Del]

I know how to play the guitar and the piano now, so this time I would really love learn how to play the violin and drums ^^

548 Name: emiri : 2014-05-21 15:14 ID:BEN5cHn4 [Del]

I play the trombone which I've played for eleven years and I took a year of alto sax

549 Name: ToAnyOne : 2014-05-21 22:52 ID:B+AI3F+v [Del]

I play the piano and I am learning the cello.

550 Name: SM !Ldfze7iWQQ : 2014-05-22 05:24 ID:7milpFBm [Del]

im playing bass :D

551 Name: Visionary : 2014-05-22 07:00 ID:SF99IWwH [Del]

I play the drums

552 Name: JasperInABin : 2014-05-22 17:01 ID:ldhHBt0c [Del]

I play euphonium, learning piano,and guitar.

553 Name: Beth : 2014-05-23 18:01 ID:MIu2bH2K [Del]

I've been playing the flute for a year now. The only problem I have had is finding cool anime or video game sheet music. Otherwise, it is a fun pastime :D

554 Name: mitsuki : 2014-05-24 11:07 ID:zow2HwHp [Del]

i like the piano but can't play any instrument, unfortunately =/

555 Name: Ollie !7OCoz9XF0M : 2014-05-24 20:56 ID:YMHlJcy5 [Del]

Trumpet and Piano

556 Name: Luca : 2014-06-08 23:40 ID:DeHg/65v [Del]

Hey, Ollie... I play piano and trumpet too!
I just started playing the trumpet at the beginning of this year... so I'm not sure if you can call it playing yet, but I make noises that sort of sound like music ^.^
I've played piano for 11 years though....

557 Name: Shadow : 2014-06-09 01:25 ID:+4YzAW01 [Del]

I play the viola (4 years) and I did play the piano but stopped because the clef changing became too difficult

558 Name: Hatsy : 2014-06-09 02:28 ID:ADeTOUWS [Del]

I play the bass and the Saxaphone

559 Name: Inu : 2014-06-10 20:37 ID:8EQs+hcQ [Del]

Piano, flute, bells (do they count?)

I've played piano for 8 I guess im good at it?

flute...just for fun ....don't even know how to double tongue

and bells....its so easy probably doesn't count as an instrument..

560 Name: Zerodkoretor : 2014-06-12 21:14 ID:8ISpO4uh (Image: 1456x2592 jpg, 835 kb) [Del]

src/1402625643214.jpg: 1456x2592, 835 kb
I play guitarra and piano :D
Op/ending animes song

561 Name: satnam !F0s3L.0fFM : 2014-07-30 12:28 ID:OmsMUp5c [Del]

I am a cellist~! Playing cello is something I am very passionate about, unlike most things I do.

562 Name: Xion : 2014-07-30 15:07 ID:LY3Cm2UV [Del]

i've been playing bass for four years and i love it

563 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-30 17:09 ID:RQGc6HeJ [Del]

>>562 You're a rare breed, guy. Never change.

564 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-07-30 20:48 ID:34wE/r0K [Del]

>>563 Eh? They're not THAT rare. I know about as many people who play bass as I do who play guitar. (Yeah, there's a lot of overlap.)

I find it's people who can actual drum who are rare.

565 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-07-30 20:52 ID:+1n5+myP [Del]

>>564 I know about 5 drummers. A bunch of guitarists - maybe 10, 11.

And maybe 1 bassist.

They are rare around where I live.

566 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-30 22:43 ID:EjGDf/nX [Del]

>people who can actual drum
>people who play the drums

Very different things.

567 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-08-01 00:12 ID:34wE/r0K [Del]

>>565 >>566

A tasty bit of typoing aside, it's true. I have an admiration for people who hold the fullbody coordination to drum well. I on the other hand...understand the drums but every time I try to do something beyond entry-level beats (like any fill ever) I immediately lose all sense of what I'm doing. I'll probably just stick to programming my drum parts.

That's too bad on the basses though. I bet a good chunk of those guitarists can play bass though. (If they're worth their salt, that is)

568 Name: LadyMONTA : 2014-08-02 02:35 ID:ZPcuqgy7 [Del]

I'm very fond of music, and I learned to play instuments since it runs down the family.. I play the guitar, bass, piano, sing and learning to play drums ( I haven't touched my set in three months due to school)
But right now, I'm looking for a band to glomp in, lol :D Good luck to me, then..

569 Name: Epsira : 2014-08-02 10:58 ID:TL3Z/URn [Del]

I have an Ocarina

570 Name: Grey : 2014-08-03 13:24 ID:yTIeuIu5 [Del]

I can play the Ocarina, Erhu, and am learning the Violin! :D

571 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-03 18:01 ID:2YaxWhve [Del]

I can play the guitar,bass and piano,guitar being my favorite :)

572 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2014-08-03 23:34 ID:0voPR3ls [Del]

>>571 we can be friends and start down this path to lovers now <3 (aka, i play all of those but mainly guitar, just like you :D )

573 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-04 06:55 ID:qu40drBT [Del]

>>572 hahaha :D guitars are awesome! What do you preffer,acoustic or electric? I like electric more :P

574 Post deleted by user.

575 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-04 17:12 ID:WQBuzyky [Del]

I play drums and Im learning bass guitar
I would have loved to learn guitar and piano and how to sing

576 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2014-08-04 22:52 ID:0voPR3ls [Del]

>>573 i dont really mind either. i love the tone you can get on a acoustic but most times i play electric. however, i did start with electric so i guess im leaning more towards that.

577 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-08-05 01:27 ID:wlILNJMA [Del]

>>576 If you're gonna play guitar you may as well play both.

578 Name: kit kat : 2014-08-05 04:02 ID:3Cvqfs9w [Del]

I play the flute for band at school and i know some of the piano but i would love to learn the violin. :D

579 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-05 04:14 ID:G84uLdnm (Image: 612x612 jpg, 96 kb) [Del]

src/1407230085569.jpg: 612x612, 96 kb
>>576 I started on electric,but unfortunately I don't have an acoustic guitar.I only played on my friends' acoustic guitars and I hope I'll buy one for myself soon.

By the way,this is my baby :D

580 Name: McGurganatorZX : 2014-08-05 22:52 ID:gw7HlzVE [Del]

578 Another Flautist! how awesome! I started in middle school and wish I still had my Yamaha, but a Jupiter is fun for tooling around on. Also learning drumset

581 Name: Elly : 2014-08-06 16:25 ID:n0TgFJMS [Del]

I play the violin, the guitar (electric and acoustic) and I'm trying to learn the piano by myself :)

582 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-08-06 16:56 ID:34wE/r0K [Del]

>>579 That an ESP? Looks like the same body type as my bass.

583 Name: Deki : 2014-08-06 17:15 ID:X9HxXjbP [Del]

I can play the guitar, and the clarinet.

584 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-07 05:50 ID:L6k6UWYJ [Del]

>>582 Yep,it's an ESP.
The bass player in my band wanted to get a bass with the same body type as my guitar lol

585 Name: Rosh : 2014-08-07 20:27 ID:FnoK2YNa [Del]

i play the violin, piano, and guitar :3

586 Name: Doralice !86m18JgCrY : 2014-08-07 22:54 ID:8GdzNSZX [Del]

I used to play trombone and piano, but quit both. I still play piano now and then tho

587 Name: Chimera !YFPCxyAOlA : 2014-08-08 02:41 ID:34wE/r0K [Del]

>>584 Hah. It's a pretty sick look. Mine's in a white that I'm pretty sure was a limited run. Friend of mine has it right now. Have yet to actually acquire it from him because opposite side of the states. <__< Otherwise I'd get a picture up.

I should post pics of all my gear sometime. For uh... -bragging purposes-

588 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-08 04:42 ID:L6k6UWYJ [Del]

>>587 A limited one?That's nice!
And about the look,well,I fell in love with this guitar the moment I entered the shop xD

589 Name: Azalon : 2014-08-08 09:46 ID:12kEyNb8 [Del]

I play trumpet and piano but I want to learn how to play french horn
my friend has learned how to play more than 10 instruments and I'm quite impressed not to mention that she is still learning how to play more instruments and wants to learn them all

590 Name: Ogajo : 2014-08-09 09:08 ID:yzrg9ddH [Del]

I play Drum , Piano, Saxofone, and sing (not very well) xD

591 Name: Joude : 2014-08-09 11:38 ID:SpbLGi1l [Del]

I can play piano , guitare , bass , drums , voilen , and am lerning saxophone...(yeah it's a list , what matters is that am so in love with music !)
And i really want to learn how to play traditionel japenase flut..
And i sing !

592 Name: Kazoko : 2014-08-11 19:57 ID:li8iLN0t [Del]

I can play like 7 songs on the electric guitar.

593 Name: kenpachi ramasama : 2014-08-11 20:25 ID:OFzBEhbk [Del]

I play drums,guitar,and I scream.

594 Name: SUTE : 2014-08-12 00:41 ID:YEIVo20n [Del]

I can play piano. I'm a keyboardist in my band. And now I'm learning saxo :)

595 Name: Giant_Panda : 2014-08-12 07:53 ID:EB9FAkLl [Del]

I play piano, a bit of guitar, and i am currently producing an electronic/8 bit album

596 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-08-12 10:29 ID:643vZhRO [Del]

>>593 It's so hard to find screamers to join a band lol
Do you have any vocal covers posted on youtube?I'm really curious :D

597 Name: Kaoru : 2014-08-12 23:56 ID:VHjEKwSt [Del]

I play clarinet lol, not too exciting

598 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-08-13 03:27 ID:lP1m0p+U [Del]

>>596 It's just about as hard as finding a vocalist. Generally if someone can sing well, they can probably learn to growl/scream fairly easily as well.

599 Name: NEX!b6Qgd2/1O6 : 2014-08-13 20:54 ID:JrAsk3Ko [Del]

Flute... I've only been learning for 3 years...

600 Name: Woynar : 2014-08-13 22:38 ID:YYWBpK4N [Del]

Taught myself how to play guitar. It is one of my favorite things to play for other people and make them happy.

601 Name: blabla : 2014-08-14 05:50 ID:SRKU8Rwj [Del]

I'm a guitar player ;P

602 Name: Selty : 2014-08-15 19:34 ID:2945YbTP [Del]

I learned a a little bit about piano but I'd like to learn more about it and also the guitar and the violin <3

603 Name: Izzy !XZ7Sbw4aPI : 2014-08-16 01:08 ID:UclwaXAR [Del]

Saxophone, a bit of guitar, and a bit of trumpet.

604 Name: Myu : 2014-08-19 12:09 ID:pnP5MKyi [Del]

I play the piano and a bit guitar.. I would like to learn Saxophone as well >w< But I don't have enough money or time to do so T^T

605 Name: KatMan : 2014-08-19 13:21 ID:Ur+wC9i0 [Del]

I play the viola, violin, and the drums. I also sing, and want to learn the piano or clarinet.

606 Name: dankmaster420 : 2014-10-07 13:50 ID:g3fbEOVr [Del]


607 Name: Amel : 2014-10-07 18:19 ID:O8GMYzd7 [Del]

ican play violin, viola, guitar, ukelele, flute, ocaraina(idk how to spell that)drums and piano. i only play violin as my main insturment, yet i cant sing to save my life -_- well,i cant sing well anyway :3

608 Name: Dylan That Hot Pink Mess !Dfk5f79hVA : 2014-10-08 00:00 ID:Ciy12Ubq [Del]

I can play violin, piano, guitar, and my voice.

609 Name: G.G : 2014-10-09 07:17 ID:3BCEJOTg [Del]

Pianist here~ with a voice that belongs to the wrong gendrt

610 Name: G.G : 2014-10-09 07:19 ID:3BCEJOTg [Del]


611 Name: Lerufic : 2014-10-09 09:04 ID:H04JLgrt [Del]

guitar and bass :D
my brother wants to teach me piano but i don't know when

612 Name: Kotoza : 2014-10-09 09:32 ID:J2YBIVGm [Del]

I'm learning how to play the ocarina. Would love to learn how to play the piano.

613 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-10-09 19:30 ID:Ciy12Ubq [Del]

>>612 I know this may sound dumb and I'm going to seem lazy for not looking it up myself, but what is an ocarina?

Play piano and my voice. Want a guitar, but my mom won't buy me one. *sigh*

614 Post deleted by user.

615 Name: Inuhakka !INb4cATsHE : 2014-10-11 23:02 ID:XaZogu5s [Del]

>>613 In essence, a flute. Just look up a picture, it's easiest to see one.

616 Name: Fye : 2014-12-26 09:27 ID:taEoWETY [Del]

Guitar :)

617 Name: Mina : 2014-12-27 09:33 ID:9DoxClCh [Del]

alto saxophone, guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, ukulele and the berimbou (Afro-Brazilian one stringed instrument) yes I play instruments.

618 Name: Rotosound66 : 2014-12-27 20:06 ID:ZEox1gQT [Del]

I mainly play bass, and i'm learning how to play guitar for blues, and drums for jazz.

619 Name: Honoko : 2014-12-27 23:33 ID:O1JRNAX+ [Del]

Flute and piano. I started piano this year!

620 Name: Yamune : 2014-12-27 23:34 ID:1QKedc8V [Del]

Currently learning violin :3

621 Name: Sado : 2014-12-28 00:35 ID:IZ0Va72i [Del]

been playing guitar for two years now

622 Name: YAAAAAAAA!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-01-04 07:27 ID:eyq0nLCi [Del]

Trumpet is my main. Can also play some guitar and ukulele though. Would love to be in a bad, but none of my friends are musical :( Anyone else in the same boat?

623 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-01-23 20:36 ID:RedH/B60 [Del]


624 Name: Viro : 2015-02-14 12:04 ID:MRO+zpVg [Del]

I'm a guitarist like 90% of you guys.........

625 Name: Crossark : 2015-02-14 19:49 ID:wMVG35eh [Del]

Harp, piano, hand drums, and some guitar/uke.

626 Name: Nyctea : 2015-02-15 14:10 ID:YpDJr7Cj [Del]

Harp, chant and some piano.

627 Name: Hanzo : 2015-02-15 14:28 ID:CEUcUnXe [Del]

I'm an ocariniat but I would like to learn the shimasen and oud.

628 Name: Trabanch : 2015-02-15 19:23 ID:VBxpX9r9 [Del]


629 Name: Cin : 2015-02-15 20:24 ID:HjgDD5BN [Del]

Im trying to learn the bass guitar.
If anyone has any tips that would be great

630 Name: life : 2015-02-15 21:33 ID:93UPgOCP [Del]

I play the french horn but I'd like to learn percussion as well.

631 Name: Taco_Del_Mega : 2015-02-15 22:06 ID:ro1Jjacf [Del]


632 Name: ラミエル : 2015-02-15 22:13 ID:RYJNX2PQ [Del]

I play piano, guitar, harmonica, drums and bass clarinet. I haven't played bass clarinet since my school years though, so I'm not sure if that counts. I don't get to regularly play drums since I don't have a set, but I do really enjoy the guitar and piano, and harmonica is very fun (despite my lack of skill).

633 Name: Alex : 2015-02-16 20:46 ID:m8iZLNpL [Del]

I play a little guitar, but I'm mostly a singer

634 Name: Crossark : 2015-02-16 20:59 ID:wMVG35eh [Del]

>>626 What sort of harp do you have? How long have you been playing?

635 Name: Rumia : 2015-02-17 01:25 ID:YtiBWPa5 [Del]

I play piano and flute, I also know how to play violin and guitar but haha I'm not that good. I enjoy music a lot Love to learn saxophone though

636 Name: Kamakanokea : 2015-02-17 02:30 ID:D+6Q2xNJ [Del]

I play ukulele...

637 Name: Stawthive : 2015-02-17 13:07 ID:p0+6K9n4 [Del]

I've played guitar for a little more than a year. I'm still not very great at guitar, but I can play, at least.

638 Name: Victoria : 2015-02-17 18:09 ID:qsku8Bud [Del]

I play alto sax and tenor sax. I'm currently learning guitar and piano but I want to learn how to play bass guitar and viola.

639 Name: insomniabc : 2015-02-18 03:04 ID:9cUMLn2h [Del]

i play flute and trombone. Im starting to learn piano and guitar :3

640 Name: Aru Aru : 2015-02-18 12:17 ID:rbAcTZ2w [Del]

yep beginner Elec Guitar player! im using chords for typing now lol

641 Name: Chey-Chey : 2015-02-18 12:21 ID:G96+OED5 [Del]

I can play piano, trumpet and a bit of guitar

642 Name: Shoon-chan : 2015-02-18 12:38 ID:Ojj/IBYg [Del]

I play the drum kit, the trumpet and i want to learn how to play piano :)

643 Name: Romeo : 2015-02-19 04:57 ID:4Kd5MiBe [Del]

I played the cello for 3 years, but stopped last year~
I get sudden urges to just pick it up and play, but I don;t want to do lessons anymore...

644 Name: Zealith : 2015-02-19 09:28 ID:sW2TXErB [Del]

I can play the drums, guitar (electric as well), keyboards, basic violin and some recorder/flute, since I have a lot of free time. I also have these stuff at home, xD

645 Name: Baka-chan : 2015-02-19 11:39 ID:SGkFAvpn [Del]

I can only play the piano but I want to learn violin.

646 Name: Angel !wqLZLRuzPQ : 2015-02-20 08:05 ID:g/EvohV2 [Del]

I played cello for 5 years, but for some reason i just stopped. I can still play some songs.

647 Name: LadyMONTA : 2015-02-20 09:08 ID:FaEBk9Ga [Del]

I can play the guitar and the piano pretty well, but still learning on drums, haha :D
I'm also playing the bass and beatbox but I'm still improving on that. I just know the basics.. It'd be soooo cool to collab with y'all ^_^

648 Name: Waffles!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2015-02-21 03:29 ID:4eJHdkJn [Del]

I've been playing the violin quite a bit :D
Though I'm not that great, but I'm pretty decent!

649 Name: Kaizen : 2015-02-21 07:39 ID:2I9uccb0 [Del]

I play a lot of wind instruments. my favorites are the saxophone and trumpet.
and of course I know guitar. :D

650 Name: ds : 2015-02-21 09:38 ID:M3Cqjazy [Del]

i can play guitar. i only have acoustic with me but i really want an electric guitar someday.

651 Name: Iako : 2015-02-21 20:11 ID:DmQ97BP3 [Del]

Saxophone is my main instrument, but I am learning the bassoon and trombone. I have a guitar but always sucked at it :/

652 Name: ksai !qrEKylLXvY : 2015-02-21 20:19 ID:a4+r0u5G [Del]

I play piano, I've been playing for about 10 years.

653 Name: TomixIV : 2015-02-21 21:12 ID:yYWtbQqC [Del]


654 Name: Hus : 2015-02-22 19:19 ID:BWvvRlAw [Del]

The violin, for the orchestra.

655 Name: TrustMe : 2015-02-22 21:40 ID:BgSPZm8A [Del]

I was taught piano from a young age but now I focus on percussion instruments. I've played in a wind ensemble where I got to try out all sorts of cool things from vibraphones to thunder-sheets.

Now I play drum set and am in my school's steel drum band!

656 Name: Hiraita Kigai!wo3NpPPf6I : 2015-02-22 23:01 ID:1KmtUmSM [Del]

I play the flute and piano

657 Name: desu : 2015-02-24 16:34 ID:LbIOVdqm (Image: 451x640 jpg, 84 kb) [Del]

src/1424817295994.jpg: 451x640, 84 kb
Asian guitarist here.

I'd love to learn piano and be professional bassist aswell.

658 Name: Akira : 2015-08-04 05:23 ID:fY+RF2HV [Del]

I play the violin (9 years), piano (5 years), flute (3 years), and guitar (2 years). I can play the drums (albeit mediocrely) if I watch someone play and if it's not too difficult.

659 Name: Kotoba : 2015-08-04 07:05 ID:eJOZJSVy [Del]

I play a little piano home but I'm not a pro ^v^ or else I like the battery o/ Sorry for my english I'm french o3o

660 Name: Blacklung : 2015-08-04 09:38 ID:ij+PMIIJ [Del]

Tuba, Euphonium, sousaphone, cornet, and trumpet

661 Name: Ventus : 2015-08-04 12:46 ID:mP6HjZsK [Del]

concert and marching percussion

662 Name: 甘楽 : 2015-08-05 02:34 ID:r+L6yZlm [Del]

I can play acoustic guitar, electric guitar, piano, lyre, drums, violin ..

663 Name: AGOMD : 2015-08-06 00:27 ID:jKAvJPBY [Del]

I can play the bass clarinet,clarinet (same thing? or no) and piano. Not much but I like playing them :)

664 Name: 例心クリスタル : 2015-08-06 01:02 ID:D598jE/z [Del]

I play piano, violin, drums...

665 Name: Fortune_and_Fade : 2015-08-06 23:06 ID:hbjskwdg [Del]

Guitar harmonica and flute.
Im not too good but i know enough to understand song sheets

666 Name: DeceiverShuuya : 2015-08-07 14:53 ID:T3qYGcFR [Del]

The only instrument I really know how to play is the clarinet. ^^;
However, I know how to read sheet music and love music theory.

667 Name: mika : 2015-08-08 13:16 ID:vCSOlLLg [Del]

i play japanese bamboo flute

668 Name: Izumi : 2015-08-08 15:20 ID:s3YGlxHG [Del]

I play the violin but I also want to play the trumpet

669 Name: Yanagi-Sora : 2015-08-08 18:54 ID:NIp/fMKo [Del]

The only instrument I know how to play is the Cello. Which I started playing when I was around 12-13 years old. I would love to learn the Bamboo Flute like >>667.

670 Name: Enigami : 2015-08-08 20:24 ID:SB5kEQpQ [Del]

I can sorta play guitar and piano, but I'm best on drums.

671 Name: Oreo : 2015-08-08 20:47 ID:FcxY8VUu [Del]

I play piano long ago then I stopped because when I play my hands won't coordinate then I discover violin, I started 4 years ago and here I am, playing at malls, shows, etc... I'm a violinist and I love playing it, I also want to learn drums but I don't know where to start :<

672 Name: Brighten : 2015-08-09 04:45 ID:oyUO8Xr1 [Del]

I can play guitar(I have three 6 strings and an 8 string), Bass, Mandolin, Seagull Merlin, some Ukulele, and i'm currently working on getting better at playing drums.

673 Name: m.m. : 2015-08-09 04:47 ID:zQDisjq9 [Del]

self-studied piano and guitar around 13-15 via watching youtube tuts and reading tabs. not really fluent at reading musical scores as such for piano and chords for piano. mostly plays by reading tabs and plays by ear.

I love LOVE and want to learn how to play classical instruments specifically violin.

for sure I want to learn how to play drums as well considering the fact I fail at rhythmic patterns as to why I have trouble learning drums.

674 Name: mrdinofly : 2015-08-09 19:55 ID:jjTz+wcq [Del]

PLaying guitar for 6 years now, I just like to noodle around on it :p. I've always wanted to play the cello... it seems pretty sick.

675 Name: Nai : 2015-08-10 13:26 ID:CNtwsnsM [Del]

I play the violin. Lol, I know a friend that also plays the violin,and can play the opening song of almost any anime once she hears it.

676 Name: Graen : 2015-08-10 17:59 ID:pIExX8+N [Del]

I used to play guitar and violin for a while but i fell out of it. I'm hoping to pick up the guitar again soon.

677 Name: Museless : 2015-08-11 13:17 ID:OAEnlAHf [Del]

played guitar for a little bit, tried to learn piano but nothing really stuck. im thinking of going back to guitar tho

678 Name: Yuko Inoue : 2015-08-11 16:44 ID:gBeY9EGD [Del]

I have a white guitar that I never play or really learned to play. I know how to play the recorder and sly whistle though and that's about it.

679 Name: Felis : 2015-08-11 19:34 ID:1vzWx7mA [Del]

I play Clarinet, and I used to play piano when I was younger but I quit. Bad choice. If you play piano, never quit! It's too useful!

680 Name: Theodia !L24i8u/JWk : 2015-08-12 16:21 ID:IFcDjugR [Del]

It's been so long since I've last come here!

Anyways, I play piano pretty well and just a few weeks ago I started picking up the guitar. Someday I hope to play the violin but you know... Stuff happens...

681 Name: Fearbaragon : 2015-08-12 18:46 ID:5WlXwiDI [Del]

I can play a type of electronic piano , I think it is called melodica :)

682 Name: ldlove3 : 2015-08-12 20:56 ID:4G5XKE0w [Del]

I can play piano! :D

683 Name: ldlove3 : 2015-08-12 20:57 ID:4G5XKE0w [Del]

I'd like to learn how to play guitar. That would be pretty cool! :)

684 Name: Panda-jiji : 2015-08-12 22:08 ID:VAGNBOQY [Del]

Violin, piano, viola, voice (I had lessons), and recorder.

But I don't think the last one counts. Oh well. (~_~;)

685 Name: JoshTrakid : 2015-08-13 21:39 ID:+FOCft1J [Del]

I Can Play the guitar
I Usually do some covers for anime song.. :)

686 Name: Scarlet : 2015-08-14 20:28 ID:mVgZN7kK [Del]

I can play the violin but i'm still having lessons. I really want to learn how to play the harp. That would be amazing.

687 Name: Phantom : 2015-08-16 12:07 ID:vixRUfEX [Del]

I play the guitar, but I'd like to learn piano

688 Name: EliChoy : 2015-08-16 12:16 ID:FAagSSwe [Del]

I'm learning to play the piano myself

689 Name: K !6rngLJwon. : 2015-08-16 14:00 ID:iorO3Lfr [Del]

I have no musical skills, but I asked mom to buy me a violin, heheh. I'd also like to learn how to play a guitar, electric guitar, piano, bass and a lot of stuff.

690 Name: Rei-kun : 2015-08-16 19:50 ID:jXhtHM1m [Del]

I can play trombone, guitar, bass, drums, piano, and some other stuff HOWEVER....I can't read music.

691 Name: Tree : 2015-08-17 01:11 ID:W3rZm5MP [Del]

I used to play the trumpet, but.... Tgat was years ago.

692 Name: sexy-barleytea : 2015-08-17 17:26 ID:Q38aFLF4 [Del]

i can play sax thats it, trying to learn how to play ocarina dou having problem finding where to buy ;-;

693 Name: Xissx!6bey4Qz3DY : 2020-04-06 16:18 ID:1AyTtC57 [Del]


694 Name: Abroadinapan!.xlE6dZfU6 : 2020-04-20 21:55 ID:8ZGldBY9 [Del]

I've been playing piano for a few years.
I kinda suck at it though.

695 Name: wolfm : 2020-04-29 12:34 ID:/7yevyz4 [Del]

I play piano intermediately, some guitar, and trombone. I also dabble in the recorder as a joke.

696 Name: Xissx!6bey4Qz3DY : 2020-05-04 17:42 ID:1AyTtC57 [Del]


697 Name: The Golden Walnut : 2020-05-20 22:24 ID:KHvwL12V [Del]

I'm learning the drums, but the chapman stick would be cool to play

698 Name: Yokina : 2020-05-21 06:43 ID:B3bWawR/ [Del]

I've played the piano and guitar before but I stopped ever since I moved from my old house

699 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-21 21:29 ID:l3oBGcXp [Del]

Ohhh this is a thread I can participate in! I am currently playing the piano and have been for about 10 ish years now... I used to play the flute back in middle school but I stopped.

I've been wanting to learn a string instrument but I don't really feel violin or guitar. My parents suggested ukelele but I'm not sure...

700 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-22 13:02 ID:tO0PhxDQ [Del]

>>699 Played flute as well in elementary school, have since forgotten how to use it. Wanna make some crappy song covers though, so I guess I'll relearn haha.

Also played melodica in elementary school, but since I got my hands on keyboards (and failed to learn fingering miserably), I still could play them at least to enjoy myself.

Also tried guitar, never managed to remember all the chord even for my favorite song. I do however flick their strings one by one to play one note at a time like melodica.

My sister went on a violin course, surely I grab her's to try for myself. It's surprisingly quite easy, or that's probably what happened when the size is like an ukulele. Don't know if I would get a same result when I grab one of the adult's size. Maybe it's more difficult in some way?

701 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-22 21:04 ID:l3oBGcXp [Del]

>>700 Ohhh melodica was also an instrument I wanted to try but there is so many different brands so I'll have to do a bit more research before I decide on buying one.

My brother also plays the violin, and once in a while I'd play it since we are similar in size. In my opinion the size difference would probably make playing the violin more difficult. Or, at least a little more uncomfortable to play...? But I'm not 100% sure since I never actually took any formal lessons haha

702 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-05-23 10:11 ID:HLkemAY1 (Image: 1452x1080 png, 297 kb) [Del]

src/1590246719387.png: 1452x1080, 297 kb
>>701 My father was trying to get me the Yamaha brand, but they're out of stock at the time so he got me whatever was on stock at the time XP

I got a keyboard piano as an ad on Music board, can't get any better than this.

703 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-23 10:13 ID:HLkemAY1 [Del]

>>702 Oh wait, that's my other nickname haha. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

704 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-23 21:16 ID:l3oBGcXp [Del]

>>703 Oh, no problem :).

As for the melodica, I'm thinking between Yamaha and D'luca. But apparently some melodica's can't play chords so :/

705 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-23 21:49 ID:tO0PhxDQ [Del]

>>704 I didn't even bother to use chord on them lmao, it's going to be heavy when you blew it in whilst pressing multiple notes at the same time.

706 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-23 22:09 ID:l3oBGcXp [Del]

>>705 Ohhhh so the more notes you play the harder you have to blow? If that's the case then I'll just go with the one with the most keys, with the most reasonable price :)

707 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-24 04:05 ID:tO0PhxDQ [Del]

>>706 dayum bro, you're pushing it to the limit?

708 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-24 13:35 ID:l3oBGcXp [Del]

>>707 I guess? Some melidocas I've seen online are roughly $40 but their amount of keys defer so I thought I might as well get the most out of it? If that makes sense... of course I'm looking at other factors like how the melodica would sound...

People say I'm the type of person to research a bit too much into things and overthink stuff... I just want to spend money well :)

709 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-24 16:21 ID:PHq9JHDO [Del]

>>708 I see where you're getting at, it's honestly frustrating when you only have 2 octave at your disposal.

But I see where you were getting at with the researching, outstanding move captain!

710 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-24 18:26 ID:l3oBGcXp [Del]

>>709 Thank you :)

711 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-05-25 23:07 ID:PHq9JHDO [Del]

>>710 Tell us more when you get the stuff would you, we might be able to compare ours. If I even managed to find that old melodica thing, good luck to me I guess.

In the meanwhile, started playing flute. When I said starting, I mean just started touching it :P

712 Name: Nimm !NZ.pZYTq/w : 2020-05-26 14:02 ID:l3oBGcXp [Del]

>>711 Alright, I'll be sure to let you guys know once I've gotten it :)

Also, good luck on learning the flute!