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Why Do You Want to Exist? (402)

1 Name: Fantan : 2014-07-26 06:32 ID:zTWbMn6H [Del]

Is the question a bit weird? A lot of people wished to die or to just vanish... But why do you want to live? Why do you want to exist?

I want to exist because, I still need to pay back all mein parents did for me. I have to serve them like they did to me while I was growing. That's mein only reason. If I lose it... I don't know how'll I exist anymore.

2 Name: Hachiken : 2014-07-26 06:57 ID:X4VlFV32 [Del]


3 Name: Yuno : 2014-07-26 07:34 ID:J1r6EByd [Del]

Because I Need To Watch The Season 2 Of DURARARA! XD

4 Name: Juice : 2014-07-26 08:57 ID:QzCOYlDu [Del]

I want virtual reality to hurry up and exist

5 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-26 09:04 ID:mpCSBGxi [Del]

i want to exist so i can know why i exist and also to watch the new season of Durarara.

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: 『  』 : 2014-07-26 10:05 ID:FNzd2Pit [Del]

To live my story, to see others

8 Name: Hikari : 2014-07-26 10:47 ID:TlTlEqq5 [Del]

But why did your parents exist and why do i exist, i exist to find the answer, to know why i exist. I hope when i die i find all the answers, with answers i mean the true reason why we exist for what purpose? What more was to find on earth. Were there more secrets??

9 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss : 2014-07-26 10:55 ID:Ny3pVgLW [Del]

I don't care about what's already done. I have other things to worry about than nonsensical pseudo-philosophical questions with no answers. We are just a part of the entropy the universe is. If there's something to wonder, it's why matter even existed for us to end up existing. Isn't the fact that there is a barren useless space million of times bigger than our earth more interesting ?

10 Name: Roxanne : 2014-07-26 12:33 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

>>9 I agree we just live b/c it's just part of the evolution, we were just born. Nothing really special from anything else but to just live. I mean I'm happy to be alive to enjoy the food I eat, the home I have, the entertainment I get and to know I'm not a alone and theirs family as well that cares for my well being. Some people might not think there's not much to live for but they just not thinking about the things they enjoy and just being negative. I mean I love to cosplay and spend times with my friends, eat and travel. To me it feels great and that's what entertains me for my enjoyment. Don't just do anything but do something you like to live for it.

11 Name: Crazydoctor : 2014-07-26 13:20 ID:bRpCiVZC [Del]

I don't care why we exist.I don't care our purpose in life.But what i care is how do we live.How do we have fun.When you are about to die i wanna think that what a beautiful life i had.So i want to exist because i want to see what life will bring to me and what will i do.Life is fun just don't think about it that much.

12 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss : 2014-07-26 14:07 ID:Ny3pVgLW [Del]


One a more detailed plan, I want to fill satisfied every night before going to bed, otherwise I just don't feel like sleeping. Somehow similar to what you said, which is true.

The same thing works for a fiction too. If a book is really good, you'll feel satisfied once you finish it, not asking for more since you know everything is complete.

13 Name: Nice : 2014-07-26 14:15 ID:kYljiRAY [Del]

I think we need exist because we can live alone, we always need help,ya, help from the other people.
That's is my opninon. "Someone say world formed from the idea of thinking people, i think that's true" *quote by durara! :D

14 Name: Somniare : 2014-07-26 16:03 ID:9k95vzJn [Del]

I exist because there is nothing else for me to do other than exist. I exist now, so I just have to deal with it. I never asked to exist but I do, so I have to. I exist just to exist.
I guess it's a little hard to understand, but that's how I feel.

15 Name: Fantan : 2014-07-26 20:32 ID:zTWbMn6H [Del]


@Somniare-san nice XD

16 Name: EvilKatBatGirl : 2014-07-26 21:56 ID:eyPqnPDw [Del]

Good question. Why do I exist?

Maybe it's too watch the cruelty of humanity and laugh my ass off at it. Otherwise just kinda float around pretending I don't exist. Either way, I exist, but I'm just kinda there. Nothing special ^^

17 Name: yana-chan : 2014-07-26 22:50 ID:abaUw7W+ [Del]

well it sure is a weird question ! I mean i don't need a reason for wanting to exist ! I just want to !

18 Name: Mara : 2014-07-27 00:20 ID:7+SV8sD/ [Del]

Might as well exist if we're here.

19 Name: Frenchbread046 : 2014-07-27 03:01 ID:yGqMivMa [Del]

why do we exist? how about why not?

20 Name: Atsuo : 2014-07-27 03:18 ID:Y96faMrw [Del]

Well, we were made for a reason, so why waste all the fun we could have? I want to exist because I was created to do something and that something I should do, this may be worded awkwardly...but hopefully you'll understand it, haha~

21 Name: foreversigh : 2014-07-27 03:38 ID:Q5HnR9GG [Del]

I'm so glad that this thread exists because I was thinking about bringing this kind of topic up in the "why do you fear death" thread.

I could say that it probably won't matter if we existed here or not in the long run but where's the fun in that. I tend to tackle this kind of question from the perspective that there's always something bigger. I suppose it's kind of like the simple theory of god but I'm thinking something more elaborate like a dimention grreater than this one where beings exist in a world outside our range of understanding. And by beings it might even be us and when we return there we will finally understand what this existence of ours was about. But to answer the question of why I want to exist it would be to try and understand and figure out this world so I can find out what's really significant and what will affect our lives if we go to a greater place. I don't think it's something simple like a god and the even simpler idea of finding happiness or having fun I doubt I will ever be able to accept.
My aim is to be unbiased and open-minded and I want to continue existing here on a gamble that I can find some kind of understanding or truth behind what's significant.

I hope I didn't rant on or not make sense but I get really into talking about this kinda stuff XD
>>1 And nice thread btw ^^

22 Name: Anon : 2014-07-27 06:28 ID:UIuM4xma [Del]

My question is...why are we here. Pretty sure everyone has at least wondered once in their life "Why are we here. Why are we given life." Its 2014. The question just keeps on lingering..

23 Name: Abby : 2014-07-27 07:26 ID:dzAnWAIS [Del]

People don't have any purposes. We look for one and once you found it.... The world changes around you.

24 Name: defkon : 2014-07-27 08:06 ID:oS8Briw8 [Del]

for fun.

25 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-27 08:17 ID:iiEJuqUo [Del]

I didn't intend on posting here really but my eyes landed on a very peculiar statement by foreversigh. " I don't think it's something simple like a god and the even simpler idea of finding happiness or having fun I doubt I will ever be able to accept."
..."something simple like a god"? I think you might be confusing the concept of god with coincidence. Coincidence being the reason for everything is simple, when you it's bring God into play that things begin to be considered complex. In fact, much more complex than our mere beings can conceive of.

26 Name: foreversigh : 2014-07-27 09:51 ID:Q5HnR9GG [Del]

>>25 I'm not entirely sure what you were trying to say but I don't think there was any mixup with what I said. I suppose that you could say that I think of the idea of god as simple because I look a lot bigger. Just one being who is allpowerful and all-loving just seems simple when I think of an entire world of beings in dimentions more complicated where more things make sense. And I also look at it like there's always something bigger, like in Horton hears a who with the speck in a speck idea. With god there wouldn't be anything bigger and it really limits how large and complicated our existence/s is.

I suppose another reason I said it was simple was because of how it comes up independant of Christianity when people are in hard times. This came to mind in Naruto when Kimimaru was in his cell and he starts wondering if there's a god. In these situations it's just a random thought and never really goes any further than a simple thought/question.

And I should also mention that I'm referring to a god who's allpowerfull and all loving who supposedly made the universe and all that. Other gods or variations of a single god are a different story.

I also apologise if I said anything offensive because that wasn't my intention. I'm not claiming to know the answers and these are just my opinions.

27 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-27 12:08 ID:iiEJuqUo [Del]

>>26 From my perspective it seems like you are missing the complexity. God is eternal/infinite, so yes, there is nothing 'bigger' than God. I quote that word because scale is not even relevant in terms of infinity, i.e. it goes beyond all scale.

Again, I think you think of coincidence. In the world, there are laws. In each dimension, there are sets of laws that govern that dimension. If there was no God, all would be subject to those sets of laws, period. It would be 'simple' in that there would be nothing possible outside of that, our existence would be finite within the however large array of possibility. God is what transcends all that. We can't even comprehend things regarding our own existences, the laws of our own reality are not even fully understood.

What I'm trying to express is that existence is far more simple without God than with, if there can be existence at all.

28 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-27 12:13 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

>>27 You're completely misunderstanding what >>26 is trying to say. The depth of the *concept* of God and the depth of "God's existence" are two different things. The idea of a greater being in any form with supreme powers creating the world is a very simple concept. "God" is huge and "incomprehensible" to believers, but the basic idea is basic. Trying to understand where things came from using a scientific stand point or from the pov of atheistic spiritual concepts is much more complex of a concept that cannot be summed up in a single line. You can't just blame one person or thing for the creation of the world. There may be big, complex ideas to back up the concept of God, but the concept of God itself is very simple.

29 Name: Hikari : 2014-07-27 12:18 ID:TlTlEqq5 [Del]

How will god look like? And what will the voice be like. I wonder.... what will death feel like or do you actually feel anything. And where will you go. Heaven? Hell? or a ifinite Void where your soul waves around forever.

30 Name: xcutions : 2014-07-27 12:35 ID:D7ETOUlD [Del]

I exist to fight and I fight to exist

31 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-27 12:36 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

Also, this thread is actually a duplicate. An extremely similar thread already exists.

Please redirect your replies here.

32 Post deleted by user.

33 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-27 16:14 ID:9M72tVDa [Del]

>>28 I understand what >>26 is saying, I am saying that I disagree with their (and others') assessment of the concept. Considering the concept of God in conjunction with natural laws of the universe is a complex concept. Science is 'simply' the how of things. But God brings in the question of why. I think an essential point to make is the fact that science is not in conflict with the concept of God's creation. And there are one-liners to each concept. The statements "God created the universe." and "The universe is governed by sets of laws." are neither conflicting and both very simple to grasp.

Perhaps I was neglecting to mention that there are those who use "God created the universe" as a final answer as to why things happen. If this is what foreversigh was getting at, then yes I agree, that's a simple answer. But taking God out of it, they might as well be saying "Things are the way they are and I couldn't careless how or why".

And I see the threads have similar titles and perhaps some crossover for some people; but questioning why humanity exists and asking why an individual gets up everyday in the morning are 2 very different things.

34 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-27 16:31 ID:9M72tVDa [Del]

...seeing as I diverted the topic a bit though, allow me to remedy it by setting things back on course. I continue to exists because I am happy to exist, at least currently. I'm not in any extreme amount of pain or anything, so if I was I may feel differently :) I can't (quite literally) imagine not living, and while I do in the manner I currently am, I wish to live my life sharing what makes me happy with others.

35 Post deleted by user.

36 Name: foreversigh : 2014-07-27 20:24 ID:Q5HnR9GG [Del]

>>28 Thank you for understanding what I was saying. You probably explained it better than me. However, I am with MaskSalesman when he said that the two threads are really different and I think this one should continue.

>>33 I know I really shouldn't continue this off-topic argument but I think I realised something about what you were saying. I think you might be dissagreeing with me because you're ignoring the unknown and how complicated it could be. In other words it seems multiple choice to you. If we take god out of the picture then we're left with science and the laws of the universe. Comparing the idea of god to science and laws might make it not seem simple but comparing it to the infinite possibilities of things we aren't aware of or might not even be able to understand makes the idea of god seem simple to me. But maybe we should just leave it at that we have different perceptions :)

37 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-27 21:10 ID:9M72tVDa [Del]

>>36 I...can't help but reply to this.
unknown things without God = complex
unknown things with God = even more complex
is what I was saying ;)
Science and God does not conflict, science is the how, God is the why. God is why the science exists as it does, or so I believe. I believe nothing could exist without God; but my personal belief aside, there are scientific laws to our existence regardless if those laws are a result of God or not.

...I really wish we could speak face to face on this as it's a very important topic to me, want to meet in drrrchat and then do a hangout or something? But if not, I agree we should leave it at that fact, I'm supposed to be on leave from this place ;)

38 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-07 11:31 ID:4Ofag5C8 [Del]

Well,I have to say that this is a really intriguing question.
It's not that I WANT to exist,I feel like I HAVE TO keep on living.
It's pretty unfair if you think of it,how you can't choose in what family are you born,or even if you really want to be born.It just happens.You exist without your will,then you have 2 options : keep on living and face whatever life's got planned for you or put an end to your life.
Now to answer your question,I still want to exist because I don't want to be remembered as a coward who couldn't face his problems and didn't see the good side in things and , basically , in life.This absurd ambition of mine makes me feel like I'm forced to keep living.

39 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-07 11:32 ID:4Ofag5C8 [Del]

Oh,and that too. >>3

40 Name: Deki : 2014-08-07 11:34 ID:ewvJzeLe [Del]

My reason for living is one, to protect my family, and two to make the world a better place. To some people these reasons might sound stupid, but they are my reasons.

41 Post deleted by user.

42 Name: Chini !MjE8yjSjJY : 2014-08-07 13:48 ID:jqGG/o7x [Del]

I think, everybody, every single person all over the world as a purpose he/she needs to fulfill. Every living being has it, animals, too.

And I think, we're living tu fulfill this purpose. It may be hard sometimes because we need to overcome some huge drawbacks, but in the end it's always worth it.

It includes some kind of responsibility - to pay someone something back, or to make up for something. Yet, it also means to live for yourself, not just for others.

I think many people are concerened with thoughts like "How can I make this person happier?" or "How can I help this person?" or similiar ideas, and they think it's selfish to have desires themselves, things they want to achieve, dreams, aims.
I'm one of these persons, too, a selfless being. And it's quite hard from time to time, although I would never tell someone (except you guys^^)
...However, it's some kind of art to find the middle of all this: in between being selfless and selfish. Because if you abandon your own desires, you'll loose yourself someday. Maybe not instantly.

That's why my personal reason for existens is to help creating a better, future world, in more than one way:
- I want to change the world
- I want to be a bestselling author
- I want to have a family
- I want to have children
- I want to have a lots of fun
- I want to be a teacher

It's not only for other poeple, my family, my sisters, my future-children, children in the middle east, and anywhere else, but also for myself. I want to set my heart at ease with knowing that I may put some slight change into the world for the better.

And if you read this all. you're really persistent^^

43 Name: Souma : 2014-08-07 14:52 ID:/q3e4RCH [Del]

I'm still here because I know that, if I leave, I will hurt all the people that care about me. I know what it feels like, and I do not want them to feel that pain. I'm here to protect and care for those I love.

44 Name: catora : 2014-08-07 18:11 ID:2kOleExy [Del]

quiero vivir porque si... porque morir es simple y rápido pero vivir es largo y difícil y si en un momento trato o logro de quitarme la vida solo ser un cobarde que deja su orgullo de lado y la mandarlo todo al carajo... pues NO yo me voy a quedar aquí y decirles a todos "estoy aquí carajo y estoy para joderla" así de simple

45 Name: Maggots : 2014-08-07 18:36 ID:22gUCXna [Del]

first I wanna say I really like this question. Really makes you think a different way. Anyway my reason for living isn't some dumb emo thing. Im here because I got invited, and I have People who love me. Also im a great person people will love to know or meet me!

46 Name: Takamiya : 2014-08-07 22:31 ID:Abth6Kr7 [Del]

I wanna see the color of the world ! I wanna know the truth of the world ! And I wanna know to how to change this world !

47 Name: Moo : 2014-08-07 22:47 ID:VoYCoPEw [Del]

I want to live for others and help people while I can, that's mainly why I want to exist :)
Yolo right!?!

48 Name: Silverb : 2014-08-07 22:53 ID:Dn+zRbT9 [Del]

I need to exist so i can do random funny shit everyday, preferable with friends

49 Name: Mog : 2014-08-08 06:35 ID:NnUaXg9j [Del]

I still in love with my life, still having a dream, and too young to die.

50 Name: Riinka !DJA0yojWLE : 2014-08-08 07:19 ID:G0umzVRm [Del]

I don't want to sound depressing. But for me it's not that I want to exist.

My existence for me feels like, I was forced into existence, but hey I'm here anyway. So because I exist, I know there's a reason that I do, and I want to make it worthwhile~
By worthwhile, I meant not making my existence worth something to others, so I strive to make people happy~

51 Name: TimeBomb : 2014-08-08 09:22 ID:4Ofag5C8 [Del]

>>50 You're the first person that agrees with me on the part that we're forced to exist. yay

52 Name: "Rheina !.vQkVxJEjQ : 2014-08-08 09:32 ID:NajxNJsu [Del]

I don't really have an answer, but my friend said:

"I wouldn't want to get in jail or die because if I do then I'll miss all those manga chapters and anime episodes!"

53 Name: Roxanne : 2014-08-08 10:21 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

>>52 Lol I said the same thing, if I die idk what awesome stuff I'll be missing out. People might find it meaningless and stupid but to me its worth living for. I would also become concern of my lover. My lover loves me to the point that no one can reach with a murderous heart. So far my lover feels happy.

54 Name: Anri : 2014-08-08 13:26 ID:4187gi7/ [Del]

Love a person is the meaning of life.

55 Name: Tabris : 2014-08-08 14:05 ID:Sg0GOomf [Del]

There is no real reason for my existence.
thinking about it as much as I can, I have nothing to really offer society or the world. Im working a crappy job one day a week and living with a best friend.
But really theres no point, im terribly average in every aspect except my intellect.

56 Name: DredPriest : 2014-08-08 17:45 ID:rxnTS3om [Del]

I live for the new adventure that is tomorrow

57 Name: me : 2014-08-08 18:05 ID:hkYJDJHa [Del]

Because I know exist is far larger than we posssible comprehend

58 Post deleted by user.

59 Name: Kaoru : 2014-08-08 21:27 ID:2m/lyFN0 [Del]

I kind of wish I never existed, because now I'm too scared of being nonexistent to stop existing.

60 Name: Barakitten : 2014-08-08 21:50 ID:ZFJuF1nu [Del]

I feel that I exist because God has put me here for some reason. I don't really know what that reason is yet, but the search is the most important thing in life, right?

61 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-08-08 21:59 ID:+pGhyxyf [Del]

Well, if I didn't exist there are quite a few people that would be different for the worst or possibly gone by now because I've helped a lot of people with their problems and it's why I want to exist. I want to help people. I want to pay it forward to people I meet because I never really got to be paid forward as a kid and I don't want anyone to not have that kindness or be overlooked. It gives a bad mindset to the person and I just want to make people happy with little things. I exist because I want to see people happy and see them smile.

62 Name: kaguya : 2014-08-09 03:17 ID:UFNIXdyn [Del]

Honestly I'm not sure because I'm in my own little category

63 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-09 05:48 ID:y0iDZi8g [Del]

Why? Why not? I exist for others, as said before, Many lives would be different without ours. We individual create our own reality while impacting the reality of others in the process Simply by living. But for me? Well for me? The Idea of heaven with streets of gold a crystal sea and eternal joy, is not my cup of tea the only place that replicate my ideal world is this one, although it does need some fixing up to do. My reason to is exist is to simply exist basically... You can really choose to or not, Your parents do the deed and you are born, Unless you consider suicide however that is not a wise decision, after all, You are being selfish to others feelings and It can't be forgiven because you can't take it back once done.

64 Name: Emi Hamano : 2014-08-09 07:46 ID:8/gfTlbJ [Del]

no particular reasons but one thing is for sure when you die everything is all over for you

65 Name: Celestial Envoy : 2014-08-09 08:10 ID:DqR8YxRN [Del]

I live because life is beautiful. Also because theres nothing after death, at least when you live you have a chanse to be happy, shit honestly the only was for anything good to happen is to live.

66 Name: Rukimii : 2014-08-09 08:40 ID:nTr/wTPo [Del]

I live because I want to leave my mark behind this world. I want others to know that I'm here and alive. I want them to know who I am. I want the world to know what I did, what I gave them, what I suffered, what I wanted, and many more. No matter how small it is I want to leave a mark behind so that they remember me, even after death. What's the point of living when you have no other purpose, whether it's for yourself or others?
I think that's the true meaning of existing.

67 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-08-09 11:41 ID:Kir0HaS5 [Del]

I still don't understand why this is here. Even if it's not a duplicate, it's not a discussion. Why not put it on Personal?

68 Name: Equinox !PARADoXAVQ : 2014-08-09 19:15 ID:/453zXh7 [Del]

I just realized I talk to you way too much lol Anyway
Its 68 posts in. It turned out to be a discussion. Either we stop it from Post 1 or we dont. I think its useless to try to Permasage now.

69 Name: Kanra : 2014-08-10 11:14 ID:UMYPrK3b [Del]

I want to exist - even if I'm in pain. Existing is really all there is. I just want to enjoy the life I lead and live with no regrets.

70 Name: kanra : 2014-08-10 17:03 ID:S11FGz+D [Del]

Because live and humans are interisting

71 Name: McGurganatorZX !CgmWnm9Fx. : 2014-08-10 21:53 ID:EOYXHp2y [Del]

>>69 That makes a ton of sense.

I want to exist because I've already made a huge impact on the people around me. I kinda like being important to others, along with others being important to me. If I ceased to exist right now, it would be way to selfish. Like Kanra, I don't care if I feel everything, the good or the bad. As long as I can still be me at the end of the day, I'll keep existing.

72 Name: Unknown. : 2014-12-04 01:41 ID:24tnie5a [Del]

Honestly I dont.

73 Name: really i dont care : 2014-12-04 01:54 ID:iE1ajMBN [Del]

to watch the chaotic twist and turn this world goes through

74 Name: K018 : 2014-12-04 03:19 ID:dGh/EWaE [Del]

I live to thank my parents for taking care of me until now... And my second reason I have to live is "to make this world better even just a little" I mean... like, you want to did something that motivates people to do something good (if it affects a lot of people around the world, i'm gonna be really happy)... after both reasons are achieved, I don't mind to die...

75 Name: K018 : 2014-12-04 03:20 ID:dGh/EWaE [Del]

And I apologize for my stupid ambisious dreams

76 Name: Ummy !edDj4vQpdM : 2014-12-04 03:28 ID:pDJEDmWq [Del]

I want to live for the friends that I have online.

77 Name: Rushlite : 2014-12-04 04:15 ID:O2Z5QA4x [Del]

I want to exist to better myself and everyone around me.
I want to exist simply for the interaction with other people.
I want to exist because I want to experience.

I want to exist because I don't know anything but.

78 Name: Lina : 2014-12-04 04:57 ID:AAG10YsT [Del]

Что плохого в том что бы жить?

79 Name: ._. : 2014-12-04 05:25 ID:KMfaHiM8 [Del]

Well it's not really a weird question. But yeah sometimes I ask myslef: "What's my purpose on living in this world?". Sometimes I just brushd the question away but it keep coming back that's why I'm forced to answer it.

To prove that I have a 'worth'. To prove my possibilities. To make my parents proud and to live the story that god created for me. The script that god created for me.

For the people who didn't want to exist anymore remind yourself that there's someone outhere who's going to miss you. But for those who died, they've must have been tired and got full of the shit fucking society.

80 Name: Star-chan : 2014-12-04 06:02 ID:jWENTph3 [Del]

I exist to get revenge on the world!💀

81 Name: silentchan : 2014-12-04 06:25 ID:5N+85qFV [Del]

IDK girl, maybe i still loving mcd enough to keep living

82 Name: :> : 2014-12-04 06:56 ID:2eKi96Bz [Del]

I want to keep existing in this world, I want to see how I can affect my surroundings in the future and I want to enjoy this life that was given to me by my parents

83 Name: Azura!2y1il5Qy0g : 2014-12-04 07:20 ID:mfyrVC/J [Del]

I want to keep existing so I can reach a point in my life where I'm legitimately happy.

84 Name: 生活 : 2014-12-04 07:49 ID:BsljdmEc [Del]

Well, There are thousands of reasons why I want to live and die. This is my life, so I can choose what I can do with it. I can continue to live through all this suffering and still look forward to the happy results until my time comes, or die right now and miss more things i'll be missing.

The real question is , What will you do with your life, waste it or conserve it?

85 Name: Colorless : 2014-12-04 08:00 ID:TtOsp8WW [Del]

I wish to live in this world, why? because I'm still waiting for the next chapters of Pandora Hearts and Attack on titan to come out those jerks!!!! also, I want to live because I'm young and still have a lot of things I can do to help this world. when I'm old and can't move, yes I'll accept death then.

86 Name: Nini : 2014-12-04 08:47 ID:VrSuND5k [Del]

I want to live to make sure to keep my friends out of the trouble and crap I've been through. They'd probably be lost without me

87 Name: MothraDeathray : 2014-12-04 08:53 ID:R0VY2oJ+ [Del]

I want to live because dying sucks really..and there's some much more to live for,so much more to do. Life can be a drag sometimes, but like izaya once said: "to escape the mundane, you must keep evolving". I want to live because of all the opportunities I'm going to get later on in my life..dying now would be like selling your stock too early, you dont know what's gonna happen yet so why do it?

88 Name: Flip : 2014-12-04 09:56 ID:sBOoT9N9 [Del]

My current reason for existing is Half-Life 3, it should be here any minute now...

89 Name: Layfonsin : 2014-12-04 09:57 ID:ErW8vb0a [Del]

Why do I want to exist... That is a really hard question... Because I don't not want to exist. I am not sure if not existing is fun or not, so I just want to exist for as long as I can.

90 Name: Law : 2014-12-04 10:08 ID:SCDadiQQ [Del]

i need to wait for my anime and manga updates...

91 Name: Akiru : 2014-12-04 10:29 ID:LTGSZc1x [Del]

I want to live b/c not wanting to do it it's too sad. I lived a long time with nothing but a feeling of emptyness. Now I want to. I want to fulfill my dreams, to know a bit about everything and to experience whatever the world has to offer

92 Name: Doffy : 2014-12-04 10:50 ID:ySOKLULr [Del]

It may sound a little weird, but I want to keep living so that I can prove my existence. I have no reason to keep doing other than this. I live because I want to be someone, and not some stupid idol. And I'm doing this only for myself.

93 Name: Brasily101 : 2014-12-04 11:51 ID:6muBY+RB [Del]

I want to live because I know everyone is here for a reason. At times I may not know and I know a lot of people don't but I still am going to try to find it.

94 Name: Alloliza Ayi : 2014-12-04 11:58 ID:+8a1MAaL [Del]

i want to teach those who have done wrong to me a very painful lesson. i'm going to pay them back 10 fold with the pains i've been through. and i will help to make sure no one ever goes through wat i have been

95 Name: LittleRat : 2014-12-04 12:06 ID:GxfBfcRf [Del]

I want to see if i turn out to be useful. If something big happens or simply to see what will mangas do next.

I just don't whant to die as it is a basic instinct. But I am ready to die.

96 Name: Sadir : 2014-12-04 13:51 ID:rwwdUbjt [Del]

I want to exist to amuse myself and test the so-called 'morality' of others, seeing how far they can keep to their morals.

97 Name: Aidestra : 2014-12-04 13:59 ID:g8Mdp5vE [Del]

I want to live because I wasn't born who I am for no reason, and the longer I live, the more I realise there are so many wonderful and interesting things I want to see, try and be a part of.

98 Name: kenpachi : 2014-12-04 15:45 ID:jauth3I9 [Del]

I want to impact the world greatly while I'm still alive and make my presence known as someone very important I don't want to fade into nothingness. Seeing that I'm currently only fifteen it's going to take some time for me to make that happen

99 Post deleted by user.

100 Name: Nobody !TJ9qoWuqvA : 2014-12-04 16:14 ID:vRW29+Dn [Del]

I just hope that there is 2nd life or something and i cant give up on this life cause I still want to see where i end up at the end, how all this hard work and studying for years will help me in life.
I hope you all achieve your goals, cause I don't have one in this life.

101 Name: Jill : 2014-12-05 02:06 ID:f12yHty9 [Del]

I want to exist to see what happens to the people who have potential around me. I'm even planning to put my consciousness to the computer, to live longer. Seeing there were a lot of examples on animes and mangas, there might be a possibility to actually do that. That's why I'm studying computer subjects, so I could become an Live AI and lose all the pains I have iny body.

102 Name: Eliaharu Shinyama : 2014-12-05 02:11 ID:+VxUERlw [Del]

I exist, to help people. I want to help people and pull them out of their misery. But every time I do something with this life, I'm the one who experiences loneliness and misery. Pain. It's like I want to fade in silence. But I guess that's just how it is. I'll still keep helping people in one way or another, no matter what happens in my self. Because I believe that it's the reason why I keep on existing up until now.

103 Name: Hitsugaya : 2014-12-05 04:17 ID:qbuvlQVh [Del]

I exist, for the sole purpose of letting myself watch my whole life- Like a book, i want to read all of it. I'll do what I want, if I want to help people, I'll help people. But no matter what I'll try my best to be human

104 Name: Miyuki : 2014-12-05 08:04 ID:PpIQ1/Pd [Del]

I would like to fulfill my dreams, i think that the most of us stay living to fulfill an objective, dream or a goal. I would like to see, also what would happen with the world and the people in there from here until i die. If life before the death exist, i would like to keep watching. i think is really curious, you know... ¿Will the world end? ¿People would save the world? ¿The people will change? It's really curious...

105 Name: Reiyo : 2014-12-05 08:30 ID:WD1gLm+f [Del]

Existence can be harsh and cold, or kind and warm. I'm living to fulfill whatever shit I have to do, specially for those whom I care for. I cherish this existence because it is only borrowed, and only one being can take it back. So I won't take shit on any piece of human trash to mess with me, 'cause it'll go ugly.

106 Name: The actor : 2014-12-05 10:42 ID:7h4iz9PO [Del]

The only reason I live is for others. And probably that i still have that small hope that some God will save me. In living because even while I suffer, I can't help but think about the people who didn't get to live as long as I am. It would also be selfish to take my own life anyway.

107 Name: Sabrewulf : 2014-12-05 12:57 ID:Z228Yk24 [Del]

I wish to exist because I don't know what's out there in the world. There's many things to do and not enough time. I don't want to be the kind of person that waits on what happens, I want to cause that result, be it good or bad, just something interesting that gives me a sense of purpose.

108 Name: ShinAttha : 2014-12-05 20:09 ID:CYuFVAtu [Del]

I exist solely for myself. Helping others is part of my being and I enjoy doing it, even if I have to admit I am doing it rarely, but I do not think I am able to make a big influence or support someone as well as just experiencing the things I enjoy. I exist for my imagination and my thirst for new experiences which may just change everything in my life. If I think about all the possibilities this life holds, I really want to keep on going, see it through the end so that at least I will be able to say "I tried, it was worth it" once the end of existence comes upon me.
So my reason for existence is the future and the potential it holds.

109 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2014-12-05 21:50 ID:2vVIlM2s [Del]

I want to exist to see what becomes of me honestly. My dream is to become a singer, but will that happen? Maybe not. I just want to see how life will turn out for me. Also, honestly, life is so precious I just want to experience it and see what the future gives me

110 Name: K : 2014-12-05 23:25 ID:eShOHCNe [Del]

I ask myself all the time actually. I wouldn't be upset to die at any time. However, as long as I'm alive I affect many people around me. I just want to help them, and myself, to be happy. The fun thing is adapting to the daily wants and woes; sometimes you give a friend advice, and sometimes you need a shoulder to lean on. What a rollercoaster life is, eh?

111 Name: ns : 2014-12-05 23:41 ID:yZezm/0/ [Del]

I exist because for some reason I was put here, I'm a pretty go with the flow person so I don't really care if I stay or go but I won't actively try to die. I figure that as long as I'm here, I might as well contribute and just do something good for the future generations...

112 Name: lulush vi : 2014-12-06 01:04 ID:b0RIps3e [Del]

Right now I'm planning to go to college for two years than join the military to take 4 more years of college to become a helicopter pilot
If all that fales I'm starting ww3 and killing everyone :) world domination

113 Name: lifemaster : 2014-12-06 01:15 ID:R9xCpcUp [Del]

I exist to watch each weeks new episode of anime.

114 Name: Duck !ZFOl/IISA6 : 2014-12-06 10:49 ID:uH0eBrQS [Del]

I exist because of all the things I want to accomplish someday. I want to inspire someone. That, and I'd hate for my baby brother to wonder why his older sister wanted to stop living.

115 Name: Nam : 2014-12-06 11:16 ID:xSOy4WYu [Del]

I don't really have a reason to live or accomplish anything because in the end we all die and all of our accomplishments won't really matter

116 Name: Rocket : 2014-12-06 12:36 ID:cov/gy+u [Del]

I had that thought of vanishing not too long ago.. Was not the first time that i had that thought, but i have noticed that my family and friends are what keep me going.
Never thought that they would miss me, but i thought how much i would miss them, cos i would never want to lose those people from my life. Everyone has a reason to stay, doesn't matter if it's a big or a small reason.. It is still that one thing that keeps us all going :3

117 Name: aede : 2014-12-06 13:50 ID:bmBsTpYW [Del]

I exist to help my little sister otherwise there will be nothing

118 Name: Usagichi : 2014-12-06 14:49 ID:vAsNybKB [Del]

>>117 that touched me in the heart a lil bit. I exist to help anyone that I can within my power.

119 Name: Scarface : 2014-12-06 15:09 ID:lkI8zYf1 [Del]

Everytime i think what would happen if i wasn't here,i can only imagine my parents suffering and that's the thing i would never want to happen so even if it's tough that's what keeps me going

120 Post deleted by user.

121 Name: Sulivano : 2014-12-06 16:16 ID:F8WthCry [Del]

Pretty much what Hachiken said, I exist to watching animu and play vidya gaems. Girls are a thing also.

122 Name: Sho : 2015-01-20 07:23 ID:OPoaK8Yn [Del]

1.i want to be recognize by all my surrounding :)
2.i want to repay for what my parents did to me..
3.i want to watch Anime More... Especially Durarara 2nd season
4.There So Many Thing i never try... so i will try it one by one
5.i want to be exist because there is someone who cares about me, not someone, but many people..
that's the most 5 important thing for me..
Thanks XD

123 Name: TheArcticFire : 2015-01-20 08:18 ID:rLSkOaT+ [Del]

I just want to fulfill my dreams, enjoy time with my loved ones and keep growing as a person (mentally and vitally). This three things are what sustain me and force me to keep carrying on.

124 Name: Hotaru : 2015-01-20 08:21 ID:jN2Ra4oz [Del]

My world is very boring. Reason to exist = still finding it.

125 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-20 10:49 ID:zjkWxTp2 [Del]

I've never had much of a reason to exist. There was even a time where I wanted to stop existing; Although we all unfortunately kniw that it's impossible to simply vanish. I just feel at this point in life, I need to continue existing. Sort of for the sake of all of the lives that I've affected, and all of the animals that I've ate. As melodramatic as that might sound, it would just seem like a waste to throw it all away. Besides, we Dollars need to help make the world a better place, right? We all need to help support the crumbling world that we as humans have created. Cx

126 Name: Shadeslayer914 !M6R0eWkIpk : 2015-01-20 10:59 ID:hHqCHhfn [Del]

Who needs a reason to exist beyond finding funny post verifications?

127 Name: trylouu : 2015-01-20 11:10 ID:j+ceNWE+ [Del]

I exist only for another life

128 Name: Alloliza Ayi : 2015-01-20 14:12 ID:MvNly3kR [Del]

i don't want to except to be able to help the world

129 Name: J-DP : 2015-01-20 14:29 ID:eYiJGo1S [Del]

well i like having fun and living is all about having fun so i think thats the answer for me

130 Name: blackicemanu : 2015-01-20 14:33 ID:s8EqID2H [Del]

I exist to bring smiles in the faces of those around me

131 Name: Akatsuki Rin : 2015-01-20 17:45 ID:ITty3k2J [Del]

To smile, see the world, to cry, be in pain and then see the light at the end of the tunnel, to love, to grow old with the man I love, to see that my hard work has payed off, to be free, to listen to music, dance, to sleep, draw, play, see my kids grow up.. There are many things, good and bad, don't give up!

132 Name: Enticing Phrenology : 2015-01-20 18:03 ID:K/6/r36p [Del]

Seriously, read some existentialism and build your own reason to live, "serving" others is not really an excuse to live, people eventually die and the people you once wanted to serve will be gone and then there won't be a reason to exist.
There's more about life then just that, you just have to find out what is really important to you and to you only.

133 Name: Raven : 2015-01-20 18:07 ID:HX8QY7En [Del]

Truly the only thing keeping me alive is the fact that I have friends that would end up killing themselves if i did it myself, and honestly I already know how being attacked for no reason to the point you want to die is like, and also I know what it feels like to think you know someone who's happy go lucky and then one day you get a phone call from a friend telling you that the happy go lucky one killed themselves, and no one, and I mean no one should ever have to go through what I've gone through

134 Name: Scarlet : 2015-01-20 18:39 ID:u5P6oPBl [Del]

It's better than not existing.
Some guy, I think it was C.S. Lewis, said something like: friendship is unnecessary like philosophy, or has no survival value, rather it gives value to survival.

135 Name: nano : 2015-01-20 19:04 ID:BRvPAmFI [Del]

I feel that I want to exist to experience. This world we have is intriguing. People are interesting. Don't worry I won't go all Izaya on you guys, but I feel that I observe the world more than participating in the events that unfold. This opens ones eyes to a whole new perspective. That is why I want to exist.

136 Name: Scarlet : 2015-01-20 19:09 ID:u5P6oPBl [Del]

I concur. Yet, the only reason for existence is explained simply by science. Organisms only exist to to survive and reproduce; survival of the fittest. And fittest doesn't mean well tones manly muscles, but rather how many babies you can make in your lifetime.

137 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-23 18:16 ID:Lrk/vm7q [Del]


138 Name: JOKERS : 2015-01-23 23:15 ID:8QlDL6ZK [Del]

I could spend my time thinking of things that could be true for me like," We exist to experience"," To learn"," To give life and love" and other things that I believe are true, but I know for certain what everything exists for. Everything exists to die, for if something was to be born it must end someday. We are no exception.

139 Name: D : 2015-01-23 23:21 ID:/SWUvjV3 [Del]

I want to show people what am I.

140 Name: ... : 2015-01-24 00:06 ID:GuvjcPzI [Del]

Because I can't die. I have to stay alive to remain as a slave.

141 Name: Sept : 2015-01-24 01:36 ID:1OOzgdS8 [Del]

I exist because i'm gonna die one day. Basically i'm just doing shit while waiting for the death to come, and that's fun.

142 Name: Katsunoki : 2015-01-24 02:55 ID:IiVDH0Fu [Del]

I want to show people how i am, and what i can do, and i want people to be happy and dont die sadly

143 Name: Kenta : 2015-01-24 05:20 ID:8g9MwJj/ [Del]

Because there are things that only I can do.

144 Name: Beelza : 2015-01-24 05:52 ID:YUaHhAhA [Del]

I exist to share love and be loved by people and to except those I meet no matter what so the our short experience we call can be magical

145 Name: Virsarce!ozOtJW9BFA : 2015-01-24 06:14 ID:9fC8zg4M [Del]

There has never been a solid answer for the meaning of our existences, but in my belief, our purpose in life is to evolve. Human have been created to evolve ourselves to gain knowledge everyday until we reach to the point in which we understand about the ultimate potential of our race.

146 Name: Ryuu~ : 2015-01-24 08:51 ID:RJxWFOkR [Del]

To finish the mission that was given in the past life - to help people and do good things

147 Name: Let : 2015-01-24 10:59 ID:QjN4aRL3 [Del]

I want to exist to inspire others. So many people have inspired me throughout my life—my teachers, my parents, my friends, my family—and I want others to feel the way I've felt through that inspiration, whether it be through teaching or setting an example.

148 Name: Magnolia : 2015-01-26 20:12 ID:/1VTmAyE [Del]


149 Name: Calvary : 2015-01-26 20:32 ID:VQWe3xlg [Del]

>>147 That's really cool.

150 Name: Atticus Drood : 2015-01-26 21:20 ID:fP5SUVqW [Del]

For me it's to experience all there is left to experience and to appreciate all there is to wonder about, from the marvels that scientific progress has made and has yet to offer to the pretty colours I can see as the light dapples though them on the mountains. If that isn't reason enough to live.....

151 Name: Inuhakka !inb4CaTsQw : 2015-01-26 21:59 ID:jBMMwI4v [Del]

152 Name: Kanra~ !9j3.PdTmf2 : 2016-09-27 18:21 ID:/dO6CmW+ [Del]

I don't want to~

153 Name: Millax : 2016-09-27 19:01 ID:/uhZ2qTJ [Del]

I want to exist to experience life to it's fullest and to be able to help as many people as I can.

154 Name: PattyV : 2016-09-28 17:02 ID:2PekK6yp [Del]

i used to want what the person above said but now i just wanna chill and actually enjoy my life with my favorite people sorry for being selfish!!!

155 Name: Honua : 2016-09-28 18:11 ID:Oqh/TeBk [Del]

Well actually, I think that we should exist to make life into something to look forward to. To live it to the fullest and have no regrets. If you don't feel like you have reasons make some. That'll count for something.

156 Name: Marky : 2016-09-28 18:22 ID:5zeluWE0 [Del]

To make the world a better place

157 Name: Miku Nagasaki : 2016-09-28 19:20 ID:2n/BGlfO [Del]

because I want to make a world where we can see te day when all lives matter

158 Name: Remilia : 2016-09-28 20:57 ID:ybKft/if [Del]

Because existing is creating, creating is living and living is existing.

159 Name: Fujinuma !imQYOtW7Ik : 2016-09-28 21:17 ID:8N8GaFtI [Del]

>>158 Sorry, it's late for me, so pardon the reply. Existing is not creating. That whole statement doesn't make any sense. According to that statement, the coffee table that my feet are resting on is creating something, because it exists, and because it is creating something, it is also living. Do you see the flawed logic? Existing is not creating. Creating is not living. Living is existing, you got that one right. Isn't it funny that the internet has questions about existence but we can't find the answers to it? Philosophers have tried. Kierkegaard said that man should create his own reason for existence, and you all are doing just that. Congratulations, you're all existentialists. As for me, why do I want to exist? Many answers are along the lines of 'I want to help the world!' and 'I want to change the world!', and I'm not discrediting those answers, but mine isn't entirely altruistic. No, I desire to exist to experience the world; to experience its pleasures; to find out that I'm going to be a father; to meet a girl who will genuinely astound me; for the hardships; for that moment when things hit rock bottom and I can't find a way back, only to have someone help; to travel and meet new people and see new things; to try lots of food and learn how to cook it; to have a beautiful flat in a city; to grow my character and become a better person; to have great clothes and shoes; and to do many, many, many other things. Of course, it's about the journey, not the destination (though in this case the destination sounds pretty good). I want to be able to say, when my final hour is here, that I did all that I could do. I owned every second that this world could give, I saw so many places and the things that I did, and with every broken bone, I swear that I lived.

160 Name: RedKing : 2016-09-28 22:30 ID:+J/BP8SQ [Del]

Philosophy has always fascinated me, no matter how many times i answer a question every single time i answer it differently. However, philosophy is pointless and if you are having trouble existing because you don't understand why then simply agree that you do exist and nothing at all can change that you do exist whether it be as a physical being or in people's memories.

161 Name: Anon : 2017-09-09 11:28 ID:W8Wjx7Ww [Del]

I exist because my purpose is to understand. Everyone in the world exists to fulfill their own purpose. Whether it is to help others, to create or to destroy, everyone exists for a reason. It doesn't matter if what we do will last until those who knew us are also gone or if we will be remembered for centuries as a prominent figure in history. Compared to the infinity of the universe those centuries are still just as insignificant. We don't know if everything is part of a bigger picture or not, but we exist anyway. Maybe there is some greater meaning to our lives or maybe there isn't. That I don't know. What I do know is that we should fulfill our purposes, because that is the reason why we exist.

162 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-09 15:13 ID:hV+a+KQ0 [Del]

I just want to enjoy myself, man.

163 Name: Water The Toxic Savior!BgxF79hIoI : 2017-09-09 15:38 ID:hV+a+KQ0 [Del]

I couldn't give a rats ass about anything else.

164 Name: Ell !oblAO6/sUQ : 2017-09-09 17:08 ID:4jKj3Kaj [Del]

Interesting that this thread is still "alive." But it makes sense. This is a question that people have been asking forever, is will never stop being relevant (until the world is at it's end).

I exist, we exist, because God created us.
Colossians 1:6-17 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."

Revelation 4:11 and Ecclesiastes 12:13(a personal favorite) also talk about this.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

165 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-09-09 22:48 ID:bFA5S81L [Del]

>>164 God didn't create us. We created God.
Every quote you just wrote down is nothing but words created by humans written down in an old dusty book.
Nothing really worth existing for.

166 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2017-09-09 23:17 ID:cUc7xsi1 [Del]

>>165 anyone have their own opinion,

I honestly don't know why am I exist if I can't even get to motivate myself let alone any other person

Maybe someday I could find it

167 Name: j.Shaw : 2017-09-09 23:17 ID:UiyvzsUB [Del]

I have a very important debt to pay back to a girl, and a duty to up hold to an old friend who is never living.

168 Name: edbunny : 2017-09-10 00:42 ID:Okq6aqkn [Del]

I really don't know...

169 Name: shadowscry : 2017-09-10 01:05 ID:Vcd/cEZV [Del]

I exist because it is so. Nothing more nothing less. You give yourself reason. i enjoy the game of life, to me its like rolling the dice and make good with what you get. there is a saying that the world is as you make it... this is a lie. the world is as those around to design it to be. Really puts the fear in you right? the thought that the man or women next to you in the store... could change everything about your life, before you could even blink your eye. tho here is the other side of that blade. you can change theres just as quick.

170 Name: HowDare : 2017-09-10 01:59 ID:uJkWJtoc [Del]

I have to pat all of the dogs. ALL OF THEM.

171 Name: Kyouka : 2017-09-10 02:12 ID:VqEBoqEh [Del]

Everybody lives because we have a purpose in life. I want to exist to find out about my purpose!

>>165 Wanna pick up a fight, Chronos? Take this: Humans created the bible but humans haven't created god.!

172 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-09-10 04:24 ID:bFA5S81L [Del]

>>171 No interest. Was talking to >>164.

I don't have a reason to die, this is my reason to live.
Life is a process, changing everyday. No one can tell where your way leads you to, since we don't know what tomorrow will bring or if there even will be a tomorrow. It could be over every minute. That's what makes life interesting. I want to see how everything changes and develops, therefore I want to exist.

173 Name: felix : 2017-09-10 07:07 ID:MKf08j3n [Del]

I want to know, feel, learn, explore, help others, have fun, meet different kinds of people from different parts of the world. I want to have adventures, solve mysteries, dive into the unknown, stand up for the things that matter, protect the ones I care about and love a certain someone, I want to become someone others(specially the ones I care about) can depend on. These things are why I want to exist.

174 Name: Acedia : 2017-09-10 09:01 ID:SyKDFHGO [Del]

I want to examine my life.

175 Name: Chrome : 2017-09-10 12:26 ID:a0lh+7c1 [Del]

I live for playing, watching anime, date cute girl, gaming and travelling. Well, my answer kind of suck after all this deep stuff xD

176 Name: VISION : 2017-09-10 19:34 ID:2uUdp/Gm [Del]

A new wordl will come a better word I exist to tell you the new wordl will come. I am the propeth of the new wordl. Amageddon is near!

177 Post deleted by user.

178 Name: לורנצו כהן : 2017-09-10 20:26 ID:i7r2je1H [Del]

I exist for the sole purpose of becoming a great conquerer following the fall of the western world. I am the combination of warrior pride and artistic brilliance, I do not believe in Light or Darkness, I simply do what is necessary for the fruition of profound achievement.

179 Name: The toast : 2017-09-10 20:42 ID:OU+GBmzc [Del]

Personally I find that we make our own reasons for existence. I have mine as well as anyone elses. But I'll Just answer the question, I'm here to do what was originally thought impossible.

180 Name: Setsuna : 2017-09-10 21:18 ID:UEn1jFZm [Del]

Well, I think the only reason I want to exist is to experience and see many things before I die. There's so much to do and no time, it's funny yet sad at the same time.

181 Name: Mitsuhiko : 2017-09-10 22:19 ID:5dw8S6Om [Del]

I want to exist because god made me so that I can help others and make the world a better place.

182 Name: Masi : 2017-09-10 22:45 ID:ULRZN1SW [Del]

At times I want to die, but then I think about those who be hurt if I did.

183 Name: Trey : 2017-09-10 23:11 ID:4TobeYN3 [Del]

To make the world a better place.

184 Name: GG : 2017-09-10 23:11 ID:avlKfdSJ [Del]


185 Name: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ : 2017-09-10 23:56 ID:7Lqzxaod [Del]

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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186 Name: money : 2017-09-11 00:17 ID:cIcGyp2p [Del]


187 Name: Curlzzzz !78aUaOiHOk : 2017-09-11 01:25 ID:G95GFztU [Del]

To protect the girl I love?

188 Name: iccoka : 2017-09-11 04:16 ID:uRGM2x3y [Del]

To be honest, i don't care about living.

189 Name: - : 2017-09-11 05:53 ID:Nya7LGft [Del]

I am just curios of the future

190 Name: Kabure : 2017-09-11 07:48 ID:O6vv4++o [Del]

I guess I want to exist because there's nothing to do if you don't exist anymore. Existing provides you the chance to enjoy your stuff, while not existing... I guess it doesn't?

191 Name: lyra : 2017-09-11 08:36 ID:ZeW6TsM6 [Del]

I'm struggling to continue to. Life seems so miserable and pointless and complex, all we do is feel moments of joy but suffer years of pain. I just wish I could be happy and not sad anymore.

192 Name: Vi : 2017-09-11 12:45 ID:bafxuvyH [Del]

I still have so much to do.

193 Name: Unkwnown999 : 2017-09-12 09:41 ID:IwqQUbEa [Del]

i mean you can commit suicide

194 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-09-12 11:15 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

>>193 Round of applause for the first person to ever consider that. You must be proud.

Yet another person who can't even manage to spell unknown correctly.

195 Name: Ell !oblAO6/sUQ : 2017-09-14 18:39 ID:EEiEePAe [Del]

>>165 The Bible was written by God through people. The fact that that "old dusty book" has been preserved all these years and through many persecutions is amazing. God's word will always be relevant. The truth contained in it will always be worth existing for. Even someone who doesn't believe that will find something in the Bible they can apply to their life.

>>172 I have a question about your thoughts for existing. If you live to see what happens, you are living as an observer. do you plan to be a doer as well? What if you don't live long enough to see things develop or change?

196 Name: NgoKhai !/WZimIIlxQ : 2017-09-14 19:35 ID:BSDiTkFP [Del]

I am Vietnamese-American. As a Vietnamese, my family had to push through conflicts, especially the Vietnam War and the aftermath.

And here I am today, with a future in America. It is my duty to return the favor; to become successful, and to continue to exist and to empower others to do so as well. To do otherwise would be shameful.

However, everyone has a reason to give back to their family, and that you should not let negative impulses pull you down.
I have a duty to succeed. Do you?

197 Name: Nobuyuki : 2017-09-14 20:12 ID:ajIiK7a6 [Del]

I want to exist because I'm afraid of causing the people around me to feel bad if I all of the sudden weren't to exist. It does sound odd, but I wouldn't be able to stand the fact of not being around the people I care about, especially friends who I worked so hard to find. I know it sounds a little selfish, but I feel I have a duty to fulfill as a person, and if I don't fulfill it, something bad cold happen. I'm not really sure how to explain it.

198 Name: Asterick : 2017-09-14 20:50 ID:xHq1B5JK [Del]

I want to exist because I still don't know if the one I harbor romantic feelings for is attracted to me. Even if the answer is no, I'm too attached to him to want to leave. I won't stop wondering about the "if"s and the "maybe"s. There's always a chance that one day things will turn out for the better. At the very least, though it is not nearly as noble as living for one's family, I want to live long enough to be able to look down without standing on someone else's shoulders. Right now I can only look towards the future, wishing and letting my ambition get the better of me. I want to reach a point where my "success" allows me to really appreciated how far I've gone.

199 Name: Chronos!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2017-09-14 20:50 ID:rak4k3vC [Del]

>>195 And why are there other "old dusty books" written by other Gods through other humans and not only the Bible?

I already saw lots of changes in life. It's like I said: Life is a process, changing everyday. There isn't a day without any significant happening.
I'm not really interested in being a doer to be honest, I'm fine with just watching and learning how everything develops naturally.

200 Name: Mai Mai : 2017-09-14 20:52 ID:E4qckmRi [Del]

I want to exist because I don't want to run away. Plus, I want to eat a lot of foods. There are still places to go to. There are scenes to enjoy and events to experience.

201 Name: Ice!wwXn8qMZdc : 2017-09-15 00:09 ID:O9SZnUQ0 [Del]

Well i want to exist cuz i am curious abt what would happen tomorrow.

202 Name: JustPassingBy : 2017-09-15 08:20 ID:u3HcRzxJ [Del]

Well, it's my one shot to exist in the world so I ain't gonna let go of the opportunity.

203 Name: N200 : 2017-09-15 09:20 ID:j4Uqskka [Del]

I wanna live, because I don't wanna die. Because whats beyond death is a mystery.

204 Name: B.I.G-ice : 2017-09-15 10:19 ID:PWAw+6lj [Del]

I want to live, because I want to make my mark on the world and enjoy life I don't know how much time I have left I want to make the best of it.

205 Name: X : 2017-09-15 10:53 ID:VisxyCEq [Del]

I may sound edgy but i personally think that there is no point to existing. We are marly an insignificant event created by random chance. No greater meaning or thought was put into it. There is no point there never was a point.

206 Name: Dagomier : 2017-09-15 15:05 ID:EPbzZ5gs [Del]

I live for the sake of living and finding what new story I can be apart of.

207 Name: Mag : 2017-09-15 23:07 ID:E5QOzlFN [Del]

Life is full of joy! :)

208 Name: Kyohei : 2017-09-18 10:33 ID:86bbeYdH [Del]

i want to live to be in the dollars and watch anime :3

209 Name: kida : 2017-09-18 11:03 ID:g1I0HXhH [Del]

ha lol me too kyohei

210 Name: Stance : 2017-09-18 11:42 ID:WUNm82FV [Del]

I want to exist because i hate pain and death = pain. There are no painless death.

211 Name: Hope : 2017-09-18 14:28 ID:j2ovi+Mp [Del]

I want to help humanity and care spread

212 Name: Sammie : 2017-09-18 15:40 ID:vUX6YOXB [Del]

I want to exist,to exist. I want to see how the world will progress and how it will change and become great or bad

213 Name: Sunahilde : 2017-09-18 20:59 ID:s3R1INNx [Del]

I want to exist because I want to know. Who I am, what will happen next. I Began existence, and when I did, I gained friends and family. I continue existence because I can't know of or smile with them if I stop. My heart will stop beating, and I will not know. I won't have a chance at finding out what happens next, who I'll become, who I'll meet. I will eventually stop living because we all will. We all have a limit on our time. Our life, or to some, our existence. But I bring myself to continue existing every day because I want to know as long as I can. Retain the memories I have made, gain new ones. To know of the warmth of a smile or the fear behind some's eyes. To know of emotions, and to experience them. To know the feeling of simply breathing in and out on my own. To know the feeling of taking a step. To know that I am sitting here on this computer in this chair writing this. Because I know, not everyone can do what I do.
Not everyone can sit here having an existential crisis like I am now having; like I have been doing for the past hour or so.
Not everyone is graced with the things I have, things that seem so small to me. I not only want to know, but I also want to do what I can with what I learn and have. That is why I exist.

214 Name: lyra : 2017-09-19 08:55 ID:ZeW6TsM6 [Del]

Do we even exist though? Life is just your cognition of what you perceive. Truth be told, I'd rather be asleep instead of being awake.

215 Name: Litzun : 2017-09-19 10:50 ID:ep92ltag [Del]

I don't want to exist. The reason I am is because I am scared of what will happen to the few people who actually care about me if I stop existing.

216 Name: Jan : 2017-09-19 15:46 ID:dhmogJ7b [Del]

i don't wanna just exist, i wish i could live

217 Name: Migi : 2017-09-19 17:12 ID:23aA0RJa [Del]

I want to exist because I'm curious about what path will humanity take in the next decades. Also, having that small chance of dying in a random accident makes things a lot more exciting!

218 Name: Z3r0 : 2017-09-20 09:36 ID:c5iYlmO2 [Del]

i dont.

219 Name: Nei : 2017-09-20 10:02 ID:Q43kAjEZ [Del]

I don't want to exist. I don't even want to be alive :)

220 Post deleted by user.

221 Name: Katsuhira !ZbljMIl2hE : 2017-09-20 13:20 ID:JO2laeC2 [Del]


222 Name: Ell !oblAO6/sUQ : 2017-09-27 00:15 ID:4jKj3Kaj [Del]

>>199 Sorry this is such a late reply.
It's true that there are other books that people claim are written by God or by the god that they believe in. What it really comes down to is faith. I know by faith that the Bible is God's word, it even says in the Bible that he inspired it. That seems like a weak answer, I realize that, but it's the truth. Maybe someone more educated and of better understanding than I could give you an explanation of various proofs, but even they would agree that it mainly has to do with faith. The only thing I can do is recommend you to read the Bible(I'd also recommend KJV, but if you read a different version, it's still the Bible. Although different versions sometimes omit/add a word or two that changes the meaning quite a bit) with an open mind.

I'd also like to know how it is that you're so confident that God doesn't exist? What is the basis of your beliefs? I'm genuinely curious, hopefully that isn't too off topic for this thread.

223 Name: The Fairchild : 2017-09-27 10:46 ID:8FrgBWAg [Del]

I think this is an interesting discussion so I might as well contribute and give another point of view. The people who wish to vanish are almost always one of these two 1. Depressed/pessimistic 2. Genuinely have an awful life due to constant grief of losing loved ones on a regular basis while dealing with racial and economic stress. The people who want to exist, or at least those that I've seen, are either blindly optimistic/faithful, ignorant of the world's evil and despair, or have found a legitimate purpose for existing. Whether their purpose is music or sports or helping others or being a cog in the machine, people find simple bliss in contributing to making the world a better place. There's a lot of evil, but there's also just a lot of good if you really look at the world carefully. Smell the roses, watch the sunset or sunrise, go swimming, etc. it's about perspective in all honesty. That was more towards optimism, but that can also be a purpose in a sense. Anyway, my reason for existence is that I don't believe in a afterlife and that this is it, this is all there is. No heaven or hell, no limbo, just "The End." It is because of this belief that I can make the most of life. I act nice to people out of empathy, not self gain or to get brownie points towards going to heaven. I'm able to live life to the fullest because it would be boring to stop a movie 10 minutes in. If that works for me than it might help others.

224 Name: edbunny : 2017-09-28 01:37 ID:ur0agDes [Del]

I don't because life sucks but I want to because I want to see what happens in life

225 Name: Ginnoji : 2017-09-28 11:05 ID:QI2VKB3A [Del]

"If you meet Buddha, kill Buddha. If you meet the Patriarchs kill them. Holding nothing, Free of everything. Just living your life simply as it is." This Zen teaching from buddhism means. To live your life bound by nothing and just to live freely as you see fit.

226 Name: Naga Sake !!LOWyrKpa : 2017-09-28 13:01 ID:ggdXOeOq [Del]

I want to exist because as an atheist I think this is all I have. I'm more scared of dying than anything else. So if all I have is life than I guess that's why. There's no alternative.

227 Name: Samyeru : 2017-09-28 13:52 ID:xBVZqe2W [Del]

Life isn't bad as I thought I want to be a ANIME HERO! or in a anime ;-;. And I'm in weeb mode again.

228 Name: AOI : 2017-09-28 14:28 ID:pV/YAt2F [Del]

I've lost my reason. But I have no reason to not continue. So I continue. Jean Paul Sartre postulated that "every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance." So create your own reason for living and prolong your life for that pursuit. I haven't found a new reason yet, but I'm searching. When I give up that search, that's when I'll be in trouble. If you're in the same boat as me, don't give up on the search. I have faith that we can find something to live for other than our own weakness.

229 Name: Coco : 2017-09-29 00:59 ID:SW0uMUEf [Del]

I did think about killing myself but after that I slept I had a dream the dream was so bright that I cant see but after that I heard some one or something talk it sound liked a woman said " you must kept on going .."I know it sound like a lie but it true when I told this to my friend they just laugh and said you are not good at lying.

230 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-10-24 22:55 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

massbump of discussion

231 Name: PENGUIN RESEARCH : 2017-10-25 07:47 ID:qOCybFZk [Del]

I think there are various reasons why we want to keep going on. Some of us want to do it for our families who have done so much for us, some want to do it for their loving friends who want them to keep moving forward, sometimes a mystic being like God told you it’s not your time. Everyone has a different story behind their desire to survive.

However, I don’t think life is worth living if you aren’t living it for yourself. Yes, you might want to do something for your family. You work every day towards that goal, but are you happy? If you aren’t doing it for yourself, you aren’t happy doing it then should you be doing it?
“Every man dies but not every man lives”

If you are unhappy with life, you have to do something to change it to your own terms. If you are working day and night to do what your parents want from you, work up the courage to speak out about what you want to do, how you intend on doing and how you can still be there for them.

My goal in life is simply to be happy in the end. I want those I love happy and I want to die happy. It’s extremely optimistic of me to think, but it’s the goal I have set for myself. I want to work myself to the bone now so that later in life, when money really matters to sustain myself, I’ll have it and I won’t have worry and nether will my parents. That is what drives me.

232 Name: Ziko : 2017-10-25 08:35 ID:yqGxNXWa [Del]

Now I understand what the other thread was talking about. How is this on Main? And why the regulars like Findmuck bump this? Stop contradicting yourself. You sage things you dont like, not because it does not belong where it supposed to be.

233 Name: PENGUIN RESEARCH : 2017-10-25 08:38 ID:qOCybFZk [Del]

I don’t know buddy. It’s super confusing so I don’t really get it so I’ve decided to just bump the things that haven’t been saged already, since if it has 230+ post and hasn’t been saged already it must be semi-alright

234 Name: Roy : 2017-10-25 21:57 ID:jF4ffgDk [Del]

That is something humanity may never know the truth too sadly.

235 Name: Namie : 2017-10-25 22:25 ID:H+r65q4c [Del]

Life is fun, and the world is a pretty great place. Also the only other alternative is to slowly decompose in a box so....

236 Name: ♬♫♪Melioyasss♪♫♬ : 2017-10-26 18:25 ID:/EprX1rm [Del]

Honestly I'm not sure yet. I don't have many real attachments to anything and if I'm being honest most of my interests are just distractions trying to keep me entertained while my life goes by. But the more I think about it, the more I realise that my 'distractions' are actually more likely to be what define me as a person if that makes any sense. Such as my interests. Perhaps we don't need a reason to exist but all we need to have is something that defines us and makes us different from everyone else. My music, my everyday life, my life being in the dollars are all things that make up me and maybe they're all I need to say that I exist and that I'm different.

I'm not sure if what I said actually made any sense but it sure felt good to get that off my chest.

237 Name: LiLith : 2017-10-26 21:16 ID:uZUsBohV [Del]

I mean life is totally meaningless when you really think about it. We are all inherently afraid of death so we spend our whole lives trying to avoid it, that and desperately trying to leave something behind. The depressed and suicidal are those unlucky enough to see into the truth. With great knowledge sometimes comes great sadness. But even so being alive is amazing and personally my favourite thing in this world is the concept of love and I enjoy having that and striving for it. Also food is pretty good. Can't forget about food oooh no sir. So yea basically life is essentially meaningless but it's great to make the most of it and who knows you might just leave behind something special for the world.

238 Name: Satomi : 2017-10-26 21:51 ID:hPOSpWKf [Del]

I could answer honestly, thinking about it that the moment we are born, we started to die. Weird, if you thought about it. But I think I live so I can respect other people's lives and try and liven anyone up with my might. If not, I'll comfort you and f you wanna be alone, the I'll leave you alone. I don't want to live, but I will force myself to live. (I'm cheesy, I know..)

239 Name: LiLith : 2017-10-26 21:56 ID:uZUsBohV [Del]

Aint cheesey at all mate, maybe a lil unhealthy cuz it is good to keep yourself in mind as well. Although i do the same thing in the sense that i try desperately to help people. I hate it when people sad cuz then i sad ;-;

240 Name: Dinara : 2017-10-27 02:37 ID:GATrlpOI [Del]

У меня нет особой причины жить. У меня часто довольно деприсивное и истерическое настроение. Но это не мешает мне сметься. Меня постоянно приследует чувство что надо просто жить и всё.

241 Name: Tpynuk : 2017-10-27 05:56 ID:ch2e9GYp [Del]

От души сказал(а) Dinara ;)

242 Name: Veneta Bodganova : 2017-10-27 10:05 ID:XOH4aZwQ [Del]

I want to exist because I love the cruel bastard Izaya Orihrara. He is God himself! I love him. He is the sole reson why I am even living. He gives me life. I love him with all of my heart. OMG He is soooooo hottttt!

243 Name: gwemme : 2017-10-27 11:34 ID:MSNjjBh6 [Del]

photography and my sister, she is my world and i would be nothing with out her

244 Name: Baily : 2017-10-27 12:05 ID:oW6Mo8Hn [Del]

Because due to my health issues I have I have a hard time making friends, I personally want to exist because I want to have friends who will always have my back, and who likes some of the same things as I do

245 Name: Anonymous : 2017-10-27 12:31 ID:UY+ZA0UG [Del]

you disgust me

246 Post deleted by user.

247 Name: Anonymous : 2017-10-27 21:26 ID:o9xR+k+E [Del]

Izaya is the best!!

248 Name: big dick head : 2017-10-28 13:32 ID:TnqDTCGg [Del]

i don't

249 Name: Anast _M. : 2017-10-28 15:43 ID:JZIQdfGZ [Del]

Well,I live seeking a reasson to live. I'm sure I'll find it someday. But what if I don't.

250 Name: diger666 !XAJexTFPI6 : 2017-10-28 22:39 ID:Z3YoGf6h [Del]

I want to exist to fix all the wrong I have done

251 Name: CookieCrumbs : 2017-10-29 06:21 ID:8xd4h/m7 [Del]

I want to exist to see the ending of One Piece

252 Name: Hiro : 2017-10-29 06:55 ID:JZIQdfGZ [Del]

>>251 Good one!

253 Name: Are ya kitten me : 2017-10-29 14:29 ID:Y8bar5G+ [Del]


254 Name: Takashi Iseya : 2017-10-29 15:31 ID:I1Nt3qK5 [Del]

(Honestly, this is the internet. So don’t mind if I rant on about all my problems! 😅) I really don’t know why I want to exist. All I know is that no matter what, everyone I know keeps secrets from me. And they’re always either okay, or bad. I want to exist because I want to know why people do this to me and really find out the truth.

255 Name: Misaki : 2017-10-29 16:23 ID:66KJIVNz [Del]

The reason I want to exist is because I want to help people have a life that is better then mine and not make some of the mistakes I have made

256 Name: Are ya kitten me : 2017-11-01 15:37 ID:0Qsi+fZv [Del]

*bump because the only things I see on main are posts telling people what NOT to post on main*

257 Name: Kiyoko :3 : 2017-11-01 15:58 ID:W9bqbJmD [Del]

I wanna exist because I wanna explore the world when I grow older (like 18+ maybe) and ye!!~ Also for the dollars and everything in my interest~

258 Name: Pyro : 2017-11-01 20:24 ID:qib66/50 [Del]

I want to survive because I'm a firefighter. Not just in a fire department. It's something I love deep down. It's part of my DNA. For years, I thought I couldn't do it and I didn't see the point in life, but once I started my fire training, I had a reason to live. The guys in my fire department are family, and even though I struggle with some things, I wouldn't give it up for anything.

259 Name: SuckMyDick !aaWI/nsBfU : 2017-11-02 02:06 ID:LSotQVXl [Del]

I wanna exist for dese bitchez to suck my dick!

260 Name: Bastion : 2017-11-02 19:05 ID:KekuzQBb [Del]

I want to exist to make sure that I'm not missing out on anything interesting in this world, or on the possibility of my life taking a turn for the better.

261 Name: Essy : 2017-11-03 00:59 ID:848/7UwK [Del]

I’m not exactly sure. I think I want to exist so that I can feel purpose. Upon introspection, adventure is my purpose and my leading motivation. It’s a purpose I’ve chosen for myself, and it’s mine. But adventure is hard. You see, I’ve done plenty of traveling already as a kid, and it was fun, but there was no fulfillment as there was little actual adventure. Still I find myself always wanting to travel, but I never know where.

Here’s what I’ve learned: adventure is born through purpose. Think about it this way; exploring Hyrule in a Legend of Zelda game would be entertaining for about a minute before it got super dull, if there were no monsters to slay or princesses to save. Adventure is hard in the 21st century because there is nothing to motivate it. There are so many places to see, but no particular reason to go! And I’ve learned that, for me, even if I visited Japan or some exotic jungle halfway around the world I wouldn’t find the adventure I’m looking for. Not without purpose.

Enter my girlfriend of 2.5 years. She has worse wanderlust than mine, and she’s an amazing conversationalist. I love her because she can turn something as small as a hiking trip feel adventurous and rewarding. When I adventure with her, I feel completely content, but never satisfied. I always wanna climb another mountain and explore another country to see what she thinks of it. She gives purpose to my adventures, and, by extension, my life. So, I want to exist so that I can experience life with my love.

262 Name: wizardofmoz : 2017-11-03 01:36 ID:G/KfiepG [Del]

Wow after so many years, I can see the board is still active! That is inspiring! After all these years this still exists. In a way asking your question is similar to asking the question why this board is still running. It is because people come here to interact, to experience something, to grow. See thing is the one constant in the universe is Entropy, or parhaps it is easier to imagine a piece of paper. You keep writing and drawing on that page, writing and drawing over what was already written, there will come a point when everything in the page will be unreadable. the whole page would be covered in ink with no blank spaces left. at that point the page will become useless. Now imagine if the page had a magical ability to keep expanding and growing larger. at that point you can keep writing on the page and the expanding page will always have space. A page that is full is at maximum entropy. no further change can occur on it that has not happened before. But an expanding page always has room for more. If you feel you do not want to exist, then your page is getting full. you are getting bored. there is no more room and you are reaching a high entropy state. the only way to fight high entropy is to expand the playing field, expand the page. There are two constants in the universe. Entropy can not be reduced so to speak, you cant reverse time and what has already happened. and the second constant is that the universe is always expanding. making room for more and more things to happen. You exist because you want to. If you cant understand why, then you need to expand your horizon and field of view. there is always something that you have not done before and there always will be. you exist to do those things....

263 Post deleted by user.

264 Name: wizardofmoz : 2017-11-03 02:31 ID:G/KfiepG [Del]

[EDITED] Thing is most of us want to exist because we do not know what is on the other side, what happens to us when we stop existing. Well thing is we never stop existing. We just change into something else. Once you die your body still exists. the atoms and molecules that make you will exist forever. You will become dust and ash , dirt in the ground, dust in the wind. but you will still exist. The only thing that will change is maybe your ability to experience your existence and your ability to change your path to your will.

Ending one's existence is something that can enver be done. You only change your form and abandon your ability to actively change something.

doing so if you feel powerless is even more ironic cuz you give up the only power you truly do have in order to avoid feeling powerless.

End of the day you are the only one who has the true power to change/improve/help yourself. It is all inside you, within you. "There is nothing outside yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside yourself."

the bottom line TL;DR is you exist because you have the ability to, you exist because you want to, you exist because only you can change your world, for good or for bad. Only you have the ability to help yourself. Yes you can help others and others can similarly help you but end of the day it is all up to you. What you want to do. You exist to help yourself. you exist to help others, you exist to play video games, you exist to read manga, you exist to watch Tv , to go for a walk in the park, to go climb a mountain, to jump in a puddle, dance in the rain. once you feel that you have truly done everything and are bored, then you exist to find new things to do and new things to experience and if that is not enough, then you exist for others, the ones who care about your existence. You help others by helping yourself and you help yourself by helping others. even the ones who dont know your name and couldn't care less about your existence are affected by your existence. Your existence is a part of everyone's existence and every person's existence is part of yours. We are interlinked, we are one, we are many, You are part of the universe, you are the universe and you are experiencing yourself.

265 Name: Kurama : 2017-11-03 04:30 ID:nhtuNurz [Del]

Because I have yet to find the reason why I need to. Bump.

266 Name: huezao : 2017-11-03 06:45 ID:E2pRNELJ [Del]

I want live to pay all the peolpe who helped me in my life, and help all the people who need be helped by my own judjements, because i like make frinds who will cry in the time of my dead.
so i live to be remembered like a good person when I die

267 Name: Kurosuke !TgvcuYUnME : 2017-11-04 17:19 ID:Isf9j8XT [Del]


268 Name: Webu : 2017-11-05 08:13 ID:6fpggfIu [Del]

Same, the sad thing about it is that's kinda the only reason we want to live.

We should try to live for our own tho.

269 Name: Pancake : 2017-11-05 20:07 ID:CujwQKlN [Del]

I want to live because I simply want to see where the human race will end up...of course it’s not like I matter to much in this plan of existence but at least I can watch what happens to everyone else

270 Name: XORNAMDE : 2017-11-05 21:08 ID:JPUNviUb [Del]

I want to live because I simply want to see how things will play out.

271 Name: AstraKestra : 2017-11-06 04:04 ID:USaXOSBZ [Del]

I wish to exist because I believe I have a reason to help other. And because people have given me reason to.

272 Post deleted by moderator.

273 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2017-11-06 06:57 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


274 Name: WOLF !Lbi0lM0a8k : 2017-11-07 17:33 ID:jeoQJ9bv [Del]

Because people need help. That's why exist.

275 Name: AR : 2017-11-08 00:02 ID:YFn4n+YH [Del]

We exist to help each other. That's what's Dollars are for.

276 Name: Shinn : 2017-11-08 15:52 ID:8L/ojkKk [Del]

I want to exist because I want to know what it's like to live my life to the fullest and do what I want to do.
I want to exist because I want to work hard and acquire the job I want, which is in forensics.
I want to exist because I want to help others that are in need. I want to make sure they get all the support I can give.

277 Name: Ulfur : 2017-11-08 21:32 ID:u4GXu/WD [Del]

I exist to help people in need of any sort of help.

278 Name: Baccaknow !mYPmO7xG2. : 2018-02-22 11:26 ID:7vnOphBk [Del]

I want to exist because there's still so much I haven't done and seen in the world. I'm not going out until I get to see some of these for myself.

279 Name: godymir : 2018-02-22 12:02 ID:qVn41pVE [Del]

i want to exist bc i can't die

280 Name: Blackbird : 2018-02-22 12:08 ID:ZtDJQgpL [Del]

I exist because I believe there is no afterlife, so I must exist for as long as possible. So i can create a memory that people will keep so i can continue in them after I'm gone.

281 Name: Mar : 2018-02-22 13:14 ID:KWB2bJm0 [Del]

I exist because I forgive myself and not be in denial

282 Name: Vash : 2018-02-22 13:32 ID:PX7yAZQk [Del]

I exist to live life to the fullest my life isn't perfect but I still don't want to waste it because I don't want to die knowing i could have done something with my life

283 Name: Paloma : 2018-02-22 15:14 ID:Brcx4dyi [Del]

The only reason I continue to live is curiosity. I want to know what the next days and years will be like.

284 Name: Alseiph : 2018-02-22 18:27 ID:GmKYUOEl [Del]

I exist, because I want to make life even a little bit better for those, who are important to me

285 Name: ANgelnograce : 2018-02-22 18:43 ID:ljXVzpU2 [Del]

i exist to draw and create

286 Name: Stehlen : 2018-02-22 20:01 ID:YT9H152s [Del]

That's a very deep, difficult to answer question for most... My answer however, would be, "Whether your heart is beating or not, whether you're breathing or not, whether you exist or not... The gears of life continue to turn. I am not content with this thought. The thought that I am an insignificant speck in the grand sceme of things. I must do something! I must change the world (I hope for the better) I absolutely must exist, for the mere reason of existing!" Sorry if I rambled too much! Have a good day!

287 Name: 4nTeDeGueM0n : 2018-03-18 20:50 ID:2+BOOHkz [Del]

well, a good reason to live would be to have fun, laugh, have a good time with your friends, I know it looks silly, but it's really good to smile along with the people you care, and make other people smile too, do good. And eat lemon pie, it's DELICIOUS!!!

288 Post deleted by user.

289 Name: Wander : 2018-03-18 21:51 ID:gHHYX9mY [Del]

honestly, i don't know. but maybe to watch the next ep of my fav anime. that's a good reason XD

290 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-03-19 04:14 ID:TUJcMFP9 [Del]


291 Name: Amore!V0gNuFgB06 : 2018-03-19 10:00 ID:jZlIFqmk [Del]

i want to exist to make a change in this world. i belive every individual being is different for a reason, he or she is born to fulfill something, and i plan to fulfill the most. so lets all have high hopes to the future ahead!

292 Name: fonta : 2018-03-20 04:46 ID:wVAsmDin [Del]

I'm just here to procrastinate.

293 Name: potatoe : 2018-03-20 16:04 ID:vhYa0jpR [Del]

There's no reason. I just live to die.

294 Name: Life : 2018-03-20 18:35 ID:urfFVnjc [Del]
I enjoyed this video and I think it's a good reason to live because we're all loved even if we don't know it and we all love someone even if we don't show it.

295 Name: TheBigflames : 2018-03-20 19:30 ID:MSe6cTvj [Del]

For me life is a big gambel the outcome? No one can perdict so I wish to see the outcome and whats going to happen to me.

296 Name: Oz : 2018-03-21 22:34 ID:H27NLihi [Del]

Honestly, I live for my girlfriend, I love her to the stars and back, she's had a rough life and I want to keep her safe and happy. I don't know what I would do without her though. seems like a lot of people only have one reason to live. It's kind of scary but it makes us hold on to that reason just a bit harder.

297 Name: Athame : 2018-03-22 08:58 ID:t9/9kup9 [Del]

To learn and help others learn with me.

298 Name: Anonnymouse : 2018-03-22 23:23 ID:1L3w6sEl [Del]

tanoshi desu ne

299 Name: firelily ((needs to stop disappearing and getting new phones)) : 2018-03-22 23:35 ID:L19BCp0B [Del]


the only reason tbh

((saging just in case))

300 Post deleted by user.

301 Name: Esrafell : 2018-03-27 05:20 ID:a/f+fm0q [Del]

Nonexistence is of zero value so any positive thing is sufficient. Literally the next joke I laugh at is preferable to nonexistence.

302 Name: Antivenom : 2018-03-28 13:51 ID:SHnQJ/jx [Del]

My lover, yes I'm one of THOSE people..

303 Name: Someone : 2018-04-01 22:43 ID:+SmuKH6O [Del]

I never asked to exist ,_,

304 Name: HelpMeOutBro : 2018-04-01 23:06 ID:5IJgCNTV [Del]

I want to exist to experience life in a way that I'll be satisfied with. I want to do things because I know I can do them.

305 Name: Mowerblade!BsXraypWpE : 2018-04-02 00:13 ID:Tpi69goe [Del]

I used to not want to.
I just wanted to die as a young child.
But shit was just so awful that eventually when I got some sort of freedom I realized I wanted to have as much fun and be as successful as possible in order to spite the fuckers who brought me into this place.
To become a billionaire and then buy the town they live in, force them off their property, to pave a fuckin roadway through their bedroom and buy up their job and fire the fuckers.

To see the fuckers rot and grovel for a piece of bread, and to look at them and tell them “no, because you had no such mercy for me”.
That’s why I exist. Spite. And a thirst to see those who hurt me become dependent on me.

306 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-04-27 01:51 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]


307 Name: noheart : 2018-04-28 10:29 ID:mqz1lsoO [Del]

I don't.

308 Name: Time : 2018-04-28 16:07 ID:21nK+jn2 [Del]

The reason I exist is because of my fear for death, if I wasnt afraid I would be dead

309 Name: Kei : 2018-04-28 21:15 ID:oFEXdKfH [Del]

I find myself living more for others rather than myself.

310 Name: Maji : 2018-04-29 00:37 ID:bFDAWqMn [Del]

I want to exist without truly existing. I want to be invisible but still get to enjoy this world.

311 Name: Kanra : 2018-04-29 18:18 ID:4r2W+s6a [Del]

I enjoy existing. If I didn't exist the game would be over and that would be no fun!

312 Name: Alimo : 2018-04-29 21:41 ID:UzXKtnGi [Del]

i have no reason to go on existing but the only way i keep myself going is by having this one person by my side if that person left i'd have no reason to go on

313 Name: Karma : 2018-04-29 22:01 ID:Q254PIni [Del]

I exist because I simply exist. There’s no reason for it. Just like all of the other people on this planet exist. We’re simply here just because. Plus, it’s not like we have a choice, right?

314 Name: hedito tanaka : 2018-04-30 09:50 ID:sJyyxv+z [Del]

simply no one has a choice

315 Name: Kanra : 2018-04-30 13:46 ID:6Hbhgop1 [Del]

I want to specifically reply to Karma~ I believe we do have a choice. We can be 30 and still living with our parents or we could be out in the world! 8 billion people are alive. How many are actually living and existing~?

316 Name: Artison : 2018-05-02 20:09 ID:TRIHWXYu [Del]

I exist cause I like existing on this planet. I like just looking at these people I see every day from a far view. I just watch until its time.

317 Name: Sofa : 2018-05-02 21:36 ID:kMDoW5ZS [Del]

I actually wrote a 748 word philosophy on happiness and why we want to live at like, 1:30. AM

318 Name: snta : 2018-05-02 23:10 ID:TF1DComx [Del]

to be very honest, I don't want to exist anymore.

319 Name: Aci : 2018-05-03 12:24 ID:SGLrLi5A [Del]

This might sound like a joke, but I swear it's not.
I exist to have fun,watch anime, and read manga.

320 Name: sakura chan : 2018-05-07 01:47 ID:vJmm0r03 [Del]


321 Name: Cd : 2018-05-07 06:59 ID:+pwz2bjp [Del]

I want to exist to have influence on other people, pursue my dreams to succeed in life, and spread the gospel

322 Name: kiwi : 2018-05-07 17:41 ID:vKA+R9zG [Del]

I want to take care of my brothers.

323 Name: Kotori : 2018-05-07 20:47 ID:5tE1niBr [Del]

I want to learn while I'm here in this world and repay for what I've been given and what I've recieved. I have no other goals, only hopes.

324 Name: AceOfHearts !0mhR9PoBAo : 2018-05-08 02:11 ID:HnKUa6x4 [Del]

Living is fun and interesting.

325 Name: Jst : 2018-05-08 07:13 ID:+HmgnetM [Del]

I want to exist so that one day I'll have a reason to exist.

326 Name: Kanra : 2018-05-08 07:35 ID:koTh5Alv [Del]

Because I don't.

327 Name: IHATESCHOOL : 2018-05-08 07:39 ID:koTh5Alv [Del]

So I can watch my school get destroyed

328 Name: Kuromatic : 2018-05-08 09:24 ID:044AWO9t [Del]

Mainly so that I can accomplish some of my goals. I want to go places I've yet to visit, do things I haven't done yet and make memories I haven't lived yet. Before I'm satisfied with what I've done up until the present in my life, I don't wish to die.

329 Name: Kuromatic : 2018-05-08 09:25 ID:044AWO9t [Del]

Yea that reply was pretty lame, I know

330 Name: Cosmic Quill : 2018-05-08 10:03 ID:bgk9ccK8 [Del]

This is a very good post! I was in a pit of darkness and despair and now I’m being helped thanks to my friends and family. Now I have reasons to live, so I guess my reason to live is for the people I care about. They’re caring for me so now it’s my turn to pay them back ^w^

331 Name: Hitsuji : 2018-05-08 13:12 ID:Mzchrbcj [Del]

I want to exist to accomplish my goal of living in Japan. I know it doesn't sound like much, but after years of sinking further and further into depression this is the goal that is motivating me to do things and to try. I don't know what I will do when I get there, but at least for now, I have a goal and a plan to achieve it.

332 Name: Aci : 2018-05-08 14:51 ID:giA4Se38 [Del]

>>328 >>329 Awwww no that was the beeeeeest..

333 Name: MrWolf : 2018-05-08 20:22 ID:7QMHItta [Del]

I want to live, so that I can make sure others do as well. I am a protector. I protect people who I care about, or who need protecting. I believe that's my purpose on this planet; to protect the people who need protecting from the monsters of this world.
Whether it be physical danger, or emotional, I will protect them. No matter what.
I know a lot of people say the things I am saying, but most of them are not genuine, but I can assure you, my words are genuine. If you and me (whoever is reading this) were in an alley, about to get shot by a random stranger, you can be sure I will do everything in my power to prevent you from getting hurt.
My biggest fear is that one day, I won't be strong enough, fast enough, or smart enough, to save someone who needs saving, so I constantly train my body and mind in hopes that day will never come.
I apologize for pouring all of my feelings out in this long reply, but you asked how we feel, and I am telling you.
That is my goal, wish, and desire to live, to protect others.

334 Name: End : 2018-05-08 22:59 ID:GJNTZtFM [Del]

I exist to end.

335 Name: Alimo : 2018-05-09 08:10 ID:tpelg8o9 [Del]

>>333 i agree with you

336 Name: mimina : 2018-05-11 19:36 ID:RKg0CMZk [Del]

I want to exist because I find joy in other things that exist alongside me. I want to exist because I'm here in the first place - I should have the right to explore the world.

337 Name: Chill_Gates : 2018-05-11 20:28 ID:6F6Wdipq [Del]

I just haven't found a legitimate reason to die so I guess living is my only option.

338 Name: Back Off : 2018-05-11 21:15 ID:OpUuQbU3 [Del]

life is too hard for me
if possible i want to go into the anime world

339 Name: Taro Naroko : 2018-05-11 23:34 ID:qlMXH6CH [Del]

To be honest I have no idea.

340 Name: Taro Naroko : 2018-05-11 23:35 ID:qlMXH6CH [Del]

Chill_Gates has a point

341 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2018-05-27 11:07 ID:XyL7WjAR [Del]


342 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2018-09-06 00:48 ID:b8L2AoOi [Del]

Mass bump of appropriate discussions

343 Name: N’onymous : 2018-09-07 21:05 ID:M44qzuKf [Del]

Dunno. Don’t care. Life is life because it doesn’t need a reason to keep going, it just does.

344 Name: Kendo Rappa : 2018-09-11 17:45 ID:yIiPNJoG [Del]

i do not know really but, sometimes i just want to be accept by my parents and the peoples around me, i`m not gay or something like that, but i just try hard to be a good person, yes sometimes i start to think i take a end for this all but all the time i ting in that i remember the teacher Xavier in Logan saying (you still have time). after that i just start playing video games e try to hidden my sadness

345 Name: BigGrayWolf8797 : 2018-09-11 20:25 ID:1bMqPK3S [Del]

because of how mush humanity amuses me

346 Name: Suo : 2018-09-11 20:30 ID:8FrgBWAg [Del]

Because the alternative is way more boring. If there is no heaven and death is just darkness, then might as well make the most of current existence. If nothing is better than something, thats really sad. For some people, that's the case. But generally, just use opportunities and live life before you return back to the dust from which we came. Suicide is generally a stupid decision. This may sound offensive, but it honestly is. People kill themselves over temporary problems by committing to a permanent solution that they haven't thought through enough. It's sad that they die, but its more disappointing. That's why people at funerals say "what a waste, so young." Some people are haunted by their demons and I can understand that, but I also understand that help isn't handed out that often. It needs to be taken and wanted, the will to live needs to come from the receiver not the giver.

347 Name: Rick Sanchez : 2018-09-11 20:40 ID:8FrgBWAg [Del]

Don't think about it. Eat ice cream.

348 Name: Usotsuki : 2018-09-12 03:25 ID:SSKtHpyj [Del]

That's a really interesting question. I don't have a great reason for my existence, I just want to be here, see humanity evolve, see my friends grow as people and support them.

349 Name: ピカチュー : 2018-09-13 01:42 ID:AM8v7dSL [Del]

There's a certain someone whom I want to be with, how could I be with them if I wasn't here? ❤️

350 Name: Jennyliino : 2018-09-13 03:06 ID:nah1+jqL [Del]

reason to exist? To achieve my goals I guess, possibly even finding someone I can share my life with.

351 Name: Akuma : 2018-09-13 04:27 ID:8eMiBrlx [Del]

My reason to live is simply to spite life itself life has tried to kick me when I was down multiple times so now I feel like me living is my own personal fuck you to life

352 Name: Sparky : 2018-09-13 17:00 ID:MMw1whLJ [Del]

I don't really know why I'm still here. Maybe it's because I think that if I live long enough, then something interesting will come along. So I guess it's because I'm looking forward to that interesting thing.

353 Name: Natalie : 2018-09-13 17:22 ID:YCZbLOcB [Del]

I need to make this kid regret messing with me

354 Name: Kib_ : 2018-09-13 18:57 ID:bh0eybsE [Del]

I don't know why I exist, not yet. But I keep living because I know I have a purpose. Everyone has a purpose, you just need to figure that out, and that in of itself is a journey.

355 Name: Espresso : 2018-09-14 08:55 ID:Bn8IpVlz [Del]

I want to exist because I still have my consciousness. I don't believe in any form of an afterlife or even a conscious existence after death. Therefore, I desperately cling to my consciousness in this life for as long as I can. I enjoy having the ability to think, it's the only reason I wish to exist.

356 Name: Dandelion : 2018-09-14 12:15 ID:y3MXfX5q [Del]

I want to exist just for the cause. I want to explore all there is if ever possible. I know, a way too big of a dream - But you know, If i worked hard enough, If I put my mind to it, and if I continue to stand it is possible. I exist just for the cause, but due to that, I can do things and more.

357 Name: Dagomier : 2018-09-14 13:38 ID:6zSbGQqT [Del]

I exist to repay my debts and keep moving forward.

358 Name: Nonymous : 2018-09-14 20:30 ID:M44qzuKf [Del]

I change my answer. I want to live because I want to answer the question: What is humanity?

359 Name: Kyrokin !qMeLsi91.w : 2018-09-15 17:38 ID:gtOmUiDZ [Del]

Bump of major discussion.

360 Name: PK : 2018-09-28 21:06 ID:+/vpp/Kc [Del]

To experience both the joys and difficulties of life.

361 Name: Enigma!C8Yxj7ZQY6 : 2018-09-30 01:43 ID:nwBZPhd8 [Del]

I don't have a big opinion on this, I mostly have wanted to die for a long time.

I didn't have a family to support me or anything that was worth keeping going for, and I've made some progress and some success but the more I try the more small wins I get and big failures or losses I have to take.

It's kinda just a... dying doesn't seem worth it, but I hate living pretty badly.

362 Name: ErzaSenju : 2018-10-01 13:45 ID:aHx/FAj9 [Del]

Because There's something I want to reach. A quiet house on a hill somewhere. By myself, with no one to bother me, and no responsibilities. But honestly, all these struggles to get there don't really seem worth it ya know? A quiet peaceful live selling art is all I want. Dying peacefully might be nice too. Passing away in my sleep without any suffering. Such a selfish dream, but I bet there are painless ways to kill yourself too.

363 Name: Kyoko : 2018-10-01 13:49 ID:aHx/FAj9 [Del]

There are goals in my life that I want to reach and people I want to impress, even if im still a kid i'm sure that if I vanish now I will never uncover the secret beauties in life that I would want to experience, and scene

364 Name: Winter-Rose : 2018-10-01 17:43 ID:6HJegjoa [Del]

I want to live because I feel like I have a calling to help others. I am studying for a career that will help me to help others. Not to mention, I feel a responsibility to my cat, who would be helpless without me.

365 Name: God : 2018-10-02 04:38 ID:8yiw74u/ [Del]

existing is not such a big dilemma, everyone just exists to survive which is all we need to know.

366 Name: ... : 2018-10-02 05:10 ID:imD23wOo [Del]

how do we know that this life isn't a simulation and we are living in a false reality?

367 Name: Gerbagel !ypG5QrH.XQ : 2018-10-02 06:04 ID:axIlyXSo [Del]

I just like to exist. It's pretty cool, plus, it's a lotta fun to do things I like.

368 Post deleted by moderator.

369 Post deleted by moderator.

370 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-07-10 07:05 ID:ymotHNFO [Del]

Damn, what happened back here.

371 Name: Mělancholic.. !gkCMuSHiT. : 2020-07-10 12:08 ID:HuPFFxR5 [Del]


372 Name: Keiko : 2020-07-12 11:37 ID:3K1uD79A [Del]

I simply like existing. I like going with the flow of things and seeing what comes my way.

373 Name: Dokusha : 2020-07-12 16:45 ID:EURAM+Zu [Del]

i dont know. I think i need to exist. Is not a matter of wanting or not. If you dont want to exist you can dont exist. But thats the easy way. Its not more fun to just get something to exist?

374 Name: Xara !cLAc5rAVRA : 2020-07-13 02:04 ID:zDDTKBap [Del]

I want to exist so I can live the best life I can. Doesn't matter to me if we need to exist, I love being alive. I love feeling emotions and feeling good. I know that we will all die eventually but Im trying to not die so early. I want to be able to do the things I want to. Once the time comes, I want to be able to be proud that I was able to do the things I could. That is why I'm living. I strive to make the most out of it and Im so happy to be blessed with a soul.

375 Name: bakyura : 2020-07-13 22:07 ID:/tem1IRR [Del]

Honestly, if i had a choice i wouldnt have existed! i feel like me being on this planet is a complete wast of the air im breathing, i dont treat my parents and family and just throw tantrums, while i iend to be awkward and overthink everything when i am with my friends which makes them despise being with me except for few of them! my existence is pointless !

376 Name: Jekyll : 2020-07-13 23:53 ID:m+rAmTkT [Del]

its kinda crazy to think about, what if you never existed what if your parents never actually gave birth to you, you wouldn't be in this chat room if that were to happen its fascinating to to think about all the other people that could have been here today but never existed in the first place.

377 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-11-07 00:01 ID:w0aADvbY [Del]


378 Name: ThatGuy!AnOHItoBQY : 2020-11-07 05:06 ID:gTGc7aLM [Del]

Do you really need a reason for that? I guess I just exist until I eventually won't.

379 Name: Sie : 2020-12-11 09:59 ID:pOUicONB [Del]

Honestly, I don't really know why I'm still here. I'm just floating around and following the usual routine in school. I'll probably die in a ditch after I graduate because of boredom and not knowing what to do next.

380 Name: Cambria : 2020-12-11 15:10 ID:jvS5+yPG [Del]

I think I exist for my friends. Maybe it's just me being a sap, but those dummies can't live without me. They'd all die of heartbreak or stupidity. I'm just here for the ride, I guess. Definitely not gonna make it past 30, though.

381 Name: Lurker : 2020-12-11 22:09 ID:mJvnHD3K [Del]

Idk just floating around

382 Name: akirakki : 2020-12-12 10:06 ID:CHlGJSvi [Del]

I wish, too, to repay my parents the way they sacrificed themselves for me. I want to make them proud, and I also want to make good memories with the people I love. I always feel like something is missing, and sometimes I'm sad because of this. But I want to keep on, to see what's out there...

383 Name: grass !NkrPf4gBKY : 2020-12-12 13:53 ID:037S7hNS [Del]

Life in general is really good.. and I don't know what's after or before this...

384 Name: Cien : 2020-12-12 20:28 ID:pywjdLn3 [Del]

not sure yet

385 Name: 071130 : 2020-12-13 01:11 ID:euSZssj9 [Del]

I think I live for art. The things that exist forever, words, music, loneliness. Not exactly for anyone, but just for things.

386 Name: Hellion : 2020-12-14 03:14 ID:lKQi0dTc [Del]

I want to live to spread a evil organization😋

387 Name: Hellion : 2020-12-14 03:22 ID:lKQi0dTc [Del]

Since this world is shit, why not fill it with more shit.

388 Name: Von U.M. : 2020-12-14 04:26 ID:sWern7BQ [Del]

A very good question. My answer to this is, because I haven't found a good enough reason to stop existing.

389 Name: Devildaxter : 2020-12-14 07:25 ID:8tWtQ4H9 [Del]

cause it would be to easy if i not exist

390 Name: Murmur : 2020-12-14 11:29 ID:NmeuZU1X [Del]

I agree 👍

391 Name: ThatGuy!AnOHItoBQY : 2020-12-14 12:37 ID:gTGc7aLM [Del]

>>386 >>387 Someone has been watching HunterxHunter recently.


And you should, HunterxHunter is a good show.

Silly way to spend the little time you have in this planet, though. Not watching HxH, the whole "wantonly spreading suffering" kind of deal.

392 Name: yateli spaghetti !mt7nmZahr. : 2020-12-14 19:19 ID:/ZGW1NtS [Del]

>>386>>387 lol babies first spin on the bhavacakra

"The room is covered in defecation, so I defecate on the floor and smear it around the walls" I know you're 12 but this is a very silly way to be. First step is doing your best to defecate in the toilet, where it belongs. Next step, once you're potty trained, is to help clean the feces off the wall and floor. Even if you didn't put it there, it is there and you don't want to live in feces right? If you do that is gross. I am 100%, kink shaming btw

I want to exist because I was bored in the orange goo and I love all of you. :}

393 Name: Goat : 2020-12-14 21:42 ID:UjemZ+Dw [Del]

This comment 𝐑eally h𝐀s no 𝐈mportance 𝐋ike, no 𝐌𝐄aning at all.

If you get the joke, nice

394 Name: IDK : 2020-12-20 22:33 ID:fcwXFXE6 [Del]

I exist to find out who i am

395 Name: Sayo : 2021-01-27 22:07 ID:MtSXad9U [Del]

I don’t know why I exist, I’ve wanted to die before, so many times, but I’ve always lived through those moments, even after all the abuse and pain I’ve been through, I wonder why I still exist in this world. Maybe it’s because I hope to find a purpose to live, or maybe because deep down I’m scared of the unknown. I don’t know anything but existing, and maybe I’m here for a reason, but there’s no way to tell until you are facing the end. So I guess I exist because I know nothing else, I have no reason to live or die, or rather, no reason strong enough. I posted in this forum in 2014 under a different name with a completely different point of view. But now it’s 2021 and I realize that existing for others isn’t a reason to exist, it’s something to make you feel wanted, like you aren’t existing for no reason. But even so, I don’t have a definitive reason to exist, I just do.

396 Name: god : 2021-01-31 00:08 ID:i6mzgYnw [Del]

I exist because I want to have fun

397 Name: K : 2021-01-31 07:23 ID:mDY7L9Jx [Del]

I exist to form bonds with people? and to listen to music- so without music or people i usually lose myself i guess-?

398 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2021-01-31 08:11 ID:RZanMBmg [Del]

>>395 Existing for others is to feel wanted, I guess you could look at it from that point huh. But if you're selfless enough, you'll find yourself coming back to that first point you used to believe.

"Others aren't as durable as I am, so me staying by their side would at least support and help them stand on their own foot once more."

Is somewhat a naive thought yeah? I'm not really in the right position to say that either, but its what I believe.

399 Name: LOL : 2021-01-31 08:32 ID:+HJ+1tGX [Del]

To play games and watch shows

400 Name: Pure Water 100% : 2021-01-31 08:58 ID:HblB228Q [Del]

I live to entertain, and I live to be entertained. Whether it's by shows, games, or other human beings, everyone has something to be entertained by. That's why whenever things get boring, we have free will to make whatever that is more exciting!
Whatever god or higher being that put you here wanted you to have fun with this game called life, and play to your fullest on its playground--the world.

401 Name: Sora-kun : 2021-02-01 17:49 ID:DsSVoMLR [Del]

I live firstly because there are some shows and the like that I HAVE TO see the ending of. Aside from little reasons like that, I figure that I was actually given a lot and I want to leave my mark on the world ;) I figure if there's something extraordinary that I could even have a slight chance of being, then I may aswell work towards that, because by being proactive is the only way that my life won't become monotonous.

402 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2021-02-15 00:28 ID:MUOay7rM [Del]
