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Reality. (96)

1 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-18 22:53 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]

Okay, the newer people who clean and run the boards are probably going to hate me for making this thread, naming it something so fucking vauge,but at the same time, so damned shocking, you are like "The fuck is wrong with this guy" (That is a different thread topic)

I started making this thread in random, because fucking questioning reality at 11:33 PM, and asking people what you think about these questions, is quite, well...FUCKING RANDOM. But I want you to bear with me for a second.

I am the type of person who clings to things more than I should, when it comes to questioning them. Like a dog with a bone. I was doing rounds, when I had a severe case of De-Ja-Vu.

I had done this before. This scenario was almost the same as something I had in a dream when I was very young. I'm repeating it. I even predicted it to the point where certain scenarios played out, and how I reacted to them. And when the one scenario arose, it seemed like (in real life, im still fucking talking about real life here) one of the old rpg video games where you make a quest choice and you locked into it. I answered exactly how I was supposed to....

I know how crazy this seems..but please. Keep reading, we havent gotten to the fun part yet.:)
I know I sound like someone who you should have probably called 911 for awhile ago, but I promise I am sane, and I am just alone, and thinking.

A man and his thoughts, if you would.

Ever wonder if our entire lives are pre-programmed into our brains before we are born? And dreams or De-Ja Vu is our mind glitching, because the instance of what was programmed to occur wasn't parallel with reality? It would explain the "life flashing before our eyes" when we die, and the release, because we get to see and feel everything that we were supposed to accomplish.

Re-read that shit, and read it again, because when the thought occurred to me, it seemed a little crazy, but maybe, it makes sense? Maybe. depending on how far down into the fucking rabbit hole you want to go.

The brain is a vast place. We are told and repeatedly told, that we can only access, or knowingly have access to so much of it at once.
As if it is a finite thing.
It's described as being somewhat linear, you know. We can only take in so much of what is around us, etc. etc. Like, only so much of the world is available to us at a certain point in time, but in the bigger picture of things, you are just a set point in a story.

2 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-18 22:55 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]

and sorry for the triple post, but I have more to say, and this post is warning you of what more I have to say. Also, I like to re-read what I wrote to ensure clarity, and this little white box wasn't working for me.

3 Name: Kaii : 2013-08-18 23:14 ID:esalWJxe [Del]

This scared me a little, in the sense of making me rethink things...
I wonder if you're right -- nonetheless, living life is something we should do without trying to figure things out that might never happen.
I like to take things one step at a time, so..yeah..

4 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-18 23:42 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]

so..going off of what >>1 this guy says, its kinda like a video game.

but anyway, I want to point somethings out to you, that I have noticed, to ensure that I am still here, in what WE CALL reality.
And I am sorry for this crazy post, like really, but you guys have been the only community I can really talk about this shit with because facebook is too stupid, and everyone else thinks you're insane when you question existence.

The bane of mankind.

but anyway, what if, before we are born, the universe, or this one anyway, already has a time schedule? This living, constantly expanding ...THING, knows when it needs certain people to be at a certain place in TIME. And us humans have labeled time, because we can't understand of my favorite songs is Does Anybody Really Know What Time It is from the hit production Chicago.

Nice little advertisement plug there, now onto the real show.

So, The Universe just, KNOWS, yeah? And as it is constantly expanding and having its destination revealed to it,(if IT answers to anything, or anyone, depending on your religion) it is having certain people born at a certain TIME preprogrammed with their "destinies" persay.

Well, then some of you might ask, "Why aren't I some fucking superhero or model or someshit if I have a planned destiny by the Universe? If the Universe is so great, why the fuck am I CURRENTLY some college student on my laptop just typing these random thoughts out to people I have never met, some of whom, will probably think I am insane by the end of this post?" (I love you all dearly, but am aware of how I sound)

Well, that hasn't been revealed to you yet, and as with anyone who has a destiny, there are choices made, and distractions that keep us from getting to that that destiny or final realization in our lives...much like an RPG character. You can do whatever the fuck you want in life at any certain point in time, Yeah, its free will. But what types of consequences or opposite and equal reactions occur when "YOU" decide to deviate from what has been preprogrammed?

And some of these deviations are natural, and others seem to be more of less a distraction, right?

Or is that what we are told? Things like technology are deviations, I would like to agree, and even as I am sitting here typing this, my phone is constantly fucking going off and I have no idea why! (literally, I am lucky to get a text from my parents on a good day, not 6 unread messages at 12:17 am)

It makes you think how people like monks and such are able to achieve such happiness and zen with so little. It's because they take in everything that is around them, around the world. The way they use their minds? It is in harmony with the universe, and I am going to leave it at that because I have no better way to put it and I fear that trying to parallel our mind with the universe and explain it to you in words is out of my current reach as a 20 year old.

Again, I related to time. I can only see so far as I am supposed to at a set point in the game.

But anyway, back to what "reality" supposedly is.

What we perceive as random anomolies is just what the universe is. The problem with us humans is that we always have to label everything, otherwise we can't understand or explain it.

that is what language is.

But the universe doesn't speak like we do, or communicate.
It speaks the only way it knows how, and that is with what we have labeled as time.

The universe really, just, is "there". It exists, and we know it does. Such as everything around us. Things happen randomly and orderly at the same time for the universe. That is its nature.
Someone who acts like the universe is typically labeled one of the following:
i think you get the point.

But I urge you, for a better understanding of what I am talking about, drop everything you know at the current moment, including the perception of time. And I am fucking talking about EVERYTHING. Your phone, your bf/gf, litterally EVERYTHING YOU KNOW(OR HAVE BEEN TAUGHT FROM AS YOUNG AS YOU CAN "REMEMBER") This includes your name.
At this point, I am sure you probably are teetering on the edge of insanity, but just do this with me...ready?

Breathe deeply. Get all that life giving air into your fucking body and enjoy and savor every second of it.
Seem familiar?
You are just "there".
It parallels like being "born".
That first breath of life we are given at birth, with a clear mind/conscious etc.

And the Universe repeats(I had to respell this 5x just now) this cycle at out birth and death.


ORRRR, whenever the hell we want to, by literally dropping everything we know, taking in absolutely every last drop of what is around us, breathing deeply, and going.

getting a momentary glimpse of what it really means to "exist"

the problem is, these feeble bodies can only handle so much stimulus at once, or as much as it has been programmed to so we disregard most little things the universe does because of our so called "selective attention"

Pay attention to everything.
For real. Its fucking great.
especially outdoors, away from anything man-made.
technology is truly a distraction.
Watch nature, and how it mimics the universe, in the way it is completely "random" but planned by this being we call "mother nature"

So, back to my point yah?
Oh, there is no point anymore. I have given you these things to look at differently, because what is the point to anything?

When reality itself becomes a question, everything becomes a question, which supposedly leads to chaos, but isn't there beauty in all that?

After all, that is how the universe got started in da first place yo.


And if I legit sound crazy from this post, let me know, and I will try to get outdoors more, and attempt to get a girlfriend or something to keep my mind off of these thoughts, but that is really what the brain is for. Thinking. (and you will fucking know you have thought well and hard about shit when you feel a physical fatigue from just sitting and thinking because that shit takes up energy. Another answer to the existence of monks. Why the fuck are they so skinny and all they do is eat and pray? FUCK NO. They think. All the time. and I believe that the reason they take vows of silence is because if they thoughts they think are revealed to the public, they become more of a cult, right?)

But then again, those are labels. :)

Keep thinking. and discuss.

The rabbit hole goes as far as you want it tooooooo......

5 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-18 23:49 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]

>>3 That is where all this got started. I take things AS THEY COME, because that is really what life is. Life is the shit that happens when you are making plans (J. Lennon)

Life is sporadic. but organized at the same time, and that is why it is so beautiful.

We can't see this in the digital age because we are too busy processing the "shit" we are thrown.
someone or something doesn't want you thinking these thoughts because what happens when you rethink your own existence?
Thats what mass media is.

Sorry for this bombshell if anyone else is reading. I didn't mean to shatter your existence. :(


And when you think about your existence and what it means, you question why anyone does anything, why I do the things I do, and you get what people would typically call


You are weird, that's weird, he's weird, she's weird.

Being weird just means you question everything so you understand why things don't happen as you have been told they should so your definition of reality and what it means to exist is a little or way more broad than that "normal" person's is.

6 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-19 00:04 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]

another thing. Dont let anyone label you because you think the way that you do.

You just think these thoughts that you always think. And that is how it is.

7 Name: Kaii : 2013-08-19 01:08 ID:esalWJxe [Del]

I'm pretty sure you're onto something...
It's good to keep thinking and it's definitely not something to be ashamed of.
It was a very interesting read and I did indeed acquire something I did not have prior to reading this: knowledge of my surroundings and their importance.
I hope you're doing well, because you seem like a very knowledgeable person!

8 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-19 01:32 ID:dYAjKvz5 [Del]

>>7 Thank you. hahah and I am doing as well as I think I am...I think. idk. lol
I have been told I need alot of people. And I do, but its fun to think and get lost in your own head. haha
But I do think I will get some sleep.
Your post comforts me in the fact knowing someone learned something.
so I'm gonna sleep nao. lol

Goodnight/Good morning to the rest of you who see this haha

9 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-19 07:39 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

First, Forte_SigmaEX, I'd be curious to know what you think of your posts on this thread after getting some good sleep. I've had times when I've been up late venting things into Microsoft Word documents that will never see the light of day, and then the next day I'd go back and re-read what I'd written and it would seem completely foreign to me. That said, it's after 7 in the morning where I live and I have not slept yet. :P

Second, and more on-topic, I think it's actually impossible to completely forget--even momentarily--absolutely everything you know about the world. I'll use your meditation example to illustrate my point. You talk about reaching a point of just "being", but if you were to completely discard everything you know, you wouldn't know what you were experiencing. You'd have no foundation to be able to know that you were just "being".

I'm trying very hard right now to not acknowledge what I know, and what I'm getting (and think about this--to be able to express this thought, I have to describe it in words, things I know) is a feeling of chaotic despair. It's as if, not knowing anything, thus not being able to put anything into context or recognize the existence of anything, my mind is panicking, like how you'd be very desperate for a breath of air after being underwater and holding your breath as long as you possibly can, yet still being far from the surface.

From a more practical perspective, if everything is destined (either in the specific sense or a more general sense), what's the point of knowing that? Knowing it wouldn't change it. It would just cause some people unnecessary despair (I said some people because I'm sure that reactions would range the entire spectrum from said despair to elation).

10 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-19 09:48 ID:aI207lv4 [Del]

>>9 I probably sound crazy, yeah, I know. I know.
I guess I felt like forgetting everything that pulls your mind in a 100 different directions would be less stressful. It was for me. Why is it necessary to constantly be thinking about all this information we have to process every second of the day? That is how I was thinking. Like, its giving your brain a fresh breath of air, if you let it just stop for a second and relax and make it not have to access anything.
I won't force anyone to stop thinking, it's more or less one of those things where it's like, take a break for a second.

The point of knowing what your destiny is supposed to be, is so that you have the free will to change it if you wish. And finding comfort in the fact that you have the ability to coast until the end, or have free will to change the end result to your liking. And knowing it can change it. like I said, what are the results of consequences from deviating from the plan.

If you older members read this and think its insane and want me to delete it from the board let me know. lol

11 Name: Clementine : 2013-08-19 13:11 ID:pVT4O4vF [Del]

Starting 3 years ago I would randomly have de-ja-vu about 1-2 times a month. In the very instant that happened I would recall having a dream about the thing that had just happened. I wouldn't remember the dream until it happened in real life, so I decided to try writing down my dreams and hopefully get them on paper so if I had de-ja-vu again I could go back in my dream journal and realize that I did actually dream about it. Strangely enough ever since I started my dream journal the occurance of de-ja-vu has declined to 1-2 in 3-4 months or even more. I don't know exactly why this is, but i'm still experimenting.

12 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-08-19 13:23 ID://EfcdjK [Del]

I won't lie to you, this kind of sounds like the ravings of a lunatic. But it also kind of makes sense in a weird sort of way. Don't delete this, Forte, leave it up here and make people think. I do agree with you about the well placed distractions. As soon as I decided to answer you I realized that I haven't eaten anything since about 8 this morning and I'm hungry. Now I really want to go get something to eat even though I've just been sitting here paying attention to a dozen useless sites for the last hour. Urg, now my brain just wants to explode from questioning its own existence.

Oh, and thanks for getting Chicago stuck in my head.

13 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-19 16:45 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>10 But if you can change your destiny, then it's not really destiny.

Ah, now I see what you're saying about becoming too overwhelmed mentally. I read something a few years ago about how our brains can only completely focus on one thing at a time, and, while we can multitask, our focus is divided to negative, rather that positive, effect because we're not able to pay complete attention to any of the things we're doing. Since then, I've actively tried not to multitask. I try to do one thing at a time.

14 Name: six6impossiblethings : 2013-08-19 19:34 ID:pVT4O4vF [Del]

If anybody sees this on the homepage and decides not to read it because it's too long, read it anyway. When you really think about it this completely blows your mind.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-19 22:57 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]

This doesnt explain things like small children dying before they have the power to do anything. I guess you could expain it as the parents going against the universes plan, but now you have to ask the ethical question "are those children considered people or where they empty living bodies because the universe deals out souls and didnt plan for those people to exist". And this idea isnt exctly new. There's the christian belief of predestination that basically says god knows what your going to do before you do it so before you're born god already knows of you're going to haven or hell. The chinese used to believe the god had set times for different rulers to have the right to rule. I personally dont believe that our life is already set in stone. I believe time actually splits every time you make a choice. Basically, when you're born you start off with close to unlimited possible destinies. As you make a choice, that shaves off a few of those possible destinies. Of corse it's not that simple because there's billions of people on this earth constantly making choices that effect other people, natural disasters, and just regular accidents, but that's an explanation for another day.

16 Name: ಠ_ಠ-- Lone-Wolf-kyle-(> ⌣̀_⌣́)>♥ : 2013-08-19 23:51 ID:IryX41EF [Del]

hmmm >>1 dude have you ever heard of locid dreaming, it's the full awareness of you knowing your dreaming while your dreaming thus (lol i said thus like a smart person which i'm not) anyways thus allowing you to control your dreams. Dude that is zen state monks go into while meditating. I really think you should learn how to lucid dream because when your lucid dreaming you can imagine yourself infront of you and ask him those questions and you will answer (btw lucid dreaming falls in line in human mysteries next to De-Ja-Vou.

17 Name: ಠ_ಠ-- Lone-Wolf-kyle-(> ⌣̀_⌣́)>♥ : 2013-08-20 11:07 ID:IryX41EF [Del]

only bumping cause i feel i wasn't heard >.>

18 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-23 00:56 ID:We/36bMp [Del]

Bumping to reply to you all later. I thought this had died and gave up on it. I will return in a few days to answer you all. Busy with work atm.

And yeah, most people would probably consider me insane.
But I'm not in a white jacket surrounded by pillows so fuck it.

19 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-23 01:01 ID:We/36bMp [Del]

More points of thought to consider, Take a look at this picture

The universe is infinite. Why do these two pictures look so similar? If the universe is infinite, would it not mean, that perhaps within each of us is a universe? That is what our mind is? As someone stated earlier, and, which is actually a theory, for every decision we make, an alternate universe is created for all of the others we did not.

20 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-23 01:01 ID:We/36bMp [Del]

Fuck. I can never get the damn html to work. sorry for the TP but here is the picture:

Make sure you read the captions.

21 Name: ryyuki !DMP/IeGcgU : 2013-08-23 01:38 ID:OCKpBQpA [Del]

Dude, I read almost this whole post thing and it sounds like a freaking religion! XD but it's awesome. And if it was a religion, I'd convert to it. It makes more sense than anything else I've seen or believed in. So if you're crazy, I guess I'm crazier. But this made that type of sense to me. Also, I think deeply also. Like way deep. Like "if everything came from nothing than doesn't that mean we are all just Nothing's imagination?" Type deep. But I'm taking philosophy, so thinking deep is normal to me. Anyway, you're not crazy. You're just smarter than the average human. Unfortunately, that means the average human will view you and me as crazy. But then again, maybe we are crazy and maybe crazy isn't a bad thing. As someone once said, "there is a thin line between genius and insane." I hope no one was offended by this. O.o if they were, "pancakes???" ;n; "for you...." XD

22 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-08-23 03:37 ID:EJsZK8uw [Del]

I believe that you're onto something. You wound similar to me so I'll my collections thus far (all seventeen years of it X3 )
I read what you wrote so bare with me on this one!
Neow at first when you see me you think, it's just another girl (there's plenty of those around!) then you noticed my calm, quiet, shy demeanour; this girl is harmless! ......WRONG!! I'm all types of "crazy." Yes I am insane, yes I fantasize about tearing people apart, does that mean someone like me doesn't deserve love, happiness, etc? Of course it doesn't! Why you ask? Well I'll tell you :3
Back to what you previously had stated, life is like an RPG; yes it is, you're absolutely right in that one. Neow, picture the entire planet as a setting for a game. All 7 billion people are characters. Take the "weird" as make them "main playable characters" while the rest are just NPCs. Think about it! They ridicule us, judge us, make our lives more challenging yes? Doesn't it make sense though?! They're the "enemies" that we must fight during our "Game of Life" only we fight to keep our "weirdness" and not become one of them!
Moving on to choices; I'll be honest, I can "feel" choices, I can tell when my life is at a "choice." It's like my consciousness is being split into two so I have to choose!
Neow, your deja vu; I've had it too. I have a collection of split personalities that I believe are really a collection of the personalities I once held during my former lives. I was in a car one night and I was well, thinking like I always do. Suddenly I felt something familiar and one of my "ends" appeared right before my eyes (it was beautiful okay but insanely brutal, no bloody? Well it was a murder. I'm tearing up as I'm writing this okay!) anyways, I've slowly begun to recall the rest of them and guess what? They're all "bad ends." So let's say you reach a bad ending what do you do? You retry but you have to start over from scratch correct? Makes sense neow doesn't it :3
I believe in parallel universes, just saying X3
Anyways, from about age six I've been questioning existence (I listen to almost no one so I always questioned rights and wrong,) every time it think about my soul and what it means to live I feel like I'll fly away! It's so scary! But really profound like I can actually leave my body if I tried hard enough!!
It's nice to be able to talk like this without people plotting to put you away! ^^
I have to thank you for this!
For me, the rabbit hole is infinitely long :3

23 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-08-23 09:43 ID:We/36bMp [Del]

>>11 Keep researching. The fact that it declined may be from recalling it! If you are seeing parallels, something may go out of its way to hide them.
>>12 Hahah Well thanks! And you are welcome. hahah Chicago has a good soundtrack. And I like making people think. From all angles of perspective. Playing Devil's advocate is one of my favorite things to do. hahaha
>>13 But the Universe's destiny is unknown/constantly changing. I don't necessarily believe that destiny is a set path, but instead the infinite potential for greatness.
>>15 I'll answer this in another post. work is getting busy to match your detail. lol
>>16 I have heard of lucid dreaming. Tried it, I have bad insomnia so it's difficult. Also, the movie Insidious has made me weary of it. lol But it does seem hella fun haha except getting snatched by spirits or someshit.
>>22 I agree with you hahah and I am glad you are happy I am someone to crazy talk with. haha Usually I just crazy talk to myself ;D

24 Name: InigoaColt : 2013-08-23 10:30 ID:KLmS48Mj [Del]

Dreams are a simple"window" to the future past and the feelings of your and other beings have a dream that you can't explain and experiencing it later on it life and getting the rush of it being dream later is normal and a gift that not everyone has so if you do have dreams like that write them down and keep them with you and change what happens do something different change the so called "quest" and change you destiny

25 Name: Agorain : 2013-08-23 11:32 ID:uUiSduAi [Del]

There are reality to dreams, it just depends on you.

26 Name: Sejin !PKt//nzxc2 : 2013-08-23 19:40 ID:ne4vWOnn [Del]

>>19 That reminds me of Daoism, which presents the idea that the human body is a microcosm of the universe.

27 Name: Mafia Boss : 2013-08-23 19:54 ID:M/hQrtmI [Del]

This hapened to me couple of times, i dreamed something and that happened -.-
it was weird in the beginning, but now, sometimes, it's cool xD

28 Name: Iron : 2013-08-23 22:51 ID:eS7m9iND [Del]

I know what you mean, Forte. In fact, only a few days ago I was thinking the exact same thing. What if our lives really are preprogrammed? What if the deja vu was a warning telling you about the choices that may come around? And Neko-Tama, I think that your theory of previous lives is also very accurate. Considering the amount of people that feel like they have lived before, I'd say you're onto something. I believe that people who are anxious have lived fewer lives than confident people.

29 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-09-01 02:01 ID:d88J3EXR [Del]


30 Name: Jest : 2013-09-01 04:18 ID:y+Y9kdwd [Del]

I don't know if you're feeling the same thing I am feeling but I do have this sensation of Dejavu but in my case I have the ability to change it somehow or something, not sure. well I'm curios to see that what I'm feeling is also happening to other people.

also about the life being planned out at the beginning thing yeahhh could be but does it really matter? what we do and what we feel are still real,we stilll live as if we have consequences and what we feel is relational, important and real. also everything being real to us but is fictional is almost as real as having everything real, it's a matter of perspective what we think and what we see is where we believe to live in.

P.S. srry for the grammar and spelling :/

31 Name: Ana-Chan : 2013-09-01 10:30 ID:BoPW1hwn [Del]

I get déjà vu and lucid dreams all the time and I LOVE it when it happens. Whether it be a warning from a past life of what will happen or what is your destiny it's still pretty cool. Idk whether I like the idea of preprogramming because many people, myself included, may feel that they were destined for more. Many people feel like they should be doing great things while they're not (my reason being I'm still just a teenager and nobody takes me seriously). I've always believed that the universe needs to keep a balance in itself, good luck-bad luck, happiness-sadness (though idk if it's doing too well with that one), power-weakness and so on. Our déjà vu might be the universe telling is what it wants us to do to try to keep a balance.

32 Name: Nikolas : 2013-09-01 10:56 ID:bh4ikA+r [Del]

Your tone irks me something terrible. The rest of the planet isn't made up of tiny-minded hicks, alright, so don't be condescending. I can't stand it. You're not the only one in history to ever have an existential crisis.

You tapped out a lot of words on your keyboard so forgive me if I've picked up any of your ideas wrongly via skimming.

This idea of everything being pre-determined. If it is, then ALL of it is. All of it or none of it. Lives being semi-determined makes no sense at all. Deviations from a plan doesn't make sense. For there to be plan like that, a fallible plan, and plan that can be deviated from, there needs to be a sentient being behind it, and I don't think you're trying to argue for the existence of a god-like entity, are you? You're arguing for nature. Complete chaos, or complete order, depending on how you look it. Nothing can be done by halves in a system like this.

Secondly, technology. You can't treat technology as separate from nature unless you're prepared to exclude the human race from nature. If you include humans, you must include the things humans have made. Birds make nests, we make iPhones. There really isn't much of a difference. 'Unnatural' doesn't exist. Everything that exists is natural. A Buddhist monk or sadhu lives no more of a natural life than a banker from New York. One could say that the banker is the more sane animal. He cleverly takes advantage of everything he can and accumulates lots of money, eats the best food and has the most comfortable life. He is the more successful one, from an animal point of view.

I don't believe in this predetermination idea. Even if it's the truth, it makes no difference to any us. If the future is as immutable as the past, it makes no difference to us.

You may have to explain to me again about the déja vu. Déja vu is the sensation of having done or sensed something before. It's a phenomenon that concerns only the past and present. How does it have any bearing on the future?

33 Name: Minusfromphone : 2013-09-01 13:07 ID:ThljBZ2r [Del]

I haven't read all the posts here just until 13 so I can tell ypu that I have those deja-vu since forever. Sometimee I can predict something that someone next to me might say. One day I predicted the cards a girl had in her hands. I just knew. It was there like in the back of my mind. And I didn't cheat, I wasn't playing and I wwas across.the table the whole time. Being called crazy is better than being called demon-possesed. I try all the time to keep those to myself. Oh, I had some exorcism done to me just.because I knew things before they happened. Please listen to me and tell no one about your thought. In real life But we can here.
I had your question since forever. Why am I so different?
It was fucking scary and I'll never tell anything to anyone in real life. So just listen to me and keep this onfly here. Okay?
Sorry for.mistakes, but I don't like touchscreen phones -_-

34 Name: Ana-Chan : 2013-09-01 14:16 ID:BoPW1hwn [Del]

>>33 ik what you mean, I haven't been exorcised but it's like a sixth sense of prediction. Is it sporadic for you? Happens sometimes but not others? It could just be a sense of habit among the people you know better. Like knowing what's for supper before you come home, or what your friends might say before they say it. You know those people's habits well enough that your sub conscious predicts it. That could be why it's just a feeling in the back of your head. And if it's a stranger then who knows, could be someone you knew well in a past life? My friends all know I'm a bit crazy on the side but we're all a little out there so it's ok

35 Name: starexploder : 2013-09-01 14:22 ID:oo8XQd1h [Del]

I don't think you can divide our reality into two simple absolutes. In terms of order and chaos, at the heart of one lies the other. If you're referring to the inability of our minds to comprehend the whole, then it would be proper to discuss the parts as we see them. Deja vu might be a glimpse into the whole.

36 Name: Insanity X : 2013-09-02 04:11 ID:EEkM1G2R [Del]

I am part of a break off group from dollars. I know what you mean. I get the same thing all the time. Dont worry bout it. Every human being carries at least a small amount of prophesetic power (my theory) and it just shows up differently. I for instance get short flashes that come true later. Others will know whats going to happen next, like you. Its just normal. Everyone gets it at least once in their life. Laters!

37 Name: Insanity X : 2013-09-02 04:11 ID:EEkM1G2R [Del]

I am part of a break off group from dollars. I know what you mean. I get the same thing all the time. Dont worry bout it. Every human being carries at least a small amount of prophesetic power (my theory) and it just shows up differently. I for instance get short flashes that come true later. Others will know whats going to happen next, like you. Its just normal. Everyone gets it at least once in their life. Laters!

38 Name: Insanity X : 2013-09-02 04:11 ID:EEkM1G2R [Del]

I am part of a break off group from dollars. I know what you mean. I get the same thing all the time. Dont worry bout it. Every human being carries at least a small amount of prophesetic power (my theory) and it just shows up differently. I for instance get short flashes that come true later. Others will know whats going to happen next, like you. Its just normal. Everyone gets it at least once in their life. Laters!

39 Name: Insanity X : 2013-09-02 04:11 ID:EEkM1G2R [Del]

I am part of a break off group from dollars. I know what you mean. I get the same thing all the time. Dont worry bout it. Every human being carries at least a small amount of prophesetic power (my theory) and it just shows up differently. I for instance get short flashes that come true later. Others will know whats going to happen next, like you. Its just normal. Everyone gets it at least once in their life. Laters!

40 Name: Coska : 2013-09-02 05:10 ID:grDb8Bdf [Del]

Hm ok i like your theory, but what bugs me the most and is a question that will never be answered until i die is what happens when you die, is there a heaven or hell? or is there vast land filled with little things from when were alive that we are then stuck with for the rest of our days there, or do we all meet up and just walk around together, do we start a new life as an animal or another human? do we turn into trees or some plant or some shit like that? are we turned into ghosts, do we turn into stars and watch the world? or, does it just go black and we are left to float there never to see anyone or anything, and does something move around you in that darkness or not? or do we just vanish, you see i can't imagine myself just vanishing and not being aware of myself anymore... seriously take a second and try it, i just cant do it. so what happens then? And one more thing, the world, i know people say 'the world doesn't revolve around you' but take a second and look back at your life im sorry to say but it dose seem that 'your life' does actually revolve around you. so now tell me, what do you think on my little theory's, what do you think happens when you die? i'd like to know, and what is your theory on life and this reality that we speak of, really say what you think, and lets not be rude about shit, kay?

41 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-09-03 19:03 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


42 Name: Zero : 2013-09-03 22:51 ID:VGv/aYWn [Del]

Ok so I have dream of things before they happen. ALL. THE. TIME. I had a dream about sitting at a table eating lunch with some people my freshman year of high school. A year before it happened. I had a dream about a high school math class in a state that I never fully acknowledged the Existence of 2 years before that happened. I have many smaller less important dream all the time that come true. I experience deja vu so much some days that it feels like I have lived the same days twice. And that whole forget eveything and just breathe trick I have doing that quite frequently lately its so... well, weird. But uh yeah, riveting post chap.

43 Name: Zero : 2013-09-03 22:52 ID:VGv/aYWn [Del]

>>42 And sorry about a few cases of poor grammar in there I am tired and I have trouble paying close attention to grammar when I'm tired.

44 Name: Kuro Neko : 2013-09-03 23:21 ID:Q4/kRiEy [Del]

That happens to me a lot. I would always freeze for a moment, even in public, and think "I've done this before, this exact same thing" I eventually got so annoyed that I asked others about it. It was a little rare in my school (this was like four years ago)
and I found a certain circle of friends that had the exact same condition. They are still my closest friends today, and we're still all thinking of what happened before.

45 Name: Ithior : 2013-09-04 12:50 ID:qErXQrT8 [Del]

Didn't really have to read it again, I've already been through the same.

46 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-09-10 07:59 ID:m+8yCeDe [Del]

Ill respond soon.

>>32 Lol you are deriving tone from written text. If you got "condescending" from the text I apologize, but not what I was aiming for at all.
And I defintely don't agree with including everything we have made as being natural when it impedes so much on nature itself. True, humans are apart of nature, but the things we make are called "man-made" or "human-made" for a reason. Not natural. A cellphone is not natural. An oil rig is not natural.

I'll respond more in depth to you soon, as you argued against me the most. lol
And I enjoy it, it just takes more time to offer a rebuttal.

47 Name: bang-bang : 2013-09-10 08:27 ID:v+mpIpeM [Del]

>>46 And bee hives are "bee-made".

Arguing that just because the things we made are considerably more intricate (and sometimes harmful) than anything any other animal has built, those things should be thought of as a category of their own independent of the natural world doesn't really make sense to me.

Sure human creations have developed on an immense scale, so I get the practical reason for making a distinction between that and anything the rest of the animal kingdom has achieved, but on a more fundamental level there's not that big of a difference. You either consider everything that isn't organic or created through natural phenomena artificial or none of it.

48 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-09-10 11:02 ID:m+8yCeDe [Del]

>>47 Things created by nature do not impede on nature.
Things created by man do. And while I realize it is "necessary" for our survival, it doesnt make it natural. The things we have created, especially most technology does not work in synchronicity with nature. A bee hive is "bee-made" and it serves a functions that align with the flow of nature. It is a habitat for bees, a receptacle of food for other animals, and is able to exist without being entirely destructive itself. Sure, a very heavy hive might bring down a branch, but then the hive itself is destroyed as well. This would be a lesson to the bees. Dont over extend your presence, because it will be your undoing, such as we are witnessing with the global climate change and other environmental issues.

Humans are animals, but we have developed "free-will" Animals and things of nature act on NATURAL instinct.

49 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-09-10 11:05 ID:m+8yCeDe [Del]

>>47 and I can elaborate on this even more, by saying there is proof that members of civilizations long ago used to live waaaayyy past the age of 100 because of how plentiful the earth was, and the way they coexisted with it. Humans have more of a presence that is seen as destructive now. There are still areas on earth called "Green Zones" where people live well past 100 because of how clean it is, and the way they live amongst nature. Not with it. there is a difference. We say we coexist with nature be we dont AT ALL. And that is a fact. Coexisting implies a symbiotic relationship. We do more damage to nature than we do to fix it.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-17 08:21 ID:NIiV2DRU [Del]

>>1 >>4

No, you don't sound crazy. You're not the 1st guy around to question reality. I mean, I'm still trying (AND FAILING) to wrap my head around the biocentrism thing (which I think might interest everyone here - there's a nice wikipedia article although there's something like a blog that the author of the idea itself made to explain it) and I read this book that's questioning the existence of the organ that we call brain. So if ever I was wrong and this is crazy, rest assured that there are crazier out there.

I am genuinely interested in your idea and I would like to discuss it further. So let me start with a question. Considering that what you said about the universe is true, how sure are you that the universe's intent will work for you?

51 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-09-18 10:15 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


52 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-18 15:58 ID:XHOpFh9B [Del]

>>34 It happens with strangers too. I can predict exactly the words and the intonation. And it can be a stranger on the bus, at school or in a shop. Or somewhere else.
As a kid I almost died. And I have this theory that maybe, instead of having your life flashed in seconds before you die,
I actually saw the future. My future. Well I was six at that time. And I remember my exact thoughts(Someone saved me btw)
"Let me die. I don't want to live that" and I was 6. Since a little child I was in my own world. It was like there was just me and sometime words from people next to me, actually reached me. I didn't care about humans next to me or try to ever study their behavior and try predict something. But lately - and by lately I mean a few months ago- I've started studying people and it is way easy to predict something. And even if I just know something and I said it outloud before they speak and they are like "OMG that was my though!!" I just say that I 'studied' them and I was just presuming what they were thinking. And people seem to accept that way better than telling them "Hello~ I'm sort of psychic".
Oh, and the girl with the cards: I just met her that day. So I didn't knew her. She told me I'm some sort of 'prophet' and then I stopped thinking like I was some sort of monster. I don't think at myself as a 'savior' or 'prophet' or whatever. I've accepted the way I am and I'm proud for being like this.
Yes, I've been told 'monster', 'demon-posessed', 'weird', 'insane'.
But you know what: I know I am right. And those things are real. And I can't live without this part of me(there was a month when nothing happened. At all. And I felt wrong. I felt empty, like I was having a nightmare.)
But if there is the chance that I'm actually living a lie: than it is the most beautiful lie ^.^

53 Name: Seni : 2013-09-18 16:39 ID:b/Z9GN15 [Del]

Ok i was reading listening to some of the most creep durarara! soundtrack like: Binzume no Tenshi or Kawai ta maebure.
And that post creeped the fuck out of me.... but at the same time it made me think what i really want and what real life should be, not like some robots but as humans that can in a way feel the universe and understand it. Thank you for that post

54 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-24 05:39 ID:XHOpFh9B [Del]

>>53 lol I love creepy/scarry things. And I love being creeped out :D

55 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-25 22:39 ID:YmzBR09w [Del]


56 Name: zero : 2013-09-26 07:32 ID:RCjBwUer [Del]

i dont know but that has happen to me too i though i was just crazy

57 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-09-26 23:32 ID:WGATImFH [Del]

bump cause Forte has interesting points

58 Name: Kanra : 2013-09-27 00:19 ID:PknmTACk [Del]

You say fuck a lot...

59 Name: akayuki !YwkF8wc4qU : 2013-09-27 02:59 ID:pXAdXhrL [Del]

i have nothing to say except that this thread is awesome.

60 Name: [S] : 2013-09-27 03:02 ID:YS9g/pfE [Del]


61 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-27 03:51 ID:/qxIBiGY [Del]

Just read creepypasta.

62 Name: Kanra : 2013-09-27 05:53 ID:PknmTACk [Del]

Shut the fuck up about creepypasta don't spam the website with that stupid shit you fucker.

63 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-27 14:45 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


64 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-09-29 14:29 ID:XHOpFh9B [Del]


65 Name: Cerebella : 2013-09-29 22:39 ID:+XPKOr1N [Del]

This thread brings back thoughts to my mind.
Bump,kind of, I guess it didn't really need to be.

66 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-09-30 13:55 ID:Nt8Qodtb [Del]


67 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-10-02 22:53 ID:mKoUJtGG [Del]

Damn it, Forte. You can't just appear out of nowhere with rantings that make the new people think, and make you sound like a complete lunatic, and possibly a conspiracy theorist.

Their poor fragile minds probably can't handle all of the crazy.

Still, I have to admit that I've thought that too. Well, kind of. I've come up with weird conspiracies and crazy thoughts/ramblings on reality. I just don't share them, because people already think I'm crazy.

Also, I just don't like to think about ti because it makes me feel small and insignificant.

68 Name: Lilster : 2013-10-03 05:58 ID:2xvNYYYT [Del]


69 Name: bang-bang : 2013-10-03 06:01 ID:ZN8iL24H [Del]

Hey though, remember this thread?

70 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-10-03 08:57 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

>>69 I do .-.

That's the main reason I haven't posted anything here other than a periodic bump lol

71 Name: neeon : 2013-10-08 05:03 ID:LQH7EruN [Del]

I have had similar things happen, on numerous occasions. Where that I could swear that I've lived it before, but days,weeks,months, even years before. It used to really freak me out when it would happen, to the point that I would literally stop dead in my tracks when I would get that feeling. In essence, we may never know as to why that happens to us, as most people who do experience it write it off as their minds seeing things that aren't there. It really used to remind me of the Matrix, because of the reasoning for deja vu in that movie. Like maybe that we are a part of something that when it changes, the "system" can't handle it and it lags, as it does in some video games, it replays a scene during lag.The mind is something that, even after all of the studies that have been done, is nowhere near fully understood. Have we seen the same scene more than once? Or is it an illusion produced by our subconscious in a split second? Our subconscious being something we practically have no control over, it shows us what it believes that it remembers. Just like how certain things, like smells, colors, or tastes can trigger extremely vivid memories that we may have almost forgotten in our recent memories. Oh man, this thread made me think a lot more than I should be thinking at 3 am haha

72 Name: Pacheco : 2013-10-08 14:26 ID:uPPAVW4Y [Del]

First of all, sorry about my bad english,i've not been praticing my grammar for a while now

There's a theory called "The universal formula"
Nowadays scientists are capable of explaining lots of things, but there are many theories that makes sense alone, but doens't make any sense if you compare it with another theory.

Ok, that was a little confuse, so here is an example:

-Quanticum Mechanics try to explain how something little works, such as an atom or a force, and it makes perfect sense, but if you compare it with other theory, such as the black hole theory, you'll discover that they are contradictory.

Yeah, that happens a lot on science, scientists just can't arrange all theories on one big formula that explains everything on universe, but ON PAPER it's possible to do so.

So, if that one big formula that explains everything exists, that means that everything that happens can be predicted, wich means our lives are already foretold. Maybe that's why we have De Ja Vus.

And worst, if our lives are already foretold, maybe we are destined to never find that formula, AND there's nothing you can do to change your destiny

73 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-11 18:00 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


74 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-10-11 20:50 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


75 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-15 19:32 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


76 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-15 19:32 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


77 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-10-15 22:31 ID:kWSOC9yJ [Del]

Sorry I have been busy, but I have time to reply tonight!

>>50 I am not sure the universe's intent for me will work out..or if it is even a good one. I DO know however, that options in life are literally limitless, and when you look at how big the world is, and the potential for your life to be like a movie..anything is possible.

I guess I should really say though, that if the universe has an intent for me, then I should find peace knowing I have a purpose that is slowly being revealed to me. Regardless of not knowing what it is.

>>58 I say fuck a lot because it's my favorite emphasis word. :D
>>67 Lol this is where I have been on my hiatus. Thinking, doing crazy shit and gaining XP. haha And, it does make me feel insignificant, but glad that even though I am a small part of everything that moves around me, I am apart of it by simply existing in this plane of time and dimension, even though I feel off by a few decades at times. haha

78 Name: Anonymous : 2013-10-16 02:11 ID:0pvBtpoP [Del]


79 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-10-16 11:04 ID:kWSOC9yJ [Del]


80 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-10-16 11:49 ID:aKfOaE+j [Del]

Is this the real life?

81 Name: doesitmatter? : 2013-10-16 14:57 ID:/vYSrlh0 [Del]

Is this just fantasy?(btw this has happened to me as well, just letting you know)

82 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-10-16 18:17 ID:dWmdvS0I [Del]

>>81 No, this is Patrick.

83 Name: AnaMana : 2013-10-16 18:45 ID:u51DBCPk [Del]

Technically, reality is perception; how you perceive life. Whether you think life is boring and meaningless, or something that needs to be enjoyed to the fullest, or something you just go with the flow with, or anything else, is your reality. So whenever we feel like life sucks, we're just looking at it pessimistically. Thinking of it that way always makes me feel content for some reason :)
At least, that's how reality is to me.

84 Name: MahiMajo : 2013-10-17 07:26 ID:JhKoIe0N [Del]

..what if the universe is actually the brain cell of a being much much superior to us...and we humans just play a role in developing or destroying this cell...I feel so puny...

85 Name: MahiMajo : 2013-10-17 08:03 ID:JhKoIe0N [Del]

I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the thread and the deja vu and the future thing
but...why the hell do I forget things??
I went to get a check up with a doctor to see if I might have some sickness or memory forgetting thing~y but Dr. Potato said that I'm completely fine. Then why the hell do I hardly have any memories of the past year (and to think I have clear memories of when I was 4!).
We had a school trip to this tennis thing~y and well I didn't have a clue about it and my friend's were shocked and told me we had come to that exact same place (for the trip, what cheapsters! can't afford to take us somewhere thrilling!) and were currently sitting at the exact same spot as we were last year. They also said I bought stuff from there
I went home, asked my mom, and she said I went to the tennis trip too.
So I asked her to give me the location of the things I bought and "apparently" I put it in my cupboard and never opened it
Guess what?
There was no such thing
I even rechecked my money from last year.
But every single coin was there...I hadn't spent it at all (yes, I'm a lameass, If I recall right I didn't buy anything with my pocket money last year)
I even remembered to check it out when I shifted houses but no friggin' clue of it except what my friends and parents say.
It's like I have memories from another world and transported into an alternate one where things are...quite different.

And then there is the weird case
of my mum showing me a picture of her penpal friend (I can't believe her age..*sigh*)and me recognizing her as if she's a...old pal or something...
It's like whenever I close my eyes and think of that woman's picture: I see my mum and her sitting having coffee while her husband and my dad played card game. And her kids age..

Maybe I'm mistaking her for someone else I know
but honestly
I don't think so....

Maybe I should get another appointment with a better doctor
(Dr. Potato, my nickname for him, like treating everyone as kids...even my parents...A person would get shocked meeting him.)

one more thing I'd like to know in full depth:
What are dreams anyways?
yes, yes I know. It' a series of thoughts, images and sensations occuring in our minds when we're asleep.
Everyone knows that crap.
Why the hell do people even have dreams?
(I'm not one of those smart people. I'm just your average...adoloscent who questions existence itself without shutting my damn mouth and staying in my place)

Yeah well. This thread helped me learn alot...AND it gave me a MASSIVE migraine...
by the way

I find it REALLY difficult to's like
everytime I try I either end up falling off the bed or my head starts throbbing. It's like my brain's telling me: "Don't meditate! Don't do it!!"

And's rather difficult to even try listening to the OUTDOORS since the only thing you can hear is the honking of cars, construction, chattering
Living in a concrete country can have it's disadvantages..


Hope to get a reply or something (if you even wanna bother that is)

86 Name: Nostromo : 2013-10-18 04:52 ID:GS8KlHsr [Del]

Ok this wall of text is intimidating so I am barely half way through but loving where this is going Deja vu is a interesting topic and in hand with free will vs determinism is even better

Being a materialist You would be reasonable to assume I also dont beleive in freewill or at least think we are robots/machines/"programmed" but i prefer to view it less negatively a particle flying around does not have free will (or so I say BUM BUM BAHH seriously they're out to get us) but it does not detract from the uniqueness of its existence also I may be wrong on this but at a minuscule level the universe is (seemingly) random with physicists only able to say there is a 40% chance of this happening or this happening (this random selection is the basis of the many universes theory aka it cant be random it must split) what I interpret this to lead to is that while I may be not necessarily able to control my existence it is not predictable on a sub-atomic level the relationships of the particles in my body has a "life" of its own.

Hopefully I made a interesting comment like Mahimajo above me I have a migraine unlike Mahi I have (sadly) had one all day

87 Name: Hirasawa : 2013-10-18 09:05 ID:mxkY/HxY [Del]

hmm...This is pretty interesting~ I will join in~

Sometimes I think to myself (and take note-I don't like deep thinking)that maybe this isn't as real as we think it is....what if the dreams we think aren't real actually ARE? I mean, in my opinion I don't think that we could, or will be able to, tell the difference between the two...Anyway, I should stay on topic.
Deja vu is something that has baffled humans for ages, it happens to most of us and sometimes we don't even realise that we have done something before, well, not until after we have done it~ Midway we might suddenly realise the familiarity of it all."Oh...haven't I done this before?....Damn! Deja vu" might be your reaction. Don't think of me as crazy for saying this, but, you might really have done the same a different place...not somewhere we can consciously reach. Again-back off topic-(hehehe) our dreams might be our own world, a world of the future, but happening in the past (our own personal oracle even?). Gah, its starting to sound like the plot of a trippy anime~

Hope you can understand what I am trying to explain here, being someone who doubts the existence of God, I think about this kinda stuff all the time and I constantly pester myself with answers for impossible questions~ It doesn't make sense that what we do is really what we choose, there's is always something else that may cloud our judgement or maybe you think something higher is choosing our fate (although i don't~). Sorry for going waaaaay off topic there, probably made no sense and was irrelevant, but whatever~

(somewhere out there...someone is thinking the exact same thing, with the almost infinite possibilities- there must be...right?Just wondering online~~)

88 Name: Hirasawa : 2013-10-18 09:33 ID:mxkY/HxY [Del]

this must be the trippiest thread ever...thanks for making me think.....hmph...030....

89 Post deleted by user.

90 Name: Kage : 2015-09-21 13:19 ID:KTbQY+wa [Del]

I agree. Like Itachi said "People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and True. That's how they define `Reality.` But what does it mean to be `Correct` or `True`? Merely vague concepts...their `Reality` may all be a mirage. Can we consider to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"

91 Name: trash : 2015-09-21 14:33 ID:A/Ragp/T [Del]

what if we all are sims?

92 Name: Sicam : 2015-09-21 15:19 ID:Hh3/X6E0 [Del]

While I could go on and on about the concepts of truth and reality, I'm just going to get to the point here. I have gone through the same thing that you have concerning the dejavu and the dreams. Scientists have developed a theory that dreams are actually training for your brain to survive various situations. It is very likely that you (whether you remember it or not) have had dreams that have prepared you for whatever you have gone through up to this point and perhaps even beyond. Deja vu is pretty normal.

93 Name: Yuushi : 2015-09-21 22:22 ID:pTW3fphc [Del]

I've experience multiple times the Dejavu you are talking about and I have asked myself multiple times what it could be, I even thought at some point of my life that I was able to read my future in my dreams. After some time trying to figure it out I came to the conclussion that i was overthinking it way too much, that even if some of these crazy theories in my mind were true there is not much to do about it you know. If we are programmed then let's enjoy this linear path called life and live to the fullest since there is nothing we can really do about.

Also what >>92 said sound quite reasonable, at least in my case this dejavus usually happen with situations that at the point of my life that i dreamed of them were a preocupation.

94 Name: AEvAKt : 2015-09-21 23:35 ID:EWL5trtB [Del]

You guys should not be talking about this here. I'm not even kidding. This subject is something that is very sensitive and not be taken likely. If you are ever on the chatsite join a room that I am in or a room that I am hosting if you can.... Seriously we need to talk about this. I go by the same handle in the chatsite.>>93>>1

95 Name: Jackal !cL.gmKE9/Q : 2015-09-22 00:01 ID:6SstE+zO [Del]

I wouldn't worry so much about something you don't have complete control over. Something you should consider, since you've come up with this, is that this idea might have already influenced your subconscious to the point which you perform your predicted action in a seemingly familiar scenario because of your expectation of what is to happen. It could just be all in your head or I could've utterly misunderstood your message \(*u* )/

I also find what Sicam >>92 said pretty reasonable and interesting. A natural way for your brain to condition your mind and body while you rest? Quite efficient but I could just be giving the human brain too much credit, haha.

96 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2015-09-26 20:17 ID:rR1OHEgg [Del]
