Dollars BBS | Main




















First impression of the Dollars (76)

1 Name: Stellen : 2012-07-10 23:32 ID:LrQG5atU [Del]

Dollars, when you visited this site for the very first time, what were your thoughts and opinions?

After looking around a bit, I remember being pleased with the BBS system, as I find forums too troublesome. Being a member of the Dollars seemed more interesting than a regular internet group, and the freedom it offered was appealing. I had also wished there were more threads shown on each board.

What about you?

2 Name: Ember.E : 2012-07-10 23:41 ID:h6IKlnK6 [Del]

I though wow it really is a real site.Interesting.

3 Name: Hyoren : 2012-07-10 23:53 ID:bl58vwaV [Del]

At first I was super excited. Being able to do what the dollars actually stand for with others who are with it, not some fandom site. Then I realized how mean and disrespectful most people are and the ones that do want to help don't get half a change to.

4 Name: Hyoren : 2012-07-10 23:57 ID:bl58vwaV [Del]

btw this will probably get saged and should get moved to random or maybe personal since it's a question relating to others.

5 Name: Eraserdust : 2012-07-11 00:04 ID:Wr0+HAFM [Del]

I was initially impressed by the whole thing, both design-wise and the fact that its a fully functional BBS. I was somewhat taken aback as many of the top threads were full of heated arguments and insults when I first saw the site, but the majority of people on here seem friendly and the boards are fairly well maintained so I still visit and post occasionally.

6 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-11 00:09 ID:LYaTNyFw [Del]

No one really reads the board description huh.

"actual topics of discussion belong here."

Unless anyone else thinks otherwise, I believe it belongs in either.

But in any case, I'll talk about my first impression of this site. When I first joined, it was pretty barren, as it was newly created. Before that though, I had found the site just with a password page, no forum no nothing. So at that time, I didn't think it would be made, I thought it was some joke site like a lot of the others at the time.

But then, I came back like a month or so after the site was finally made. I was surprised. But I had found it was getting spammed by 4channers, as one member had told me, someone leaked the URL to 4chan like right after the site was made or something. So, the spam threads were just getting deleted.

I was pretty surprised to say the least. Shit got fucked up so bad so early. But I stuck around the site, it was pretty cool, the way the BBS was made.

>>1 More than 10 threads on a page would look terrible, it'd make the side scroll bar be terribly long, especially with the threads that are more discussion oriented.

7 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-11 00:11 ID:LYaTNyFw [Del]

Barren meaning not really much people, compared to nowadays, and I don't count the spam as being fertile.

8 Name: ReeneUsagi : 2012-07-11 00:15 ID:tmE/Hvyc [Del]

I was soo happy it was just like being in the anime!

9 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-07-11 01:01 ID:jyqvcFBz [Del]

Meh, I just thought of this place as another social network, but in all respect, a lot better than Facebook or Twitter. Anonymity. It's a wonderful thing.

10 Name: TaVSt !H7K/TguwHU : 2012-07-11 01:56 ID:jRlVLtHi [Del]

I came here expecting a ghost town. I'll just say I'm impressed and leave it at that.

11 Name: Stellen : 2012-07-11 03:30 ID:LrQG5atU [Del]

>>4 I posted this on Main because the question is quite similar to the 'why did you join the Dollars' thread, which also belongs on this board.

>>6 I don't mind scrolling, so it really comes down to personal preference.

12 Name: Xen : 2012-07-11 10:34 ID:WDr+ecAh [Del]

I was amazed that someone actually took the time to make, and maintain this site, and domain, quite impressive, they made it very very similar to the one in Durarara. I like this place very much; the black background, the strangers, everything. It isn't another site like facebook where people post the stupidest things all the time; i.e. "1 like = 1 prayer" type shit. Liking a picture or post does nothing at all. Facebook is for faggots.

13 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-11 10:47 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

Do you really want to know?

My first impression, the very first thought that came to mind, was, "Yes! Minions!"

14 Name: DN : 2012-07-11 10:47 ID:qcNWC6MF [Del]

>>12 agreed.

15 Name: Haneko : 2012-07-11 11:46 ID:Q3suxMbK [Del]

>>12 amen.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: no name : 2012-07-11 12:07 ID:qp5VB6nt [Del]

I thought that it's just like the one in the anime,but the difference is that this website abhor violenceXD

18 Name: Jason : 2012-07-11 12:22 ID:qgfu+AQv [Del]

Not what i expected, but in a good way.

19 Name: Prolix : 2012-07-11 12:42 ID:zz+YKqD/ [Del]

I haven't been here long, but I thought it was a really cool idea and I'm happy it's similar to the actual Durarara Dollars

20 Name: Shiro : 2012-07-11 13:21 ID:iab5oQio [Del]

I haven't been on long, and at first I was comparing it to other forums and such, and I prefer this way more than the others, for one thing there are not as many members thus you don't seem to get as much spam, second I like the log in a lot more instead of making an account all you do is put the password in and you get an ID so the account is basically set up automatically. Another thing I like how fast and easy it is, instead of searching for the correct topic then having to go down a list of thread names you see the thread and a couple of replies to get an idea of what the general discussion is at the moment.

21 Name: Sho : 2015-01-20 07:32 ID:OPoaK8Yn [Del]

It's a cool website for me..
my first impression was Kakoi...
that means Cool...
hahaha, yeah this site already help me with something.. i hope this site will always exist forever.. and i'm a Dollars member now ...
let's work together all ^.^

22 Name: Ume : 2015-01-20 08:08 ID:UB8ifvkB [Del]

I was here when the first season of durarara came out but then went inactive for about a year and it seems as though the dollars never change...over all Dollars is a great site where you can feel free as a person :3

23 Name: Kyoumizu : 2015-01-27 09:32 ID:YIkosc1R [Del]

I didn't really expect the site to actually exist, well I just finished the first season anyway, and to my (pleasant) surprise the site actually exist

Since I am new here my impression will be "wow, they are real"

But I haven't get to see the site in detail, so I hope we can all work together from now on

24 Name: sloaner : 2015-01-27 16:49 ID:+KySfwRb [Del]

I thought this place was pretty damn cool- its just like the anime! I was really enjoying it and then the very next day after I had joined there was site maintenance and i couldn't participate in anything >.< I though someone had blocked me :O
to my delight the next day and so on the site worked fine, I have been coming on regularly since :D

25 Name: Smeven : 2015-01-27 17:29 ID:d8RxIXfm [Del]

I really like the website, and I like how people here are all really nice. I also didn't think that it was real, so I'm happy that this is something that can exist.

26 Name: Anon : 2015-01-27 19:07 ID:nmL4tPFU [Del]

I'm in the same boat as Kyoumizu, just finished the first season last night, and decided to finally check the site. I think it's so awesome how this community exists, and it seems fairly active as well!

27 Name: Dance in Storm : 2015-01-27 22:51 ID:B534j/l+ [Del]

I did not realise that this site would be so active and I am mind blown by how interesting this site is. It seems to be a very positive community to me XD.

28 Name: Kaneki : 2015-01-27 23:09 ID:RIBXH1dC [Del]

First i thought it was a prank, but after checking the website and learnig more from it, i realise it was real. I think is really awesome that a community like this exist. :D

29 Name: Kanra : 2015-01-27 23:26 ID:xOvfcj8a [Del]

It is the first time I came to this site (not even know existed) but really looks interesting...

30 Name: Kanra !LpuUw35lcQ : 2015-01-28 02:36 ID:2huOnLMv [Del]

I was so excited when I first discovered the site, then I totally dropped it for a while. I'm back now, and honestly I wish it was more like the Dollars in the show; I'm just like Mikado, as I'm from a small town but plan to move to a big city to go to school and hopefully find something besides everyday life. I just wish we had meet-ups I could go to, and missions to do; obviously that episode where they saved Anri is more than a little far-fetched, but just to do something amazing. Even so, I love the open community, and I figure that this is probably just like the show; a whole lot of nothing, then occasional get-togethers. I also think a more formal username would be helpful (I see there's another, seperate Kanra before me, and honestly the IDs are so random I doubt many would bother checking the difference.

31 Name: Reign : 2015-01-28 04:57 ID:Hhun+JwS [Del]


You can create meet ups. You can do a lot of things. Remember, you're a person too. You have all the power of any individual. Just organize something, and have substance. Also, formal usernames are a bad thing. It's better to stay anonymous to stray away from social pressure. Trust me. We don't want the internet to become the real world.

I love this site. It's very friendly and inviting. I'm very pleased with everything I've found.

32 Name: Meowfsy : 2015-01-28 05:48 ID:pO0x106k [Del]

First found this website 5 years ago and haven't ever visited it again until now. It's a good idea, keeping the world connected. But does anybody use it like they do in DRRR, and if somebody tried to... would they be successful? I feel like there are not nearly enough members, considering a website is global and not contained within one area.

But; nevertheless, it is cool being able to claim that I am a member. Kudos to whoever thought to make the website.

33 Name: Reign : 2015-01-28 05:57 ID:Hhun+JwS [Del]


It's possible if people try. I think, anyway. What would you have done?

34 Name: pkgod101 : 2015-01-28 16:18 ID:3S70NfJ4 [Del]

I feel confident in the fact that someone in the street could just shout "Dollars, I need your help." and and any others would drop everything and help them.

35 Name: Ignight : 2015-01-28 17:20 ID:W9Nsgr7g [Del]

I just 'joined', and this is AMAZING, honestly I though it was impossible for so many like-ish-minded individuals to be at one place, especially on the net, the community seems 10/10 and I find that to be extremely rare nowadays

36 Name: Kyoumizu !3CTHjVbVH. : 2015-01-28 17:31 ID:3q+736gX [Del]

if we managed to actually do that, that will be so cool^^
but yeah, I agree with the fact that if people try, it'll be possible

37 Name: Nami : 2015-01-28 17:51 ID:bgwIZYNU [Del]

I am thoroughly pleased by the whole system. I joined about a month ago, and I genuinely believe that these people are good at heart, for the most part, and I get the feeling that it is right that if we really needed the help of someone else, we could just shout that out in any given place and someone else would help.

38 Name: alpha : 2015-01-28 18:00 ID:VSyVnvYG [Del]

As a new member as well (like a month in and just been watching/reading as opposed to talking much), and I've really been enjoying seeing how nice and kind people are on here!

39 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2015-01-29 15:37 ID:qXz/7Kvf [Del]

Does anyone else think that first impressions could be covered in the "why did you stay?" part of this thread?

We already have way too many of these survey-like "what do you think of the Dollars" threads with just slight variations. It's getting kind of frustrating.

40 Name: Juno Locksmith : 2015-05-06 07:12 ID:DJRfaU+7 [Del]

>>34 I agree ! Hopefully it will happen, that when you shout "Dollars, I need your help!" help will really come. But environment is really a determining factor for people to actually attend to you. I don't think there are lots of members of The Dollars in my community, that's why.

41 Name: Phil : 2015-05-06 17:03 ID:aY5zclsQ [Del]

It was a strange feeling at first, It was like : OMG I can be a member of the Dollars. But after some comversation with other members, it felt like a big family for me. But at very first I felt like if was unique.

42 Name: Janobii : 2015-05-06 18:48 ID:XbVLnkyq [Del]

Still kind of a newbie here but when I first found this site I was ecstatic and while I was a little disappointed that this site wasn't as connected as I hoped to be, there's is room for development of the community bans together.

My favorite part about this site right now though is that there are so many of us and I really want to meet some of the other members near me. When I first joined I thought I was alone but after viewing the thread for my state, I saw that a ton of people lived right in the same area as me. For all I know we could all go to the same school or church or something and have never even realized it!

43 Name: Rieg !ZW5PizsNSw : 2015-05-06 19:01 ID:WFAxhjFf [Del]


44 Name: LeafeonZ : 2015-05-07 14:05 ID:feK+z8kw [Del]

my favorite part is how open everything is! i can be me, or whoever i want without having to maintain multiple accounts.

45 Name: IlikeGoblins : 2015-06-22 21:13 ID:5OvZkFwL [Del]

Nothing more than just a fan site.

More to it than I thought it was.

46 Name: Spade : 2015-06-22 22:17 ID:1lUeqJAt [Del]


47 Name: Ray : 2015-06-22 22:36 ID:iPBYPCi6 [Del]

I didn't know what to think. My friend told me you guys were legit and pretty serious so I lurked for a bit and decided that you guys looked decent so I wanted in

48 Name: alice : 2015-06-22 22:38 ID:GVl3eggr [Del]

First, i thought " oh! There's really a site like from drrr but maybe its a troll?" but when i look around the whole site and read some threads i find it interesting then, before i knew it, im already opening myself to others in times when i have a problem which is i can't do with the people around me. They gave me some advice :)

49 Name: firelily : 2015-08-14 18:45 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]

so people can stop poating this stuff everywhere else, where it does not belong

50 Name: Devi !5loz5WuIWQ : 2015-08-14 19:31 ID:XfZBo2QD [Del]

Thanks for bringing this back up.

When I first joined I expected some kind of roleplaying forum, but I'm really glad it wasn't because this site does some really awesome things in terms of charity work and helping others that you don't often see these days.

51 Name: Ash Ketchum II : 2015-08-14 21:12 ID:aLmVwPXp [Del]

I was just in awe, this site is just like the one in the anime. I wish that I could meet some of you guys in person and hang, is all haha

52 Name: Nabiki : 2015-08-14 22:07 ID:7GW84e/n [Del]

Well, it was kinda weird at first, I mean... I couldn't believe the fact that this is just the same like in DRR...
I had a lot of hype, but now I feel more... Comfortable? I don't know if that's the appropriate word, but yeah ~

53 Name: Raita : 2015-08-15 01:04 ID:JvOVkf7U [Del]

I like it! Durarara!! is my favorite anime and this site just makes me appreciate the anime more. It's also nice that a lot of people on here are so kind. No one is really trying to be a jerk. Everyone's just hanging out chatting and reading.

54 Name: omg : 2015-08-15 07:06 ID:Ku5c2fYJ [Del]


55 Name: JamJam : 2015-08-15 08:15 ID:7dAguJiD [Del]

Dollars are cool!

56 Name: Yuko Inoue : 2015-08-15 13:00 ID:FKZ6WNTU [Del]

I remember just messing around on the internet and looking up the Dollars wondering if they were real. I was so amazed that they were and most of the missions on the mission board were to help others. This makes me proud to be a Dollar!

57 Name: firelily!9BCC0EZJ.o : 2015-08-15 21:37 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]


58 Name: Aria : 2015-08-15 23:07 ID:LNdaUvN/ [Del]

At first, I was really excited and thought like "Ohmygod! It's real!". I found this place interesting, and I come back to visit every now and then. I think of Dollars as a very very big, yet hidden family. Anonimity is the best.

59 Name: firelily : 2015-08-16 19:47 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]


60 Name: Rei-kun : 2015-08-16 20:00 ID:orG4u06s [Del]

At first, I had to overcome my initial reaction which was complete shock and excitement! I was so happy to see that it was real because it could be used as a way to promote a positive message to members in our community. I want to bring more attention to it and have more people log on and propose positive missions.

61 Name: Saber : 2015-08-16 23:16 ID:zeEMsJC1 [Del]


62 Name: BBSIH : 2015-08-17 02:15 ID:vF/C9+RW [Del]

My first thoughts were: "Wow! I can meet new friends!" 'cause my friends didn't explain it 'nough... ^^' Also: BUMP!

63 Name: Kitsune : 2015-08-17 04:44 ID:d1DIie90 [Del]

Its awesome here

64 Name: Kokumi : 2015-08-17 05:45 ID:FhBtoJ9w [Del]

My reaction: "It's awesome !!"

65 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-17 05:58 ID:ugFaov4B [Del]

Then reaction: I can't believe someone actually made a site like this, so like the original, but english...
Now reaction: Why the hell is there a ad for a dating site on a site that is (largely?) PG?!

66 Name: Phoenix !xyLUPLZz6k : 2015-08-17 07:09 ID:tUY4q8XK [Del]

I had just finished watching x2shou so I loved the idea that there was an actual site that matched what was in the anime. I love the anonymity as well.

67 Name: haruka nanase : 2015-08-17 07:20 ID:CSmHG+3X [Del]

i cant believe this is real

68 Name: Nya!f0a4ZFfCpw : 2015-08-17 07:44 ID:1b6iWngV [Del]

(Sorry, my english is bad)

I was really happy when I discover it ! It was such a great community, so nice ! The fact that I don't really understand english and how the website work, I had some problems at the beginning to understand what was sage/bump and why there were only 10 threads (I was thinking the others was just deleated). Well, now that I understand it I think this is a really great website.

There is only one thing I think it could be better, the fact that we can really have an account and personnalize it (you know, some informations like country, etc), and so we can add like a.. members counter ? Don't know how to say it in english, sorry ;_;

69 Name: firelily : 2015-08-19 20:51 ID:hMmSyNTF [Del]


ps. why do people apologize about bad english, just post it in your native lang. the Dollars are so worldwide that someone will understand it

never apologize for what you are (unless you are a troll)

70 Post deleted by user.

71 Name: Takame : 2015-08-19 22:37 ID:1nBWh+pz [Del]

Feels like I'm really in the same wavelength as the Drrr!! characters :3

Posting stuffs in English is better than posting in one's native language, since it's widely-known and most of us can understand; and people usually apologize for their bad english just to be polite to others, and to avoid those grammar bashers.

72 Name: Isamu : 2015-08-19 22:49 ID:JFnW66/X [Del]

My first visit was pretty recent and I only just started posting today, but I was really happy when I found that a community like this is real. It's great in two ways for me;
1- I watch drrr and its cool to see as a fan of the show
2- Its something new to explore and be a part of

73 Name: Inaban : 2015-08-20 00:25 ID:+3Uqcq3e [Del]

When I first came here I was really excited! I can always find new information here and nothing is ever boring.

74 Name: kayano : 2015-08-20 00:46 ID:Reo7mcrT [Del]

It was a really exciting feeling, seeing this match up perfectly with something from one of my fav animes! It's a cool idea, kudos to the person who created it~

The community here is also very supportive :D

75 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-08-20 02:23 ID:v8yXjj7B [Del]

>>74 Then you obviously haven't met me yet

76 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2015-08-20 12:30 ID:MTAXadAI [Del]

This is one of those things that goes +BUMP+ in the night sometimes