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The Chatroom isn't Ours (904)

1 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-13 14:58 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

O.O...been some time since I haven't made a thread around, Oh well
These days when the chatroom has problems or goes on wrecking it self out, some dollar members from our Site comes here and complains about the chat being like this and like that, or the chatroom linked to our Website chatroom isn't ours...We have no Access to customize it...None of us are admins on that Chatroom, It was simply made by a person Named Suin, who We don't know (well not Unless some of us knows him)...Just saying though to help around since I see complains or stuffs about the chatroom, There is a team making our Own chatroom though....So if you're having Problems with the Role Players then we have no way to stop them since the chatroom isn 't really ours (well if ur the host in the chatroom yeah u can kick or ban them from ur chatroom)..Here's the recruitment thread and the Sample art thread - Recruitment - Sample Screenshot

Thank You for taking your time on reading this...Good Day Dollar Friend

2 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-13 15:32 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]


3 Name: Miika : 2012-01-13 16:16 ID:NiObs/Mv [Del]


4 Name: ThisRandomKid : 2012-01-13 18:42 ID:YrpSMkGF [Del]

Bump!(and save a cute and cuddly animal!)

5 Name: Sebastian 3swy6xV8 : 2012-01-13 20:31 ID:AJie7B21 [Del]


6 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-13 20:57 ID:MOniiH6c [Del]

We might start a new sample art thread because some people don't understand that it's just concept art that was slapped on without much thought to make a visual idea of something. The new one will have legitimate pics of the actual chat, once we start designing the color scheme and stuff for it of course. We're also moving development to a private site, so we won't be discussing ideas in the recruitment thread much more after we move. I'll give a shout out here when the new sample art thread roles by.

7 Name: JKuri !pF1lEKTr1A : 2012-01-13 21:08 ID:Sbwp2NtX [Del]

>>1 thanks for addressing this that's a good bit of information that I had no idea about lol

8 Name: kotomi : 2012-01-13 21:09 ID:4lemYd/O [Del]

oooh is that why its now working -.- thanks nice to knoq ^^

9 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-13 22:53 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

>>6 Do we get new Icons O.O?

10 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-13 23:17 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]


11 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-13 23:21 ID:MOniiH6c [Del]

>>9 Yes actually. But WE NEED PEOPLE TO MAKE THEM.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-13 23:35 ID:0MHv60N/ [Del]

I'm sure there are good artist's out there, or whatever programming programmer thingy-ma-jig you guy's use. I got a question though. Even if we make our own chat room, wouldn't it experience the same problems as before? I thought the problem was overpopulation. I don't know how it works, but don't we need a like...a server or something???

13 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-13 23:52 ID:MOniiH6c [Del]

>>12 We haven't gone into detail about what we're gonna do about the server problem. If it's possible I'd like to set up a server myself (given I have a butt load of computer resources), but we'll have to discuss it later on whether to buy an online server or to get our own.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-14 00:09 ID:0MHv60N/ [Del]

Oh I see. You're right, we should worry about getting the program up and running and all that jazz first and worry about other problems along the way. That's how i usually do things! Looking forward to our own chat room, hopefully progress moves along smoothly

15 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-14 00:32 ID:mDZ/IDA+ [Del]

My friend doing the majority of the coding, says, that the moment it gets to where it can't handle a lot of people, he'll move us to his server.

16 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-14 05:08 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]


17 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-14 12:54 ID:mDZ/IDA+ [Del]


18 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-14 15:48 ID:MOniiH6c [Del]

>>15 Alright, what's the capacity of his server?

19 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-14 15:58 ID:mDZ/IDA+ [Del]

I don't know but it's supposed to be a lot. It will be more than what we can handle. To say the least.

20 Name: Sleepology : 2012-01-14 18:00 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]


21 Name: Sleepology : 2012-01-14 18:03 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]


22 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-14 20:22 ID:mDZ/IDA+ [Del]


23 Name: Darasuum : 2012-01-14 20:35 ID:6LAZjCq5 [Del]


24 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-15 01:47 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]


25 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-15 07:33 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]


26 Name: sleepology : 2012-01-15 12:58 ID:ZG1iuTt/ [Del]


27 Name: Maxeyn !FSogti7gEo : 2012-01-15 13:02 ID:MwpNZ3nl [Del]


28 Name: Janfel : 2012-01-15 13:43 ID:3LVoJBFU [Del]


29 Name: Janfel : 2012-01-15 13:55 ID:3LVoJBFU [Del]


30 Name: sleepology : 2012-01-16 01:05 ID:HEz7ivkg [Del]

Bump for kenpachifriedchicken

31 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-16 09:37 ID:mDZ/IDA+ [Del]

That Chicken would beat my ass.

32 Name: Every Blood : 2012-01-16 11:09 ID:cdxwXipC [Del]

All Right =/

33 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-16 12:04 ID:lzFxheb2 [Del]

>>30 More like Kentucky fried TEKKEN.

34 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-16 15:49 ID:kwQ1mdIa [Del]


35 Post deleted by user.

36 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-17 14:22 ID:mDZ/IDA+ [Del]


37 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-17 15:16 ID:mDZ/IDA+ [Del]

Anyway, if anyone wishes to use what little bit of chat we do have, feel free to join.

Password is, obviously, baccano. Just for small security reasons.

Enjoy for now. It'll get a lot better, soon.

38 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-17 22:33 ID:YLWIAL85 [Del]


39 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-19 12:12 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]


40 Name: Thiamor : 2012-01-19 12:55 ID:zz0wq72P [Del]

eating a banana

41 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-19 13:01 ID:aODUaEKO [Del]

I have a Tripcode and my ID is different. Way to fail, kid.

42 Name: Thiamor : 2012-01-19 13:02 ID:zz0wq72P [Del]

nom nom on my banana

43 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-19 13:07 ID:aODUaEKO [Del]

Keep on, idiot. No one is stupid enough to believe this. Not anyone that matters.

44 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-19 13:11 ID:aODUaEKO [Del]


45 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-19 13:23 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

Original Thiamor : Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY ID:aODUaEKO
Failed Thiamor wannabe : Name: Thiamor : ID:zz0wq72P

What a fucking fail XDDDDD

46 Name: Thiamor : 2012-01-19 13:25 ID:zz0wq72P [Del]


47 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-19 15:02 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]


48 Name: sonic ramen : 2012-01-19 16:27 ID:lQRr4rn2 [Del]

i know this question is completely unrelated to the topic but did u get ur username from ff7 ????

49 Name: Gayzou : 2012-01-19 16:30 ID:dc32aioC [Del]

I see :0

50 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-19 17:52 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]

>>48 who

51 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-19 18:32 ID:KyDKp0Ks [Del]


52 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-19 18:39 ID:KyDKp0Ks [Del]


53 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-19 19:56 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]


54 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-19 23:19 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

Bumpity bump!!!

55 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-01-19 23:21 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

>>48 Half Half...Oh wait..NVM

56 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-19 23:33 ID:ecwb1v5M [Del]


57 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-20 23:18 ID:H6qwcoga [Del]


58 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-24 14:27 ID:kFd86cH+ [Del]


59 Post deleted by user.

60 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-24 18:07 ID:ti6/ZRt5 [Del]


61 Name: Marcy !IPLEVNCIlg : 2012-01-24 18:13 ID:jEL9tBX7 [Del]


62 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-29 00:47 ID:2HWmxOp8 [Del]

Also gonna bump this one, too.

63 Name: 杏KY☯US杏 : 2012-02-29 03:01 ID:4wEN7+WY [Del]

7th?! were have you been?!
also your right...
but the roleplayers keep it from being Isolated ...

64 Name: Morphine : 2012-02-29 03:32 ID:wfUEHzGW [Del]

Sounds good, I´m looking forward to it. I hope there will be enough people able to make it.

65 Name: xKidax : 2012-02-29 13:07 ID:seshLKmS [Del]

i cant wait for this new chat to come out it be nice to have our own or at least another option than the Drrr chatroom.

66 Name: Maddog : 2012-02-29 13:36 ID:fi+nUEdT [Del]

how long till you think itll be done?

67 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-29 14:13 ID:2HWmxOp8 [Del]


We got it working, though, if you all want to use it.

68 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-29 16:09 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

new chat sounds like it might cut down considerably on some of the crap that goes on in chat, but i can't help but get the feeling that there will still be lots of sex RP and things like that going on. not only that, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people from DRRR chat get leaked the URL and pass for the new site.

I guess what I am trying to say is that none of the bitching about site conduct will stop really, unless you guys were planning on implementing a mod/admin feature

69 Name: Maddog : 2012-02-29 16:10 ID:fi+nUEdT [Del]

K i chek it out

70 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-29 16:20 ID:2HWmxOp8 [Del]


We plan on adding a lot of 'protection' sort of features, actually.

Admin password
Regular password.

Once you enter the admin password, you must enter an E-mail address.

Once you do that, i'll send, on a daily basis, chat logs and screenshots, 6 hours a day, everyday, to that E-mail, so you can have a constant check on what's going on.

Next, will be the ability to Kick, Ban, and Mute.

We're wanting to have the Mute function, so if people are fucking up, but are too stupid to realize what they did wrong, we can force them to shut up, but where they can still view the chat.

Another thing, will be the ability to not be able to steal names once that name is already being used, and an optional function, so you can REGISTER said name so it STAYS locked for that person until they give it up. Also we want to add in what the BBS has.

The ability to use Tripcodes and ID's. Oh, and each post made will have a date and time stamp added onto it, and a CONSTANT, live page for admin that show all IP viewing the chat at that time, and the name they chose to go with it. Because the Ban,Kick,Mute function is based on typing in their IP and clicking the button for the dedicated action.

How's that sound?

71 Name: silverband : 2012-02-29 21:09 ID:xZQVZIuh [Del]

i havent bin on in a wile i think i may know how to contact Suin....ill see if i can ring him up

72 Name: Satoko!jGQFlTU1ws : 2012-02-29 22:56 ID:1qfudTXA [Del]

>>70 I think that's a great plan, especially the added mute function and the registered name part, that way, there aren't going to be as many copycats or try stealing your name and the IP and tripcode usage sounds cool. Bump.

73 Name: Yoshimitsu : 2012-02-29 23:03 ID:4sUo0TSW [Del]

I've quit going on the chatrooms knowing that all that alot of people are wanting to rp and it's annoying at times.

74 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-29 23:14 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>70 sounds pretty legit, but the whole registering of accounts really can act as a double edged sword imo. I understand we don't want people impersonating other members and making them out to be assholes, but say that person X is a long time member that is a pretty level headed guy/gal and lets say they yelled at person Y for not following rules. X does not use the chat site once it is created for a few weeks due to the inability or lack of interest in the chat site as a whole. this allows person Y to be a douchebag and create a person X account for themselves or ends up hacking their account in order to ruin the respectability of person X due to the fact that people have in their minds recognized that person X HAS to be person X and that there is little to no chance that it is person Y being a douche.

I'm not saying that this is something that will definitely happen or that it would be a wide-spread problem, but the chance of this happening as an isolated incident is there.

>Inb4 people going in a deathmatch for the original Setton, Kanra, etc...

75 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-29 23:17 ID:KWcGMdOY [Del]

One name per IP, I'm guessing may fix it.

Anyway, if you've got net, in most cases you've got a main router. In which it has an IP as well. Meaning if it's based on THAT IP, all computers using it can be in affect.

76 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-29 23:32 ID:2H+VLLJJ [Del]

>>75 what about dynamic IP's?

77 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-01 01:06 ID:KWcGMdOY [Del]

The only thing we need to worry about, if when a new Router is replacing the old one. It doesn't matter if, say, their IP changes each time they access the net on the computer, because the main router won't change.

78 Name: Pintapau !bAr4R5f0RY : 2012-03-01 06:03 ID:qPRSxd9p [Del]

>>77 I've been informed that the entirety of Singapore has dynamic IPs, and this has been backed up by the fact that on another website I'm a member of frequently auto-banning people from Singapore for alt accounts based off IP detection. Assuming that this is 100% true, can you be perfectly certain that there will be absolutely no problems with your proposed system in that regard?

79 Name: Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-03-01 08:04 ID:BPOfib1a [Del]

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

80 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-01 10:14 ID:KWcGMdOY [Del]


I'm pretty sure.

Not many people ban off of Router IP because not everyone can detect it, they can only detect their Computer's IP.

Also, if it gets REALLY bad we'll also implement HDID Bannings.

This, you cannot change unless you buy a whole new computer/HD.

Each Hard-drive has an ID, specific to that computer. No troll will spend the cash out of their pocket, just to get back on to troll again. Not normally.

81 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-03-01 14:25 ID:7bO2uPCj [Del]


82 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-03-01 15:52 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

>>80 ok then. like i said, it's not a huge overarching concern that i'm really worried about, but it's better to be safe than sorry

83 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-03-02 14:25 ID:7bO2uPCj [Del]


84 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-03-07 03:44 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

bumping shit off Main.

85 Name: dArkrEaLm : 2012-03-07 03:54 ID:AIxSDZiG [Del]


86 Name: Drrr!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-03-07 07:50 ID:I5351fDv [Del]

why is everyone bumping o_O

87 Name: PandaHiro : 2012-03-07 08:26 ID:pQU1QVbp [Del]

You don't say?
(well it's oviously just a drr chat fansite. :P)

88 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-03-07 08:34 ID:LsBg4WAF [Del]

>>1 yo 7th my highschool banned the chatroom how is every one like tifa san stephx chan oh and tell brago sama to be pacient ill be on eventually.

89 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-07 09:21 ID:QZuVpwx8 [Del]

>>88 use english.

90 Post deleted by user.

91 Name: kabuto464 !0UZD1OR/j. : 2012-03-07 12:11 ID:AjaD6mQk [Del]

>>87 This isnt a fan site i dont think joking is necessary either build a bridge and get over it

92 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-03-07 13:03 ID:5TvZXskL [Del]


93 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-03-07 13:25 ID:vsNMEDFJ [Del]

>>91 he ment the chat room

94 Name: Thanatos!CRiLqZyIfQ : 2012-03-20 09:04 ID:+T1u0+RL [Del]


95 Name: mei-chan : 2012-03-20 09:55 ID:C5AxxVOY [Del]

hmm. give some simpathy!

96 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-03-24 14:33 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

bump for idiots

97 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-03-24 15:56 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]


98 Name: Minato. : 2012-03-24 17:06 ID:gsEJ9aAk [Del]

7th heaven! you twat haven't seen you in a while

99 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-04 11:57 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

bumping for organization.

100 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-06 04:58 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


101 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-06 12:04 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


102 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-05-06 12:13 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


103 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-06 12:52 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


104 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-06 13:16 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


105 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-05-06 17:56 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


106 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-08 21:42 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


107 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-09 09:40 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


108 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-09 14:13 ID:2O45YJ06 [Del]


109 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-10 10:52 ID:2BxUztPv [Del]


110 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-10 10:54 ID:2BxUztPv [Del]


111 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-10 12:09 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


112 Name: Ravana۞♥!HltySaVY5g : 2012-05-10 15:40 ID:eyoaxdTq [Del]


113 Name: Ravana۞♥!HltySaVY5g : 2012-05-10 15:45 ID:eyoaxdTq [Del]


114 Name: Ravana۞♥!HltySaVY5g : 2012-05-10 15:48 ID:eyoaxdTq [Del]


115 Name: Ravana۞♥!HltySaVY5g : 2012-05-10 15:50 ID:eyoaxdTq [Del]


116 Name: Ravana۞♥!HltySaVY5g : 2012-05-10 15:53 ID:eyoaxdTq [Del]


117 Name: Ravana۞♥!HltySaVY5g : 2012-05-10 15:56 ID:eyoaxdTq [Del]


118 Name: Ravana۞♥!HltySaVY5g : 2012-05-10 16:00 ID:eyoaxdTq [Del]


119 Name: ♔Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-10 18:11 ID:4LbP8zZJ [Del]


120 Name: ♔Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-11 10:57 ID:4LbP8zZJ [Del]


121 Name: Blackstar !7ds2IgrowQ : 2012-05-11 19:18 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


122 Name: Bread : 2012-05-12 11:19 ID:gMjNNpsR [Del]


123 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-15 20:07 ID:14LluUlO [Del]


124 Name: Junsui100% : 2012-05-15 22:39 ID:ODUnUmrJ [Del]


125 Name: bang-bang : 2012-05-16 08:24 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


126 Name: cookie monster~ : 2012-05-16 08:40 ID:QDMtmoT3 [Del]


127 Name: Doremo : 2012-05-16 16:24 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


128 Name: Doremo : 2012-05-16 16:26 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


129 Name: chibumii : 2012-05-16 16:26 ID:AGZmO1Ea [Del]


130 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-17 13:20 ID:CGZWpWwq [Del]


131 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-18 11:44 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


132 Name: road 8!SE9y3GiU.k : 2012-05-18 16:25 ID:ZGXbqMk7 [Del]

bump for our exclusive soon to come chatroom!!!! lalala

133 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-19 11:14 ID:uUzYUivT [Del]

b-b-b-b-bump b-bump bump b-b-bump

134 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-19 11:32 ID:8S/BCmwD [Del]


Well if Reltair adds ours over, it won't be SUPER exclusive.

135 Name: road 8!SE9y3GiU.k : 2012-05-19 15:27 ID:ZGXbqMk7 [Del]

>>134 well I just want a dollars' chat...that's all :)

136 Post deleted by moderator.

137 Name: hahano : 2012-05-19 20:26 ID:Y6+o+NUF [Del]

what is thiss?

138 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-25 13:22 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


139 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-25 13:29 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


140 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-25 13:32 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


141 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-27 01:36 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


142 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-27 20:11 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

bump for dumbasses.

143 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-29 02:49 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


144 Name: Mishka : 2012-05-29 03:44 ID:ejkh892o [Del]

Damn Skippy

145 Name: Zemina : 2012-05-29 08:21 ID:GIffJyVC [Del]


146 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-05-29 09:23 ID:AWBrsFlM [Del]

Newbies, please read.

147 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-05-29 11:33 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

bumping shit off

148 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-29 11:54 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]



149 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-01 12:18 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


150 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-01 23:47 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


151 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-02 01:53 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


152 Name: 10reapaer01 : 2012-06-02 08:29 ID:dfYOW6fu [Del]


153 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-02 15:46 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]


154 Name: harima : 2012-06-02 16:16 ID:wco3da1Y [Del]


155 Name: Hibari ?!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-06-02 20:10 ID:qFpY83FG [Del]


156 Name: raichu : 2012-06-02 21:13 ID:VAXHlPnW [Del]

raichu raichu

157 Name: akidakay : 2012-06-04 13:46 ID:Oj+2wesK [Del]


158 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


159 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


160 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


161 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


162 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


163 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


164 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


165 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


166 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


167 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


168 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


169 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


170 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


171 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


172 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


173 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


174 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


175 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


176 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:58 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


177 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


178 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


179 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


180 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


181 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


182 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


183 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


184 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


185 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


186 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


187 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


188 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


189 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


190 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


191 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


192 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


193 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


194 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


195 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


196 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


197 Name: PPOBITCH : 2012-06-04 20:59 ID:47kScZeh [Del]


198 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-05 21:31 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

triple bump...

199 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-05 21:31 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

triple bump...

200 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-05 21:31 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

triple bump...

201 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-06 11:07 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


202 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:42 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


203 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:09 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


204 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-07 22:34 ID:Y4swk73H [Del]

So, I guess I should tell you. I...

have never used the chatroom. On other terms, take this broccoli stick.

205 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:34 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


206 Name: Jaxos : 2012-06-07 22:37 ID:dexbsjFJ [Del]

I was looking forward to the chatroom。(T ^ T) Please hurry on making the chatroom。Please and Thank you!(^O^☆♪

207 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-06-07 22:38 ID:Hipk0grO [Del]

>>206 It's already made, the link is somewhere in this thread.

Though I believe it's still a work-in-progress.

Dunno, ask Thiamor or something.

208 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:52 ID:nBnt4TBV [Del]


209 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-08 01:05 ID:h3dOzXCx [Del]


210 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-08 18:08 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


211 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-06-08 22:43 ID:axRxRNna [Del]


212 Name: bang-bang : 2012-06-09 13:38 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


213 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-06-09 14:03 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

Bump, because people seem to be having trouble with this still.

214 Name: Inarichii : 2012-06-09 14:20 ID:FAdkRJrn [Del]


215 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-10 08:38 ID:/FbEWe+P [Del]


216 Name: Kao !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-10 10:07 ID:Y4swk73H [Del]


217 Name: Feral : 2012-06-11 19:37 ID:fLZDRcKi [Del]


218 Name: Tekato : 2012-06-12 10:45 ID:hLefZyNK [Del]


219 Name: Xissx : 2012-06-12 17:04 ID:jhE/8lIv [Del]


220 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-12 22:42 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


221 Name: Cyto : 2012-06-13 02:36 ID:4zGQP5X1 [Del]

Can I ask when this new chatroom is expected to be finished?

222 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-13 11:42 ID:2eAZtMfs [Del]

Basically it works, we're just making adjustments on it, to make it better.

223 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-13 13:23 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


224 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-13 17:43 ID:3DQrkngC [Del]


225 Name: Angel89 : 2012-06-14 03:07 ID:xYvTWwP9 [Del]


226 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-14 11:05 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


227 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-14 11:06 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


228 Name: Animadversor !9XbiR6YbYc : 2012-06-15 04:03 ID:1bU5ubQy [Del]


229 Name: blankito : 2012-06-15 14:19 ID:upI+rn3u [Del]


230 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-15 14:50 ID:NlPfO34d [Del]


231 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-15 18:05 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


232 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-15 18:11 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


233 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-15 19:17 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


234 Name: Youtube master : 2012-06-16 18:55 ID:bIi5JlEl [Del]

235 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-17 17:59 ID:T/bv7Gti [Del]


236 Name: Rin : 2012-06-20 14:55 ID:aUsnX3Yy [Del]

Bump :)

237 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-20 16:00 ID:qAgs1pd/ [Del]


238 Name: CastingLightWhereItsNeeded : 2012-06-20 16:49 ID:3PlQI7rj [Del]

Yeah I uh would totally use a chat created by members of the actual Dollars. But the current drrr! chatroom seems kinda sketchy -.-

239 Name: Nyx : 2012-06-20 17:39 ID:cYcTe/Sr [Del]

>>238 yea it would be nice maybe the html people in this site could get together and try and make a chatroom for us? that would be very effective with talking about ideas i think i might post a thread about this in suggestions

240 Name: Noiz : 2012-06-20 17:43 ID:5OofzzeA [Del]

thanks for sharing! the sample art looks great so far :D

241 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-20 20:21 ID:AZIRbrOs [Del]


242 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-06-20 23:43 ID:mg69zVY4 [Del]

If you paid any bit of damn attention, you would know we have a working chat made already. We're just fixing stuff before anything else.

243 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-06-21 11:54 ID:4l7fLOfc [Del]

Awesome. I don't go on because theres way too many fandoms haning out there to make since of it all XD

244 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-06-21 11:55 ID:4l7fLOfc [Del]

*reading the screenshot* "Because you'd not want someone loading in porn" Thank you programmers, thats very considerate that you thought someone would load porn XD ((although thats good that they thought of that))

245 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-21 17:26 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


246 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-22 00:30 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


247 Name: leave2die : 2012-06-22 10:48 ID:5Pb9k2g/ [Del]


248 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-22 11:10 ID:/FbEWe+P [Del]


249 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-22 12:30 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


250 Name: gfty : 2012-06-22 13:39 ID:z3D5yqH9 [Del]

eudjeddhjjdsjds pussy slapped nigger!

251 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-06-22 19:14 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

Bumping shit off of Main.

252 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-22 23:02 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


253 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-23 13:32 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


254 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-23 17:10 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


255 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-24 04:56 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

bum p

256 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-06-24 11:01 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

too much saged shit...

257 Name: Kie !w2bj9pQcfA : 2012-06-24 22:10 ID:FSaeMyMi [Del]

Bump 'cause of saged threads

258 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-25 13:21 ID:k88B4sak [Del]

So much stupid in so little time

259 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-25 20:16 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Oh my

260 Name: rolling girl : 2012-06-25 22:40 ID:HtXewXSR [Del]


261 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-25 22:50 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


262 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-26 01:06 ID:D6NUYlXT [Del]


263 Name: YaphetS : 2012-06-26 01:13 ID:FR0dAQcG [Del]

lol -_-

264 Name: long strong : 2012-06-26 08:03 ID:O9RuQgI6 [Del]

bump er

265 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-26 13:28 ID:KuSSnVxt [Del]


266 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-26 21:19 ID:GVxUozwh [Del]


267 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-06-27 11:20 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


268 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-06-27 17:28 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


269 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-06-28 02:37 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


270 Name: long strong : 2012-06-28 06:27 ID:hz3qKRxF [Del]

nice is ours

271 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-06-28 18:56 ID:bvWmFuC8 [Del]


272 Name: Kie !w2bj9pQcfA : 2012-06-29 01:51 ID:FSaeMyMi [Del]

Bump to clean Main.

273 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-29 11:12 ID:2JDKRnf0 [Del]


274 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-06-30 01:35 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

Sixclaw Cleaning service. Bumping to keep Main clean.

275 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-01 06:25 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


276 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-01 21:22 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


277 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-02 09:24 ID:qudk8WxY [Del]


278 Name: Black Luster : 2012-07-02 15:47 ID:S0eMcGmI [Del]


279 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-07-02 22:15 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


280 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-04 10:14 ID:kP/HoqCX [Del]


281 Name: shizuo hewiajima : 2012-07-04 14:06 ID:c7mfN3du [Del]

sleepology is gay

282 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 00:29 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


283 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 01:15 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]

another bump

284 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-05 01:35 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


285 Name: zeroMANGO!4iTsBStaKM : 2012-07-06 04:45 ID:6WWhnj/S [Del]


286 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-06 15:36 ID:u3LUPDNj [Del]


287 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-07-06 21:51 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


288 Name: twentyfloorsabove !w1ciKGKUgY : 2012-07-07 16:07 ID:QfJuyMAG [Del]


289 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-11 16:41 ID:2mFCIbIX [Del]


290 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-12 15:41 ID:d8+iE8RN [Del]


291 Name: GS : 2012-07-12 18:16 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

I'd love to use this chat but my spyware refuses to let me on, any ideas on how to get past it?

292 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-07-12 21:14 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>291 Put the site as an exception. Thats the only thing I can think of.

293 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-13 11:27 ID:8gbfdgBW [Del]


294 Name: someone!phKGr/4M5s : 2012-07-13 11:44 ID:ors4euif [Del]

>>291 guess it's because of d ads, try using an adblock

295 Name: the~only~dope : 2012-07-13 12:06 ID:yWdDQpRn [Del]

I can't wait to have our own chat room I think it would be a great help to our dollars website.

296 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-13 13:16 ID:jrDkO3kC [Del]


297 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-13 23:05 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


298 Name: Qwerty : 2012-07-13 23:20 ID:ObgPk3Q4 [Del]

404 Error.

299 Name: Qwerty : 2012-07-13 23:20 ID:ObgPk3Q4 [Del]

404 Error.

300 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-14 12:08 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


301 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-14 12:50 ID:WCI1f5Gi [Del]


302 Name: dark : 2012-07-14 13:34 ID:KfN+z/S3 [Del]


303 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-14 22:46 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


304 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-15 12:28 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]


305 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-15 12:29 ID:n0LnGuab [Del]


306 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-15 12:51 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


307 Name: Elunore : 2012-07-15 16:27 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

Yes! It finally works!

308 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-15 19:42 ID:s8ySA5TQ [Del]


309 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-15 19:58 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


310 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-15 23:00 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


311 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-15 23:26 ID:s8ySA5TQ [Del]


312 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-16 06:19 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


313 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-16 13:19 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


314 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-17 01:48 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


315 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-17 04:38 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


316 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-17 04:42 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


317 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-17 04:54 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


318 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-07-17 05:13 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


319 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-17 13:02 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


320 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-07-17 22:31 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


321 Name: Angel89 : 2012-07-20 16:27 ID:u4e+OFeO [Del]


322 Name: Caro-chan99 : 2012-07-20 22:02 ID:WrA3lpgw [Del]


323 Name: Ken : 2012-07-21 02:44 ID:HbXcj0mH [Del]

lets just say the chat rooms arent actually all that appropiate at certain hours - .-

324 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-21 08:41 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

Correction, ANY hours

325 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-07-21 18:22 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


326 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-22 01:51 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


327 Name: Ayaka !.LlKAkH4Jk : 2012-07-22 06:00 ID:BGIniSSX [Del]

Le bump!

328 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-23 03:28 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


329 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-07-23 15:05 ID:VyEbXjrg [Del]

People need to read this. Saw a permasaged thread about the chat... I was like 'Really?'

330 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-23 21:09 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

We can't really do anything about this so-called hacker.

331 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-24 00:57 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


332 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-24 13:21 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

This hacker is one of the reasons why we need our own chat.

333 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-24 13:39 ID:rBJflDMb [Del]

>>332 Well, you have a couple of options if you don't want to deal with a hacker.

1) Make your own chat
2) Use Thiamor's chat, it may not be fully done, but it looks like it can still work
3) Use some other chat out there, there's a load of them, just google durarara like chat and you'll find some
4) We have an IRC channel. Use that if you don't want to do any of the above.

Geez people, learn to do something, instead of complaining. I mean, it's better than a thread full of complaints, but complaints are complaints and they get damn annoying.

334 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-07-24 16:39 ID:NSZWqDZA [Del]

Also my crappy text chat I had, will be fixed as well, because my coder for it has finally returned. We decided to NOT make it resemble DRRRRChat at all, and be more unique.

So it'll have Icons, but the icons are based on a message posting Emote function.

It'll say things beside the text input like :Sad, :Mad, :Zombie, :Ghost, :Midget. They will be buttons you click.

Then it'll place that emote as a good sized avatar on the left hand side of your post.

335 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-07-24 16:42 ID:NSZWqDZA [Del]

Also...I highly doubt there truly is any hacker. I mean just because someone gets passed bans, or spams the chats doesn't make them a hacker.

You can use different browsers to get into many rooms at once, you can use different computers, you can use a Proxy. This kid isn't a hacker.

336 Post deleted by user.

337 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-25 00:47 ID:7HO7C/wR [Del]

bump because some people are still ignorant to see this.

338 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-07-25 01:37 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


339 Name: Xissx : 2012-07-25 08:25 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


340 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-25 17:57 ID:etwPwxSv [Del]


341 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-07-26 01:25 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


342 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-26 07:07 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


343 Name: RyuKente!nPTippytOo : 2012-07-26 17:54 ID:fV4+nmIH [Del]

pmuB because people just are not understanding...

344 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-26 20:15 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

I'd like to point this out to both of the fuckers who've recently posted their shit on Main about the chat.


That is all.

345 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-26 20:20 ID:6UAAyfk1 [Del]

Anyone else think it's about that time we just link to Thiamor's chat as is and go with that for the next while? I have a feeling this hacker thing is gonna go on for a long time, if he's making people react like this.

Though we might get threads like "Add more icons" or something if we do link to Thiamor's chat... Quite a conundrum. Link to Thiamor's chat and get "Add more icon" threads or stay with drrrchat and get "Hacker, stop him" threads...

346 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-26 20:25 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>345 I like our post number. I'm kind of thinking that we do what we've been doing. We can have Reltair change it once Tmore's chat is done. I kind of think that it's better that people rage at the "stop the hacker" threads.

347 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-26 20:29 ID:6UAAyfk1 [Del]

.. It's better...? I don't understand... And anyway, I really don't want to keep seeing rage and hacker threads every day from now to whenever it stops. I want the rage to stay in the rage thread.

348 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-26 20:32 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>347 Think about it. If Tmore's chat goes up, this thread will then be closed. A new thread will eventually be created saying "The chat is still being worked on." We'll still see people posting saying "Make new icons." Then people will just rage at them. It's better now when everyone knows what to expect. I'd like Thiamor's chat to be put up too, but it'll still be no different then this. The only difference is that the threads we get spammed with will be about icons and not hackers.

349 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-07-26 20:35 ID:6UAAyfk1 [Del]

Oh that's what you meant. Better to rage at hacker threads than icon threads. Could have said that...

Well. I dunno. Actually we'd have like one more choice, and that'd be link to another site. There's plenty of durarara chats out there. Iunno.

350 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-26 20:42 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

Well, would you rather have people shouting that they can't fix an issue, or that an issue is being worked on. I'm just scared that people will not understand how hard it is to do, and think we're lazy because it's taking Tmore a long time to fix his chat. I personally know that it's hard, along with many other people here, but newbs will always be newbs.

They will find a way to fuck up. Even if we make it fucking impossible, they will find a way.

351 Name: Ryumora : 2012-07-26 21:22 ID:As397lsP [Del]

really ive been here a long time and the RL fuck everything i remember when ppl used the chatroom for the own good of the dollars or the page!

352 Name: Ryumora : 2012-07-26 21:22 ID:As397lsP [Del]


353 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-26 22:44 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

I made a suggestion thread for this.. LOOK AT IT DAMNIT!

354 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-28 06:13 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


355 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-07-29 10:31 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]


356 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-29 12:33 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

357 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-07-30 00:07 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


358 Name: Anonymous : 2012-07-30 20:58 ID:k4muDMaK [Del]

what does bump mean?

359 Name: A-1 : 2012-07-31 02:14 ID:8dQb9Xgk [Del]

>>358 explaining what it does is easier then saying the meaning (at least to me)
It helps to puts a thread that is dying or lessening in traffic back on track
Also it seems there's only 10 threads per page so if the thread falls off the page you can put it back on the page, sorry if that was confusing
basically same thing as commenting, but lazy

Note:Not sure if they're only ten pages per load or if all the others in the same topic got permessaged

360 Name: Hatash : 2012-07-31 10:05 ID:PC08muer [Del]


361 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-07-31 18:53 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

I finally have a thread to be fucking proud of that it's useful

well since the "Xanthos is gonna shut down the chatroom" Issue is going around... and many are complaining...Just to remind them again...CHATROOM ISN'T OURS

362 Name: Random ! : 2012-07-31 19:02 ID:aHF35jeg [Del]

but it isn't xanthos who has the right to do this either..he's hacked Againsnt everyone's will.

363 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-31 21:30 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]


364 Name: someone173 !LPt5GqYWXc : 2012-07-31 21:33 ID:sda85M2R [Del]

>>363 I have a better idea than yelling at those who are trying to find a site to resume chat activity:

Linking the damn thing.

365 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-31 21:37 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>364 I'm yelling because I'm sick and tired of them whining. Nobody has visited my damn suggestion in weeks, no matter how many times I'm posted it, and they still say shit like, "We need a new chat." If they want somewhere to bitch about the crappy chat, there's a thread for that. If they want a new chat, there's a thread for that. If they' want to talk about the chat, there's a thread for that. We do not need their shit on main.


366 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-31 21:39 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

I think someone's letting the stupid people get the best of them. Still, too far.

367 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-31 21:43 ID:5XPSIKu8 [Del]

>>366 It's a link. You click on it. Does nobody understand this concept? I give them a fucking link so that they may discuss the solution to this issue. Instead, they whine about it on here. They expect the all-might and magical creator to just fix it. Reltair's too fucking busy to find the soltion to everything, so we need to find the solution and let him do it. I figured someone wold catch on and post in my suggestion. I made it for when this day would come, which is when these threads started btw.

368 Name: MASOMI-KUN : 2012-07-31 21:48 ID:9UOln3kn [Del]

i'm gonna tell u right off the bat, there is this guy called shuie that is destroying the dollars chat site with some geeky friends, if u want to complain find shuie and put it all on him ok my dollar members

369 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-31 21:50 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

They will never understand it.
Every month the same problem arises. And every time they always complain about it on main.
They will never learn.
They will not stop complaining.

Months of everyone trying to tell them otherwise have been proof enough that they don't seem to get it.

370 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-07-31 21:51 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

Excuse me, but explain to me how "shuie" is destroying a chat site that we don't even own.

371 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-07-31 22:01 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>368 Also explain how theyre doing anything worse than all the people making sex chats.

372 Name: Doremo : 2012-07-31 23:37 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


373 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-01 01:03 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


374 Name: Me42 : 2012-08-01 08:48 ID:Kztncgnt [Del]

As long as the rooms name isent omg fuck me i dont see the problm

375 Name: Sup : 2012-08-01 10:19 ID:NUhVCXHz [Del]

7th, your such a douche -lmao-

376 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-01 19:01 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


377 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-08-01 21:27 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

Bump because some people don't seem to get it.

378 Name: Skye : 2012-08-01 22:00 ID:jLplGBZD [Del]


379 Name: Livvy : 2012-08-01 22:02 ID:inka76Y0 [Del]

what? how can that happen??

380 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-08-01 22:03 ID:iI8Vz6wZ [Del]

Man, I wish there was an auto ban function that could just ban people who complain about the chat. It seems they're only on the forum to complain, because I've never even seen these names in my entire life.

381 Name: Psyche~ : 2012-08-01 22:06 ID:y+ygcLsG [Del]

It could be a hacker. Or it could be that too many people are on the it's causing it to crash..

382 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-08-01 22:25 ID:K3+h2TZF [Del]

>>380 This

383 Name: Kimiwarui : 2012-08-01 22:41 ID:sXKWXMyl [Del]

Someone told me that if the dollars chat reaches 550 people logging in, it will all be over.

384 Name: Void : 2012-08-01 23:11 ID:Kqqdk0YS [Del]

>>381 yeah I thought it was because that guy called "Xanthos" was messing with the system.

385 Name: kurona !qQsdAJWyQw : 2012-08-02 17:34 ID:vrG8rWAb [Del]


386 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-03 05:10 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]

Cluttered shit on Main. Sweep.

387 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-03 10:05 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


388 Name: BarbieSama!!rS0jsQh7 : 2012-08-03 15:36 ID:1jyeXzdX [Del]

Captain Amerihulk bubububumpin!!!

389 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-08-04 08:05 ID:xS6Tlrzo [Del]

Bumping to remove stupid posts

390 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-04 19:16 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


391 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-08-05 12:15 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


392 Name: One Direction : 2012-08-05 18:13 ID:uFaPkEFd [Del]

Harry Styles
Louis Tomlinson
Zayn Malik
Liam Payne
Niall Horan

393 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-05 19:26 ID:zFFY0yYS [Del]


394 Name: Xissx : 2012-08-05 20:11 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


395 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2012-08-05 20:14 ID:ZjxCVhE0 [Del]

Aaaannddd Drrrchat is down again...
Time to BUMP!

396 Name: Hatash : 2012-08-05 20:56 ID:fV2f7sJf [Del]

Motherfucking BUMP!

397 Name: bang-bang : 2012-08-06 06:40 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


398 Name: Xissx : 2012-08-06 11:15 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


399 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-07 17:11 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


400 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-07 17:12 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


401 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2012-08-07 17:16 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


402 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-07 19:33 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


403 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-07 21:57 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


404 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-08 09:16 ID:y30qzTvw [Del]


405 Name: bang-bang : 2012-08-09 06:56 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


406 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2012-08-09 09:50 ID:lxmNeskq [Del]


407 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-08-09 11:51 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]


408 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-10 20:09 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


409 Post deleted by user.

410 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-11 17:54 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


411 Name: BlackStar !El1EdVQldQ : 2012-08-12 03:30 ID:iSg4eoAW [Del]


412 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-12 10:52 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


413 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-12 22:48 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


414 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-08-13 05:34 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]


415 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-13 13:00 ID:2mFCIbIX [Del]


416 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-13 19:02 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


417 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-08-13 19:25 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


418 Name: Chelle : 2012-08-14 02:28 ID:c6XaqdS1 [Del]

I wonder what's happening here. ???

419 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-14 14:31 ID:KI5DZFfF [Del]


420 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-14 19:33 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


421 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-15 11:39 ID:O4TR7QIe [Del]


422 Name: Kei !TmbLNiZ5JQ : 2012-08-15 13:04 ID:D0DQ9ytW [Del]

I believe that the chat thingy should be removed from the menu.
The website for the chat thingy is for "Durarara Fans" which means that they're more focused on fangirling/fanboying. Thus, it is not related to the idea of the Dollars itself.

423 Name: Kannerz : 2012-08-15 13:59 ID:dNWwaSgE [Del]

>>422 Don't be so closed-minded. What do you think the "idea of the Dollars itself" is? It was an online community. Nothing less, nothing more. It just happens that the primary form of communication was through a chatroom. How long have you been here? Did you know the BBS used to have its own chatroom? In any case, when that drrrchat was first made it served simply as a chatroom in which people chatted. Over time, some people used it for roleplaying. Just because those people use it in ways other than simply chatting, doesn't mean the drrrchat is suddenly not part of Dollars itself. And just because they're roleplaying in chatrooms doesn't mean you can't make non-RP rooms where people can just chat.

424 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-08-15 17:36 ID:V2M6E4JZ [Del]



425 Name: Diogof95 : 2012-08-15 18:48 ID:cA01x+pY [Del]

Mmm... I see so what is the problems?

426 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-17 21:05 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


427 Name: Hatash : 2012-08-19 21:30 ID:nUI8A/Nx [Del]

This was needing a bump, theres idiots posting shit again about the chat...

428 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-20 00:58 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


429 Name: Kohaku_H : 2012-08-20 17:45 ID:asR0Jmrq [Del]


430 Name: apollo : 2012-08-20 18:01 ID:Gz81vFi2 [Del]


431 Name: Kaze !V/vi9gujn6 : 2012-08-20 20:22 ID:fj5AFQPc [Del]


432 Name: Sky-Chan : 2012-08-21 03:05 ID:r7p/SEsH [Del]


433 Name: bang-bang : 2012-08-21 05:58 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


434 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-21 20:24 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


435 Name: maddog : 2012-08-22 08:49 ID:fi+nUEdT [Del]


436 Name: Hatash : 2012-08-22 14:23 ID:nUI8A/Nx [Del]


437 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-22 19:18 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


438 Name: admin : 2012-08-23 03:19 ID:iA/W9PV+ [Del]

hey s right

439 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-08-23 07:09 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


440 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-23 21:27 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


441 Name: admin : 2012-08-24 03:13 ID:7/URGFM4 [Del]

this sucks

442 Name: admin : 2012-08-24 03:16 ID:7/URGFM4 [Del]

who cares

443 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-24 21:10 ID:cbuOERc9 [Del]

>>442 Grammar and punctuation.

Learn it. (Plus, bump.)

444 Name: The other Admin : 2012-08-24 21:46 ID:+7s13Pmg [Del]

I think the other admin is a fag

445 Post deleted by user.

446 Name: Shina : 2012-08-25 05:48 ID:hC5UAjp/ [Del]

ehh I miss the old days

447 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-08-26 11:41 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


448 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-08-27 03:06 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


449 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-27 18:10 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


450 Post deleted by user.

451 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-08-29 17:12 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


452 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-08-30 18:28 ID:1+hjvZxV [Del]

Bump over saged shit~

453 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-09-02 16:00 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


454 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-09-02 16:16 ID:aCqFg7FH [Del]

get the fuck over the saged threads!

455 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-02 18:19 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]

Bumping over all these saged topics.

456 Name: Hatash : 2012-09-02 21:22 ID:kXQJSTGM [Del]

bumping this useful stuff

457 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-09-08 13:17 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


458 Name: Hatash : 2012-09-08 18:57 ID:kXQJSTGM [Del]


459 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-09-09 00:45 ID:fDCJka27 [Del]


460 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-09-10 15:07 ID:zLPpKuUP [Del]


461 Name: アリス : 2012-09-10 18:26 ID:AQL2gXEA [Del]

Wait! We've had chatrooms this whole time? D: I feel stupid now! I must go use them hsionwfljnglenegn! Fail on my part >:

462 Name: Artemis : 2012-09-10 21:34 ID:oZOcf2qd [Del]

Those Drrr chat rooms should be renamed as "The rolplaying spot" or "A dozen Hetalia roleplay chatrooms" No one ever wants to just "chat" anymore :/

463 Name: Artemis : 2012-09-10 21:36 ID:oZOcf2qd [Del]

Not that there is anything WRONG with roleplaying or Hetalia (I'm a Hetalia fan myself) just wish it wasn't all roleplaying

And I know complaining isn't going to help change anything at all ^^;

464 Name: Maddog : 2012-09-12 11:07 ID:fi+nUEdT [Del]

Bumping today.

465 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-09-12 18:06 ID:zLPpKuUP [Del]


466 Name: bang-bang : 2012-09-13 07:01 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


467 Name: Sarachi-Kira : 2012-09-13 15:58 ID:KnGWdb3j [Del]


468 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-09-14 00:16 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]


469 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-09-15 18:30 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]


470 Name: Doremo : 2012-09-15 21:10 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


471 Name: Doremo : 2012-09-15 21:33 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


472 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-09-16 04:54 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


473 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-09-17 03:25 ID:MOniiH6c [Del]


474 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-09-17 20:20 ID:zLPpKuUP [Del]


475 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-09-17 20:53 ID:zLPpKuUP [Del]


476 Name: HACKERS !5zwU1qqx9U : 2012-09-18 08:35 ID:rD8yJ6ce [Del]


477 Name: HACKERS !5zwU1qqx9U : 2012-09-18 08:35 ID:rD8yJ6ce [Del]


478 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-09-18 17:18 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


479 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-09-19 22:52 ID:zLPpKuUP [Del]


480 Name: Whisper : 2012-09-19 22:53 ID:3nvAK0Ti [Del]


481 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2012-09-22 14:30 ID:nxJFtNcM [Del]


482 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-09-23 16:28 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


483 Name: Mamex !JOSQ8500wE : 2012-09-23 16:40 ID:hC4xCN/0 [Del]

well that explains a lot v:
also the concept for the irc in the screenshot looks .3.

484 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-09-26 23:39 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


485 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-09-26 23:41 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


486 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-09-27 06:57 ID:Ad0hm3Ab [Del]


487 Name: Elunore!HIwambGeWE : 2012-09-27 15:55 ID:h9OEMbX4 [Del]


488 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-27 21:28 ID:OUI3W4sD [Del]


489 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-09-28 15:47 ID:zLPpKuUP [Del]


490 Name: Ei : 2012-09-29 15:53 ID:pbjnmOKP [Del]

Well, someone here might know him. We are the Dollars, after all.

491 Name: Oden : 2012-09-30 02:47 ID:bZFGtrJ1 [Del]

Bump Bamp

492 Name: wolfy-chan : 2012-09-30 03:59 ID:0TS7HltF [Del]

so a guy named suin is the leader i will love to meet him ^ ^ but there mite be fakes now -^-;

493 Post deleted by user.

494 Post deleted by user.

495 Name: Anonymous : 2012-09-30 09:22 ID:QLbbF63F [Del]

>>494 You know you can delete your own posts, right? It's the button to the right of the post box, [Del]

496 Name: Ei : 2012-10-01 11:46 ID:9Y/jAGhk [Del]


497 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-02 23:38 ID:2Y8KwirF [Del]


498 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-10-11 18:52 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


499 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-10-24 21:31 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]


500 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-10-25 16:42 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

bump for 500

501 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-10-25 20:34 ID:cwK8yC0x [Del]


502 Name: Tsuki : 2012-10-26 03:37 ID:CK+wScsc [Del]


503 Name: Maka : 2012-10-26 09:32 ID:2atKa4Av [Del]


504 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-26 14:49 ID:4DSdmhFI [Del]


505 Name: nzword : 2012-10-26 21:01 ID:jKkmzqbZ [Del]

bump i gess new at this

506 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-10-31 13:25 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


507 Name: Haku Hanu : 2012-11-01 10:40 ID:Nt1eDb+V [Del]


508 Name: bang-bang : 2012-11-01 11:53 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


509 Name: Xros : 2012-11-01 13:02 ID:qYQzTpt5 [Del]


510 Name: walker : 2012-11-01 17:13 ID:njqMS+eW [Del]

stop bumping fuck

511 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-11-01 19:18 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

I don't think you understand the point of bumping.

512 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-11-01 19:33 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

bump again

513 Name: Rikuo : 2012-11-02 09:53 ID:I2nQDKkq [Del]


514 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-11-02 15:16 ID:ZQcxFpkC [Del]


515 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-07 20:24 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


516 Name: bang-bang : 2012-11-08 14:24 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


517 Name: bang-bang : 2012-11-08 15:01 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


518 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-11-08 15:02 ID:02BLdEuc [Del]


519 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-09 15:39 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


520 Name: Hasanume : 2012-11-10 07:54 ID:uNfMYNlS [Del]

huh? YO!!!

521 Name: Oden : 2012-11-10 12:55 ID:bZFGtrJ1 [Del]

Bump ~

522 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-11-10 17:18 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


523 Name: Awksy-Gene : 2012-11-10 18:59 ID:HK7JFzVJ [Del]

Bump ~

524 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-11-11 00:38 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


525 Post deleted by user.

526 Name: Idk : 2012-11-12 16:34 ID:cc1o49uw [Del]


527 Name: kid cyth : 2012-11-12 19:07 ID:tGGB2XG7 [Del]


528 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2012-11-14 01:10 ID:cwK8yC0x [Del]


529 Post deleted by user.

530 Name: wolf haley : 2012-11-16 11:33 ID:YiePIUm1 [Del]


531 Name: Rikuo : 2012-11-17 23:40 ID:/1jOwH9A [Del]


532 Name: : 2012-11-18 08:58 ID:fdWCIaXt [Del]


533 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-11-22 01:00 ID:sB/NaWzK [Del]


534 Name: bang-bang : 2012-11-23 07:02 ID:5Qw9YIOb [Del]


535 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-27 21:59 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


536 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-30 00:51 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


537 Name: -auditor- : 2012-11-30 13:27 ID:agjw/OOF [Del]


538 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-11-30 17:05 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


539 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-03 20:37 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


540 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-05 01:02 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

mein bampf

541 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-12-05 14:39 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


542 Name: Kai : 2012-12-05 14:44 ID:xkVuNkgf [Del]


543 Name: walker : 2012-12-05 14:53 ID:njqMS+eW [Del]

who cares

544 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-12-06 14:12 ID:CLU2PwmN [Del]


545 Name: heweijima : 2012-12-07 02:45 ID:hk2j8y+P [Del]

we cares the chatroom needs to be ours it is connected in our website.

546 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-07 04:24 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

We don't run drrrchat. It's not ours, so complaining about chat things here gets nothing done for anybody.

btw, pick a name and stick with it.

547 Name: Dedrety : 2012-12-08 23:53 ID:YnOC4K9C [Del]

guys is there any active members in lousiana

548 Name: ExiA : 2012-12-09 01:43 ID:RWHlJIWQ [Del]

We need it to be ours :O

549 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-09 05:08 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


550 Name: FaizAkmal : 2012-12-09 07:21 ID:JkyMGblr [Del]

are you going to make a new chatroom only for BBS then?

551 Name: AshenReaper : 2012-12-09 10:34 ID:DUvpvpTH [Del]

I thank you for doing all this. Finally I will just be able to chat w/o getting kicked for not RPing haha.


552 Name: Doremo : 2012-12-13 14:22 ID:v19PUmdd [Del]


553 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-12-20 01:55 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]


554 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-12-30 14:08 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]


555 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-01-15 01:54 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


556 Name: Fuannai : 2013-01-15 03:04 ID:eRbJmuZ/ [Del]

Pls let us use this.. I think this is the one that they made.. I made a room pls let us maintain it...

557 Name: Slam : 2013-01-15 03:09 ID:Hgnxnrv+ [Del]

Most of the reply in this thread is just about this "bump bump" thing
Is this project still running ??

558 Name: Fuannai : 2013-01-15 05:49 ID:eRbJmuZ/ [Del]

>>557 i think it is to keep this post at top.. pls read >>556

559 Name: Slam : 2013-01-15 06:29 ID:8MZA2f5S [Del]

>>558 umm, sorry i wasn't talking about your post hehe ^^
i'm talking about those posts above yours, most of it just about bump and bump
aah i see, didn't see that XD lot of bumps here :p
I'll try it ^^

560 Name: Fuannai : 2013-01-15 06:46 ID:eRbJmuZ/ [Del]

I just answered your question. _. Anyways you might find me afk.. but pls.. stay

561 Name: Slam : 2013-01-15 07:24 ID:Hgnxnrv+ [Del]

aah yeeah .__.
well, okay XD

562 Name: Anonymous : 2013-01-15 22:56 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


563 Post deleted by user.

564 Name: Milly : 2013-01-16 03:28 ID:qjR3EoHz [Del]

But what about all the trolls from that Kuroribbon group. It's really annoying! They come in post a link and then leave and keep on doing it until it ruins everything and they don't stay in long enough for us to bann them!

565 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-01-16 03:30 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

Then be quicker or ya know... ignore them

566 Name: Junkori : 2013-01-16 05:08 ID:LU9HHLPd [Del]

This belongs in Random but not bad and also true in some case's

567 Name: Hatash : 2013-01-16 10:11 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]

>>566 No. This belongs here because of faggotry of people posting unimportant threads about the chatroom.

568 Name: InquisitorAeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-01-18 10:51 ID:3Enxdlc4 [Del]


569 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-01-22 19:21 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]


570 Name: Bakyura : 2013-01-30 11:26 ID:1fm3Nary [Del]


571 Name: Sesu : 2013-01-30 13:37 ID:bg2lo/mg [Del]

We have the IRC channel though. You can find it on the right of the page.

572 Name: SnowYeti : 2013-01-31 02:49 ID:l1bDb+iV [Del]

If we are going to make our own version of chat, can we make it exactly like this?
It works exactly the same way it did in anime, and I mean EXACTLY. from visual to function and it's really nifty. It's actually much better than drrrchat fuctional-wise

573 Post deleted by user.

574 Name: VivaLaPanda !ziER5e3k1o : 2013-02-01 22:18 ID:J46YMVNI [Del]

Bump, I like >>572 but I'm bumping this because of the Chatroom Devs post.

575 Name: Knappster : 2013-02-01 23:01 ID:4utuRxt6 [Del]

lets take the chat room making several rooms for Dollars members only requiring a password and maybe we can get a few members by promoting us on the chat room

576 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !4CNblaw9mI!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-02-07 16:51 ID:GJT/wngM [Del]


And no >>575

577 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-07 19:09 ID:zgdczLmN [Del]


578 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 19:54 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


579 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 20:31 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


580 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-11 20:33 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


581 Name: epic : 2013-02-11 21:27 ID:3C3ar0H3 [Del]

bump bitches bump XD

582 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-12 20:11 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Remember how important this was? A long time ago, of course.

583 Name: bang-bang : 2013-02-13 10:57 ID:OuH/ksVL [Del]


584 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-13 22:18 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Because I saw something insignificant earlier today. It reminded me of bbs. <3

585 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2013-02-15 09:08 ID:BflmPFBf [Del]


586 Name: bang-bang : 2013-02-15 13:39 ID:OuH/ksVL [Del]


587 Name: MONTA : 2013-02-15 14:19 ID:wOv8E6Qm [Del]


588 Name: walker : 2013-02-15 14:52 ID:njqMS+eW [Del]

stop bumping this it is stupid

589 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-02-15 15:40 ID:BzbwgHbc [Del]

That isn't for you to decide, idiot. It's actually important.

590 Name: schoolgirl : 2013-02-15 18:44 ID:lOdwIFWF [Del]

i hope this get prioritized i mean for the chatroom creation! and something more Admin and other teams should help to create a more closed site fot the dollars members and not for people that are trolling here!!

591 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-16 00:27 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Just so you remember...

592 Name: Junkori : 2013-02-16 04:34 ID:zhj6/ioE [Del]

That depends on if you believe it is our and you are correct it's not but all of our it is. The Chatroom/Dollars website was created to help the world side with good/evil. Since the world walk in the path of good and evil there are choices. Our choice come with a consequence no matter if it's good/bad. that is all I have to say in the matter.

593 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-16 13:19 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Ew, people.

594 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-16 15:15 ID:FP9TvhGi [Del]

Ew, stupid.

595 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-16 20:49 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


596 Name: Doremo : 2013-02-16 22:16 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


597 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-20 01:49 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


598 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-20 21:39 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


599 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-02-21 10:53 ID:nyODIzya [Del]


600 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-21 21:34 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


601 Name: Kaori !SGRPrwhmGE : 2013-02-22 16:39 ID:o1gSUt/x [Del]


602 Name: 葉小山 : 2013-02-24 10:11 ID:IYD7RsWK [Del]

I'm a professional artist, so if I can do anything in order to help maintaining these sides, I would be happy to oblige.
Feel free to contact me, I'd be happy to offer my help in any matter, if there's anything I can do.

603 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2013-02-24 20:37 ID:oTKaJVNt [Del]


604 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2013-02-27 09:55 ID:stnfm1DB [Del]


605 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-28 00:30 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


606 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-02-28 00:51 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


607 Name: Sleepology !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-02-28 06:29 ID:6PwutPV1 [Del]


608 Name: Hatash : 2013-02-28 19:57 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


609 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-01 15:33 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


610 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-03-03 19:50 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]


611 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-03 22:21 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


612 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-03 23:48 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


613 Name: bang-bang : 2013-03-04 15:23 ID:OuH/ksVL [Del]


614 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-04 16:07 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


615 Name: Hibari? : 2013-03-04 18:27 ID:hPzFjUp8 [Del]


616 Name: kylor : 2013-03-04 19:12 ID:96S2fiot [Del]

I enjoyed the concept art, but people really needed to calm down and learn the point of concept art vs aesthetic artwork.
Anyway. I'm hoping to learn html and webmaking in the future for a career, so is there anything a noob like myself might can do to help out?

617 Name: Kira : 2013-03-04 23:18 ID:j67X7THy [Del]


618 Name: Sosetsu : 2013-03-04 23:48 ID:7DbKnLQ/ [Del]

I'm nowhere near experienced with stuff like this so I don't know how hard it would be but why not make it an application you can download as well?

619 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-05 01:21 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


620 Name: Rikuo : 2013-03-05 02:52 ID:7DErC465 [Del]


621 Name: Eneliph : 2013-03-05 10:38 ID:AcmQFAfx [Del]


622 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-06 10:06 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


623 Post deleted by user.

624 Name: KanraChan : 2013-03-06 23:32 ID:oPtWzVgA [Del]

All the complainers need to read this. BUMP

625 Name: Skoll : 2013-03-06 23:37 ID:6Ul/ccMp [Del]

BUMP!! O.o

626 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-07 00:23 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>624>>625 read the faq and learn what bump actually means, because you obviously dont know.

627 Name: KanraChan : 2013-03-07 02:05 ID:oPtWzVgA [Del]

Bump means to raise the thread to the top. Sage means to lower. You don't have to put bump to bump a thread. I just do.

628 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-07 09:17 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]

>>627 Most people do it, anyway. Don't say YOU just do it because WE also do it.

629 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-03-07 09:37 ID:OEeKH+KT [Del]

>>627 the thread was already on the top of the page.

630 Name: Mizuki : 2013-03-07 10:47 ID:Gq0hVRd1 [Del]


631 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-03-07 13:34 ID:KtEDQkMH [Del]


632 Name: Eneliph : 2013-03-11 18:28 ID:Rg9S+erS [Del]


633 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-11 23:21 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


634 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-15 22:19 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


635 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-16 01:11 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


636 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-17 19:54 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


637 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-19 09:37 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


638 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-19 18:54 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


639 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-26 08:44 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


640 Name: deadman : 2013-03-26 08:52 ID:icWNzIBc [Del]

so make a chatroom for members only and put on site

641 Name: walker : 2013-03-26 15:00 ID:njqMS+eW [Del]

stop bump this it is stupid

642 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) !Enough.h12 : 2013-03-26 16:57 ID:9BZyfSWQ [Del]

How about no? The majority decide what is stupid. Not you. It's important because many of us says it is.

643 Name: Shizuo's waifu : 2013-03-26 17:55 ID:LnRR++4h [Del]

>>642 i agree and to show it i shall

bump in the name of bankai

644 Name: Doremo : 2013-03-26 23:13 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


645 Name: Doremo : 2013-03-26 23:19 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]


646 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-03-27 01:51 ID:PyqOrpBK [Del]


647 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-27 23:04 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


648 Name: impulse : 2013-03-27 23:10 ID:evEBb3aW [Del]

I agree I agree

649 Name: Anthony : 2013-03-27 23:21 ID:CYKm4dQf [Del]

Im new, so what do yall do her?

650 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-03-28 15:36 ID:4E2iLRaD [Del]

Bump. Bumps are needed.

651 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-03-29 13:27 ID:1DS34VvM [Del]

I dont want to live in a world where people are this stupid...

652 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-29 15:04 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


653 Name: Mizuki : 2013-03-30 04:06 ID:FlYrE0DR [Del]

I see.

654 Name: Rinchan_ : 2013-03-30 07:22 ID:ZN3Hlx3R [Del]

Bump~ Hope KingDude, Thiamor and the Dev Team will make a great sucess :D waiting for the new chatroom~~~ :->

655 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-30 12:47 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


656 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-30 17:01 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


657 Name: Hatash : 2013-03-31 07:59 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


658 Name: The Doctor : 2013-03-31 12:58 ID:/JkN/iKR [Del]

It's rented, bump

659 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-01 00:33 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


660 Name: Tsuki : 2013-04-02 11:50 ID:35bguIY5 [Del]

Bumping because recursive retards

661 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-04-02 16:44 ID:jOc6FA7c [Del]


662 Name: Deon~ie : 2013-04-02 16:47 ID:vH8BFTb9 [Del]


663 Name: Shadowseer : 2013-04-02 16:52 ID:banHY3zN [Del]


664 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-04-02 17:36 ID:jOc6FA7c [Del]


665 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-04-03 13:28 ID:4E2iLRaD [Del]


666 Name: HeKiro : 2013-04-03 13:34 ID:NXO57aSS [Del]


667 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-04-03 13:58 ID:4E2iLRaD [Del]


668 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-03 20:25 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


669 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-04-05 09:37 ID:BtrzX4rK [Del]


670 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-04-05 09:37 ID:BtrzX4rK [Del]


671 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-05 22:54 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


672 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-04-07 12:43 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


673 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-07 18:39 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


674 Name: Izaya Orihara : 2013-04-08 21:20 ID:2BDj4hYY [Del]

Hi there

675 Name: Maddie : 2013-04-08 21:28 ID:+lOP851i [Del]

I support you! They're tons of inappropriate stuff in the forums...

676 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-04-08 21:40 ID:xhKitGQu [Del]

The chatroom isn't ours...but the IRC room is!

677 Name: Zai : 2013-04-08 22:18 ID:bKAeL7Ev [Del]

I have actually been working on coding an IM for us Dollars. Turns out it's harder than it sounds. . . Tips anyone?

678 Name: Hatash : 2013-04-14 19:50 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


679 Name: Hibari? : 2013-04-15 09:11 ID:wfpt8Hjw [Del]


680 Name: Eneliph : 2013-04-16 13:17 ID:8aiWOpDq [Del]


681 Name: AKoaksrule : 2013-04-16 13:20 ID:SiQY8sxE [Del]

ok for any people from Wi. or who are interested in a meeting then I will post a new thread in Random so it won't get in the way of any official Dollars stuff. We can trade some info and work out a location and events.

682 Name: Eneliph : 2013-04-17 14:06 ID:VY7/hfK7 [Del]


683 Name: Eneliph : 2013-04-18 13:05 ID:T++O6fmk [Del]

Bump up

684 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-04-29 21:14 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


685 Name: Zar : 2013-04-30 10:15 ID:Il8fFGng [Del]


686 Name: Eneliph : 2013-05-04 19:26 ID:M44qvb5M [Del]


687 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-06 07:47 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]


688 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-07 06:20 ID:O5LZDQZB [Del]


689 Name: Extrolien : 2013-05-07 06:28 ID:s5LckJOM [Del]

ı agree and if you think like that ı am creating a web site to be a real dollars we will have everything we need to get together...

Leo Extrolien_

690 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-11 11:25 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


691 Post deleted by user.

692 Post deleted by user.

693 Name: Unknown soul!Z4Y4LdoAVE : 2013-05-11 19:03 ID:wotyuH5U [Del]

I can try to create a Dollars Chatroom if you want

694 Name: Ponyo22 : 2013-05-11 20:46 ID:I/50Ok7W [Del]


695 Name: Nara : 2013-05-12 13:45 ID:EHUsPn/h [Del]


696 Name: shadow : 2013-05-17 02:06 ID:IYw2M+gv [Del]


697 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

698 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

699 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

700 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

701 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

702 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

703 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

704 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

705 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

706 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

707 Name: chandler : 2013-05-17 02:54 ID:Vlr+Mqis [Del]

are you going to include the private messenger?

708 Name: MyQee : 2013-05-17 03:49 ID:peyiiDUe [Del]

^Someone has been trolling with his conection

709 Name: Unknown Soul!Z4Y4LdoAVE : 2013-05-17 10:49 ID:rsQgWV2t [Del]

Yup, surely! But the chatroom won't be create this month, because i have some problems with my wi-fi. So, i will try to make a project, and put a link on this thread, and you will decide if its good enough or not

710 Name: Junkori : 2013-05-17 16:26 ID:Qerw1ftC [Del]

I agree. I agree that the chat room is not ours but we are free to use it as pleased. Admin if you read this and I know you will there's no dough you will. Someone has to step up for the Dollars and make alot of rough choices on what our abilities extend to. I know our mission is but a new Age is growing. I will ask a vote by members for a leader. I'm sorry that it had to be this way but it's been too long since an Admin or Moderator has been on for awhile to keep order. If there is no order then why are together. I want Honest answer's and opinions here people No bull crap or no Sugar coating anything speak whats on your mind unless you depend on not sharing and you don't care about the dollars. If you have more to say go to the chatroom Now and look for me and with alot of peoples help we can change. With a new leader we can change the group into more than it is now but only with your help it can be changed.

711 Name: Unknown Soul!Z4Y4LdoAVE : 2013-05-18 06:13 ID:rsQgWV2t [Del]

By definition, the Dollars doesn't have a leader, so i think it's not a good idea. But if more of the Dollars wants it, we have to do it.

712 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 08:00 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]

>>710 You're more rude than GodHatesFags...

You should be mother fuckin' grateful you HAVE a site to play on instead of whining that you want to "vote for a new owner" because it's a "new age" of users. You disgust me.

713 Post deleted by user.

714 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-05-18 09:47 ID:EuotKb5p [Del]

As the legal owner of the drrr-like-chat project, I have concluded that >I< and my Dev Team will indeed make a new chat from the basis 1.0.6 ( )
we released two months ago. Currently, development is slow and there will be no updates of what and when things get done, for I am too busy.

715 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-18 09:52 ID:v0HDKKjk [Del]

>>714 What's with you? Where's the repo? On one hand you demand people to contribute any modifications back, on the other hand you don't even have a public source code repository? That hardly makes any sense to me.

716 Post deleted by user.

717 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-05-18 10:06 ID:EuotKb5p [Del]

>>715 Suin, the original creator stopped modified version under GNU GPLv3, too. Currently, we do not support repos because they contain our commits.

Modified versions should be disturbed through the page of access.
At your request, there's now a public repo.
Feel free to use it.

718 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-18 10:09 ID:v0HDKKjk [Del]

>Currently, we do not support repos because they contain our commits.
The entire point of a repo is having commits and thus incremental reverting of faulty commits and an easy way to track project activity for bystanders. An inactive project is not interesting to contribute to.

719 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-05-18 10:16 ID:EuotKb5p [Del]

>>718 That's all true, but the current commits AREN'T going to be public, hence a new repo is born.

720 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-18 10:20 ID:v0HDKKjk [Del]

>>719 As much as I want to follow your argumentation, I just cannot see any coherent string of reason. What is your argument against having public commits and repositories?

721 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-05-18 10:33 ID:EuotKb5p [Del]

>>720 There's now a public repo that contributors of drrr-like-chat may use.

722 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 19:53 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]


723 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-18 20:26 ID:Kh2udYAz [Del]


724 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-05-18 22:16 ID:DEiUQEYV [Del]


That doesn't answer his question.

725 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-05-19 00:50 ID:EuotKb5p [Del]

>>724 Our current commits are private, as if it mattered. Now, there's a public repo that all may use.

726 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-19 10:38 ID:Rqre3a2H [Del]

"A chat derived from the original idea "Durarara Dollars"."
"Any drrr-like-chat downloaded and modified from this project, MUST be submitted back to the DLC community."

You have made it private and yet you've mentioned a contrasting statement as quoted above.

727 Post deleted by user.

728 Name: Plato!JZFVKEQYEc : 2013-05-19 14:12 ID:EuotKb5p [Del]

>>726 Still stuck on this? There's now a repo for everyone to use, so enjoy it and modify your heart out.

But other than that, as the legal license REQUIRES propagation of source at WILL, it is REQUIRED that the contributor MUST release changes to the users of the application itself. So, actually, it wouldn't matter if there was a repo to use, or not.

729 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-20 07:46 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]

bumping up good threads

730 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-21 21:17 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


731 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-23 07:53 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]


732 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-24 08:13 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]


733 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-24 19:15 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


734 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-25 12:22 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


735 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-05-25 14:21 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


736 Name: Dex !1rzdKXCvJw : 2013-05-25 19:53 ID:VpdgPhu7 [Del]


737 Name: bang-bang : 2013-05-26 05:19 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]


738 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-05-26 10:26 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


739 Name: maniac : 2013-05-26 11:45 ID:XSP5KCvF [Del]


740 Name: bang-bang : 2013-05-26 13:19 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]


741 Name: Wing !xykdDhAf1. : 2013-05-26 23:40 ID:yCAOSz4v [Del]


742 Name: Naglfar : 2013-05-27 08:23 ID:Wcw8YrGj [Del]


743 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-27 08:56 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


744 Name: maniac : 2013-05-27 13:54 ID:Qlp8DkbM [Del]


745 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-06-03 20:43 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


746 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-04 11:26 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


747 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-05 10:56 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


748 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-05 12:27 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


749 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-06 17:18 ID:TE79ESeu [Del]


750 Name: SirTurtle !JjWoIEqGRo : 2013-06-07 13:39 ID:Tuc54mqC [Del]


751 Name: Blxck : 2013-06-07 20:24 ID:AZGiQmDD [Del]


752 Name: Deus Pyro : 2013-06-08 00:22 ID:TZKW54Yx [Del]

why is there a recruitment thread?

753 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-08 10:16 ID:1eM2PJlT [Del]


754 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-09 08:22 ID:yKRM7E91 [Del]


>>752 What?

755 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-09 08:23 ID:yKRM7E91 [Del]

>>752>>754 Oh. That is for a different chatroom that the site doesn't link to.

756 Name: kisa : 2013-06-09 22:53 ID:fEO80zUt [Del]


757 Name: bang-bang : 2013-06-10 10:31 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]


758 Name: Nara : 2013-06-10 23:01 ID:EHUsPn/h [Del]


759 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-11 08:38 ID:fAIxLhiK [Del]


760 Name: bang-bang : 2013-06-12 10:06 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]


761 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-06-13 16:23 ID:5LGnb7Kj [Del]


762 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-13 16:29 ID:Fw1Dxpu0 [Del]


763 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-15 16:55 ID:6ksGDRmd [Del]


764 Name: Wouldn'tyouliketoknow : 2013-06-16 03:01 ID:hwQTTXCy [Del]


765 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-16 09:07 ID:6ksGDRmd [Del]


766 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-17 13:18 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


767 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 14:59 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


768 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-18 19:14 ID:OMDFsdLn [Del]


769 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-06-24 22:21 ID:mhhQt3t6 [Del]


770 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-25 10:05 ID:OPSQq/yq [Del]


771 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-06-25 18:38 ID:l/iHz6bv [Del]


772 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-28 16:49 ID:SkeuEebF [Del]


773 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-29 20:32 ID:lHM1EPIp [Del]


774 Name: bang-bang : 2013-06-30 08:47 ID:njwZNJ5J [Del]


775 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-02 19:21 ID:thRoM6mo [Del]


776 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-03 02:10 ID:zGRSHwRK [Del]


777 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-03 08:27 ID:zGRSHwRK [Del]


778 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-03 12:56 ID:zGRSHwRK [Del]


779 Name: Karu Kurai : 2013-07-03 15:21 ID:LBbPxw55 [Del]

Wait,this thread is still ongoing?

780 Name: Issun : 2013-07-03 17:37 ID:DMrGCSHb [Del]


781 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-03 18:33 ID:zGRSHwRK [Del]

>>779 Why wouldn't it be? :I

782 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-04 03:00 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


783 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-04 04:55 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


784 Name: Issun !lJlxdfrWP6 : 2013-07-04 20:07 ID:UIpws5EL [Del]


785 Name: Otaku-sama : 2013-07-05 06:18 ID:u7DD8mHp [Del]

dont say that its heart breaking....

786 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 12:48 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


787 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 12:49 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


788 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 12:51 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


789 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:10 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


790 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:14 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


791 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:24 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


792 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:32 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


793 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:36 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


794 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:47 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]

rebumping, ONCE MORE...

795 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:50 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]

rebumping, ONCE MORE...again due to ignorant newbie.

796 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-05 13:59 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


797 Name: Forte_SigmaEX!ljEVVXEJNE : 2013-07-05 15:31 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]


798 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-07-05 18:34 ID:SB6OtCJq [Del]


799 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-07-05 18:34 ID:SB6OtCJq [Del]


800 Name: Issun !lJlxdfrWP6 : 2013-07-05 22:17 ID:CJwBjJPL [Del]


801 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-06 00:32 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


802 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-06 01:22 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


803 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-07-06 13:49 ID:Ocqruisi [Del]


804 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-07 12:31 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


805 Name: josie : 2013-07-07 23:02 ID:IlwgVvTd [Del]


806 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-08 18:03 ID:+RLRXbdS [Del]


807 Name: Takizawa : 2013-07-09 12:45 ID:bRyt+YEE [Del]


808 Name: Naoto Stone!Q24oAGqUmU : 2013-07-09 15:23 ID:mJd+rNlX [Del]

If a new chatroom is able to be created and linked to the site, how will the announcement be made? I'm just asking for those people who probably have bookmarked and don't always pay attention to the main page. It would be a hassle if half of the Dollars used the wrong chat when the new one comes out, whenever it does.

809 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-07-09 21:50 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>808 there would be a note made in the update page, and maybe a post made on here or some other important thread that relates to this.

810 Name: Hibari? : 2013-07-10 04:24 ID:igffZjlS [Del]


811 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-07-10 10:41 ID:0xgGVdDI [Del]


812 Name: Hentai : 2013-07-10 14:40 ID:qECZj1C4 [Del]

Derp...XXX...Boobs...Penis...Durarara Hentai XD

This comment will be remove :D

813 Name: Hentai : 2013-07-10 14:40 ID:qECZj1C4 [Del]

Derp...XXX...Boobs...Penis...Durarara Hentai XD

This comment will be remove :D

814 Name: Hentai : 2013-07-10 14:40 ID:qECZj1C4 [Del]

Derp...XXX...Boobs...Penis...Durarara Hentai XD

This comment will be remove :D

815 Name: Hentai : 2013-07-10 14:40 ID:qECZj1C4 [Del]

Derp...XXX...Boobs...Penis...Durarara Hentai XD

This comment will be remove :D

816 Name: Hentai : 2013-07-10 14:40 ID:qECZj1C4 [Del]

Derp...XXX...Boobs...Penis...Durarara Hentai XD

This comment will be remove :D

817 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-10 15:46 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


818 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-10 22:53 ID:QYYYSP9b [Del]


819 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-07-11 00:28 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


820 Name: treypop : 2013-07-11 17:57 ID:iv6ip5YE [Del]

I can track down and find this Suin guy if u want

821 Name: treypop : 2013-07-11 17:57 ID:iv6ip5YE [Del]

I can track down and find this Suin guy if u want

822 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-07-11 18:47 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>820>>821 everyone can, its nothing special.

823 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-12 15:02 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


824 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-12 15:04 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


825 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-13 01:31 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


826 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-13 12:24 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


827 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-13 19:39 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


828 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-13 19:40 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


829 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-13 19:50 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


830 Name: MissPennyLane : 2013-07-14 06:55 ID:FzFTGCSu [Del]


831 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-07-14 08:39 ID:Rc96kNOE [Del]


832 Name: Minako Rose : 2013-07-14 18:32 ID:Bnv3suhN [Del]


833 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-14 22:49 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


834 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-14 22:55 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


835 Name: ヤミ族 : 2013-07-15 05:23 ID:g+FhGii+ [Del]

i Agree

836 Name: ayazi : 2013-07-15 05:46 ID:ZZSEG/kC [Del]


837 Name: kohana : 2013-07-15 09:38 ID:TVLm7JYu [Del]

i wish we could have our own chatroom!!!

838 Name: kohana : 2013-07-15 09:38 ID:TVLm7JYu [Del]

i wish we could have our own chatroom!!!

839 Name: Izaya S. : 2013-07-15 17:02 ID:CgTMV+iC [Del]

Hey I know but it's the best one besides it's a good site as well. And Izaya is my real name.

840 Name: Hibari? : 2013-07-16 04:33 ID:9OP8/Xmc [Del]


841 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-16 08:34 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


842 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-16 19:10 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


843 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-16 19:40 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


844 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-18 05:52 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


845 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-19 13:59 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]

We know the chat was spammed. We can't do anything about it.

'kay? 'kay.

846 Name: Reaper Neko : 2013-07-19 14:34 ID:fSctolk5 [Del]

is a problem now its made over 200 rooms on the chat now

847 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-19 14:54 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]

>>846 You don't say?
Tell us more.

848 Name: Reaper Neko : 2013-07-19 15:42 ID:fSctolk5 [Del]

>>847 don't gotta be rude

849 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-07-19 16:00 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

and your thoughts don't have to be irrelevant.

850 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-19 17:26 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


851 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-19 17:28 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


852 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-20 08:52 ID:lxMSGQfr [Del]

Alright guys, we know that hackers are aiming to get drrrchat shut down. You don't need to remind us forty times a day.

853 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-20 08:57 ID:lxMSGQfr [Del]

And please do not make any more threads about it; discuss it in this thread instead.

854 Name: Steve : 2013-07-20 12:12 ID:+VFEoWxf [Del]

>>853 It looks like they left actually.

855 Name: YamiKanKan : 2013-07-20 13:29 ID:McJodViF [Del]

I can't get into the chatroom.

856 Name: YamiKanKan : 2013-07-20 13:31 ID:McJodViF [Del]

I can't even get into the website.

857 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-07-20 15:50 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


858 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-20 16:09 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


859 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-07-20 17:33 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

Hey, you there. [Probably] new member about to post something about the chatroom? Yeah, you.

We're aware that there have been hackers in the chatroom lately. Guess what? We don't really give a shit, seeing as there's nothing we can do about it and it doesn't directly affect us. In fact, if you proceed to post your shit thread about the chat being fucked up at the moment, you are our real problem.

So please, don't bother.

860 Name: Taldar !ubipS5TLxs : 2013-07-20 18:13 ID:hn9MLl1H [Del]

Since this seems to be becoming a big problem with clogging up the main page, would it be possible to remove the chatroom link from the site altogether, or change it to go somewhere else?

861 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-20 18:27 ID:e9+ohhw9 [Del]

>>860 I think the old consensus was that removing the link would create a bigger uproar than just leaving it altogether. Although... Considering this recent spam of hackers galore, I think the spam of removing the link would be smaller. Anyone else agree?

862 Name: Colorless Energy !O1jzujos12 : 2013-07-20 18:47 ID:SB6OtCJq [Del]

>>861 Makes sense to me.

863 Post deleted by user.

864 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-07-20 20:28 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]

>>861 at least temporarily.

865 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-20 22:14 ID:QYYYSP9b [Del]

I'm just going to carry on Yata's torch.
Hey, you there. [Probably] new member about to post something about the chatroom? Yeah, you.

We're aware that there have been hackers in the chatroom lately. Guess what? We don't really give a shit, seeing as there's nothing we can do about it and it doesn't directly affect us. In fact, if you proceed to post your shit thread about the chat being fucked up at the moment, you are our real problem.

So please, don't bother.

>>861 I definitely agree with that.

866 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-20 22:58 ID:bzNtoSW1 [Del]


867 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2013-07-21 03:38 ID:aiactcKP [Del]

868 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-21 12:32 ID:EpH5oIAz [Del]

we definitely need to bump this.

Hey, you there. [Probably] new member about to post something about the chatroom? Yeah, you.

We're aware that there have been hackers in the chatroom lately. Guess what? We don't really give a shit, seeing as there's nothing we can do about it and it doesn't directly affect us. In fact, if you proceed to post your shit thread about the chat being fucked up at the moment, you are our real problem.

So please, don't bother.

869 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-21 12:34 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]

Hey, you there. [Probably] new member about to post something about the chatroom? Yeah, you.

We're aware that there have been hackers in the chatroom lately. Guess what? We don't really give a shit, seeing as there's nothing we can do about it and it doesn't directly affect us. In fact, if you proceed to post your shit thread about the chat being fucked up at the moment, you are our real problem.

So please, don't bother.

870 Post deleted by user.

871 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-21 12:36 ID:EpH5oIAz [Del]

>>870 Didn't know you were bumping. I bumped as soon as I saw sage and close.

872 Name: V-138 : 2013-07-21 12:45 ID:BlIFhx0p [Del]

I heard they going to close drrrchat down is this true and we have like 4 days left

873 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-07-21 16:25 ID:NfTQTfy7 [Del]

>>872 it's up :/

874 Name: Jun : 2013-07-21 20:42 ID:/tZrLCsw [Del]

PLEASE DON'T SAY IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU DIRECTLY AND STUFF LIKE THAT!!!!! I'm sure none of us want the chatroom going down sp lease help out!!!!

875 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2013-07-21 20:47 ID:+KUBrgt3 [Del]

It's not going to go down. Stop being a gullible shit.

876 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-21 21:38 ID:EpH5oIAz [Del]

>>874 Fuck off, I want the chat to go down.

877 Name: Noah E : 2013-07-21 21:45 ID:hRcYyYgJ [Del]

Everyone's so angry today...

878 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-21 21:49 ID:EpH5oIAz [Del]

>>877 I've been "angry" for the past week, because of the spam that's been happening on the forum.

879 Name: Steve : 2013-07-21 21:53 ID:+VFEoWxf [Del]

>>877 you have no idea, wait till they gang up on you...

880 Name: Noah E : 2013-07-21 22:09 ID:Oys5+7Jd [Del]

>>878 That's a terrible reason to be angry, but then again; the internet.
>>879 I have Atorexia; the chronic ability to be free of worry or anxiety. So I'm good.

881 Name: Steve : 2013-07-21 22:11 ID:+VFEoWxf [Del]

>>880 wish I had that...

882 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-21 22:20 ID:EpH5oIAz [Del]

>>880 If no one gives a shit about the forum, then this forum would be fucked and eventually closed down like all the other Dollars forum where no one gave a shit and it got shut down. Dude, this is the only Dollars forum that's still up from 2010. And do you know why that is? Because people actually gave a shit and cleaned up after the spammer's mess and bull shit.

883 Name: Noah E : 2013-07-21 22:43 ID:q4MCoNWQ [Del]

>>882 You misunderstand me. More people should give a shut, I'm not arguing that. What I'm saying is that there's no point getting all buddy about it. People should stop posting about the chat, but they shouldn't be yelled at for it, but told politely. Perhaps a notice should be posted on the main page for a while. Shouting at people doesn't get the message to people any clearer, it just hurts them. there is just as much blame for the ending of the pages for the impolite people as much as the people who constantly repost.

884 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-21 22:56 ID:mzMpO0Sv [Del]

>>883 Okay, then how about you try to do this for a week? Try being nice to everyone for a week. And then be ignored by those same person, continuing to spam. Or hell, not even be ignored, but your post being misconstrued by others as being rude, even if your post is simply "Please stop posting this".

Now then, multiply it by 3 years, and you'll understand the feelings of the members that give a shit. Another thing I've also seen that ruins Dollars website is being too carefree. The mentality of the unruly members is that BECAUSE this is the Internet, they can get away with everything. And combine this with the apparent Dollars creed of "No rules", you'll get absolute shit. It's hard to keep a site clean and orderly when absolute shit like this happens.

Also, this thread IS the notice you're talking about. Unlike any other forum, there's no such thing as a sticky. It's because implementing it is difficult if not impossible. Three years of being up and open, this site would have had a multitude of sticky notices by now if it were possible. But it's not. So we're stuck with bumping THIS thread, only to get spammed and pushed down out of site and out of mind.

885 Name: Light : 2013-07-22 00:49 ID:IE6dxwMY [Del]

seems like the spamming stopped, thanks to who all is responsible ^^

886 Name: Noah E : 2013-07-22 01:58 ID:Oys5+7Jd [Del]

Firstly, I am nice to everyone. Yes, even the people who ignore me, even the people who hate my guts! (*gasp* But Noah how do yah do it?) I'm glad you asked stereotypical western-swooning female voice! You see, to barrow the words of an excellent film "Life moves pretty fast, and if you don't stop to look around once in a while you might miss it." Life is just too damn short to waste even a second being angry. You would be amazes how much fuller life can be if we just stopped being angry all the time and dealt with things kindly and rationally. I can't tell you how many times I've had people cuss me out IRL, just really scream at me, and then calmed down considerably when I just say "I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to help?" It does indeed make me sad when I think about how under rated kindness and chivalry are in today's modern world.
Second (and lastly), I will no longer argue with you about this. Talking to you has drained my creative juices faster than a ten year old downs a slushy in summer. (*sigh* I was going to start my fan fic tonight too.).I force nothing upon you; as a human being you have the personal right to be angry, just as I have the right to be happy and kind. Neither is the wrong way to live. (though one causes considerably less stress) and I will leave to the way you wish to lead your life. Now, with a tip of the hat, I bid you good night, dear Anon.

887 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-22 05:32 ID:mzMpO0Sv [Del]

>>886 I refuse to apologize if I didn't do anything wrong. I refuse to be nice to anyone who can't follow rules.

And alright, you can be the first and only person to continually be nice to everyone and see how that works for you. As for me, and everyone else who HAS tried the nice method for a week or more (Yes, we have tried this method, again three years and we've tried everything) we'll continually to rage over the rule breakers. That is how it is. That's the reason why this site has gotten three years of existence.

888 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-22 09:36 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


889 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-22 16:42 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


890 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-23 06:34 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


891 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-23 06:34 ID:OPjnOxty [Del]


892 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-07-23 12:53 ID:1mTcKz2a [Del]


893 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-07-23 21:48 ID:l/iHz6bv [Del]


894 Name: Marya ._. : 2013-07-23 23:58 ID:LINxkqVG [Del]


895 Name: Marya ._. : 2013-07-23 23:58 ID:LINxkqVG [Del]


896 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-24 15:14 ID:mzulaeIs [Del]


897 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-07-24 16:48 ID:1mTcKz2a [Del]


898 Name: Chubby_Bunny !H57UgfGopo : 2013-07-25 00:26 ID:GkbBBJCE [Del]

Bunny bump.

899 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-27 17:51 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]


900 Name: Hatash!HATStoI1IE : 2013-07-27 17:55 ID:Owc+G3Wz [Del]

----x2 also 900 claim

901 Post deleted by user.

902 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-29 03:05 ID:mzMpO0Sv [Del]


903 Name: bang-bang : 2013-07-30 04:13 ID:v+mpIpeM [Del]


904 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-30 17:30 ID:unoyizDU [Del]

cause I feel like the end of this post needs a straight up link to the site rather then just a lot of messages that say bump so as not to be confusing,

here's a site we can use by ourselves.
This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.