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The Dollars are becoming more than just something that we saw on Durarara!!. (871)

1 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-18 11:50 ID:Kmm4JyJp [Del]

Seriously. The Dollars are spreading around my school and getting almost the same rep as they did on the show, a bad ass color gang, though most don't understand this, and that they don't have a color. 5 people asked me for the password to the site today, but I didn't give them it, to be safe.

I'm wondering if this Dollars thing will ever grow to be universal? Something big just like in Durarara!!? I'm really not too sure.

Even people who hate anime are wanting in. I really have no idea how the Dollars got so big in my school, but I'm worried that if people use the word "gang" and "Dollars" in the same sentence around an administrator, people are going to get in a lot of trouble. I'm pretty worried.

I love the Dollars and all, but damn. This really is turning into something serious, isn't it?

What do you guys think? And have the Dollars become something big where you live?

2 Name: Rozz Dweller : 2011-11-18 11:54 ID:88Sa07j+ [Del]

Indeed we are colorless, but don't be greedy...remember anybody can join.

3 Name: Saika : 2011-11-18 12:00 ID:DDQ5ecK+ [Del]

@Rozz Dweller, no were not greedy and anyone can join but i am expaerincing the same thing..ppl r saying in my school "i am in the yellow scarfs bla bla bla" and sayin the same thing the color gangs would say and we dont want the pass to go out just in case...

4 Name: rokkr : 2011-11-18 12:01 ID:zCEYdcXy [Del]

I think just the existence of this site and ideas proposed and talked about that this has already become more then just a group from an anime

5 Name: rokkr : 2011-11-18 12:01 ID:zCEYdcXy [Del]

I think just the existence of this site and ideas proposed and talked about that this has already become more then just a group from an anime

6 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2011-11-18 12:03 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Well, by definition we are a gang in a sense that through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, we share a common identity. But we do not represent the common usage of the word 'gang'... which denotes criminal activity. Essentially we are just a community... It shouldn't ever be something 'serious', don't get me wrong, I take the site and the community seriously, however we should never have to encounter a situation as a whole that would lead to some misunderstanding.

Some people take the Dollars too seriously and claim we should be some sort of crime fighting organization, and shit like that. When in reality, we are neither a fansite, nor an organization. We are a community, here to discuss interests, make freindships, and help eachother out.

I hope all these people that are hearing about the Dollars understand this... I would hate for a large influx of self righteous idiots to flood into BBS...

7 Name: Kumo !NC09qbtR1Q : 2011-11-18 12:07 ID:AhUpJr3c [Del]

i understand what Blazey is saying, the thought has occured to me as well, what the negative connotations of the term "gang" or "color(less) gang" would have in a more public society and whether or not people would misinterpret it to be something that it really is not. in response, i would say that because we are not a "secretive closed group", you should give them the password, but in the spirit of keeping things safe and, i dunno, not crazy? make sure that they are not doing it to run around and scream to the world "I AM A DOLLAR FUCK YEAH!!!!" but because they would actually be a part of the community, if that makes sense.

8 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 15:26 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]

@Everyone who replied

I appreciate your opinions and what you've said.

I still can't help but feel worried. Despite us not really being a gang, but a community, everyone seems to love the word "gang" instead because it makes us look, hell I dunno, bad or something? I tell multiple people the Dollars aren't a gang and they go psshaw of course they are.

Some people in my school are forming anti-dollars groups, basically just the goody-goodies hatin' on the Dollars due to their rep in my school. Theres starting to be tension between the Dollars and the antis.

Is the Dollars completely serious? Yes.
Should it be this serious in real life?
I really don't know.

9 Name: Raix : 2011-11-21 15:35 ID:iHiUCsfH [Del]

I think as of right now I am the only dollars member in my area, *shrugs* who knows? I could be wrong, but as far as I know, yep I'm the only one. I would love to see the dollars become a reality more than it actually is, but still be secretive and doing good behind the scenes.

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11 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 15:58 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]

I couldn't agree more.

I haven't looked at it that way. I will, thank you, though most people in the school know I'm a Dollar, to my dismay. I get asked if that's true on a daily basis.

12 Name: Raix : 2011-11-21 16:04 ID:iHiUCsfH [Del]


13 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2011-11-21 16:06 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

>>1 Be careful. I thought about recruiting some people at my school, but then thought about it again. Not many people like me. If they found out my online persona, or this is one of my safe havens from the people who bully me and hate me, I would be fucked. On top of that, some people may just want to come in here to bash us or make fun of those who use it. Like you said "people who hate anime are even wanting in" think about it. Maybe they just want in, to take away one of the secure things you have in life, and that is this community of people who care. Or they just want to fuck shit up. Some people do just want to see the world burn.

Also, you talked about your administration getting word of "gang" That's a no-no. Thats another issue with recruiting at school. School finds website. Deems it harmful (no matter what we are doing) and its shut down by mandate of law. Then no more Dollars.

Im sorry if I sound extremely paranoid, but those things just go through my mind when I think about recruiting people. I like separating business with pleasure, and I dont want people knowing I am part of this community anyway.(I am not shameful, its just that this is something that I am apart of, nor want to be glorified for, if I do a good deed) Some already do, but they don't understand it anyway, so I needn't worry.

I think what you are thinking would be great if it could happen, but unfortunately, not everyone has the best intents in heart when they try to join something like this.

14 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2011-11-21 16:09 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

Sorry for the double post, but i just saw you mentioned an anti gang. Just another example of people wanting to ruin things that people enjoy in life. :/

15 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 16:10 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]


I understand what you are saying and everything makes sense.
It's alright, I'm also a bit paranoid myself. But the Dollars are huge nontheless, I wasn't the one who made it that way in my school, and I'm really not sure who did.

I tell everyone to stop calling it a gang at my school but we have some real dumbasses who ignore me. The Dollars really isn't a gang in my eyes.
But it is something thats turning very real.

16 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 16:12 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]


That's alright, lol.
But you shouldn't worry about those people, they know you're better than them and they just want to bring you down.
That's why bullies fuck up other's lives, because they want the victim to feel as low as they are.

17 Name: inmiy : 2011-11-21 16:28 ID:E8rI5In/ [Del]

so far im the only one in my school thats a part of the dollars.ive been spreading it around to some of my friends... they seem pretty into the idea. i think this actually might become a big thing like it did in the show if we keep spreading it around to our friends and stuff like that.

18 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 16:31 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]


That may be so, but that's not what a lot of people want.

The Dollars community is meant to be something underground, not something worldwide. But if you really are going to spread it around, make sure you don't slander our name or else there will be trouble, whether it be with you, with the Dollars themselves, your friends, the school or the law.

Trust me. My schools an example. It may seem like a cool thing, but not EVERYONE will like the idea.
Jus want to make that clear.

19 Name: イジー愛は打た : 2011-11-21 16:34 ID:J5Ux2TVx [Del]


20 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-21 16:36 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

>>19 It was already bumped.

21 Name: setton : 2011-11-21 16:41 ID:7XUpdR5x [Del]

well if most people know then say something unclear the thing about being a dollar is we hide in plain site

22 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 16:43 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]


Apparently not if people are still gonna go around calling us a gang.

23 Name: setton : 2011-11-21 16:45 ID:7XUpdR5x [Del]

so dont deny it print out the about page and put it on a wall if every one who hates the dollars is looking for some proof of how bad we are the moment they see it they will read it

24 Name: setton : 2011-11-21 16:48 ID:7XUpdR5x [Del]


25 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 16:49 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]


I don't think anyone who hates the Dollars would /care/ to read it. But if it cleared up any bad impressions I'd sure as hell force em.

Too bad life isn't so simple.

26 Name: setton : 2011-11-21 16:51 ID:7XUpdR5x [Del]

well than dont care its that simple just let the plot a stir because no one can bring the dollars down were just to big

27 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 16:53 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]

Heck I know that. Never implied anyone was gunna bring the Dollars down.

28 Name: setton : 2011-11-21 16:55 ID:7XUpdR5x [Del]

oh sry just saying dollars rule any other gangs shouldn't exist but we serve a purpose

29 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 16:58 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]

We do serve a purpose.
But we aren't neccessarily needed, either.

30 Name: setton : 2011-11-21 16:59 ID:7XUpdR5x [Del]

but we do keep kids from joining gangs like the Latin kings

31 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 17:03 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]

I think half the people who join the Dollars /are/ Kids.
I've met people as young as 11 of the chatrooms.

32 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 17:03 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]


And NO, I am not saying EVERYONE who joins the Dollars is a kid.

33 Name: setton : 2011-11-21 17:04 ID:7XUpdR5x [Del]

im not
i know not all are but alot are btw i am a teen so yeah

34 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-21 17:07 ID:6Xad/bKJ [Del]

Neither am I, I'm a teenager as well.

35 Name: Juumonji's Coffee!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-11-21 17:57 ID:zoFNu0KP [Del]

What's so bad about being called a gang anyways? I don't give a fuck about what other people think of me. They want to say Dollars is stupid, go ahead I say, I'll ignore them. They want to fuck the site up with pointless riffraff, I will smite them with grammar and superior intellect. Someone wants to recruit a whole shitload of stupids, sure, be my guest.

The Dollars aren't a place where we tell people what to do and think. We have anonymity on our side, we can be whatever and whoever we want to be on here. Everywhere and nowhere. We mean different things to different people, but the Dollars will always be a place to belong, a place to connect, even just a place to chill out.

Whatever happens, I'm not leaving. This place, to me, makes me feel whelmed. I like it here, and I'll probably crack down on my fair share of idiots and trollers before I'm done with it.

36 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-11-21 17:59 ID:0cBwr0v1 [Del]



37 Name: Slash : 2011-11-21 18:13 ID:De18LhWC [Del]

People here are making colur gangs and having fights here too!

38 Name: Juumonji's Coffee!yZs/RnAftw : 2011-11-21 18:34 ID:zoFNu0KP [Del]

>>36 That all you have to say about my comment, Ayanavi? Oh, how you wound me so!~

39 Name: rachy : 2011-11-21 18:45 ID:wcYJQboU [Del]

there just starting here

40 Name: Gilgamesh-sama : 2011-11-21 18:47 ID:N0CGo9GD [Del]

This is the beginning and the beginning will become something great

41 Name: Shin Megami Tensei : 2011-11-21 20:00 ID:3pnrKytO [Del]

This is great! I can't wait until I spread the word! Then people will be talking about it like in the show!

42 Name: net420 : 2011-11-21 20:27 ID:FcHsw18+ [Del]

Cant wait for a turf war.... Lol jk but nah its starting over here

43 Name: baccano : 2011-11-21 20:32 ID:/Xq2KFrt [Del]

yeah its starting a little where i live too

44 Name: beat : 2011-11-21 20:40 ID:g7vVQH3g [Del]

same and yeah

45 Name: Pancho : 2011-11-21 20:47 ID:H8doWcO7 [Del]

I haven't heard anything about Dollars at my school, but I'll listen carefully. It would be awesome if Dollars went universal.

46 Name: Zero : 2011-11-21 20:49 ID:aPsanBbF [Del]

It's happening at my school too.

47 Name: Devynne : 2011-11-21 20:57 ID:YfE4ErQR [Del]

Its not really going around my school... My friend, sister, and I are really the only ones who know about it o.o;

48 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2011-11-21 21:58 ID:THp55Nhe [Del]

i think it really is getting big

49 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2011-11-21 22:04 ID:THp55Nhe [Del]

i haven't heard much at my school yet but i know there are a lot of dollars in my city

50 Name: Kaz : 2011-11-21 22:05 ID:uv4j00Qz [Del]

I actually like the fact its getting bigger just think about it its a group of unified people all over the world with one common gathering place.

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52 Name: Masomi-Kun : 2011-11-21 22:27 ID:lKuWXkGV [Del]

ya I wish it was like that at my school, but the dollars may be getting to popular and people might be spreding around rumors that the dollars do terible stuff and stuff like that.

53 Name: Shin Megami Tensei : 2011-11-21 23:21 ID:3pnrKytO [Del]

Breaking news from Louisiana!! Some of my friends texted me "do you know the dollars?" It's happening here!

54 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2011-11-21 23:30 ID:THp55Nhe [Del]


55 Name: AkiraGrim : 2011-11-21 23:38 ID:xrtzVWLO [Del]

kool, but not at the same time. lololol but everyone is a shadow member remember? so noone knows who is who XD

56 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-21 23:39 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

Ohh~ how exciting!~

57 Name: miyuko : 2011-11-22 00:31 ID:xUmqRmVw [Del]

Good for you. in my school, I'm the only one who knows Durarara!! tried to advertise to my friends but all they bother to watch is One Piece/Naruto/Bleach -.-

but it's great to know that this Dollars is spreading!! :D

58 Name: Kaz : 2011-11-22 00:44 ID:uv4j00Qz [Del]

I feel your pain miyuko that's all my friends watch in my opinion if you watch the common 2 you don't love anime and yes that's what most anime newcomers watch One Piece isn't as common though. But the over common Naruto/Bleach FTW people don't realize that there are so many better animes that existed before them like for example Gundam Wing and Initial D.

59 Name: ThickMist-01 : 2011-11-22 00:45 ID:ursar23r [Del]

well that is really troublesome for u Blazey

that's right don't give the password so easily
i've been doing recruits this past few days but i first ask them to watch the durarara so that the'll understand what we really do

60 Name: Blaine Nightfire : 2011-11-22 00:52 ID:57IgcR1H [Del]

Its pretty cool that the Dollars are getting known, i told my friends about it and they were like "Who are they?" i felt a little crushed haha oh well.

61 Name: Izaya!.AqNRegQx6 : 2011-11-22 01:13 ID:bDzQsAtz [Del]

Really? that's really cool. I'm pretty sure only 1 of my friends have even heard of Durarara

62 Name: Hibari : 2011-11-22 01:20 ID:tHu6m6br [Del]

if people realy want the password, they can just google it. Is that a good thing?

63 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-22 01:42 ID:PEfffMPt [Del]

Like Hibari, I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps we should set up our own password? Then it would be invite only like theDollars in DRRR.

64 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-22 01:46 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]

>>63 yes, but this site is not centered on durarara
i say everything is fine just the way it is~

65 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-22 01:50 ID:PEfffMPt [Del]

Yes, but you must acknowledge the anime as it is the basis for all of this. People seem to forget that with out DRRR, this probably would have never came to be.

66 Name: Tagurit !!QuPYk0+E : 2011-11-22 01:54 ID:/2GKt6QH [Del]


67 Name: イジー愛は打た : 2011-11-22 02:12 ID:Yn/0Y1uq [Del]

Where i live no one would know what the heck you mean.if you brought up the dollars, but theres about three of us stopping trouble and the actions of the insolent

68 Name: Nyx : 2011-11-22 02:16 ID:ku0A32vV [Del]

Well it's true that it's a shame that the password is in google... Although I think the site is ok as it is. But I think we can make another group, one similar to that of the Dollars, but with a different name and password.

69 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-22 02:23 ID:PEfffMPt [Del]

>>68 Yes, but i like knowing I am part of the Dollars. I wish we could remove it from google.

70 Name: Nyx : 2011-11-22 03:08 ID:ku0A32vV [Del]

>>69 I see your point there D: And I do admit that having the password posted is annoying :(

71 Name: Ei.C !NpoFZEF6BU!!sF0EyBSv : 2011-11-22 04:09 ID:FMLsPBKt [Del]

theres this person i know who was going to make a web like this one but its not done yet

72 Name: Catheleya : 2011-11-22 07:29 ID:ojHIurFa [Del]

And this is one reason why I want the Dollars to remain a secret. They don't know the real thing about this organization.

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75 Name: Nessy : 2011-11-22 08:41 ID:CZEIQWb6 [Del]

They're all over my town, facebook, myspace, youtube as a gang with a color when i fact the have no color. People randomly come up to me and ask if i'm in the dollars but all I say is "mabey I am, mabey i'm not. Why is it any of your concern". The point is that we will have a real peoblem is this thing becomes international, because the fact is if this spreads anymore than it already has then soon there will be a real gang war becasue people will hate the dollars for no aparent reason and want to challenge us for dominance.

76 Name: Kuuro : 2011-11-22 09:16 ID:lZVVxGUX [Del]

I'm the only one in my entire school to know about the site, or maybe i'm just the only Durarara fan at my school....

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79 Name: Nessy : 2011-11-22 09:47 ID:CZEIQWb6 [Del]

In that case people in your school must not get out much or are just completely ignorant to the world around them like most humans.

80 Name: Aoipandapops : 2011-11-22 10:25 ID:yGNI/jiq [Del]

in my school its sorta the same thing, i even have people wearing yellow scarves around.

81 Name: Nessy : 2011-11-22 10:32 ID:CZEIQWb6 [Del]

well, don't be stupid and get in trouble

82 Name: FishyFish_ : 2011-11-22 10:37 ID:FAK7yEUz [Del]

Wow, really? Cause in my school nobody knows it D:
Just don't get into trouble and everything should be fine ^^

83 Name: Sirjj : 2011-11-22 10:50 ID:RMxIVbGn [Del]

We are dollars wether its from a show or not we do what is right and when we cant do something right we think of ways to do it left becaus we allways have a back up plan thats how we are now lets do some good today

84 Name: KuroShiro : 2011-11-22 10:53 ID:gN7EyLfP [Del]

hmmm wounder what would happen if i mention the Dollars at my school?

85 Name: Raix : 2011-11-22 11:28 ID:iHiUCsfH [Del]

No one knows in my school. I think it's just me. *Shrugs* I could be wrong though. But I'm still gonna keep it to myself.

86 Name: Hibari : 2011-11-22 11:50 ID:6JBNpbua [Del]

Well whether or not people know im part of the Dollars we're still proud to be part of it. Am i right?

87 Name: Raix : 2011-11-22 12:32 ID:iHiUCsfH [Del]

@Hibari I totally agree.

88 Name: Cassi-Sama : 2011-11-22 12:42 ID:5gYxGMFu [Del]

not many of the pepl at my school like anime, but a couple of my friends loves (including me!) I found the website (from DRRR!! of cource) but I try my best not to let the teachers catch me online I dont wanna get the site blocked <<
To all you out there!!!! Dont give the password to just anyone!!! Lets keep the dollars going!!! I love all members <3 bye

89 Name: Sameshinzo : 2011-11-22 12:54 ID:BbO7CP+j [Del]

I'm not really a superactive dollarsmember, but i think...for it not to spread out to much, we should maybe get the password of the internet...there are several sites that i see them in, or maybe as a last solution, change
I love dollars, I love what we have here, i just want to keep it that way ^^

90 Name: Kodaz : 2011-11-22 12:55 ID:tLF3E+ch [Del]

Well i have to give it too you nice job on hiding the passcode...i suggest all stop giving it out before it actually becomes a real gang.. or just let mikado deal with it :)

91 Name: Masomi-Kun : 2011-11-22 13:10 ID:lKuWXkGV [Del]

u should only give the password to people u trust (people that wont tell others the password that u didnt invite, and people that dont say the dollars is a gang)email it to them asking "do you want to be in the dollars with the URL, and Password. oh and for ur other problem ull have to find that out and u should learn on ur way.

92 Name: _Akira_ : 2011-11-22 13:14 ID:bb3fi0gi [Del]

Like Cassi, anime isn't very popular in my school - or even in my place... Dollars to us is just American currency...

93 Name: Taro : 2011-11-22 13:46 ID:Td+2whhd [Del]

Why not make an introductory video on youtube?
just a silly idea, but it might work if we want to instruct the people who don't know what we're about

94 Name: unknown : 2011-11-22 13:54 ID:TiI3CFws [Del]

yeah thats a great idea and how about a mobil version of the dollars?? i mean like to use on the phone

95 Name: darasuum : 2011-11-22 14:14 ID:n6Yz9tHF [Del]

just lead by example and do what you do. don't worry about them. if they are doing bad things then they arn't true dollars. they just know the password

96 Name: hibari : 2011-11-22 14:17 ID:24rf8y2C [Del]

i agree

97 Name: Kitarro !Qmp4Oy7hXY : 2011-11-22 15:03 ID:zGmLphgq [Del]

You're wise to choose who you give the password to. There are some in here that might give the whole organization a bad name but as Darasuum said, we, true Dollars, have to lead by example and hope that through our actions we can keep the reputation pure. Most people join because they think it's a fad and they'll be gone soon. Real Dollars don't advertise and they keep going long after the popularity passes.

98 Name: BarabiSama : 2011-11-22 19:15 ID:dTaKIGtc [Del]

I'm the only person at my school ( I assume ) who is on the Dollars site. I have a few friends who keep pestering me for the password, but they're not people I trust to give us a good rep. It's pretty awesome that so many people are interested, but make sure that none of the teachers get too into it. We don't want to have any trouble.

99 Name: Darasuum : 2011-11-22 19:17 ID:QgOVyPqu [Del]

i have heard a few people 'know' about them but i can't confirm if there are any other members beside myself in my highschool let alone the city i live in.
we are gaining members every minute

100 Name: Shimizu : 2011-11-22 19:21 ID:bpUS8txS [Del]

in my school people sorta shun anime fans so nobody but a few of my friends who know or are in the Dollars actually talk about it, although people who dont know what it is may have a misunderstanding and say the being in the Dollars is a bad thing so i try not to talk about it that much mostly in private~

101 Name: Mika : 2011-11-22 19:48 ID:mQNitbUP [Del]

My friends don't care about anime as much as I do. I treally want them to join the Dollars, but they won't watch the anime! They know I'm in it, and that I love it but they just won't listen about it. I'm gonna try to get people to join, but middleschoolers these days suck -_- Not including myself. I'm probably the only member in my school right now. The others are too busy with weird stuff to notice or care. *sigh*

102 Name: K : 2011-11-22 19:51 ID:dvUVkl/a [Del]

yea i agree blazey the dollars have been getting bigger around my town but they wear dollar patches on their jackets. so more and more people see the word dollar everywhere they go i just hope it doesn't get out of hand and we start having dollars start doing something we aren't proud of.

103 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-22 19:51 ID:q1KSsdGt [Del]

Do people really need to watch the anime to join the Dollars? In my opinion, no. We're trying, and from the looks of it failing, to stop associating ourselves as being just like the anime, and in turn becoming something of a Durarara fansite.

It's good and all to know where we come from, but to constantly tell people "WATCH THE ANIME AND THEN YOU CAN JOIN" is just wrong. But that's just me. Carry on folks.

104 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 22:11 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

From reading all these posts, I think it's pretty clear:
This is NOT just something we saw on DRRR!! anymore!

I love the Dollars, and I'm never leaving here. I feel like I belong here, I just hope that whoever joins uses the Dollars for the right purpose, you know?
No, because that's not what the Dollars are about.
I hope most of you haven't joined just so you could say that .___.

105 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-11-22 22:14 ID:hZdgIwrs [Del]

You know, 'color gang' is a term that was basically made up for the continuity of Durarara. Real street gangs have gang colors, yes, but none of them refer to themselves as "color gangs." It really sounds kind of gay.

And I'm not saying that in a derogatory sense, like it's stupid or something - I mean it actually sounds homosexual.

106 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 22:16 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

I've heard of some gangs referring to themselves at color gangs, but they don't call themselves shit like the yellow scarves or the blue squares.

107 Name: Kiao : 2011-11-22 22:17 ID:NRRRoPgB [Del]

It's weird because even at my school people have been actually talking about the Dollars & color gangs. Someone asked me about it and I just kind of stayed quiet about it. The people who mostly talk about it aren't the best people ever also, they give them selves a bad rep and hopefully they don't go off saying they belong to the Dollars and give us the bad rep.

108 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 22:20 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]


I hope so as well.
Glad to see you're being careful with who and what you say about the Dollars. Thank you.

109 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 22:21 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]


I hope so as well.
Glad to see you're being careful with who and what you say about the Dollars. Thank you.

110 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 22:21 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

Sorry about the double post =____=

111 Name: Kiao : 2011-11-22 22:32 ID:NRRRoPgB [Del]

I try my best to know just who I talk to about the Dollars
Oh & welcome ^-^

112 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 22:35 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]


So do I... Though, nobody really seems to know for sure if spreading word about us is a definite bad thing or not.
Like, sure, if we get mixed up with the wrong people it could be bad, many people here don't care about that, just as long as we get as popular as possible.
It jus confuses me, beause people tell me left and right thats it's either okay to be open or to just be careful at all costs.

113 Name: Kiao : 2011-11-22 22:38 ID:NRRRoPgB [Del]

Yea, we can't tell if if just spreading is in fact a bad or good thing, we'll just have to see what happens.
But I prefer being careful just in case

114 Name: sfilipino : 2011-11-22 22:41 ID:z2coDw4k [Del]

well after letting people around school know about the Dollars and what they do, people joined. When our school had a fundraiser for the Salvation Army and another fundraiser to support a girl who has many disabilities, we gained almost twice as much as last year. One teacher acknowledged the Dollars saying its a postive organization for the better future :)

115 Name: larzilla : 2011-11-22 22:42 ID:o+DwA+E+ [Del]

where do u liv im tryin 2 tell people at my skol

116 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 22:45 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]


Better safe than sorry. (:


Really? Your story is an EXCELLENT example of what people should think of the Dollars. ^^

117 Name: fucked4life : 2011-11-22 22:46 ID:0ZwW2Bl/ [Del]

yeah i just anonymously invited some of my really close friends to be part of something bigger than themselves

118 Name: Dark Ghost : 2011-11-22 23:23 ID:rYJyovn+ [Del]

That would be the point. To spread but the dollars are not a color gang. They shouldn't be trying to fake us. After all all we are here for is to help others. Not to be bad asses.

119 Name: Kanta : 2011-11-22 23:44 ID:sR1oH4jJ [Del]

Yea it has started back where i live,.. i think it might have started with me,... but now we have enemys with others,.. getting outta hand x.x

120 Name: Dark Ghost : 2011-11-22 23:47 ID:rYJyovn+ [Del]

All we can do is do good and spread the word about the real us.

121 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 23:49 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

@Dark Ghost
I completely agree.

Alls that I can tell you is DO NOT tellthe wrong people you are in the dollars.

122 Name: Dark Ghost : 2011-11-22 23:54 ID:rYJyovn+ [Del]

I am in 2 gangs. This one and another. That is 100% true.

123 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-22 23:58 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

@Dark Ghost

Which is bigger? The Dollars or the other one?

124 Name: Dark Ghost : 2011-11-23 00:02 ID:rYJyovn+ [Del]

Over an area the dollars. People wise it is the other. That isn't a good thing either. People do stupid things when they are trying to impress people. The only gang that should be in existence is this one n it shouldn't be getting a bad rap from a bunch of punk kids trying to fit in and be cool. The other gang was stared as a group of friends but soon my friends friends were in and I couldn't keep track of it. All I know is I've stoped people from doing stupid things.

125 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-23 00:23 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

@Dark Ghpst

I see. I'm glad to see that you're keeping yourself safe and I hope you stay safe.

126 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-23 00:23 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

@Dark Ghpst

I see. I'm glad to see that you're keeping yourself safe and I hope you stay safe.

127 Name: Dark Ghost : 2011-11-23 00:34 ID:rYJyovn+ [Del]

Thanks soon it's going to be gone. At least in the form it is now they may try to remake it with a different name.

128 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-23 00:39 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

@Dark Ghost

So I see.
Is it a bad gang?

129 Name: Dark Ghost : 2011-11-23 00:41 ID:rYJyovn+ [Del]

It wasn't supposed to be. N it's going to disappear so it doesn't matter

130 Name: Blazey : 2011-11-23 00:43 ID:xxaU5kJc [Del]

@Dark Ghost

I hope that doesnt ruin some people's lives. Some people become dependant on gangs like that.

131 Name: Yue Jin : 2011-11-23 00:45 ID:OpD5hx5P [Del] IS's popular especially in china and japan!

132 Name: Kanta : 2011-11-23 00:47 ID:sR1oH4jJ [Del]

I know, theres like 50 or so in the dollars in all and they think i'm a leader but i tell them our real leader is someone else. Plust we watch out for the others, like the animals, and the boxers, the animals have plushie animals on their bags and wristbands ad the Boxers look like MMa fighters some times

133 Name: Kanta : 2011-11-23 00:48 ID:sR1oH4jJ [Del]

at least in my school district and town, who knows about the rest of the state and i know some dollars back in japan,.. my friends in japan are dollars

134 Name: Dark Ghost : 2011-11-23 00:48 ID:rYJyovn+ [Del]

Blazey they can start a new one but I'm out

135 Name: Beltove !HheIWklu.2 : 2011-11-23 01:05 ID:KiFtbMLf [Del]

I am almost a hundred percent certain that I and my sister are the only Dollars in my general area. Anime is not real big out here, so it has yet to spread. You really should keep your identity as a Dollar secret to most people. We joined to help others secretly, not seeking praise or popularity. Also, if other gangs get wind of the Dollars, they may come at us negatively thinking we are some threat. So please, only tell those you can trust your life with because if things get way bad your life may be at risk.

136 Name: Neko : 2011-11-23 02:26 ID:GaF5IXR/ [Del]

I only know of one other Dollars member at my school but I have really looked into it that much but I would sugest you would be careful and keep your gaurd up just in case any gang thinks of the Dollars as a threat.

137 Post deleted by user.

138 Name: Ei.C !NpoFZEF6BU!!sF0EyBSv : 2011-11-23 06:29 ID:FMLsPBKt [Del]

yup Neko is right

139 Name: Koibito : 2011-11-23 06:52 ID:pCoLGiLe [Del]

I agree with Neko.
The Dollars aren't very big here. I only know of 2 other Dollars in my community. The people who aren't Dollars but have heard of us don't really consider us a threat so I believe any Chicago Dollars are on the safe side ^_^

140 Name: Xissx : 2011-11-23 07:17 ID:6/e5YTDY [Del]

You gotta be careful on who you let join.
We are a gang, yes but not the kind of gang that the meida and other people like to talk about.
We are underground so we should not be giving out our password to just anyone, you know?
If too many people get a hold of this they might mold it into somthing we won't like. There are already people who are trying to gain some type of leadership on this site.

141 Name: Kodaz : 2011-11-23 09:30 ID:tLF3E+ch [Del]

@Xissx if thats true(about the leadership) then im pissed off i wont be ordered around by a 7 year old boy.infact i refuse.

142 Name: Tora-sama : 2011-11-30 11:29 ID:kRSg//em [Del]

>>3 There are people in your school who are part of the Yellow Scarves? How many?

143 Name: Tora-sama : 2011-11-30 11:35 ID:kRSg//em [Del]

>>140 I agree, If there are people who hate the Dollars, such as the students >>3 mentioned who claimed to be in the Yellow Scarves, who knows what they'll do to ruin us and our website?! For one example, I saw one post that said "DOLLARS SUCK DICK", I forget where who it was though.>;(

144 Name: Usa-chan : 2011-11-30 11:40 ID:HlMkq7ap [Del]

Where i live, no one really knows about them, i i kinda want to keep it that way, just in case, minus a few people who are dollars-in the-rough.

145 Name: k.l : 2011-11-30 11:43 ID:vdudw4jI [Del]

where i live there are alot of dollars and a lot of yellow scarfs.

146 Name: Zephyric !klPKlmfA.2 : 2011-11-30 11:56 ID:5LK/pJI3 [Del]

First of all, this has nothing to do with the anime.

Sure, our organization is based on the one from Durarara, but we're just a bunch of people trying to make a difference in small ways. Though I agree with >>1, that if "The Dollars" becomes synonymous with "gang", it's a whole other story. That's why I think it's better to keep all of this on the down-low. It's not bad to attract attention to our cause, but if it's the wrong kind of attention, then people could get in trouble.

147 Name: Celty13 : 2011-11-30 13:00 ID:TgZnDF9H [Del]

i agree with Zephyric i dont want what happened in the anime, happining in reality. there are no yellowscarves where i live and i wish there were more dollars because sofar i only know 2 people who are with us.

148 Name: Sleepology : 2011-11-30 13:00 ID:tmQCQ347 [Del]

Finally someone gets it.
Imo there is no way to not be on the dl because of how spread out we are. Take biker gangs for ex. Theres a lot of them, groups that a spread out, but they have numbers in those groups. We lack that. Along with that fact that most of us are underage thus making it near impoosible for a meetup.
man i am just a debby downer lately

149 Name: Socks !9ehnVB8MeA : 2011-11-30 13:41 ID:2j0ErOsy [Del]

I am the only Dollar member I know of in person anyways. I know from location topics though that I am not the only one where I live.

As far as creating another website and password that is just dumb and unneeded. Just don't give out the password, if someone really wants to be a member than they will go find it like many of us did. Thats part of the point, anyone can join, however they need to be able to find us first, its like its an initiation in its own way. Most people aren't going to bother going through the trouble of trying to find it which separates the real true members from the fakes.

As far as the yellow scarves thing I cant help but think that some are just making it up to make it closer to the anime or for some dumb reason to add some unneeded fear.

Also those calling the Dollars a "color gang" are fucking moronic and don't know shit and should be ignored outright.

150 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-30 17:04 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


151 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-11-30 17:07 ID:aETvQ0Lx [Del]


152 Name: Izaya-sho : 2011-11-30 17:12 ID:kMOD/Xk2 [Del]

Divine youer a whore.

153 Post deleted by user.

154 Name: Mimi : 2011-11-30 17:26 ID:2dT2UFm5 [Del]

Only me and some of my friends at school are a Dollar but my group is considered the "weirdos" or the "Japanese show" group so no one really cares about us. We are just as invisible as the Dollars.

155 Name: PsycheBunny !mfbNb4JzaM : 2011-11-30 17:29 ID:0uaYW4kh [Del]

>>154 Same here, but even if your invisible you can still make a difference. Thats what the Dollars do, right?

156 Name: Utau : 2011-12-01 09:56 ID:Cth7zKA8 [Del]

I'm the only one that knows about it in my class, because none of my classmates even know what DRR!! is. But I do believe that Dollars is becoming a big thing, even though I don't hear anybody talking about it here. :)

157 Name: Ranzama : 2011-12-01 11:20 ID:W/NmDdbz [Del]

Hey i just heard that in some cities people are starting the yellow scarves.

158 Name: Yami : 2011-12-01 11:25 ID:9qhvVdbt [Del]

What the hell?! I'm about the only one who knows in my school maybe a few others too, but I'm not too sure...

>>1 It's a good thing you didn't tell them about the password! Keep protecting this website!! If they keep pestering you, you should tell them to watch the anime one more time if they are a fan of DRRR!!! :D

159 Name: Karin : 2011-12-01 11:49 ID:fznA1Mkb [Del]

im the only one that knows about the dollars group in my class

160 Name: Chrome : 2011-12-01 11:53 ID:CMG7Kj1I [Del]

im the only one that i know of in my hole town that knows of it.

161 Name: Ranzama : 2011-12-01 11:56 ID:W/NmDdbz [Del]

My friend a big otaku asked me for the password for the website and said what the hell is DRRR!!!

162 Name: Renzo : 2011-12-01 12:08 ID:G/m7xGCI [Del]

Honestly this is good to hear!

Ive been trying to spread sticky notes through text books and in bathroom stall doors. I know it sounds weird, but it's a sure fire way to get a person curious!!

163 Name: PinkAngel : 2011-12-01 12:14 ID:uGMRC6lu [Del]

Really? That sounds really cool, here where I live it's actually just starting out as a rumor still. -.- But I hope people learn more about the dollars cause we are all so awesome. Am I right? :D

164 Name: -Jason- : 2011-12-01 12:19 ID:xbjaBzWu [Del]

The same thing has been happening here at my school...but most of them don't even know what DRRR!!! is I don't give then the password....But I do think this would be really cool if the dollars actually become a real gang :)

165 Name: great : 2011-12-01 12:52 ID:pNoH9qjx [Del]

ill try to spread it around my high school

166 Name: TAKI : 2011-12-01 13:33 ID:uIEyY7R9 [Del]

besides me theres only one other kid at my school who's in the dollars and i dont even know who they are or what they look like but if it does become a big thing here then it would be pretty cool

167 Name: BAM : 2011-12-01 13:59 ID:phgvVfGo [Del]

yeah i saw this thing on tosh.o about this guy who was at a fast food place and the driver ahead of him paid for his meal. do u think he could have been a dollar? lol that would be pretty wild

168 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-01 14:00 ID:8ImvF9Ew [Del]

Actually, it's pretty empty where I live. But hopefully, the Dollars don't get misinterpretted as a gang rather than an organization. That would pretty bad.

169 Name: BAM : 2011-12-01 14:01 ID:phgvVfGo [Del]

im new by the way. nice to meet you :)

170 Name: chasurozu : 2011-12-01 14:05 ID:7R2Of4OZ [Del]

I haven't met anyone near me who is in the Dollars, but it would be so amazing if I could meet someone. I would feel much closer to the show that way. My life would be complete!

171 Name: Kyroskiller : 2011-12-01 14:06 ID:Xwx9iUSz [Del]

don't know of any dollars in my area but i got some friend who I think fit the part i might send them a text later on.

172 Name: whatsupdoc : 2011-12-01 14:06 ID:cijrT8pr [Del]

>>167 there was a post under missions about doing that awhile back about that so they might have been one. cool

173 Post deleted by user.

174 Name: p r i s m t h i e f : 2011-12-01 14:31 ID:u2RVWDHT [Del]

The Dollars haven't been all that big where I live... Just me and two other people know about the website. I also hop that this group turns global... It might get interesting...

175 Name: C0ff1n !uaU1DuqsI2 : 2011-12-01 14:31 ID:cxo6KjWD [Del]

Plain and simple this is forum and thats all it is. The relation between each user is what they themselves make it. It is unlikely that it evolves beyond that due to the isolation of members and the fact that people are lazy. Still I've watched there be limited success at organizing things so its not impossible to turn this into something but its hardly going to be any thing like the show because the world isnt a cartoon and everyone here is just a regular person like any one else. Measuring the evolution or popularity of what this is by the responce at some high school is silly though. When we're on the news the maybe its time to begin to consider something is happening. As to school officials thinking "the Dollars" are something nefarious , it seems highly probable if there are a bunch of people talking about the dollars because people are instantly afraid of what they don't understand and a site that requires a password the represents an anonymous polity will always attract attention. I they block the site then just use a proxy. No demonstration of group action will add you in convincing them that the Dollars are a good thing because an organized youth group that lacks adult supervision is never welcomed. You best option it to stay off the radar.

176 Name: AileetaM : 2011-12-01 14:33 ID:gCMVhUHj [Del]

the only people in my area that i know of that are in the Dollars are the people who gave me the password. i don't think that anyone else really knows about it. it may be a big thing in most places, but i haven't heard of anyone else that's it

177 Post deleted by user.

178 Name: Lt. Dodger : 2011-12-01 14:33 ID:U1cOqlAP [Del]


179 Name: Alabaster : 2011-12-01 14:39 ID:M4oPp7Ax [Del]

The Dollars aren't really huge huge yet, but there are a lot of people who love the anime and haven't had the chance to become a Dollar, but it's not talked about at all in my school. If it does get serious it'll just mean that I'll have something to do besides homework! :D

180 Name: Utau : 2011-12-01 14:54 ID:hBinM2+4 [Del]

bump :D

181 Name: Maxeyn !FSogti7gEo : 2011-12-01 15:02 ID:jXnhZnhU [Del]

It hasn't became a big thing yet where I live, but I think that's just because the word about The Dollars hasn't spread through our school. It could be a good thing that The Dollars are becoming something big, it means we can make a bigger difference.

182 Name: Udaharra : 2011-12-01 15:16 ID:Td+2whhd [Del]

not where i live either but there are probably about 15 or so members at my school although personally I think it would be exciting to see this become a big thing

183 Name: Akira05 : 2011-12-01 15:20 ID:uBRd40fd [Del]

My school consists of over 1,000 kids and our campus is much lik a college campus, that being the case it is extremely difficult for word of the dollars to spread...

184 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-01 17:31 ID:Mzfae9Rq [Del]

>>183 Can I go to your school? o-o We have over eight thousand kids all crammed into a school that was made for two thousand. It's so overpopulated, you can barely walk between the desks. We don't have airconditioning, and it's horrid when it gets hot out =o=

185 Name: Seji : 2011-12-01 17:40 ID:4GjDtrhQ [Del]

I'm the only Dollar in my school I know of, I'm all alone in it.

186 Name: Gdog : 2011-12-01 17:43 ID:GNcxa/ed [Del]

Lol me too

187 Name: Sleepology : 2011-12-01 17:43 ID:ZUAQc28a [Del]

I dont really care if im the only one or not .-.

188 Name: BlacKWaltZ : 2011-12-01 18:29 ID:vOAu79gq [Del]

yeah lots of people in my class want in and they have never seen the show...

189 Name: arachne : 2011-12-01 18:33 ID:VVDcpugU [Del]

if this really does become like the dollars from durarara i think im going to be scared of different color gangs! too bad we dont have a shizuo or doolahan or a slasher lol

190 Name: Yarn : 2011-12-01 19:07 ID:NpYw3/KQ [Del]

As far as I know, Im the only dollar at my school. But its hard to tell, I'm still keeping it a secret.

Yeesh, Yellow scarves becoming real? Now that wont happen. You know why? Because its a gang. A bad gang. If it gets out of hand it will be banned by schools or communities. We have nothing to worry about because we can explain what we are really up to.

191 Name: BloodyAlice : 2011-12-01 19:11 ID:Aw/0zufl [Del]

So far, all I know is that this boy and I are Dollars in my school and this other boy wants in, but we aren't telling him any info. I'm not sure if there are others since the boy and I are keeping it a secret and if it does get big, this is real big trouble for all us good Dollars because some idiots are going to come and ruin it all by getting power hungry.

192 Name: Darasuum : 2011-12-01 19:22 ID:QgOVyPqu [Del]

>>191 i know how you feel.
>>190 look at all the gangs in the world BGDs, latin kings, etc the list goes on and know how they started...probably in someone's basement or in some school. i wouldn't be surprised.

193 Name: Yupina : 2011-12-01 19:51 ID:45teuzel [Del]

I don't have any Dollars member around here I don't think, but I'm sure it's just another hipster thing to do. The actual "bad" gangs in the anime will not even change the real life either, since I mean look...the police force in the anime was so weak, haha! People died all the time and they didn't do anything. o-o

194 Name: Kida : 2011-12-01 19:59 ID:FKgK8t3g [Del]

I don't know about that but I know everyone I know want's to be yellow scarfs

195 Name: Celty13 : 2011-12-01 20:03 ID:gciV6XQI [Del]

>>193 Good point. i met some kid asking about local gangs. apparently the idiot wanted a power grab. i honestly think he's yellow scarves material. one things for sure. i aint sayin nothin about the dollars to that brat.

196 Name: ?????? : 2011-12-02 17:17 ID:0qN2UnvO [Del]

Real interesting...

197 Name: Ryuugan : 2011-12-02 17:19 ID:IIw+WGlR [Del]

My school too. it seems that a lot of people are joining the Yellow Scarfs....

198 Name: roen : 2011-12-02 17:35 ID:ro9rVsXd [Del]

actually there are no other members of the dollars where i live i feel even more alone now then before i joined the dollars

199 Name: Valerain : 2011-12-02 17:35 ID:qVe12kRf [Del]

Yellow Scarfs?

200 Name: Jay-chan : 2011-12-02 17:39 ID:9lJOUHzY [Del]

No way! That's so weird! I hope our website will be safe :D

201 Name: Nani : 2011-12-02 17:43 ID:D1Znetnp [Del]

Honestly, no one really knows about The Dollars in my school, and only about 5 students (including me) really know about this site. But I hope the website stays safe from them.

202 Name: Isis : 2011-12-02 17:44 ID:o0l9JnZm [Del]

it feels like im the only one in my state that knows about the dollars :(

203 Name: naruto6339 : 2011-12-02 18:59 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

im the only one in my school thats knows about this website but my friends have watched the show Durarara

204 Name: Kael : 2011-12-02 19:04 ID:KhdkHKuN [Del]

Same here.

205 Name: Vino : 2011-12-02 19:11 ID:V54tW+js [Del]

I think it would be wonderful if this became bigger than just a Durarara fan thing. I say tell people the password, by all means! It's not really a gang as much as a community group. (lol, a community group spanning the entire planet!)

206 Name: Tomo : 2011-12-02 19:19 ID:zRQYvRb5 [Del]

i've told my friends. that's all and they dont go here much

207 Name: naruto6339 : 2011-12-02 19:22 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

you cant give random people the password. you tell people you would trust your life with because there are some mean people out there and if they join then this would just be called a gang. The Dollars is about doing whats right, not to cause violance for the fun of it.

208 Name: Mimi : 2011-12-02 19:28 ID:Mm0upKDC [Del]

it already is universal

209 Name: naruto6339 : 2011-12-02 19:31 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

(im changing my name to ninja btw) yeah but we still have to be careful on who we let into The Dollars

210 Name: naruto6339 : 2011-12-02 19:45 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

nevermind about the name change, im accualy changing my name to shadow

211 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 19:48 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

im going to try and get my friends to join The Dollars. im not sure if there are any Dollars where i live but if not ten this will be a start

212 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 19:49 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]


213 Name: Maaku : 2011-12-02 19:53 ID:hmTaAe4R [Del]

i only knew one person that is but there could be more where i am

214 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 19:57 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

im trying to get one of my friends to join right now

215 Name: Karu Kurai : 2011-12-02 20:03 ID:p+pr0/O9 [Del]

>>213 do i know you???? For some reason i i only no

216 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 20:11 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]


217 Name: yuki123 : 2011-12-02 20:22 ID:P1rGnsrr [Del]

me too! everyone is asking me the password.i told them to bug off.the dollars are getting popular, im scared that the gangs around me are going to get suspicious...

218 Name: Zephyric !klPKlmfA.2 : 2011-12-02 20:25 ID:8BUfpr35 [Del]

Why is everyone asking you for the password if you weren't announcing your membership in the first place?

219 Name: celty : 2011-12-02 20:29 ID:CholkwWb [Del]

the dallors are something big but many ppl are not seeing they way others do

220 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 20:39 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

i see The Dollars as a group to help others and so do alot of people. isnt that what this is for

221 Name: celty : 2011-12-02 20:43 ID:CholkwWb [Del]

yes shadow the dollars was a peacemaking group but some made it it were we are everything and onthing can stop us

222 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 20:47 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

well mabey everyone should start helping other people then like some people are

223 Name: celty : 2011-12-02 20:50 ID:CholkwWb [Del]

we need to help ppl no matter what but ppl dont feel like helping ppl sometimes..what i think we need to be helpfull and not get invole with the yellow scarves any more if everyone changes here ...the yellow scares wont bother us anymore

224 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 20:53 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

i agree

225 Name: celty : 2011-12-02 20:54 ID:CholkwWb [Del]

thank you shadow :)

226 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 20:55 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]


227 Name: celty : 2011-12-02 20:56 ID:CholkwWb [Del]

now how to start??? ok we should tell everyone and i mean everyone in the dollars that we should start new~ clean roads,no bullys,kind ppl.. yea that can work

228 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 20:57 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

i really hope that people listen

229 Name: celty : 2011-12-02 21:01 ID:CholkwWb [Del]

i should try >:)

230 Name: Chrome : 2011-12-02 21:01 ID:FlF9pYCO [Del]

Let's be realistic! Not everyone is going to be nice and all that ostentatious about it, people are and will always be vicarious with their decisions.

231 Name: shadow : 2011-12-02 21:06 ID:g6h3HpxF [Del]

its worth a try

232 Name: celty : 2011-12-02 21:17 ID:CholkwWb [Del]

shadow read my post

233 Name: "Talik !RZSkMh3PCo : 2011-12-02 22:03 ID:X/hre3Ii [Del]


234 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2011-12-03 23:53 ID:THp55Nhe [Del]

wow there are about 73000 members on here :0

235 Name: Karuma : 2011-12-04 00:07 ID:YByFBJmG [Del]


I really don't mesn to barge and interrupt, but unless someone has already said so, the Dollars is a colorless gang IN THE ANIME. Here in reality(I for one love the anime more than reality) the dollars is a community where we can get along and do what we are doing now whatever that may be. I myself, would say that we are an Orginization but not like the CIA or something. Just people from around who get together. For the haters out there whove got the guts to make an anti gang, thats their issue. If they really wanna mess with like 7000+ members who probably care less about them, then let them feel as if they're actually doing something. ME being in SC, theres not much to do around to the dollars is probably just my fascination.

Crap, I dont wanna start an argument or anything. I just wanted my two cents in.... Please no hard feelings!

236 Name: Beelzebub : 2011-12-04 00:11 ID:jAdMEHCF [Del]

not that popular here in northern michigan but you should tell people the dollars is like a social network for people 2 get together for the greater good and not to abuse the name

237 Name: kanra : 2011-12-04 00:32 ID:TAAq82dx [Del]

i even got ppl on facebook that is apart of the dollars and every on in my school is freaking out about this because its aready in arkansas and thats awsome

238 Name: Beelzebub : 2011-12-04 00:35 ID:jAdMEHCF [Del]

ha go dollars

239 Name: Minato : 2011-12-04 00:44 ID:CUvX1G6u [Del]

The Dollars has gotten Big at my school. So big that some of the teachers are asking about who the Dollars are, and if it's a gang or not.

240 Name: Beelzebub : 2011-12-04 00:48 ID:jAdMEHCF [Del]

omg dude just dont let it turn violent k represent ok set some examples for the younger generations on the dollars its up to everybody to watch out for eachother

241 Name: violetstrings : 2011-12-04 00:52 ID:hw/V42Nt [Del]

Sadly, no...
Only a few are dollars member, or they are just too silent.

242 Name: Kon'ya Hiyori : 2011-12-04 00:55 ID:o2FrTIOm [Del]

The Dollars aren't too popular where I live,but its been
mentioned it before by some people outside of my school.I think its okay if it gets popular,but not if people abuse their names on here.

243 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-04 01:02 ID:pe1hLVKn [Del]

The fact you want to stay hidden is good, but we can't stop people from finding it, and people are able to invite. You can still stay hidden. The Dollars group never was hidden. The people were hidden.

It isn't going to hurt us anytime soon, to get random members here and there. More or less, the group is going to govern itself pretty well. Most people use common sense, anyway.

244 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2011-12-04 01:12 ID:peaa7q34 [Del]

>>243 "Most of the people use common sense, anyway"

Did you see this board last weekend? I agree with everything you've said, except that sentence. The vast majority of new members here have no common sense at all.

245 Name: Thiamor : 2011-12-04 01:14 ID:pe1hLVKn [Del]


Most people who aren't trolls.

246 Name: Raix : 2012-01-23 17:29 ID:vbVt4ku8 [Del]

Bumping, because I like this conversation and it's better than the shit that's recently been on main.

247 Name: Thiamor : 2012-01-23 18:17 ID:RFnpJWml [Del]

>>244 banana.

248 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-23 18:36 ID:G0fpD7R/ [Del]

>>245 Dude... would you just get a tripcode already?

249 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-23 18:39 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

>>248 "2011-12-04" is the date of post 245. This is the 13rd of January. Thiamor has since gotten a tripcode. Second derp this week, Barabi.

250 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-23 18:39 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

Fuck, 13th**

251 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-23 18:40 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

Triple post. Here's a recent post from Thiamor.

"Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-22"

252 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-23 18:42 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

... My face when I typo'd a second time. **23rd. I knew I had it right. ish.

253 Name: LunaticTKR : 2012-01-23 18:57 ID:uZcu7h9O [Del]

Not many Dollars in my city but I've invited some friends to join, we all loved the idea of a colorless gang and all :) we've been doing missions too. I think it would be awesome if the dollars became more known but for what we really are.

254 Name: nejunana : 2012-01-23 19:31 ID:XNhevieZ [Del]

i think it is all ready a international gang their is only 2 more dollars in my school but i have a friend in saudi arabia thats a dollars :D but ya people who dont even know about the dollars shouldent like this one girl in my school but me and my friends have been dooing the postit notes mission but it is a serious thing so protect it... i will will you ?

255 Name: Hotatru : 2012-01-23 19:32 ID:amujMRN/ [Del]

are you sayin that most noobs have no brains at all and that
some of them are shit heads..........
i just want to know

256 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-23 19:36 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

Definition time!

Noob: Someone who is new, but refuses to learn.
Newb: Someone who is new, and they have the capacity to learn, and willingness to learn.

So yes, most noobs are shitheads. No wait, all noobs are shitheads, they ain't gonna learn shit.

257 Name: 666 : 2012-01-23 19:36 ID:G84IAIzh [Del]

If things are getting like this at your school,you have he right mind to not give the password out to people if there willing to turn it into a gang,for all we know hell can break lose and no one would control it in the end and the real "Dollars" are gonna half to pay the price and end up getting in trouble for it because some ignorant people.

258 Name: Sutato : 2012-01-23 19:58 ID:tc5FhD/b [Del]

Look. How I feel? They should have to search for the password like I did. Or watch the show. Or even do some research and use there brains.

259 Name: Kohan : 2012-01-23 20:10 ID:6Gqt00OE [Del]

I'm sure it'll calm down after a while but for now try to keep it down a bit, don't throw the password around, and if they REALLY want in then there going to have to learn by themselves through a proper source. Where I live it's not as serious, more a secret with the odd person I see who is a Dollar every now and then (it's probably different in the city) If these people don't understand the concept at all then don't give it to them because it might be better if they don't.
We don't really need anymore noobs with the wrong idea ^.^"

260 Name: Rowenna : 2012-01-23 20:37 ID:6F9n/vGg [Del]

wow i sorta wish it was at my school simply because i'd love life to be like in anime, even just a bit. but i'm sorta glad the dollars arn't at my school. I think they'd just ruin what a lot of people consider they're safe haven. the dollars are open to everyone and i like that but i don't want the site to be ruined for others either. honestly i don't think anyone else at my school knows of the dollars though. I think i'll just share it with a few of my close friends and that's it. :) though it would admittedly be cool if the dollars went univerial :D

261 Name: Yakarotzu : 2012-01-23 21:07 ID:qXmKKH91 [Del]

I cant find any Dollars where I live and I live in one of the biggest cities in America.

262 Name: Raix : 2012-01-23 21:16 ID:nBdZ3PUL [Del]

I don't really know if there are many other dollars in my town. I recently found one.

263 Name: bastard : 2012-01-23 22:20 ID:AJ9tfitf [Del]

yes the dollars have become big where i live

264 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-01-23 22:38 ID:ABugdtlU [Del]

were im from the dollas arent big at all in fact i only know three in my whole school

265 Name: Tsukiko : 2012-01-23 23:40 ID:1GvSj46f [Del]

Where i live it seems that i'm the only dollar around. :/

266 Name: Blaze367 : 2012-01-24 00:30 ID:aVeQrqgH [Del]

Here its starting to get big. I got invited in by a classmate of mine and I will admit it is a great board! I have invited 3 or 4 more people by text.

267 Name: sesame : 2012-01-24 01:15 ID:3JVyWjGI [Del]

hmm... it's not too big where i live. my friend joined a few day ago, but i haven't seen her anywhere. my friend told me to watch durarara!! and after i finished she showed me this website, but idk what her sn is.

268 Post deleted by user.

269 Name: Far : 2012-01-24 07:24 ID:/zDlnJGC [Del]

I don't think Dollars is big here, at my place... But there are some. But nobody knows each others ... so yeah, we're still anonymous~

270 Name: EtZA lA RoBA : 2012-01-24 07:28 ID:LsBg4WAF [Del]

holy shit i belive it ive had to call this site a fake to protect it i called it a social networking site and that bored people
then ANDREW SCHWENGER googled the password and found it out now im hated and the doolars are practically a target
im sick of it the admin should shut the site down and restart it after a week that will help it die down for a bit
just remember its all ANDREW PETER SCHWENGER'S fault that i suggested this

271 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-01-24 10:45 ID:yoAT3kl1 [Del]


272 Name: Ruru : 2012-01-24 11:21 ID:Qnj8md1K [Del]

My oh my, this is quite a serious discussion, isn't it?

Whether you've read the novel, read the manga, or watched the anime doesn't matter. The Dollars are a real organization, and when you get enough people together, the main purpose of the group becomes diluted, sometimes even twisted. What's important isn't the sudden surge of people who want to join or who wants to take us down, its how strong we can be together. How we stick together. Don't like what people think of the Dollars? Change it. As an anonymous group of individuals people who don't understand will project their own beliefs on things they don't understand, its a simple case of ignorance.

What I'm trying to say is that through or own firm definition and direction we can overcome things, so we shouldn't really sweat the small stuff.

273 Name: Rock Angel : 2012-01-24 11:29 ID:r49Hbgt0 [Del]

I think the dollars should be universal but Blazey is right if we put "dollars" and "gang" in a sentence together and first off why is the dollars called a gang like i think we are not really a gang at all

274 Name: CharlieNatch : 2012-01-24 11:30 ID:nxoq5Pxa [Del]

It's crazy how this is turning into such a big phenomena. Maybe we truly can change the world with this.

275 Name: Shokua : 2012-01-24 19:13 ID:Il42u9k3 [Del]

This is why I signed up for The Dollars people! I never wanted to be another Durarara Roleplayer; I want The Dollars IRL to stand for what they stood for in the show. Reminding the Wolrd that people need to help each other.

276 Name: Hatash : 2012-01-24 19:22 ID:vlMz01Qp [Del]

Well this is great news, the Dollars are spreading into the real world, this is gonna be cool. :\

277 Name: hero : 2012-01-24 19:29 ID:OsTHTiuN [Del]

Its good and bad some body mad a small gang and called it the dollars and started to spill some dirt on our name im trina put a stop to this (sorry about any thing i miss spelled any thing and all)

278 Name: Yaro Shien !lvlf3wVa7U : 2012-01-24 20:08 ID:PfhKti3N [Del]

I came here cause I saw it on Google. I then watch the anime, because I'm legit like that.

279 Name: Hatash : 2012-01-24 20:18 ID:vlMz01Qp [Del]

>>277 plus the bad thing is yeah the gangs gonna try to find us :\

280 Name: Kahoku : 2012-01-24 20:21 ID:wT4rHc75 [Del]

im the only dollar where i live

281 Name: Kerika : 2012-01-24 20:45 ID:mGU8uJAN [Del]

your not the only one its gotten serious here to, its gotten to the point where ppl are calling themselves the yellow scarves and looking for dollar members here.. and i'm not joking

282 Name: Halloween : 2012-01-24 21:26 ID:9Ovy8kx/ [Del]

Dude all the Original Dollars should start discussing how to protect this site !!!

283 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-24 21:27 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

>>282 I'm an original member, and I can safely say: I don't really give a damn.

284 Post deleted by user.

285 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-01-24 21:28 ID:lzFxheb2 [Del]

Fuuuu, I'm getting ninja-ed too often today.

286 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-24 21:30 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

Bread, you slow. Gotta be faster at posting.

287 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-01-24 21:38 ID:lzFxheb2 [Del]

I'll learn, it's all I've been doing since I've been on the BBS.

Give it a few weeks and I'll be ninja in no time.

288 Name: kazeneko !O5bszJGlew : 2012-01-24 21:46 ID:/TaiM4dS [Del]

>>270 Way to let him know what your handle is, then.

Anyway, it's up to each individual Dollars to decide who they invite and if the whole world joins the site and starts throwing out twisted ideas then we just make a new group. We're all of the same mind right? That means we'll always unite no matter how corrupted our medium becomes.

289 Name: Michuo : 2012-01-24 23:48 ID:3EhX9WFy [Del]

Honestly, I know people get offensive about people saying this website is based on Durarara, but it really is. I don't mean we're being geeks and copying the anime, I just mean that it was given the same name, it's supposed to be a gang of people that help out with the world, and that sort of thing. But the password is the same as the one in the anime, tons of people are going to look for a website like this by typing in the password, since in the anime it shows what the password is, and almost everyone that likes Durarara will be on here. I'm not going to lie; the reason I'm here is because I like Durarara, same with my two friends that invited me. There's no way your going to be able to hide the password, and anyways, the fact that people are talking about the dollars around your school, means we've already got some members that are either so happy with the website that they want to brag that they're in it, or they join simply to spread around the name of the site, and password, and destroy the meaning of this website. Just saying.

290 Name: silverband : 2012-01-25 00:01 ID:Mze724Qb [Del]

no and yes some one spray panted "the dallors" on my school locker other then that no one realy seems to know

291 Name: Beel : 2012-01-25 03:15 ID:IVtLHdKk [Del]

In my whole damn country there are less than a dozen Dollars members..So yeah.. Not really big.

292 Name: SweetNinja : 2012-01-25 03:25 ID:eOD0JeJl [Del]

No one here but me seems to know about the Dollars. I wish there were a few more though, but not as many as at Blazey's school;;.

293 Name: Far : 2012-01-25 03:30 ID:0dRxVBJU [Del]

But then again, if Dollars gets too big, I don't think it'll be that good. I mean popular stuffs gets a lot of haters right? Even when we're doing good stuffs, some insane people will just try to create another "gang" (like wth?) just to rival us... AND, there''ll be a lot of fakes. xD

294 Name: SweetNinja : 2012-01-25 03:59 ID:eOD0JeJl [Del]

Create gangs like the yellow scarves haha. I do know that on deviantArt there is a group called purple...somethings. Its a gang just like the Dollars, but doesnt really seem to do much.

295 Name: Sky-Chan : 2012-01-25 06:51 ID:5FWg3MnK [Del]

No one at my school knows... T^T
Truthfully, I wished they did, though... I don't know if it'll get universal though...

296 Name: tiloulou : 2012-01-25 07:27 ID:BSjxLiJZ [Del]

Sometimes more publicity is the best thing for us! More people join, which means more power to us instead of the other groups! not to mention we have so many sub-divisions! And, we fight for justice, unlike a lot of other groups~ i say the more the merrier~!

297 Name: Scythe : 2012-01-25 08:26 ID:t7uaAltN [Del]

im RFM Leader and still in the Dollars that dosent mean anything im more of a info person but recruit who ever wants in unless you know they will cause trouble then its best not to

298 Name: Kalidin !AnnC9ODlrc : 2012-01-25 08:42 ID:nXWWoUWa [Del]

i got 2 other dollars that go to school with me. idk its pretty cool i guess

299 Name: Tishero : 2012-01-25 09:12 ID:1VeAmfKY [Del]

i lost a good friend thanks to the dollers but its all good. the dollers is bad ass and in thankful to be in it dollars for ever

300 Name: JK Ralni : 2012-01-25 09:17 ID:MnZg3lVt [Del]

The Dollars are growing here as well. Slowly I'm afraid. But here it is not a gang but a support group. Volunteer work and other things like that.

301 Name: Hatash : 2012-01-25 09:23 ID:vlMz01Qp [Del]

No one in my school admits they are a Dollar though :\ I think I might just be the only one there

302 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-25 09:26 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

>>301 Maybe they want to be transparent, or in other words, keep their anonymity.

303 Name: Leelou : 2012-01-25 09:35 ID:vypBITJE [Del]

The Dollars are really big in my school,but no one knows who they are.When I hear other students talking they always say "gang".I'am starting to worry a little each day.

304 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-25 09:36 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

>big in my school
>no one knows who they are


305 Name: psychochan : 2012-01-25 10:19 ID:Scdr0inJ [Del]

no one apart from me and a friend have heard of them at my school. they aren't big either.

306 Name: Lunarous : 2012-01-25 11:29 ID:qL3tHE4Y [Del]

There's only three people including me, a friend, and some creepy kid who doesn'y even watch the show who goes one here but I think I'm the only one who takes it seriously... anyway that's cool that your school is so into it!

307 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-25 11:41 ID:9TA/KPrO [Del]

>Doesnt even watch the show

you say that like it's a requirement, or at all related.

308 Name: rio : 2012-01-25 11:55 ID:2an9pSp7 [Del]

if wereally stick to it this organization WILL become a bad ass color gang but we will have to really work hard like doind all of our missions....i have always wanted it to become more than a fan site

309 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-25 12:35 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>308 I'll ignore this comment, since it's rio... I'd rather not waste my time explaining..

310 Name: radikal : 2012-01-25 13:18 ID:5vFalcHb [Del]

it is REAL! kids talk about it all the time... were i come from

311 Name: radikal : 2012-01-25 13:18 ID:5vFalcHb [Del]

it is REAL! kids talk about it all the time... were i come from

312 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-01-25 13:20 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

If my parents found out that it was a "gang" in the anime they would be freaked out.

313 Name: 黒猫 : 2012-01-25 13:30 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

I don't want this site to get shut down. That would suck. Immensely.

314 Name: A : 2012-01-25 13:32 ID:BjsY8WBr [Del]

It's not big where I am, but I make it my mission to make it big

315 Name: Con : 2012-01-25 13:34 ID:6l5T9HtB [Del]

Where I come from there is no one talking about Dollars :/

316 Name: 黒猫 : 2012-01-25 13:35 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

I've seen the member count jump by over 10,000 in a short amount of time. Maybe this is the reason...

317 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-25 13:35 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>316 NOPE.

Member count is IP based... we have nooooowhere near that amount of members.

318 Name: 黒猫 : 2012-01-25 13:38 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

>>315 Why? We are supposed to be invisible. The site maybe shut down due to laws if it gets to big and they deem it 'dangerous'.

319 Name: 黒猫 : 2012-01-25 13:39 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

Sorry that last comment was supposed to be @A

320 Post deleted by user.

321 Name: 黒猫 : 2012-01-25 13:41 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

@Mael oh -_-

322 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-25 13:43 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

lol yeah... we most likely have around... 500 active members... if that..
Based off the Intro board, we have roughly 2000 members.

323 Name: Rio : 2012-01-25 13:43 ID:tIOhjWZT [Del]

I hate anime but I like the Dollars a LOT.

324 Name: Shadowwolfcat : 2012-01-25 13:52 ID:eomZEob4 [Del]

Well,I personally think that if you want others to join,you should only invite people whom you trust and could fully count on.I love this site because it is currently full of kind and helpful people who are willing to lend a helping hand even if they do not know you,but if the Dollars gets filled with brutes and idiots whose purpose is to tease,mock and make fun of our goals or with people who say they are for the idea but totally disagree behind our back,then this site will lose its potential,in my opinion.And after hearing what happened to Megauploads and loads of other sites,I think that we shouldn't be so keen on accepting new members,at least until this whole "lets ban everything" line in the USA cools down.

325 Name: Marcy !IPLEVNCIlg : 2012-01-25 15:53 ID:TnQdT67M [Del]

>>323 you can't just troll everyone all the time and then when you give an opinion expect people to give shits -_- You annoy me so much

If your going to troll, don't do it on main at least

326 Name: Izayaluver<3 : 2012-01-25 15:56 ID:/IpKg3D7 [Del]

People at my school are always asking for the password and they hate Durarara

327 Name: VitrealleAurora : 2012-01-25 16:38 ID:XP03ZyMY [Del]

I iwsh more people knew about the dollars. My DRRR obsessed friend wants the password to the site when i told him i was a dollar. And yet, he found the DRRRCHAT SITE, and not the BBS. Oh, that poor idiot.

328 Name: Konton : 2012-01-25 16:47 ID:22ki7Exa [Del]

Question, how can I spread the Dollars at my school?

329 Name: madd-music : 2012-01-25 16:52 ID:09hH4BYW [Del]

from where i'm from, i haven't known to meet anyone that's a dollars member - small town school in the south, with the high school only roughly 200 kids, not including the pre-k through 8th. there's only few that actually know where this site has originated from. i found this website on the internet, not from anybody i know. so, at my school the only thing that's spreading is mono.

330 Name: Deathrabbit13 : 2012-01-25 16:56 ID:BdNzpn/Y [Del]

I suggest you ignore them,everyone.i mean, even if we are a group who lets anyone in,we can't have people who just think its a "badass" gang.

331 Name: Karkat : 2012-01-25 19:18 ID:4IAXTlhX [Del]

I know when i first started watching Durarara my first fave thing on there was the Dollars.
Who knew they had a REAL site o_o Kinda glad i found out about this site on deviantART.

332 Name: Misaki-chi : 2012-01-25 22:05 ID:hPVBapQc [Del]

no its not a big thing here but ive been seeing a lot of yellow but there may be some dollars idk about

333 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-01-26 12:30 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]


334 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-01-26 12:43 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]


335 Name: Isabella : 2012-01-26 13:50 ID:Hu3N/QMO [Del]

Yea at my school someone has been speading romurs that the dollars solve crimes for the FBI I'm mean why would they think that

336 Name: person : 2012-01-26 14:29 ID:D1zqc5I7 [Del]

>>1 no actually i live Miami fl and the dollars aren't really big no one ever heard of heard of it but me. and your right. people are thinking one of those gang with guns and stuff. but were not. what i think we are a gang of peace so yeah lates

337 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-26 14:40 ID:ti6/ZRt5 [Del]

We're not a GANG at all because it just gives out the wrong message. Well if it does give out any message later on about us.

338 Name: 666 : 2012-01-26 15:16 ID:4h3Je0oC [Del]

The "Dollars" are translucent,we are meant to do good deeds unnoticed."Dollars" they have no color,when will people realize that...?

339 Name: Akira : 2012-01-26 15:52 ID:Jd1ziiZh [Del]

Dollars will always be whatever we expect it to be.

340 Name: Andoru !Ua1/E0yERc : 2012-01-26 15:59 ID:7Orxd38p [Del]

i think there's more in my area then they let on, and i'm going to try and expand in this area abit.. but hey, for people who don't understand, a odd rep might make then look into it more then just passing along the same "Bad" idea.

341 Name: ShiroNeko : 2012-01-26 19:02 ID:Zfp6BbFX [Del]

It'll be serious, but so long as other's don't try anything stupid and really know who the Dollars are and what we do; we should be okay.

342 Name: Aquatic : 2012-01-26 21:44 ID:IM2xT8In [Del]

Well im an advisor for a cell in Indiana and Iv been noticing "The world isnt as bad as you think ~dollars" on post it notes on some lockers and I.m thinking "wtf?!" So I think there are alot here as well

343 Name: Chrome : 2012-01-26 22:04 ID:OEZHs1J5 [Del]

The dollars may be growing in numbers but it is impossible for us to break away from drrr many people will always see the dollars as that just a tv group in order for any group to become a big deal they have to originate from nowhere that way they have no ties to anything and as they grow so will their capacity us dollars are forever linked to drrr whether we like it or not.

344 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-01-27 09:07 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]


345 Name: Visce : 2012-01-27 09:14 ID:MLOjcLpV [Del]

Judging from the countries board, there are maybe 3 or 4 people in my province who are part of the Dollars. I'm gonna have to do some serious message-spreading.. >>

346 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-27 09:35 ID:3X62DGaQ [Del]

>>343 I like to think that the way the community's mindset is growing, those types of people get weeded out with decent speed. Most of the people that get pissed off or raged at are exactly the sort we don't want littering the site in the first place - ignoramuses, obsessive anime fanboys/girls, white knights, etc. They leave because they get disappointed with what they expected the community to be - that being, in order: somewhere they can spout random shit without repurcussion, a site where people will accept and advocate their weeaboo nonsense, or a site where people are unconditionally kind even in the face of extreme stupidity.

We've grown into what I view as a very broad community. Different people talk about different topics of interest everywhere, even if they first came here only because of Durarara. In fact, the anime attracts both the good and the bad of this site - the good, in the off chance that someone who was a fan of the show is a great community member, and the bad in the more likely chance that they're just part of the rambling fandom. And again, only the former tend to stick around due to the weeding out process that is the community itself.

347 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-27 11:33 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

>>346 You know I'm one of the ones that weed shit out. I do it like 10 times a day. OR MORE.

348 Name: Sutato : 2012-01-27 11:57 ID:tc5FhD/b [Del]

Ya know...a reason some of you can't find any fellow Dollars might just be because they dont have the want or need to say they are a member. I dont go around telling my friends I'm one and if someone asked me if I was a Dollar or not, I would tell them "What are you talking about?" they then might try to get an answer from me but still.

349 Name: Sekai : 2012-01-27 12:33 ID:yj1Zrui8 [Del]

I'm the only member in my school >_<'

350 Name: Ribon !/u7dT3gKM2 : 2012-01-27 12:40 ID:NkGpLXYr [Del]

LOL I keep hearing about people having their whole school in the Dollars... XD Or at least a group of people... I never understood that really... I mean, when I was in high school, all the people there would think it was weird... XD I don't know a single other member IRL... And certainly not here at college... There are too many people anyway, but I would think most college students are too busy for this anyway. (I'm a weird exception because I'm lazy and barely get my assignments done... lol)

But I'll take your word for it if there are really a lot of people... lol

351 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-01-27 12:53 ID:dmsJu1Kr [Del]

>>348 Agreed.

352 Name: Kodaz : 2012-01-27 13:02 ID:ZwtZCEgF [Del]

Im one of the only members in my school...
or so i think..

353 Name: Kida : 2012-01-27 14:35 ID:BlxKNULl [Del]

so am i, it really sucks. no matter how many times i try getting people in they ignore me ^^" oh well

354 Name: Pandora : 2012-01-27 14:44 ID:xJbE93K4 [Del]

The Dollars only became more well known and a rumor due to blabber mouths, idiots who flaunt the fact they are a Dollar. The only people who know what the Dollars truly are, are those I tell and trust. Blazey, I'd insult you but that'd make me no better than some people. This site, last time I checked, was based off the anime online gang of DURARARA! Key word people! "Online Gang" meaning in the world, in the physical world we truly do need to exist or be known. We can also remain ghosts of the internet.

I may be clueless but I'm no idiot when I need to be. Only people who want to spam and be (Insert choice curse word here) will ask what the password is for the site. Or they're liars and actually are into the anime and want to join out of innocence, OR maybe they just want to SPAM!! Either way... how stupid can you be? To think that we the Dollars are becoming something more. Maybe just in schools but how many you actually have done those missions where you do stuff in your community. Insult me all you want but this is what I think and I think some people are arrogant enough on this site to actually think they can say "Hey, my school has several members and such and blah, blah, blah!!". Delete this if you don't like it if you want. It's just an opinion. That's all posts ever are!

355 Name: Raksha : 2012-01-27 15:45 ID:Do5OHIzl [Del]

I'm the only dollar in my school I think and one out of two who watch the show

356 Name: Troll : 2012-01-27 15:49 ID:8uFtDqCj [Del]

@354 Well! Someone is not a happy panda!

357 Name: Fon Spaak : 2012-01-27 15:59 ID:g/tgFzSw [Del]

So some of you are saying you are true dollars. In that case, what does it mean to be a "true dollar".What does it even mean to be a dollar? And was it not the guy who made that dollars that said go ahead and tell people about this. What would be the point of keeping this a secret? The point is to tell people about the dollars, give them the password to see what it's all about.

358 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-01-27 16:23 ID:tRpJj8ZW [Del]

The ones claiming to be 'true dollars' are just overzealous fanboys. Anyone can be a dollar.

359 Name: Zero : 2012-01-27 16:39 ID:5yjkzOnU [Del]

If the Dollars do grow, i would like to request that you form an alliance with my organization, The Black Knights, as i am currently trying to form connections with large groups, i would like your group to consider a this possible alliance, that is all.

360 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-27 17:01 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Kay, I guess I'll finally voice my opinion of this thread...

I hate this thread because it encourages weeaboo fandom...
at first I thought it'd die sooner or later...but it keeps getting bumped... Likely because of the word Durarara in the fucking title... I'm not the only one who thinks this right?...

361 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-01-27 17:05 ID:mVJK4Nn+ [Del]

>>360 I think it. I just didn't give a shit nor did I really care enough to actually comment it. Oh well. Whatever.

362 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-01-27 17:07 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>361 Hahah...yeah... I haven't given a shit until recently... plus >>359 kinda...bugged me... idk.

I mean, I guess I'll just ignore it again... I just thought I'd voice that, since there are some intelligent people who posted intelligent responses here...

363 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-01-27 17:26 ID:AKM1oCJJ [Del]

Blazey, the Dollars are NOT a color gang. The Dollars are anyone and everyone who wants to join. Or maybe you didn't read the "About" part stating the very essence of what we are.

364 Name: ChrisH : 2012-01-27 17:28 ID:GrnRX4qX [Del]

yea realy tho the dollars would be a good thing to expand and grow into an idea if people whould give up this anime biusness then we could biuld it into something great.

365 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-01-27 17:33 ID:XP03ZyMY [Del]

in my opinion, okay, so the dollars were stemmed from DRRR!!, but The Dollars arent just for weeby fans anymore. Who cares as to whether it will become bigger? As long as we keep doing what we're doing, thats all that really matters.

366 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-27 17:42 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

I don't know who you are.
All I can see is that there's another Haze around these parts.

One that isn't completely retarded either. Hoorah!

also what Mael said. >>360 >>362

367 Name: Tetsu : 2012-01-27 17:43 ID:HsnWwkrw [Del]

I think it would be pretty cool to have the dollars around where i live.Its so boring here.Try to be like Izaya.Try to be anonomys but still be around so people know u.Make sure u dont get caught.I also agree with the other people that replied to this thread.But i think it should be for us "geeks"who r into anime but also be like facebook if u kno someone who goes to ur skool and wants to eb able to contact u trying to talk then its ok like that.

368 Name: Imperium : 2012-01-27 17:44 ID:4r+b5788 [Del]

I wouldn't mind at all actually. How cool would it be if the Dollars became something serious? Nice right?

369 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-01-27 22:19 ID:M/hcRCuH [Del]


370 Name: Itsuki : 2012-01-27 22:22 ID:RPKABN4l [Del]

I thought we already were serious i mean we have like 98187 members

371 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-01-27 22:34 ID:gxWgSMOC [Del]

Almost 100,000 strong. That sounds big to me.

372 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-27 23:26 ID:ti6/ZRt5 [Del]

That isn't 100,000 members. That's just counting all IP that view the site.
That could be people who change their IP, people who come on and never return, or the regular members. It's more like a few hundred members. Not near 100,000 members. Not even close to that. At all.

373 Name: 0A0 : 2012-01-27 23:37 ID:FK23ECE3 [Del]

Shut the hell up. im getting tired of the crap.

374 Name: tanto : 2012-01-27 23:47 ID:mPgPK/3J [Del]

its just a think go with the flo if there interested let them no anonomously kinda how i got it

375 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-28 00:04 ID:ti6/ZRt5 [Del]

Tired of what crap?

376 Name: VitrealleAurora!9mbq5YNMp2 : 2012-01-28 01:31 ID:XP03ZyMY [Del]

hngh. me and my stupid weeb friend are dollars. everytime he associates it with drrr i get mad at him. It isn't a fansite. Its real, and it MEANS something.

377 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-29 02:31 ID:kwQ1mdIa [Del]


378 Name: Dark Angel : 2012-01-29 03:31 ID:cRE7rVoP [Del]

I'd say that'd be cool shit! I want that to happen so I can go, I'm in it, bitch! Now leave me alone! :P No, but really, I'd say it'd be awesome!

379 Name: Kanra : 2012-01-29 04:20 ID:89V60uzk [Del]

Naturally something like the Dollars would become something so huge. Its a gang but its not violent or demanding. It doesn't have a leader and its based on doing good things. This may sound a little idiotic but people need to be inspired to do good. The Dollars provides that. And people feel as if they're not alone when they 'belong' to a group.

Its easy to understand humans when you detach yourself from them and look at the way they act. Its the same every day, every year. No matter where you go, humans will seek other humans and that won't change.

380 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-29 11:04 ID:kwQ1mdIa [Del]


381 Name: Lentia : 2012-01-31 02:39 ID:9u5IvYks [Del]

We do have anime club in school , but I am not sure if anyone in my whole city is dollars. I try to make my bf to join the dollars and he hadn't even watch the anime.....................
If u r a DOLLAR in Vancouver, please reply

382 Name: Lentia : 2012-01-31 02:39 ID:9u5IvYks [Del]

We do have anime club in school , but I am not sure if anyone in my whole city is dollars. I try to make my bf to join the dollars and he hadn't even watch the anime.....................
If u r a DOLLAR in Vancouver, please reply

383 Name: /\nonym<3us : 2012-01-31 03:11 ID:rJH7aW40 [Del]

Vancover wa or canada?
Tacome washigton here

384 Name: Telji : 2012-01-31 06:26 ID:tnWriNOy [Del]

I'm like the only Dollar at school that I know. My sister somehow got the wbsite and password and she's a troll on the chatrooms and forums now. If the Dollars do get big at ur school then show them the real Dollars way if doing things. I don't mean violence obviously though.

385 Name: Kuro Neko : 2012-01-31 12:40 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]

I hope it doesn't come to violence. I was reading an earlier post and they said that people had formed anti-dollars group like on DRR! D:

386 Name: izIya : 2012-01-31 15:03 ID:RdS43KjO [Del]

That is totally defeating the purpose of the dollars and turning this into a war. Violence isn't what the dollars are about so why do people want to start anti-dollars groups. As for us being a gang we are quite similar but we don't want to hurt people, but it might be wise to stay out of the mediias eye.

387 Name: izIya : 2012-01-31 15:06 ID:RdS43KjO [Del]

That is totally defeating the purpose of the dollars and turning this into a war. Violence isn't what the dollars are about so why do people want to start anti-dollars groups. As for us being a gang we are quite similar but we don't want to hurt people, but it might be wise to stay out of the mediias eye.

388 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2012-01-31 15:21 ID:Mh3z1xB6 [Del]

>>385 Don't pay attention to fandom.

389 Name: D : 2012-01-31 15:29 ID:nfGl1w6w [Del]

Tell your firnds to join the dollars

390 Name: Rin : 2012-01-31 15:45 ID:haYTAcQ5 [Del]

I don't think its becoming big were I am..But if it is, then people are doing really good keeping it quite.

391 Name: Cookie_Raider : 2012-01-31 16:39 ID:KKfOJUTK [Del]

those who join and dont like anime arent true dollars ... the dollars are created based on an anime and anyone who joins who are not fans of anime are just sheep they do it because other people do ... in my opinion people should only have in if they are ture fans ...

392 Name: Visce : 2012-01-31 16:51 ID:MLOjcLpV [Del]

>>391 The hardcore fans are the most truly annoying people and (from what I've seen) the worst contributors to actual conversation. They also probably give less fucks about the missions.

393 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-01-31 16:53 ID:lzFxheb2 [Del]

>>391 No.

394 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-31 16:55 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

Go fuck yourself.
And to a lesser extent, this.

395 Name: 666 : 2012-01-31 17:02 ID:4h3Je0oC [Del]

>>394 Agreed.
>>391That doesn't sound fair,just because someone doesn't know or even watched the anime does not mean their not a "True Dollar".I know you have your own opinions,but to be honest that was a very closed minded thought/opinion.It's also very unfair and dull that you would lable someone like that.How would it make you feel if someone put you in the position you put them in? Think about others and not always yourself.Selfish bastard.

396 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-31 19:17 ID:3aV3by+B [Del]



You are the embodiment of one of the only types of people I would actively oppose joining the Dollars. By nature, we are to be accepting of all types of people, so this is more of a biased, informal command - but I mean it wholeheartedly nonetheless:

Get the hell out of our site.

397 Post deleted by user.

398 Name: Doremo : 2012-01-31 20:18 ID:6fnBEK2p [Del]

>>392 >>396

399 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2012-01-31 20:33 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

what the hell is a true dollar ._. is it someone who actively collects fanware of the show/manga? Fucking nobody is a true dollar. Get out of here with your purist beliefs.

400 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-31 20:41 ID:dieqRAOj [Del]

What the fuck is Durarara?
Somebody stuttering to say duration?
Hm...almost sounds like a cheer.

401 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-01-31 20:43 ID:Nyagk4em [Del]

>>Looking in the mirror.
>>Saying "Durarara!"
>>Eyebrow bobbing all the while.

402 Post deleted by user.

403 Name: Paatback : 2012-01-31 20:53 ID:j9bRqc3Y [Del]

In the Anime,Dollars means that;"Its because the organization doesn't do anything.They're"the Dollars" because they lounge going"dara dara"

404 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2012-01-31 21:13 ID:pKo0U/md [Del]

If for at least one month, not a single person on this site uses the phrase "in the anime" I can die with one less grievance grating at my sanity.

405 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-02-01 01:30 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

If for at least 2 weeks everyone who currently does anything to keep this site orderly left, i wonder what would happen

406 Name: Lentia : 2012-02-01 02:29 ID:9u5IvYks [Del]

I can't find any dollar in my area

407 Name: Lentia : 2012-02-01 02:29 ID:9u5IvYks [Del]

I can't find any dollar in my area

408 Name: Lelouch : 2012-02-01 02:32 ID:2QAEFMTq [Del]

i really like this group very much!!

409 Name: Morphine : 2012-02-01 03:06 ID:wfUEHzGW [Del]

I actually met a guy wearing a t-shirt with Dollars logo in my school. I aksed him if he´s in this group and he said, that he just occasionally stop by, when he´s got a spare time. He really just take it as a fun, no some kind og "gang". But I think it should be taken more seriously ;D

410 Name: Shinjiro : 2012-02-01 05:32 ID:vrYd8qo0 [Del]

I want us to be known but not noticed. I want people to start talking about us but not know a thing. The way this group contradicts itself is what I love so much about it, although it originated from an Anime it can be made into something so much better!

411 Name: junichi : 2012-02-01 06:21 ID:R0fWOLZK [Del]

im enjoying it~really^^

412 Name: Raikura : 2012-02-01 09:03 ID:/9vU4LWs [Del]

i agree with morphine and shinjiro ^^

413 Name: Akihiko : 2012-02-01 09:07 ID:bNNnip43 [Del]

I agree with Shinjiro also

414 Name: Zephyr : 2012-02-01 09:37 ID:NuY7o914 [Del]

While the dollars have not really become a massive thing in my area I have encountered fellow members every now and then. They have helped me when I need it, it is nice to know our community is so close knit and reliable

415 Name: Hisoka Tsukino : 2012-02-01 09:42 ID:asJvNO2v [Del]

I know three other dollars just in my school ^-^ and some of my friends are starting to get interested. I don't know if anybody else in my city is, but maybe there are.

416 Name: Haku : 2012-02-01 10:16 ID:qlNMGU6d [Del]

I am the only one. Where is everyone from? I love the symbolism that this "nothing" group represents...

417 Name: sumroc13 : 2012-02-01 11:26 ID:4V8svEoO [Del]

I know no one who is in the dollars

418 Name: shizuo : 2012-02-01 11:38 ID:yuA9X0cR [Del]

what up people shizuo is here

419 Name: Brendan : 2012-02-01 12:56 ID:B0W5rGtd [Del]

The anime club at my college knows about it and I think they are members. This is going to be big.

420 Name: KoscheiLyn : 2012-02-01 13:00 ID:B0W5rGtd [Del]

You really think they're part of this? I think some might be, but not all of them.

421 Name: Iamjustsitinghere : 2012-02-01 13:23 ID:dCSHKDA6 [Del]


422 Name: Aika !SlOiH6z2KQ : 2012-02-01 13:50 ID:ZurDPwTL [Del]

Really? They're getting that popular? I haven't heard much about it where I am, but I don't get out that often either... Interesting.

423 Name: StuffedFriia !HI4j9f3lc2 : 2012-02-01 13:58 ID:1KVQWWSD [Del]

Haven't heard anything about it here. I haven't given the password out to anyone either, because I don't really know anyone that would join for the right reasons. Honestly I think that if it's becoming "big" that means it's getting "popular" which is not always a good thing...just be careful who you tell about Dollars, because a lot of people would join just to troll or to be "cool" or whatever the kids are saying these days >.>

424 Name: Brittany : 2012-02-01 16:04 ID:MNP/E/uI [Del]

They aren't that popular where I live, as far as I know, but I think it's because the dollars members I know of don't share the password because they know that most people at my school are fake

425 Name: haruhi31 : 2012-02-01 17:18 ID:HI2AfZs6 [Del]

>>424 same here..

426 Name: Shadow Wolfboy : 2012-02-01 17:26 ID:tIilv782 [Del]

I haven't given out the password either, except to my best friend who is a big DRRR!! fan like me. And pretty much nobody knows about the Dollars at my school. So for now, I think where I'm at, I, along with other Dollars, are safe.

427 Name: Celty : 2012-02-01 17:31 ID:oEFXPdcd [Del]

Well, I'm in college and no one here really knows about the dollars.

428 Name: Keath : 2012-02-01 17:32 ID:Yx/d6v5d [Del]

>>423 I agree with you to some extent, but isn't the rule for The Dollars that there are no rules...? Your right we don't really want people to just join because they think it's cool and they can boast about it but really it's not our choice on what they do, is it?

429 Name: Nejunana : 2012-02-01 18:23 ID:XNhevieZ [Del]

ya i met a guy and he diddent kno about drrr and he was in the dollars sylex or something

430 Name: KazePhantom : 2012-02-01 18:59 ID:+Ouqymur [Del]


431 Name: Dragon : 2012-02-01 22:34 ID:b2hUmf6G [Del]

I can understand your concern. I think that, in some places, it could be serious but it's not where I live. In my town, following organizations like The Dollars gets you picked on, not asked the password. I think that if a person can figure out the password than they should be allowed in, but I also believe that some people are taking this too seriously.

It was created to be a place for fun. A social place, not a gang. It's not about violence, just like in the Anime. The "gang" is not a gang at all. It's just people getting together, pooling their talents, making new friends and having fun. I can't understand why anyone would think otherwise.

432 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-01 22:46 ID:Nyagk4em [Del]

So basically you're saying we're a fan page, in short, rewording it by saying 'having fun'. Am I getting the basic gist of what you're saying? That we're not here to make a difference, and thinking otherwise is the wrong way to think?

We're not here to play. We can have fun whilst doing so, but does that make us anything more than what we are? No. Does it make us anything less? No. We're what wee are. A group of liked-minded individuals, set to do what we can, when we can.

Think of it how you will. But it'd be wrong for the majority of us.

433 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-01 23:50 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

>>431 I feel like you just quoted me, then added in 'like in the anime' for no real reason.

434 Name: Mael !DoMiNUIT9I : 2012-02-01 23:51 ID:g43ZPn4q [Del]

Or paraphrased...badly...>>6 is what I'm referring to btw.

435 Name: anonymous : 2012-02-01 23:56 ID:RFcRRi6n [Del]

the dollars arnt well known at my school. thank god! i really dont want it to get serious as this. i like the dollas as an undergrond site.

436 Name: XxxNotoriousNancyxxX : 2012-05-16 12:59 ID:INNtD5/C [Del]

>>435 In my school are really Known and they say that the Dollars are mean people i hate that

437 Name: Ookami : 2012-05-16 13:09 ID:UB/+iMsh [Del]

i think i am the only one in my school who is in it
maby it will get big, but would that be so bad?

438 Name: Lanamiyuki : 2012-05-16 14:30 ID:hVUWl7H/ [Del]

I only know three people who are in dollars and know about them, so including me, it`s only four in my town(and I know almost all of them here, it`s not a big place).

439 Name: Shizuo : 2012-05-16 14:52 ID:KfQItRIu [Del]

So far, the only person that I know who is in the Dollars is my friend. I joined because he told me that there was a website, but didn't tell me the URL, the password or anything about the website. He did say that I should join. Glad I did.

440 Name: mortamasa : 2012-05-16 16:07 ID:uRiUl9BW [Del]

I've been trying to get some of my friends to join but only a couple of them seem interested.

441 Name: Vic : 2012-05-16 16:09 ID:+AIk+jab [Del]

Operation let's trun reality into a bitchin' ANIME!

442 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-17 13:20 ID:CGZWpWwq [Del]


443 Name: TanrouTanaka : 2012-05-17 15:09 ID:Ha1OEGqp [Del]

the dollars shall dissapear

444 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-17 15:17 ID:CGZWpWwq [Del]


Why have we forsaken english?

140 Name: kanra : 2012-05-17 15:02 ID:Ha1OEGqp [Del]
1m s0rry but th15 5tuff i5 imp0rt4nt 2 me

Just, fuck off.

445 Name: koty : 2012-05-17 15:34 ID:qggyPPIe [Del]

the dollars IS just that thing from DRRR

446 Name: Washi : 2012-05-17 15:35 ID:CmSbJxqb [Del]

we shouldn't let people think we are a "gang" we just haven't found the right word for it yet... we shouldn't allow anyone else to think so either...make sure that they know that
and no not in my area (NJ) they aren't spreading

447 Name: Happy Birthday : 2012-05-17 15:36 ID:YSb8bGf3 [Del]

*sigh*...i HOPE the dollars dosnt go all mainstream and turn shitty just like the rest of the worlds media.

448 Name: koty : 2012-05-17 15:37 ID:qggyPPIe [Del]

>>446 there not spreding in my area either (NC)

449 Name: Hitomi Tsukimi !pouHfNIzKo : 2012-05-17 16:04 ID:THp55Nhe [Del]

>>446 How about 'organization'

450 Name: Mikuru : 2012-05-17 16:29 ID:r5JKYf87 [Del]

yes,'organization' i think it is great idea!

451 Name: Smittyblack : 2012-05-17 17:16 ID:cqh5/pag [Del]

"Also, you talked about your administration getting word of "gang" That's a no-no. Thats another issue with recruiting at school. School finds website. Deems it harmful (no matter what we are doing) and its shut down by mandate of law. Then no more Dollars."

Lol, that's not going to happen.

Also, anybody could just Google the password, since it's the same password as in the show. I did.

But yeah, it's getting pretty popular where I live, too.

Mainly because I told all my friends to watch DRRR, but that was before I knew about the Dollars.

I saw the first two episodes and I was like "HOLY HELL, THIS IS AWESOME! GUYS, WATCH THIS SHOW!!!!"

And then they found out about the Dollars and Googled the password. :P

452 Name: Smittyblack : 2012-05-17 17:18 ID:cqh5/pag [Del]

And I thought we already did call this group an organization.


453 Name: bloodykira1 : 2012-05-17 17:49 ID:suG8P9yi [Del]

yes the dollars is an organization and we should be carefull , when we talk about it.

454 Name: Sam : 2012-05-17 18:50 ID:KiZYNI+T [Del]

not over here in Stockton,CA the only people at our school are me and my friend.I want to get more people to join but I'm afraid that if It becomes to big and people actually watch the anime and hear that we are called a "Gang" then it might get kind out of hand if you are a member in Stockton,CA that's great just don't let the whole thing go to your head.

455 Name: Lilisia : 2012-05-17 21:24 ID:A43pL8az [Del]

Not so big here. Only my cousins and I watch Durarara. It would be a good thing to get more members, because that means more people helping others, right? *sigh* Almost my entire school is against anime. I've found only two people who enjoy it. I'm afraid that if some of the people at my school joined the Dollars, that they'll turn it into a bad thing here, but there are some really nice people too. I guess we'll have to wait and see?

456 Post deleted by user.

457 Name: germany : 2012-05-17 21:29 ID:Bkn6DndN [Del]

paso ca. the dollars are spreding like saika. all hail is the world.also note invade poland agine.....

458 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-17 21:31 ID:8S/BCmwD [Del]

>>457 Jump off a cliff, please.

459 Name: Daisuke Kazuhiro : 2012-05-17 21:45 ID:Mh9e4q8o [Del]

Thats pretty awesome ! we must show the world who the Dollars are ! Very Epic

460 Name: RinRin : 2012-05-17 22:10 ID:anoXsDbA [Del]

Wow this is really happening? Interesting... I'm the only one in my area, that I know of, but I'm also not in school anymore so I have no idea how popular it is among the high schoolers and stuff. It would be nice to recruit friends to be Dollars too but like in the anime it seems as though everyone has their own take on what "being a Dollar" is all about. So far this just seems like a nice place to hang out and chat to people so hopefully none of the bad stuff will leak in :\

461 Name: Samurai SS : 2012-05-17 23:10 ID:S3TR7qfp [Del]

Try to ask them to do good things. That's what we do.

462 Name: Z : 2012-05-17 23:18 ID:TqxFPp8Y [Del]

No. I am the only one who knows of the dollars in my area. Also, in response to the gang thing i created this.
If you like it, we can spread it around to inform others about the dollars, what we are and arent. leave comments please so i can make this better

463 Name: Sieg !VSW15zIyWo : 2012-05-18 00:29 ID:pOIPH4UH [Del]

First off I know a few in my area. Not even limited to watching the show. They just agree with the ideals behind it. So saying someone should have to watch is kinda bogus.

Second and a bit off topic I wish to point out to those asking not to share the password... There is a major oversite to that in and of the fact that you can bypass the front page by just typing out /main/ after the .org

464 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2012-05-18 02:05 ID:SUFgj200 [Del]

>>463 if the person has already typed in the password n hasnt closed the internet browser.

465 Name: itadakimasu : 2012-05-18 04:48 ID:7m3Q1GJA [Del]

>>462 I looked at your video, and I'm sorry but I couldn't really understand what you were saying. Maybe try doing one without a voice filter. :P

466 Name: XxxNotoriousNancyxxX : 2012-05-18 12:44 ID:INNtD5/C [Del]

im the only person in the Dollars my brother now about it but he says that the Dollars are bad people but i now that they are good people i now it i now we are call the organization even that i don't now what that means but i really don't want to now that because i now that we are good people not bad people n_n

467 Name: Washi : 2012-05-18 14:36 ID:CmSbJxqb [Del]

>>449 yup that's the word

468 Name: Yukiko : 2012-05-18 14:47 ID:0sQhzN5P [Del]

Well, when you say, "really have no idea how the Dollars got so big in my school, but I'm worried that if people use the word "gang" and "Dollars" in the same sentence around an administrator, people are going to get in a lot of trouble. I'm pretty worried." I remember, "No rules." And I sure do hope we get bigger!

469 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-18 15:17 ID:8S/BCmwD [Del]

Well the group itself doesn't have rules, and while that itself is true, just please keep in mind that this site, itself, in-fact does.

470 Name: nanabi : 2012-05-18 15:46 ID:02tds0BK [Del]

i think first of all just durarara fans will know about this site but you can't select the people which have the authority to enter the dollar :) just let them be we have no rules like we said.

471 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-18 16:50 ID:accKyxRY [Del]

Who ever said that we have no rules? The weeaboo fans who are convinced we're a carbon copy of the Dollars from the show?

There are rules to be followed here, buddy. Otherwise, this place would be an utter shit storm.

472 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-18 16:52 ID:8S/BCmwD [Del]

We have rules on this fucking site. Stop trying to inject your fandom in everyone who doesn't even want it.

473 Name: David St-pierre : 2012-05-18 21:22 ID:BNez5Lpn [Del]

Chill out people, the dollars is not getting popular. Just because a few people at you school has spoken of it, does not mean we are gaining any time of foot hold to some sort of "TV like" fame. If we where really stepping close to the lime light, there would be a news report or something that would speak of us. Not some random kids who probably dont even exist.

474 Name: Saz : 2012-05-18 21:48 ID:rGpWPIEp [Del]

There are only 3 dollars in my area but still far apart and no one in my school seem to understant us and they all think its a big waste of time, maby the're right I don't know.

475 Name: Shizuo : 2012-05-19 01:29 ID:2isY0lwi [Del]

there's only two in my area and that's just me and one of my friends.

476 Name: John Titor : 2012-05-19 01:32 ID:SsNryott [Del]

My entire school IS Dollars.

477 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-19 01:33 ID:8S/BCmwD [Del]

>>Entire school is Dollars.
>>Most likely home schooled.

478 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-05-19 02:27 ID:7g5TcgXh [Del]

>>477 :D

John Titor... I recognize a troll when I see one.

I think that in the Anime the reason why the Dollars had a strong presence in Ikebukuro was because Izaya was spreading the word, so unless you're an info broker or a politician piss off and stop asking for publicity.
No rules?...
Most people who joined this site did it because they wanted to do something good anyway, and were attracted by the romantic image of the Dollars in the anime where they saved people from human trafficking and beat an evil corporation.
If you read the light novels though you find that the "no rules" thing isn't entirely great.
I don't want to seem like I'm trying to insert fandom into the discussion but I think Narita realized that the Dollars, if they have no rules, can't be entirely good.

The only thing I care about in terms of notoriety is getting more members and people to talk with - not some half-assed attempt at being terrorists like Anon is. I don't care about the news, I just want more people to discuss with.

479 Name: bang-bang : 2012-05-19 15:58 ID:wmeuzSc1 [Del]


480 Post deleted by user.

481 Name: T.M.S. !hpr1gHK1l6 : 2012-05-20 00:24 ID:1RFW7PrC [Del]

yeah well guess what else has risen. If you have actually seen Durarara you would know what i'm talking about. Yellow Scarves live on.

482 Name: Haru. !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-05-20 00:38 ID:ZG5CMOha [Del]

Nobody cares.

483 Name: Tsuki !TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-05-20 00:39 ID:lJ719QOg [Del]

>>481 Lol, whatever.

484 Name: Ten Amperes !vMhrgB24iE : 2012-05-20 01:00 ID:DV5FU1Po [Del]

Well, no body really knows it exists at my school. I'm a little nervous about spreading sticky-notes though. Just as many of you people are as well, I'm afraid people will turn The Dollars into something ugly. Yet at the same time, I'm incredibly curious as to what will happen if I do spread it. I have to do something....

485 Name: kyla mattia : 2012-05-20 03:31 ID:YgJp73xy [Del]

where I live noone even knows who the dollars are.But it would be awsome if i were part of this.

486 Name: Vivi : 2012-05-20 03:37 ID:vsX2gOA3 [Del]

I wish the Dollars were big where I lived. It would make me feel more like I was part of something big and important. I'm still trying to get my friends into Durarara!! so that I can convince them to join.

487 Name: shogun : 2012-05-20 03:57 ID:88YnhsB9 [Del]

even if we were able to recruit more members it would be dificult to explain htem all those things about dollars and our comunity but i believe that everyone has the right to be part of this so it would good to understand all of this.

488 Name: Teeky : 2012-05-20 05:34 ID:ld395CqQ [Del]

Where I live there aren't many Dollars at all... Generally people laugh if I mention the fact that I happen to be a member. I'd love to have more members, but I don't think it'll ever happen in my city... Still, if it did, I doubt we'd have many issues. There's pretty much no gangs around my place~

I reckon the issue here is that a colorless gang is too easy to demonize; because anyone can join, people can blame any events on them. What we really need to do is get the Dollars a really good international reputation!

489 Name: nighthawk : 2012-05-20 05:38 ID:qIvmejo3 [Del]

my town i dont have many dollars members... im actually saddened by it but ill get over it but we need more members here. the people of my town are just... well lets just sad. the dollars are not big here when i ask people if they know about it or anything they say what is it or no. and i know thats not a very good point to leave off on but still im sticking with it.

490 Name: Teeky : 2012-05-20 06:00 ID:ld395CqQ [Del]

Once again, I think we need to work to give the Dollars an international reputation as a /good/ community. So everyone who is asked "What is the Dollars?" can reply with something like "Isn't it that organisation? They're pretty cool..." We want the Dollars to be known as entirely benevolent, just to keep our members safe...

Really, we should do something.

491 Name: Yukata : 2012-05-20 06:51 ID:BvF9stKU [Del]

I Agree with Teeky number 490

492 Name: Meh : 2012-05-20 07:26 ID:Y7Tfu6W1 [Del]

I don't think the dollars are well known here. But I agree with you the Dollars should be a good thing. I hope you other dollars members are safe too..

493 Name: Restart : 2012-05-20 09:06 ID:934zNMSp [Del]

>>490 So we are just giving up the "Anonymous", "Transparent" bullshit that everyone used to bash me about when I said we werent? ok

494 Name: Kinata : 2012-05-20 09:16 ID:P9HUXlnW [Del]

>>490 I agree. And if the teachers or authorities ask about it, we just tell the truth and that we're a worldwide community that tries to help people.

495 Name: Gennie : 2012-05-20 09:59 ID:Amg40Vs1 [Del]

Yeah...I know for a fact more than half of the people in my school are in the Dollars...This is crazy!!!!

496 Name: ash : 2012-05-20 11:51 ID:KnGWdb3j [Del]

this sound alot like the thing that happend with the death note thing.

497 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-20 11:53 ID:MjhsFoqc [Del]

>>495 you don't.

498 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-20 11:53 ID:MjhsFoqc [Del]

If anyone says more than half, or every person in their school is a Dollar, you're either lying, or in fucking home school.

499 Name: Kaze Myandai : 2012-05-20 11:55 ID:eT6esedQ [Del]

It's the same with me. And a lot of my friends are actually members! I know for a fact that we'll get really popular worldwide!

500 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-20 11:56 ID:MjhsFoqc [Del]

>>499 We don't have as many fucking members as you all are thinking.

We don't have over 140502 members.

501 Name: kyashdeath : 2012-05-20 12:13 ID:7r5PNLer [Del]


502 Name: Shuusaki : 2012-05-20 12:36 ID:wdSJhU4y [Del]

I'm hated in school and people think of me as a freak but in the Dollars you guys treat me as an equal and I don't want some useless Dollar-haters to flood in here and take away that sense of security from me. So in my opinion, we should just stay quiet and continue doing what we are doing to help the world get better. The world will realise that Dollars is not some bad-ass gang but rather an organisation (or something liddat).

503 Name: road 8!SE9y3GiU.k : 2012-05-20 12:57 ID:KkKQA+HV [Del]

well I hope it will get big someday but it will preserve the profile and the ideas that has now. Still I believe that what you did and kept the pass secret was the best, I know that it mind sound a bit elitistic, and that everyone can be a dollar, but as the fame of our "gang" gets bigger I see that I get to want less and less just curious people in but I keep on wanting people who wanna be Dollars because they FEEL dollars!
Anyway, I really dream the day that our gang will be as famous and actually "strong" (for the good purposes and ideas we preserve and promote) as is on Drrr and I hope it will come soon. lalala my fellows :)

504 Name: saika : 2012-05-20 13:13 ID:gvVSDgE0 [Del]

i like it here. In the dollars it feels like we're all equal and on the same how do you say... team? but i get a certian sense of unity when i chat with all of you. i also hope this site spreads and touches as many people as possible.

505 Name: Han-kun : 2012-05-20 14:09 ID:zup68Qut [Del]

Actually.... Dollars aren't that big here, which is normal since I live in a somewhat quiet city. Though it would be cool, it cause trouble if someone referred to it as an actual "gang"; since that alone really would trigger a gang war here. Point is, we must be careful... :<

506 Name: uriah percy : 2012-05-20 15:24 ID:Qhz1DDBY [Del]

Yea I saw some 'tags' saying "Dollars for life"

507 Name: Nariko : 2012-05-20 16:33 ID:Q/Ed287A [Del]

Around here in northern US the dollars are almost unheard of, although I sort of agree with you; keep your knowledge of the dollars away from teachers. This is a fun place, and I really hope this does turn into something bigger. We can help each other like they did in the anime! And it would be better than some gang. We're just better than that, y'know?

508 Name: Black Kloud : 2012-05-20 17:00 ID:3D/LK3/R [Del]

In Ct no one knows who the dollars are thats y i want to know more on the Dollars 2013 so can someone fill me in

509 Name: Blizzaga : 2012-05-20 17:26 ID:7FBNF+mT [Del]

In IN... only a few people know about. mostly in the northern part, and alot of people from my school joined and we've been earning a wicked rep around the city :D

510 Name: Shay : 2012-05-20 19:24 ID:Xr5CBgkX [Del]

In my school, its pretty much the same. a lot of people know about the dollars, and im pretty sure our dean is a dollar too.

511 Name: Sayuri : 2012-05-20 20:22 ID:KGTEyGh3 [Del]

I wonder if any of my friends at school are in Dollars.

512 Name: Tekato : 2012-05-20 20:37 ID:MDCD5Wc0 [Del]

The question is what is the advantage?

513 Name: senton : 2012-05-20 20:48 ID:0WKBSbnB [Del]

i was surprised when i found this site i wonder if there is a yellow scarves one as well

514 Name: akai.tenshi : 2012-05-20 21:55 ID:9+kGBwcm [Del]

I really hope that it'll become universal so that I got to meet new prospective friends having the same interest at me when it comes to Durarara, and lots of stuff, especially having to do with anime..and if there'll be one, I'm eager to join Dollars!! If there will be new season of Durarara, surely, it'll become worldwide phenomenon..


515 Name: Rie : 2012-05-20 23:14 ID:vrG8rWAb [Del]

Its not such a giant thing around here, I know a group of dollars that are my friends at school' and some by extention from them, but we're sure to be low key. I honestly don't want it to be Super popular in my school, a lot aren't dollars type If you know what I mean

516 Name: 甘楽 : 2012-05-20 23:57 ID:ttsPJ58Y [Del]

Not here... T_T

517 Name: nanana_haha : 2012-05-21 01:24 ID:4egDiNMz [Del]

nobody know Dollars here though... the only one who knows Dollars in my school is just me...

eh, wait... There's Yellow Scarves too?!

518 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-21 02:24 ID:MjhsFoqc [Del]

No there is not Yellow Scarves.

519 Name: Sixclaw Sixto !ODBzhvbHus : 2012-05-21 03:07 ID:ZFmPR4Jh [Del]


520 Name: Ryuzaaki123 : 2012-05-21 03:22 ID:7g5TcgXh [Del]

For the love of God, this has to be the crappiest thread ever created on this forum...

It's just a never-ending cycle of "Dollars, stick notes, code, meeting, Trolololol, colour, gang". I wish people would stop bumping it at this point (I know by posting I bumped it, but if I don't voice my opinions I'll feel like crap).

This just seems to take space up on our main board.

People keep trying to turn everything in the anime to real life instead of letting it take a life of it's own - Stop associating ourselves with the DRRR!! anime, aren't we trying to differentiate ourselves from them and stop people calling us a fansite?

Just tell someone, ANYONE, not even an anime fan, about our site. What the hell do you think we have so many sections here for?

A lot of them are empty so try to get people interested in games,art or music in here (Mod authors from the Nexus forums, Deviant art members, YouTube musicians even!). Just please don't say that you're part of a gang with powerful connections and make yourself sound like a weaboo...

That's all I have to say about this, but people just seem to be looking at it all wrong...

521 Name: road 8!SE9y3GiU.k : 2012-05-21 04:03 ID:EZXACfEQ [Del]

>>473 serously this has nothing to do with the subject of this thread and sorry for the spamming but I got kinda of surprised by your name cause it actually consists of 3 different words that I used for my fb account (the second one that was kinda secret:P ) well in one name I used "David", in another "st" and in another "pierre".
It was a game that I had created with my boyfriend(yeah I'm a girl) back then and we had made a second fb account with opposite sexes.Anyway I was pleasantly surprised by your name and surely one time I would like to talk with you, I think it's gonna be fun. ^_^

Again sorry everyone for the spamming but I didn't know how else to communicate with David St-pierre.

522 Name: Teeky : 2012-05-21 05:33 ID:AqPS45qM [Del]

>>520 I did. I've started spreading the Dollars around, to everyone I know. Whether or not they've seen the show. I think we should work to make this something bigger than DRRR. It's a great show and all, but the Dollars are bigger than just that!

523 Name: Tsuki : 2012-05-21 05:51 ID:OvGC31Zv [Del]

>>520 Don't lump all of us the the same pidgeonhole here. This thread was made in 2011 and there have been varying viewpoints and opinions given about this topic. A lot of new members just assume that dollars-bbs is going to be exactly like that from the anime. It isn't.

Also, I am extremely fed-up with all the people who assume that the dollars are all about helping people. If people had actually paid attention whilst watching the series, you can actually see that the reasons given by it's various members as to why they joined the Dollars are more representative of those who have joined this site. Some reasons stated are ones such as "because it's fun to post stuff on message boads" or "because I want to make friends". These are the real reasons as to why people join here.

Those of you who join with the sole reason of wanting to help people or the community or whatever, will be disappointed because...most of us are just lazy. We were never going to be a "force for good and justice" or anything like that, simply because there are too many of us spread out world wide.

That isn't too say that people aren't nor shouldn't try and do good things, just that they shouldn't expect anything out of the anime in terms of being able to gather in a singular location

524 Name: shiro : 2012-05-21 05:53 ID:ZeA9WjTC [Del]

i only know of one other person in my school who's a dollar. well, i tried putting sticky notes at my school. and one of my friends asked what's dollars. so i just told her about this site and the password. dunno if she joined or not, though. and she's not even an anime fan.

525 Name: yannie : 2012-05-21 07:12 ID:fi0V5Rxf [Del]

I'll tell my friend about this, she is an anime fan and she likes Durarara

526 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-21 10:11 ID:MjhsFoqc [Del]

>>519 No. There is a FANSITE of the Yellow Scarves, and crappy as though it may be, it's there. But it isn't some fucking hell-bent groups, determined to beat the shit out of people. It's just 13 or 14 year old, punky little kids, who are too scared to see the light of day, who go on our site to role-play. See?

527 Name: Autore : 2012-11-24 14:44 ID:G68VClRh [Del]

Well, if they only want to join for our group to boast that they are part of a gang and all.. They'll eventually lose interest wouldn't they? Since all they want is fame and all. They'll just move on and find a more famous group. And then the remainder would be members who truly want a place to belong in. I think its fine to give them the passwords since time will just prove if they truly want to become part of us. Besides, its not as if they can do much with our password. We're a colourless gang. A harmless big family, right?

528 Name: Kanra : 2012-11-24 15:08 ID:h9+ixG+Q [Del]

This really is getting interesting huh? Well from what your saying it sounds like this could go global, but we cant stop it right? just give people false passwords, see ive noticed that Aurore and Yannie said it would be ok to tell them the password, they are telling everyone they are in the dollars so wouldnt that make you them false member, trying to get fame? haha this is getting interesting

529 Name: Kanra : 2012-11-24 15:08 ID:h9+ixG+Q [Del]

This really is getting interesting huh? Well from what your saying it sounds like this could go global, but we cant stop it right? just give people false passwords, see ive noticed that Aurore and Yannie said it would be ok to tell them the password, they are telling everyone they are in the dollars so wouldnt that make you them false member, trying to get fame? haha this is getting interesting

530 Name: Penlide : 2012-11-24 16:04 ID:79c9tC3l [Del]

I like the idea of everyone helping each other out on the site. If it could stretch to everyone helping each other out IRL, that would be cool as well. I know that it may not go that far but the idea is always there. You could join the email group if you want to meet up with people in your state.

531 Name: David : 2012-11-24 19:23 ID:d7nLbOJG [Del]

People calm down, these guys are full of it. Not one gang even cares about our existance. And I wish some idiot would even mention bloods or crips. Those to are crap now.

532 Name: Kitaya-kun : 2012-11-24 21:01 ID:sQaKZJgy [Del]

Wow, to me it feels like nobody in Canada even know what Drrr is, so it's definately not a big deal where I'm from.

533 Name: Kita : 2012-11-24 21:03 ID:qAGXBm26 [Del]

That is interesting...and it would be cool if it turned out like that.

534 Name: iNow : 2012-11-24 22:08 ID:AwJvPp9B [Del]

I would like more people in my country or at least in my city love anime and the emotions that they can give as i do. I don't know much of dollars since i came in... but i thought it exatly like david.

535 Name: siximpossiblethings : 2012-11-24 22:13 ID:GbamwmZg [Del]

Not where I am, nobody know's what Durarara is.

536 Name: Black!BLACKFJv1Q : 2012-11-25 12:32 ID:J/gR8Cx/ [Del]


537 Name: Hamuko!9pE2TyAOJY : 2012-11-26 08:39 ID:K+KQerLw [Del]

Today at school I saw a girl with a shirt that I thought that had DOLLARS written on it, but in the end it was BAWLLERS. I am disappointed.

538 Name: Jori-chan : 2012-11-26 09:09 ID:rEaxswxA [Del]

personally I love the dollars < I would like more people in my school join the group! ... but I don't think we could become a colour gang(?) D: ...

we can do a gathering!! XD all the Dollars in the same city can meet in the same place(?) LoL

539 Name: aradjha : 2012-11-26 09:29 ID:uC9lMyOT [Del]

First post in a while. I'm suprised to read some of these posts an find out that the Dollars are becoming a real thing. I'm awed-I've been wondering how i would bring my young brother in, nevermind random folks from town... You guys remember that part in Durarara when the dollars got beat up by other gangs? You're not invisible if people know you're in the Dollars. Not to spread fear and panic; but if any idiot tried to *do* something with the dollars, or used the dollars name; those of you who live in places where we are known and have a reputation might feel some repercussions. The nice thing is that this is all child's play- to make a serious thing out of the existence of a placid internet community called "The Dollars". would take an extenuating set of circumstances. The closest thing to this group that i've hear of is /r/. Harmless? We just have to jump out before the kettle boils. Inconspicuousness is key.

540 Name: Xavier Maddux !hMypHw1jWo : 2012-11-26 11:10 ID:46wPdq3j [Del]

One of the first things you find when you look up Dollars Password is a site that says Baccano. It's not hard to get in here.

541 Name: Ei : 2012-11-26 11:49 ID:9Y/jAGhk [Del]

I wish my school could be like that. There aren't enough people like me in my school, though. Very few Internet-types, and even fewer anime types.

542 Name: Smea : 2012-11-26 11:57 ID:Keh/n2t5 [Del]

At my school, nothing like this happened at all. I just love durarara, and I think that people like the ones you described are way too serious. How can you use a great idea like "The dollars" in such a dirty way?!

(please excuse my bad english, im not fron england)

543 Name: railchaser : 2012-11-26 13:04 ID:mPtV9IUO [Del]

I haven't heard anything about the Dollars at my school. But I go to college and it's really different from high school (at least my school is). There isn't as much gossip and people tend to keep to themselves.

But, even though it's not really what we're about, it would be cool to see word of the Dollars spread.

544 Name: Petja : 2012-11-26 13:40 ID:xxtcxxE/ [Del]

It would be nice if it happend on my school, but it might be dangerous since there are other gangs here. i'm in high school and there arn't many people that like anime, I might be the only one to know about the dollars at my school.

I hope the dollars really do become more than just this forum.

545 Name: Kai : 2012-11-26 14:58 ID:xkVuNkgf [Del]

The dollars spreaded into my school where people would bully me for the password but then one day it all like disappeared...:/ but i hope that it does spread on.

546 Name: enthusiasticowl : 2012-11-26 15:24 ID:GeEqTCSj [Del]

Well, since i'm in a college, there is not any gang stuff here like highschool, but anyway, animes are not very popular in my country tbh.

547 Name: Yoshida : 2012-11-26 15:27 ID:Us1CXocf [Del]

It would seriously be cool if this turned out to be exactly like DRRR, people in an internet gang? Sounds so awesome!

548 Name: Kai : 2012-11-26 15:48 ID:bTus17lf [Del]

i'm one of the two dollars at my school so it hasn't really spread, but people using our name for stuff like gangs is not a good sign. if this goes the wrong way, this could get ugly. Good luck at school Blazey. Hope you don't get in trouble.

549 Name: Saz : 2012-11-26 17:45 ID:3WNeakuK [Del]

It is world wide but not really well known in many places, like I live in the capital of NY(Albany) but people here just don't care about anything, it seems that way. Even people that would probably support us and our goals don't care, like do you see us anywhere on the news or TV, or us actually doing anything big enough to be noticed in a major sense, just saying we're still small, and some of us are just fighting each other, and arguing instead of ignoring or just compramize.

550 Name: Benzzzyy : 2012-11-26 19:06 ID:o89zTwEZ [Del]

lol im trying to make the dollars take off at my skool but i dont know how i should start it

551 Name: Gelber Alpfen : 2012-11-26 20:54 ID:m5pzyRNC [Del]

Nobody at my school really knows about DRRR!! except for two of my closest friends, I gave the password to another friend who actually was interested in the dollars even though he hasn't seen the anime...I purposely try to keep it a secret because all the people at my school would try to ruin it. So I'm kind of iffy about it becoming popular here, just imagine all the annoying trolls :/ not to mention the idiots where I live would actually see the dollars as an honest threat and would attack somebody...

552 Name: Takashi : 2012-11-26 21:19 ID:tpjPuIJU [Del]

Some people in my school know about Drrr!! or Durarara!!, whatever you want to call it, but we actually helped some kids that got bullied and asked us who we were, such a get moment, i said were The Dollars, we are everywhere, we have no colour, no symbol, or gang sign, we do whats best for others

553 Name: Kid Kit : 2012-11-27 09:27 ID:uvkjA3+v [Del]

I do the same with the password. Since being apart of the Dollars is nothing that should be taken lightly. I don't want a bunch of people who don't know or care for us getting on and messing around. Not many people in my school know about the Dollars or Durarara, and even fewer know the password. It's limited to me and a few of my friends who actually care. The Dollars is becoming a big thing and I'm glad. It makes me feel that I'm a part of something meaningful and plain awesome. I think more people should join, so I've been having people watch Durarara and study what we've been doing to see if they care. Hopefully, it will become bigger where I live.

554 Name: KikuNoEn : 2012-11-27 09:28 ID:/qlcfjDO [Del]

It's been getting like that where I am too. I was absent-mindedly checking the forum in class (force of habit) and the next thing I know I have some jackass asking me what it was and if he could have the password. I refused because he's the kind to just ruin everything and not understand the Dollar's ethics.

Moral of the story? Be very careful.

555 Name: kitchirou : 2012-11-27 10:58 ID:4eRYaN6w [Del]

some1 put the password on youtube, maybe thats why random ppl join dollars,

556 Name: Emiba : 2012-11-27 11:25 ID:F0z3+IRD [Del]


Wow! That is pretty amazing that you have people who don't even like anime wanting the password!

But I understand your concern. I don't have people wanting the password at my school cause all about one fourth of the population at my school watches anime and about one third of them have seen durarara. But I understand that you are concerned that a teacher might hear some of that stuff.

I think it would be good if you act like you know nothing about it. Like Mikado did in the begining of the show. Then people might follow your example. Also tell your friends that have the same idea, that will help calm the storm. And if someone asks you that knows that you do know the password, then tell them why you are saying you don't know. They also might get what you mean and keep the dollars quiet.

Emiba, dolphin96, Heartbreak, Ven
OC deviantart flipnote Drrr OC

557 Name: NagiNenma : 2012-12-05 07:33 ID:eJsU8s3L [Del]

I have no idea about that... But I never give the password to anybody... and I know the password from Durarara of course ...

558 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-05 07:36 ID:gCmt4YtN [Del]

>>556 Just... no. The anime has nothing to do with this site. We got the inspiration from the anime; that's all. Don't try to drag it out any further than that. Don't relate how we should act to Mikado :l

559 Post deleted by user.

560 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-05 07:50 ID:9oTU5iWD [Del]

If people wanna take it further then they can. What the hell is is the mission board for than for those dollars who want to make a difference?

561 Name: Mummy boy : 2012-12-05 08:30 ID:KsW2zy71 [Del]

>>1 Not geting big here.

562 Name: Code Hell : 2012-12-05 08:31 ID:5yKLT/gN [Del]

You think too much

563 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-12-05 09:00 ID:gCmt4YtN [Del]

>>560 I'm talking about taking it further in terms of the anime. You can hang out and do Missions all you want; I enjoy them, as well. However, that has very little to do with the anime, and the anime shouldn't affect how we treat or refer to the group.

564 Name: Aekushisu : 2012-12-05 09:19 ID:6PnX7Oq8 [Del]

My school has zero interest in the Dollars group. It's really just me and a few friends that even know it exists.

565 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 09:40 ID:5afZOGqr [Del]

Speaking in terms of the anime, this IS a gang, but it's meant to be a good one. To help show others that the world isn't as dark as everyone thinks, and isn't that why we're all here? To make people see the world in a new light

566 Name: B : 2012-12-05 09:53 ID:IItNHrVz [Del]

I don't know...people often get the wrong impression when they hear the word 'gang.' I mean, I had to explain to my friends that we're not that type of gang.

567 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 10:22 ID:rERdwc2c [Del]

I don't really have many friends anymore, so i don't have that problem lol
How'd you describe us?

568 Name: Liminoid !!fSqAxMoU : 2012-12-05 11:19 ID:sFGFRewU [Del]

>>567 There is no consensus on that. It is what you make of it. Whether on the anime or in real life. That's what I think.

569 Name: Zai : 2012-12-05 11:48 ID:DwWZfKWg [Del]

Well that's what I was getting at, there's no one way to describe The Dollars as a whole, aside from just that, that we are a whole.

570 Post deleted by user.

571 Name: eX_aRmor : 2013-01-17 14:10 ID:IEjjVTE5 [Del]

Not sure how many other Dollars are in my school, but I did give the password to one of my friends who was really into it.

572 Name: Kirsten1303 : 2013-01-17 15:25 ID:ollc8LjS [Del]

I've told close friends about the Dollars but other than that there is nothing about it where I am.... TTATT

573 Name: kida : 2013-01-17 15:39 ID:ZyqXCvU9 [Del]

same dude

574 Name: Evil-Ju-ju : 2013-01-17 15:48 ID:XN3BcLuU [Del]

Nah, nobody in my school knows about the Dollars. It kinda bums me out though. Otaku lesbian just isnt accepted. :(

575 Name: Chiaki : 2013-01-17 15:56 ID:9x3Os5g6 [Del]

I don't actually think anyone in my school likes either Durarara or anime at all. Though I have some friends who asked me about the password. I didn't give it to them though....Should I have?
Though I kinda want the Dollars to be more famous around the world. Just for the fun I guess. This world is so boring otherwise in my opinion.

576 Name: 0BlackReaper0 : 2013-01-17 16:00 ID:9sEVK+x4 [Del]

not where i live, but i do my best to spread the word of the Dollars.

577 Name: D.K. "Username !QPmHeQ1qUM : 2013-01-17 16:03 ID:U62TXIUU [Del]

I've just barely started spreading the word so I don't know if it will grow, but currently I'm pretty sure that I am the only dollar in my school. But if it does grow it does not matter what people think of it, we know who and what we are.

578 Name: 0BlackReaper0 : 2013-01-17 16:06 ID:9sEVK+x4 [Del]

small beginnings does not mean it will stay that way D.K...... least i hope not

579 Name: Takashi : 2013-01-17 16:41 ID:UnaN2jbQ [Del]

The dollars aren't popular; in fact, this chatroom can be a joke sometimes. Just random RPers and 6 year olds having cyber sex. That's not at all what the dollars in the show were. At this rate, the dollars won't ever become what we all wish it was. I wouldn't even act like there's a single chance that it'll be big one day. Just because something starts small doesn't mean it'll later grow to be big either. If you disagree then prove me wrong. Doubt it'll happen.

580 Name: zmanx : 2013-01-17 16:50 ID:kTtX73CB [Del]

me and 3 other people are the only dollars at my school

581 Name: zmanx : 2013-01-17 16:50 ID:kTtX73CB [Del]

me and 3 other people are the only dollars at my school

582 Name: zmanx : 2013-01-17 16:50 ID:kTtX73CB [Del]

me and 3 other people are the only dollars at my school

583 Name: Shadow : 2013-01-17 16:57 ID:6OeY6Vtn [Del]

So far i think i am the only one in a 40 mile radius lol

584 Name: Bakyura : 2013-01-17 17:07 ID:7U1yraHZ [Del]

to be honest i think theres only like 3-4 dollars in my whle state... i may be wrong but only know of 1 other dollar in my state..

585 Name: Fuannai : 2013-01-17 18:01 ID:eRbJmuZ/ [Del]

I think there are only few of us in my city.. but it is a good thing that there are

586 Name: Bakyura : 2013-01-17 18:18 ID:7U1yraHZ [Del]

>>585 same for me, like i said in my other post but im just tryin to get everyine in my city to become a dollar

587 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-01-18 02:21 ID:0HeICGU/ [Del]

too sad but true I think I am only a Dollars in my city.

588 Name: SlenderDubious : 2013-01-18 02:26 ID:2RdXzb5Q [Del]

There's a couple around My town but no one really takes it seriously since there's not many of us around...

589 Name: Amie : 2013-01-18 04:32 ID:lU7gq4zG [Del]

just a thought, if the dollars become too big, will we still be colorless?

590 Post deleted by user.

591 Name: Miyako : 2013-01-18 08:24 ID:/aGsK8s9 [Del]

If someone joins the dollars i think they should watch durarara so they no what were all about some new members are just silly kids and are just joining to sound cool.

592 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-01-18 08:28 ID:BlUFc1aT [Del]

Speaking of color...

You need light to see color, so, if it is colorless, and that would mean that you see no light, wouldn't that equal black, since black is the abscence of light?

593 Name: Isaac : 2013-01-18 10:45 ID:BSRMYLVb [Del]

Tanaka Taro haven't ever thought he will create an organization that will spread even in another dimension.

594 Name: Isaac : 2013-01-18 10:46 ID:BSRMYLVb [Del]

Tanaka Taro haven't ever thought he will create an organization that will spread even in another dimension.

595 Name: 0BlackReaper0 : 2013-01-21 12:28 ID:9sEVK+x4 [Del]

Now let's make it loud,
And lets show em all how
You move to this phenomenon!!!!!!!

596 Name: Kirsten1303 : 2013-02-02 08:06 ID:2xclYVhI [Del]

bumping coz i'm bored...

597 Name: PKgod101 : 2013-02-02 12:54 ID:a1DEJStR [Del]

I'm not sure about giving out the password.
people that ruin it get banned but it's better if those people never get access in the first place.

598 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-02-02 13:35 ID:2UWMgHPk [Del]

They can easily find it over the Internet. EASILY. Not like we're going to be changing the password anyway.

599 Name: Metalmine !fROWTqKls. : 2013-02-02 13:42 ID:U6Ociocs [Del]

I don't see why we shouldn't be telling more people about this.

600 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-02-02 13:46 ID:0xgGVdDI [Del]

>>599 Because if you tell more people there's gonna be a better chance of there being more newfags here. More people to screw the place up.

601 Name: Sara : 2013-02-02 14:05 ID:D8ZIGlbq [Del]

Oh, that sounds really interesting! Nothing of the sort is happening where I live, though...

602 Name: Shiro : 2013-02-02 15:05 ID:zB88e9rK [Del]

Something like that happened in my school. Alot of people spreading rumors, etc. But the the weird thing is that theres only two Dollar members including me. I havent told anyone... But two guys where asking me if i was in the dollars. obviuslly, i said no

603 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-02-02 16:43 ID:2UWMgHPk [Del]

You know how improbable that situation is?

604 Name: Shiiku!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-02-02 17:24 ID:NEYhM3rT [Del]

I wish that was the case in my town

605 Name: Ultear : 2013-02-02 17:42 ID:9TO+nPQZ [Del]

>>592 Day/Dia with the black you can't see the stars

606 Name: Catcher : 2013-02-02 17:43 ID:spwvm7oI [Del]

I think it's rad how the dollars are gaining prominence, my only damage is that if you Google searched the password you could find it. I feel like that's a huge problem because then we'd be easily infiltrated.

607 Name: nerdygirl : 2013-02-02 18:46 ID:rMSqzABq [Del]

>>1 I get what your saying. they don't need to be a dollar if they can't understand or act like a true one. you did the right thing by not giving the password. but you need to stop them or at least make them understand who we are. find true followers and give them the password only

608 Name: Zaymon : 2013-02-03 00:17 ID:GF/V/sEN [Del]

i guess not
in my neighbourhood there's so slightly peoples who knows Durarara

609 Name: Kitty-X : 2013-02-03 02:04 ID:fDeFK4fu [Del]

TOTTALLY, but i don't know any dollars, we don't know who one an another are. the point of the anonymity
but it's sooo cool

610 Name: Lavis : 2013-02-03 02:19 ID:qQ//fkW+ [Del]

No it has not. However I am telling people about the Dollars but only enough to get them interested.

611 Name: Saika : 2013-02-03 02:23 ID:fDeFK4fu [Del]

愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛 The Dollars

612 Name: Yui : 2013-02-03 02:58 ID:ZrFf/8Vg [Del]

Good for me, nobody in my school knows that I am a member of this organization.

613 Name: Kitty-X : 2013-02-03 03:22 ID:fDeFK4fu [Del]

In my earlier Post, i sorta sounded like a little kid when i said it was cool. it's just that i thought the idea that anyone and everyone you know could be a dollar! it seems quite interesting. I'd gladly help Make the dollars what it is in the show if my part could help. I know it can, and i hope that i can make this Group a better place for true Dollars.

614 Name: Kitty-X : 2013-02-03 03:25 ID:fDeFK4fu [Del]

I haven't given out the password to anyone because no one i know even knows what Durarara is when they figure out i know what the Dollars are. if they ask me i tell them "um, what are you talking about? an online group? that's freaking absurd" i say that to protect the group.

615 Name: Andrew !kdj0Lia.Us : 2013-02-03 15:54 ID:iru3jKpG [Del]

come on guys, this is bull. this iteration of the dollars is a collection of people who just like the idea from the show, you're full of it if you think anyone else gives a shit unless you've thoroughly exposed them to it on your own. This is equal parts rp-bullshit and poor understanding of your own actions and those around you. People have tried to create real versions of the dollars which would actually do things but people like you shy away from the idea of actually doing anything. I feel bad for anyone who expects anything from this site, because its a fan-site, not a real organization of any kind.

616 Name: Shiro : 2013-02-03 16:11 ID:GrL8S6Mj [Del]

Actually this is an organization. If not it would be a... Un-organization? XD

617 Post deleted by user.

618 Name: Andrew !kdj0Lia.Us : 2013-02-03 17:01 ID:iru3jKpG [Del]

thank you for your well thought out and intellectual rebuttal to my criticism mr/mrs white. people like you are entirely the reason why I never fail to overestimate the capabilities and intention to change the world of the people on this site. I mean, if everyone here thought that a pithy one-line joke actually served as a form of rebuttal then it would only make my point clearer wouldn't it? >>616, oh, right.

619 Name: Kanra : 2013-02-03 19:19 ID:C7tM/5k1 [Del]

ummmm i think this is an uncolored gang. or....

620 Name: Junkori : 2013-02-03 20:35 ID:yiv0b20K [Del]

Just remember The Dollars have no color. and also were better than any other groups

621 Post deleted by user.

622 Name: Misaki : 2013-02-03 22:14 ID:CCWjNBI3 [Del]

oh well, newbie here. . . hell yeah i'm a dollar \(^___^)/

623 Name: Mr. Brown : 2013-02-04 00:17 ID:8Ltiim49 [Del]

WAO, if dollars become universal, just imagine the teamwork and humanity that it would turn out to be, maybe there's hope after all~

624 Name: iThrowProz : 2013-02-04 00:33 ID:dNyK/4ms [Del]

no job, not in school, nowhere to go, no license... but i hope!^_^

625 Name: Kakumei-chan !O0lAdrAPBY : 2013-02-04 00:41 ID:o5WJLJP7 [Del]

Come on Andrew, some people here are fans of Durarara, some expect something more of this site/organization/ whatever you believe this is. But still, it's just a matter of respect to other's beliefs. You don't have to be too harsh on your replies or something like that.

If you don't actually believe on the aim of this org/site/bbs, then why bother posting something so negative? Besides, people should have fun on this site and interact with each other on a good note, not bash each other.

So peace out. Be more positive. :D

626 Name: ヌル : 2013-02-04 03:24 ID:33D5aP6A [Del]

In my country to that much who like anime.. and around where I live it's just a few of them who like anime,, but they're don't now about Dollars, cz it seem that anime they liked is Naruto..

627 Name: Rozenhill !3QKZ5IeWhY : 2013-02-04 03:35 ID:vFTtNt7i [Del]

Is this the real thing? Could you say that I am in the Dollars?

Am I a part of something here?

628 Name: Fuannai : 2013-02-04 06:14 ID:eRbJmuZ/ [Del]

>>627 I guess so.. as far as I can see this is the closest one to the Dollars in Durarara.. it even surpassed the Dollars in Durarara..

I think as long as you don't do bad things and bring out the name of Dollars..

629 Name: 123 : 2013-02-04 06:26 ID:YA3K6Pqj [Del]


630 Name: Kurayami : 2013-02-04 07:23 ID:arfVUab8 [Del]

maybe we can make changes in the world, who knows...i mean...theres always a possibility. ^_^

631 Name: Crystal : 2013-02-04 07:23 ID:pNh4lJSp [Del]

people should only be allowed to join if they know what the dollars are or we gonna have like murderers join and maybe the dollars would have to disband xD lol but seriously..stop inviting people just cuz u want the dollars to will get first show ur friend Durarara then invite the person >.<

632 Name: usihara99 : 2013-02-04 07:33 ID:wiR89z3K [Del]

the dollars must be so wanted right now...awsome just like in anime Durarara!!

633 Name: Gackpoid-Miu : 2013-02-04 08:11 ID:5OPBl7lL [Del]

I joined because I wanted to change something. Not to be a bad ass. Those who think that the point is to be cool, don't deserve to be able to join.

634 Name: DarkPit : 2013-02-04 08:32 ID:M2FkKVKK [Del]


same here but i usually keep down low just incase some prick wants to be a rat and go to the adminastration just to get people in trouble though no one (that i know of) got in touble.

635 Name: Elsalas : 2013-02-04 09:13 ID:8vxHzzmD [Del]

Not here:D in my school, only me and my best friend are in this site...

636 Name: Rozenhill !VfvN05GuTU : 2013-02-04 10:31 ID:ZO3XISOP [Del]

I would like to see the dollars "make a move" or something, not anything big but maybe some form of streetart hinting towards us. What do you think?

637 Name: Linkxxbroken : 2013-02-04 11:30 ID:lqGA7wI5 [Del]

Just amongst the Otakus at my school is The Dollars that serious, we're all apart of them. And we have the same worries too about referring to the group as a "gang".

638 Name: Nile Taiga : 2013-02-04 12:07 ID:jz+dBD5G [Del]

Meh. We refer to it as a gang and all, but I only know of about 4 people who are actually a part. Nobody's really talking about it though. Anime is not really all that popular where I live either though... About 1 in 5 people you meet will even know what it is.

639 Name: A Normal Person : 2013-02-04 12:50 ID:XrSeN2Se [Del]

im sure we may grow to be like the Dollars from DRRR someday. all we need to do is sit and wait for it to happen.

640 Name: Doc8 : 2013-02-04 15:43 ID:1d4rmEBm [Del]

I don't personally believe that waiting accomplishes much, but I've been wrong before.

641 Name: Ryuugamine Mikado : 2013-02-06 01:59 ID:MJ4SsX7c [Del]

The Dollars from DRRR really are amazing... I wonder if we can become that big?!

642 Name: Shinryu : 2013-02-06 05:15 ID:cuVjMOis [Del]

It would be epic if we grow up :) worldwide :D

643 Name: Hiiragi : 2013-02-06 05:51 ID:4c+sryJf [Del]

dude i am the same ==" but if it relly have 5 gang i screwed

644 Name: PKgod101 : 2013-02-06 11:11 ID:a1DEJStR [Del]

I just use it as a self-confidence booster.

645 Name: Kanra : 2013-02-06 16:09 ID:0H4YrAzh [Del]

Hi! If we sum the touse this is DRRR seeing, but do not forget that reality is stranger than fiction ..
Cela pourrait etre intéressant que nous nous agrandision! HAHA J'aimerais bien voir le resulta.. Mais ma vision des choses fait que je pence que nous, menbre des dollars devrions rester unis dans notre transparence..
Excuser mon anglais!

646 Name: Kanra : 2013-02-06 16:11 ID:0H4YrAzh [Del]

This could be interesting that we agrandision! HAHA I'd like to see the result .. But my vision that I pence that we menbre dollars should stay united in our transparency ..
Excuse my English
[English Part]

647 Name: Anon-C : 2013-04-06 23:25 ID:/4rmOcBv [Del]

Lucky. I'm surrounded by people who hates anime way too much. But I have some friends, and I tell them what anime is epic n whatever. So for the ones who knows Durarara, I'm introducing to them this site and what we do. I believe I got at least one person into the Dollars. It's not much, but I've only joined/ found out about this site four days ago.

So >>639, I'm not waiting for it to happen. ...I didn't mean to sound rude, sorry.

648 Name: "teh_pwner77 !hfisfFLIkA : 2013-04-07 04:34 ID:MLRsS+LN [Del]

I say that the Dollars should be well known as a real gang that do good deeds instead of rebellious or vandalism gangs, starting tomoro when i go to school, im gonna start asking people if they're in the Dollars and whether they say yes or no, I wanna spread the good side of this gang, its not a bad thing if the Dollars grow out of Durarara!! it just helps people do good things.

649 Name: Jakob : 2013-04-07 06:57 ID:F5Ee5JME [Del]

I have no problem that the Dollars be known as a gang, only as long that it's known as a gang that does good deeds. I think of the Dollors as a un-organized non-profit organization more than a actually gang, but thats just me. If there are people that are unclear just try emphasize that we are not like the other gangs, we're a gang for good.

650 Name: Nate : 2013-04-07 07:11 ID:gbJO68dE [Del]

actually i kinda have the same problem here (-,-||

651 Name: M. the tiger : 2013-04-07 08:01 ID:TwONCBrH [Del]

I only know of 2 more dollars in my school and one of them i actually roll played as the admin and gave him the password via text message...

652 Name: Rivee : 2013-04-07 08:06 ID:Gxj8uJvj [Del]

Interesting, all this talk. Dollars becoming an actual "gang"... But I think organization would be the better word to use since it doesn't give the connotation of "illegal"
And to be frank, I don't think there's anything wrong with DRRR!! fans being here. I'm one of them, but extreme fandom for anything will always annoy the heck out of other people. I'd like to say Durarara!! was a foundation, but this idea probably would have come to light in some other form, just like any other. Still though, there is a connection.
I wouldn't have joined without seeing the anime and would have just continued living unaware. This online community is better than others I've seen.

The dollars aren't big from where I live because a lot of people here are more concerned about their self image and being popular rather than trying to help or listen to other people. Along with that, out of 100 kids in my grade, only 5 of them are fans of anime and would have any chance of knowing about this.
I'll just keep quiet for now.

653 Name: Masuyo : 2013-04-07 08:39 ID:MWKr0Apj [Del]

Not many people are into anime here but I have been hearing in other places that the dollars might become a gang because alot of bad people are joining becaue idiots like to just GIVE OUT the password to people who just dont care.
I realy hope it dosn't become some gang like the blue squares off DRRR.

654 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-04-07 11:21 ID:+YVLSKVQ [Del]

>>647 Why the fu** did you bump this, just live it alone already


655 Name: AnimeOtaku : 2013-04-07 11:31 ID:FOsciZ4P [Del]

no one besides me and my friends speak of the dollars

656 Name: Kazuna : 2013-04-07 11:33 ID:h2UMDm+N [Del]

I don't really have this problem since in my school nobody bothers to know about DRRR or Dollars. All they care about is themselves and if I tell them about this place I'm pretty sure they won't do anything good.

Anyway, I still think that Dollars is not a gang as much as I think having a war between some group is cool and awesome, it's still dangerous.

So I'll shut my mouth for now

657 Name: Anton : 2013-04-07 11:36 ID:7rhaPUy1 [Del]

I only have one friend so far who told me of this website and she isn't even a part of the dollars yet. Everyone else thinks I'm trying to be funny or nuts so whatever...

658 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-07 14:16 ID:u0aKZ5i5 [Del]


659 Name: Anon-C : 2013-04-07 14:42 ID:/4rmOcBv [Del]

>>654 Em.... I didn't bump it? ._.
Also, rephrase 'live it alone already'.

660 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-04-07 14:44 ID:+YVLSKVQ [Del]

>>659 You bumped this thread yesterday, it was two months old and it was already forgoten.

Ops, here: "leave it alone"

661 Name: Yamaha Yuuma : 2013-04-07 15:50 ID:Gk+3UjNB [Del]

I would proceed the same as u did with the password giving thingy, I think it's safe to give the password to people WHO ACTUALLY WATCHED "Durarara".
Well because then we'll be troll-free since everyone will know and appreciate the ACTUAL value this website has.

662 Name: Danny : 2013-04-07 16:34 ID:mfIZLUui [Del]

I agree with what Yamaha Yuuma says. I think that would cause in some people the interest of watch similar animes like Durarara!!

663 Name: Aeternum : 2013-04-07 16:38 ID:g8T6jW9u [Del]

Agreed with Danny and Yamaha Yuuma. There are a lot of people that just want the password simply to troll. I know to many people that would simply get on here to hate on the Dollars. We aren't a gang we are a family in a sense.

664 Name: Kairi : 2013-04-07 16:56 ID:2DiuqEbC [Del]

"We aren't a gang, we are a family." I like that. I agree with Yamaha as well, If they want the password, tell them they can go find it if they watch the Anime. Some will watch, some won't, but those who do will realize and understand the true meaning of this 'organization'. I say just try and convince them to watch it, if not, I wouldn't worry about it. That just says how immature they are.

665 Post deleted by user.

666 Name: Sgt Hugo Stiglitz : 2013-04-07 17:54 ID:3cp5N7G+ [Del]

I agree with the four people posted above.
It'd only make sense for people who have watched the show to join in, knowing the purpose of this group.
Also no one in my area would know about the dollars or DRRR!
It's pretty sad cos I don't really have anyone to talk about it to but I don't mind because the secrecy is pretty cool c:

667 Name: Anon-C : 2013-04-08 12:01 ID:/4rmOcBv [Del]

>>660 I did? Lol I don't even remember. My bad. New-ish member, still trying to get used to this. ^^;


668 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-04-08 12:10 ID:+YVLSKVQ [Del]

>>667 Welcome, remember to read the FAQ, and try not to bump old threads unless necessary.

669 Name: Kyuuketsuki : 2013-04-08 12:29 ID:srhmFKJV [Del]

Somebody actually posted the password on deviantART a while back because all I had to google was "What is the Dollars password?" so if they just ask google, they'll get the answer. I really hope that people watch it though, I mean, my friend and I got exposed via the anime, so we understand the concept but other people just want to join because they've seen us chalking up walls and stuff. I always have to substitute the word "gang" for "team" because I have to deal with the Bloods at my school and if they heard us talking about the Dollars as a gang, we'd probably get shanked.

I honestly think that we should spread the word, but first we have to establish that we are different from all the other gangs. We're here for the betterment of humans, so we should show that in a big way. (I know I probably sound stupid, and I apologize for my bad English.)

670 Name: Dstar89!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-04-08 12:52 ID:8nJxelCt [Del]

The problem with using the word "gang" anymore, especially in the sense of matching it with "Dollars," is that gang to the public ear automatically means a group of thugs and criminals out for no good. So, if these people who never knew where the true origin of the dollars came from, found the password, then went around school saying "Hey, I'm in the Dollars gang," then it'd truly end up being like Durarara!! wanting the heads of an online organization.

I think the right word to use with Dollars, is organization, because that's what we are, or group. I'd only consider the tough asses that are Dollars true gang material.

So, >>669 , I agree with you. People clueless of the true origin of the Dollars are going to make things a bit bad.

671 Name: Eros (school) : 2013-04-08 14:34 ID:JcldBGfC [Del]

People, please stop bumping this. If you cannot resist the urge to reply, at least hit the sage box, most of us have had enough of this thread. At least read it before you reply, chances are that someone already posted something along the lines of what you feel.

672 Name: Anugar !8wy2pTNghM : 2013-04-08 15:00 ID:+YVLSKVQ [Del]

>>671 finaly someone that shares the same feel as my about this, just let it die already.

673 Name: Dr.Bloopz : 2013-04-08 16:44 ID:/9f0FCyP [Del]

The Dollars are pretty much as well-known as the word hippolarconinsomiaphobia at my school. In case you're wondering, hippolarconinsomiaphobia is the irrational fear a hippo will steal your pyjamas, and yes, it is a real fear. Go on, I dare you. Look it up.

674 Name: Takashi : 2014-09-11 11:34 ID:TPtOnzlz [Del]

the dollars is no longer a big deal, yes we have a lot of members,but to most of the members on here,tis is just another "lame" website. i think we should now make the dollars bigger. get more known.

675 Name: Kaww : 2014-09-11 13:42 ID:k+v7XQg0 [Del]

Only few people know about this from where I live, it's not a big deal

676 Name: TimeBomb !FGX8.16lSY : 2014-09-11 13:51 ID:S8AwPrbS [Del]

It might be a big deal somewhere in the world,but definitely not where I live.If you find someone who at least heard about Durarara,that's really something around here. >.<

677 Name: Little POOTIS : 2014-09-11 14:27 ID:spxk8Hpp [Del]

Almost nobody knows about the dollars where I live. I'd wish. That would have been cool and really useful too.

678 Name: fez : 2014-09-11 15:09 ID:m1zcD+P1 [Del]

yea not to many people in my school know about this upside though at least that means that I can go on during school

679 Post deleted by user.

680 Name: Sera !0UZD1OR/j. : 2014-09-11 15:20 ID:foWngq4D [Del]

When someone asks you if your in the dollars or about it just simply say what? Or nah Im too busy for that and then if people ask for a pass say why would I know that? And don't tell anyone your in or you'll be bothered more

681 Name: Kira : 2014-09-11 16:35 ID:QtDrluBl [Del]

@Blazey just how many people in your schools that know of the existence of the Dollars?

682 Name: Kyou : 2014-09-11 19:32 ID:NnRpASwh [Del]

I've been a member since I was in fifth grade, and I'm already a Senior high school student. None of the peeps in my school know about Dollars apart from the ones who watched the anime but they never thought about the actual site. Until now, no one's actually bugging me about it since I'm the one being consulted for being an Otaku in class.

683 Name: triat : 2014-09-20 18:28 ID:cS/tEeEX [Del]

this is really cool! i watched the anime but never thought to look this up then i found it. this is amazing!

684 Name: alalalulu : 2014-09-20 19:08 ID:ZqQgfuC/ [Del]

is there a season 2 for durarara!!?

685 Name: hatchi : 2014-09-20 19:21 ID:cS/tEeEX [Del]

i am new at this but i will tell my friends about this!
its really cool. maybe we will get as big as in Durarara :)

686 Name: warcat : 2014-09-20 20:05 ID:cFuz+mFR [Del]

i think thats serious, it can give us a bad reputation and people could start getting scared about us

687 Name: Anonymous : 2014-09-20 20:33 ID:sULI6qW0 [Del]

Season 2 was confirmed. Airing in japan in January I think.

688 Name: Kensan : 2014-09-20 21:27 ID:Nu+i/i37 [Del]

S2 confirmed?? Sweet!!

689 Name: Kava-san : 2014-09-20 22:41 ID:4fvrwE+/ [Del]


690 Name: Pishimatakoa : 2014-09-20 23:06 ID:CWazAQpx [Del]

The Dollars are not a big thing were I reside, but I would like to make a comment on the issue I'm seeing on these threads.
I'm worried that the Dollars will get a bad reputation by children dropping the name too easily. People who aren't as committed, or care as much, as others. I want everyone to remember that we are here for a good reason, not a bad one. My fellow Dollars who read this, please be careful as to how you use our name. It would almost be better not to use it at all.
We're colourless after all!

691 Name: White Shadow : 2014-09-20 23:40 ID:K53A2Ood [Del]

I agree we shouldn't share the password with everyone and we should remember that this is a good gang!

692 Name: Raven!22DSgNEMG. : 2014-09-21 00:07 ID:e1sy3TbJ [Del]

I think if anyone talks about it at school it should be shared as a "good gang" to avoid a bad reputation

693 Name: Raven!22DSgNEMG. : 2014-09-21 00:46 ID:e1sy3TbJ [Del]

Also, at my school I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows about the Dollars (also not many anime fans) so I wouldn't really have to worry about someone spreading bad things about the Dollars. So I'm the only person who would spread anything about us (I wont though) My point is if you have that power, don't be a jerk and say we're some "bad gang" or just don't say anything at all and if you must, share it as a "good gang" but I really don't mind the popularity its getting. I just hate how some people see us as a "bad gang"

694 Name: Pain The Third !LrPdKmPXN2 : 2014-09-21 00:53 ID:H8EihPGa [Del]

We can say this is a "good gang" but we must be careful with the way we talk about this.

695 Name: White Shadow : 2014-09-21 01:02 ID:K53A2Ood [Del]

Yeah I don't know of anyone at my school who is also in the dollars but I'm not going to go around sharing the password

696 Post deleted by user.

697 Name: Kiwi-chan : 2014-09-21 03:08 ID:+zsX/+Fr [Del]

Woah this is getting pretty cool
And I didn't think that this post would last until today since it started like what, in 2011!! XD

698 Name: Zuke : 2014-09-21 03:13 ID:f79qVHlo [Del]

it seem like the misinterpretation of Dollars is going to be a constant. For a while I was very connected with dollars spending multiple hours for months talking to members and gaining good friends. I may not be very frequent but I do love this community and it's a shame that it will be seen as anything other then what it is.

699 Name: Kuroi chan : 2014-09-21 04:24 ID:t1vkFLh+ [Del]

yeah...some of my friends got to know about dollars..and they r asking me the password. but im thinking to give it to only those who know better about what dollars are actually meant for..and not for just playing around and spreading rumours...coz thats the kind of people living here...

700 Name: Enigma : 2014-09-21 05:22 ID:qnASIIBu [Del]

It would be cool if you gathered more people world wide.

@Kuro-chan, don't be stingy, they may not know how cool dollars is or what it stands for, but they can learn..?

701 Name: Enigma : 2014-09-21 05:26 ID:qnASIIBu [Del]

Kuroi* sorry

702 Name: Kuroi chan : 2014-09-21 05:34 ID:t1vkFLh+ [Del]

>>701 yeah...i think you are right...i ve been a hater of my school mates because of their arrogant and rude nature..
but ill try to give it to them if they were to learn something from this. thank you.

703 Name: Cryptic : 2014-09-21 17:12 ID:MCT+VUxc [Del]


704 Name: Beckie : 2014-09-23 02:48 ID:m+DgSWf+ [Del]

well I don't know about a lot of people who come here daily but few of them know the password.. I'd like to make it a little more big deal.. but let's see where this Dollar group goes :)

705 Name: Alloliza Ayi : 2014-09-23 08:38 ID:5bcsLX0U [Del]

The Dollars Gang is going to be to be expected. now u have to be careful with who u allow to join. they could be other gang members tryin' to harm us. keep in mind this gang is not somethin' for a's real and this is filled with danger. never let ur guard down.

706 Post deleted by user.

707 Name: Sei : 2014-11-08 18:05 ID:dPloJ9mi [Del]

to access this site you literally just need to type /main/ at the end of the url

708 Name: famous_anonymous : 2014-11-08 18:49 ID:Yr4Zrs08 [Del]

As long as they aren't accessing this site, its fine but the problem is, every single dollars website have the same effen password (>_<)
I don't mind DOLLARS being a big thing cause its what it is, right? Its a kind of group (gang) that brings people together but DOLLARS is nothing like the gangs you see in T.V because aside from being colorless, it does not cause violence or do bad things. I've only been a member of this group ever since I started watching Durarara but some of the members here (not meaning to offend anyone) are just people who want to get in 'trend' just because DOLLARS is being widely known by people who doesn't even know the anime it came from that's why a lot of this misconceptions and misinterpretation of DOLLARS come about. To cut the story short, if DOLLARS is somewhat involved in a pinch,its because of what the members of DOLLARS did, not DOLLARS itself. So please don't give out the password so easily, this is the internet, and the internet is a big world.

709 Name: BlackLotus32 : 2014-11-08 18:51 ID:/DilX4YI [Del]

Damn in my school and neighbourhood nobody even knows what's anime. And I don't say anything about the Dollars gang, they'll think I'm a terrorist. Yeah, so is Swiss -_- You gotta be an angel if you want a future.
Anyways, I am happy our gang is really big and all so, even if not here where I am.

710 Name: Shirai-san : 2014-11-08 19:03 ID:9I9zFQHu [Del]

Well, it's better if we advertise our favorite anime show, right?

711 Name: = : 2014-11-08 20:09 ID:Y5ME7trL [Del]

I don't think it matters whether it came from the anime or not. This website and gang are simply inspired by the anime, and made into a real thing, but I would agree to keeping the password a little more classified, don't just give it out to anyone, we can simply follow the rules in the anime only people who are invited join

712 Name: Orienthis : 2014-11-08 20:41 ID:aJ6GI8Na [Del]

that can be a problem. I would suggest that you get other dollars from around your school and do some volunteer work or do something good in the name of the dollars, so even if both words are used, you are a gang of people that do good things

713 Name: OroseC!puodSbGaRU : 2014-11-08 22:19 ID:bU8B7DRu [Del]

>>712 agree

714 Name: Sutōkā-kun : 2014-11-09 00:11 ID:j596yMiC [Del]

Do something useful for the reputation of the dollar

715 Name: @ki^^ : 2014-11-09 06:40 ID:kox/QpED [Del]

I agree the best thing to do IMO is to explain what the "Dollars"
is all about and persuade anyone who still wants in or is already in to do something that will clear any sort of misunderstanding that will arise if none have spread yet....

716 Name: Carmen-chan : 2014-11-09 07:52 ID:rt1M07bw [Del]

This is troublesome.. And annoying how people misunderstand things.. SIGH.. Try to calm down the "Dollars" topic. That way they will forget or something. Only tell about the dollars who you know that won't spill around the information. Or won't misunderstand it.

717 Name: enixia !akrJA.dFs. : 2014-11-09 09:21 ID:FLvllKii [Del]

It's kind of a cool thing that Dollars is well-known at your school but yeah.. would be better if people don't misunderstand.

718 Post deleted by user.

719 Name: Ai-Kei Nora : 2014-11-09 10:08 ID:9RxNalvY [Del]

HOw about you try avoid talking about it? It will most likely calm down after a while. Remind people who are very pushy that the Dollars are NOT supposed to be like other gangs. The dollars are not mean to make trouble. They are here to help others, well, referring to the anime. We are not here to take revenge nor look for a fight.

Some people are just looking for action.

720 Name: Yuki : 2014-11-09 11:49 ID:OsMs9O4R [Del]

I agree. I'd talk to people about it. Something like this can get really serious. If anything, you could start a club to ensure people get the right message about this organization. We don't want to hurt people. We just want to help people. As long as you get that around, everything will be alright. :)

721 Post deleted by user.

722 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2014-11-09 13:08 ID:E5Ms+u9u [Del]

Ive always tried to be careful about the people i recruit. I hope we grow and we become stronger in regards of friendship and connections. But i do not want people like that in a group that is intended for good.

723 Name: Hanri : 2014-11-09 13:32 ID:aki7YpDR [Del]

I don't know if my friends are here on Dollars-bbs or not, but this is why it is fun - you don't know who are you talking to. So I don't really want them to join, or I don't want to know about it.
But I only know 4 people who know about Durarara, so I don't really think anyone would ask about this site.
I like being 'color- and nameless ' here. :D

724 Name: Audrey : 2014-11-10 09:06 ID:NqRbFz/h [Del]

I'm super careful about the people I tell. Seriously, people have offered me money for the password. I try to be super careful with the word "gang", but I normally say my "group", and whenever peeps ask about my wristband, I say I can't tell them.

725 Name: DRIson : 2014-11-10 09:36 ID:F0VuYmCG [Del]

where i a there are me and one other dollar but i try to spread the word that we exsits but i dont recruit only serve

726 Name: koko : 2014-11-10 10:39 ID:whNKkKa8 [Del]

oh c'mon stop acting so edgy. all you have to do to become the member of the dollars is to google the password. and those people who offered money for the password are just plain retarded,that is unless you're lying.

727 Name: Cheza : 2014-11-10 13:02 ID:cBfqVw3R [Del]

I don't know if Dollars could become something concrete but, despite peope who misuderstand the real aim of this group (that in the anime is, in fact an organisation founded to help people, in my opinion this could be a GREAT thing because we could organise real meetings and become friends. Help people by doing little things and missions could be, really, an amazing idea to make world a better place!

728 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-10 13:39 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]

don't bother koko this is why i started the therd common sense there just being stupid i said once an ill say it again nobody is going to start a gang from watching anime the idea of that is retarded hey if it does happen we get a good laugh think about a gang made up of shut ins that watch anime sounds more like a fan club lol

729 Name: JadeKyo : 2014-11-28 18:23 ID:YjRF7bTn [Del]

I`m homeschooled and don't have many friends (if any) so I cant say anything about this, but if the Dollars are becoming something real then this could be really bad or really good but people need to understand that its not a gang or anything of the sorts and that there's no rules if one Dollars does something bad in the name of the Dollars people outside of the Dollars need to understand one thing that just because one is bad doesn't mean all are bad. it's like the slasher in the show/LN although Haruna was in the Dollars that didn't mean all the Dollars were in on the slashings but the Yellow Scarves didn't get that and it turned into a war. people would also need to understand that the Dollars are from an anime and shouldn't be taken serious but if we do get big then I think it would be best to keep a low profile in real life as a Dollars member unless the need arise that we show ourselves as Dollars members but a lot of us are just kids which is something ells people would need to understand. the thought of the Dollars being real is kind of scary but if it does happen then we should all except it and continuo on with our normal lives as members of the Dollars. (:

730 Name: r3b3l : 2014-11-28 18:43 ID:VVy9W+NQ [Del]

I was homeschooled but
....I'm way cooler and I'm a total badass

731 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-28 19:20 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]

save the rp for the chat rooms please quite being retarded hey admin please take this of the main page the home page should be for serious conversation not fantasie l like a break from reality just as much as the next guy/girl just not under home page thanks

732 Name: flame : 2014-11-28 22:13 ID:duF4g/BP [Del]

Are you sure that it's as big as you think it is? I'm sure it's possible that quite a few people in your school are talking about the dollars, but I don't think it's big enough to worry yet.And if the principal asks about it then just explain it to him/her.

733 Name: Roxanne : 2014-11-29 07:44 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

I agree with flame. If anything tell them it's just a show that ppl just took too seriously. They're just children trying to feel big and part of something like a gang but its not. Sometimes ppl get too excited like it's time I can join into a gang and be a bad ass. Nahhh they're just big losers using the name doesn't understand the show and ruin the fun with this "Gang" crap. Idk how big Durarara is now, been in college for a yr and out of it just as much looking for a job. It wasn't as big when I was in school but met one in college that is my friend. She actually introduced Durarara to me telling me I know I would like it. After awhile I asked about it and knew she was part of it. I found out the code seeing the show.

734 Name: the actor : 2014-11-29 08:52 ID:9ySZw+qX [Del]

Yea I really hope that more people will join with good intentions and carry out what the dollars were made for, this group is more than just something from durarara, it's a group made to help people based of the site from durarara. no we are not a gang, a gang is a organized group that does illegal things, we are the opposite of a gang.

735 Name: Nagi522 : 2014-11-29 13:24 ID:GE6qhtMs [Del]

I've never met another dollar ;-; I think the dollars are a good thing and just like in the show a couple bad people might join but in the end we're still a good group and as long as there are good people in the Dollars then we'll stay a good group. So you shouldn't worry too much about people seeing it as a bad thing; if we continue doing doing good things and completing missions then we can get our name out there as a good group, right?

736 Name: Chi-chan : 2014-11-30 02:22 ID:3IvGxpic [Del]

I lived in Indonesia and sadly...I never met a single Dollars friend in school. I know that there are some Dollars in Indonesia, but I never met them closely. And let's just say, my friends are not a big fan of anime. Most people would like mock me, because Chi-chan is a true otaku!!! :3

But then again...I don't care about their blabbering about me.

737 Name: ChInA : 2014-11-30 03:09 ID:mhF/vJT/ [Del]

I hope it does you could basically run the world if we had enough people and everyone had notifications on it so we would all know everything thats going on. efs need a dollars app
Wheere we ccan chat

738 Name: Rin : 2014-11-30 04:09 ID:fdaLORCl [Del]

Well it depend on which country you live, if it's in an asian country where anime is well-known of course there will be people who know about the Dollars but I live in Europe and there are not a lot of people who know or talk about it. BUT ! One day I was quite schocked when I knew that people were clamming themselves being Dollars in my school, actually I've heard that secretly but it was still schocking °^°... Honestly I don't really care about Dollars being know, well it would be pretty cool, don't you all think °3° ? But only if we use it correctly.

739 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-30 04:40 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]


740 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-30 04:41 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]


741 Name: JNR$ : 2014-11-30 04:41 ID:wbaK0yhm [Del]


742 Name: Annie : 2014-11-30 08:27 ID:nJZvm8Xh [Del]

we are more universal than you think. we might not be as many members on this site. but it is a hundred facebook groups that represent the dollars.
I have done that too. and i have checked the group members and it turned out to be that all of us live incompletely different countries!
the person that made the group are Swedish. me and my friend live in Sweden too. but he lives on the other side of the country and we also have some in Japan, UK, USA. pretty world wide if you ask me^^

743 Name: Roxanne : 2014-11-30 19:00 ID:dT3ciJWn [Del]

Yeah Dollars are around but since it's not a open group which is pretty good it won't get such a bad name for it. Most ppl just be too silly sometimes but its a simple helping place if anything and there's possibly a good amount we're unaware of.

744 Name: Junktio : 2014-11-30 21:32 ID:5yO0UIa/ [Del]

To be honest the Dollar's group is becoming more real then the show in some ways. The Dollar's is growing BIG if you look at the member's count... but like Annie said and Quota "we are more universal than you think. we might not be as many members on this site. but it is a hundred facebook groups that represent the dollars.
I have done that too. and i have checked the group members and it turned out to be that all of us live incompletely different countries!
the person that made the group are Swedish. me and my friend live in Sweden too. but he lives on the other side of the country and we also have some in Japan, UK, USA. pretty world wide if you ask me" We are growing More and More everyday/month & year. I would not be surprised if the Dollar's turn into what it did in the show. If you ask me about the Dollar's I would way "We Are World Wide" and I hope it stay's that way because If we can do good in the world then let it be, & if not then what are we?

745 Name: admin : 2015-01-20 08:16 ID:zaDOwEih [Del]

The Dollars shall disappear...

746 Name: Zephyr : 2015-01-20 08:27 ID:EvZv7cDG [Del]

Welp, that's terrifying and ominous

747 Name: Lights : 2015-01-20 08:30 ID:kkwiYC09 [Del]

spooked solid

748 Name: Kitsune : 2015-01-23 20:06 ID:BBUrQa3B [Del]

I don't know anyone besides my best friend that is a part of the dollars.

749 Name: kanra : 2015-01-23 20:56 ID:CAsa4mL3 [Del]

None of my friends or anything is a part of the dollars and I don't know anyone else who is but our school is getting kinda jumpy about the dollars since I post good notes and stuff around the school

750 Name: Dark : 2015-01-23 21:43 ID:6uEzTBgX [Del]

any way Dollars ware supposed to be a good colorless group we just have to live and give light on the being a good part :)

751 Name: Thane : 2015-01-23 22:39 ID:g6Xsa7Qk [Del]

I'm probably the only dollar at my school, but I'll keep posting the Qr code things every once in a wile, maby someone else will too.

752 Name: Zeno : 2015-01-23 23:08 ID:EDbEd49R [Del]

I've been hiding dollars messages in books I check out and mailboxes. So far people are starting to talk about it where I live. I think it's kind of cool.

753 Name: buddy16 : 2015-01-24 05:13 ID:pHOIj5vc [Del]

but in my country is nothing as famous as at ikebukuro

754 Name: Kasiah : 2015-01-24 08:07 ID:7A8xdVBo [Del]

I think it's cool! In our school nobody knows Dollars..even Durarara :/

755 Name: buddy16 : 2015-01-24 11:21 ID:NgNKyQ08 [Del]

hahaha kinda like iin my school too :v

756 Name: Kasiah : 2015-01-24 11:26 ID:7A8xdVBo [Del]

Ah it's sad :c

757 Name: ShinShaggy : 2015-01-24 12:20 ID:ofXF58hU [Del]

I find the original post funny because you can just google Dollars password and it'll come right up. Also I consider the Dollars a Online community more than a gang.

758 Name: Anonymous : 2015-01-24 12:38 ID:XZasM9MO [Del]

If they haven't watched the anime, I don't think they should be in here. If you want the password, get it from Mikado tourself. It's not very anonymous if the majority of your school is a part of the Dollars. I think the Dollars should be exclusively made for those who are willing enough to help others. In the least, I'll tolerate that.

759 Name: AUO~King of Heroes : 2015-01-24 12:44 ID:2S349KOn [Del]

I think you need someone to take control of the situation. Such as Mikado did.

760 Name: Kagame : 2015-01-24 13:17 ID:r4/lpGeG [Del]

Just keep a low profile for now

761 Name: VivaLaPanda !ziER5e3k1o : 2015-01-24 14:54 ID:2rPpqwmt [Del]

Check out my current main post at . It relates to that a lot...

762 Name: mr_mystery : 2015-04-01 22:09 ID:FOpwsCG7 [Del]

it seems like every nation know this!!! does this mean we could do a world domination!!! LOL

763 Name: Zombie.Cat : 2015-04-01 22:27 ID:Jh/KMlU/ [Del]

In my school, I'm the only one, but I don't there are many dollars in my region of the US
But I will take your warning into consideration! (^~^)

764 Name: Ichyko : 2015-04-01 22:57 ID:S8wUbIoj [Del]

Aww, I wish Dollars was popular as much as yours in my school :(

765 Name: DMWL_mockingbird : 2015-04-01 23:04 ID:GcTdufHd [Del]

nope im the only dollars at my school no one knows that their is a site for this so its not big im the only member so far but i may recruit new members to help me make sure it doesnt grow and turn bad

766 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-01 23:20 ID:XnKCGx21 [Del]

Well do you know how it started to spread? At my school i only meet 3 other Dollars. Honestly they aren't true Dollars especially if they dont know the password or the anime and how it operated

767 Name: that one girl : 2015-04-01 23:32 ID:qak6a8z1 [Del]

in my school not many people know cause they dont really watch anime they say its for kids and that im childish so i keep all of it to myself and everything but thats awesome that its spreading

768 Name: DMWL_mockingbird : 2015-04-01 23:32 ID:GcTdufHd [Del]

maybe bunch of wannabe's trying to be cool formed a gang an thought of the name dollars since its not a real gang or no one knows about remember true dollars work in the shadows leave no trace of their deeds or stuff like that or they wanted money an took off from their their are bandannas with money of them or something like that buddy

769 Name: Anne : 2015-04-02 00:55 ID:6IOWLR1x [Del]

If you really think that their Dollars gang bullcrap is going out of control, introduce them to what the Dollars are actually about. Maybe introduce them to the anime Durarara itself.

>>767 Introduce them to some badass anime like 'Corpse Party' if necessary. Anime ain't something to be ashamed of XD. If there's anything I've learned, it's that anime is NOT cartoons. O-o

770 Name: true.color : 2015-04-02 00:59 ID:ylVkKlHJ [Del]

If they're asking you for password that must mean they are just a bunch of wannabes who heard about the dollars concept but doesn't know the story behind it. I say just brush them off. Anyways, I only know two people IRL that are dollars. Maybe if the anime got more famous it'll spread. That'll be cool tho.

771 Name: Akikiyo_Zaoi : 2015-04-02 01:10 ID:iBFsPOCg [Del]

It might not be billions of people but we're all here so it kin of is real. which is neat.

772 Name: TheHiddenUnknown : 2015-04-02 02:00 ID:wDkOVFEl [Del]

Well, I wouldn't really worry about it becoming world-wide or something because...they have a color. We don't have a color. Nobody really knows who they Dollar members are. And we don't even know each other xD I just don't want any wannabe joining this website cuz then it'll be filled with idiots. Get me?

773 Name: Baka Neko~ : 2015-04-02 02:41 ID:s0sHx7K6 [Del]

I think its kinda good that the dollars group is being known just choose right people, so it woudnt destroy the reputation of dollars. well, lucky for you that you had many dollars member in your place while in my place its just like me

774 Name: alrac : 2015-04-02 02:51 ID:rb0t4qK9 [Del]

>>772 I totally agree with you

775 Name: - Luna - : 2015-04-02 03:08 ID:2SWMSOZw [Del]

Hmm, I know this is a really old post, but oh well... I wouldn't worry about The Dollars becoming a serious gang, since most of the people here are either too smart, too afraid or too shy to go through with doing something bad with The Dollars name. I however wanted to be in a real gang, a bad gang, but I know very well The Dollar isn't an option for that. I respect The Dollars and therefore I wouldn't do anything bad that can hurt the people in the gang. People who come on here looking for a real badass gang will soon leave, as soon as they notice the personalities of most of the members. I don't think most of the members are violent, bad, evil and so on... Actually I think most of them are otakus, and I don't think they'll do anything bad.
Me on the other hand...
Mh, well that was all I had to say about it.

776 Name: Amethyst : 2015-04-02 04:02 ID:NBe8criR [Del]

I Agree with you!! I live in another country (Trinidad and Tobago) and my whole gaming crew and cafe knows about the dollars! I was soo freaked out! It was awesome! :D

777 Name: KIMIDORI-SAN : 2015-04-02 04:43 ID:/QKWZpoG [Del]


778 Name: TheHiddenUnknown : 2015-04-02 04:48 ID:wDkOVFEl [Del]

I just realized that this thread is from 4 years ago.

779 Name: KIMIDORI-SAN : 2015-04-02 05:01 ID:/QKWZpoG [Del]


780 Name: Amethyst : 2015-04-02 05:03 ID:NBe8criR [Del]

I just notice this as well! O.o

781 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-02 05:03 ID:XnKCGx21 [Del]

Fucking mind blown just now >>778 legit i thoughr it was recent.... This is awkward

782 Name: Ga'Dhin : 2015-04-02 05:05 ID:sddPLAQA [Del]

I really don't think this can become something huge at a school...I mean, this is an online site and all. Administrators from a school barely have any control over that.

783 Name: KIMIDORI-SAN : 2015-04-02 05:06 ID:/QKWZpoG [Del]


784 Name: Kanra!w13SR5tpU. : 2015-04-02 05:18 ID:CMzms6dP [Del]

>>783 I couldn't agree more

785 Name: licca : 2015-04-02 08:06 ID:q1715wP5 [Del]

Well… I think we should ignore those ppl. We can be gang, or maybe not. That's why we are colorless. For me, dollars is a place where I can be my other self, relieve my stress, and having fun with other ppl. And maybe have some new friends? That's why I joined dollars. I hope my friends know this web, but I hope not too. So complicated =^=

786 Name: DRAMAticalApathy : 2015-04-02 08:51 ID:Ok4KwwWw [Del]

This is good, it's just how the Dollars are supposed to be. We just need to keep things secretive and let the occasional rumor slip out.

787 Name: DRAMAticalApathy : 2015-04-02 09:00 ID:Ok4KwwWw [Del]

If the authorities do get involved at your school. . . well wouldn't that be interesting? X)

788 Name: Stepper !T6jypw2yR. : 2015-04-02 09:50 ID:KUxFL3jJ [Del]

No, seriously. If it was me i'm not even going to spread The Dollars in my school. Although it's cool, really. You can spread this website, but just don't let they know that it was you who did it.

For the 'color gang' thingy, it's obvious they thought that we are a 'black-colored gang' because hell everything here is black. And it hurts my eyes too. I've seen so many threads with 'we should wear a black bracelet so we can know each other' and such.

789 Name: Stepper !T6jypw2yR. : 2015-04-02 09:53 ID:KUxFL3jJ [Del]

Aah, my bad. It's over 4 years ago www


790 Name: Zura : 2015-04-02 09:54 ID:k8nqvUqd [Del]

Glad and sad hear it . in my school , city nor country , no people know Dollars

By the way im African

791 Name: Sky7 : 2015-04-02 09:56 ID:ub8qIW9u [Del]

I think that dollars have to be transparent and a little secret like mysterious. Not knowing who is in the Dollars is the charm of them. But also Dollars doesn't have rules so the only thing you can do is to convince them to stop.

792 Name: ヤミジャム yamijam : 2015-04-02 11:45 ID:JrdWgnQE [Del]

I so totally agree! Its like people are united without actually thinking that we are together. btw has anyone seen Gatchaman Crowds?

793 Name: Conno K : 2015-04-02 12:12 ID:m7v7EJyh [Del]

It's not really well known where I am.

I'm in college now and despite a rise of interest in anime most go in for the purely mainstream anime. But that's the interesting thing about the Dollars, they can be anywhere and it's not at all obvious.

794 Name: 生活 : 2015-04-02 13:47 ID:C61JF7SA [Del]

I guess you can kind of say it's universal, but it's still kept a secret. Anyone can join the Dollars. The Dollars aren't actually big thing. We're just ordinary people, so we're pretty much anyone, everywhere, in incognito.
Stay cool Dollars! ;)


795 Name: SM&A : 2015-04-02 16:24 ID:MnrZvSKv [Del]

The Dollars have no rules, which is what even many of us don't understand.
We can be public, we can be a gang, we can be whatever we please to be.
If you are the one who started the Dollars, take up leadership if you please. Perhaps then you may use them for good.
I believe that only then will people stop throwing around the Dollars' name in a negative right.

796 Name: Kise : 2015-04-02 16:56 ID:fJoQZD12 [Del]

Durarara, in the general sense, is growing extremely popular in my area as well.

797 Name: Minako : 2015-04-02 18:49 ID:+WO0bb78 [Del]

I wish it was like that in my school... Honestly... Maybe i should make it a more popular thing where I am.. It'd be so cool!

798 Name: ??? : 2015-04-02 18:58 ID:eEDhWP7x [Del]

Wow! It's so cool! HAHAHA I wish I aso have them at school. But no one knows Durarara here. Sad thing

799 Name: Beyond_Lycanthropy : 2015-04-02 19:00 ID:9QzinEXU [Del]

I'm just upset that people who don't watch the show are joining the Dollars. If you're going to join something, you should know where the idea came from.
I hope people aren't joining just to say they're part of a gang and try to threaten people with it...

800 Name: Stepper !T6jypw2yR. : 2015-04-02 19:18 ID:KUxFL3jJ [Del]

And some people on the show try to threaten people with the Dollars' name lol

801 Name: Ghostie : 2015-04-02 19:25 ID:c8Z41szZ [Del]


I didn't know what Drrr was when I joined. However I was told to join by my friend so that she wouldnt be on her own here. I've been here for a short while and I've now watched the anime, and I can say that I'm impressed with the site and its members. I like the idea and the fact that the dollars are so widespread, it makes it more believable that something is happening.

I can't wait to see what happens next, I plan to support dollars as much as I possibly can!

802 Post deleted by moderator.

803 Name: Beyond_Lycanthropy : 2015-04-02 19:45 ID:9QzinEXU [Del]

I appreciate that you did end up watching the show, though.

804 Name: Ghostie : 2015-04-03 08:43 ID:c8Z41szZ [Del]


805 Name: Megrez : 2015-04-03 09:09 ID:RqWJlHYi [Del]

Lol I'm from Spain and here is people from Japan and USA, if you think that Dollars aren't universal you are mad xD

806 Name: Rav : 2015-04-03 19:47 ID:S+6U+/+R [Del]

T~T ppl at my school barely know durarara!!

807 Name: Ash Sheriffo : 2015-04-03 22:07 ID:N98YdIkI [Del]

Man, ur lucky, ppl in my community dont know anything about it

808 Name: Jack : 2015-04-03 22:55 ID:/WYYJShk [Del]

As far as I'm aware, no one in my town even knows DRRR but it'd be cool if one day the Dollars could be more known worldwide.

809 Post deleted by moderator.

810 Name: Shidazu : 2015-04-04 00:22 ID:uV9upJvz [Del]

I know for a fact that no one in my town knows of The Dollars since everyone it so close and everyone knows each other in the town. But just in case I will look around and see.

811 Name: JujTej : 2015-04-04 00:43 ID:kMUKxQb7 [Del]

I don't think that there is anyone aware about dollars in my country (India)
But I'll not stop
I have a dream that there will be Dollars India
and if the dream doesn't come true ...I'll just move to Japan

812 Post deleted by moderator.

813 Name: Kanra : 2015-04-04 04:05 ID:JJVw1/k0 [Del]

@Blazey - the password is displayed on the internet in yahoo I guess.

814 Name: rivaillis : 2015-04-04 04:44 ID:Q0C0C3vZ [Del]

No members in my school, I'm pretty sure of this ^^;;

That's the thing about this kind of stuff- once it spreads, everyone interprets it the way they want. The Dollars concept may mean something to you and may guide you & make you take certain actions but you can't control what other people think or do.

815 Name: Kazero : 2015-04-04 04:49 ID:P6rzd2EL [Del]

You never know... We're all invisible after all :)

816 Name: Kusanagi : 2015-04-04 06:12 ID:FHZTTfl4 [Del]

Hey you know, I'm from France and the Dollars are growing up here too !
So maybe one day, we will be a very strong noncolored gang ! :D

817 Name: Dr.Octagonapus !GfAyzHAB4o : 2015-04-04 06:15 ID:Z8l68s1B [Del]

>>1 I have also been thinking that this could be more of a way to help people, and i have a good idea on how to Jump-Start some potential members from my school to think about joining but It'll be a difficult task since I think I'm the only Dollars member in my town.

818 Name: Kusanagi : 2015-04-04 06:29 ID:FHZTTfl4 [Del]

Octagonapus, theres an app on android and IOS named ON OFF, it can make you another cell number for free who work with internet. I used it to send a message to all my contacts for joining the dollars, and I have some who just accept ! :)

819 Name: Celty : 2015-04-04 07:12 ID:wZEo7fLh [Del]

I'm the only one in my school who is a dollar

820 Name: Dr.Octagonapus !GfAyzHAB4o : 2015-04-04 07:46 ID:Z8l68s1B [Del]

>>818 Kusanagi could u post a link to the app, I'm having difficulties finding it.

821 Name: Kusanagi : 2015-04-04 08:35 ID:FHZTTfl4 [Del]

I don't have a link, but the studio who developped this app is named onoff telecom, and thelogo is blue and black ^^

822 Name: Waru悪 : 2015-04-04 08:51 ID:RPWOtSWC [Del]

Dollars is already big, this website is spreading pretty quick.

823 Name: sEnsei : 2015-04-04 09:36 ID:u40K5uA2 [Del]

its fun to be a member but i dont want to join any gang this is a group for anime lovers

824 Name: Kyu : 2015-04-06 11:24 ID:IlVrJy+2 [Del]

You don't go around claiming you're a dollar. But eventually someone and somebody will find out. Keep it that way.

"Beautiful creatures do not seek attention."

825 Name: Darknight786 : 2015-04-06 13:13 ID:7tkXs67o [Del]

There aren't really many people who like anime around where I live, so I guess I'm the only dollar around here. I don't really know if i should invite my friends- they probably wont take it seriously, plus they haven't watched Durarara!! so they won't get what the Dollars is about. I'm not saying that only people who have watched the anime should be part of this, it's just that I hope they don't go around spreading word to people who think this is a 'gang' and don't know what the Dollars is really about.

826 Name: Braon : 2015-04-06 16:27 ID:rZxXIy3x [Del]

Ironically, that was the same reaction as Ryugamine in the Durarara when he first started it lol. Let's reach for the stars guys! XD

827 Name: Ghoul : 2015-04-06 19:14 ID:5SMwZIjy [Del]

There aren't many dollars from where I live. I think I am the only dollar here:/ my friends aren't really into anime:( its lucky that you have many who wants to join us. Hopefully The Dollars will become reality outside of the web. :D

828 Name: Nia-san : 2015-04-06 19:35 ID:JURtDJz6 [Del]

They're becoming really big in my school as well. I hope people don't get into trouble because of this!! The Dollars were founded (in anime or reality) to bring fortune and peace within our society with little things. I hope this is getting bigger and better. ^,^ What do you guys think?

829 Name: Luan : 2015-04-06 20:29 ID:c6VslrX9 [Del]

In my area (and the several towns surrounding it) I'm aware of only three Dollars. Me, my friend, and my brother. None of us have shared our names, however, and I've never heard anyone in town ever mention the site.

830 Name: Hikigaya : 2015-04-07 01:41 ID:0D1YH/Yt [Del]

i'm loner so i don't have any friends in real life ....

831 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-07 02:04 ID:DFqCUbnU [Del]

>>830 you have Saika, Hachiman!! (y)

832 Post deleted by user.

833 Name: Hikigaya : 2015-04-07 02:27 ID:3gHJ7rj1 [Del]

>>831 Really? i don't think so.

834 Name: Yuri !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-04-07 06:08 ID:Blh1Cega [Del]

Haha, what the hell -_-

835 Name: Eclipse : 2015-04-07 07:08 ID:mmBwSMGT [Del]

The dollars where I live are all calm and under the radar...

836 Name: Kuusou!v4RRDXulH2 : 2015-04-07 07:18 ID:DFqCUbnU [Del]

>>833 Saika is crying in a corner right now XD

837 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2015-04-07 07:34 ID:xlOIcKHb [Del]


838 Name: Maikeru : 2015-04-14 13:04 ID:UjP8/z8O [Del]

I think I'm the only Dollar in my state. I should recruit more by putting up some posters around downtown.

839 Name: Magnolia : 2015-05-22 09:48 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]

Just realized:

This was the original thread. You all should've just stayed in this thread if you wanted your message to be on Main so badly.

840 Post deleted by moderator.

841 Name: izx : 2015-05-22 15:22 ID:VwkDt9dM [Del]

Is there an app for the Dollars? I think that would be awesome if there was...It would help so much, don't you think?
Also, I don't know anyone in CT who knows about this site. Well, that is probably cause I was homeschooled.

842 Name: Psycha : 2015-05-22 15:25 ID:WRJWtDre [Del]

>>841 yes it was posted on main earlier, here it is credits do not go to me.

as far as i know it is currently Android phones only

843 Name: ishaq : 2015-05-22 15:59 ID:bTfku4zH [Del]

Not really, the only ppl who know about it in my school is me, my bro & a m8...

844 Post deleted by moderator.

845 Name: ishaq : 2015-05-22 16:25 ID:bTfku4zH [Del]


846 Name: izx : 2015-05-22 16:53 ID:dI6OEWZ5 [Del]

>>842 Thank you! Too bad I don't have an android, huh.

847 Name: Rets : 2015-05-22 20:02 ID:9xzo4eyc [Del]

Dollars isn't really known here in my city or even at my school. Well, some people I know have watched the anime but have no idea about this site. But I think it would be pretty cool if Dollars would grow to be universal.

848 Name: SM&A : 2015-05-22 20:40 ID:uApzFIDd [Del]

Tell me how you spread it lol.

I'd love to have the Dollars be a big thing in my school, considering the interesting characters there are here. Truly, I'd like to see how it would spread.

Maybe I'll just do it like Izaya and anonymously send it to them with the password.

849 Post deleted by user.

850 Name: Karu~kun : 2015-05-22 21:32 ID:7LL3KzS/ [Del]

yeah! same here they don't have any idea about this website even they watched the anime but some of them knows about it but they don't know about the password.
I want to tell them in a secret way without knowing i was the one giving them the password .

851 Name: Oreo : 2015-05-22 23:31 ID:JT/vOR/i [Del]

Yestersay, someone posted about the dollars in TGOOK (A otaku group in Facebook) then it become a big hit! Everyone there was like "What is that?" "How to join?" and there is someome i hated "THE PASSWORD IS BACCANO" srsly? Please don't give out the password -_- if they want to join then find a way ugh ! -_- srsly people these days :3 this group is not big deal this is a free website for all but if you carelessly spread out the password many spammers will spam here in the main -_- don't forget the trolls ugh !!

852 Name: Takasugi Shinsuke : 2015-05-22 23:42 ID:jvYP83Vo [Del]

Right now in my school everyone doesn't know about it until this one kid keeps spreading it around and around. They even use the word "gang" now. Lucky for me I'm usually quiet so yeah but the thing is that. They don't know the password to his website though and they keep asking the guy but he said it was "dollars" and they were complain about it . Right now their pretending to be an actual dollar group. I'm like the only one who face palm here and more then half of the kids don't even know what animes are. They just join cuz they think its cool. I face palm like 100 times.

853 Name: Magnolia : 2015-05-23 09:00 ID:bKUmbSeX [Del]


854 Name: KawaiiNeko : 2015-05-23 13:15 ID:nPKLmBIY [Del]

No one but a couple of my friends know about the dollars, we have a lot of anime lovers at our school, but nothing is ever mentioned about the dollars

855 Name: KiDa : 2015-05-24 02:01 ID:4wUNafdt [Del]

More things to do from now on, guys! We're more than what we were!

856 Name: PuffPastry : 2015-05-24 02:49 ID:DxrlUdjf [Del]

I don't actually know anyone that's a member of the Dollars. I know my older brother knows about it but that's the only person I know of who does. It's not a big thing in my school but then again it's not something brought up in conversations.

857 Name: Chrome : 2015-05-24 13:28 ID:pjOC3UR3 [Del]

Let's try to keep the Dollars a bit of a secret and just hope it doesn't become news worthy because if that happens we might have some trouble on our hands but hopefully it doesn't happen and we remain hidden from the world as nothing important. 😏

858 Name: rimacchi : 2015-05-25 02:04 ID:A1veYMQu [Del]

In my place, not really. I know a few people who discovered Dollars by themselves and I didn't even tell them about it. Well, I do hope that Dollars won't get misunderstood as a "gang" in other places and judging by your post, I'm getting worried as well. I just hope this site remains as secret.

859 Name: Echo : 2015-05-25 02:32 ID:2kGt8VLe [Del]

I think there's nothing to worry about because no one is going to know about the existence of DOLLARS unless you watch the anime Durarara because the anime revolves around it. The chances of other people knowing about DOLLARS aside from otakus are only a minimum. Let's say, 1% out of 5%. Why 1%, you ask?
It's because of the anime series' rising popularity especially the recent 2nd season and somehow, just searching the word DOLLARS on Google is enough to get it hooked up randomly.
But I don't see any point of worrying about DOLLARS being recognized as a gang thou. It's from fiction, therefore it will stay that way.

860 Name: Ambasea : 2015-08-28 11:22 ID:YgZ7SRn0 [Del]

Even though I know that the Dollars are a fictional gang, I really wish that this website would spread through my school. I think it would be cool if the real online Dollars got some recogniton, lol

861 Name: BittenReactor : 2015-08-28 11:33 ID:K/uKloT1 [Del]

Do you guys think we can actually get together irl as group to make some difference? I mean, do what the Dollars were meant to do, help society with whatever they need (sorry for my bad english).

862 Name: god777666 : 2015-08-28 12:05 ID:hoAVnDv7 [Del]

>>860 that's exactly how the chaos in dollars begin

863 Name: Blanc : 2015-08-28 12:16 ID:sazOcHd+ [Del]

Guys, honestly I think every individual Dollars member can take it to any level they want. @Blazey. Like as long as everyone works towards our Morales then people should be allowed to take it to any level, don't do anything bad, but if people are opposing the Dollars then do what they did in the anime...let then find you, do not go to them, stay invisible, then sit back and watch them try to fight a gang that doesn't exist.

864 Name: DocterMisterSir : 2015-08-28 12:33 ID:xNxEoi2+ [Del]

Being part of the RL Dollars is great. I'd love to share that feeling with others and make a difference in the world around us like the DRRR Dollars did.

865 Name: Kenma : 2015-08-28 12:53 ID:toAjzufy [Del]

As far as I know, no one in my country knows about the Dollars... I think I'm the only Dollar here.

866 Name: Sir.Soup : 2015-08-28 13:39 ID:dhePsuBq [Del]

Same. But its hard to find something that we can use to reconize others as being part of the dollars.
It would be nice to have the dollars Become much bigger part of society But thier the parts about Words gang and dollars As blazy said.Hmm.Thier was a thread about reconition.

867 Name: Anonymous : 2015-08-28 14:17 ID:/5EU/rou [Del]

Lol. This is a load of BS. You're caught up in a dream, OP.

868 Name: ryugamine : 2015-08-28 16:22 ID:uL/cTW4Y [Del]

por que hacen esto cada vez que lo pienso me da pavor que nos disolvamos hasta ahora unos tipos que se creian dollars me atacaron obvio que respondí pero me preocupa asi que dollars cuidense

869 Name: Boyboy !hAhPOUu/jc : 2015-08-28 19:12 ID:/5EU/rou [Del]

>>867, I agree. >>1 Blazey is probably lying. People asking him for the Dollars password? That's a google search away. This website isn't exactly hard to get access to.

870 Post deleted by user.

871 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-08-01 03:59 ID:E1lXvq1T [Del]

Seems like this one didn't age well lol